[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20141205
burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 02:05:01 CET 2014
[04:06] <foundatron> Hi. Does anyone here use python for for interacting with ffmpeg? And if so are you using a wrapper or something like subprocess?
[07:18] <fffan> hi
[07:18] <fffan> Can sws_scale do vertical flip?
[07:19] <fffan> I try pass negative value to it, but failed.
[08:25] <hay> hi, how can I force ffmpeg to "restart" playing live mp3 stream (that I am muxing with some independend video) after some network issues occur and mp3 stream is unavailable for a short moment? It seems that this unavailability totally messes the process and a lot of "Delay between the first and the last packet..." messages start showing up and the sound is distracted although the mp3 stream is
[08:25] <hay> available then?
[09:27] <termos> I'm getting a message from ffmpeg saying "100 buffers queued in out, something may be wrong." where "out" is the name of my buffer_sink. After this message appear a couple times my program will sometimes crash, is there some overflow of a buffer here?
[09:27] <termos> Is there any way that I can drop frames or make sure that it doesn't crash at least?
[10:53] <fauxbola> hi, where I can videos to use as a source for transcoding?
[10:53] <__jack___> hum ?
[10:53] <__jack___> you are looking for video sample, to test transcoding ?
[10:54] <fauxbola> yes
[10:54] <fauxbola> like a high quality one then I will convert to lower ones.
[10:55] <__jack___> you can find lossless-compressed video there: https://media.xiph.org/
[10:55] <fauxbola> like that big buck bunny clip
[10:55] <fauxbola> aha!
[10:55] <fauxbola> thanks!
[10:55] <fauxbola> I actually visited this page before but I was not able to bookmark it
[10:55] <ribasushi> fauxbola: you can always create very high detail high resolution video by screengrabbing your x11/gdi screen
[10:56] <ribasushi> (and put whatever you want on it in adition)
[10:56] <ribasushi> for example: ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 25 -video_size cif -i :0.0 out.mpg
[10:57] <ribasushi> let's see if my problem can be answered now :)
[10:57] <ribasushi> https://vimeo.com/113691194
[10:57] <ribasushi> the comment of the video contains all the info, but to paraphrase: I get smooth picture when I stream the output to ffplay from my C920. Yet the resulting video (from the same pipeline) has hangups every 2.5 seconds or so
[10:58] <ribasushi> what am I doing wrong here?
[10:58] <__jack___> what about CPU-usage ?
[10:59] <ribasushi> next to 0 - this is all copy of a h264 stream
[10:59] <ribasushi> ffplay takes about 20% to show it on screen, this is about it
[10:59] <__jack___> is your file big ?
[10:59] <ribasushi> 13mb
[11:00] <__jack___> what about IO ?
[11:00] <__jack___> well, ok
[11:00] <ribasushi> it is saved to /dev/shm for the very reason to avoid IO ;)
[11:00] <ribasushi> look at the command on the first comment
[11:00] <__jack___> yep
[11:01] <__jack___> so, to be clear: the file rec.mkv is clean, but the ffplay is not, right ?
[11:01] <ribasushi> the other way around
[11:01] <ribasushi> which is why it is so baffling
[11:01] <ribasushi> rec.mkv is the video you see on vimeo
[11:02] <ribasushi> scroll 5 secs in, see the occasional freeze of the counter
[11:02] <ribasushi> I *do not* see this on the ffplay window (part of which you can see in the video)
[11:03] <__jack___> question : why pipe ffmpeg to ffmpeg ?
[11:03] <ribasushi> this is purely for the sake of experiment
[11:04] <ribasushi> a simple single-ffmpeg process will produce the same hanging .mkv file
[11:04] <ribasushi> sec
[11:04] <__jack___> ok, dunno where's the issue then
[11:04] <ribasushi> ffmpeg -r 30 -f v4l2 -s 1024x576 -vcodec h264 -i /dev/v4l/by-id/usb-046d_HD_Pro_Webcam_C920_* -c:v copy -f matroska /dev/shm/rec.mkv
[11:04] <ribasushi> ^^ same problem (can upload that video as well if it helps ;)
[11:11] Action: ribasushi will re-record and ask ML, thanks for the help so far
[11:19] <fauxbola> what's -c:v
[11:22] <__jack___> codec:video
[11:35] <ribasushi> __jack___: fyi http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-user/2014-December/024507.html
[11:49] <fauxbola> hi, i'm getting an error with this command, I'm not sure what else could have been wrong though. http://ix.io/fuC
[11:49] <fauxbola> "Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height"
[11:55] <fauxbola> it works well with a scale of -1:360 though.
[12:07] <pikaren> best way to circumvent the youtube detection algorithm?
[12:07] <pikaren> lol
[12:17] <fauxbola> pikaren: what do you mean?
[13:13] <sekon> Hello, I am developing a filter and i would like to know the number of input(s) and iterate through them ( if applicable)
[13:14] <sekon> this will only be called through ffmpeg
[13:14] <sekon> how would i get the data ?
[14:29] <pierre_> how am i able to synchronize audio video by theirs pts with avg fps and sample rate, after providing pts data to audio and video packets, material which is pretty long, let say 2min becomes gradually not synchronized, for short it is not a problem, how to create perfect synchronization with average fps and sample rate, is it possible ?
[14:29] <knobo> Can I make acl rules on the ffmpeg server that looks up an url and checks if the value is 1 or 0?
[15:03] <pierre_> is somebody experience with av synchronization using ffmpeg, (avpacket.pts) ?
[17:06] <tonyd> hello everyone
[17:07] <tonyd> any ffmpeg pros or devs with experience in ffmpeg copy feature?
[17:08] <__jack___> you can still ask
[17:08] <tonyd> im using ffmpeg to read live streams from ffmpeg transcoders and write them to files that are amde available through nginx
[17:09] <tonyd> i am seeing every minute ffmpeg processes dying out, within a matter of a few hours, all processes are gone
[17:09] <__jack___> how is the death ?
[17:10] <tonyd> processes time out untill they die
[17:11] <tonyd> poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, 100) = 0 (Timeout)
[17:12] Last message repeated 13 time(s).
[17:13] <tonyd> a working process gives this kind of strace output:
[17:13] <tonyd> poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, 100) = 1 ([{fd=4, revents=POLLIN}])
[17:13] <tonyd> recvfrom(4, "}\f\334Fb3O\24\365\221\3649\37C7\21\230\214\323\305=d}\16G\320\315\304f#4\361"..., 19612, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1448
[17:13] <tonyd> poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, 100) = 1 ([{fd=4, revents=POLLIN}])
[17:13] <tonyd> recvfrom(4, "\255\266\366\333\24\261\330\355\r\r\23$44L\205=s\262Vs\262VE<\250\253m\275\266\305,"..., 18164, 0, NULL, NULL) = 2896
[17:13] <tonyd> poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, 100) = 1 ([{fd=4, revents=POLLIN}])
[17:13] <tonyd> recvfrom(4, "41\\ALAM\315c{\232\306\364\365\327]u\327]u\327\\R\343\21l[i\241l[i"..., 15268, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1525
[17:13] <tonyd> poll([{fd=5, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 100) = 1 ([{fd=5, revents=POLLOUT}])
[17:13] <tonyd> sendto(5, "1000\r\n", 6, 0, NULL, 0) = 6
[17:13] <tonyd> poll([{fd=5, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 100) = 1 ([{fd=5, revents=POLLOUT}])
[17:13] <tonyd> sendto(5, "fm\0\0\0\5\ty\372\277\203\257\0\367\334dGx\246s\270L\250*[\235&\0219\310\347]"..., 4096, 0, NULL, 0) = 4096
[17:30] <iive> tonyd: please, use a pastebin site for text longer than few lines
[17:31] <tonyd> iive, im sorry, will do that
[17:34] <tonyd> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=ksRz5q2Q
[17:35] <tonyd> anyone can help?
[17:35] <tonyd> or knows someone who can help on freelance basis?
[17:35] <iive> you still have not provided the command line that you use. is your input a network?
[17:36] <tonyd> input is http from a transcoder running ffmpeg
[17:37] <tonyd> iive
[17:37] <tonyd> this is the command i am running
[17:37] <tonyd> ffmpeg -i http://transcoder-ip:port/slot_x -c copy http://localhost:port/slot_x_feed.ffm
[17:40] <iive> unfortunately I know nothing of streaming... :(
[18:32] <jarainf> Can I use a stream specifier on a video I'm downloading from the web?
[18:32] <jarainf> (via http for example)
[18:39] <c_14> In most cases, yes.
[18:42] <jarainf> It's fine, I just goofed
[18:42] <c_14> Don't do that.
[19:40] <wallbroken> llogan, about the problem of rotating the video, you know any other suggestion?
[20:34] <llogan> wallbroken: did you ever show your command and console output?
[20:55] <wallbroken> llogan, yes
[20:55] <wallbroken> ffmpeg -i input -vf "transpose=1,scale=1024:-2" -metadata:s:v rotate="" -c:a copy output.mov
[20:56] <asie> is there a way to force ffplay to use software scaling?
[20:56] <asie> for some very particular reasons i need nearest neighbor scaling when examining a certain video
[20:57] <wallbroken> if i do use hflip, vflip instead of transpose, i get a smooth file
[20:57] <wallbroken> 80 mb the original file, 4 mb with hflip,vplip, 13 mb with transpose
[20:57] <wallbroken> but with transpose the file does not have a good playback
[21:01] <Jaex> I'm trying to take multiple screenshots with one ffmpeg run like this: ffmpeg -i "input.mkv" -f image2 -vf fps=1/2044 -vframes 3 "output-%03d.png" which gonna take 3 screenshots every 2044 seconds (this calculated automatically depending on video size and how many screenshots i need) but for some reason it takes so much time to complete
[21:02] <Jaex> sorry i mean one screenshot every 2044 seconds*
[21:04] <Jaex> if i use ffmpeg -ss 2044 -i "input.mkv" -f image2 -vframes 1 "output.png" and increasing -ss in loop which require opening ffmpeg cli many times, it works fine but i prefer to open ffmpeg only one time so it can be faster
[21:05] <Jaex> so how can i take multiple screenshots without requiring to re open ffmpeg every single time and it is gonna be fast?
[21:12] <llogan> asie: ffplay -vf scale=320:-1:flags=neighbor -i input
[21:33] <wallbroken> llogan: http://pastebin.com/iQQRASDy
[21:34] <llogan> reread the sentence from fflogger
[21:46] <wallbroken> i can't show you the complete output
[21:46] <wallbroken> it exceeded the consolle buffer
[21:53] <llogan> wallbroken: ffmpeg ... output.mp4 2>&1 | tee output.txt
[21:55] <wallbroken> tee ?
[21:55] <wallbroken> what is it?
[21:55] <llogan> you must be using windows?
[21:56] <wallbroken> yes
[21:56] <llogan> i should have guessed
[22:10] <llogan> wallbroken: FFREPORT=level=32 ffmpeg -report -i input ... output
[22:10] <llogan> will probably create a file named ffmpeg-20141205-121000.log
[22:10] <llogan> or similar
[22:13] <jarainf> program-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.log
[22:30] <Norith> I'm trying to convert a .mov to a .wmv, but when I run ffmpeg -i file.mov file.wmv, I get a the video converted but with the addition of a black bar on the right and bottom parts of the video (below the full-frame video, but as part of the video frame) Any ideas on how to convert without getting these bars?
[22:42] <llogan> what player?
[23:24] <armenb> hello
[23:25] <armenb> does anyone know what container format is suitable for g.711 aka PCMU aka mu-law audio?
[00:00] --- Sat Dec 6 2014
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