[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20141210

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 02:05:01 CET 2014

[00:04] <justinX> so there is no way to have a program look at a file and say "aha they have this data, I can store that in 264 format this other way" so to speak, at least for the Iframes ?
[00:09] <justinX> Btw, doing something stupid like converting from x264 to the *same format* (really not converting) with qp 0 result in a larger file, or actually the same file? (at least if the original file was created with same programversion)
[00:19] <llogan> x264 is an encoder, not a format
[00:22] <klaxa> llogan: i see, thanks for that insight
[00:24] <justinX> yeah uh,, well I guess I mean H.264
[00:49] <etatoby> does anybody know how to install ffmpeg on OS X using homebrew, with libfaac enabled?
[00:49] <etatoby> from brew info ffmpeg it seems faac is enabled (green checkbox) but then I get Unknown encoder 'libfaac'
[00:53] <rcombs> you probably want to use FDKAAC instead anyway
[00:54] <etatoby> oh.
[00:54] <etatoby> what is the consensus on aac vs ac3 anyway? which would you use?
[00:54] <rcombs> AAC from a good encoder is far better
[00:55] <rcombs> and FDKAAC is a very good encoder
[00:55] <etatoby> great! thx
[00:55] <rcombs> welcome
[00:55] <rcombs> (Opus is better still, if you don't care about device support, btw)
[00:56] <etatoby> do you have any idea why its not accepting these? -x264opts profile=high:preset=fast:tune=animation
[00:56] <rcombs> what goes wrong when you use that?
[00:56] <etatoby> on either of the 3, it gives: bad option 'tune': 'animation'
[00:57] <etatoby> bad option 'profile': 'high'
[00:57] <rcombs> oh, actually, all 3 of those options need to be specified as CLI options
[00:57] <rcombs> like, `-profile high -preset fast -tune animation`
[01:04] <justinX> what would be the difference between Codec ID: avc1 (my original files) and Codec ID: isom (that ffmpeg makes) ?
[01:07] <llogan> etatoby: http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/MacOSX#ffmpegthroughHomebrew
[01:21] <etatoby> all right, thanks
[01:21] <etatoby> I was calling another ffmpeg in ~/bin& stupid mistake!
[01:22] <etatoby> to make a test encode of just 5 seconds, should I put -ss and -t in the input and/or output section?
[01:27] <etatoby> either way, it goes up to 120 frames (5s) pretty quickly, but then it just hangs there
[01:30] <pzich> etatoby: at a particular frame each time?
[01:31] <etatoby> no, it keeps working at 100% cpu long after getting to the number of frames I set with -t
[01:32] <pzich> can you pastebin the command and output?
[01:35] <etatoby> sure http://pastebin.com/TijgAjHu
[01:37] <etatoby> ok apparently its the subtitles. if I unmap them it works ok
[01:37] <pzich> huh, weird
[01:38] <etatoby> by the way, could you please check out the options Im using?
[01:38] <etatoby> Im a total ffmpeg noob. Im trying to reencode a movie from one stereo3d format to another
[01:38] <etatoby> its a full-hd 1080p animation
[01:39] <etatoby> do the options look ok? (other than -preset:v fast, Id use slow for the final render)
[01:40] <pzich> I haven't done anything with 3D video, but that seems generally good
[01:40] <etatoby> ok. it gives me a warning about VBR setting being unsupported
[01:40] <etatoby> and missing -pix_fmt whatever it is
[01:41] <etatoby> but the sample looks great! finally!!
[01:42] <pzich> looks like there's ABR if you want it https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264
[01:42] <pzich> I believe x264 already handles its own VBR
[01:43] <etatoby> yes, on x264 Im only using the presets and setting crf=18
[01:43] <etatoby> vbr is for aac
[01:43] <pzich> ah yes
[01:43] <etatoby> which is supposedly one of the vbr presets&
[01:48] <etatoby> anyways, thanks for all your help. I had never realized ffmpeg was this cool and easy to use!
[01:52] <pzich> yeah it's pretty awesome
[02:09] <llogan> etatoby: you can just use -crf 18 instead of -x264opts crf=18. you don't need to set the profile.
[02:17] <etatoby> you mean the profile high? ok
[02:18] <etatoby> bye
[02:24] <AlexLikerock> hep
[02:24] <AlexLikerock> help
[02:24] <AlexLikerock> error
[02:24] <AlexLikerock> http://paste.debian.net/135757/
[02:26] <pzich> do you have incorrect paramters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height?
[02:27] <AlexLikerock> no
[02:28] <AlexLikerock> stream #0:1 its  a  picture of the  artist
[02:28] <AlexLikerock> its  a  image of the group of my song
[02:29] <AlexLikerock> pzich,
[02:30] <llogan> I got an error. what to do?
[02:31] <AlexLikerock> help
[02:31] <AlexLikerock> me
[02:31] <llogan> i will provied wrerror and you must guess prublum.
[02:31] <AlexLikerock>   http://paste.debian.net/135757/
[02:31] <AlexLikerock> pzich,
[02:32] <AlexLikerock> pastebin.com not work with GNU
[02:32] <llogan> when you ask for mo' info' i'll repost oy link
[02:32] <AlexLikerock> anyone more  can helpme ?
[02:32] <pzich> AlexLikerock: can you please read the message fflogger has sent you twice, and do what it says?
[02:32] <pzich> you have not provided enough information for us to help you
[02:32] <llogan> than i will leave, angry bcze you didnt halp
[02:33] <AlexLikerock> this page not  have  spam -->  http://paste.debian.net/135757/
[02:33] <AlexLikerock> anyone more ?
[02:33] <pzich> the paste site does not matter, please take careful note of the words "EXACT" when referring to command and "COMPLETE" when referring to console output
[02:34] <pzich> you lack both
[02:34] <AlexLikerock> helpme
[02:35] <pzich> dude
[02:35] <pzich> give us what we need to help you
[02:35] <AlexLikerock> ok pzich
[02:35] <AlexLikerock>   Stream #0:1 -> #0:0 (mjpeg -> mpeg4)
[02:35] <AlexLikerock>   Stream #0:0 -> #0:1 (copy)
[02:35] <AlexLikerock> Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height
[02:35] <AlexLikerock> ç
[02:36] <AlexLikerock> stream #0:0  ---> audio
[02:36] <pzich> alright, first off, do you speak English, and do you understand the following message?
[02:36] <AlexLikerock> stream #0:1  ---> a picture  inside of the mp3
[02:36] <AlexLikerock> yes  pzich
[02:36] <AlexLikerock> i not use   pastebin.com
[02:36] <pzich> ok, let me quote a subset of that, "show your EXACT ffmpeg command and the COMPLETE console output"
[02:37] <pzich> you're welcome to use http://paste.debian.net/
[02:37] <AlexLikerock>  every time    do a error  to OS GNU/linux
[02:37] <llogan> pzich: it's not worth it, man.
[02:37] <pzich> I know :-/
[02:37] <AlexLikerock> tanks   pzich
[02:41] <AlexLikerock> pzich,    http://paste.ubuntu.com/9449611/
[02:43] <pzich> ...
[02:43] <pzich> sorry, I'm done, you've had 4 chances to follow the directions
[02:46] <AlexLikerock> sorry paste.debian not  work  :-/
[02:47] <AlexLikerock> say : "Thanks to some spammers you need to provide at least 2 linebreaks"
[02:47] <AlexLikerock> welll
[02:47] <AlexLikerock>  this its  my line
[02:47] <AlexLikerock> ffmpeg -re -i '01 - mysong.mp3' -acodec copy -ar 44100 -b:a 32k  -f rtp rtp://
[02:47] <pzich> can you read what fflogger sent you three times, and I even specfically quoted? you got part of it (well, I think)
[02:47] <AlexLikerock> so...
[02:47] <pzich> it's not about where the paste is, it's what it contains
[02:48] <AlexLikerock> Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height
[02:48] <AlexLikerock> .
[02:48] <pzich> ..."COMPLETE console output"
[02:48] <AlexLikerock> how  to avoid  stream #0:1   ???
[02:51] <AlexLikerock> pzich,  http://paste.debian.net/135759/
[02:51] <pzich> so you want just the audio, not this video stream?
[02:52] <AlexLikerock> exactli :-)
[02:52] <AlexLikerock> correct
[02:52] <pzich> try adding -map 0:0
[02:52] <iive> -vn
[02:52] <AlexLikerock> just  audio :->
[02:52] <iive> or -nv
[02:52] <AlexLikerock> tanks  pzich  iive   . testing ....
[02:52] <iive> -vn -  no video
[02:53] <pzich> yeah, that should also work
[02:53] <AlexLikerock> iive,   its  not  video,,  ista  a  image
[02:53] <AlexLikerock> like  "workart"
[02:53] <AlexLikerock> its  inside  of  mp3  song
[02:53] <iive> ffmpeg processes images only as video...
[02:54] <AlexLikerock> ok
[02:54] <AlexLikerock> tanks
[02:54] <iive> even if it is a single image it would be treated like single video frame.
[02:57] <AlexLikerock> its  working !!!!!!!!!  (Y)
[02:57] <iive> \o/
[02:58] <llogan> AlexLikerock: -ar and -b:a are ignored when you use -acodec copy
[02:58] <AlexLikerock> lol, tanks   llogan
[02:58] <AlexLikerock> erasing ....
[02:59] <iive> well, it was complaining about video bitrate
[03:03] <iive> n8 ppl
[03:03] <AlexLikerock> when my stream , end  the song ...
[03:03] <AlexLikerock> ffplay rtp://    start   crazy
[03:04] <AlexLikerock> and no sound lisend :-/
[03:04] <AlexLikerock> whta  can i do ?
[03:04] <AlexLikerock> ***what
[03:06] <AlexLikerock> now  im playeing  with  vlc
[03:06] <AlexLikerock> well, with vlc , do a  little pause ,
[03:07] <AlexLikerock> its  good  for me :)
[03:37] <AlexLikerock> its  safety  stream  as root ?
[03:38] <AlexLikerock> what its  the  better  (modem)  PORT   to   stream  my music ?
[06:03] <surface_dweller> Anyone care to entertain my stupid questions?
[09:14] <shevy> anyone happens to remember what an option like this does: -i :0.0+25,25 or more importantly, why one may need it?
[09:14] <shevy> it ignores the outer 25 pixels I assume; but I totally forgot why I would need it
[09:15] <shevy> oh it is the upper left corner
[10:02] <Dark-knight> hey anybody here right now?
[10:09] <Dark-knight> I love how there are 259 people in this channel and not a single person can respond
[10:09] <[mbm]> yep.
[10:28] <Naji> Dark-knight i love stupid meta-questions
[10:30] <Dark-knight> well i was pretty much asking if anybody was NOT afk
[10:32] <pzich> not for long, why?
[10:33] <[mbm]> yeah sorry, there's supposed to be a buzzer and a mild electric shock every time someone asks a question, but for some reason (disagreements on shocking the questioner or the others) it never got implemented properly, so sometimes it takes a bit to get a response
[10:34] <Naji> [mbm] you get paid for it, so get your job done! ;-)
[10:34] <[mbm]> Naji: huh? nobody is paying me to sit my ass on irc and respond to stupid meta questions
[10:35] <Naji> srsly? you're doing it wrong
[10:40] <anshul__> its an organisation of people where no one get paid for answering, people ask there question, if someone has faced that same problem then you may get your answer
[10:41] <anshul__> If you want someone dedicated to give your answer, hire a developer asking on ffmpeg-user mailing list
[11:38] <Dark-knight> Which stream out of these 4 would you all recommend I use?
[11:38] <Dark-knight> https://www.animenfo.com/radio/listen.php
[11:43] <Mavrik> for what?
[11:57] <Dark-knight> radio
[12:13] <ribasushi> I am trying to find a recipe how to blend-down a 60fps to 30fps
[12:14] <ribasushi> that is not just skip every 2nd frame, but actually interpolate stuff
[12:14] <ribasushi> is this doeable with stock ffmpeg?
[12:17] <Mavrik> um
[12:17] <Mavrik> interpolate on 60->30 conversion? that makes no sense
[12:17] <Mavrik> :)
[12:18] <Dark-knight> what do you think fps stands for?
[12:19] <Dark-knight> its simple, if your clip is 1 second long, then remove 30 frames. multiply by that for however long your video is.
[12:20] <c_14> ribasushi: are you trying to deinterlace video?
[12:20] <ribasushi> think of a cursor "running down lines" a 60 fps. If you just drop every second frame, you'll end up with "a jerky motion", instead of a "smudged through motion" on each frame under 30
[12:20] <ribasushi> does this describe better what I am after?
[12:22] <Dark-knight> sure, you want to take a video recorded by hd software and make it look like it was recorded by a potato, it makes perfect sense.
[12:23] <Dark-knight> just asking, but what is the purpose and practical application of lowering the fps in a video? are you trying to watch it on an old gfx card?
[12:24] <ribasushi> I am trying to deliver it over a 30fps-constrained medium (vimeo in this case) and I want to do the downscaling myself if possible, instead of hoping they do a nice job
[12:25] <Dark-knight> just use youtube.
[12:26] <Dark-knight> only hipster use vimeo
[12:26] <Dark-knight> hipsters*
[12:26] <ribasushi> Dark-knight: do you have something to say related to the actual question? I have little interest in reevaluating my choice of platform / constraints
[12:27] <Dark-knight> no maybe somebody else can.
[12:32] <c_14> ribasushi: as far as I'm aware ffmpeg does not support interpolating video. Besides, most programs I know of that interpolate video do so to increase fps, not decrease it.
[12:33] <ribasushi> c_14: thanks, that's answer enough ;)
[12:36] <Dark-knight> I find it a bit absurd that you have to pay money for Vimeo, and they still limit how much you can upload and how many people can view your embedded videos.
[12:37] <Dark-knight> anyway, thats offtopic
[12:38] <Dark-knight> my question was never answered
[12:38] <Dark-knight> Which stream out of these 4 would you all recommend I use?
[12:39] <Dark-knight> https://www.animenfo.com/radio/listen.php
[12:40] <c_14> Dark-knight: for what?
[12:57] <oerg866> so we meet again
[12:57] <oerg866> ahem...
[12:57] <oerg866> does anybody know why I can't get FFMPEG past 70-77% cpu usage when rendering h264?
[12:58] <c_14> Either IO or a filter or the scheduler or...
[13:00] <oerg866> <c_14> Either IO or a filter or the scheduler or...
[13:00] <oerg866> IO might actually be
[13:00] <oerg866> I'm reading apple prores from an SSD
[13:00] <oerg866> 1080i
[13:00] <oerg866> around 0.9GB per minute
[13:01] <oerg866> filter could be too
[13:01] <oerg866> using yadif
[13:01] Action: oerg866 disable that
[13:02] <oerg866> nope, that didn't help
[13:02] <oerg866> my command line by the way:
[13:03] <oerg866> ffmpeg -i urlaub.mov -vcodec h264 -b:v 50000k -b:a 512k -preset ultrafast -profile:v high422 -threads 16 f:\urlaub.mp4
[13:03] <oerg866> f is a different drive than where the mov file comes from
[13:03] <oerg866> (oh, forgot the -vf yadif=1
[13:03] <oerg866> )
[13:05] <c_14> Either of the drives near full load?
[13:06] <oerg866> nope
[13:06] <anshul_mahe> I was trying to buy a standard from smpte, it was smpte 2010. its off topic here I know, but I thought if someone in past had buyed any standurd. at the end they it is not honured
[13:06] <oerg866> the source drive is at 0% and the F: drive is at 5-15%
[13:07] <Dark-knight> c_14 its an online radio
[13:07] <c_14> Dark-knight: yes, what do you want to do with it.
[13:07] <Dark-knight> listen to it
[13:07] <Dark-knight> but there are 4 links
[13:08] <Dark-knight> dunno which to use
[13:08] <c_14> There are 2 streams mirrored in 2 locations. Pick the location that gives you the best throughput and the variant that sounds best to you.
[13:09] <c_14> oerg866: hmm, might be the scheduler, no idea
[13:09] <oerg866> stupid windows :|
[13:10] <oerg866> Uh
[13:10] <oerg866> what the hell....
[13:10] <oerg866> tried x264.exe and it won't even get past 40%
[13:11] <oerg866> Something is wrong here :P
[13:11] <Dark-knight> whats better a higher kbps or a lower kbps?
[13:11] <oerg866> higher
[13:11] <Dark-knight> thanks that all i needed
[13:12] <Dark-knight> thats*
[13:12] <c_14> I've never actually done an auditory test between mp3 and HE-AAC, so ymmv
[13:13] <oerg866> ah, it was the preset
[13:13] <oerg866> with superfast it gets to 100% but 20 less fps :P
[13:28] <Dark-knight> whats ymmv mean?
[13:29] <c_14> your mileage may vary
[13:35] <Dark-knight> would have nver guessed that
[13:36] <Dark-knight> alright im out
[13:36] <Dark-knight> peace
[13:51] <Nopik> is there audio equivalent of split filter? I'm struggling with some problem, cant write output of my audio filter to 2 destinations
[13:51] <c_14> Tried asplit?
[13:51] <c_14> https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#split_002c-asplit
[13:52] <c_14> Though, just use a filter_complex and map the output audio you want once for each output
[13:52] <Nopik> hm, tried it, didnt worked. I'll try again. I'm on 2.3.3, though maybe too old
[13:53] <Nopik> c_14: tried multiple -map, but it says that my filter output was already used
[13:53] <Nopik> yeah, i'll investigate asplit once again, it seems to be solution to my problems
[13:55] <Nopik> ok, asplit works, thanks a lot. I would swear that I tried it.
[14:01] <garret1> hello
[14:01] <garret1> i want to install ffmpeg and the other dependencies
[14:01] <garret1> do you think it will affect the sites i run on that server ?
[14:01] <garret1> i use nginx php-fpm squid mysql
[14:02] <c_14> If you're using a decent distro, nothing should break.
[14:02] <garret1> ubuntu 12.04
[14:02] <garret1> i dont want to risk messing something up on the server because its live and making $$
[14:04] <c_14> I have never broken anything installing ffmpeg, that does not mean this is the case for everyone.
[14:04] <garret1> yep thanks
[14:31] <Nopik> uh, ok. so this asplit works, when i'm trying to write to file. but when the output goes to ffserver (which has several streams from single feed), it fails, i'll do some pastebin
[14:40] <Nopik> here it is - http://pastie.org/9772122 any ideas?
[14:57] <Nopik> cant figure this out ;(
[15:35] <Nopik> so, i switched the outputs and used unlabelled output from asplit. It helped, ffmpeg started to work, processed few packets and said - conversion failed :(
[15:43] <Nopik> heh, i've workarounded it successfully at least. instead of writing to ffserver, i wrote to pipe, then launched second ffmpeg to read from pipe and write to ffserver. I guess that is overkill, but so far I can't figure out better solution
[16:46] <shevy> garret1 you could always compile into a test directory and try there
[16:46] <shevy> ./configure --prefix=/opt/ffmpeg/2.5
[16:46] <fnords> hey, i'm using the drawtext filter to overlay some text on a sd input. Does anyone have a example of how to use the sar parameter? I've tried to set the input aspect ratio, but the text still looks stretched.
[17:19] <pmac_> Hello, is there any way to view the contaner (as oppsed to the stream) metadata in an MXF file? Spesifically I need to look at the container DAR
[17:36] <francesco_> Compressing in MPEG2 422 format, setting b_frame_strategy to 1 gives  a GOP composed of an I frame and all P frames, for whatsoever value of  b_sensitivity (value tested 1,10,20, 40)
[17:36] <francesco_> can anyone explain how to use ?
[19:19] <the_gamer> i want to make an mp3 out of a video starting with second 8 of the video: ffmpeg -ss 08:00 -i elvis\ presley\ -\ always\ on\ my\ mind-WVRbtM9EXmA.mp4  always\ on\ my\ mind.mp3
[19:19] <the_gamer> output: "Output file is empty, nothing was encoded (check -ss / -t / -frames parameters if used)"
[19:19] <the_gamer> what am i doing wrong?
[19:19] <c_14> That would be 8 minutes.
[19:20] <the_gamer> i thought ms was in there, too
[19:20] <c_14> Only if you use .
[19:20] <c_14> 8.00
[19:20] <c_14> Is 8 seconds
[19:20] <c_14> 8.55
[19:20] <the_gamer> or frame
[19:20] <c_14> is 8 seconds and 55 ms
[19:20] <the_gamer> oh, i see, thanks :)
[19:43] <shakar> Hello! I'm trying to create a dynamic quality streaming playlist for Apple stuff. I first convert the video to a few different bitrates, then for each quality video I create a segmented .ts set with a .m3u8 playlist. All good so far. Now what I'm missing is a correponding .plist for each of those .m3u8 files, and a master .m3u8 that refers to the others and assigns bandwidth tiers. Can ffmpeg help with this remaining work, or should I look to other tools?
[19:44] <shakar> HLS, HTTP Live Streaming, is what they call it
[19:48] <anshul_mahe> has anyone ever buyed any multimedia document from www.codesales.org/86481-SMPTE-2010-2008.htm
[19:48] <anshul_mahe> is that site safe to pay
[19:51] <anshul_mahe> no one buys docs here, its ok, this is also an off topic, but if someone know an irc where I should ask this that would also be helpful
[20:34] <roboman2444> is it possible for me to repair a file (created with ffmpeg) that i accidentally killed ffmpeg too early on?
[20:34] <roboman2444> eg, force ffmpeg to add the header to it
[20:36] <Chocola3> roboman2444: remux it ?
[20:37] <roboman2444> Chocola3, yeah... how?
[20:37] <roboman2444> http://pastebin.com/v6HUcyEC relevant info
[20:43] <Chocola3> ffmpeg -i [input] -codec copy -map 0 [output].mp4
[20:43] <Chocola3> roboman2444: ^
[20:44] <roboman2444> that wont work
[20:45] <roboman2444> since ffmpeg never wrote the mp4 header, it doesnt know what format the input it
[20:46] <roboman2444> "moov atom not found"
[20:46] <Chocola3> not even with specifying the format manually ? ffmpeg -f mp4 -i [input]
[20:47] <roboman2444> nope
[20:48] <roboman2444> i did ctrl-c ctrl-c accidentally when fininshing rendering that video
[20:48] <roboman2444> the pastebin shows the format and flags used when rendering the video... dunno if it helps
[20:51] <Chocola3> roboman2444: Try mp4box from GPAC: http://gpac.wp.mines-telecom.fr/downloads/gpac-nightly-builds/
[20:51] <Chocola3> found a fast example: MP4Box -add fixed.mp4 -isma sample.mp4
[20:52] <Chocola3> 1st is input, 2nd is output
[20:52] <pmac_> is there any way to view the contaner (as oppsed to the stream) metadata in an MXF file? Spesifically I need to look at the container DAR?
[20:52] <roboman2444> Chocola3, that wont work unless it has the width/height, format, framerate, etc metadata
[20:52] <roboman2444> and shouldnt ffmpeg be able to do this?
[20:54] <Chocola3> roboman2444: I've found mp4box to be a more capable mp4 muxer
[20:54] <JEEB> if there is no private data/extradata no muxer will be able to help you
[20:54] <JEEB> he stopped the encoding in the middle with mp4 output, that is fatal with any muxer
[20:55] <JEEB> except maybe fragmented mp4 but nothing uses that by default
[20:55] <roboman2444> JEEB, what if the pastebin info is there?
[20:55] <JEEB> nope
[20:55] <roboman2444> aight.... shit
[20:55] <roboman2444> well thanks anyway
[20:55] <JEEB> just give up and re-encode
[20:55] <roboman2444> cant do that
[20:56] <JEEB> and if you have a tendency of fucking up, use a container that can let you write the extradata right away
[20:56] <JEEB> that way at least something might be save'able :P
[20:56] <roboman2444> what might that be?
[20:56] <Chocola3> Would a ".ts" be a good suggestion in this case ?
[20:56] <JEEB> raw AVC, matroska come to mind as a couple of good ones
[20:56] <JEEB> mpeg-ts is alright as well
[20:56] <roboman2444> mkv it is then
[21:17] <shevy> hmm I am building a ffmpeg string
[21:17] <shevy> but obviously I made a mistake
[21:17] <shevy> ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 25 g -30 -i :0.0 -vcoded qtrle -y -framerate 25 -video_size 1280x720 -vcodec ffv1 -sameq -threads 0 -t 00:00:8.000.000
[21:17] <shevy> I assume it is the "g -30" ? not sure what I wanted to do there...
[21:17] <DarkLinkXXXX> Is there a guide for compiling ffmpeg with every single codec/feature, or as much as is practical?
[21:17] <JEEB> the defaults, and then enable the libraries for the encoders you need if there are no encoders in libavcodec itself
[21:18] <JEEB> for most people this will be libx264 and fdk-aac
[21:18] <JEEB> (possibly also libvorbis)
[21:18] <JEEB> there are some compilation "guides" on the trac wiki
[21:18] <kepstin-laptop> and --enable-gpl or --enable-nonfree as appropriate to add things with non-lgpl-compatible or conflicting licenses, but keep in mind the distribution implications of that...
[21:19] <JEEB> you should generally know if a library needs any of those :P
[22:47] <llogan> shevy: there is no -sameq option, and it never meant "same quality" anyway
[22:48] <llogan> also you have two vcodecs shown. -framerate and -video_size are input options for x11grab, so place them before -i
[22:49] <shevy> llogan ah
[22:50] <shevy> you are right
[22:50] <shevy> guess I need to make my script smarter to not keep old entries when I add new ones (like having -vcodec twice)
[00:00] --- Thu Dec 11 2014

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