[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20141224

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 25 02:05:01 CET 2014

[02:27] <LOSST> Completely new to video encoding- when converting a video, is setting the video and audio bitrates to the same values as the source file a good way to preserve quality?
[02:55] <llogan> LOSST: no
[04:44] <Jan\> how do i run the server on windows?
[04:44] <Jan\> i dont see a ffserver binary
[04:52] <compstomp> Hi all, does anyone know a way to encode to Apple Intermediate Codec (aic) with ffmpeg?.  Over the holidays, I'm away from my main rig and am forced to use iMovie to put together some quick edits.  However, the program requires converting to an uncompressed format in order to edit without being too lossy.  iMovie of course does this for you, but it
[04:52] <compstomp>  has no parallelism and is excesively slow. Does anyone know of a way to do this?
[04:52] <compstomp> ffmpeg -encoders output: http://pastebin.com/4cJgpFU2
[04:52] <compstomp> ffprobe of example I want to replicate: http://pastebin.com/1mMcRrje
[04:58] <Jan\> how do i run the server on windows? i dont see a ffserver binary
[09:23] <petri6890> merry <insert holiday>
[09:24] <petri6890> I have arm9 which is slow as glacier. I wish to quicken its wma decoding. do you know if there is an option to enable fixed point decoding for wma? maybe uncommitted patches somewhere or a like?
[13:17] <bencc> can ffmpeg receive audio from PULSE_SERVER ?
[14:14] <GreenAlien> I want to add a watermark to a video. I use the code first command after the header "Adding a watermark". Unfortunately, my video is flipped 180 degress horizontally. watermark is correct. all worked fine except video is upside down. filmed with an iPhone 6. link to code at http://superuser.com/a/694308 what can I do? do I have to flip the video somehow?
[14:17] <GreenAlien> I tried "-vf transpose=1" before input but it does not work as expected. ffmpeg quits with the following error: http://pastebin.com/1aREqWub
[14:18] <GreenAlien> I think the metadata is responsible for video being upside down. maybe I copy metadata or I try to flip it. see my approach above
[14:20] <GreenAlien> so my question is how to rotate that video not being upside down. I tried -vf transpose=1 before video input
[14:59] <relaxed> GreenAlien: it goes after the input
[14:59] <GreenAlien> relaxed: I tried this but then I got another message. it tries to apply it to the png file as well
[15:01] <GreenAlien> relaxed: here is the message and my command again: http://pastebin.com/tDG6mhGX
[15:01] <relaxed> GreenAlien: maybe, -filter_complex "[0:v]transpose=1,[0:v][1:v]overlay=W-w-10:H-h-10[watermark]"
[15:02] <GreenAlien> oh yes. just tried putting it after BOTH inputs and now ffmpeg reminds me to set for a specific stream. so i forgot to mention [0:v]
[15:03] <GreenAlien> relaxed: with your command I got: Too many inputs specified for the "overlay" filter. from ffmpeg
[15:04] <relaxed> try -filter_complex "[0:v]transpose=1[flip],[flip][1:v]overlay=W-w-10:H-h-10[watermark]"
[15:06] <GreenAlien> relaxed: yes, this worked. is this actually mapping an input to [flip] as I already did with [watermark] ? unfortunately I do not need transpose=1 but hflip because video is upside down. using hflip instead of transpose=1 does not rotate the video at all. video is still upside down
[15:09] <relaxed> those are just labels used to make it easier to read
[15:09] <relaxed> pastebin the hflip command that's not working
[15:09] <GreenAlien> relaxed: my video is shown correct in vlc. but after using the command (using hflip or without hflip) video is upside down. I recorded with an iphone 6. I also tried rotating it with all the commands from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9408542/video-captured-from-iphone-gets-rotated-when-converted-to-mp4-using-ffmpeg but it does not work :D
[15:09] <GreenAlien> relaxed: okay, one moment
[15:10] <GreenAlien> command exists with no errors, but video is still upside down :D here input and ouput: http://pastebin.com/Q5RC1d83
[15:11] <relaxed> wait, does ffplay play it correctly?
[15:11] <GreenAlien> ffplay IMG_3334.MOV or ffplay output.mov ?
[15:11] <relaxed> oh, I see "rotate          : 180" in the metadata
[15:12] <relaxed> so vlc reads that and displays it wrong because you already flipped it
[15:12] <relaxed> add -map_metadata -1 to your previous command
[15:12] <GreenAlien> but is does not rotate the whole video. my watermark is set correctly :D
[15:13] <GreenAlien> (so no upside down in watermark.)
[15:13] <relaxed> hmm, first figure out how to correctly flip the video
[15:14] <relaxed> simplify your command for now
[15:14] <GreenAlien> I added "-map_metadata -1" directly in front of output.mov but video still upside down
[15:14] <relaxed> it goes after the input because it applies to the output
[15:18] <relaxed> try -map_metadata -1 -filter_complex "[0:v]rotate=180[flip],[flip][1:v]overlay=W-w-10:H-h-10[watermark]"
[15:19] <GreenAlien> yup, just prepared another paste. map metadata after input does not work either :D http://pastebin.com/R6VcGjrp
[15:20] <relaxed> remove the -maps
[15:21] <GreenAlien> my video is now lopsided o.O
[15:21] <relaxed> then try rotate=90
[15:22] <GreenAlien> removing maps gives errors.
[15:22] <GreenAlien> one moment
[15:23] <GreenAlien> I currently use this with your help: http://pastebin.com/G43DzPu8
[15:24] <GreenAlien> using rotate=0: video is upside down. using rotate 180 video is lopsided. same for rotate 90
[15:24] <GreenAlien> removing both -map and -map gives:
[15:24] <GreenAlien> Output pad "default" with type video of the filter instance "Parsed_overlay_1" of overlay not connected to any destination
[15:25] <relaxed> yeah, keep -map(s). Add "-t 5" after the input to create some quick visual samples.
[15:26] <GreenAlien> should I screenshot if for you?
[15:27] <relaxed> https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#transpose
[15:28] <GreenAlien> it's weird because rotate 0 gives an upside down result but 90 and 180 is lopsided: http://i.imgur.com/39d2Amh.png
[15:30] <relaxed> can you upload a small sample of the video somewhere?
[15:33] <GreenAlien> output or input?
[15:33] <relaxed> input
[15:34] <GreenAlien> I use ffmpeg -i in.mov -t 2 out.mov if thats okay?
[15:34] <relaxed> ffmpeg -i in.mov -c copy -t 2 out.mov
[15:36] <GreenAlien> I will send you a link via private message
[15:36] <relaxed> ok
[15:36] <GreenAlien> http://www.laz.de/out.mov
[15:36] <GreenAlien> haha :D
[15:36] <GreenAlien> fail
[15:36] <GreenAlien> doesnt matter :D
[15:37] <relaxed> uh, mpv and ffplay play it correctly
[15:39] <GreenAlien> yes, thats the original video. my iphone saves it in one rotatition and then rotates it via meta data i think
[15:39] <GreenAlien> or did you already tried my/yours watermark commands?
[15:42] <GreenAlien> relaxed: i also tried first rotating it and then adding a watermark but it does not work either :D
[15:43] <GreenAlien> (see this iphone rotation stackoverflow post, I already linked: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9408542/video-captured-from-iphone-gets-rotated-when-converted-to-mp4-using-ffmpeg )
[15:52] <relaxed> GreenAlien: ffmpeg -i out.mov -metadata:s:v rotate="0" -vf "hflip,vflip" test.mov
[16:05] <GreenAlien> ok
[16:05] <GreenAlien> [aac @ 0x7f8789025000] The encoder 'aac' is experimental but experimental codecs are not enabled, add '-strict -2' if you want to use it.
[16:06] <GreenAlien> but I'll add them.
[16:07] <GreenAlien> okay, test.mov is now displayed correctly. now i can use test.mov as a input for my watermarks I guess?
[16:09] <YiamiYo> hello...I'm interested in hardware accelerated video decoding using androind ndk for android 2.3+...could i do it with ffmpeg?
[16:11] <Mavrik> YiamiYo, afaik the support for stagefright is very broken
[16:11] <Mavrik> I strongly suggest you use MediaCodec API on Android 4.x+
[16:11] <Mavrik> and just forget about 2.3
[16:12] <YiamiYo> hmm
[16:14] <GreenAlien> relaxed: haaa! :-) using the rotated test.mov as input for my watermark command, everything works fine! thank you very much :-) still dont uderstand why I also need vflip o.O
[16:19] <adov> I need to a program to save the last X seconds of a video survailance camera. Video should be save after a command is received. I am thinking in using ffmpeg an keep the last X seconds frames from the device in memory in a circular buffer and save only  when needed. Is this the best way to do it?
[16:19] <GreenAlien> relaxed: If you have an stackoverflow account, you could post your rotating command to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9408542/video-captured-from-iphone-gets-rotated-when-converted-to-mp4-using-ffmpeg - if not, I will post the command. If you want, I can credit you with your username and this irc channel.
[18:11] <Fjorgynn> Haha
[18:46] <shudouken> hey, is it possible to copy all streams while encoding a video but not be limited by the keyframes of the original video? All google brought me to was an unanswered question concerning the -copyinkf flag
[19:06] <shashi> hello folks! I am trying to weave a sequence of png images into a video, so far I have got till ffmpeg -r 20 -f image2 -i %d.png output.webm
[19:06] <shashi> it works so well, except I want to make the transparent parts of the images white, not black. How do I do this?
[19:54] <ozone89> Hello!
[19:55] <justinX> hello ozone89!
[19:56] <ozone89> I'm trying to cast my screen to my TV. Excluding the possibility of directly using DLNA (it's not supported as a streaming method, is it?), I've found that I could do the DLNA part with Serviio.
[19:56] <ozone89> What I need is to create a stream that I could feed to the DLNA server. Considering it's a local streaming, bitrate i not an issue
[19:57] <ozone89> Thnk you in advance for any help and Merry Xmas, Hannukah, or whatever :)
[19:59] <shudouken> already solved my issue
[20:08] <justinX> ozone89: yeah good yule :-D
[22:14] <canbal> Is there anyone who has experience with fdk-aac library? I am suspecting a bug with the library&
[22:19] <JEEBsv> martin storsjö (wbs on IRC) should have some
[22:22] <canbal> JEEBsv, thanks! Excuse my lack of knowledge, what do you mean by wbs?
[22:24] <JEEBsv> canbal: his IRC nickname
[22:24] <JEEBsv> just like yours is canbal :P
[22:24] <canbal> JEEBsv, haha, thought it was a channel or sth. Feel so stupid! :)
[22:25] <JEEBsv> you can find it on -devel if you /really/ think it's a bug in fdk-aac's library
[22:25] <JEEBsv> uhh
[22:25] <JEEBsv> not it, him
[22:33] <canbal> JEEBsv, thanks!
[22:35] <JEEBsv> canbal: I will have to say, though, that you should not pm him :P rather start the discussion regarding the possible bug on in the library on the channel
[22:35] <JEEBsv> and don't expect an answer right away
[22:35] <JEEBsv> it's christmas time
[22:37] <canbal> JEEBsv, I already msged him. :( But youre right, I should just open it for discussion. Merry Xmas
[00:00] --- Thu Dec 25 2014

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