[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg-devel.log.20140203

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 02:05:02 CET 2014

[00:42] <cone-977> ffmpeg.git 03Voyager1 07master:9f6f4962fbfd: avformat/utils: dvd still frames read thru libdvdnav ended up in internal lavf buffer
[00:42] <cone-977> ffmpeg.git 03Michael Niedermayer 07master:1bc2fa447c22: avformat: use AVPROBE_SCORE_STREAM_RETRY, instead of AVPROBE_SCORE_RETRY - 1
[02:10] <cone-549> ffmpeg.git 03addr-see-the-website at aetey.se 07master:8e36fc0c3356: RoQ encoder: support different integer framerates
[10:49] <pross-au> does daniel kang still come in here?
[10:50] <Rodeo> not sure, but I don't think he's been around much lately?
[10:51] <pross-au> trying to unravel the vp8 mt decoder
[10:51] <pross-au> thx
[10:57] <Rodeo> pross-au: http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=search;s=Daniel+Kang;st=author nothing of his has been pushed for several months, AFAICT
[10:58] <Rodeo> don't really know much more about ti, he could still be around, but I have a feeling he may not
[11:08] <pross-au> no worries
[19:23] <llogan> yet another user trying to send 25 MB file to ffmpeg-user...
[21:48] <thardin> there we go
[22:42] <thardin> michaelni: 32 KiB is alright for that UL -> WrappingKind table, right?
[22:42] <thardin> (adding an MXF entry to the GSoC wiki page)
[22:43] <michaelni> thardin, yes, 32kib sounds reasonable
[22:45] <thardin> wait a sec
[22:45] <thardin> the file plays fine in ffplay
[22:46] <thardin> try: http://samples.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-bugs/trac/ticket2776/MXF_DVCAM_not_demuxable.mxf
[22:47] <Daemon404> [21:42] < thardin> (adding an MXF entry to the GSoC wiki page)  <-- "invent a time machine and prevent mxf from being created"
[22:48] <nevcairiel> say you have a time machine and you can remove one format from history, exactly one, why would you choose mxf? :d
[22:48] <michaelni> Daemon404, iam sorry but gsoc is about software development only
[22:49] <thardin> lol
[22:49] <michaelni> about the sample it plays but does it play completely ? wasnt it longer?
[22:49] <michaelni> but i might misremember
[22:50] <thardin> header says it's 51.8 econds
[22:50] <thardin> seems to play fine for that long
[22:50] <michaelni> hmm
[22:50] <michaelni> here it stops at 4sec
[22:54] <thardin> oops, "ffplay" not "./ffplay"
[22:54] <thardin> apparently it works in avplay
[22:58] <thardin> wiki updated
[22:58] <thardin> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/FFmpegSummerOfCode2014
[23:31] <BBB> ubitux: pokey
[00:00] --- Tue Feb  4 2014

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