[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140226
burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 02:05:01 CET 2014
[00:02] <Oxymoron> Hey guys, anyone have experience with flv's? I'm using an avisynth script to join 2 videos together to form a video conversation, but unfortunately they get out of sink eventually. Any way to be sure things stay lined up?
[00:03] <Oxymoron> So initially i start them with offsets that are stored in the DB at the time of publishing the streams, and it looks fine, but 10-15 mins into playback one video will wander ;(
[00:18] <FearlessPidgin> JEEBsv: I found out that there is a pattern of three progressive (full) frames, and followed by two interlace frames. Is this a common interlace method? Does that mean it's Inverse Telecine?
[00:53] <llogan> Oxymoron: did you try concating them with ffmpeg?
[01:04] <Hello71> was libfdk_aac -vbr removed recently?
[01:22] <llogan> Hello71: not that i've noticed. why do you ask?
[01:31] <Hello71> because I'm too lazy to set -b:a properly
[01:31] <Hello71> and it doesn't work anymore
[01:31] <Hello71> well, I get:
[01:32] <Hello71> $ ffmpeg -v warning -y -i in.y4m -c:v libx264 -preset slower -tune animation -movflags empty_moov -profile:v baseline -c:a libfdk_aac -vbr 1 out.mp4
[01:32] <Hello71> Codec AVOption vbr (VBR mode (1-5)) specified for output file #0 (out.mp4) has not been used for any stream. The most likely reason is either wrong type (e.g. a video option with no video streams) or that it is a private option of some encoder which was not actually used for any stream.
[01:48] <Hello71> Encoder did not produce proper pts, making some up.
[01:48] <Hello71> what does this message mean?
[01:48] <Hello71> I don't care about timestamps.
[01:55] <Hello71> same command.
[01:56] <llogan> and?
[05:00] <Dark-knight> For anyone that cares I just found out that "-c copy" means copy ALL codecs. whereas "-acodec copy" or "-vcodec copy" only copy the audio or video.
[05:01] <Dark-knight> i just shortened all my codes
[05:01] <Dark-knight> thanks to this
[05:02] <Dark-knight> although it doesn't copy subtitles for some reason, but it copys everything else
[05:07] <rcombs> subtitles work very differently from audio and video in ffmpeg (though there are plans to change that eventually)
[05:07] <Dark-knight> good
[05:19] <Dark-knight> whats the command to copy/transfer the subtitles over to the new video
[05:22] <klaxa> try -map
[05:24] <Dark-knight> just -map?
[05:24] <Dark-knight> nothing else?
[05:39] <kingsob> I am trying to concat two videos, the 1st one doesn't have any audio, and I can't figure out the correct filter_complex, here is my input and output http://pastebin.com/GSfkWaEC
[05:49] <klaxa> i started using the concat demuxer instead lately
[05:49] <klaxa> http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20concatenate%20%28join,%20merge%29%20media%20files#demuxer
[05:51] <kingsob> let me give that another try, but I recall having a problem where the audio of the 2nd video would start playing at the beginning of the 1st video
[05:51] <klaxa> hmm i haven't had that usecase yet so that might happen
[05:52] <Keshl> Why not seproate the audio, add in a period of silence equal to the first video, then put it back, oÉo?
[05:53] <kingsob> I got it working by adding a audio stream from /dev/null to the 1st video
[05:53] <Keshl> Or dat. -É-.
[05:53] <kingsob> but I'd rather not have to deal with the case where a video doesn't have an audio stream if there is a better solution
[05:56] <relaxed> there isn't
[05:56] <kingsob> http://pastebin.com/iWkDWUex
[05:56] <kingsob> that seems to work
[05:56] <kingsob> at least its down to a single command :)
[05:58] <kingsob> I take it back, the command runs fine, but it looks like its generating me a never ending video
[05:58] <relaxed> because /dev/zero is never ending
[05:58] <Dark-knight> just ÷ by 0
[05:59] <relaxed> there's -shortest but I don't see how to work that into your current command
[05:59] <Keshl> I think there's a command to end when a particular stream ends..
[05:59] <relaxed> you may need two commands
[05:59] <relaxed> -shortest
[05:59] <Keshl> No, a stream of your choosing, not whichever ends first, oÉo.
[06:00] <relaxed> stream selection with -t would be handy
[06:00] <kingsob> I assume its doomed anyways, wouldn't the audio always be from /dev/null, sicne its never ending, it wouldn't know when to switch to the 2nd stream
[06:00] <Keshl> That was it OÉO I dink OÉO
[06:01] <kingsob> II can live with my current solution of adding an audio stream to the video's
[06:02] <relaxed> kingsob: like I said, you'll need two commands: use -shortest with the /dev/zero input
[06:02] <kingsob> ahh
[06:03] <kingsob> yeah didn't realize already doing that
[06:03] <kingsob> ffmpeg -ar 48000 -ac 2 -f s16le -i /dev/zero -i intro_640x960.mp4 -shortest -c:v copy -c:a libfdk_aac test.mp4
[06:24] <Dark-knight> can a .mp4 video have a XVID video codec?
[06:25] <klaxa> XviD is MPEG-4 Part 2 compliant, .mp4 can hold MPEG-4 Part 2 video streams, so yes
[06:26] <Dark-knight> will the .mp4 container be happy about that?
[06:26] <klaxa> why should it be sad about it?
[06:26] <Dark-knight> or would mpeg4 be better
[06:26] <Zeranoe> How could I calculate the actual displayed WxH in pixels if I know the SAR, DAR and resolution?
[06:27] <Dark-knight> what is better for .mp4 a XVID codec or a MPEG4 codec?
[06:27] <klaxa> Dark-knight: the mp4 container should happily take xvid streams
[06:27] <klaxa> when in doubt, try both
[06:27] <Dark-knight> what is the default for .mp4?
[06:28] <Zeranoe> Dark-knight: H.264
[06:28] <Dark-knight> is H.264 mpeg4 or xvid?
[06:29] <Zeranoe> No, it's AVC
[06:29] <Dark-knight> avc?
[06:29] <Zeranoe> Dark-knight: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.264/MPEG-4_AVC
[06:29] <Dark-knight> so it is mpeg4
[06:29] <Zeranoe> Not in the way your thinking
[06:29] <Dark-knight> but it is
[06:29] <klaxa> H.264 is MPEG-4 Part 10
[06:30] <klaxa> xvid and mpeg4 are MPEG-4 Part 2
[06:30] <Dark-knight> ughh
[06:30] <Dark-knight> so confused
[06:31] <klaxa> well instead of asking specific questions without context, what is your usecase exactly?
[06:32] <Dark-knight> ffmpeg -i input.avi -c:v mpeg4 -c:a aac output.mp4
[06:32] <Dark-knight> i was wondering what i could type instead of -c:v mpeg4
[06:32] <klaxa> what do you want to achieve?
[06:32] <Zeranoe> Dark-knight: libx264
[06:32] <Dark-knight> like what other video codecs would be a better choice
[06:32] <klaxa> generally yes
[06:33] <Zeranoe> Dark-knight: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/x264EncodingGuide
[06:33] <klaxa> libx264 is probably the best in terms of quality per filesize
[06:33] <Dark-knight> i don't care how big the file is, all i care about is quality
[06:34] <Zeranoe> Dark-knight: Try x264, -crf 20 to -crf 23
[06:34] <Dark-knight> whats that?
[06:34] <Dark-knight> -crf?
[06:34] <Zeranoe> Dark-knight: Constant quality, read the link about crf
[06:36] <Dark-knight> is x264 like 1080p?
[06:36] <Dark-knight> or better?
[06:37] <klaxa> wha-
[06:37] <Zeranoe> 1080p is a resolution
[06:37] <Dark-knight> like i said, im new to this
[06:37] <Zeranoe> p, for progressive, 1080 resolution
[06:37] <Zeranoe> x264 can encode to 1080p, but then again so can mpeg4
[06:37] <Dark-knight> does x264 affect resolution?
[06:37] <Dark-knight> ok
[06:38] <Zeranoe> x264 is your encoder, it compresses the video. The resolution is another topic
[06:38] <Dark-knight> if the input video isn't 1080p then the output can't be encoded to 1080p can it?
[06:38] <Zeranoe> it can, you can resize up
[06:39] <Dark-knight> how wouldn't that degrade the quality?
[06:39] <Zeranoe> keep in mind the p is for progressive. When talking about the resolution you mean 1920x1080
[06:39] <Dark-knight> sure
[06:40] <Dark-knight> really nice graphics is what i meant
[06:41] <Zeranoe> transcoding/encoding/converting all will degrade quality. Other than -crf 0 which is lossless
[06:41] <Zeranoe> not advised to do -crf 0 fyi, because 'Consider 18 to be visually lossless or nearly so'
[06:42] <klaxa> well that highly depends on the other parameters chosen
[06:42] <klaxa> and it really depends on the source material
[06:43] <Zeranoe> klaxa: I just copied that from the Wiki
[06:43] <klaxa> ah
[06:43] <klaxa> well yeah generally it's not wrong
[06:44] <Dark-knight> if the input video is 360p can the output video be 1080p?
[06:44] <klaxa> yes but it will look bad
[06:44] <Dark-knight> i mean exactly what im asking
[06:44] <Dark-knight> ok how bad?
[06:44] <klaxa> worse than the 360p input
[06:44] <klaxa> you cannot encode lossy without losing quality
[06:45] <klaxa> that's why it's called "lossy"
[06:45] <klaxa> you cannot magically increase the quality of a video
[06:45] <Dark-knight> if i can make a 60x60 picture turn into a high quality 1920x1080 picture why can't i do the same with a video?
[06:45] <klaxa> what?
[06:45] <klaxa> show me how you do that
[06:45] <Zeranoe> ENHANCE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxq9yj2pVWk
[06:46] <Zeranoe> Dark-knight: maybe if it's a solid color, or your talking about inches/cm
[06:46] <ProducerSeal> ok umm
[06:47] <ProducerSeal> is lossless raw
[06:47] <ProducerSeal> or jsut a name
[06:47] <ProducerSeal> my friend was being a bich about it
[06:47] <Zeranoe> it is, but there might be better options
[06:47] <ProducerSeal> lossless is not a format is it
[06:47] <ProducerSeal> just means raw stream right
[06:47] <Zeranoe> no, but dumping to raw isn't generally the best move
[06:48] <ProducerSeal> nono im jus asking
[06:48] <ProducerSeal> what is lossless
[06:48] <ProducerSeal> is it a format?
[06:48] <Zeranoe> no, its a compression type
[06:48] <klaxa> lossless is a type of codec
[06:48] <klaxa> raw is a lossless "codec", a lossless codec is not neccessarily raw though
[06:48] <ProducerSeal> dafuq
[06:49] <klaxa> x264 has a lossless mode for encoding
[06:49] <Zeranoe> basically it means you aren't losing any quality, data wise
[06:49] <klaxa> the result is lossless, it is not raw though
[06:49] <klaxa> like...
[06:49] <klaxa> when you have a text-file
[06:49] <ProducerSeal> ok ill jus tell him
[06:49] <klaxa> and compress it with zip
[06:49] <Zeranoe> lol
[06:49] <klaxa> it's lossless compression
[06:49] <klaxa> but it's not raw, is it?
[06:49] <ProducerSeal> omfg
[06:49] <ProducerSeal> now were both confiz
[06:50] <Dark-knight> what is raw?
[06:50] <Zeranoe> hes explaining it in abstract terms...
[06:50] <klaxa> i'm trying to dumb it down
[06:50] <Dark-knight> lol JK
[06:50] <ProducerSeal> i kno wat im saying
[06:50] <ProducerSeal> losless is not compresed
[06:50] <Zeranoe> raw is raw data, it's lossless in nature, but it isn't the definition of lossless
[06:50] <klaxa> lossless can be compressed
[06:50] <ProducerSeal> but he said its a compressed
[06:50] <ProducerSeal> oh
[06:51] <ProducerSeal> wait
[06:51] <ProducerSeal> how can lossles be compresed
[06:51] <Zeranoe> like zip
[06:51] <Zeranoe> or 7z
[06:51] <ProducerSeal> then its not losles
[06:51] <Zeranoe> no... your rearranging the data, not removing any
[06:51] <ProducerSeal> well dun even bring up zip
[06:51] <ProducerSeal> lol
[06:51] <ProducerSeal> ya exactly
[06:51] <ProducerSeal> lossless is raw
[06:51] <ProducerSeal> cant be compresed
[06:52] <klaxa> WTF NO
[06:52] <klaxa> no no no no no
[06:52] <ProducerSeal> no
[06:52] <Zeranoe> raw is a form of lossless
[06:52] <ProducerSeal> he said zip
[06:52] <ProducerSeal> zip doesnt count
[06:52] <ProducerSeal> im talking about video audio compresion
[06:52] <Zeranoe> you clearly don't understand the concepts here
[06:53] <Zeranoe> ProducerSeal: read up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lossless_compression
[06:53] <ProducerSeal> no i did
[06:53] <ProducerSeal> thats the problem
[06:53] <klaxa> ProducerSeal: please run: ffmpeg -codecs | grep -E "^ ..V..S"
[06:53] <Zeranoe> you didnt
[06:54] <klaxa> it will list all video codecs that support lossless encoding
[06:54] <klaxa> which are compressed
[06:54] <klaxa> and lossless
[06:54] <klaxa> compressed and lossless are not mutual exclusive
[06:54] <klaxa> flac audio is lossless
[06:54] <klaxa> tta audio is lossless
[06:54] <klaxa> ffv1 video is lossless
[06:54] <klaxa> huffyuv is lossless
[06:54] <ProducerSeal> right
[06:54] <ProducerSeal> which means lossless is raw
[06:54] <Zeranoe> so what is lossless?
[06:54] <Keshl> No.
[06:54] <klaxa> NO
[06:55] <ProducerSeal> yes
[06:55] <klaxa> NO NO NO
[06:55] <Zeranoe> oh god
[06:55] <klaxa> LOSSLESS IS NOT RAW
[06:55] <Keshl> Mind if I explain this to him?
[06:55] <Keshl> *God
[06:55] <ProducerSeal> i told u
[06:55] <Keshl> I think I can. <É<
[06:55] <klaxa> ProducerSeal, if you are just trolling you can just leave
[06:55] <ProducerSeal> gzip compresion doesnt count
[06:55] <Zeranoe> hes trolling
[06:55] <ProducerSeal> gzip compresion doesnt count!!!!!!!!!!
[06:55] <ProducerSeal> i told u
[06:55] <ProducerSeal> god damit
[06:55] <Keshl> *God
[06:55] <Keshl> And yeah, nevermind, you're right.
[06:55] Action: Keshl pawwaves ProducerSeal away and resumes doing STUFF. -É-.
[06:55] <ProducerSeal> ill jus tel my frind he is a idiot
[06:56] <ProducerSeal> and ill tel him that he is talking about compression that doesnt even mater
[06:56] <Zeranoe> yeah, because clearly you understand this more than him
[06:56] <klaxa> obviously
[06:56] <ProducerSeal> unless ur talking about actualy codec comrpesion
[06:56] <Dark-knight> lol i understood it better then him
[06:56] <klaxa> ProducerSeal, just leave please
[06:56] <klaxa> if you are unable to understand
[06:56] <klaxa> stop wasting our time
[06:56] <Zeranoe> trolls arent too smart
[06:57] <Dark-knight> hahaha
[06:57] <another> what klaxa said
[06:57] <klaxa> you are showing no will to learn where you are wrong
[06:57] <ProducerSeal> ok Zeranoe
[06:57] <klaxa> all you are trying to do is to prove your friend wrong
[06:57] <klaxa> even though he is right
[06:57] <klaxa> so just go away
[06:57] <ProducerSeal> wats the diff then between compression of video and compresion like zip
[06:58] <Zeranoe> ProducerSeal: You need to be more specific
[06:58] <ProducerSeal> right
[06:58] <ProducerSeal> u see how idiotic this is now?
[06:58] <klaxa> Zeranoe, why are you even responding?
[06:58] <another> zip is a lossless codec. you don't lose data
[06:58] <Dark-knight> its called a boot to the face.
[06:58] <Dark-knight> BEGONE NAVE
[06:58] <ProducerSeal> ya exactly
[06:58] <ProducerSeal> which is why u need diff words for each
[06:59] <ProducerSeal> coz most ppl dont get into the details
[06:59] <ProducerSeal> they jus yap about lossless
[06:59] <klaxa> *YOU* don't get into the details
[06:59] <another> different word for what?
[06:59] <klaxa> i listed about 5 codecs which provide lossless encoding for video and audio
[06:59] <re-G_> I think that _real_ lossless can be decoded and you will get the original file (wav->flac->wav), but H.264 lossless mode is _visually_ lossless, not real. Am I right?
[06:59] <klaxa> you said those are raw
[06:59] <Zeranoe> Anyway, anyone know how to calculate the displayed pixels if I know the DAR, SAR, and res of the video?
[06:59] <klaxa> you are obviously stupid
[06:59] <Keshl> re-G_: Depends.
[06:59] <Keshl> re-G_: h.264 has a real lossless mode (Set -crf 0)
[06:59] <klaxa> re-G_: x264 lossless is true lossless
[07:00] <klaxa> there is no "false lossless"
[07:00] <ProducerSeal> Keshl, yes we know
[07:00] <ProducerSeal> gah
[07:00] <Keshl> re-G_: However, you can make it /visually/ lossless instead too. Generally -crf 18 is considered that.
[07:00] <klaxa> there is either lossless or lossy
[07:00] <Keshl> But of course, "visually" depends on the person looking at it.
[07:00] <ProducerSeal> ya i kno
[07:00] <ProducerSeal> i was teling them
[07:00] <ProducerSeal> that zip compresion doesnt count
[07:00] <ProducerSeal> wen talking about video
[07:01] <Zeranoe> It's weird because ffplay is outputting a pretty weird size
[07:01] <klaxa> Zeranoe: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=106656
[07:01] <another> oh god
[07:01] <Zeranoe> but I guess with such different dar and sar it's bound to happen...
[07:01] <klaxa> maybe that helps?
[07:01] <Keshl> And it does compress.. "Fairly" well. Depends a lot on content, obviously.
[07:01] <ProducerSeal> no im saying if ur not losing quality
[07:02] <ProducerSeal> just to say ur compressing coz ur a nerd
[07:02] <ProducerSeal> ?
[07:02] <Zeranoe> klaxa: Do you know if ffplay outputs 1:1?
[07:02] <Keshl> *God -- Regardless, re-G_, point is H.264 does have a truebluestew lossless mode. Just don't expect your computer to be able to play it. XD
[07:02] <klaxa> explain 1:!
[07:02] <klaxa> *1:1
[07:02] <ProducerSeal> wen i talk about compresin media im talking about lossy
[07:02] <ProducerSeal> end of story
[07:02] <re-G_> Keshl: haha, ok :D
[07:02] <Dark-knight> hey seal is your connection getting choopy?
[07:02] <ProducerSeal> lossless compression is just a fkn idiocy
[07:02] <Zeranoe> klaxa: When the video pops up, is it displaying the actual size? or does it get resized in the process somehow
[07:02] <ProducerSeal> its pointless to even bring that up
[07:02] <klaxa> ProducerSeal: explain that to all the audiophiles, kthxbai
[07:03] <ProducerSeal> its pointless to even bring that up
[07:03] <ProducerSeal> comon
[07:03] <Dark-knight> hey seal is your connection getting choppy?
[07:03] <klaxa> Zeranoe: it should display it in the correct size
[07:03] <klaxa> if your window manager doesn't interfere or something
[07:03] <klaxa> the default window size should be the correct rendering size
[07:04] <Zeranoe> so 720x480 [SAR 8:9 DAR 4:3] is actually 640x360?
[07:04] <another> ProducerSeal: ok. so don't use zip, gzip, bz2, xz, rar, flac, etc. anymore
[07:04] <klaxa> well let's try to do some math
[07:04] <ProducerSeal> omfg dood
[07:04] <ProducerSeal> stop
[07:05] <ProducerSeal> u know what i said
[07:05] <klaxa> we have 720x480 samples
[07:05] <ProducerSeal> saying ur lossless has compression on it is fkn tarded
[07:05] <klaxa> wait... hmm...
[07:05] <klaxa> this won't work...
[07:05] <ProducerSeal> and u sound like a fkn idiot
[07:05] <klaxa> ProducerSeal: just fuck off already
[07:05] <klaxa> seriously
[07:05] <ProducerSeal> ya duh its a fkn computer format
[07:05] <Dark-knight> his ip is
[07:06] <Dark-knight> just ping it
[07:06] <ProducerSeal> obviously its gona be fkn algoed
[07:06] <Keshl> Why not jus' add him to /ignore? oÉo? When he stops getting attention he'll go away. -É-.
[07:06] <another> ProducerSeal: stop talking 'bout things you don't understand
[07:06] <ProducerSeal> i do understand fool
[07:06] <ProducerSeal> im trying to explain to you
[07:06] <ProducerSeal> do u not get it?
[07:07] <Zeranoe> klaxa: ffplay displays it with that res, something like MPC is a different res
[07:07] <Dark-knight> ProducerSeal do you live in budapest?
[07:07] <klaxa> huh? that is weird
[07:07] <klaxa> is mpc not using libav*?
[07:07] <Zeranoe> umm
[07:07] <Zeranoe> i think so
[07:08] <Zeranoe> MPC is 853x480
[07:09] <Keshl> o.O' Using H.264? I thought that didn't support odd numbers..
[07:09] <klaxa> according to the thread on doom9, mpc will be using a different SAR then
[07:09] <klaxa> the thread i linked actually explains exactly that
[07:09] <Zeranoe> Keshl: mpeg2video
[07:09] <Keshl> Ohhh. -É-.
[07:09] <klaxa> if you have a video sorce with 720x480 with SAR 8:9 it will result in a 4:3 video
[07:10] <klaxa> with SAR 32:27 it will be 16:9 (which is roughly 853x480)
[07:10] <klaxa> oh yeah that makes sense
[07:10] <klaxa> divide 720 by 9
[07:11] <klaxa> then multiply by 8
[07:11] <klaxa> you get 640
[07:11] <Zeranoe> so ffplay is right?
[07:11] <klaxa> probably
[07:11] <Zeranoe> it seems small...
[07:11] <klaxa> does the video look distorted in any player?
[07:12] <klaxa> if so, the distorted one is probably wrong
[07:14] <Zeranoe> it looks fine in both, just smaller in ffplay. plus it can't be that resolution in ffplay, without some scaling
[07:14] <Zeranoe> but thats what it pops open as
[07:14] <Dark-knight> hey ProducerSeal you live at 4188 Oak Pl Dr. right?
[07:14] <klaxa> is the aspect ratio the same?
[07:14] <Dark-knight> ill send a card
[07:14] <klaxa> Dark-knight: knock it off pleas
[07:14] <klaxa> *please
[07:14] <Dark-knight> am i not allowed to dox in her?
[07:15] <Dark-knight> here*
[07:15] <klaxa> no
[07:15] <Dark-knight> awww
[07:15] <Dark-knight> no fun
[07:15] <Dark-knight> fine ill obay
[07:15] <klaxa> what's with all the skiddies tonight?
[07:15] <ProducerSeal> ill beat ur fkn ass
[07:15] <ProducerSeal> fkn snitch
[07:15] <ProducerSeal> faget
[07:15] <Dark-knight> lol
[07:15] <relaxed> why don't I have ops in this channel yet?
[07:15] <ProducerSeal> the internet age
[07:15] <klaxa> relaxed: i wish i knew
[07:16] <ProducerSeal> breeding a bunch of snich fagets
[07:16] <klaxa> could use some ops for days like this
[07:16] <ProducerSeal> come get it queef
[07:16] <klaxa> then again, pretty rare
[07:16] <Zeranoe> klaxa: Yeah, aspects are both 16/9
[07:16] <klaxa> huh
[07:16] <ProducerSeal> ill fkn hang u from that fkn power cord
[07:17] <Dark-knight> good bye seal, enjoy your ban
[07:17] <relaxed> Zeranoe: what does ffmpeg report as the SAR for both video?
[07:17] <klaxa> oh right 640x360 is 16:9 all right
[07:17] <Zeranoe> creeps me about a little that you found his address...
[07:18] <klaxa> Zeranoe: it's probably just his ISPs address...
[07:18] <Zeranoe> relaxed: both? its the same
[07:18] <relaxed> which would be...?
[07:18] <Zeranoe> 720x480 [SAR 8:9 DAR 4:3]
[07:18] <Dark-knight> lol no klaxa that IS his address, why else would he get so mad?
[07:19] <relaxed> Dark-knight Zeranoe please stop this offtopic garbage
[07:19] <Dark-knight> ok sorry
[07:19] <Zeranoe> ?
[07:19] <klaxa> well like i said according to the thread that video should actually be 640x480
[07:19] <relaxed> the dar is probably wrong on one of the videos
[07:20] <relaxed> SAR = DAR*(H/W)
[07:20] <Zeranoe> relaxed: But MPC gets it right?
[07:21] <relaxed> sometimes both the video stream and container can have this info, and be different
[07:25] <Zeranoe> so don't trust ffplay?
[07:25] <i336_> oookay.... google isn't being helpful right now... how do I specify the output soundcard in ffplay? (not ffmpeg)
[07:25] <i336_> as in, for audio output :P
[07:26] <relaxed> maybe using some SDL variable?
[07:26] <i336_> O.o
[07:26] <i336_> does ffplay use SDL for audio out? interesting
[07:27] <relaxed> and video
[07:27] <i336_> oh ok
[07:28] <Zeranoe> relaxed: Are you a dev?
[07:28] <relaxed> Zeranoe: you should file a bug report if ffplay doesn't behave correctly.
[07:29] <relaxed> Not really, I have a handful of patches in.
[11:26] <Keestu> join #libav
[11:30] <Mavrik> hmm, does FLV support timestamp wrap?
[11:34] <JEEB> the specification isn't too long, you could check
[11:35] <JEEB> http://download.macromedia.com/f4v/video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf
[11:35] <JEEB> it begins with f4v, and then the latter part is FLV
[11:37] <bais> hi I'm using Linux Encoding install.sh and I have a problem
[11:37] <bais> when I try to convert an x264 video it said Unknown encoder 'libx264'
[11:43] <Mavrik> JEEB, I seem to be totally incompetent at Google for not finding that doc -_-
[11:43] <Mavrik> thanks
[11:44] <Keshl> bais: You gotta compile with --enable-x264. That's all I know, though. Anything about how to actually compile is beyond me. xwx
[11:46] <bais> Keshl: thx I will try
[11:46] <JEEB> Mavrik, but as far as I can see, it's a 0-UI24+UI8 timestamp value , the specification is rather silent about wrapping
[11:46] <bais> in this moment: ==> build_libx264() Running make && make install :)
[11:46] <JEEB> as in, going back to 0
[11:47] <JEEB> Mavrik, might want to ask fileformat at adobe.co
[11:47] <JEEB> *com
[11:47] <bais> I'm trying to use it on a youtube-like php portal called clipbucket
[11:47] <Mavrik> mhm
[11:47] <Mavrik> anyway, ffmpegs flv muxer chokes :)
[11:49] <JEEB> well, lavf used to not support AAC with !44.1kHz audio rate at one point :P
[11:49] <JEEB> of course timestamp wrapping /will/ make lavf barf for seeking and stuff
[11:49] <JEEB> but that's the same thing for mpeg-ts as well
[11:49] <JEEB> just ask adobe
[11:49] <JEEB> and see what they respond
[14:27] <troulouliou_dev> hi can somebody point me to a small easy exemple of opening an audio stream in raw and seek/pos .. in it like in a file ?
[14:29] <JEEB> see the examples under docs
[14:29] <JEEB> there's a demuxing/decoding example
[14:30] <JEEB> then just look at the doxy for the libavformat seeking part
[14:31] <troulouliou_dev> JEEB, yeah was in that direction atm :) thanks
[14:37] <Oxymoron> Hey guys, anyone have experience with flv's? I'm using an avisynth script to join 2 videos together to form a video conversation, but unfortunately they get out of sink eventually. Any way to be sure things stay lined up?
[14:37] <Oxymoron> So initially i start them with offsets that are stored in the DB at the time of publishing the streams, and it looks fine, but 10-15 mins into playback one video will wander ;(
[14:38] <Oxymoron> brb
[15:43] <bais> is it possible, with 1 line of syntax, create 3 different output? like low medium high files
[15:43] <bais> other thing: I have this problem atm: http://pastebin.com/czUEV5JD
[15:44] <Keestu> hello, i have a question about size of packet and complete frame. is it correct to think in such a way that sum(all packets size) = size (complete frame?)
[16:24] <Rural> Why does the following generate out-of-sync audio? avconv -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -r 15 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -acodec flac -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 0 -threads 0 output.mkv
[16:25] <Rural> If just leave the framerate at the default, the audio is sync'd.
[16:27] <Rural> Here is the output from 'avconv -version': http://pastebin.com/k2BCLKzG
[16:29] <Rural> I get around the issue by doing the initial capture at the default frame rate, then reencode to my distribution format and framerate in second pass. But if there is a bug here, it might be harder to work around for others.
[16:36] <JEEB> just gonna note that avconv doesn't come from the FFmpeg project, but the Libav project, as the copyright says :) ( #libav ) Also, I think there was a separate frame rate setting
[16:36] <JEEB> you're just forcing the input to be read as 15fps
[16:36] <JEEB> -framerate it seems
[16:37] <JEEB> although the documentation for x11grab notes usage with -r :s
[16:46] <Rural> JEEB: Oops! Thanks for pointing those two things out.
[16:48] <lkiesow> What is the easiest way of getting a list of all frames selected by a select filter?
[16:49] <lkiesow> Atm I'm blacking them out and then run the blackframe filter
[16:49] <troulouliou_dev> hi does anybody know a good tuto to raw copy an audio track from a matroska file to a file;
[16:50] <troulouliou_dev> i need only the cluster block data; not any metadata
[18:01] <rsdrsdrsd> Can someone help me on this issue: http://pastebin.com/NGxPWzyX
[18:07] <eurobit> can ffmpeg insert a piece of clipart over a videa
[18:20] <durandal_1707> eurobit: see overlay filter
[18:25] <rsdrsdrsd> is it normal that when making every 10 seconds a screenshot of a video it gets in a loop and it makes 10000 of it?
[18:28] <durandal_1707> rsdrsdrsd: select filter should be better
[18:34] <rsdrsdrsd> ok i'll look into that one
[18:38] <rsdrsdrsd> but I need it every 10 seconds because I want to build an vtt file with screenshots every 10 seconds
[18:39] <durandal_1707> have you read documentation of select filter?
[18:43] <rsdrsdrsd> I am trying to do so
[18:45] <eurobit> thanks durandal_1707
[18:45] Action: eurobit thinks that is one huge man page ;)
[18:47] <durandal_1707> there are some example on trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki
[18:48] <rsdrsdrsd> so vf select="not(mod(n\,10*fps))" should do the magic ;-)
[18:54] <rsdrsdrsd> why does the wiki say something else?
[18:58] <durandal_1707> no, but it have same examples and images ....
[19:00] <rsdrsdrsd> is the fps variable available in the function or do I have to calculate it myself?
[19:07] <durandal_1707> you do not need fps
[19:07] <durandal_1707> use timestamp
[19:16] <eurobit> rsd*3 do you do ffmpeg for a living?
[19:21] <OnkelTem> Hi all. I try to follow this guide https://encrypted.pcode.nl/blog/2010/10/17/encoding-webm-using-ffmpeg/ to transcode a screencast video created with the same ffmpeg to WEBM
[19:22] <OnkelTem> but what I get is just a small file with no video
[19:23] <klaxa> i think vpre is outdated
[19:23] <klaxa> also pastebin your complete input with the complete console output
[19:24] <OnkelTem> http://pastebin.com/t4ce4rEM
[19:24] <klaxa> barely anyone does two-pass encodes anymore too
[19:24] <klaxa> that's not the output of ffmpeg
[19:24] <OnkelTem> oh, sorry
[19:26] <OnkelTem> klaxa: http://pastebin.com/SKiyKpVa
[19:27] <OnkelTem> (btw, what does it mean "this program is deprecated"? does it mean ffmpeg itself?)
[19:27] <klaxa> it means the binary shipped with debian and debian based distributions
[19:27] <klaxa> with the libav package
[19:27] <klaxa> or rather the avconv package
[19:27] <klaxa> that being said, the support channel for avconv is #libav
[19:28] <Oxymoron> I'm trying to convert an flv to h264 mp4 with strange results. Using avi synth and DirectShowSource I get audio that doesn't syncronize with the video. Has anyone come across this before?
[19:28] <OnkelTem> Thank you
[19:28] <klaxa> the version you are using is also very outdated
[19:31] <OnkelTem> klaxa: I've updated to 0.10.11 from this ppa https://launchpad.net/~jon-severinsson/+archive/ffmpeg?field.series_filter=precise
[19:32] <klaxa> the current version is 2.1
[19:32] <OnkelTem> oops
[19:32] <klaxa> you can get one of those
[19:32] <klaxa> wait no...
[19:32] <OnkelTem> here is the output: http://pastebin.com/DPpiSavV
[19:33] <klaxa> those don't support x11grab
[19:33] <OnkelTem> In this particular case I'd like to not rerecord the video.
[19:34] <OnkelTem> It's strange the versions are so different. Maybe they concern different packaging?
[19:34] <klaxa> well for starters try this: ffmpeg -i video.mpg -s 1280x760 -c:v libvpx video.webm
[19:35] <klaxa> or rater skip the -s part entirely too
[19:36] <OnkelTem> huh, would glad to!
[19:36] <klaxa> actually...
[19:36] Action: OnkelTem hates outdated blog posts
[19:36] <klaxa> the input has audio, right?
[19:36] <klaxa> do you want to preserve that?
[19:36] <klaxa> if so, just try to run: ffmpeg -i video.mpg video.webm
[19:37] <OnkelTem> right. My first command was to not include audio just for testing. With your suggested command audio seems to be preserved (vorbis)
[19:37] <klaxa> that should select the correct default values for codecs and quality
[19:37] <klaxa> if you are unsatisfied with the result we can tweak it to increase or decrease quality
[19:38] <OnkelTem> klaxa: it works. And you are right, I'd like to increase video q :)
[19:41] <klaxa> you can try to use the flag -quality which works with the libvpx encoder
[19:41] <klaxa> so: ffmpeg -i video.mpg -quality best video.webm
[19:42] <klaxa> if you run ffmpeg --help encoder=libvpx it will show all available options for libvpx
[19:43] <klaxa> i'll be afk for a while
[19:43] <OnkelTem> klaxa: I see, good!
[19:52] <llogan> OnkelTem: http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/vpxEncodingGuide
[20:19] <Nosomy> have the way to cut a piece of video using ffmpeg and copy a video?
[20:39] <rsdrsdrsd> eurobit why ar e you asking that?
[20:47] <rsdrsdrsd> still not a working solution to select an image every x seconds using the select filter
[20:48] <rsdrsdrsd> can somebody maybe explain how to do it using timestamps?
[20:48] <rsdrsdrsd> is it the BT optionin the select filter and how to implement it
[20:59] <Zeranoe> Does AAC have a max bitrate? like 320k for MP3?
[21:03] <Oxymoron> Speaking of, it takes forever to encode my flv to h264, what's a lower acceptable bitrate? Now I'm setting to vid 512k, audio 48k. Also, will this speed up the process?
[21:04] <sacarasc> Using a faster x264 preset will make it go faster, too.
[21:05] <OnkelTem> Does anybody know how to increase volume of the audio in a WEBM video?
[21:07] <llogan_> Nosomy: ffmpeg -ss 12 -i input -t 30 -codec copy -map 0 output
[21:07] <JodaZ> OnkelTem, oh come on, that should be easy to google, use the volume audio filter: -af volume=2.0
[21:08] <llogan> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#volume
[21:08] <Zeranoe> Does AAC have a max bitrate? like 320k for MP3?
[21:09] <JodaZ> i don't think going over 320k makes sense, you'd use lossless by then
[21:09] <Zeranoe> I agree, but http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1780
[21:09] <brontosaurusrex> Zeranoe, i don't think so
[21:11] <brontosaurusrex> well, every lossy encoder will get saturated at some point
[21:11] <OnkelTem> JodaZ: it says: Unrecognized option 'af'
[21:12] <JodaZ> OnkelTem, then your ffmpeg is too fuckin old oO
[21:12] <OnkelTem> JodaZ: one search result http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20change%20audio%20volume%20up-down%20with%20FFmpeg
[21:12] <OnkelTem> JodaZ: damnit. I wish to update
[21:12] <JodaZ> OnkelTem, it is easy, you can just download a static build
[21:12] <llogan> or you're not using ffmpeg but some shit from a fork
[21:13] <Zeranoe> OnkelTem: What OS are you on
[21:13] <JodaZ> the shit of a fork is sadly lacking in filters, but it has the -af option
[21:14] <OnkelTem> llogan: most likely. I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 and had updated ffmpeg from a PPA which claims it provides newer ffmpeg. Well, it really updated ffmpeg, from 0.8.x to 0.10.x
[21:14] <llogan> Zeranoe: just tell him "bitrate=file size/duration" and he can find out himself if he doesn't want to look at the code or the specifications.
[21:14] <JodaZ> OnkelTem, i am just using this http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[21:14] <JodaZ> OnkelTem, Zeranoe also has some
[21:14] <llogan> OnkelTem: the 0.10 branch is considered old
[21:15] <Zeranoe> For Windows
[21:15] <JodaZ> oh, didn't notice that
[21:17] <OnkelTem> JodaZ: what OS are you on? I'm getting static build you have linked
[21:17] <OnkelTem> Or rather, how to "install" it? Just copy binaries to /usr/local/bin?
[21:17] <llogan> download, extract, execute.
[21:17] <llogan> ./ffmpeg -i input output
[21:17] <OnkelTem> ok
[21:17] <JodaZ> OnkelTem, i am running debian wheezy, i don't even copied the binary anywhere and am just running it from where it is ./ffmpeg
[21:18] <JodaZ> OnkelTem, but i guess you can copy it somewhere to your path if you like
[21:18] <OnkelTem> thanks. Ok.
[21:18] <llogan> if you want you can move it somewhere in your PATH
[21:19] <OnkelTem> if it doesn't depend on hunderds of other files somewhere in the system - it's ok :)
[21:19] <Nosomy> llogan, have a way to do a cut specifying frames? like --seek and --frames of x264?
[21:19] <llogan> i'm not sure what uses the binary directly and what accesses the binary via your user's PATH as compared to using the full path to the binary.
[21:20] <llogan> Nosomy: you can output a number of frames with -vframes or -frames:v
[21:20] <llogan> there is also the select filter if you want a more advanced option
[21:20] <Nosomy> thanks...
[21:21] <JodaZ> does anyone know why i get a stop/pop in the sound if i concatenate two .ts files?
[21:22] <JodaZ> llogan, i think i might post to the forums, the commands are slightly complicated
[21:22] <llogan> that's what pastebin is for
[21:22] <llogan> and which forums?
[21:22] <JodaZ> the one mentioned in the topic
[21:23] <llogan> oh. usually that's just me and burek answering anyway.
[21:23] <llogan> you can use wahtever you prefer
[21:29] <JodaZ> llogan, http://pastebin.com/DvM37nBe
[21:30] <llogan> you're missing the console outputs
[21:30] <JodaZ> they aren't relevant, theres no warnings/errors
[21:30] <JodaZ> (also depend on how many of the debugging options i keep in)
[21:30] Action: llogan moves on to other ffmpeg questions with console outputs
[21:31] <JodaZ> llogan, sure, i'll paste em if you enjoy them
[21:35] <JodaZ> llogan, http://pastebin.com/2XVASyM2
[21:40] <JodaZ> llogan, any idea?
[22:59] <MDTech-us_MAN> hello
[22:59] <MDTech-us_MAN> I need to convert a wma file to mp3
[23:03] <rsdrsdrsd> I have a problem with the following issue: http://pastebin.com/m5LkVEh3
[23:03] <rsdrsdrsd> I want to check the video by copying the bitstreams
[23:03] <MDTech-us_MAN> when I execute "04 Track 4.wma" -acodec mp3 output.mp3" I get bit depth more then 16 not implemented
[23:03] <MDTech-us_MAN> what do I do?
[23:04] <rsdrsdrsd> but the command reduces the video to a very small size
[23:04] <rsdrsdrsd> it also returns the error av_interleaved_write_frame(): Invalid argument
[23:05] <MDTech-us_MAN> to be exact: Bit-depth higher than 16 is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[23:05] <MDTech-us_MAN> I executed "ffmpeg -i "04 Track 4.wma" -acodec mp3 output.mp3"
[23:15] <rsdrsdrsd> really weird problem
[23:16] <rsdrsdrsd> if I issue the copy command it cuts the video from 600mb to 2mb and strips a lot of data off
[23:17] <Dark-knight> does it still work?
[23:18] <rsdrsdrsd> yes
[23:18] <Dark-knight> then what is the problem?
[23:19] <rsdrsdrsd> but only plays 2 seconds or so
[23:19] <rsdrsdrsd> total video is 10 minutes or so
[23:19] <Dark-knight> ohhh ok
[23:19] <rsdrsdrsd> and now it plays just 2 seconds of it
[23:19] <Dark-knight> nvm
[23:19] <rsdrsdrsd> and size has become much smaller
[23:25] <rsdrsdrsd> anyone has a clue?
[23:50] <rsdrsdrsd> so doing copy stream over an output file which just was created by also copying the stream results in a corrupt mpeg
[00:00] --- Thu Feb 27 2014
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