[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20131231
burek021 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 1 02:05:01 CET 2014
[01:25] <cbo> Hi. Sorry if this question is already answered elsewhere, i've been unable to find it: I've seen some examples on how to put two videos side by side for comparison, but I want to achieve this effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eILpwwD2mEc . that is, left side of final video from input #1, right side from input #2. thanks for any help
[03:19] <alesan> hallo
[03:19] <alesan> I am a new user of windows (version 7, 64bits)
[03:20] <alesan> I have downloaded but it seems that for other programs to work I need the codecs
[03:20] <alesan> in particular, I need to play a file that I converted into H.264 with ffmpeg
[03:20] <alesan> which codec do you recommend installing?
[03:20] <alesan> I do not want to install huge codec packs full of crapware
[03:21] <relaxed> windows 7 comes with h264 playback support out of the box.
[03:21] <alesan> so there must be a misunderstanding because I can play it with VLC but vegas video shows me a green screen
[03:21] <relaxed> the ffmpeg you downloaded most likely came with libx264 support
[03:22] <alesan> I did not download any ffmpeg
[03:22] <alesan> (on this machine)
[03:22] <alesan> I am normally a Linux user and I used the ffmpeg there to encode
[03:23] <alesan> I used very simple settings, so I do not understand why sony vegas would show these movies all green\
[03:24] <relaxed> I guess you should seek support for sony vegas.
[03:24] <klaxa> hardware acceleration gone wrong maybe?
[03:25] <alesan> relaxed, before I install a random codec pack, just to try out, do you think there is a genuine one from ffmpeg?
[03:25] <alesan> klaxa, well VLC works well
[03:25] <klaxa> VLC doesn't do hardware decoded playback by default
[03:26] <relaxed> alesan: see if windows media player plays it.
[03:26] <relaxed> next, google sony vegas green video
[03:42] <alesan> relaxed, that is hard to do because green video is usually related to chroma key
[03:42] <alesan> and pulls out all sorts of videos and tutorials and forum questiions about that
[03:43] <alesan> no, window media player cannot play this movie at all
[03:43] <alesan> VLC correclty sees it as a 4h long H.264 movie, 640x360 at 15fps
[03:44] <alesan> maybe because it's a 4:2:2 movie???
[04:01] <relaxed> could be, encode with -pix_fmt yuv420p and see if that fixes it.
[04:05] <alesan> I'd rather use the way it is
[04:05] <alesan> why would I waste all that chroma information
[04:06] <alesan> oh you mean as a test?
[10:17] <alesan> hi
[10:18] <alesan> I have a YUV422 input source, I'd like to encode it with libx264 but resample down to 420
[10:18] <alesan> what command line should I use?
[10:19] <alesan> this is the command I am using right now: avconv -i "$i" -vf "vflip,hflip" -c:v libx264 -g 1000000 -preset "$PRESET" -crf "$QUALITY" -pix_fmt yuv422p $outputname
[10:25] <ubitux> avconv is not supported here, but if you want yuv420p, just replace yuv422p with yuv420p in your cmd line
[10:26] <ubitux> (-g 1000000 :FEAR:)
[10:29] <alesan> damn I just discovered Ubuntu puts a symlink from ffmpeg -> avconv
[10:29] <alesan> :O
[10:29] <alesan> ubitux, the video is a static recording, several hours long, where very very little changes. Wit that setting I save several tens of MB
[10:30] <ubitux> ubuntu uses a fork
[10:33] <viric> ffmpeg uses a spoon
[10:33] <ubitux> alesan: yes but you won't be able to seek properly
[10:33] <alesan> sorry :(
[10:34] <alesan> ubitux, it does not matter in this particular case. x264 has an "infinite" setting for this particular case
[10:36] <alesan> ok thanks! bye
[10:37] <cbo> Hi. Sorry if this question is already answered elsewhere, i've been unable to find it: I've seen some examples on how to put two videos side by side for comparison, but I want to achieve this effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eILpwwD2mEc . that is, left side of final video from input #1, right side from input #2. thanks for any help
[10:39] <ubitux> maybe something like -filter_complex '[1:0] yourfilter [x]; [0:0][x] overlay=iw/2'
[10:40] <ubitux> ah well you only have one video, so with a split filter
[10:40] <ubitux> so something like -vf 'split [a][b]; [a] yourfilter [x]; [b][x] overlay=iw/2
[10:41] <ubitux> ah wait not exactly
[10:41] <ubitux> you might need a crop as well
[10:45] <ubitux> ./ffplay -f lavfi testsrc -vf "split [a][b]; [a] hue=s='sin(2*PI*t)+1', crop=w=iw/2:x=iw/2 [x]; [b][x] overlay=w"
[10:45] <ubitux> replace "-f lavfi testsrc" with your input
[10:45] <ubitux> replace "hue=s='sin(2*PI*t)+1'" with your filter
[10:46] <ubitux> cbo ^
[10:47] <ubitux> if you have 2 different inputs, there is an example here: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#Examples-14
[10:58] <matthias_> i have a problem with recording. for example my yesterdays recording was 1,5 h long. At the beginning the sound and video are very synchron but at the end there is about 3 seconds delay between them
[10:59] <matthias_> here is my recording command: https://gist.github.com/Mattze96/8194768
[11:00] <matthias_> this is my whole recording script to record only ingame sound https://gist.github.com/Mattze96/8194779
[11:00] <matthias_> with this setting: http://klaxa.eu/record%20game%20audio.svg
[11:02] <matthias_> you can also see this issue in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8OlTpYiZwo but it is not so hearable
[11:22] <cbo> ubitux: thanks a lot, i'll try
[12:23] <matthias_> nobody a idea?
[13:18] <luc4> Hello! I'm trying to transcode a file which seems to have some errors. ffmpeg logs the errors but goes on and the result is pretty good, but at a certain point it stops with "incomplete frame" and it stops. Is there a way to somehow skip the frame or anyway to go?
[13:45] <bencc2> I'm trying to do screen-capture inside virtualbox guest and getting "Could not enumerate video devices"
[13:45] <bencc2> http://dpaste.com/1531028/
[13:45] <bencc2> any way to make it work?
[14:35] <EchoDev> bencc2 I'm gonna guess virtualbox doesn't handle GPU's very well
[14:51] <bencc2> EchoDev: probably but I'm able to capture the screen with VLC
[14:51] <EchoDev> Doesn't VLC just transcode the stream?
[14:51] <EchoDev> Thats whole other thing than screen capturing
[14:52] <bencc2> EchoDev: this captures my screen with vlc inside vbox
[14:52] <bencc2> .\vlc\vlc.exe screen:// -I rc --screen-fps 24 :sout=#transcode{vcodec=WMV2,vb=1800,scale=1}:std{access=file,mux=asf,dst=output.wmv}
[14:53] <klaxa> doesn't virtualbox have its own solution for screencapture of a guest?
[14:53] <bencc2> klaxa: recent virtualbox let you record a screen capture in webm format
[14:54] <bencc2> the video 0:00 starts when you start the VM but the first frame is when you start recording
[14:54] <bencc2> that's confuses browsers and other players
[14:54] <bencc2> if I could make the video starts at the first frame capturing with virtualbox (that uses ffmpeg) will be great
[14:55] <klaxa> maybe just remux it and that will solve it? :X
[14:55] <bencc2> klaxa: with -copy?
[14:56] <bencc2> tried it.
[14:56] <klaxa> yeah
[14:56] <klaxa> hmm
[14:56] <klaxa> too bad
[14:56] <bencc2> I can upload an example if that can help
[15:02] <bencc2> can I use setpts to reset the timestamps?
[15:03] <bencc2> maybe setpts=PTS-STARTPTS?
[15:10] <bencc2> this works: "./ffmpeg -i test.webm -filter:v "setpts=PTS-STARTPTS" test2.webm"
[15:10] <bencc2> thanks
[15:11] <ubitux> -itsoffset
[15:11] <ubitux> to avoid a lossy and slow reencode
[15:11] <ubitux> no?
[15:11] <bencc2> ubitux: this is for me?
[15:12] <ubitux> probably
[15:13] <bencc2> ubitux: how does -itsoffset prevents lossy reencode?
[15:13] <ubitux> it's at format level
[15:13] <bencc2> I thought that ffmpeg won't reencode in my case because I'm using the same codec for input and output
[15:13] <ubitux> so you can -c copy
[15:13] <ubitux> using filters will re-encode
[15:14] <bencc2> can you help with the command with -itsoffset and -c copy?
[15:14] <bencc2> not sure how it is supposed to look
[15:14] <bencc2> preventing lossy reencoding will be great
[15:18] <bencc2> ubitux: : I need this: "./ffmpeg -itoffset ??? -i test.webm -c copy test2.webm"
[15:18] <bencc2> how can I get the offset automatically?
[15:18] <ubitux> dunno
[15:21] <bencc2> is there a seperate command that can give me the offset?
[15:22] <ubitux> ffprobe maybe
[15:22] <ubitux> with -read_intervals to read the first frame
[15:23] <ubitux> why do you want to do that btw?
[15:23] <ubitux> aren't you going to break a/v sync?
[15:23] <bencc2> ubitux: currently I don't have audio
[15:24] <bencc2> if I'll have audio, I'll probably can do the same for audio as long as the offset is the same for both
[15:25] <bencc2> if I only change pts, do I still lossy reeoncde the video?
[15:26] <ubitux> if you use -c copy
[15:26] <ubitux> otherwise it will reencode, so lossy
[15:27] <bencc2> so this -filter:v "setpts=PTS-STARTPTS" will always reeocnde even if I use -c copy?
[15:28] <ubitux> it won't work
[15:28] <ubitux> using filters mean decoding & encoding
[15:28] <ubitux> no way around it
[15:29] <bencc2> ok :(
[15:29] <bencc2> trying to get the info with ffprobe manaully
[15:29] <bencc2> although I'm sure there is an automatic way to do it in one step
[15:43] <bencc2> "./ffprobe test.webm" gives me the duration and start: 0.0000. how can I get the offset?
[15:43] <bencc2> the timestamp of the first frame
[15:52] <fun4fun> Hi, we just encoded more than 700Go of videos but we forgot to add "faststart for web video" option. Do we have to re-encode all the videos from the original source to keep the best quality or is it possible to add it to encoded videos ?
[15:53] <bencc2> ubitux: when I use -itsoffset with -c copy manually it works
[15:55] <matthias_> i have a delay between audio and video which gets to the end of my video bigger. I recorded 1,5h. At the beginning everthing is fine but not at the end. How can i fix that
[15:56] <matthias_> my recording command https://gist.github.com/Mattze96/8194768
[15:57] <matthias_> you can also hear it here:
[15:57] <matthias_> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8OlTpYiZwo
[15:57] <Mavrik> fun4fun, no, just use the qt-faststart script
[15:57] <Mavrik> somewhere in ffmpeg source :)
[15:59] <ubitux> qt-faststart is not reliable
[15:59] <ubitux> use -movflags +faststart
[16:00] <fun4fun> ubitux : We have to re-encode all so ?
[16:00] <ubitux> no, remux problably
[16:00] <Mavrik> ubitux, he doesn't want to reencode :)
[16:00] <ubitux> then just remux
[16:00] <Mavrik> remuxing will work, but faststart tends to work way faster
[16:01] <fun4fun> What is remux... ?
[16:01] <ubitux> except it's not reliable Mavrik
[16:01] <Mavrik> mhm.
[16:01] <ubitux> do you know how it locates the chunk offset atoms?
[16:01] <ubitux> it's a memory search in the header
[16:02] <ubitux> a memory search of 4 bytes
[16:02] <fun4fun> ubitux : are you talking to me ? ;-)
[16:02] <ubitux> so yeah it's fast and has its benefits
[16:02] <ubitux> (like not altering the header)
[16:02] <ubitux> but it's also a bit dangerous
[16:02] <Mavrik> ubitux, yeah, I did a reimplementation and I know it's an ugly hack :)
[16:02] <ubitux> fun4fun: i'm just talking
[16:03] <fun4fun> So what is the easiest solution if I don't want to re-encode ? ;-)
[16:03] <Mavrik> at time I did that it was the only implementation and it relied on the fact that ffmpeg output won't be changed in a way to break files
[16:03] <Mavrik> that probably changed by now :)
[16:09] <fun4fun> so ? ;-)
[17:25] <jsilver> can anyone help me here? https://gist.github.com/jsilverMDX/17ca0d0d7363f22c990c on OS X Mavericks
[17:42] <MontyMoose> Hello people - I have a static build of FFmpeg but it doesn't include the filters. I would like to do "fade=in:5:8" that sort of thing. But currently I get: "fade=in:0:30: Invalid argument". Is there a static build out there that contains these filters?
[17:48] <saste> MontyMoose, what static build? most builds support filtering
[17:48] <MontyMoose> Version N-40507-g59d3c24
[17:48] <MontyMoose> Does that mean anything... that was in the readme of the static build
[17:51] <MontyMoose> This was the orginal file: ffmpeg-linux64-20130614.tar.bz2
[17:52] <saste> MontyMoose, why to use such an old build?
[17:53] <saste> anyway ffmpeg -filters to show the available filters
[17:53] <MontyMoose> didn't realise it was to be honest! Would it make sense to grab the latest static build?
[17:53] <saste> MontyMoose, why not?
[17:53] <saste> download page, or build from source which is not so hard
[17:54] <MontyMoose> good plan - I didn't realise things had changed that fast, I only thought I'd installed that one a month or two ago, but then life flies passed so quickly - could well have been a year ago.
[17:54] <MontyMoose> I'll try that... thanks
[17:54] <MontyMoose> is there any particular place yuo'd recommend getting the static from?
[17:55] <MontyMoose> ffmpeg.org seems logical...
[17:55] <saste> yes do the logical thing
[17:57] <MontyMoose> Is there any reason that the latest static builds don't include the manpages folder and other stuff that they used to have in them?
[21:22] <DeadSix27> anyone knows the right format for old dvd players?
[21:31] <LithosLaptop2> right format?
[21:31] <mchinen> for win builds zenaroe seems to be down - is there an alternate server with win binaries?
[21:37] <LithosLaptop2> DeadSix27: The oldest DVD players expect MPEG1 Part 2/MPEG2 Video + LPCM/DTS/MP2/AC3 audio in VOB(MPEG PS) container
[21:38] <LithosLaptop2> a few years later they started supporting MPEG4 video + MP3 audio in AVI containers when DIVX started getting popular
[21:39] <mchinen> aka is http://tripp.arrozcru.org/ legit?
[21:39] <LithosLaptop2> those are very old ffmpeg builds
[21:41] <LithosLaptop2> I seem to be able to access zeranoe's builds
[21:41] <LithosLaptop2> http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/win32/static/
[21:42] <mchinen> oh, thanks, maybe it's something with my network
[21:42] <LithosLaptop2> yeah somewhere there might be a routing issue along the way
[21:42] <LithosLaptop2> works fine for me
[21:53] <DeadSix27> LithosLaptop2: thanks, so mpeg2+ac3 in vob container is the way to go
[21:54] <DeadSix27> didnt know ac3 was working back then
[21:54] <DeadSix27> thought its mainly mp2
[21:54] <DeadSix27> mchinen: its not down
[21:55] <DeadSix27> mchinen: nvm he already said that
[21:55] <mchinen> must be just me and a few others
[21:55] <mchinen> http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ffmpeg.zeranoe.com
[21:55] <DeadSix27> ironically downforeveryoneorjustme = down for me
[21:55] <sacarasc> DeadSix27: If you use -target ntsc-dvd or whatever, it will do it all for you...
[21:55] <DeadSix27> everything?
[21:56] <DeadSix27> like, choses codecs, bitrates blablabla?
[21:56] <sacarasc> Pretty much.
[21:56] <DeadSix27> lets see
[21:56] <sacarasc> (Use pal-dvd if you're not in an NTSC country.)
[21:56] <mchinen> i'm in hawaii, wonder if that has something to do with it
[21:57] <DeadSix27> (also, does that matter?)
[21:57] <mchinen> bit carrying dolphins on vacation for new years
[21:57] <DeadSix27> (my dvd never struggled playing region stuff)
[21:57] <DeadSix27> @ sacarasc*
[22:08] <hassen> hello
[22:09] <hassen> is it possible to stream media content via rtmp using ffmpeg?
[22:09] <hassen> the linux's CLI's based one
[22:09] <mchinen> yes
[22:09] <hassen> so should I just read the whome man page of ffmpeg?
[22:10] <hassen> *whole*
[22:10] <mchinen> http://michaelchinen.com/2011/06/27/justin-tv-streaming-in-linux/
[22:10] <mchinen> a bit old
[22:10] <hassen> mchinen: thanks,is it possible with Ustream?
[22:10] <mchinen> dunno, probably, just used justin.tv and twitch
[22:11] <hassen> mchinen: understood,thanks.
[22:11] <mchinen> it's a bit hanky but you should be able to get it to work
[22:25] <llogan> i should finish my "streaming to justin.tv, etc" wiki article...
[22:34] <mchinen> zeranoe back up for me
[23:55] <DeadSix27> can ffmpeg increase the volume of audio input?
[00:00] --- Wed Jan 1 2014
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