[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140101

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 2 02:05:01 CET 2014

[00:07] <relaxed> there is a volume filter
[00:07] <DeadSix27> [AVFilterGraph @ 00000000027203c0] No such filter: 'volume=1.5'
[00:09] <relaxed> if `ffmpeg -filters 2>&1|grep volum` doesn't list it your ffmpeg is too old
[00:10] <DeadSix27> no linux m8
[00:10] <DeadSix27> T.. volume           A->A       Change input volume.
[00:11] <ubitux> bad escaping
[00:11] <DeadSix27> oh was due to me using '
[00:11] <DeadSix27> yep.
[00:11] <DeadSix27> Cannot connect audio filter to non audio input
[00:11] <DeadSix27> Error opening filters!
[00:11] <DeadSix27> mp3 isnt audio?
[00:11] <ubitux> -af?
[00:11] <DeadSix27> right, tried both and didnt change vf back to af.
[00:11] <DeadSix27> well thanks, works.
[05:17] <MAF> I use ffmpeg for transcode RTMP to HLS, if my input audio wasn't aac, i can't do this, some devices doesn't support this format. any solution?
[09:03] <Dongyancai> hello, I met a question in fullrange and tvrange, the command line and image source is at http://goo.gl/bn7xmZ (require rename), the padded area is light gray, how can I make the padding white or convert the image into a tv-range one ?
[12:18] <DelphiWorld> hey people
[12:18] <DelphiWorld> happy new year to all
[13:01] <DelphiWorld> happy 2014 iive
[13:02] <iamtakin1iteasy> hello, is there anyone having experience of streaming to twitch.tv over rtmp? is it possible to lower delay of 60 seconds there?
[13:03] <iamtakin1iteasy> if not, could anyone suggest any other comaptible with ffmpeg straming services?
[13:04] <iive> Happy New Year
[13:06] <iamtakin1iteasy> also, is it possible to make an own straming service somehow? something taking a stream for a single slow source and re-streaming it multitude of clients?
[13:07] <iamtakin1iteasy> does ffmpeg/other FOSS tools providing any tools for that?
[13:07] <iamtakin1iteasy> err, s/tools/means/2
[13:09] <spaam> iive: happy new year mr ivan :)
[13:12] <DelphiWorld> happy new year   saste
[13:13] <DelphiWorld> guys
[13:13] <DelphiWorld> i have a apple tv
[13:14] <DelphiWorld> i want to view my ogv video's
[13:14] <DelphiWorld> is there anyway to view them without any converting (AKA) On the Fly transcoding?
[14:22] <BeWilled> Hello and happy new year. My mind is about to blow off, I'm trying to pseudo-stream an FLV file with no luck, I gave up and my new strat consists in encoding that
[14:23] <BeWilled> into mp4, however, does the .flv extension file has to be re-encoded into flv? or its only about chaning the "format" to mp4
[14:23] <BeWilled> into mp4*
[14:23] <BeWilled> here is the ffprobe output http://pastebin.com/1QBFP6Lx
[14:26] <BeWilled> I ask because transcoding iirc consumes cpu and my result in video quality loss
[14:28] <ubitux> -c copy
[14:29] <ubitux> 1.0 is very old btw
[14:36] <BeWilled> ubitux: thank. guess I'll have to compile it. Wouldn't you know if there is a .deb around with the latest version?
[14:36] <ubitux> maybe on deb-multimedia
[14:36] <ubitux> but it should work in 1.0
[14:37] <ubitux> maybe 1.0 hasn't -c copy, in which case just -vcodec copy -acodec copy ...
[17:48] <nfk> what's the lowest CPU I should be looking for if I want 4k H.265 decoding in software?
[17:49] <nfk> 12 bpc obviously
[17:50] <JEEB> ... that is sure one of the most derpy ways you could possibly say 8bit, unless you actually meant 12bit
[17:50] <JEEB> (which is not supported yet, and is not in any of the current HEVC profiles)
[17:50] <nfk> yes, i did mean 36 bit colours
[17:51] <JEEB> come back after stuff's implemented then :P
[17:51] <JEEB> if they ever will be
[17:51] <nfk> i just want to be future-proof
[17:51] <nfk> since if i'm going to assemble a new box, then it has to last at least half a decade at least
[17:52] Action: nfk yawns
[17:52] <nfk> not sure if i have had too much coffee or too little
[17:52] <nfk> btw, happy new year, JEEB
[17:52] <JEEB> the most useful thing for you then would have been "current performance", although at this point it most definitely would not be too useful since the implementations at this point aren't exactly speed-wise optimized (only asm in HEVC is for the CABAC, which is shared with H.264)
[17:53] <JEEB> but since you want 12bit figures you can't really have "current performance, now can you?"
[17:53] <JEEB> *"current performance"
[17:53] <nfk> any guidelines then?
[17:56] <clever> i would say just use hw decoding, but no hw decoder supports 12bit files
[17:56] <nfk> not gonna happen
[17:57] <nfk> by the time PC hardware decoding gets there, H.265 will be obsolete
[17:57] <JEEB> nah, it will just never get there for end-users :P
[17:57] <nfk> and i'm sure you people are already preparing to roll out H.265 this year, aren't you?
[17:57] <JEEB> why are you trying so hard to get tsukkomi'd by me :P
[17:59] <nfk> but i'm not
[18:03] <nfk> fun, my usual PC part shop currently has EUR prices  that look just like the LVL prices yesterday
[18:03] <nfk> i  wonder if they cocked up something or those are the actual prices
[18:05] <nfk> i7 4770K is currently 80 EUR cheaper than on amazon.de
[20:29] <stockholm> hi
[20:30] <stockholm> my dvd player is old and a little retarded. it can play files from my usb stick, though
[20:30] <stockholm> it plays avi files, for example.
[20:30] <stockholm> now i have a file here:  .mkv: EBML file, creator matroska
[20:30] <stockholm> i think i can get better info on that, moment
[20:32] <stockholm> http://paste.debian.net/73669/
[20:32] <sacarasc> ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 192k -ac 2 -c:v mpeg4 -vtag XVID -b:v 800k output.avi
[20:32] <stockholm> can i simply "copy" that into an avi file?
[20:32] <sacarasc> You're probably looking for something like that.
[20:32] <stockholm> ah, right, i do
[20:33] <stockholm> thanks, i try that
[21:47] <BoRiS> Seems theres a problem with the latest ffmpeg from git
[21:53] <BoRiS> When building xine-lib from git, it errors out with
[21:53] <BoRiS> ..libs/xineplug_decode_ff.so: version node not found for symbol av_fast_malloc at LIBAVCODEC_55
[21:54] <BoRiS> (Even though searching through the xine-lib source code, theres *no* reference to av_fast_malloc)
[23:49] <hassen_> join #english
[00:00] --- Thu Jan  2 2014

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