[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140107
burek021 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 02:05:01 CET 2014
[02:00] <konflict> Hi, is possible to provide -timecode flag with realtime values? I found couple examples stating timecode='$(%H\\:%M\\:%S).00' should work but even after dozens of test I have only "unable to parse timecode" and "Unrecognized option". Any feedback appreciated...
[02:02] <llogan> and where are these examples?
[02:08] <konflict> fflogger, llogan, apologies
[02:08] <konflict> http://pastebin.com/m2NVBg7N
[02:10] <konflict> llogan, I think I have your point right away. This is only drawtext related syntax inst it?
[02:11] <llogan> konflict: you can try -timecode $(date +%T).00
[02:13] <konflict> llogan: uff, I dont know what to say. Been chasing this command for couple days now. Thank you so much!!!
[02:14] <llogan> glad it worked
[02:18] <llogan> konflict: made sure to read the docs on -timecode
[02:21] <llogan> meaning i guess you want non-drop timecode -timecode $(date +%T):00
[02:24] <konflict> llogan: exactly, I knew it would require this small adjustment so when I commented this change was already done. Again you have my deep thanks for pointing me right direction.
[02:27] <konflict> you see, what Im really trying to figure out is exact frame precise clip capture of multiple SDI streams. This obviously isnt it since each clip capture start with slight offset but it definitely moved me miles forward
[02:30] <llogan> i have no experience with that. there is also the ffmpeg-user mailing list if you get stuck and nobody here is active
[02:40] <konflict> yeah, I think I will give it a shot. Thank you again!
[07:44] <average> does anyone know how I can find loops in an audio file ? for example if I find something like 111112343211111 the piece 23432 could would harmonyously be looped because it's ends match, but for an audio file it would be more complicated because instead of numbers you actually have a wave, which is still numbers, but it's hard to find a piece that is actually good to make a loop out of. Does anyone know how to do this with some utility or something ? I'm t
[07:54] <zozoh> ^_^
[09:36] <b1oodline> does ffmpeg support mpeg1/mpeg2
[09:37] <DeadSix27> yes.
[09:39] <DeadSix27> see: ffmpeg -codecs: DEV.L. mpeg1video MPEG-1 video , DEV.L. mpeg2video MPEG-2 video (decoders: mpeg2video mpegvideo )
[09:50] <vedu> hello. What is the package name of ffmpeg for kubuntu? or how can I find that out?
[09:53] <relaxed> vedu: they use the ffmpeg fork from libav. It
[09:53] <relaxed> 's called libav-tools (I think)
[09:54] <vedu> thanks :)
[09:55] <relaxed> the fork's ffmpeg is called avconv
[14:49] <MrPingouin__> hello world
[14:50] <MrPingouin__> I'm having issue with drawtext filter, attempting to access metadata of an image sequence as input
[14:50] <MrPingouin__> like :
[14:51] <MrPingouin__> ffmpeg -i path_to_%04d.tif -vf "drawtext=text=%{metadata\\:File\\\\:FileModifyDate}" -vcodec mjpeg outputFile.avi
[14:51] <MrPingouin__> as a result, the stamped text is "FileModifyDate}" :)
[15:04] <MrPingouin__> weird
[15:04] <MrPingouin__> anyway ffmpeg -i foo -f ffmetadata and exiftool are returning different values
[16:27] <aphirst> Hi, I'm trying to extract a subtitle track from a video file in order to submit a bug report to either mpv or libass, but I'm struggling to work out what I'm supposed to do in my specific case
[16:27] <aphirst> from ffmpeg -i file (output at http://pastebin.com/Gx8tqaWh ) the subs are in "mp4s" format
[16:29] <ubitux> > dvd_subtitle
[16:29] <aphirst> it's stream #0:4(eng) I'm after in particular
[16:29] <ubitux> dvd subtitles are bitmaps
[16:29] <ubitux> we don't have yet a vobsub muxer (only demuxer)
[16:30] <ubitux> so no way to really extract them in a standalone file
[16:30] <ubitux> so it's definitely not related to libass
[16:30] <ubitux> ask #mpv-player
[16:30] <aphirst> right, fair enough I suppose
[16:31] <aphirst> I was hoping I could extract just the subs because the whole video is pretty big, but I'll pop over there
[16:32] <aphirst> thanks anyway ubitux :)
[17:32] <hassen> duh...recoring the desktop results in 80%+ with ffmpeg,does any one know a lower cpu usage-encoder?
[17:32] <hassen> i have a core 2 duo though
[17:36] <saste> hassen, use rawvideo, and encode later
[17:37] <hassen> saste: i see,thanks
[17:38] <hassen> i have a delay between the video qnd the audio in the output file after recording the desktop
[17:38] <hassen> i used this command: ffmpeg -f alsa -i default -f x11grab -s 1280x800 -r 30 -i :0.0 -sameq filename.avi
[17:39] <hassen> is there a parameter that i may write to reduce or avoid that delay?
[17:42] <saste> hassen, -sameq doesn't do what you think
[17:42] <saste> you need to check the pts, some input devices don't start with PTS=0
[17:42] <saste> also there are the vsync/async options
[17:43] <hassen> saste: may i aske what is PTS?
[17:43] <hassen> *askk
[17:44] <hassen> saste: i'm recording with ffmpeg for the fist time,so i just copied/pasted that command from a linux forum
[17:46] <hassen> ah..now the cpu usage is lower with a 1024x768 screen resolution
[17:48] <saste> http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20grab%20the%20desktop%20%28screen%29%20with%20FFmpeg
[17:48] <saste> hassen, ^
[17:48] <aphirst> How do I force ffmpeg to copy _all_ the streams? the man says that An empty stream specifier matches all streams. For example, "-codec copy" or "-codec: copy" would copy all the streams without reencoding." but also that "By default, ffmpeg includes only one stream of each type (video, audio, subtitle) present in the input files"
[17:48] <saste> PTS = presentation TimeStamp
[17:48] <saste> check showinfo, setpts filters
[17:55] <hassen> saste: i see,thanks
[18:05] <aphirst> ok i still cant seem to get ffmpeg to preserve all the tracks in a copy
[18:06] <aphirst> my most recent attempt was `ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -map 0 -c copy -movflags faststart output.mp4`
[18:06] <aphirst> and the output file still only had one out of the several vobsub sub tracks
[18:07] <aphirst> i just can't work out how to force a copy of _all_ streams
[20:20] <relaxed> aphirst: that should do it. does mp4 support vobsubs? I've never seen that.
[20:21] <aphirst> relaxed: it's a weird file
[20:21] <relaxed> I have no idea what that means
[20:21] <aphirst> nah what happens is the resulting file only contains one video track, one audio track, and one sub track
[20:21] <JEEB> relaxed, mp4 does not support them but nero made their own mapping
[20:22] <JEEB> just like they made one of the two commonly used ways to put chapters into mp4
[20:22] <aphirst> actually hold the phone
[20:22] <aphirst> i have more info
[20:22] <aphirst> if i open the output.mp4 in VLC rather than mpv, VLC reports several sub tracks
[20:22] <aphirst> BUT
[20:23] <aphirst> gives an error if you try to select one other than ffmpeg's "best"
[20:23] <aphirst> the error is "VLC does not support the audio or video format " <funny question mark>" "
[20:23] <relaxed> Something must be able to demux the tracks.
[20:24] <relaxed> Well, this isn't #videolan
[20:24] <aphirst> obviously mpv and vlc can view those tracks in the input.mp4 i have
[20:24] <aphirst> but i kind of need to get the mp4 metadata to the start of the file, so i kinda need copy to actually work
[20:25] <relaxed> Maybe MP4Box would work?
[20:25] <relaxed> JEEB, you're the mp4 guy.
[20:26] <aphirst> this is such bullshit because if i just use mkvmerge to generate an mkv from my input.mp4, the resulting mkv doesn't exhibit the vobsub-rendering bug i want to report >_M
[20:26] <aphirst> * >_<
[20:26] <JEEB> to get the index into the beginning you can just use the qt-faststart app or python script
[20:26] <JEEB> (latter is 3rd party by someone I no longer remember)
[20:26] <aphirst> well the faststart thing isnt in the AUR i dont think
[20:27] <aphirst> jeeb were you here to see me post the output for ffmpeg -i on my input file?
[20:27] <relaxed> aphirst: my static build includes it http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[20:28] <relaxed> You should upload a sample and file a bug report if there isn't already one for this.
[20:28] <llogan> aphirst: you can use "-movflags faststart" instead of qt-faststart
[20:28] <llogan> *-movflags +faststart"
[20:29] <relaxed> llogan: ffmpeg has problems demuxing it.
[20:29] <aphirst> llogan: the command i used initially was `ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy -movflags faststart output.mp4` but my problem is that that mangles all sub tracks other than the one ffmpeg "prefers"
[20:29] <llogan> ah. lazy reader.
[20:30] <aphirst> and the mp4 is 2GB, so i can't easily provide a sample
[20:30] <llogan> ffmpeg package contains qt-faststart
[20:30] <aphirst> the whole reason i'm doing this is so i can dd a chunk of this file to provide as a sample for a different issue...
[20:32] <aphirst> this is incredibly frustrating
[20:33] <relaxed> Sounds like a lot of trouble for a fringe format.
[20:33] <aphirst> i know but i'd quite like to be able to help mpv work out why these subtitles dont work when they're in an mp4 but do when they're in an mkv you generate from that mp4
[20:34] <relaxed> probably because ffmpeg has problems with it and mpv uses ffmpeg's libs to demux it :P
[20:35] <aphirst> but it works fine in vlc D:
[20:35] <relaxed> and you're saying vlc uses the same demuxer as mpv?
[20:36] <aphirst> well not exactly because i don't know for sure, but since they both use ffmpeg, my _guess_ would have been that if one of them uses ffmpeg for some function, the other would too
[20:37] <relaxed> vlc doesn't rely on ffmpeg's libs as much as mpv.
[20:37] <aphirst> i see
[20:37] <relaxed> I'm not a vlc user, but this is what I've come to understand.
[20:37] <aphirst> ok, well, what mpv does with the untampered original mp4 is: it can see all the sub tracks, but it renders the vobsubs in a distorted way
[20:38] <aphirst> i couldnt work out how to get ffmpeg to extract just the vobsub track of interest, so i tried to dd a short sample of the file to show the mpv devs
[20:38] <relaxed> stick the mp4 on dropbox and troll wm4 to look at it.
[20:38] <aphirst> when we realised the mp4 metadata was at the end of the file, i tried to remux the whole file with ffmpeg, but ffmpeg seems to destroy all but one subtrack on copy
[20:39] <aphirst> and its 2GB which will take a life age of the earth for me to upload, also my dropbox is kinda full already
[20:39] <aphirst> i linked him to the nyaa torrent but unsurprisingly he didnt seem too keen to invest in DLing it
[20:41] <relaxed> So this is some rare anime that someone showhorned into the worst format evar?
[20:41] <relaxed> haha
[20:41] <aphirst> gundam unicorn ep 5
[20:41] <aphirst> it wasnt even for me, its a friend that was complaining to me about it
[20:41] <aphirst> it took me a fucking day to convince the guy to tell me exactly which release it was
[20:41] <relaxed> complain to him/her about grabbing it in matroska.
[20:42] Action: relaxed trolls
[20:42] <aphirst> he's one of these tools who seems to think FOSS projects can somehow magically fix bugs just from a vague description of the user-facing problem
[20:42] <relaxed> ah, a fellow zealot
[20:43] <aphirst> ok, so am I using map correctly?: `ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -map 0 -c copy -movflags faststart output.mp4`
[20:43] <aphirst> intention: straight-up copy of all the tracks
[20:43] <relaxed> correct
[20:44] <aphirst> interestingly, without -map 0, VLC _displays_ that one ffmpeg-preferred subtrack, but doesnt display ANY tracks in the subtitle menu
[20:44] <aphirst> while mpv does display just that one
[20:45] <aphirst> i'd say "I wish I had a smaller sample file so I could more easily report an ffmpeg but" but ofc the whole issue in the first place is that the file is too big
[20:45] <aphirst> i need a stiff drink
[20:45] <relaxed> Did you try MP4Box?
[20:45] <aphirst> looking into that now
[20:45] Action: relaxed recommends bourbon
[20:46] <aphirst> I'm not sure what intoxicants I have
[20:46] <relaxed> being from the bluegrass state
[20:47] <aphirst> ah, is mp4box part of gpac >
[20:47] <aphirst> * ?
[20:47] <relaxed> yes
[20:47] <hassen> given that i record my desktop with audio using this command:
[20:47] <hassen> ffmpeg -video_size 1024x768 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0+100,200 -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse output.flv
[20:47] <hassen> how to increase the qualit/bitrate of video?
[20:48] <hassen> *qualitybitrate
[20:48] <hassen> *quality/bitrate
[20:48] <hassen> fflogger: and what did i paste???
[20:48] <hassen> fflogger: a whole console output?or a single mere command?
[20:49] <relaxed> hassen: it's a bot to send users messages.
[20:49] <relaxed> and, yes, I want to see all the console output.
[20:50] <hassen> relaxed: i see,sec
[20:51] <hassen> relaxed: http://pastebin.com/gWjgYtui
[20:53] <llogan> hassen: you're not using ffmpeg from FFmpeg. we do not support third party products here
[20:53] <aphirst> oh my god I'm so stupid
[20:53] <aphirst> I do have qt-faststart
[20:53] <aphirst> i just used find wrong
[20:53] <relaxed> hassen: add -vcodec libx264 -crf 16
[20:53] <llogan> i mentioned that it was in the ffmpeg package (in extra)
[20:54] <llogan> hassen: so either compile ffmpeg via http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide or go to #libav
[20:54] <hassen> llogan: i used the ffmpeg mentioned in debian packages
[20:54] <llogan> read the link
[20:55] <relaxed> hassen: you can try my build http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[20:55] <hassen> relaxed: would that overload my core 2 duo T6400
[20:55] <hassen> *?
[20:55] <relaxed> it would certainly use it
[20:55] <hassen> relaxed: may i ask what is the difference between the ffmpeg i've got from the debian repositories and the one built by you?
[20:55] <llogan> read the link i provided
[20:56] <llogan> relaxed: yours contains x11 support?
[20:56] <relaxed> oh! er, nevermind.
[20:56] <relaxed> hassen: my build won't work for what you're doing.
[20:57] <llogan> i wish it did
[20:57] <llogan> not sure how that would be doable though...
[20:57] <hassen> relaxed: why?lack of x11 support?x11 grabbing is absent?
[20:58] <relaxed> one of the libav devs seems to think it's possible but I have no idea what it entails.
[20:58] <relaxed> hassen: Yes. I've been unable to create static builds with x11grab support.
[21:00] <relaxed> hassen: my advice is to first see if that version you have installed works for what you want, if not, follow the ffmpeg compile guide and try that.
[21:00] <relaxed> if you want support for what you have installed, ask in #libav
[21:14] <aphirst> ok, so given that qt-faststart worked but similarly-intentioned ffmpeg commands didn't, is this a "bug" ?
[21:17] <relaxed> Perhaps, maybe vlc is using an older ffmpeg lib that isn't affected.
[21:17] <aphirst> really not sure how i can give a sample though
[21:17] <aphirst> i could burn the file to some DVDs and mail it to any devs who ask
[21:18] <relaxed> you'd have to host it via dropbox or similar
[21:18] <aphirst> but it's 2GB :P
[21:18] <aphirst> my dropbox isnt even that big when empty :P
[21:18] <aphirst> i can keep seeding the torrent
[21:19] <relaxed> I think that would be frowned upon
[21:19] <aphirst> i'd expect so
[21:19] <aphirst> and so i'm not sure what to do
[21:21] <relaxed> see if an older version of ffmpeg has the same issue.
[21:22] <aphirst> >maybe vlc is using an older ffmpeg lib that isn't affected
[21:22] <aphirst> i only have one ffmpeg package on my system, which is presumably the one vlc is using on my end unless this specific functionality is not being drawn from ffmpeg
[21:22] <relaxed> could be static
[21:23] <aphirst> hmm, i dont think arch package things that way
[21:24] <aphirst> not 100% sure tho
[21:24] <relaxed> ldd $(which vlc)
[21:24] <aphirst> linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007fffdb3fe000)
[21:24] <aphirst> libvlc.so.5 => /usr/lib/libvlc.so.5 (0x00007fb1709c4000)
[21:24] <aphirst> libpthread.so.0 => /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007fb1707a7000)
[21:24] <aphirst> libdl.so.2 => /usr/lib/libdl.so.2 (0x00007fb1705a3000)
[21:24] <aphirst> libc.so.6 => /usr/lib/libc.so.6 (0x00007fb1701f9000)
[21:24] <aphirst> libvlccore.so.7 => /usr/lib/libvlccore.so.7 (0x00007fb16fee5000)
[21:24] <aphirst> librt.so.1 => /usr/lib/librt.so.1 (0x00007fb16fcdd000)
[21:24] <aphirst> libdbus-1.so.3 => /usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3 (0x00007fb16fa95000)
[21:24] <aphirst> libm.so.6 => /usr/lib/libm.so.6 (0x00007fb16f792000)
[21:25] <aphirst> /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007fb170be2000)
[21:26] Action: relaxed slaps aphirst with a large pastebin.com
[21:26] <aphirst> :P sorry, it was only a couple lines, but consider me slapped
[21:26] <aphirst> i have a pro account there too (free, cant remember how)
[21:54] <bourbon> has anybody here used vitamio for android/ios before?
[21:55] <bourbon> it's an ffmpeg-wrappper lib
[21:55] <bourbon> alternately: does anybody know a sane ffmpeg/jni interface that's going to allow me to use trunk ffmpeg?
[23:23] <Bombo> hmmm i got a vob with a sub starting late. when i try '-c:s copy -map 0:5' ffmpeg complains about not finding it, so i started encoding without subs, but then i noticed after some seconds ffmpeg reports 'sub stream found...' how do i take this?
[00:00] --- Wed Jan 8 2014
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