[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140118

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 19 02:05:01 CET 2014

[00:00] <JEEB> setpts
[00:00] <JEEB> (the video filter)
[00:01] <JEEB> that will of course only deal with the video
[00:01] <llogan> atempo for audio
[00:04] <caral> llogan: This could be. Do you know how i could apply protokoll options to an tee cli?
[00:08] <llogan> caral: no, sorry. i might be able to look at it later or you can try ffmpeg-user mailing list
[00:10] <Fusl> setpts works on video frames, asetpts on audio frames.
[00:47] <caral> thx anyway llogan :-)
[01:02] <[mbm]> is it possible to create an mp4 container of an infinite length? (live video stream)
[01:03] <klaxa> mp4 is not designed for streaming
[01:03] <klaxa> so, no.
[01:06] <[mbm]> trying to figure out what would prevent an mp4 with multiple mdat atoms
[01:08] <[mbm]> ah, "fragmented mp4"
[01:13] <fundies> you tring to rip one?
[01:14] <fundies> https://github.com/K-S-V/Scripts/blob/master/AdobeHDS.php thatll put a fragmented mp4 back together I think
[01:16] <[mbm]> fundies: no, trying to live stream using an mp4 container
[01:16] <fundies> ah
[01:16] <[mbm]> so, endless mp4 file
[01:55] <JEEB> [mbm], there's a -movflags option for the mov/mp4 muxer that enables movie fragments
[01:55] <JEEB> which is the feature you want
[02:00] <[mbm]> JEEB: thanks, will poke around
[02:38] <jnvsor> How do I output transparent pngs? I have a timecode on a black background but I want a transparent background
[02:42] <jnvsor> http://pastebin.com/imPW5Sqj
[03:05] <jnvsor> Ended up using alphamerge filter if anyone's wondering
[03:27] <jkli> hi
[03:27] <jkli> i just encoded a video, is there a way to check what encoding settings were passed to ffmpeg?
[03:34] <vmiimu> jnvsor: I tried compiling but ran into trouble so I went with deb-multimedia.org's package instead.
[03:35] <vmiimu> jnsvor: Currently I have ffmpeg version 1.0.8.  Also full pastebin for "ffmpeg" is here: http://pastebin.com/CE1Bp1FL
[03:37] <vmiimu> jnsvor: When I ran the filter you created for me earlier I get: "Error opening filters!" full output here: http://pastebin.com/pWUY4gTy
[03:38] <vmiimu> jnsvor: Please advise on how I should proceed. Thanks.
[03:44] <jnvsor> vmiimu: v1.0.8 is ancient, we're on 2.1.2 now. You really need to compile it
[03:44] <vmiimu> jnvsor: Would the precompiled static binaries work instead?
[03:55] <vmiimu> jnvsor: You're a genius buddy! =) Your filter worked perfectly once I got the static binary, which was much easier than trying to compile on debian since all the dependencies were ancient.
[03:56] <vmiimu> jnvsor: that little snippet deserves to be in a wiki somewhere as I'm sure it's a common use case
[05:28] <llogan> jkli: if you encoded to H.264 video with libx264 one method: strings input.mp4 | grep x264
[05:29] <jkli> thx
[08:56] <__raven_> PING
[10:08] <__raven> what is the right description for the dirty window effect on especialy h264? is it gamut errors from palette conversions or col reduction eg from 10 to 8 bit?
[16:10] <Floris497> is it posible to stream to localhost and then open the localhost with ffmpeg?
[17:45] <Sashmo> is there a way to get ffmpeg to output to syslog instead of stderr
[17:46] <ubitux> you can define you own logging callback
[17:46] <Sashmo> ubitux: how?
[17:47] <ubitux> with av_log_set_callback()
[17:52] <Sashmo> ubitux: thanks I'll look into that
[18:55] <sky2> i want to convert an flv file into a 3gp using ffmpeg..how to do it? Can any one help me pls..
[18:57] <sky2> any help..PLS
[18:58] <sky2> need ffmpeg converion command..
[18:58] <sky2> conversion*
[18:58] <sky2> i want to convert an flv file into a 3gp using ffmpeg..how to do it? Can any one help me pls
[19:00] <LithosLaptop> ffmpeg -i the_source_file.flv
[19:03] <re-G> with -ss -parameter we can use syntax hh:mm:ss[.xxx], what is the unit of .xxx? parts of second or frames or?
[19:05] <sky2> LithosLaptop: yes , but i tried it
[19:05] <sky2> with zero luck
[19:05] <sky2> could not figure out the reason
[19:05] <vedu> hello. I have installed packages: libofa, libav-tools; on kubuntu but apparantly programs cannot find ffmpeg
[19:06] <sky2> My file name is Gomukh.flv & its on my desktop
[19:06] <LithosLaptop> sky2: the reason why I just listed the -i partameter is because I want to see the output
[19:06] <LithosLaptop> you can paste it in pastebin
[19:06] <sky2> ok
[19:08] <sky2> LithosLaptop: ffmpeg -i Gomukh.flv << is that how the command should be following guideline you gave?
[19:08] <LithosLaptop> yes
[19:09] <sky2> ok
[19:09] <sky2> gimme few minutes
[19:13] <vedu> hello. to install ffmpeg in kubuntu, i have installed libav-tools, libofa. am I missing anything
[19:18] <acovrig> I am having a hard time getting my phone to play a video, http://pastebin.com/5FWs3F0G is the ffmpeg output, the first one plays fine, the second won't play video-wise on my phone.
[19:23] <acovrig> nevermind, it must have been the order with which I had the flags on the command line, I rearranged them and it seems to work now.
[19:58] <sky2> LithosLaptop: u there
[19:58] <LithosLaptop> think so
[19:58] <sky2> soryy for being late to respond to you
[19:58] <sky2> sorry*
[19:58] <LithosLaptop> no prob
[19:58] <sky2> http://pastebin.com/3Bf5k0a8
[19:58] <sky2> thats the output
[19:59] <LithosLaptop> the path to Gomukh.flv is incorrect
[19:59] <sky2> but the file is right on my desktop
[20:01] <LithosLaptop> ffmpeg.exe -i "c:\Users\YourUser\Desktop\Gomukh.flv
[20:01] <LithosLaptop> ffmpeg.exe -i "c:\Users\YourUser\Desktop\Gomukh.flv"
[20:01] <sky2> ok
[20:02] <LithosLaptop> give output again once it gets the right file
[20:02] <sky2> ffmpeg .exe -i "c:\Users\sky\Desktop\Gomukh.flv << right ?
[20:03] <sky2> sky is the user
[20:03] <LithosLaptop> try it and see if it doesn't say "No such file or directory"
[20:06] <sky2> http://pastebin.com/EGNTMvnT
[20:06] <LithosLaptop> hmm
[20:06] <LithosLaptop> don't see anything
[20:06] <LithosLaptop> are you on Windows?
[20:07] <sky2> NO
[20:07] <LithosLaptop> oops
[20:07] <sky2> IM ON LINUX MINT XFCE
[20:07] <LithosLaptop> yeah that folder location won't work on Linux
[20:07] <sky2> yeah
[20:07] <sky2> i was wondering
[20:07] <sky2> with that c:\<<
[20:08] <LithosLaptop> not sure what the path is to the Desktop with Linux
[20:08] <LithosLaptop> somebody else might know here
[20:08] <sky2> telling u..
[20:08] <LithosLaptop> or
[20:09] <sky2> home/sky/Desktop
[20:09] <LithosLaptop> yeah try that
[20:09] <sky2> ok
[20:10] <sky2> ffmpeg -i \home\sky\Desktop\Gomukh.flv...
[20:10] <sky2> rigt?
[20:11] <sky2> nah same
[20:11] <LithosLaptop> isn't the slashes other way around in linux?
[20:11] <LithosLaptop> oh ok
[20:13] <sky2> somedays back someone helped me witha mov file , i tried that with this Gomuk.flv ..it was working but the output was not playable
[20:14] <sky2> look here im posting the COMMAND as he made it out"
[20:14] <sky2> ffmpeg -i ~/Desktop/142306432_l.mov -vcodec mpeg4 -vb 3000k -s 320x240 -strict experimental -ar 44100 -acodec aac -ab 256k -cutoff 15000 ~/Desktop/test.3gp
[20:15] <sky2> there the file was " 142306432_l.mov"
[20:15] <LithosLaptop> are you playing back on a phone?
[20:15] <sky2> yes
[20:15] <sky2> thats all i want to do
[20:15] <sky2> to make it playable on my cell
[20:16] <LithosLaptop> the framerate might be incompatible
[20:16] <sky2> & phone supports .3gp
[20:16] <LithosLaptop> did the converted 142306432_l.mov dile playback correctly?
[20:16] <LithosLaptop> *file
[20:16] <sky2> yes ...wonderfully
[20:17] <sky2> no distortion
[20:17] <LithosLaptop> yeah then I think the framerates might be different
[20:17] <sky2> oh
[20:17] <sky2> ok
[20:17] <LithosLaptop> try -r 30
[20:17] <sky2> ok
[20:18] <LithosLaptop> or figure out what the framerate was of 142306432_l.mov
[20:18] <sky2> sorry where to put it?
[20:19] <LithosLaptop> ffmpeg -i ~/Desktop/Gomukh.flv -vcodec mpeg4 -vb 3000k -r 30 -s 320x240 -strict experimental -ar 44100 -acodec aac -ab 256k -cutoff 15000 ~/Desktop/test.3gp
[20:20] <sky2> ok
[20:20] <sky2> converting..
[20:20] <sky2> let me seethe output..
[20:21] <LithosLaptop> you could try -r 25 and -r 15 also if 30 is too high for the phone to handle
[20:22] <sky2> did not work..not even playable by any media player
[20:22] <sky2> VLC or any other
[20:23] <sky2> :(
[20:24] <LithosLaptop> ffplay can ffplay play the original?
[20:25] <sky2> ffplay?
[20:25] <LithosLaptop> ffplay ~/Desktop/Gomukh.flv
[20:25] <sky2> ok
[20:25] <sky2> yup..its playing
[20:26] <LithosLaptop> argh, if it can play it then ffmpeg should be able to convert it
[20:26] <LithosLaptop> hmm
[20:26] <sky2> ic
[20:29] <sky2> http://pastebin.com/TVF9vByC
[20:30] <sky2> thats the output wile it was playing
[20:30] <sky2> by ffplay
[20:31] <sky2> u there ? LithosLaptop
[20:32] <sky2> ok LithosLaptop if u here tomorrow will catch you for sure..gotta go now
[20:33] <sky2> no rush..
[20:33] <LithosLaptop> oh thx
[20:33] <LithosLaptop> btw
[20:33] <LithosLaptop> you could try:
[20:33] <sky2> its midnite here
[20:33] <sky2> yes pls..
[20:33] <LithosLaptop> ffmpeg -i ~/Desktop/Gomukh.flv -vcodec copy -an test.3gp
[20:33] <sky2> ok
[20:35] <sky2> dont see the output file on my desktop
[20:35] <dan_> I'm making a tiled video where the timestamp of each tile is slightly behind the previous tile. This all works great using "setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+0.550000/TB" to offset one frame, for example, EXCEPT that at the beginning of the video I get green lines and artifacts where the videos in some tiles hasn't started playing yet. Is there a way that I could make these tiles black at the start instead?
[20:35] <LithosLaptop> oops
[20:35] <LithosLaptop> ffmpeg -i ~/Desktop/Gomukh.flv -vcodec copy -an ~/Desktop/test.3gp
[20:36] <LithosLaptop> anyway, I have 2 go
[20:36] <LithosLaptop> cheers
[20:36] <sky2> yes
[20:36] <sky2> itworked
[20:36] <sky2> OWO
[20:36] <sky2> WOW
[20:36] <LithosLaptop> haha
[20:36] <sky2> LOL
[20:36] <LithosLaptop> but on the phone?
[20:36] <sky2> do u come in this room all the time?
[20:36] <sky2> have to see
[20:37] <sky2> will chk
[20:37] <LithosLaptop> only sometimes
[20:37] <sky2> & let u know
[20:37] <LithosLaptop> ok
[20:37] <sky2> ohh
[20:37] <thebombzen> dan you might want to try a concat filter
[20:37] <sky2> dunno much about that
[20:37] <sky2> if u give me any contact mail
[20:37] <dan_> hmm, what should I try to concat?
[20:37] <thebombzen> dan_: concatenate /dev/zero with your video, and use a duration command in concat.txt
[20:38] <dan_> huh ok, i will see if I can figure that out
[20:38] <thebombzen> /dev/zero gives all zeros on read, similar to how /dev/null gives EOF
[20:39] <thebombzen> and you would use the filter because rawvideo isn't the same codec as your video, so the demuxer won't work
[20:39] <dan_> so i would have to concat-filter each input video with /dev/zero?
[20:39] <sky2> LithosLaptop: shd that work for all files?
[20:39] <thebombzen> if a video starts 2:30 in from the beginning, I'd concat 2:30 of /dev/zero (format rawvideo) with your video,
[20:39] <LithosLaptop> no, because it copies the video and not all codecs work with 3gp
[20:40] <LithosLaptop> and that command also doesn't copy audio
[20:40] <dan_> ah i see, okay. that could all be done on the fly with filters on all my input videos?
[20:40] <sky2> ok
[20:40] <thebombzen> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20concatenate%20%28join,%20merge%29%20media%20files#differentcodec
[20:40] <sky2> hope to see u gain here
[20:40] <sky2> again
[20:40] <dan_> thx
[20:40] <LithosLaptop> ok no prob
[20:41] <sky2> do u go in other channel
[20:41] <sky2> mint help?
[20:41] <sky2> linuxmint-help
[20:42] <sky2> would love to learn abt this ffmpeg
[21:53] <JVillella> Hi everyone, could someone direct me to tutorials for using ffmpeg in C? not command line
[21:53] <Mavrik> doc/examples
[21:54] <Mavrik> + doxygen documentation
[21:54] <JVillella> Thank you, http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/examples.html this right?
[21:57] <ubitux> JVillella: better look into the tree since it contains a README and Makefile example
[21:58] <ubitux> http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=tree;f=doc/examples;hb=HEAD
[21:58] <ubitux> they are also deployed with your install btw
[21:58] <JVillella> thank you @ubitux
[21:58] <ubitux> (probably in something like /usr/share/doc/ffmpeg)
[21:58] <ubitux> seems to be /usr/share/ffmpeg/examples/ here
[21:58] <JVillella> I don't seem to find anything about rotation...is that much harder?
[21:59] <ubitux> rotation is done with video filters
[21:59] <JVillella> ah ok
[21:59] <ubitux> so... look at the filtering example
[22:04] <beastd> JVillella: You can also have a look here if you feel like it: http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Using%20libav*
[22:05] <JVillella> the more resoources the better. Im also in need of cropping. is that considered a video filter?
[22:05] <JVillella> resources**
[22:06] <ubitux> yes
[22:06] <ubitux> see http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html
[22:06] <ubitux> we have tons of them
[22:07] <JVillella> why isnt video scaling though?
[22:07] <ubitux> it is
[22:07] <JVillella> dont I have to use this swscale tho?
[22:07] <ubitux> well, you can use swscale directly of course
[22:07] <ubitux> you can use the scale filter
[22:07] <ubitux> (which uses swscale)
[22:07] <JVillella> what's easier?
[22:08] <ubitux> depends
[22:08] <Mavrik> nothing about using C API is easy
[22:08] <Mavrik> if your goal is "easy"... C API isn't for you really.
[22:08] <ubitux> if you're using the filters already, adding "scale=..." in your filtergraph is certainly way simpler than using swscale
[22:08] <JVillella> Im writing an android app that needs to make calls to ffmpeg's c api via the JNI.
[22:08] <ubitux> but if you don't use filters, the filter API overhead can be a bit troublesome
[22:09] <Logicgate> how does one change the framerate of a video while keeping the length effectively?
[22:10] <JVillella> @ubitux: I just want to take a video with some landscape and widescreen format, crop it square, scale it to 640x640 and then rotate it. Filters is the way to go then?
[22:10] <Mavrik> Logicgate, fps filter should be enough
[22:11] <ubitux> -vf "crop=<...>,scale=640:640,rotate=<...>"
[22:11] <ubitux> (or transpose instead of rotate)
[22:11] <JVillella> I wish i had access to a CMD. but i have to use api calls vie Java Native Interface
[22:11] <JVillella> via*
[22:11] <ubitux> that's a string filtergraph
[22:12] <ubitux> see the filtering example
[22:12] <JVillella> @ubitux this one? http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=doc/examples/filtering_video.c;h=790c6418ed533cbe88437139bcf0d262229dd29f;hb=HEAD
[22:12] <ubitux> yes
[22:12] <ubitux> see line 41
[22:13] <JVillella> wow! nice. so i can basically just change it to what you wrote and it should work?
[22:13] <beastd> JVillella: BTW you can prototype your filtering first with ffplay the filter graph is a text description
[22:14] <beastd> JVillella: ffplay -vf=<your filter graph string>  test-video.input
[22:14] <JVillella> that will help a lot thanks!
[22:16] <beastd> Also consider subscribing and asking on libav-user if you have a hard time with the API:  http://ffmpeg.org/contact.html
[22:17] <JVillella> I think you guys have helped me a ton! These IRCs save soo much time!
[22:18] <beastd> Your welcome!
[22:30] <JVillella> That filters sample, does it output the scaled/filtered file?
[22:30] <JVillella> and where to? or just overwrites
[22:37] <beastd> JVillella: http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=doc/examples/filtering_video.c;h=790c6418ed533cbe88437139bcf0d262229dd29f;hb=329610303aac5f42a01c16ccb4e9fea2075b38d3#l155
[22:38] <JVillella> im not sure what that does dsplay it onscreen?
[22:38] <beastd> JVillella: Seems the frame is displayed in a slightly inadequate fashion on your terminal
[22:38] <JVillella> hmm how do I oeverwrite the original video?
[22:38] <beastd> If your terminal can do ASCII escapes
[22:39] <beastd> JVillella: Why? Or IOW what are you trying to achieve with this?
[22:40] <JVillella> I want to take a video, apply the filter description and overwrite it. I will then send this overidden video to our server
[22:40] <beastd> JVillella: And you want to do the transcoding in your app on a an android device?
[22:41] <JVillella> ya through JNI
[22:42] <beastd> JVillella: First step: Try prototyping the filter string with ffplay. It will show the result on your video display. If your are satisfied go on with step 2
[22:42] <JVillella> step 2 is the overwriting. im not sure how to do that :S
[22:43] <beastd> you are too fast
[22:43] <JVillella> lol is that not step 2?
[22:43] <beastd> Step 2: Compile the filtering_video.c example in the ffmpeg source directory. run it and check if you can see the output on your terminal
[22:43] <beastd> Step 3: modify that example to use the filter string you prototyped
[22:46] <beastd> Step 4: Look at the muxing example on how to write a video file
[22:46] <JVillella> its 500 lines!!! just to save a file :S
[22:47] <beastd> Step 5: Make a merged example that combines your filter graph and both examples and does exactly what you want
[22:49] <beastd> JVillella: Well first ffmpeg API is rather lowlevel'ish. Second what you want to do is a little bit involved and much more then reading and writing a file. Are you sure you understand all implications of what you want to do?
[22:50] <JVillella> i see some people useing ffmpeg via command line with android but theres no tutorials on it
[22:50] <beastd> You read the file -> demux -> decode -> filter -> encode -> mux -> write an output file.
[22:52] <beastd> I would also discourage overwriting the input file, you would probably destroy your input before it is fully consumed. Also consider that errors can happen all time. I would erase the input only after the output was successfully written.
[22:53] <beastd> Also I left out another step from my 5 step plan. I would be step 4.5: Find the right encoding settings and output file format for your application.
[22:53] <JVillella> ya that would make more sense to not overwrite.
[22:54] <beastd> JVillella: I am sorry. Doing what you want is not as simple as it sounds :(
[22:54] <JVillella> The better question is why android doesn't have this support...
[22:57] <beastd> Using FFmpeg libraries on Android should be possible. And why Android does not have this capabilities included is of course quite a different question. We support FFmpeg here, so no speculation about what Android supports or not ;-)
[23:06] <beastd> JVillella: Don't let it get you down.
[23:07] <JVillella> beastd: thanks! I think I may have found a lib that wraps a java interface around the ffmpeg cmd. so maybe it will work out
[23:07] <beastd> JVillella: I am just telling you that you need to do it in little steps. If you want to start right away from Android through JNI you will only be disappointed.
[23:07] <JVillella> That's good advice :)
[23:07] <beastd> and yes if you can use the binary your goal might be easier and faster to achieve
[23:08] <JVillella> hopefully!
[23:08] <beastd> working out the filter string and the encoding settings (step 1 and 4.5) is still a must though
[23:08] <beastd> and you must do it and visually inspect the results
[00:00] --- Sun Jan 19 2014

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