[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140130

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 02:05:01 CET 2014

[00:12] <PingasTheFourth> i can't seem to get ffmpeg to record system audio
[00:12] <PingasTheFourth> ive tried just about everything i could think of. still no luck
[00:13] <ChocolateArmpits> is the use of ffmpeg important for this? what about audacity?
[00:14] <PingasTheFourth> havent tried
[00:15] <PingasTheFourth> and im rying to record video AND audio, since my current recorder is a pile of junk
[00:20] <dleedev> Hi, I recently purchased a GEEYA 720p ip cam. I figured out the URLs for the video stream and the audio stream, but how can I figure out what codec is being used?
[00:21] <dleedev> I tried piping the stream to a file and opening it with various media players, and I only got mplayer to open the video dump, and nothing could open the audio dump
[00:47] <relaxed> dleedev: playing the stream with mplayer should reveal which codecs are used.
[00:47] <dleedev> relaxed: so I can get mplayer to open the video dump, but not the audio dump
[00:48] <relaxed> why are you dumping them seperately? Use -dumpstream
[00:49] <relaxed> or did you try ffmpeg -i "$url_of_camera"
[00:51] <dleedev> relaxed: it's from an IP web cam that has two separate streams
[00:51] <dleedev> relaxed: there are two different URLs, one that streams bits of video, and another that streams bits of audio
[00:52] <relaxed> pastebin.com the output of ffmpeg -i "$url_of_audio"
[00:54] <dleedev> relaxed: http://pastebin.com/4Fbseu3w
[00:57] <dleedev> relaxed: when streaming, it comes at an average rate of 4352 bps
[02:50] <fragamus> does anyone know in detail how to generate YUV411 input for ffmpeg? some code that generates a test pattern perhaps?
[02:58] <llogan> fragamus: ffmpeg -f lavfi -i "testsrc,format=yuv411p" ... output
[02:58] <llogan> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#color_002c-haldclutsrc_002c-nullsrc_002c-rgbtestsrc_002c-smptebars_002c-smptehdbars_002c-testsrc
[03:10] <dounan> Hey guys, I'm trying to use ffmpeg for the first time. I'm getting some output warnings when transcoding audio from speex to aac for a flv file that is recorded from an RTMP stream with Wowza media server.
[03:11] <dounan> The command I'm using is: ffmpeg -i "$filepath" -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 64k -ar 44100 -async 1 "$mp4file"
[03:11] <dounan> The output is just a whole ton of these 3 lines:
[03:11] <dounan> [mp4 @ 0x2199e60] Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:0; previous: 482864, current: 482864; changing to 482865. This may result in incorrect timestamps in the output file.
[03:11] <dounan> [NULL @ 0x2196000] AVC: nal size 21102622
[03:11] <dounan> [NULL @ 0x2196000] missing picture in access unit with size 40
[04:38] <Kirito> Do you prefer .mp4 or .m4v? They're essentially the same, right? With the only difference m4v offering support for Apple DRM technologies.
[04:40] <relaxed> Kirito: to the rest of the world m4v is raw mpeg4
[05:45] <joecool> hey, ffmpeg git not detecting new libquvi
[05:45] <joecool> bails out right in the beginning with
[05:45] <joecool> ERROR: libquvi not found
[06:46] <anshul> How to see the sameple_fmt of audio using ffprobe
[08:36] <anshul> Guys when I am encoding mp2 audio my sample format is AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 but when I am looking back the encoded stream using ffprobe
[08:37] <anshul> its shows me AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P
[08:38] <anshul> encoder of mp2  say that it only support AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 but how come then ffprobe is planar
[08:44] <Kirito> Would it be good to encode baseline with x264 for videos intended to be viewed on modern Android devices?
[08:45] <Kirito> Or should I just use main?
[08:46] <Mavrik> Kirito, use main
[08:47] <Kirito> http://superuser.com/questions/489087/what-are-the-differences-between-h-264-profiles Says Android devices will only play videos encoded baseline. Should I assume that inaccurate?
[08:47] <Mavrik> Kirito, thing is... Android devices are officially guaranteed only to support baseline
[08:47] <Mavrik> but pretty much every device since awhile ago has a HW decoder capable of handling Main as well
[08:48] <Kirito> Ahh, okay, thank you
[08:48] <Mavrik> Baseline is a huge quality hit for video
[08:49] <JEEB> yeah, basically if you want to support a whole lotta devices it's baseline + level 3
[08:49] <JEEB> but quite a few support main, and a big part of those even support high
[08:50] <JEEB> so... yeah :)
[08:50] <JEEB> it depends on what you're aiming
[08:51] <JEEB> anshul, it's the same thing just planar, I would guess since all the decoders were moved to planar output that's just how it works :P
[08:52] <JEEB> encoders take in whatever they've always taken (and possibly things have been added), and decoders were moved to planar formats (except for possible external libs)
[08:59] <Mavrik> mhm, even cheap crap with 2.3 has Main capable decoders nowdays
[09:22] <anshul> JEEB, will it be good idea to change encoder supported format, then I dont have to use swresample its a performance hit if i am cpoying frame just to change planar to packed
[09:23] <anshul> .sample_fmts           = (const enum AVSampleFormat[]){ AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,
[09:23] <anshul>  34                                                             AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE }
[09:24] <anshul> JEEB, I suppose this is only place, where i have to add the
[09:24] <anshul> .sample_fmts           = (const enum AVSampleFormat[]){ AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,
[09:24] <anshul>  34                                                             AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE }
[09:25] <anshul> JEEB, I suppose this is only place, where i have to add the
[09:25] <anshul> .sample_fmts           = (const enum AVSampleFormat[]){ AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,
[09:25] <anshul>  34                                                             AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE }
[09:25] <anshul> sorry my copy paste is not working properly on my IRC client, or not working how I thought to be
[09:26] <JEEB> well if the coder can't handle planar then you will have to convert :P
[09:26] <JEEB> or actually make the coder support planar
[09:26] <JEEB> but yes, the sample_fmts list is what is used when deciding if you can use the combo or not
[09:27] <anshul> JEEB, I would be much intrested in making coder support planar, how much time do you think, that it will take to do that
[09:28] <JEEB> depends, but I guess it shouldn't be too hard?
[09:59] <anshul> I was looking in decoder how he is supporting planar, but I found that there they support FLTP and FLT, but then how come they are giving S16P at output?
[09:59] <anshul> i was looking in file libavcodec/mpegaudiodec_float.c
[10:11] <anshul> JEBB, by looking code intensity, I think just now i am not eligible to do that work, may be some one else can do, or after some time when I am having some better undrestanding about how encoder work
[11:41] <anshul> guys if I am using code from all examples, I have to include all the license or any one of them or none of them
[12:07] <Mavrik> what does the license say? :)
[12:12] <superwormjim> Hi there, I'm hoping to get some help with ffmpeg.
[12:12] <anshul> Actually some example are part of ffmpeg while some are of Copyright (c) 2003 Fabrice Bellard etc , I dont know what to copy or what to not, I am already giving LGPL license in different file
[12:13] <anshul> superwormjim, without any question how would some one help :)
[12:13] <superwormjim> I'm trying to do a lossless crop of a WMV file, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
[12:13] <superwormjim> If it isn't possible, I am really interested to know why.
[12:14] <relaxed> superwormjim: you could crop to a lossless format
[12:14] <Mavrik> superwormjim, because you need to decode video into raw frames, crop them and reencode back
[12:14] <Mavrik> it's not possible to do that losslessly due to how video encoding works for those formats
[12:14] <superwormjim> The background info is: our university (www.tudelft.nl) has this "Collegerama" system (based on a Sonic Foundry product) that hosts videos of classes online for later viewing.
[12:15] <superwormjim> Only, they do this in such a horrendous way (720p video with two 640 x 360 boxes, one with the professor and one with the slide show, side by side, surrounded by a big black void)
[12:16] <superwormjim> that I want to separate the useful parts into an mkv with two video channels.
[12:16] <superwormjim> Now, I must immediately admit that I have more of a background in STILL imaging.
[12:17] <superwormjim> Why can this be done on a still JPEG, but not on a video?
[12:17] <Mavrik> superwormjim, JPEG is encoded in blocks each frame while in video only I-frame is encoded in such a way
[12:17] <Mavrik> superwormjim, other frames have only partial pieces and references
[12:17] <superwormjim> There seem to be a lot of products on the internet claiming to be able to do "lossless cropping", although I have no idea if that is something they can live up to.
[12:17] <Mavrik> thus you can't just arbitrarily remove pieces of a frame
[12:18] <Mavrik> because you'd be removing references and, honestly, it's usually not really worth it
[12:18] <Mavrik> since you can reencode video without noticable quality difference if you set parameters up right
[12:18] <JEEB> you can lossless only modify the cropping info in the stream
[12:18] <JEEB> but that is up to one or two macroblocks only
[12:18] <superwormjim> Mavrik, actually I should have said I wanted to do the fastest crop possible on a large number of files, so with the least reencoding possible.
[12:19] <superwormjim> Otherwise this might take ages. :P
[12:19] <JEEB> one macroblock is 16x16 in H.264
[12:19] <Mavrik> see JEEB's :)
[12:19] <JEEB> the feature is generally used to correlate the coded picture with macroblock sizes
[12:20] <superwormjim> OK, I think i'm going to read up on that.
[12:20] <JEEB> so for example 1080p is really encoded at 1088 height, but then the cropping info tells the decoder to drop 8 from height from wherever it left the padding
[12:20] <JEEB> but if you need to crop more than one macroblock I'm not sure if it can do that
[12:20] <JEEB> not to mention that you most probably will have to modify the bit stream yourself
[12:21] <superwormjim> But, the part that I would throw out when I crop without reencoding; what information does it contain needed for rendering the part that I want to keep?
[12:21] <JEEB> the actual coded pictures don't change
[12:21] <JEEB> you just signal in the parameter set(s) that the decoder should output this part of the picture
[12:21] <JEEB> after doing the decoding process
[12:21] <Mavrik> you'll stil be transporting the whole stream tho
[12:21] <superwormjim> I see.
[12:22] <superwormjim> What about my last question?
[12:22] <JEEB> I just answered it?
[12:22] <JEEB> unless I misparsed it
[12:22] <superwormjim> Oh no, I meant it in relation to my theoretical lossless cropping. :P
[12:22] <JEEB> ?
[12:22] <superwormjim> I just want to learn what is and isn't possible and why it is.
[12:22] <JEEB> paraphrase
[12:22] <JEEB> please
[12:23] <superwormjim> Say, I would try to do a "lossless crop", like on a JPEG.
[12:23] <JEEB> I'm not too knowledgeable of JPEG
[12:23] <JEEB> but
[12:23] <superwormjim> I've just been told that this wouldn't be possible, because only the keyframes get encoded in their entirety (i f I understood correctly).
[12:23] <JEEB> not only that
[12:23] <JEEB> I'm pretty sure even within intra coded pictures other parts of the picture can require other parts
[12:24] <superwormjim> One would think, that it would be possible to only throw out information not needed for rendering the final picture.
[12:24] <superwormjim> OK, so that should have been the first question to ask then :P
[12:24] <JEEB> basically JPEG was a much simpler format
[12:25] <JEEB> not only would multiple pictures all be intra coded
[12:25] <superwormjim> I understand...
[12:25] <JEEB> but I think the intra coding is more limited than with newer formats?
[12:26] <superwormjim> But about those macroblocks: wouldn't it be possible - keeping in mind that this is WMV3 - to throw out a couple of them, that you really don't need?
[12:26] <JEEB> oh, WMV3
[12:26] <superwormjim> Then you might end up with a video bigger than the one intended, but then you could tell the decoder to crop it to the right size.
[12:27] <JEEB> well, at the point of WMV3 it gets raather derpy
[12:27] <superwormjim> (This all seems reasonable from the perspective of a mechanical engineering student anyway)
[12:27] <JEEB> mostly because I have no idea about that format
[12:27] <superwormjim> I see :P
[12:27] <Mavrik> yeah, WMV3 is rather obscure
[12:27] <JEEB> if either the video or container format contain cropping information (WMV3 and ASF respectively)
[12:27] <Mavrik> superwormjim, it sounds reasonable, I'm just not sure anyone really bothered with WMV3 do this extent :)
[12:27] <JEEB> then you can most probably go off hacking
[12:28] <JEEB> mp4 possibly has some tags to limit the viewport as a container (considering how much random crap it has :D), but WMV3 does not go into mp4
[12:28] <superwormjim> Let's just say: while the web is moving to formats like WebM and to HTML 5 video tags, education and the public broadcasting networks (at least in the Netherlands) are moving to Microsoft products. :')
[12:28] <superwormjim> (Windows Media whatever server through silverlight :P)
[12:29] <JEEB> that's still fine until you get to using proprietary formats like WMV3/WMA and ASF
[12:29] <superwormjim> Of course, you can all view this in their proprietary "app" I'm sure... :P
[12:29] <JEEB> silverlight takes in MP4 and H.264/AAC
[12:29] <superwormjim> The Windows Media Whatever server product (I tend to forget about proprietary naming schemes) only supports WMV I think.
[12:30] <JEEB> "fun"
[12:30] <superwormjim> About the "soft cropping" thing... Telling the decoder to crop to a certain size.
[12:30] <Mavrik> yeah
[12:30] <superwormjim> That is a metadata thing I'm sure?
[12:30] <Mavrik> it took us like 3 years to get some educational institutions off of WMV and into some decent server
[12:31] <superwormjim> (3 years is like a blink of an eye in education!)
[12:31] <JEEB> yes, it's metadata, saved somewhere
[12:31] <JEEB> depends on the formats at hand if such metadata exists
[12:31] <JEEB> and how limited it is
[12:32] <superwormjim> (We've just moved to Pearson's "MathXL" for Linear Algebra - which basically is a Flash based enter-your-matrices-here-so-we-don't-have-to-check-them-because-the-computer-does system that opens pop-ups only to tell you to disable your pop-up blocker)
[12:33] <JEEB> (matroska has a cropping field as well, but don't be fooled, this is just Haali's hack to make it simpler to edit H.264 parameter sets' cropping information without actually editing it, so it's limited by what you can do on the H.264 side -- also many splitters just don't support it. I think VLC is the only one that went all out on implementing it)
[12:33] <superwormjim> Now, would it be possible to create an MKV containing a stream copy of the WMV, and create to video channels in it simply "cropping" them from the stream?
[12:34] <superwormjim> I understand it would be possible to include the stream copy twice and then "soft crop" it twice, but that would be backwards.
[12:34] <superwormjim> channels = tracks
[12:36] <superwormjim> (Sorry if my terminology is a bit off, I will make it up to you whenever you ask me something about web standards or whatever :P)
[12:36] <superwormjim> (But let's not brag... :$)
[12:36] <JEEB> hey, IETF publishes H.264, too! :P
[12:36] <JEEB> well, in this case I'll just say that there's no easy way out regarding losslessly cropping your WMV3 streams
[12:36] <JEEB> also I have no idea what you're talking about with the two tracks
[12:37] <superwormjim> An MKV can include multiple video tracks, right, that you can switch between?
[12:37] <JEEB> yes
[12:38] <superwormjim> The university puts two video frames next to eachother in one frame
[12:39] <superwormjim> And I want to separate these into different videos, and since MKV is well supported these days, why not put them in one MKV container?
[12:39] <JEEB> ok
[12:39] <superwormjim> Now, since I can't do a crop without reencode...
[12:39] <JEEB> basically, you can make that only so that a single vendor can show it "correctly"
[12:39] <superwormjim> But I can do a "soft crop" (or what is it called officially?) telling the decoder to crop it.
[12:39] <JEEB> and you will be muxing the track twice
[12:40] <superwormjim> Wouldn't it be possible to make two different crops from the same bit stream and then make them available to the user as different video tracks?
[12:41] <superwormjim> In fact, I am reasonably sure this could be solved the hard way with some VLC command line switches instructing it to crop...
[12:41] <JEEB> also, just to note -- I'm pretty sure matroska has no native mappings for WMV3, it's just muxed there in VFW compatibility mode which is rather ugly as well
[12:41] <superwormjim> But would something like that be possible in the mkv container itself?
[12:42] <superwormjim> OK, I don't know about that.
[12:42] <JEEB> well, matroska "has" a cropping field, but it's only supported by two vendors, and one of them is limited to H.264
[12:42] <JEEB> "has" because the definition of "specification" for matroska is always very vague
[12:43] <superwormjim> OK, then I misunderstood.
[12:43] <JEEB> and this is one of the very vague ones
[12:43] <JEEB> so basically you could make a file that (probably) would crop off things in VLC
[12:43] <superwormjim> Are there other container formats with a cropping field that is well supported ?
[12:43] <JEEB> but !VLC would then show the whole pic
[12:44] <JEEB> mp4 is one possibility
[12:44] <superwormjim> OK.
[12:44] <JEEB> I don't remember if it has one for viewport cropping
[12:44] <JEEB> but it probably has something that can be (ab)used like that
[12:44] <JEEB> although that pretty much stops at the
[12:44] <JEEB> > WMV3
[12:44] <JEEB> > MP4
[12:44] <JEEB> part
[12:45] <JEEB> which is why i said that you have one clear way of doing it, and that way would only work with a single vendor :P
[12:46] <superwormjim> Just to be clear: what I'm trying to achieve, not right away but eventually, is a sort of shell script using ffmpeg to convert the university's ugly video into something modern and usable, that anyone can use without knowing anything about video.
[12:46] <superwormjim> So other students could use it as well.
[12:46] <superwormjim> To sum up, I:
[12:47] <superwormjim> - either get multiple video tracks cropped from one and the same bit stream working in a reasonable number of video players
[12:47] <superwormjim> - simply reencode the thing like a normal person would.
[12:48] <JEEB> well, you start hitting a problem with the first point with not only getting the cropping done, but also having the same data be read for both :P
[12:48] <superwormjim> You think that wouldn't be possible?
[12:48] <JEEB> yes
[12:48] <superwormjim> I figured as much... XD
[12:49] <JEEB> or well, fancy formats like mp4 probably would let you point them "pointers" towards certain spots of data, but then again you're dealing with WMV3
[12:49] <JEEB> which doesn't go into MP4
[12:49] <superwormjim> Then back to the macro blocks.
[12:49] <JEEB> second variant is the only thing that will realistically have wide support and not have the same thing twice in itself :P
[12:50] <superwormjim> It would not at all be possible to throw out SOME of them that don't get used in the desired part of the picture?
[12:50] <JEEB> I have no idea about the intricasies of WMV3
[12:50] <JEEB> but even if you could kind of poke it, you'd still have to go through the whole GOP
[12:50] <JEEB> and make sure nothing in  that GOP references those cropped areas
[12:51] <JEEB> and that already implies that you can do such cutting in a WMV3 bit stream, which we don't know if we can
[12:52] <superwormjim> But most video codecs reference things in other parts of the frame, I understand? *face palm* Of course they do, because things tend to move up and down and left and right in a video!
[12:52] <superwormjim> (I should really stick to still images)
[12:53] <JEEB> oh, and it gets even more fun when things in the same picture reference other parts in the same picture :P
[12:53] <superwormjim> OK, thank you very much for all of your suggestions. I understand that I'm trying to achieve very unusual things, and thanks for putting up with tat.
[12:54] <superwormjim> I'm going to research some more on the web.
[12:54] <superwormjim> Is it OK if I come back here when I hit some roadblock trying to implement something?
[12:55] <JEEB> who would stop you?
[12:55] <superwormjim> You getting tired of this. ;)
[12:56] <superwormjim> And trying to protect everyone else from my ignorance on video codecs.
[13:04] <superwormjim> Thanks again!
[14:10] <DeadSix27> anyone knows how to "update?" vidstab ?
[14:10] <DeadSix27> config.log -> http://pastebin.com/gdKp4ed3
[14:12] <DeadSix27> ah. apparently its on the git
[14:30] <Qantourisc> Looking for a comb-detect filter, can't find any atm, suggestions ?
[14:30] <Qantourisc> (if I can pass a custom filter values, I can also make it work, but for example unsharp=1:3:0.5 refuses the 1 :/
[15:27] <firemanxbr> hey guys, I'm have problems with Logitech C920 capture 1080p resolutions using ffmpeg, anybody help me ?
[15:29] <firemanxbr> I'm using this command:
[15:30] <firemanxbr> ffmpeg -loglevel debug -f alsa -i hw:1 \
[15:30] <firemanxbr> 	-ac 2 -acodec aac -s 1920x1080 \
[15:30] <firemanxbr> 	-f video4linux2 -framerate 30 \
[15:30] <firemanxbr> 	-i /dev/video1 \
[15:30] <firemanxbr> 	-bt 4M -c:v libx264 -minrate 3000K -b:v 4500k -maxrate 6000k -bufsize 500K \
[15:30] <firemanxbr> 	-strict -2 -ar 44100 -g 2 out.mp4
[15:30] <firemanxbr> sorry
[15:30] <firemanxbr> http://ur1.ca/gj5os
[15:31] <firemanxbr> anybody help me ?
[16:25] <mrmargolis> Hi Everyone.  Is there a way for ffmpeg/ffprobe to get the timecode for a Poster Frame if one is set?  I am working with quicktime files.
[17:15] <DopeLabs> good morning ... anyone awake?
[17:20] <DopeLabs> welp.. if anyone knows the specifics on the proper usage of the icy options to pass shoutcast metadata/title info along... id be happy to hear =]
[19:45] <llogan> DopeLabs: what are icy options?
[19:48] <llogan> firemanxbr: you didn't include the complete console output
[19:48] <firemanxbr> llogan, okay I'm get new adjusts and send for fpast
[19:52] <firemanxbr> llogan, http://ur1.ca/gj7a1
[19:52] <firemanxbr> llogan, I'm using Logitech C920 in my /dev/video1
[19:53] <DopeLabs> llogan: shoutcast metadata
[19:53] <firemanxbr> but i'm not sucess in solve my bitrate and errors
[19:54] <firemanxbr> llogan, some sugestion ?
[19:54] <DopeLabs> more specifically... http.c
[19:55] <llogan> firemanxbr: describe the issue
[19:56] <firemanxbr> llogan, I'm get video for my WebCam and send to Youtube Live(RTMP)
[19:56] <llogan> also ffmpeg will ignore -pix_fmt when stream copying
[19:57] <firemanxbr> llogan, but Youtube live, drop my low bitrate
[19:57] <firemanxbr> llogan, okay I'm remove this option
[19:57] <llogan> sorry, what do you mean by, " Youtube live, drop my low bitrate"
[19:58] <firemanxbr> llogan, Youtube live require this bitrate tax: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2853702?topic=2853713&hl=en
[19:59] <firemanxbr> llogan, for my resolution(1080p = 1920x1080) minimal: 3000kbps, recommended 4500kbps and maximum: 6000kbps
[20:01] <firemanxbr> llogan, I'm setting: -b:v 4500k, but my stream not send in this bitrate
[20:01] <llogan> -b:v is probably ignored when stream copying
[20:01] <llogan> (using -vcodec copy)
[20:02] <firemanxbr> llogan, it is problem
[20:02] <firemanxbr> llogan, exist other alternative about this ?
[20:02] <DopeLabs> if you cant handle the upstream, lower your frame size/bitrate to something that will work
[20:02] <llogan> if you must re-encode, then don't stream copy
[20:03] <firemanxbr> llogan, some example for me ?
[20:04] <firemanxbr> DopeLabs, I'm trying setting framerate in 20, but not sucess
[20:04] <DopeLabs> right
[20:04] <firemanxbr> return about youtube live: We recommend you use a stream bitrate value of (4500 Kbps). The current bitrate value (128.00 Kbps) for the stream is lower than the recommended bitrate.
[20:04] <DopeLabs> you say that yt is bitching about you not meeting the bitrate for 1080p correct?
[20:05] <llogan> does yt still display the video?
[20:05] <firemanxbr> DopeLabs, exactly
[20:05] <firemanxbr> llogan, no :(
[20:05] <DopeLabs> from what i recall, you can set the live event to something lower htan 1080p...
[20:06] <firemanxbr> my goal is create stream for world cup in brazil
[20:06] <DopeLabs> can your internet connection handle a ~5000k upstream?
[20:06] <llogan> try another streaming service
[20:06] <firemanxbr> DopeLabs, exactly but my live events require this resolution
[20:07] <firemanxbr> DopeLabs, yes, my connection is 1000 Mpbs
[20:07] <DopeLabs> heh
[20:08] <DopeLabs> yse ffserver
[20:08] <firemanxbr> if I retreat "-vcodec copy" many drops in my stream
[20:09] <DopeLabs> what is the source
[20:09] <firemanxbr> http://ur1.ca/gj7e4
[20:09] <firemanxbr> whitout '-vcodec copy'
[20:10] <llogan> you can try something like this: -i /dev/video1 -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 128k -maxrate 5000k -bufsize 10000k -pix_fmt yuv420p -g 2 -f flv rtmp://streaming-server/stream_name
[20:10] <firemanxbr> llogan, okay i'm try
[20:10] <DopeLabs> heh
[20:11] <llogan> although if your input claims to be only 128k...
[20:11] <DopeLabs> yea i would switch to the aac audio
[20:12] <DopeLabs> Input #1, video4linux2,v4l2, from '/dev/video1':
[20:12] <DopeLabs> is only outputting 1000k
[20:12] <DopeLabs> can you set that higher?
[20:13] <DopeLabs> on teh source?
[20:13] <llogan> or for audio you could try -c:a libmp3lame -ar 44100 -b:a 128k
[20:14] <firemanxbr> no :(
[20:14] <firemanxbr> http://ur1.ca/gj7f6
[20:14] <DopeLabs> wonder if anyone knows what how the icy options work
[20:14] <firemanxbr> many drops in my stream
[20:15] <llogan> are the drops due to the encoding or your network? (I'm not very familiar with streaming to tell you the truth)
[20:16] <llogan> if you output to a local file does it contain the drops?
[20:16] <DopeLabs> you dont need to encode again
[20:16] <DopeLabs> your already getting an h264 stream right?
[20:16] <DopeLabs> just change the container, done
[20:16] <DopeLabs> only thing you might want to do is the audio...
[20:16] <DopeLabs> but you got the bandwidth, you said...
[20:16] <firemanxbr> llogan, in local file, for example: out.mp4, same problem
[20:17] <firemanxbr> how solve drops in ffmpeg ?
[20:17] <llogan> what if you stream copy instead and output to a local file? does it look shitty too?
[20:17] <llogan> DopeLabs: did you see http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-protocols.html#http
[20:18] <llogan> -icy 1
[20:18] <llogan> also -icy_metadata_headers -icy_metadata_packet
[20:18] <firemanxbr> llogan, exactly in local file same problem, many freezs in my video file
[20:19] <llogan> this is with the stream copy (-vcodec copy)?
[20:19] <firemanxbr> good idea
[20:19] <DopeLabs> llogan: yes
[20:19] <DopeLabs> at most
[20:19] <DopeLabs> what i can get from that
[20:19] <DopeLabs> is i need to set
[20:19] <DopeLabs> -icy 1
[20:19] <DopeLabs> somewhere
[20:20] <DopeLabs> it seems the only place ffmpeg wont bark about it is before the -i shoutacst:port
[20:20] <DopeLabs> but there are those other 2 things there
[20:20] <DopeLabs> icy_metadata_headers
[20:20] <DopeLabs> and packet
[20:21] <firemanxbr> strange return
[20:21] <DopeLabs> there just isnt really any doc about how it works, or an example of how it should be used to get it to work
[20:21] <llogan> i dont know. try ffmpeg-user mailing list.
[20:21] <firemanxbr> after [alsa @ 0x2244780] ALSA buffer xrun.
[20:21] <firemanxbr> many many drops
[20:21] <firemanxbr> *** drop!
[20:21] <firemanxbr> Last message repeated 11 times
[20:21] <firemanxbr> *** drop!91 fps= 11 q=24.0 size=    1427kB time=00:00:11.28 bitrate=1036.0kbits/s dup=0 drop=92
[20:28] <DopeLabs> this if your input format is something that yt will support... this is what worked for me
[20:28] <DopeLabs> -c:v copy -c:a copy -bsf h264_mp4toannexb -f flv rtmp://
[20:32] <firemanxbr> DopeLabs, good sugestion, i'm try this it
[20:33] <DopeLabs> but i also tuned my input to meet yt's requirements
[20:34] <DopeLabs> which as it turns out, was a waste of my time
[20:34] <DopeLabs> since yt will take away my live ability if i contune to broadacst content matched to 3rd parties... lol
[20:34] <firemanxbr> DopeLabs, i'm trying for my job
[20:35] <firemanxbr> lol :D
[20:45] <DopeLabs> woot... forum registration is working again
[21:23] <rcombs> so, I'm trying to render an ASS track over transparent video; does this command make sense? ffmpeg -f lavfi -i 'color=s=1920x1080:d=90:r=24:c=#FFFFFFFF' -filter_complex 'format=pix_fmts=argb [f];[f] lutrgb=a=0 [ass]; [ass] ass=kara.ass' -movflags faststart -vcodec qtrle -y -loglevel verbose out.mov
[21:24] <rcombs> if I strip out the lutrgb, I end up with my text rendered over a white background; with it, I get fully-transparent video
[21:27] <Qantourisc> rcombs: is the text B/W ?
[21:27] <rcombs> Qantourisc: no
[21:28] <Qantourisc> rcombs: is it 1 color ?
[21:28] <rcombs> no
[21:28] <Qantourisc> rcombs: are they the same brightness ?
[21:28] <rcombs> nope!
[21:28] <rcombs> there's blur, fading, and multicolor effects
[21:29] <Qantourisc> rcombs: that's ok
[21:29] <Qantourisc> rcombs: i mean the "center/non-blured" parts
[21:29] <DopeLabs> how many f's you got goim on there?
[21:29] <rcombs> oh, not exactly the same brightness, no
[21:30] <rcombs> does ff_draw not handle alpha blending over all-transparent video well?
[21:30] <Qantourisc> rcombs: if lutrgb support math,you can try (r+g+b)/3 i think
[21:30] <Qantourisc> rcombs: I suspect your input has no alpga
[21:30] <DopeLabs> #FFFFFFFF ?
[21:30] <DopeLabs> is it not #FFFFFF
[21:30] <rcombs> yeah, the lavfi input is YUV420p
[21:31] <rcombs> I was trying to add an alpha channel, but it ignores it
[21:31] <Qantourisc> rcombs: then you need to "generate" your alpha
[21:31] <Qantourisc> problem is i'm an utter noob in user ffmpeg :
[21:31] <rcombs> shouldn't format=pix_fmts=rgba do that?
[21:32] <Qantourisc> rcombs: nope
[21:32] <Qantourisc> rcombs: #FF FF FF ??(no alpha info) in mean #FF FF FF FF out
[21:32] <rcombs> thus the lutrgb=a=0
[21:32] <Qantourisc> but then you make it invisble
[21:33] <rcombs> yes
[21:33] <Qantourisc> rcombs:  what did yhe output look like again ?
[21:34] <rcombs> using that command, I end up with a completely transparent video
[21:34] <rcombs> I should be getting the subtitles rendered over transparent
[21:34] <Qantourisc> completely ? both movy and text ?
[21:34] <rcombs> yup
[21:34] Action: Qantourisc ponders for a while.
[21:34] <rcombs> 100% transparent across the entire video on every frame
[21:35] <rcombs> my guess is that ff_draw isn't handling alpha blending over a transparent background properly
[21:36] Action: Qantourisc does not see ff_draw in the command
[21:36] <rcombs> vf_ass uses the ff_draw API
[21:36] <rcombs> http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/drawutils_8c.html
[21:38] <Qantourisc> rcombs: hmmm "idea"
[21:38] <Qantourisc> rcombs: let me look up the command
[21:38] <Qantourisc> IF i find the command :/
[21:42] <Qantourisc> rcombs: happen to know the command to mix 2 streams using some sort of blend algoritme ?
[21:42] <rcombs> Qantourisc: overlay?
[21:43] <Qantourisc> hmm yes
[21:43] <Qantourisc> actually :)
[21:43] <Qantourisc> rcombs: /me tries if ffplay support this
[21:44] <Qantourisc> rcombs: euuu where is your input video in that command ?
[21:45] <rcombs> Qantourisc:  -f lavfi -i 'color=s=1920x1080:d=90:r=24:c=#FFFFFFFF'
[21:45] <Qantourisc> rcombs: lavfi is a video ?
[21:46] <rcombs> no, lavfi is a special format, indicating that the input should come from one of libavfilter's generators
[21:46] <rcombs> the input is 'color=s=1920x1080:d=90:r=24:c=#FFFFFFFF', which indicates to use the "color" generator at 1920x1080 for 90 seconds at 24fps and output pure white
[21:47] <Qantourisc> rcombs: happen to know how to address an input files stream with ffmpeg ?
[21:47] <rcombs> in filter_complex?
[21:48] <Qantourisc> well that's a start :p
[21:49] <rcombs> gimme a sec, I'm going to hack at vf_subtitles.c a bit
[21:54] Action: Qantourisc needs something saner then overlay ;po
[22:00] <Qantourisc> rcombs: overlay seemms to be hard-overlay
[22:00] <rcombs> I've almost got this
[22:01] <rcombs> I'm modifying vf_subtitles.c to handle alpha blending well
[22:01] <Qantourisc> :p
[22:01] <Qantourisc> well that's a way
[22:02] <Qantourisc> I'd like to just find the filter that take 2 input and where you can choice yourself what math to unleash on it
[22:02] <Qantourisc> blend ?
[22:07] <rcombs> http://puu.sh/6E5H3.png <-- there should be yellow in there :|
[22:08] <Qantourisc> mwea give up for now must do other things first
[22:09] <Qantourisc> side question: pp=ha:a:512 vs pp=ha ? (a beeing quality according to the manual)
[22:11] <Qantourisc> rcombs: i'd solve it with blend, but the docs are terrible :(
[22:33] <gebbione> hi all, i am trying to crop a video but all i get is a reduced quality version of the original rather than a crop
[22:33] <Qantourisc> gebbione: command used ?
[22:35] <gebbione> ffmpeg -i Video.mp4 -vf "crop=1632:976:0:6" Video_2.mpg
[22:35] <gebbione> trying with the right
[22:35] <gebbione> extension now
[22:36] <gebbione> even with the right extension it is not cropping anything
[22:37] <Qantourisc> gebbione: what is the input dimentinon ?
[22:38] <gebbione> 1632 x 992
[22:39] <Qantourisc> hmmm might need to specify the output size aswel
[22:39] <Qantourisc> or it might just scale it back up :)
[22:43] <odie133> hi, i'm trying to cross compile ffmpeg with libvpx support for windows under arch linux, but get the following error: libvpx decoder version must be =>0.9.1
[22:45] <Qantourisc> odie133: what is installed ?
[22:46] <odie133> newest libvpx package actually
[22:47] <Qantourisc> odie133: so indeed =>0.9.1 ?
[22:47] <Qantourisc> odie133: next up what version is installed for corss-compile actions ?
[22:48] <odie133> i just installed mingw64 toolchain
[22:49] <Qantourisc> imo sounds like a problem not related to ffmpeg, but to the compiling/libs installed
[22:51] <odie133> i try to figure it out then
[23:10] <Moult> which part of this ffmpeg -i output (http://hastebin.com/jucaremaqe.mel) says that the wrapper format is mp4?
[23:29] <Hello71> please use something that does not require JS
[23:35] <DopeLabs> behold...
[23:35] <DopeLabs> http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1258
[23:55] <llogan> DopeLabs: the ffmpeg-user mailing list is better than the forum in most cases. there are more answer providers on the mailing list
[23:55] <DopeLabs> alrighty then..
[00:00] --- Fri Jan 31 2014

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