[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140717

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 02:05:01 CEST 2014

[00:04] <IamTrying> c_14: when i apply ffmpeg -f concat -i nl.txt -c copy test.flv its saying "Unknown input format concat"  ffmpeg version 0.8.6
[00:05] <c_14> the concat demuxer was added in FFmpeg 1.1, grab a static binary from
[00:06] <IamTrying> OK - Thank you
[00:28] <Peter_Occ> I'm sending output from a cronjob to start ffmpeg to a log file. the cron is working and ffmpeg is working. The first time the log file is created, it looks fine. The next time the command runs, the log file becomes unreadable because it full of binary code. Is there something wrong with the way I'm sending the output? Here is the line from the crontab
[00:28] <Peter_Occ> /2 * * * * /var/www/html/ffmpeg/start.sh>/var/www/html/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.log 2>&1
[00:52] <c_14> it looks fine. You could always try redirecting the output within start.sh directly instead of later in the cron line see if that helps.
[00:55] <Peter_Occ> Ok I'll try that.
[03:28] <ePirat> Can I use ffmpeg to output some input file for streaming?
[03:28] <ePirat> need it to send to icecast, but icecast can't do timing itself so it needs receive it timed correctly
[03:31] <relaxed> ePirat: ffmpeg -h full | less +/'-re '
[03:34] <ePirat> relaxed, thanks!
[03:47] <rcombs> can I interface between multiple complex filter graphs?
[03:48] <c_14> I'm pretty sure an ffmpeg command can only have one filter_complex
[05:59] <laoshanlong> So I'm trying to figure out how to create a webm with embedded, hard subtitles. My source is a .MKV with .ass formatted subtitles. I extracted the .ass and tried the flag -vf "ass=sub.ass" but there were no hardsubs in my output.
[06:31] <Dark-knight> just use mov_text
[06:31] <waressearcher2> how do I fade in first second of output video ? if I speed up video using "-vf setpts=0.02*PTS,fade=in:0:24" it doesn't works because it takes 24 frames from original video but because it was speed up so much there is no fade in, but it kind of works if I use "fade=in:0:1000", so should I calculate amount of frames myself ?
[06:32] <Dark-knight> if you only want hardsubs then nvm
[06:33] <waressearcher2> other words if I encode 1 minutes video to 1 minutes video "fade=in:0:24" is working for fading in first second, but if I take 1 hour long video and speed it up to 1 minute long, "fade=in:0:24" doesn't work, I need something like "fade=in:0:1000", looks like that filter takes into account initial video on the output one
[07:16] <waressearcher2> if I say have audio that is 2m55s long and video that is 2m58s long its will be allright to mix them ? ffmpeg will add silence at the end automatically ?
[07:54] <laoshanlong> (Dark-knight): What's that?
[07:54] <Dark-knight> nvm
[07:54] <laoshanlong> Ah.
[07:55] <laoshanlong> I attempted "ffmpeg -i dal.mkv -ss 04:37.021 -to 05:49.182 -c:v libvpx -b:v 2M -vf subtitles=out.ass -crf 4 -f webm out.webm"
[07:55] <laoshanlong> but the subtitles are offset by 04:37:021 when I play it in MPC, and they don't appear at all in a web browser.
[08:03] <relaxed> laoshanlong: what do you mean they don't up in your web browser? either they're hardsubbed or they're not.
[08:03] <relaxed> dont show up*
[08:06] <laoshanlong> They're not hardsubbed. I suspect MPC is auto-loading the external .ass file
[08:07] <laoshanlong> Yep, that's exactly what's going on
[08:07] <relaxed> laoshanlong: did you build ffmpeg?
[08:07] <laoshanlong> It's not hardcoding anything
[08:07] <laoshanlong> No.
[08:08] <relaxed> Version? Where did you get it?
[08:08] <laoshanlong> I suspect I got it from the download page on ffmpeg.org, Zeranoe FFmpeg Builds
[08:09] <laoshanlong> folder name is ffmpeg-20140406-git-59c1023-win64-static
[08:09] <laoshanlong> I got it ages ago.
[08:09] <relaxed> try a newer build
[08:10] <laoshanlong> downloading from: http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
[08:10] <relaxed> also, simply your command to see if it works at all-  "ffmpeg -i dal.mkv -t 60 -vf subtitles=out.ass out.webm"
[08:10] <relaxed> simplify*
[08:15] <laoshanlong> running it
[08:19] <laoshanlong> Nope
[08:19] <laoshanlong> No hardsubs
[08:23] <relaxed> pastebin the output
[08:24] <laoshanlong> ?
[08:24] <laoshanlong> The output is a video file
[08:25] <relaxed> the console output from the ffmpeg command.
[08:25] <waressearcher2> video inside console ?
[08:25] <waressearcher2> ASCII video
[08:25] <sacarasc> The text output from ffmpeg.
[08:26] <laoshanlong> cmd line buffer wasn't long enough, one sec
[08:26] <relaxed> I assume if MPC is using out.ass it's a valid file.
[08:27] <laoshanlong> Hmm...
[08:27] <laoshanlong> How do I pipe cmd line output to a text file?
[08:28] <waressearcher2> laoshanlong: > textfile ?
[08:28] <laoshanlong> Doesn't seem to have worked, waressearcher2
[08:28] <relaxed> I don't know how to using windows.
[08:28] <relaxed> google knows
[08:28] <waressearcher2> laoshanlong: "echo 111 > file" doen't create file with "111" in windows ?
[08:29] <laoshanlong> it does
[08:29] <laoshanlong> but running the ffmpeg command > log.txt doesn't pipe the text to log.txt
[08:29] <relaxed> ffmpeg's output is stderr, not stdout
[08:30] <relaxed> on *nix it would be ffmpeg ... 2>ffmpeg.log
[08:30] <waressearcher2> laoshanlong: try to put it in 1.bat and then run "1.bat > file.log"
[08:30] <laoshanlong> In order to redirect STDERR you have to specify "2>" for the redirection symbol. This selects the second output stream which is STDERR.
[08:30] <waressearcher2> so looks like "2>" works in windows too
[08:30] <laoshanlong> there we go
[08:30] <laoshanlong> log.txt is doing stuff
[08:32] <laoshanlong> http://pastebin.com/uz283kZf
[08:32] <laoshanlong> the subtitle file is named out2.ass in order to prevent mpc from loading it
[08:36] <relaxed> See this? --> Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
[08:36] <laoshanlong> yeah
[08:39] <relaxed> I guess that's the problem.
[08:39] <relaxed> Zeranoe: ^^^
[08:40] <laoshanlong> Well, any idea what that error really means?
[08:42] <Zeranoe> http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=318&start=20#p2463
[08:44] <laoshanlong> (Zeranoe): System or User variables?
[08:57] <laoshanlong> success!
[08:58] <Dark-knight> Hey Zeranoe!
[09:19] <laoshanlong> ...
[09:19] <laoshanlong> So
[09:19] <laoshanlong> I now have an output file
[09:20] <laoshanlong> and it plays just fine for me
[09:20] <laoshanlong> but others say it's corrupt
[09:20] <laoshanlong> http://a.pomf.se/oqkxzw.webm What the hell
[09:20] <MrPingouin> hey people
[09:20] <heftig-z> the ffmpegs in this pipe keep eating memory: ffmpeg -v quiet -f lavfi -i color -f nut -c:v copy - | ffmpeg -i - -f rawvideo -c:v copy -y /dev/null
[09:20] <heftig-z> what's going on here?
[09:21] <MrPingouin> despite my -pix_fmt yuv420p, I can't managed to play a h264 1080p movie on quicktime, is it a bandwidth issue ?
[09:22] <MrPingouin> note that the pix_fmt yuv trick does work, as if I don't put this option, quicktime opens a "white image video"
[09:23] <MrPingouin> sorry, not bandwidth, bitrate
[09:28] <termos> what can I do to maintain constant segment size for HLS .ts files? I think the problem is varying gop due to scene cut detection?
[09:29] <heftig-z> termos: try no-scenecut x264opt
[09:30] <termos> ah thanks
[09:48] <heftig-z> can I somehow disable ffmpeg's building of a stream index? it's useless to me and keeps eating memory
[10:05] <relaxed> MrPingouin: see if adding -level 41 makes a difference. create a small sample with ffmpeg -i input -t 20 -level 41 ....
[10:29] <MrPingouin> relaxed: I'm testing right now
[10:30] <Roee> hi guys
[10:30] <Roee> has anynoe failed to build ffmpeg with the following error: ERROR: librtmp not found
[10:31] <Roee> I installed various versions of rtmp and nothing works :(
[10:31] <relaxed> you're probably missing the dev package that includes the headers.
[10:32] <relaxed> look at the bottom of config.log for the reason
[10:32] <Roee> i586-poky-linux-gcc -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed --sysroot=/opt/clanton-full/1.4.2//sysroots/i586-poky-linux -Wl,--as-needed -o /tmp/ffconf.co8wH3bV /tmp/ffconf.IRLF576F.o -lm -lbz2 -lz -pthread check_pkg_config librtmp librtmp/rtmp.h RTMP_Socket false --exists --print-errors librtmp ERROR: librtmp not found
[10:33] <relaxed> Roee: which distro?
[10:33] <Roee> ubuntu
[10:33] <Roee> let me just verify the version
[10:33] <Roee> just a sec
[10:33] <Roee> i think 12.04
[10:33] <relaxed> install librtmp-dev and try it again
[10:34] <Roee> oops
[10:34] <Roee> 13.1
[10:34] <Roee> 10*
[10:35] <Roee> i586-poky-linux-gcc -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed --sysroot=/opt/clanton-full/1.4.2//sysroots/i586-poky-linux -Wl,--as-needed -o /tmp/ffconf.XIwS4CSg /tmp/ffconf.CDxsf621.o -lm -lbz2 -lz -pthread check_pkg_config librtmp librtmp/rtmp.h RTMP_Socket false --exists --print-errors librtmp ERROR: librtmp not found
[10:35] <Roee> same error i believe
[10:35] <Roee> after doing apt-get remove and than install
[10:36] <relaxed> Do you even need librtmp?
[10:36] <Roee> yes
[10:36] <Roee> it's actually the only thing i need :|
[10:37] <relaxed> pastebin.com the last couple of pages of your config.log
[10:38] <Roee> http://pastebin.com/EJ7aHnR0
[10:39] <Roee> Do you wish to see the Makefile?
[10:41] <relaxed> pastebin the whole log
[10:42] <Roee> http://pastebin.com/qxG8duLr
[10:42] <MrPingouin> relaxed: it's better a little bit ! still laggy though
[10:44] <relaxed> does quicktime have multithreaded decoding?
[10:46] <MrPingouin> I don't know, but the thing is
[10:46] <MrPingouin> the same video encoded with adobe premiere runs perfectly
[10:46] <relaxed> Roee: does it work if you simply run "./configure --enable-gpl --enable-librtmp" ?
[10:47] <relaxed> MrPingouin: pastebin the output of ffmpeg -i
[10:47] <relaxed> (and the video that's giving you trouble)
[10:48] <MrPingouin> relaxed: http://bpaste.net/show/3se5gyuuK6qOdi3p4AT7/
[10:49] <Roee_> chrome stopped working for some reason
[10:49] <Roee_> yasm/nasm not found or too old. Use --disable-yasm for a crippled build.
[10:49] <relaxed> install yasm
[10:50] <relaxed> MrPingouin: output.mov is what you encoded with ffmpeg?
[10:51] <MrPingouin> yes
[10:51] <MrPingouin> oh, you want the input ?
[10:51] <relaxed> no
[10:51] <Roee_> I think it worked
[10:51] <Roee_> got a pretty huge output
[10:51] <Roee_> pastebin?
[10:52] <relaxed> MrPingouin: why does is say "major_brand     : qt", are you sure you encoded this with ffmpeg?
[10:52] <MrPingouin> eeeeer yes lol
[10:52] <MrPingouin> here is the command line
[10:53] <relaxed> Roee_: something in your original ./configure line is conflicting with librtmp support.
[10:53] <MrPingouin> relaxed: http://bpaste.net/show/0hJfb0GIzqdoDbAbZf0C/
[10:54] <Roee_> How can I detect which one?
[10:54] <relaxed> Roee_: start small
[10:55] <relaxed> MrPingouin: That command looks fine. Does it play fine in vlc or mplayer?
[10:56] <MrPingouin> in vlc it works perfectly, the issue is, I've been asked for it to play smoothly on quicktime :)
[10:58] <Roee_> I'm using a specific toolchain designed for Intel Galileo
[10:58] <Roee_> maybe this could be the issue
[10:59] <relaxed> MrPingouin: add -tune fastdecode
[11:00] <MrPingouin> lol
[11:00] <relaxed> ?
[11:00] <MrPingouin> I've been dealing with ffmpeg command line since 2 days, I'm the master of the command line !
[11:00] <MrPingouin> encoding a video with ffmpeg is like hacking the fbi in scifi movies :)
[11:02] <MrPingouin> better !
[11:03] <MrPingouin> thanks a lot relaxed, I'm forwarding the result to my bosses
[11:03] <MrPingouin> I keep you in touch :)
[11:03] <relaxed> it could be that your pc is two slow to decode it with one thread.
[11:03] <relaxed> too slow*
[11:23] <muhammet> I am using Ubuntu and read https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu for compiling FFmpeg. In the output of one statically built FFmpeg executable the configuration parameters are present, so I managed to compile using those options but the resulting "ffmpeg" file is approximately 10M smaller. How is your procedure for creating a static build of FFmpeg?
[11:25] <MrPingouin> relaxed: by the way, isn't it "-level 4.1" instead of "-level 41" ?
[11:27] <JEEBsv> at least the latter should work, possibly the dotted one too
[11:27] <JEEBsv> if the dotted one actually works, then feel free to use it
[11:27] Action: JEEBsv prefers the non-dotted one for some reason
[11:28] <relaxed> last time I tried dotted did not work
[12:00] <FrEaKmAn_> hi.. can I execute 2 things at once? for example cut first file 00:05 - 00:10 AND cut second file 00:10 - 00:15?
[12:01] <FrEaKmAn_> I trying to put everything in 1 command for I have total progress
[13:50] <ePirat> I am using -re option to output live video with ffmpeg to stream it to icecast, but it is very laggy for some reason, are there more things I can do to optimize it?
[13:51] <c_14> FrEaKmAn_: ffmpeg -ss 5 -t 5 -i file1 -ss 10 -t 5 -i file2 -map 0 out1 -map 1 out2; <- this should work
[13:52] <FrEaKmAn_> c_14: nice.. let me try
[13:52] <FrEaKmAn_> but to also add concat to this? possible
[13:55] <ePirat> c_14, here is the full output https://gist.github.com/anonymous/0cf50b64b6b5398b12e3
[13:55] <c_14> FrEaKmAn_: ffmpeg -ss 5 -t 5 -i file1 -ss 10 -t 5 -i file2 -filter_complex '[0][1]concat=n=2:v=1:a=1[v][a]' -map '[v]' -map '[a]' out; assuming you want to concat the two streams (also you might need to specify the streams one by one. ie [0:0][0:1][1:0][1:1] etc
[13:56] <FrEaKmAn_> nice
[13:58] <c_14> ePirat: is the encoding too slow or what's the problem?
[13:59] <ePirat> c_14, the video is lagging for some reason, like a lot missing frames but since ffmpeg always display 25fps not sure how this is possible
[14:00] <ePirat> even happens when I use an ogg file and codec copy
[14:00] <c_14> does it also happen if you take say an ogg file and cat it into curl?
[14:00] <ePirat> thats not possible
[14:00] <ePirat> it needs to have proper timing
[14:01] <ePirat> icecast doesn't do any timing
[14:01] <c_14> oh, right
[14:01] <relaxed> ePirat: can you streamcopy the original file or does icecast require ogg?
[14:01] <c_14> have you tried getting FFmpeg to output directly to the http stream?
[14:02] <ePirat> c_14, no, how would I do that?
[14:02] <ePirat> relaxed, I tried -c copy -f ogg with an ogg (video+audio) input file, same problem.
[14:03] <c_14> ffmpeg -i [..] -f ogg http://localhost:8000/video
[14:05] <ePirat> c_14, can I somehow specify the http method it should use? seems it does the wrong thing, I get error 400 (Bad request)
[14:08] <c_14> hmmm, it seems your curl command is specifying a user/password. You can probably set that in FFmpeg with the headers option, but I don't know how.
[14:09] <ePirat> I just put it in the url like http://user:pass@localhost:8000/video, ffmpeg doesn't complained about it so I expected it can handle it
[14:10] <ePirat> but it seems ffmpeg uses POST instead of PUT
[14:10] <ePirat> and the docs provide no info at all how to change it, seems impossible
[14:13] <c_14> Yeah, hmm. The reason I asked was that I think either curl or the pipe might be buffering the input partially then emptying the buffer and then buffering again and then emptying. That could explain why the stream might be laggy.
[14:13] <ePirat> hmmh yes
[15:45] <Dark-knight> can anybody else confirm that youtube just changed its font so that blind people can now read it?
[15:46] <sacarasc> Braille?
[15:46] <Dark-knight> no its just ridiculously huge
[15:46] <Dark-knight> anybody else see that?
[15:47] <sacarasc> Nope.
[15:47] <Mavrik> you have zoom broken in browser
[15:47] <Mavrik> or you're being trolled by A/B test.
[15:47] <Dark-knight> when you click a video all the other videos on the side have very large text
[15:47] <Dark-knight> its not my zoom
[15:49] <Dark-knight> can anyone confirm?
[15:49] <sacarasc> I already confirmed the opposite.
[15:49] <Dark-knight> did you clikc a video?
[15:50] <sacarasc> http://i.imgur.com/A75nDSm.png
[15:50] <sacarasc> Looks fine.
[15:50] <Dark-knight> wtf
[15:51] <Dark-knight> you haven't cleared your cookies yet have you?
[15:51] <Dark-knight> dont do it
[15:52] <Dark-knight> can you give me your YT cookies so i can get the old font back?
[15:53] <sacarasc> Looks fine in a browser I have never been to Youtube on before.
[16:00] <stephenmac7> I'm having an issue when streaming from rtsp: When the camera gets too much sun, the image gets corrupted and the output gets filled with "RTP: Missed X packets". Here is the output: http://sprunge.us/GgRP and the command:
[16:00] <Dark-knight> oh thank code wizard
[16:00] <Dark-knight> i fixed it
[16:00] <stephenmac7> ffmpeg -i 'rtsp://radbear:[password_omitted]@' -c:v copy -map 0 -an -flags:v -global_header -bsf:v dump_extra -f hls -hls_time 5 -hls_list_size 4 -hls_wrap 8 surf_stream.m3u8
[16:00] <Dark-knight> i just logged out, cleared the cache, then logged in again
[17:10] <ePirat> how can I list avfoundation devices? list_devices is an invalid option
[19:11] <Peter_Occ>  ffmpeg -f mjpeg -r 8 -i -vf "drawtext=/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf: text='\%D \%T': fontcolor=white at 0.8: x=7: y=20"  -r 10 /var/www/html/captures/videoMain2.mp4
[19:11] <Peter_Occ> The date and the time are now being added to the capture, and I'm getting this message. I'm pretty sure the syntax is correct, so what is the problem?
[19:11] <Peter_Occ> [Parsed_drawtext_0 @ 0x9de4060] Stray % near 'D %T'00:10.20 bitrate= 389.6kbits/s dup=29 drop=0
[19:12] <Peter_Occ> The date and time are not being added
[19:23] <sfan5> use text='%{localtime\:%D %T}'
[19:34] <Peter_Occ> sfan5 thanks for the tip, works now
[19:50] <Peter_Occ> There seems to be a seven second delay from when the command to capture is sent and the actual capture starts. Any way around that?
[19:53] <Peter_Occ> Actually, the delay is in the timestamp itself
[19:56] <Peter_Occ> If I start the video on the minute, the video starts correctly, but  starts with  a timestamp of 07 seconds, keeps that time for 7 seconds and then continues correctly when the video gets to the 7 second mark.
[21:03] <gaffa> Hi, what would you think was wrong if ffmpeg stopped at some point saving to the output file, but it keeps processing and encoding. Just nothing is written to the file. What are other likely causes than ffmpeg? Just from the top of your heads to give me some ideas and input to debugging the problem.
[21:04] <Plorkyeran> disk full?
[21:04] <gaffa> Heh, I've already eliminated that :P
[21:08] <Hello71> other disk errors.
[21:12] <gaffa> One would think that ffmpeg would give an error message, but I can't be sure. I guess I'll just have to run traces for errors first on an inconsistent I/O problem :/. I will see if I can somehow make the process stop for debugging, when it stops writing output.
[21:12] <gaffa> s/One would/I
[21:51] <optix2> is there a way to generate an image sequence based on a subtitle only?
[21:52] <ePirat> does ffmpeg supports ogm?
[21:53] <JEEB> yes
[21:53] <JEEB> as in, you can at least read it - not sure about muxing, but you definitely shouldn't be muxing OGM any more
[21:53] <JEEB> for /any/ reason
[22:12] <bgchris> Hello, i am using this command -f segment -segment_format flv ....... and it works just fine . My question is: It is possible to stip the metadata duration from the output segment?
[22:12] <bgchris> Cause i output flv with multiple segments
[22:12] <bgchris> but al the players think that flv is duration of 10 (given by -segment_time) and then it stops
[00:00] --- Fri Jul 18 2014

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