[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140608

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 02:05:01 CEST 2014

[00:24] <benlieb> is there a way to get ffplay to show time codes as mm:ss as well? it's not useful for me to see just seconds
[02:35] <DeadSix27> how would i add letterbox to the rights when having a video wich is something like 400x720 for example?
[02:36] <DeadSix27> sides*
[02:36] <sacarasc> -vf pad, IIRC, but I don't know the exact syntax.
[02:38] <DeadSix27> found this on web
[02:38] <DeadSix27> -> ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter:v "scale=iw*min($width/iw\,$height/ih):ih*min($width/iw\,$height/ih), pad=$width:$height:($width-iw*min($width/iw\,$height/ih))/2:($height-ih*min($width/iw\,$height/ih))/2" out.mp4
[02:38] <DeadSix27> kinda looks like overdoing it
[02:42] <DeadSix27> well it worked
[02:42] <DeadSix27> so who cares
[03:13] <daJu> Hello, where can I find libffmpeg compiled for os x?
[03:53] <bornpilot> daju use homebrew
[04:25] <unlord> what is the valid range of -q:v for -f h263 ?
[04:41] <barry> how come ffprobe is showing as s32 when it's s24
[04:41] <barry> is this a bug
[04:41] <barry>     Stream #0:0: Audio: mlp, 96000 Hz, stereo, s32
[09:55] <t4nk929> Hi, I am having trouble decoding g726 wav files. I cant seem to decode it to regular wav files. I have tried with an old release and the latest release of ffmpeg. I have put up the output of the CLI commands here. http://pastebin.com/gFBuk9QG . Any help would be appreciated.
[10:12] <t4nk777> Hi, I am having trouble decoding g726 wav files. I cant seem to decode it to regular wav files. I have tried with an old release and the latest release of ffmpeg. I have put up the output of the CLI commands here. http://pastebin.com/gFBuk9QG . Any help would be appreciated.
[11:44] <JackWinter> am a noob to video editing (on linux and in general).  is cineform (been reccomended to use the format for intermidiary files) accessible on linux through ffmpeg or some other software?
[11:46] <maksimkaaa_> Hi, I have a large argument list to the ffmpeg command, which is causing an (Argument list too long). Does ffmpeg have its own solution for this? or should I use a workaround like when using other tools ?
[11:53] <JackWinter> maybe a more pertinent question, what channels are there for general video editing under linux discussions and questions?
[11:56] <maksimkaaa_> You mean comparing to my question on FFMPEG arguments JackWinter
[11:56] <maksimkaaa_> ?
[12:22] <JackWinter> hmm, maksimkaaa was quick to leave
[14:30] <seanbotv20> I have an amix filtergraph combining two audio streams into one, when my output is a file everything is fine, but when I try to push it to an ffserver feed, it tries to map the filtergraph output and one of the inputs to the output
[14:30] <seanbotv20> ffserver is expecting the one audio stream so it carks it.
[14:30] <seanbotv20> also hello by the way
[15:40] <JEEBsv> 2
[15:40] <sacarasc> Indeed.
[15:49] <JEEBsv> a case of mispressing a butan, am working at an event
[16:05] <spettro> there is any explain why ffmpeg cut last seconds of audio when you record something? video+audio
[16:06] <daJu> Hello, is there a way to use libffmpeg under osx?
[16:08] <sacarasc> From what I can see, libffmpeg is an Android thing to get the ffmpeg command line?
[16:08] <sacarasc> Why not just install ffmpeg and use the ffmpeg command?
[16:09] <daJu> sacarasc: Are you answering me ?
[16:09] <sacarasc> Yes.
[16:09] <daJu> I want to use libffmpeg with objc
[16:09] <daJu> under Mac
[16:10] <daJu> oh you say libffmpeg is for android
[16:10] <daJu> only?
[16:11] <sacarasc> I've not heard of it until you came in yesterday asking for it. Most people who code with ffmpeg use the libav* things.
[16:11] <sacarasc> libavformat, libavcodec, etc.
[16:12] <daJu> I thought libffmpeg was the whole thing
[16:13] <sacarasc> I could just be out of the loop, thoguh.
[16:13] <daJu> I guess I'm the one who miss the train here
[16:25] <daJu> sacarasc: Since you're here, do you have any idea how to use rtmp with avformat ?
[16:25] <sacarasc> Nope.
[16:27] <daJu> Ok
[17:17] <daJu> Is there any documentation on libavformat ?
[17:17] <sacarasc> http://ffmpeg.org/documentation.html
[17:18] <sacarasc> Oh, wait, doesn't seem to be a libavformat link there...
[17:18] <daJu> yes it has
[17:18] <daJu> but it's the helloworld of documentation
[17:18] <c_14> daJu: try the doxygen: https://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/group__libavf.html
[17:19] <daJu> c_14: ty
[18:16] <Fjorgynn> hey
[18:17] <Fjorgynn> JEEB: i've got a question about msys mingw
[18:23] <Fjorgynn> or anyone else
[18:28] <Mavrik> we're happy about you having a question.
[18:29] <Fjorgynn> must i install git to my pc?
[18:29] <Fjorgynn> because what I can see it's not included in the mingw folder
[18:40] <Fjorgynn> where can I found those binarys, not the installation files
[19:51] <Fjorgynn> so this is awesome
[19:51] <Fjorgynn> I am compiling ffmpeg
[20:41] <Fjorgynn> I think this is slightly newer
[20:43] <Fjorgynn> ffmpeg version N-63840-g34959c4a with fdk-aac 0.1.3
[21:41] <ValdikSS> Hello!
[21:41] <ValdikSS> If there any way to disable transcoding in ffserver?
[21:52] <llogan> the silence of the channel is not to ignore you, but ffserver is basically unmaintained and i'm not sure of anyone who really has much experience with it
[21:54] <llogan> unlord: 1-31. it's a linear scale. 31 is worst quality.
[21:55] <ValdikSS> llogan: could you recommend any streaming server except VLC VLM please?
[21:58] <llogan> ValdikSS: no, sorry. i don't know, but it also appears that stream copying may not be possible with ffserver, AFAIK: http://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/1496
[21:59] <ValdikSS> llogan: I see. It's not suitable for me then. Thanks anyway.
[22:02] <Mavrik> wowza?
[22:09] <ValdikSS> Mavrik: I need HTTP stream
[22:09] <Mavrik> and?
[22:09] <ValdikSS> Mavrik: Can wowza do http streaming?
[22:09] <ValdikSS> Mavrik: not HLS
[22:09] <Mavrik> is there a reason you don't check the feature list?
[22:10] <CARAM_> ValdikSS: have you looked into flumotion?
[22:10] <ValdikSS> CARAM_: I don't need proprietary / non-free solution.
[22:10] <ValdikSS> CARAM_: I just need to stream a video file
[22:11] <ValdikSS> CARAM_: Oh, flumotion is open source. I'll take a look at it.
[22:11] <ValdikSS> CARAM_: Thanks
[22:25] <BtbN> ValdikSS, nginx with rtmp module
[22:25] <BtbN> If you want to just "stream" a video file via http, just run some random http server, and put it in the docroot?
[22:48] <ValdikSS> BtbN: I need live streaming.
[22:48] <BtbN> live streaming via plain http sounds like a horrible idea
[22:48] <BtbN> look at nginx-rtmp
[22:48] <ValdikSS> BtbN: I remember nginx module, it's of high quality, but I'd better use http.
[22:49] <ValdikSS> BtbN: It seems I don't have a lot of choices anyway
[22:49] <BtbN> http is not made for live streaming
[22:49] <BtbN> only with hacks like hls
[22:50] <ValdikSS> BtbN: I know, but it works pretty good. I don't need framedropping.
[22:50] <BtbN> Why not just use rtmp or hls? It's easily done with nginx-rtmp and way better.
[22:50] <ValdikSS> BtbN: In fact, sometimes I stream video file for 3-4 clients and they watch it, it's OK for clients to desync for up to 10 seconds.
[22:51] <BtbN> rtmp/hls does not avoid desyncs.
[22:51] <ValdikSS> BtbN: Well, it seems like I should use RTSP or RTMP. I don't know why I wanted HTTP that much.
[22:52] <ValdikSS> BtbN: I don't need to avoid desync, on the contrary, I need to avoid packet dropping
[23:08] <iive> afair rtsp is udp based, so packet dropping is real problem there. http is tcp based, so retransmission is automatic
[23:09] <Mavrik> also, pointless
[23:10] <Mavrik> you should not have retransmission on live streaming ever
[23:10] <Mavrik> it'll wreck havoc with your setup and network in ways you can't even imagine -_-
[23:10] <Mavrik> ValdikSS, btw, we used stream-m and icecast to some effect for HTTP live streaming
[23:11] <Mavrik> however the browser support for that is rather limited and quality (due to codec limitations) rather bad
[23:31] <unlord> llogan: thanks
[23:32] <unlord> llogan: is that the same scale for -f h261 ?
[23:33] <iive> retransmission is actually quite low-latency, compared to some of the other stuff in the video pipeline.
[00:00] --- Mon Jun  9 2014

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