[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140629
burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 02:05:01 CEST 2014
[00:04] <c_14> dahat: Check under windows? https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide
[00:44] <dahat> c_14: I did, that ended up taking me to http://ffmpeg.org/platform.html#Microsoft-Visual-C_002b_002b-or-Intel-C_002b_002b-Compiler-for-Windows ... and when trying to do a /.configure --toolchain=msvc (or other suggested configure arguments)... I end up being told that (short version) "C compiler test failed"... and while there is a suggestion of trying --enable-cross-compile... that becomes whole other rabbit hole I've not been able to
[01:10] <ajeesh> http://pastebin.com/QUMK0wRi
[01:11] <ajeesh> cannot convert some wmv files
[01:45] <ajeesh> cannot convert to flv for some wmv files
[03:57] <hellhound> hey guys, I was wondering if there was a way to embed subtitles with ffplay
[05:40] <Gregor> I have a ridiculous question: Is it possible to make ffmpeg discard all I-frames for a given input (I'm trying to intentionally create an invalid video here, to demonstrate the oft-seen effect of P/B-frames applied to invalid picture data)
[05:41] <Gregor> Or perhaps even better, to replace the data of an I-frame.
[06:12] <Gregor> It's surprisingly difficult to find information on how to intentionally corrupt video ^^´
[08:17] <bewees> hi, I'd like to merge two mp4 video files without reencoding. I tried: ./ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -i 2.mp4 merged.mp4 without success. Not sure what Im missing
[08:17] <bewees> My ffmpeg version is: ffmpeg version 2.2.3
[08:20] <bewees> This the output of my attempt: http://pastebin.com/EP3hWqVJ
[08:21] <relaxed_> bewees: (MP4Box is part of gpac) MP4Box -cat 1.mp4 -cat 2.mp4 -new combined.mp4
[08:26] <bewees> relaxed_, Thanks, that worked fine. Is ffmpeg using gpac for mp4 conversion too, but it failed because of a build error?
[08:33] <bewees> I guess not, because else gpac would be a dependencies of ffmpeg
[08:34] <relaxed_> bewees: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20concatenate%20%28join,%20merge%29%20media%20files
[08:35] <relaxed_> I just find mp4box easier to use
[08:40] <bewees> Thanks
[11:15] <smartcat> hi, friends, a question about mpeg2 encoding. I try to encoding a HD video to 60Mbps MPEG2 format with ffmpeg, I got a poor performance with only about 5 fps with my I5-3470 processor. Is it right? the encoding speed is quite slow
[12:01] <GyrosGeier> hm
[12:01] <GyrosGeier> I have a set of VOBs, can I concatenate these during encoding?
[12:32] <technocf> I am trying to convert images to a video but I get "Output file #0 does not contain any stream"
[12:33] <technocf> Using the command "avconv -i frame_%d.png -r 30 video.mp4"
[12:40] <ubitux> GyrosGeier: vob are mpeg you should be able to concat them, see the faq
[12:40] <ubitux> technocf: avconv is not supported here, it's a fork
[12:42] Action: GyrosGeier checks
[12:44] Action: GyrosGeier tries
[12:47] Action: GyrosGeier will see in 4 hours, when the encoder reaches the first boundary
[13:50] <GyrosGeier> hm
[13:50] <GyrosGeier> is there machine-readble output from the encoding process?
[13:51] <GyrosGeier> or should I use the library API then?
[13:51] <GyrosGeier> (plan is to have a simple fronend that watches a directory and starts encoding, with progress reports to XBMC)
[14:40] <BlackDream> Hello, I'm trying to restream a stream using the following command: /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f flv rtmp://
[14:41] <BlackDream> The ffmpeg responds:
[14:41] <BlackDream> Output #0, flv, to 'rtmp://': Metadata: encoder : Lavf55.33.100 Stream #0:0(): Video: h264 ([7][0][0][0] / 0x0007), yuv420p, 720x576 [SAR 1:1 DAR 5:4], q=2-31, 1k tbn, 90k tbc Stream #0:1(): Audio: mp3 ([2][0][0][0] / 0x0002), 44100 Hz, mono, 56 kb/s
[14:41] <BlackDream> which says that it has audio and video codecs and the restream starts successfully!
[14:41] <BlackDream> Then i open my player i have video image, but no sound though it says it has sound codec
[14:41] <BlackDream> why is tha that happening? Thank you :)
[14:41] <chris1988> hmmmmmm
[14:47] <brontosaurusrex> BlackDream, muted audio?
[14:48] <BlackDream> no no the audio works just fine, for example if i restream it using VLC i have audio
[14:48] <BlackDream> with ffmpeg i dont have though it says it has audio codec
[14:58] <BlackDream> btw: i am using rtmp nginx module
[16:22] <farito> how does -acodec aac compare with -acodec libfaac ?
[16:22] <sacarasc> Both are crap!
[16:23] <sacarasc> Check out https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/AAC
[16:24] <sacarasc> And https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/GuidelinesHighQualityAudio
[16:26] <farito> says "libfdk_aac > libfaac > Native FFmpeg AAC encoder (aac) > libvo_aacenc" ok
[16:28] <farito> ta
[16:38] <farito> How can I keep the current video nd audio codecs and rotate a video 90 degrees? is it possible?
[16:41] <farito> ffmpeg -i V.mp4 -c:a copy -c:v copy -vf "transpose=1" r.mp4 <-- says Filtergraph 'transpose=1' was defined for video output stream 0:0 but codec copy was selected. Filtering and streamcopy cannot be used together.
[16:41] <sacarasc> -c copy copies the stream, you would have to reencode.
[16:43] <fabltd> Hi i am trying to transcode an http stream http://pastebin.com/CzyzW3Rc
[16:43] <fabltd> ffmpeg is seeing the stream url as agruments to the application and the stream fails to transcode.
[16:54] <fabltd> hello is there any one online?
[16:55] <c_14> fabltd: If you don't paste your complete console output we can't help you.
[16:55] <fabltd> ok sorry i added it to the pastbin
[16:55] <fabltd> here it is
[16:55] <fabltd> ffmpeg -i,5000,5001,5002,5000,256 -ss 00:00:05 -acodec libfdk_aac -vbr 3 -b:v 3000k -ac 2 -vcodec libx264 -preset superfast -tune zerolatency -threads 2 -s 1280x720 -flags -global_header -fflags +genpts -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -hls_time 2 -hls_wrap 40 /var/www/test.m3u8
[16:56] <c_14> The console output, ie everything ffmpeg says. Not just the command.
[16:56] <fabltd> oh sorry
[16:57] <fabltd> here it is http://pastebin.com/rKZnHLb2
[16:59] <sacarasc> Put \ before all the &s.
[17:00] <farito> What is a good way to get ffmpeg working with libfdk_aac? I am on Windows
[17:00] <farito> I understand I need to compile it somehow?
[17:00] <c_14> fabltd: there's something wrong with those quotes...
[17:01] <fabltd> i have tried with any with out the quotes.
[17:03] <fabltd> with out quotes http://pastebin.com/ULqr1WvS
[17:04] <sacarasc> Put \ before all the &s.
[17:04] <c_14> you either need to escape all the '&' chars like sacarasc said or quote the entire string in u+0022 quotes instead of the u+201C u+201D quotes you were using.
[17:08] <fabltd> great different error now :-( Unrecognized option 'vbr'.
[17:08] <fabltd> Error splitting the argument list: Option not found
[17:12] <farito> Is compiling ffmpeg with libfdk_aac more difficult in windows than in *nix?
[17:13] <sacarasc> Yes.
[17:13] <sacarasc> But compiling everything is more difficult in Windows.
[17:19] <fabltd> getting this on the cli [http @ 0x20526c0] HTTP error 406 Not Acceptable
[17:19] <fabltd>,5000,5001,5002,5000,256: Input/output error
[17:27] <fabltd> c_14 are you still here ?
[17:32] <c_14> ye, that error is rather strange though. Does that url provide some sort of stream when you open it
[17:32] <c_14> ?
[17:36] <garyserj2> if I want to get ffmpeg via apt-get, how do I ensure that I get the proper ffmpeg and not the libav fork?
[17:37] <c_14> IIRC the debian repos do not contain FFmpeg. Depending on whether you're on debian or ubuntu you can use an external repo both of which are linked here: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html
[17:50] <GyrosGeier> hm
[17:51] Action: GyrosGeier used vobcopy to copy a DVD to harddisk
[17:52] <GyrosGeier> I would have expected a single episode, but rather all of them are there concatenated
[17:52] <GyrosGeier> can I somehow select that during encoding?
[17:52] <fabltd> c-14 yes it does works fine in vlc
[17:56] <c_14> Do you know what headers vlc sends to http servers? you can test by running a netcat on localhost on some port and then openning http://localhost:someport with vlc
[18:02] <fabltd> GET / HTTP/1.1
[18:02] <fabltd> Host:
[18:02] <fabltd> User-Agent: VLC/2.1.4 LibVLC/2.1.4
[18:02] <fabltd> Range: bytes=0-
[18:03] <fabltd> Connection: close
[18:03] <fabltd> Icy-MetaData: 1
[18:03] <fabltd> sorry
[18:04] <c_14> Hmm, the only difference is the Icy-MetaData part. Not sure why the server is throwing a 406
[18:05] <fabltd> grrr guess i might have to stick to vlc?
[18:06] <c_14> Although, wait. ffmpeg sends an accpet header, vlc does not...
[18:07] <fabltd> ok can this be switch off?
[18:07] <c_14> Try setting the headers option to exactly what vlc sends
[18:07] <GyrosGeier> 406 is "Unacceptable"
[18:07] <GyrosGeier> i.e. it didn't find a configuration matching the Accept header
[18:09] <fabltd> how do i do that c14
[18:18] <fabltd> ?
[18:19] <c_14> Maybe just try with ffmpeg -headers "Accept: *" -i "http://[..]", not sure how to completely delete the Accept header since it always sends it by default and only sometimes wants to overwrite it.
[21:16] <ChocolateArmpits> Has anyone had any luck compiling tools/ismindex on windows ?
[22:05] <spectralsun> what is this avconv nonsense
[22:05] <spectralsun> :\
[22:06] <spectralsun> which is better?
[22:06] <spectralsun> why use one over the other
[22:07] <c_14> That depends on who you ask. I prefer FFmpeg because it actually works.
[22:07] <c_14> Also, this channel is only for FFmpeg support, so if you want to use avconv you'll need to go to #libav.
[22:08] <sacarasc> spectralsun: ffmpeg merges in all of the new libav stuff, but libav doesn't merge in all of the new ffmpeg stuff.
[22:08] <spectralsun> hmm
[22:08] <spectralsun> ive always used ffmpeg, was going to continue to
[22:09] <spectralsun> one of our ubuntu servers updated to 14 and i got thrown into this nonsense
[22:09] Action: spectralsun is compiling ffmpeg again on the server
[22:09] <spectralsun> just did it from the ubuntu instructions which has you use a 2.2 snapshot
[22:10] <spectralsun> i had followed the other linux instructions which has you clone the latest from sources
[22:10] <spectralsun> on my local computer
[22:10] <spectralsun> and i calibrated our test cases for my ffmpeg (md5 checksums)
[22:10] <spectralsun> just ran the tests on the 2.2.git version and they did not match :\
[22:10] <spectralsun> i am building the latest version on the ubuntu server
[22:10] <spectralsun> i am running arch locally
[22:13] <spectralsun> the only other differnce i can find is i have gcc 4.9.0 and the server has 4.8
[22:13] <sacarasc> GCC 4.9.0 is broken (if unpatched) with ffmpeg.
[22:16] <sfan5> I wonder how the people developing gcc manage to break programs with every new release
[22:16] <spectralsun> oh
[22:17] <spectralsun> really
[22:17] <spectralsun> hmm
[22:17] <spectralsun> ugh
[22:17] <spectralsun> the one from my pacman is built with 4.9.0 also
[22:18] <spectralsun> sacarasc: how do you patch or know if its not working?
[22:21] <sacarasc> Seems it was only flac that was affected.
[22:26] <spectralsun> ok
[22:27] <spectralsun> im not using that
[22:31] <spectralsun> wow
[22:31] <spectralsun> new hashes, again
[22:32] <spectralsun> ran my tests on the ubuntu server, this time using latest source compiled by gcc 4.8
[22:32] <c_14> hashes of what exactly?
[22:32] <spectralsun> different hashes from the 2.2.git version and also different from my local copy which should be identicle execpt for being compiled by gcc 4.9
[22:33] <spectralsun> well one is a slowmo test for example
[22:33] <spectralsun> it takes a video file, at 4 seconds in it takes the next 5 seconds and makes it slowmo
[22:33] <c_14> Is the test deterministic? ie if you do it twice does it generate the same hashes?
[22:33] <spectralsun> yep
[22:34] <spectralsun> i calibrated it to my local arch computer
[22:34] <spectralsun> it doesn't match on the ubuntu server and its different from the last time i compiled ubuntu on the server (which was a 2.2 snapshot)
[22:45] <spectralsun> hmm looks like theres a gcc update for my local computer, im gonna recompile on my arch
[23:12] <spectralsun> wow
[23:12] <spectralsun> different hashes again
[23:12] <spectralsun> locally this time
[23:12] <spectralsun> and they dont match the server
[00:00] --- Mon Jun 30 2014
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