[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140319

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 02:05:01 CET 2014

[00:02] <Jack64> n-st: you're just trying to get a resized snapshot at a specific time?
[00:03] <Jack64> n-st: if so, http://blog.roberthallam.org/2010/06/extract-a-single-image-from-a-video-using-ffmpeg/comment-page-1/
[00:03] <n-st> yes, but i want to resize it to fit given dimensions and preferably center it on a black background
[00:03] <Jack64> n-st: check out the link, see if it helps
[00:04] <n-st> Jack64: nope, they're all resising the frame without preserving its aspect ratio
[00:04] <n-st> i got that working a while ago, but it's less than ideal...
[00:05] <llogan> if you want it on a black background you can use pad
[00:05] <Jack64> how about using -s 800x-1 ?
[00:05] <Jack64> not sure if that works
[00:11] <n-st> Jack64: i don't know which dimension is larger with respect to the aspect ratio, i.e. which one i need to specify to get the result to fit the required dimensions...
[00:12] <n-st> so i don't know in advance if i need 800:-1 or -1:600
[00:14] <llogan> n-st: is this what you're trying to do? http://superuser.com/questions/547296/resizing-videos-with-ffmpeg-avconv-to-fit-into-static-sized-player/
[00:18] <n-st> llogan: wow, that actually works!
[00:18] <n-st> the "black" padding isn't exactly black, though
[00:18] <n-st> how can i set that to #000?
[00:19] <llogan> the default is black
[00:19] <llogan> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#pad
[00:21] <n-st> llogan: strangely, even if i specify 0x000000, the padding ends up being 0x101010
[00:23] <n-st> llogan: http://pastebin.com/Jip9ibX6
[00:24] <n-st> llogan: 0xFF0000 ends up producing 0xee0e0e
[00:24] <n-st> color profile stuff, possibly?
[00:24] <n-st> could "Incompatible pixel format 'yuv420p' for codec 'mjpeg', auto-selecting format 'yuvj420p'" have something to do with it?
[00:25] <llogan> you didn't include the complete ffmpeg console output
[00:25] <n-st> oh, the output... sorry!
[00:26] <n-st> llogan: here you go: http://pastebin.com/FzRbUt1T
[00:26] <llogan> you're not using ffmpeg from FFmpeg
[00:27] <llogan> third party tools, forks, and scripts are not supported here
[00:27] <llogan> or go to #libav
[00:29] <n-st> llogan: i see. unfortunately, this has to work on a debian server where installing anything is not an option. :(
[00:29] <llogan> static builds don't require installation. you just download, extract, and execute.
[00:29] <llogan> but if you must use Libav stuff then you'll have to get help at their channel
[00:30] <n-st> llogan: i think i'll just live with the dark grey for now ;)
[00:31] <n-st> thanks to you and Jack64, you have helped me a lot!
[00:36] <llogan> it's a shame that our time is sometimes spent on helping fork users
[00:38] <n-st> llogan: i didn't even know that avconv was a fork until today
[00:38] <llogan> i'm not blaming you.
[00:38] <n-st> i always thought it was a new version created by the original programmers to eventually replace ffmpeg
[00:39] <n-st> i've even been slightly worried about basing scripts on ffmpeg, because it seemed to be about to disappear in favour of avconv...
[00:39] <llogan> yes. that's what they wanted you to think.
[00:43] <caral> Is it possible to have multiple lines with the filter 'drawtext' like \n?
[00:43] <caral> like "text \n next line of text"
[00:51] <relaxed> caral: try "$(printf %s "hi\nhi")"
[00:52] <relaxed> if not, libass would give you much more control.
[00:53] <llogan> or you could possibly use textfile option
[00:55] <roger21> hello,
[00:56] <roger21> when i downmix a dts 5.1 with -ac 2 into a wav, it doesn't do it right
[00:56] <roger21> it's like it just put rear or front chanel or something
[00:56] <roger21> if i put it into a mp3 or ogg/vorbis it's ok
[00:57] <roger21> and if i do the wav from the said mp3 or ogg it' ok too
[00:57] <roger21> argh
[00:58] <roger21> it just that you know : ffmpeg.exe -i "source.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -vn -c:a pcm_s16le -ac 2 -sn -t 9 "audio.wav"
[00:58] <roger21> ...ok
[01:02] <roger21> http://pastie.org/8949065
[01:06] <caral> The printf try doesn't work. Output is "hinhi" But textfile works like a charm. Extra \n gives me also an extra Linebreak for the eg. timecode. thx :-)
[01:07] <roger21> the mp3 or ogg command just use the -ac 2 too
[01:07] <roger21> i could try to remove it though
[01:08] <llogan> i can't duplicate the issue
[01:09] <roger21> nop same, w/o it
[01:09] <roger21> well sucks for me
[01:10] <roger21> well no it create a 6 chanel wav in this case
[01:10] <roger21> but i just hear two chanel when playing it -> so same sound but not same file
[01:11] <roger21> could my ffmpeg version be buggy?
[01:13] <roger21> can i manually down mix it, to force using the 6 channels
[01:13] <roger21> ?
[01:15] <llogan> roger21: you can choose whaever channels you want with pan audio filter
[01:20] <roger21> how does it do it normaly, it just pick 2 channels or it mix all together?
[01:21] <roger21> because the pan things just let me pick channels
[01:21] <roger21> when is do the mp3 i clearly have all the channels or something, the sound is "big"
[01:21] <roger21> when i do the wav it just suck
[01:23] <Hello71> ...
[01:25] <roger21> can you see what i mean, the files : http://roger21.free.fr/tests/med/
[01:38] <roger21> i have to remove the files
[02:07] <cpen> hello, I have a partial flv that I fetched from a server that supports flv "pseudo-streaming".  this partial flv can be played in flash (i.e., when seeking to a point beyond where you've buffered).  however, when I try to use ffmpeg to copy the video and audio from that partial flv into an mp4, it's able to grab the audio, but not the video.  what gives?  how can I help ffmpeg be able to copy both streams?  here is a pastebin with several of t
[02:07] <cpen> commands I've run on my test file: http://pastebin.com/NNRidTrz
[02:17] <decci> Hi
[02:18] <decci> My ffmpeg is not working. I am running ffmpeg on CentOS 6.4
[02:18] <decci> http://ffmpeg.upeoapp.com/upload_processor.php
[02:19] <decci> If you try to upload any video file, it is not working full fledge
[02:21] <wallbroken> hi guys, can I please ask a question about avidemux?
[02:21] <decci> How to install ffmpeg under /usr/local/bin
[02:22] <sacarasc> That's not really in the scope of this channel, wallbroken.
[02:22] <wallbroken> yes, i know, but i don't know wherever to ask
[02:22] <sacarasc> decci: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
[02:22] <wallbroken> it's a simple little think
[02:23] <wallbroken> i only want to ask why in avidemux xvid level goes from 1 to 4, and 5 it is not
[02:23] <decci> sacarasc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7117339/
[02:23] <decci> sacarasc: Does it mean its working
[02:23] <sacarasc> decci: I have no idea what script that is you are using. If you use just ffmpeg, maybe someone here could help.
[02:23] <decci> sacarasc: It says File Uploaded but not stored
[02:24] <sacarasc> That sounds like a third party script problem, which is not supported here.
[02:24] <decci> sacarasc: I just followed https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CentosCompilationGuide
[02:26] <decci> sacarasc: I installed ffmpeg under /root/ffmpeg_sources dfirectory. Will simply a symbolic link help as ln -s /root/ffmpeg_sources/ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
[02:44] <relaxed> decci: wouldn't that be /root/ffmpeg_sources/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg ?
[02:49] <decci> relaxed: I want it to be under /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
[02:49] <decci> relaxed: Can you suggest
[02:49] <decci> relaxed: Can simply symbolic link help here
[02:50] <decci> relaxed: I followed this https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CentosCompilationGuide
[02:52] <relaxed> did you follow that guide exactly?
[02:54] <relaxed> decci: ^^ ?
[02:55] <decci> yes
[02:55] <decci> relaxed: anything I missed out
[02:55] <relaxed> ok, run this:  echo $'#!/bin/sh\nLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/ffmpeg_build/lib /root/bin/ffmpeg "$@"' > /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
[02:55] <relaxed> chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
[02:56] <relaxed> now test:  /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
[02:57] <decci> relaxed:  echo $'#!/bin/sh\nLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/ffmpeg_build/lib /root/bin/ffmpeg "$@"' > /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -bash: /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg: Is a directory
[02:57] <decci> relaxed: I opened up a new putty console and the ln -s wont persist it seems
[02:57] <decci> How to fix it?
[02:57] <relaxed> rm -rf /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
[02:58] <relaxed> then run the commands I gave you again
[02:58] <decci> relaxed: doe
[02:58] <decci> done
[02:58] <decci> relaxed: it went well
[02:58] <relaxed> I will fix that guide sometime soon to be more clear.
[02:59] <decci> relaxed: can you try uploading and checking this
[02:59] <decci> relaxed: http://ffmpeg.upeoapp.com/upload_processor.php
[03:00] <decci> relaxed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7117467/
[03:00] <relaxed> I do not have time.
[10:44] <Kasper^> how do you specify a keyframe interval when encoding to vp9 ?
[10:46] <JEEB> I think ffmpeg cli has the general option -g
[10:46] <JEEB> not format-specific
[10:49] <Kasper^> "I" frames ?
[10:49] <Kasper^> option -g defines space between I frames; are these keyframes ?
[10:50] <JEEB> no, it defines the GOP length. Depending on the format (and settings) it's either an I picture, an IDR picture, an I picture with refresh signaling or whatever, or an IRAP picture
[10:50] <JEEB> personally I prefer calling them RAPs, Random Access Points
[10:51] <JEEB> how they're called specifically is format-specific and if something calls them "I" pictures that's due to MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 where I pictures were RAPs
[10:52] <Kasper^> so basically using -g would help seeking through the video at random points
[10:52] <JEEB> but yeah, GOP is a group of pictures that has a RAP in the beginning of it, so -g effectively sets the maximum distance between RAPs
[10:53] <Kasper^> that is what I am after actually
[10:53] <JEEB> yes, a shorter GOP length lets you seek quicker to random points
[10:54] <Kasper^> thanks
[10:54] <JEEB> also I wish thee luck to encode in vp9 :P
[10:54] <JEEB> the encoder is damn slow
[10:54] <Kasper^> now will just keep fingers crossed for vp9 multithreaded encoding
[10:55] <JEEB> not gonna happen any time soon :P
[10:55] <Kasper^> hard to parallelize the code ?
[10:55] <JEEB> not harder than other similar formats I would guess, no idea about the code
[10:55] <JEEB> it's just that it definitely doesn't seem to be a thing Google wants to put effort into
[10:56] <Kasper^> hmm, that's weird, they own youtube
[10:56] <JEEB> well, almost all major video sites nowadays encode in parallel, so the speed of a single instance doesn't matter too much
[10:56] <Kasper^> and why put effort in an format if nobody can use it
[10:57] <JEEB> so you either encode multiple videos at once, or you run a quick first pass with something to create the GOPs (I guess x264's pretty good for this?), and then you encode those separately
[10:58] <Kasper^> I wonder if 2-pass encoding improves compression with vp9
[10:58] <JEEB> dunno, but it makes it even slower
[10:58] <JEEB> personally I would just use whatever their version of CRF is
[10:58] <JEEB> but yeah, I'm not gonna see VP9 being much useful any time soon
[10:58] <JEEB> unless you want to code that parallel encoding setup and then stitch the bitstream together
[10:59] <Kasper^> what's weird is that during compression the fps keeps dropping
[10:59] <JEEB> have fun with libvpx :)
[10:59] <Kasper^> smells like some inefficient search/loop to an ever increasing data structure
[11:00] <JEEB> "Pass 2/2 frame   57/32    182737B 15553831 ms 0.22 fpm [ETA 77:15:  44]"
[11:00] <JEEB> quote from a friend who wanted to test libvpx's vp9
[11:03] <Kasper^> and I need to convert about 50gb of old clips
[11:05] <JEEB> then you don't want to use vp9 :P
[11:19] <exed_> are there common pitfalls for decoding an unicast/multicast mpegts stream to plain s16le audio?
[11:20] <exed_> we always having jitter inside the recorded audio as well as PES pkg mismatches and we don't know how we could get rid of them?
[11:20] <exed_> or at least how we can debug this problem better?
[12:10] <alket> is it possible to update file every 1 minute while playing video ?
[14:01] <nyc3j> Hello! I ran into an odd problem: I launch ffmpeg-git compilation on Archlinux and I got "ERROR: gnutls not found", then I have run it again and it is (almost) working! Is it a known issue?
[14:01] <nyc3j> *launched
[14:27] <DrSlony> Hi, my screencast doesn't play in Chromium. I use ffmpeg-1.2.6 and chromium-33.0.1750.149. Exact code here: http://paste2.org/1GGxO8kh What do I do to make my h.264 videos more compatible?
[14:28] <DrSlony> oh, sample video here http://rawtherapee.com/bugs/2301/2301pipettesegfault.mp4
[14:31] <klaxa|work> use webm instead maybe?
[14:32] <klaxa|work> that will require you to encode to vp8 though
[14:32] <klaxa|work> (or vp9 if you are using that)
[15:48] <hayuto> hey
[15:49] <hayuto> is there a way to capture imgae from rtmp stream to file.png and then exit and then capture again (in cron)
[15:49] <hayuto> not to capture all the time
[15:49] <hayuto> i want ffmpeg to exit after capturing
[15:50] <klaxa|work> ffmpeg -i rtmp://wherever -vframes 1 -c:v png picture.png
[15:51] <hayuto> oh vframes
[15:51] <hayuto> ill try that
[15:55] <hayuto> but if there is no stream it hangs
[15:55] <hayuto> and stays hanging
[15:55] <hayuto> can it return error instead so i can check $?
[15:56] <hayuto> or whatever is last return value
[15:57] <hayuto> i want to have something like in dailymotion
[15:57] <hayuto> an actual thumbnail on stream
[15:57] <hayuto> but if theres no stream and cron starts ffmpeg to capture it it will just stay hanging
[15:58] <klaxa|work> maybe use something beforehand to check if the stream is up?
[15:58] <klaxa|work> it also shouldn't hang
[16:00] <hayuto> just stays like this http://i.imgur.com/5BAtxSU.png
[16:01] <klaxa|work> well the port is open... so it will send a request and if nothing comes in return it will block, that makes sense
[16:01] <klaxa|work> maybe the server is not working correctly
[16:02] <hayuto> so if i put it in cron it will make so many process with it
[16:02] <hayuto> i could just kill it after 10 seconds or so anyways
[16:14] <hayuto> ok i did it like this /usr/local/bin/screen -UdmS lalalalalala /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg  -i rtmp:// -vframes 1 -c:v png img3.png && sleep 10 && screen -X -S lalalalalala quit
[16:14] <hayuto> tought probably there's better way
[17:26] <roger21> hello, i'm confuse about a 6 channel audio track
[17:26] <roger21> media info says Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE
[17:27] <roger21> well .. i don't know how they are called in ffmpeg
[17:27] <roger21> i guess FL FC FR SL SR ... and er
[17:28] <roger21> also that makes 2 central chanel the FC and the LFE
[17:28] <tsjiller> ffmpeg --tracks or something lists everything
[17:28] <roger21> how does that map into 5.1 ?
[17:28] <roger21> oh i'll try that
[17:28] <tsjiller> LFE is the .1
[17:29] <roger21> but what is FC then
[17:29] <tsjiller> Front Center
[17:29] <roger21> that make 4.1.1
[17:29] <roger21> i suck at home cinema
[17:29] <tsjiller> no, the center channel is full frequency
[17:30] <roger21> ok i guess
[17:31] <roger21> so the or something will come useful here
[17:31] <roger21> i don't find the tracks option
[17:32] <DrSlony> klaxa|work i dont want to use webm or vp* ;]
[17:32] <klaxa|work> then your videos won't get more compatible
[17:33] <klaxa|work> chromium and firefox on linux don't support h264 within the browser afaik
[17:36] <spaam> Ohh.. they used "Lavf55.19.104" to make the Free To Play movie  http://store.steampowered.com/app/245550/ :)
[17:37] <roger21> nobody on my tracks? option or something?
[17:37] <DrSlony> firefox too??
[17:37] <DrSlony> huh
[17:38] <DrSlony> how widely compatible is webm or vp*?
[17:38] <roger21> wide enougth
[17:38] <DrSlony> ok
[17:39] <DrSlony> best two-word answer i could hope for :]
[17:39] <DrSlony> what si the recommended ffmpeg syntax for encoding to vp9?
[17:39] <klaxa|work> vp8 and vp9 are royalty free, anyone may implement encoders and decoders free of charge
[17:39] <roger21> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Supported_media_formats
[17:42] <roger21> ffmpeg -layouts
[17:47] <roger21> holly shit i did it
[17:48] <DrSlony> do presets work with ffmpeg/vp9?
[17:48] <DrSlony> -c:v libvpx-vp9 -preset slower ?
[17:48] <roger21> -af "pan=stereo:FL=FL+FC+SL+LFE:FR=FR+FC+SR+LFE" to have a proper -ac 2
[17:49] <roger21> yeah me
[17:50] <JEEB> DrSlony, -preset is libx264-specific as far as I know
[17:50] <JEEB> it's a "private option"
[17:50] <JEEB> so you basically will have to look at libvpx encoder wrapper to see if it has a mapping for the -preset option
[17:50] <JEEB> libavcodec/libvpx whatever dot c
[17:51] <DrSlony> ok JEEB
[17:51] <JEEB> but I'm pretty sure it doesn't have a mapping for it
[17:51] <JEEB> because as far as I know, libvpx doesn't have "presets"
[17:51] <DrSlony> so then how is it controlled?
[17:51] <DrSlony> i read it just has two profiles
[17:51] <DrSlony> but thats more a compatibility thing
[17:51] <JEEB> I'd say looking at the wrapper most probably would be the quickest way to check what private options there are :)
[18:00] <roger21> ok that is better -af "pan=stereo|FL=FL+0.5*FC+SL+0.5*LFE|FR=FR+0.5FC+SR+0.5*LFE" /nobody care
[18:01] <roger21> can i now what is supported for a said format ?
[18:02] <roger21> for exemple for wav, isee i can put 16le 32le and other won't work, is ther a way to list what goes
[18:17] <Aiena> Hi I need some help
[18:18] <Aiena> I made an ffmpeg script it works fine on my system. IN my freinds machine it used to work fine. But of late he gets these errors http://pastebin.com/E3p7sn1W and the file output is corrupt. Can someone elnlighten me as to the cause as I cannot understand the error.
[18:26] <jmul> Hello
[18:26] <jmul> I'm doing mp4 / h264 muxing / encoding
[18:27] <jmul> Using libavformat, libavcodec, etc in C
[18:27] <jmul> Everything works, but I'd like to minimize the ffmpeg build for mp4 muxing and h264 encoding
[18:27] <Mavrik> aaand? :)
[18:27] <jmul> so I'm wodering which configure flags I need to pass while building ffmpeg to allow for mp4 muxing and h264 encoding
[18:28] <jmul> I've tried the following but it doesn't work (give me a minute to make a pastebin):
[18:28] <Mavrik> --disable-everything --enable-muxers=<what you need> --enable-encoders=<what you need> ?
[18:28] <Mavrik> its pretty well documented in ./configure --help
[18:29] <jmul> I've looked through ./configure --help, but there are some gotchyas sometimes
[18:29] <jmul> for example, --enable-encoder=h264 is meaningless while --enable-libx264 is the actual flag needed for enabling the h264 encoder
[18:31] <Mavrik> because you're using an external library, yea.
[18:31] <Mavrik> of course, you need --enable-encoder=libx264 too when using --disable-everything ;)
[18:31] <Mavrik> ffmpeg -formats and ffmpeg -codecs will give you info what to pass there
[18:31] <Mavrik> also remember to enable any filters if you're using them.
[18:33] <jmul> Mavrik, I've actually built without --enable-encoder=libx264 and it seems to work.
[18:33] <jmul> Here's my current config:
[18:33] <jmul> http://pastebin.com/CkG0uK9k
[18:35] <jmul> I'm fairly sure I'm missing a muxer. But, I'm not sure what muxer to enable.
[18:36] <jmul> When I compile with that, then avformat_alloc_output_context2(&outCtx, NULL, "mp4", filename); fails.
[18:37] <jmul> Mavrik: Thanks for your help, btw.
[18:37] <kxra> does fate only do regression testing, or benchmarking as well?
[18:37] <Mavrik> hmm, --enable-protocol=file might be missing :)
[18:39] <jmul> Aha! Good catch. Unfortunately, it's only missing in my pastebin and not in my script.
[18:41] <Mavrik> lemme check other build scripts
[18:42] <jmul> Mavrik: Thank you so much.
[18:43] <jmul> http://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#mov_002c-mp4_002c-ismv lists two other muxers: mov and ismv
[18:43] <Mavrik> oh yeah
[18:43] <jmul> Do you think those are relevant?
[18:43] <Mavrik> mp4 muxer is actually mov muxer
[18:43] <Mavrik> so yeah :)
[18:43] <Mavrik> hrrm, I'm not using mp4 anywhere, gah
[18:44] <jmul> bingo. I'll try that. fingers crossed.
[18:44] <Mavrik> this part of build process is kinda broken :/
[18:44] <jmul> What do you mean?
[18:44] <kxra> from the website it looks like FATE just does regression testing? but i wanted to double check
[18:55] <kxra> but there are these two posts which make me wonder if benchmarking was added: http://multimedia.cx/eggs/?s=benchmarking&submit=Search
[18:56] <llogan> roger21: LFE is usually recommended to be excluded when downmixing 6 to 2 channels
[18:56] <roger21> oh
[18:57] <llogan> what's wrong with -ac 2?
[18:57] <roger21> results sucks
[18:57] <roger21> it's all low
[18:57] <llogan> oh, the wav vs mp3 difference?
[18:57] <roger21> yes...
[18:58] <llogan> you can ask about that on ffmpeg-user mailing list. might get an answer. i don't have one.
[18:59] <roger21> well.. i won't, i'm in a hurry, i just need a set of test files i'll jump to something else
[18:59] <roger21> so has it works quite ok with -af pan i'll go with that
[18:59] <llogan> should only take a few minutes to send a message to ffmpeg-user at ffmpeg.org (and then up to 12 hours for me to approve it depending on when you send it)
[19:00] <llogan> also seaarch for LFE in http://lists.ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel-irc/2014-March/001958.html
[19:00] <llogan> *depending on when you send it and if you are a subscribed user or not
[19:04] <jmul> Mavrik: I think that was a solution to the muxer problem.
[19:05] <jmul> Mavrik: I also think you were right about --enable-encoder=libx264, because now that I've disabled everything and am getting past the avformat alloc I'm getting an error that it can't find the h264 encoder. :P
[19:15] <jmul> Mavrik: I've just made a minimal build that works in my project. Thank you for all your help.
[19:16] <jmul> It's not exactly minimal, I've built with "--enable-muxer=h264,mp4,mov,ismv --enable-encoder=libx264", but I can rule out the unecessary muxers later.
[19:22] <llogan> kxra: not that i know of, but you could user the fate-suite as a corpus to perform your own benchmarks
[19:22] <llogan> *use
[19:23] <llogan> Aiena: your paste is missing the command.
[19:25] <Aiena> llogan oops sorry
[19:25] <Aiena> one moment
[19:27] <Aiena> llogan http://pastebin.com/aBfZP5sq
[19:28] <Aiena> ^^ I included the script and the output I cannot reproduce it
[19:28] <Aiena> for him sometimes its succeeds sometimes it fails for me it hasn;t failed but I admit he uses it much more
[19:28] <Aiena> first i thought it was a window out of bounds issue
[19:28] <Aiena> but it does not seem like it
[19:29] <Aiena> if it was window out of bounds it would record the wrong area of the screen that is all
[19:30] <cpen> hello
[19:31] <cpen> I have a question about using ffmpeg to copy streams from a partial flv
[19:31] <cpen> I fetched it from a server that supports flv pseudo-streaming
[19:31] <cpen> when I try to copy the video and audio, ffmpeg can get the audio, but not the video
[19:32] <cpen> here is my attempt: http://pastebin.com/NNRidTrz
[19:37] <llogan> Aiena: the console output indicates that the input video size is larger than the max size of the display, and/or that the offsets cause it to go out of bounds
[19:38] <Aiena> llogan but the strange thing is that the video is uscaled later the offsets are from xwininfo I guess that the wondow is not positioned correctly by him
[19:38] <Aiena> upscaled
[19:40] <llogan> the output upscaling doesn't matter (and why upscale)?
[19:45] <diroots> hi there, looking for some help on building ffmpeg with decklink support on mac os x ...
[19:55] <Kolizer> hello people
[19:56] <tjablin> Is it possible for ffmpeg to load a filter from a shared object?
[19:58] <tjablin> Is it just a matter of calling avfilter_register in the shared object's __attribute__((constructor)) method?
[19:58] <tjablin> And then doing an LD_PRELOAD?
[19:59] <Kolizer> As can turn off the sound in ffplay?
[20:01] <Kolizer> There is such a button?
[20:03] <jmul> Kolizer: From the man page (man ffplay) it seems that passing -an when opening ffplay will turn off the sound
[20:04] <jmul> Kolizer: not sure if that helps or if you're looking to disable the sound after the content has started playing.
[20:04] <Kolizer> But in time viewing the video, you can turn off the sound and after you enable?
[20:04] <jmul> I do not know
[20:04] <Kolizer> ok
[20:05] <Kolizer> There is a Russian?
[20:05] <Kolizer> Curious
[20:09] <Aiena> llogan so that text is sharper when downscaled during playback
[20:09] <Aiena> as video players downscale in RGB I think
[20:10] <Kolizer> I just Russian, byloby nice to talk
[20:11] <Kolizer> ahaha
[20:11] <maister> I'm trying to stream a TS over RTP. Is this supposed to work? ffmpeg -f mpegtsraw -i foo.ts -codec:d copy -f rtp rtp:// I'm getting an error: "Output file #0 does not contain any stream".
[20:12] <maister> -f mpegtsraw creates a stream with "fake data codec" mpeg2ts.
[20:35] <maister> llogan, http://pastebin.com/5pm3BhRu
[20:41] <llogan> maister: did you try: ffmpeg -i /tmp/test.ts -codec copy -f rtp rtp://
[20:42] <maister> llogan, ye, but the TS has multiple streams, so it fails with "Only one stream supported" in the RTP muxer.
[20:43] <tjablin> I found a thread from 2010 in which the ffmpeg developers declined a patch to implement dynamically loaded plugins. Does ffmpeg still discourage dynamically loaded plugins?
[20:43] <maister> llogan, http://pastebin.com/GniW3fcj
[20:50] <llogan> what's liblinelet?
[20:54] <maister> codec I'm working on, but that shouldn't be relevant I think.
[20:58] <llogan> maister: does it have to be RTP? also you may want -re as input option but that is unrelated to one stream issue.
[20:58] <llogan> possibly relevant: http://stackoverflow.com/a/16468600/1109017
[20:59] <maister> llogan, yes. Problem here is that somehow the "raw mpegts" codec isn't forwarded properly to the muxer. I'll try to debug a bit.
[21:00] <llogan> i don't know. i'm not much of a streaming guy.
[21:02] <llogan> you could ask ffmpeg-user mailing list if you want more useful input (possibly)
[21:05] <maister> ok
[21:29] <Aiena> llogan found the issue
[21:29] <Aiena> nothing wrong with the script
[21:30] <Aiena> I asked my freidn several times if the window was out of bounds he did not understand because of a language barrier
[21:30] <Aiena> but then he finally got it :)
[22:04] <maister> llogan, I think I figured out what happens. in ffmpeg_opt.c: 1781 it checks for default maps for video/audio/subtitle codecs, but *not* data.
[22:04] <maister> Is it possible to use -map or something here to force it?
[22:08] <maister> ye, -map 0 did the trick :D
[22:29] <Kolizer> It is possible to adjust the sound in ffplay?
[22:31] <DeadSix27> volume?
[22:31] <DeadSix27> -> http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20change%20audio%20volume%20up-down%20with%20FFmpeg
[22:31] <DeadSix27> same filter should work in ffplay.
[22:31] <Kolizer> yes
[22:31] <DeadSix27> -af 'volume=0.5'
[22:32] <Kolizer> oh no
[22:32] <Kolizer> ffplay
[22:32] <DeadSix27> ?
[22:32] <Kolizer> volume control
[22:33] <Kolizer> need
[22:33] <Kolizer> in ffplay
[22:33] <Kolizer> or off volume
[22:34] <DeadSix27> ye just realised volume filter does not work
[22:37] <pyBlob> why can't I stream from one pc to another using these commands?
[22:37] <pyBlob> http://pastebin.com/vwWj8utq
[22:40] <Kolizer> I want to use ffplay in the form of player
[22:41] <Kolizer> It turns out he is not able to control the sound
[22:42] <Kolizer> Maybe there are some solutions?
[22:44] <pyBlob> Kolizer: you could adjust the global audio volume
[22:44] <Kolizer> yes)))))
[22:45] <Kolizer> i know
[22:47] <Kolizer> Such a cool functionality and such important things no(
[22:47] <pyBlob> well ffplay is just a viewer, not a fully fledged player
[22:48] <Kolizer> ok
[22:48] <Kolizer> There are Russians?
[22:49] <DeadSix27> Kolizer you could also use the volume mixer, if in windows.
[22:49] <Kolizer> yes yes i know
[22:50] <Kolizer> i no use windows bue
[22:52] <Kolizer> thanks people
[22:53] <pyBlob> any ideas, why this isn't working? http://pastebin.com/vwWj8utq
[22:56] <brontosaurusrex> pyBlob, try to use -i file.input
[22:57] <brontosaurusrex> for the file that is supposed to be the input file
[22:57] <brontosaurusrex> also, you are supposed to post the full-log
[22:57] <pyBlob> whoops ... my fault, but still doesn't work
[23:04] <pyBlob> full logs:
[23:04] <pyBlob> client http://pastebin.com/uGQviP0f
[23:04] <pyBlob> server http://pastebin.com/RVUXmpDS
[23:14] <pyBlob> woo, it works =)
[23:15] <pyBlob> damn firewall, I've written instead of
[23:15] <Kolizer> nice
[00:00] --- Thu Mar 20 2014

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