[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140325

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 02:05:01 CET 2014

[00:00] <RenatoCRON> because if the 'thing' is moving slowing in the second, may i don't get it. but if I check this only with 1 sec between thoses checks, less chace to that occour
[00:06] <vl4kn0> Hi, I'd like to use scale video filter in my code, to rescale whatever format the codec uses to AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8. I specify dst_format=AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8, frames get filtered successfully (no error is produced) but I still get the original pixel format in the frames I load from buffersink. Any ideas why?
[00:07] <llogan> RenatoCRON: i don't understand your question
[00:08] <vl4kn0> this is the output I get http://fpaste.org/88222/57024951/
[00:12] <RenatoCRON> llogan, please a moment, i'm testing it and I will explain/output to you all
[00:23] <RenatoCRON> llogan, here it is: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=ZNRxFfGu
[00:23] <RenatoCRON> all commands and logs
[00:24] <RenatoCRON> and comments!
[00:26] <RenatoCRON> clearly use -vf fps=fps=1/8 is not the same as use a new video file. but my question is: is possible to, I don't know, use "gte(t,n_forced*1)*gt(scene\,0.01)" and scene so will only compare with 1 sec ago scene ?
[00:34] <RenatoCRON> if I use  select='not(mod(n\,4))*gt(scene\,0.009)' it's works, but scene is too low, isn't ? And I see the select filter saying -1 because of not(mod(n\,4))  ^
[00:34] <RenatoCRON> but it's fine. I will split then check!
[01:35] <julienb> Hello, i'm looking for a tutorial to install the last version of ffmpeg on debian wheezy please
[01:35] <sacarasc> Unless you're using it for rather specific things, try one of these links:
[01:37] <julienb> sacarasc : Does the static version will be as powerfull as the compiled version?
[01:37] <sacarasc> It won't have some of the non-free things (like fdk aac thingie) or X capturing, otherwise, yes.
[01:38] <julienb> sacarasc i have 3.10 version
[01:38] <julienb> of kernek
[01:38] <julienb> kernel
[01:39] <sacarasc> Then grab the 1) one, if you can live without the non-free/X capping.
[01:39] <julienb> it's just to make some mp4 encoding in console
[01:41] <julienb> scarasc with the static version i see the command will be ./ffmpeg
[01:41] <julienb> how i can include it on my environment so i use it like a normal commande ffmpeg
[01:42] <julienb> so i have not to write always the entire path
[01:43] <sacarasc> If you remove your system ffmpeg (which is libav, I think) then you could put it in your PATH and it will work just as `ffmpeg`
[01:45] <julienb> so i have to put the exec command in /sbin/ ?
[01:45] <sacarasc> You could put it in /usr/local/bin or even ~/bin if it is in your PATH.
[01:46] <julienb> ok, the same for qt-fastart?
[01:47] <sacarasc> That is no longer needed, use -movflags faststart as output options.
[01:49] <julienb> ok thanks a lot
[01:51] <wodim> how can i loop a video to another video? i mean, i have a video and i want to make a new video which is the original video looped 100 times. can i do that?
[01:55] <relaxed> wodim: which container?
[01:56] <wodim> no specific one
[01:56] <wodim> (you mean input or output?)
[01:56] <rjp421> im currently trying to find how to loop my input so it replays the video over and over, transcoding to a live RTMP stream.. only thing i can find on google is use -loop 0 on image files only...
[01:56] <wodim> yep, i read about that too
[01:57] <relaxed> wodim: mkvmerge -o combined.mkv 1.mkv +2.mkv +3.mkv +4.mkv
[01:59] <julienb> i download the last static version of ffmpeg but it show me ./ffmpeg -version
[01:59] <julienb> ffmpeg version N-61445-gdded5ed
[01:59] <julienb> i download 	ffmpeg.static.64bit.latest.tar.gz
[01:59] <llogan> march 14. i already told burek about it.
[02:00] <llogan> i mean that is from march 14
[02:00] <julienb> is this the last version 2.2 ?
[02:00] <llogan> a could times a year that build machine shits out, so sometimes it stops until someone notices
[02:01] <llogan> *couple
[02:01] <sacarasc> julienb: That is the latest release, yes.
[02:01] <julienb> ok thanks
[02:02] <llogan> that is from git master, commit dded5ed from March 14.
[02:02] <relaxed> wodim: mkvmerge -o combined input.mkv "$(for i in {1..99}; do printf %s "+input.mkv ";done)"
[02:02] <sacarasc> Oh, I misread, sorry.
[02:02] <julienb> sorry i have another question, i have to copy it to /usr/bin or /usr/sbin?
[02:03] <sacarasc> You could put it in /usr/local/bin or even ~/bin if it is in your PATH.
[02:03] <wodim> relaxed: what package contains mkvmerge?
[02:03] <relaxed> mkvtoolnix
[02:03] <julienb> but i just saw my /usr/local/bin and directory is emtpy
[02:03] <llogan> relaxed: why not concat demuxer instead of mkvmerge?
[02:03] <julienb> does it normal there are no command ?
[02:04] <llogan> yes, for Debian and spawn, unless you compiled something
[02:04] <wodim> relaxed: thanks
[02:04] <julienb> ok so all my personal executable go there?
[02:04] <julienb> usr/bin and usr/sbin are more for os commands right?
[02:05] <sacarasc> sbin is for super user executables.
[02:05] <relaxed> llogan: I've found mkvmerge to be more reliable
[02:05] <julienb> yes but i have /usr/sbin and /usr/local/sbin
[02:05] <julienb> both will working?
[02:06] <sacarasc> julienb: And they should only be used for super user binaries. You could put the ffmpeg binary ANYWHERE in your path and it would work, but sbin/ directories are definitely not where you should.
[02:07] <julienb> i don t understand, if sbin are the super user executables then it should go there
[02:08] <sacarasc> Super user = root.
[02:08] <julienb> yes
[02:08] <sacarasc> If you are running it as root, you're doing it wrong.
[02:08] <julienb> why?
[02:08] <sacarasc> Because it's some random binary you're picking up from the Internet.
[02:09] <julienb> you mean this static package is not 100% sure
[02:09] <llogan> gusari is croatian for pirate
[02:09] <sacarasc> Do you know who made it?
[02:09] <julienb> no
[02:09] <sacarasc> You should only run things as root that you *NEED* to.
[02:09] <relaxed> it is known
[02:10] <julienb> ok thanks
[02:10] <julienb> so better to create an user to use it
[04:22] <julienb> Hello, i contact you again because i tryed the static package of ffmpeg but when i launch a command i have an error message:
[04:22] <julienb> Unknown encoder 'libfaac'
[04:23] <sacarasc> That's because faac is non-free.
[04:23] <julienb> but how i can use it?
[04:23] <julienb> i need it for my encoding
[04:23] <sacarasc> There are other AAC encoders.
[04:24] <julienb> but i don't understand i was using this option on my other distribution with ffmpeg
[04:24] <julienb> and it was working
[04:25] <sacarasc> It is not legal to distribute libfaac statically compiled into a binary.
[04:25] <relaxed> libfdk-aac is recommended for aac encoding, but you'll have to recompile ffmpeg with support for it.
[04:25] <julienb> so i can't use the static package?
[04:25] <sacarasc> I did warn you about the non-free things.
[04:26] <julienb> so what i have to do?
[04:26] <julienb> to make encoding of mp4 using libx264 and libfaac
[04:26] <julienb> or libfdk-aac
[04:26] <sacarasc> To get everything you want, you'll probably have to compile yourself, but you don't want libfaac anyway, it's poo.
[04:27] <llogan> either 1) usethe native AAC encoder, or 2) compile ffmpeg to support the encoders you want 3) pipe from ffmpeg to your desired encoder and remux
[04:28] <julienb> the aac native encoder is as good as libfaac?
[04:29] <llogan> generally, no, but with enough bits it's probably good enough
[04:29] <julienb> i don't know what to do
[04:29] <julienb> i was looking for compile it myself at first but i didn't find a good tutorial
[04:29] <sacarasc> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide should work.
[04:29] <llogan> try -codec:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 192k. then listen to it. if it is acceptable use it.
[04:30] <julienb> my original command was -acodec libfaac -ab 96k -ar 44100
[04:30] <julienb> so i put -acodec aac -strict experimental -ab96k -ar 44100
[04:31] <llogan> why -ar 44100?
[04:31] <julienb> because sometimes its highger
[04:33] <julienb> sometimes original audio is 48000 hz
[04:33] <julienb> so i can optimize a bit
[04:33] <julienb> without alterate a lot the quality
[04:34] <julienb> the option -strict experimental is important?
[04:42] <llogan> julienb: without it you can't use -acodec aac
[04:43] <llogan> also see https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/AACEncodingGuide
[04:51] <julienb> ok thanks
[11:23] <Bumble-Bee> Hello all
[11:24] <Bumble-Bee> is there any way to pipe output a transcoded mp4 ? im looking at using the stream for live view on chromecast ?
[12:30] <Guest34071> hello, anyone have ffmpeg binary for windows 32bit with libfdk_aac?
[13:12] <relaxed> Guest34071: if they did, sharing it would violate the gpl.
[13:16] <Guest34071> source code of ffmpeg and libfdk for the binary are available so should be no violation of gpl, but I read there is some problem with patent or something like that  and then perhaps there is no problem in sharing outside USA
[13:17] <JEEBsv> Guest34071: the licenses are not compatible
[13:17] <JEEBsv> completely unrelated to any patent-related stuff
[13:20] <Bumble-Bee> is there any way to use ISMV (smooth stream) back through pipe:1 ?
[13:23] <Guest34071> JEEBsv: I am really stuck and enable to compile ffmpeg on windows and no tutorial or instructions works, maybe here are someone not caring about licenses violation to help noob me
[13:25] <relaxed> Guest34071: http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/  There's guides on compiling windows binaries.
[13:25] <relaxed> also a forum where you can ask for help
[13:33] <roger21> hello
[13:33] <roger21> can't i create an .oga file
[13:34] <roger21> same for ogx
[13:34] <roger21> there arn't supported alredy ?
[13:35] <roger21> they seems pretty hamless though (well for oga at least)
[13:35] <Guest34071> relaxed: new script to test http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/blog/?p=269#more-269 , hope it works this time
[13:36] <roger21> oh if i say -f ogg that will trick it :p
[13:36] <roger21> that's sad though
[13:36] <roger21> probably not the right way
[13:36] <roger21> why no oga?
[13:37] <relaxed> roger21: I'm assuming oga is ogg without a video stream, so -f ogg is right.
[13:39] <roger21> well yes, but .oga is the official audio/ogg i would expect it to be native, not tricked into
[13:39] <roger21> https://wiki.xiph.org/MIMETypesCodecs
[13:40] <roger21> ogv is supported for instance
[13:40] <relaxed> .oga is ogg, there are no tricks
[13:40] <roger21> yes, but ffmpeg doesn't know about it
[13:40] <roger21> that is sad
[13:40] <roger21> it should
[13:40] <relaxed> send a patch
[13:41] <roger21> yes i will, thank you
[14:22] <pyBlob> when playing an audio-file using ffplay, it displays a quite detailed fft, can ffmpeg render this to a video-file, so that I can display it in another player?
[14:37] <relaxed> pyBlob: you could encode it with ffmpeg's x11grab
[14:37] <relaxed> but that's probably not what you're after
[14:38] <pyBlob> yep ... this will probably also cause synchronization issues
[16:00] <share> hi
[16:00] <share> "No pixel format specified, yuv422p for H.264 encoding chosen."
[16:08] <Zeranoe__> share: I don't think you asked any question, but thanks for sharing
[16:09] <share> I didnt
[16:09] <share> lol
[16:18] <ValdikSS> Please confirm or refute the following bug https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/2975#comment:5
[16:25] <roger21> is there a static compilation available with libfdk_aac or libfaac or is it not possible?
[16:26] <Zeranoe__> roger21: That would defeat the purpose of non-free, you cannot distribute with non-free
[16:28] <roger21> you mean you cannot mix gpl with non-free? (because distributing non-free can be allowed depending on the liscence)
[16:42] <roger21> i don't get it, reading the liscence of FDK AAC it seems pretty free to me
[16:43] <roger21> they only talk about the patent but the patent would applly to any aac implementation as mp3 and so on
[16:43] <Bumble-Bee> mixing licenses is messy
[16:44] <Bumble-Bee> but you can include a non gpl module / lib and link into that from gpl code and not invaidate gpl
[16:44] <JEEBsv> roger21: IIRC it has a note that you can't distro binaries if you haven't licensed the format, which is an extra limitation compared to (L)GPL, thus making the license not-(L)GPL
[16:44] <Plorkyeran_> gpl doesn't allow imposing additional restrictions, and fdk-aac's license has restrictions the gpl doesn't
[16:44] <Plorkyeran_> so you can't distribute the combined work under the gpl
[16:44] <Plorkyeran_> and you can't distribute it under fdk-aac's license
[16:45] <JEEBsv> also I remember there being something with the LGPL that makes it nonfree, I don't remember the exact reasonings
[16:45] <Bumble-Bee> LGPL can be included in nonfree/nonglp packages as a prebuilt
[16:46] <Bumble-Bee> but any changes to the library covered by LGPL have to be public
[16:49] <roger21> the only "limitation" in fdk aac is to include the original liscence and say it is not the original if you modified the code, it is hard to call it a limitation
[16:49] <JEEBsv> ugh, feel free to talk with the people who actually did the decisions
[16:50] <JEEBsv> all I know is that the license is incompatible with both LGPL and GPL
[16:50] <JEEBsv> partially because of the distribution limitation
[16:50] <roger21> which there isn't either
[16:50] <roger21> http://sourceforge.net/p/opencore-amr/fdk-aac/ci/master/tree/NOTICE
[16:50] <Plorkyeran_> > You may not charge copyright license fees for anyone to use, copy or distribute the FDK AAC Codec software or your modifications thereto.
[16:51] <Plorkyeran_> > Your modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the software and the date of any change.
[16:51] <Plorkyeran_> those are both gpl-incompatible
[16:51] <roger21> hmmm
[16:51] <roger21> ok then iguess
[16:52] <Plorkyeran_> it's in the awkward range where it's a pretty permissive license that just happens to not line up well with other licenses
[16:52] <JEEBsv> yes, because they went and wrote their own :D
[16:52] <JEEBsv> instead of using a known one
[16:54] <Bumble-Bee> anyone know if ISMV can be piped into stdout (pipe:1) ?
[17:00] <roger21> man! the lib-faac is under gpl v2 you can't call it the limitation
[17:03] <roger21> oh my bad, ther is another liscence
[17:04] <roger21> which doesn't seems friendly (i won't read it)
[17:04] <JEEBsv> roger21: faac's case is different
[17:05] <JEEBsv> it was originally released as GPL
[17:05] <JEEBsv> until someone noticed that it used reference code
[17:05] <JEEBsv> that was under a license NOT compatible with GPL
[17:05] <JEEBsv> so yodawg happened :P
[17:05] <roger21> :) ok
[17:12] <share> what codec do you recommend for analog stereo
[17:12] <share> mp3 or ..?
[17:13] <LithosLaptop> opus :)
[17:14] <share> ffmpeg is using vorbis by default
[17:14] <share> opus?
[17:14] <share> lossy
[17:15] <LithosLaptop> opus is lossy yes
[17:15] <share> thats what i said :p
[17:17] <share> -f alsa -i hw:1 -c:a opus ?
[17:27] <share> maybe i need to install opus
[17:49] <ValdikSS> share: libopus
[18:55] <llogan> pyBlob: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/EncodeforYouTube#Usingfilters
[19:16] <llogan> when will windows users learn to provide text instead of screenshots for console outputs?
[19:47] <zap0> when they stop being retarded
[19:56] <voip> Hello guys
[19:57] <voip> Can you give me advice how to keep runing ffmpeg after crash (i have last version of ffmpeg).
[19:58] <sacarasc> After what crashes?
[19:58] <voip> my ffmpeg crashes every day 1 -2 times
[19:58] <sacarasc> Write a script to restart it if the exit code isn't 0?
[19:59] <voip> sacarasc, okt thanks
[20:01] <voip> sacarasc, bdw do you have tested script example restarting ffmpeg after crash ?
[20:07] <sacarasc> voip: http://996b7a3ffb1f23fe.paste.se/ That might work, it's untested and I've not really used bash for years. If you want it on Windows, I have NFI, though.
[20:09] <voip> sacarasc, thank you i will try
[20:11] <llogan> voip: why does it crash?
[20:13] <voip> llogan, actualy i dont know, i didnt see any debug messages
[20:13] <llogan> is it easy to reproduce?
[20:14] <voip> llogan, yes its hapens 1-2 times in 24 hors
[20:14] <llogan> can other people reproduce the issue?
[20:15] <voip> i tink yes, i just coping stream
[20:15] <llogan> provide the input file if it is required
[20:16] <voip> ok
[20:17] <pyBlob> llogan: that's what I've search for: "showspectrum" =)
[20:24] <voip> llogan, fflogger, http://pastebin.com/C3MVA6M8
[20:28] <llogan> fflogger is a bot
[20:29] <llogan> voip: that's not the latest ffmpeg and it doesn't look like it crashed
[20:30] <voip> oh, let mi time paste new logs
[20:32] <voip> with new version ffmpeg, and same parametrs i cant run ffmpeg http://pastebin.com/WftR0NQf
[20:38] <llogan> you have conflicting options. you can't stream copy and use options such as -r and -s.
[20:38] <llogan> your old ffmpeg is encoding. your new one is stream copying.
[21:20] <voip> llogan, its 100% same command copy-paste, please chek http://pastebin.com/b4dKvxCh
[21:54] <voip> ?
[22:43] <voip> I have 2 versions of ffmpeg, 100% same command i can run on old version but have problem when i tryng to run on new version http://pastebin.com/VNjEvq1g
[00:00] --- Wed Mar 26 2014

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