[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20141128
burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 29 02:05:01 CET 2014
[00:06] <Demon_Fox> Jack64, You mean mpeg2 files from a dvd?
[00:08] <kepstin-laptop> Jack64: well, if you have the encryption keys, that would be a good start...
[00:18] <Jack64> I mean from a stream
[00:18] <Jack64> I was just doing a small test and it worked
[00:19] <Jack64> so I'm trying to interface with an app that delivers tv streaming
[00:19] <Jack64> i login to the service and get the m3u8 file
[00:19] <Jack64> and the key
[00:19] <Jack64> and the ts streams on the m3u8 file
[00:20] <Jack64> then I put them on my local webserver
[00:20] <Jack64> and I create a new m3u8 file pointing to the files + key file
[00:20] <Jack64> and then i load the m3u8 file on vlc and it worked
[00:21] <Jack64> well the point is to make a small relay on my server so i can watch the stream on my tv with XBMC
[00:22] <Jack64> because I can't do the authentication there
[00:30] <DanielSa_> Hi
[00:34] <DanielSa_> have you heard about PJPG and 0511? I have two cameras with these "Pixel Format", according to "v4l2-ctl --get-fmt-video" command. And I'm trying to use both at "-input_format" and I'm always getting this error "No such input format: PJPG". Any idea? Thank you in advance.
[00:36] <jack_thompson> what is the point of ffserver when i can only stream 1 file per <stream>?
[00:36] <jack_thompson> i keep failing to stream more than one file using ffserver over the same stream...
[00:36] <jack_thompson> i thought it transcodes everything into the same stream...
[00:37] <jack_thompson> but ffserver doesn't do that... it doesn't even keep clients connected when the stream stops...
[00:37] <jack_thompson> or push new frames to the clients when the broadcast is up again...
[00:38] <jack_thompson> it does absolutely nothing than just existing and /not/ showing the least bit of functionality..
[00:39] <jack_thompson> ffserver has no functioniality other than being a glorified proxy... why that has even to be configured.. i seriously dont know...
[00:40] <jack_thompson> at least a way to configure a timeout before it breaks over ffmpeg reconnecting would make it 100% more useful than it is now...
[00:40] <jack_thompson> imagine you'd using it to livestream something...
[00:41] <jack_thompson> how fucking often that would go offline... people would /hope/ to see at least a commercial...
[00:42] <jack_thompson> someone should actually try using ffserver... like i have tried the last days... you'd see what a disfunctional piece of software it is..
[00:42] <jack_thompson> sometimes it just crashes(!).. and goes offline(!)... what server does that? :O
[00:45] <jack_thompson> all i want is ffmpeg to feed completely different sources to ffserver... and connect to ffserver with a client that does play everything (transcoded to the same format and size(s))...
[00:45] <jack_thompson> *it* *does* *not* *happen*
[00:46] <sacarasc> I heard ffserver is a candidate for removal because it's not good and no one cares about it.
[00:47] <jack_thompson> ffserver, at least, would have to send a blank screen to the playback client until ffmpeg connects with another source... but it doesn't do that...
[00:47] <jack_thompson> sacarasc, if that is so... that would explain *everything* i have gone through...
[00:47] <jack_thompson> i wonder what people use instead...
[01:14] <MrSavage> I'm getting a blackscreen when I'm trying to re-encode an rtmp stream with libx264
[01:14] <MrSavage> any help?
[01:29] <MrSavage> anyone?
[01:31] <MrSavage> c_14: http://pastebin.com/iFpTaWD8
[01:32] <c_14> And the output?
[01:32] <MrSavage> just audio
[01:32] <c_14> The console output
[01:33] <MrSavage> c_14: is it because I"m trying to reencode x264 and it says in ffmpeg -codecs that only encoding is available with x264?
[01:34] <c_14> wait, what
[01:34] <c_14> It doesn't show decoding for h.264?
[01:34] <MrSavage> c_14: I was unable to see the console output due to the command being run by nginx
[01:34] <c_14> can you exec with a &>file ?
[01:34] <MrSavage> for h264 yes
[01:34] <MrSavage> but not for libx264
[01:34] <c_14> libx264 doesn't decode
[01:34] <c_14> libx264 is only the encoder
[01:35] <c_14> the decoder is ffmpeg internal
[01:35] <MrSavage> ok
[01:37] <MrSavage> c_14: I'm not sure how I can see the output when the command is being run by another program
[01:37] <c_14> worst case: exec sh -c 'ffmpeg command &>/path/to/file'
[01:39] <gabriel_> Hi again everyone. Can anyone tell me why I might only be seeing the first frame of an image sequence using image2pip as the input format, mpeg4 as the vcodec, and m4v as the output file? I ame using -framerate 25 and -r 25
[01:40] <gabriel_> If I do the same exact parameters but set the output format to mov, I can see both frames
[01:40] <c_14> The only thing I can think of is a bug in the muxer.
[01:43] <MrSavage> hold on
[01:43] <MrSavage> almost done with printing output
[01:45] <gabriel_> Ok, if it helps Im using this exact command: ['/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg', '-framerate', '25', '-i', 'test_rand/11-small.png', '-i', 'test_rand/25-small.png', '-f', 'image2pipe', '-filter_complex', 'concat=n=2:v=1:a=0', '-vcodec', 'mpeg4', '-b:v', '800k', '-r', '25', '-f', 'm4v', '-y', 'pipe:1']
[01:45] <MrSavage> can I just state -vcodec with no other options for video?
[01:46] <c_14> MrSavage: normally yes
[01:47] <c_14> gabriel_: does the same problem occur when writing to a file
[01:47] <c_14> Have you tried setting -framerate for the second input as well?
[01:47] <gabriel_> Yeah, if the output format is the same
[01:47] <gabriel_> ohhhhh
[01:47] <gabriel_> interesting
[01:47] <gabriel_> let me try that
[01:49] <MrSavage> c_14: this is not writing a log exec sh -c 'ffmpeg -i rtmp://localhost:1935/$app/$name -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/small/test &> /usr/local/nginx/logs/ffmpeg.log';
[01:50] <c_14> hmm, is the file being created?
[01:51] <c_14> Does the nginx process have write permissions there?
[01:51] <gabriel_> c_14: like this? ['/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg', '-f', 'image2pipe', '-framerate', '25', '-i', 'test_rand/11-small.png', '-framerate', '25', '-i', 'test_rand/25-small.png', '-filter_complex', 'concat=n=2:v=1:a=0', '-vcodec', 'mpeg4', '-b:v', '800k', '-r', '25', '-f', 'm4v', '-y', 'pipe:1']
[01:52] <c_14> What's that first -f image2pipe doing there?
[01:52] <c_14> unless 11-small.png is a fifo
[01:53] <c_14> Also, I don't think you can't write mp4 to a pipe
[01:53] <MrSavage> c_14: it should have permission. I'm executing as root
[01:53] <c_14> MrSavage: is the file created?
[01:53] <MrSavage> c_14: no
[01:54] <c_14> try replacing the command with exec sh -c 'touch /usr/local/nginx/logs/ffmpeg.log'
[01:54] <gabriel_> c_14: basically Im only interested in the resulting filesize, so I dont want to write the resulting file to disk. I thought the -f image2pipe was neccesary to get the resulting bytes into memory
[01:55] <c_14> You're using the image2pipe as an input format, that should only be necessary when you're actually receiving images from a pipe
[01:55] <MrSavage> c_14: still no file
[01:55] <gabriel_> Im able to pipe the results to output.m4v and play it with vlc but thats all I know
[01:55] <gabriel_> Ok so I just want -f image
[01:55] <gabriel_> 2
[01:56] <c_14> MrSavage: so either nginx is jailing the exec or it's failing outright, what about exec touch /usr/local/nginx/logs/ffmpeg.log
[01:56] <c_14> gabriel_: ye, but it should normally autodetect that in most cases
[01:57] <gabriel_> c_14: All I care about is using mpeg compression, the output file doesnt matter because I just want the resulting filesize. Do you have any tips?
[01:57] <c_14> just pipe it out raw...
[01:57] <c_14> -f raw
[01:58] <gabriel_> Ill try that.
[01:58] <c_14> should work
[01:58] <c_14> if not, use mkv or mpegts
[01:59] <gabriel_> http://pastebin.com/2FNmHXrB
[01:59] <gabriel_> Thats interesting. Why is input#1 a png_pipe?
[02:00] <MrSavage> c_14: exec touch /usr/local/nginx/logs/ffmpeg.log; does not work
[02:01] <c_14> gabriel_: ehhh, no clue, but use -f mpegvideo
[02:01] <gabriel_> mpegts seemed to work
[02:02] <c_14> MrSavage: can you try /tmp/ffmpeg.log ? in case nginx is dropping permissions
[02:02] <c_14> (assuming /tmp is 777, which it usually is)
[02:10] <MrSavage> c_14: I see it in /tmp/
[02:11] <gabriel_> This is driving me bonkers. I fixed the input error, but Im still only seeing the first frame! :/
[02:12] <MrSavage> c_14: this doesn't give me anything in the file though exec sh -c 'ffmpeg -i rtmp://localhost:1935/$app/$name -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/small/test &> /tmp/ffmpe.log';
[02:14] <c_14> MrSavage: try exec FFREPORT=/tmp/ffmpeg.log ffmpeg -i rtmp://[..] -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -f flv rtmp://[..] ;
[02:16] <MrSavage> c_14: the file isn't being created now
[02:16] <c_14> eh, FFREPORT=file=/tmp/ffmpeg.log
[02:18] <MrSavage> c_14: still not creating the file
[02:18] <c_14> gabriel_: maybe https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Create%20a%20video%20slideshow%20from%20images#Ifyourvideodoesnotshowtheframescorrectly ?
[02:18] <c_14> MrSavage: geh, does nginx have an errorlog?
[02:18] <c_14> Maybe it's throwing errors there
[02:18] Action: c_14 hopes
[02:20] <MrSavage> c_14: it does but it doesn't show anything related to ffmpeg
[02:22] <c_14> I'm out of ideas. If I could get the ffmpeg console output I might be able to help. Without it, I can only guess.
[02:23] <c_14> And my guess is pretty limited to "try updating ffmpeg".
[02:24] <gabriel_> -vf/-af/-filter and -filter_complex cannot be used together for the same stream. Haha nice. I will try using filterchain
[02:28] <gabriel_> Now Ive confused myself
[02:31] <gabriel_> c_14: Do you know how do get round that error?
[02:32] <c_14> -filter_complex 'concat=n=2:v=1:a=0,fps=25'
[02:32] <gabriel_> Oh, doesnt that set the framerate on the input stream, not the output stream?
[02:33] <c_14> hmm, nah
[02:51] <gabriel_> c_14: You still there? Im not sure thats doing what I want it to do. The resulting video has no frames now. :P Hey thanks for you help
[02:52] <c_14> eh
[02:52] <c_14> that shouldn't be happening...
[02:54] <gabriel_> Yeah, let me fetch my command for you
[02:56] <gabriel_> ['/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg', '-f', 'image2', '-framerate', '25', '-i', 'test_rand/11-small.png', '-f', 'image2', '-framerate', '25', '-i', 'test_rand/12-small.png', '-filter_complex', 'concat=n=2:v=1:a=0,fps=25', '-vcodec', 'mpeg4', '-b:v', '800k', '-f', 'm4v', '-y', 'pipe:1']
[02:56] <c_14> Try changing the format to mpegvideo or mpegts?
[02:56] <gabriel_> isnt mpegts for mpeg2?
[02:57] <gabriel_> Requested output format 'mpegvideo' is not a suitable output format
[02:57] <gabriel_> pipe:1: Invalid argument
[02:57] <c_14> geh
[02:57] <c_14> Use matroska then
[02:58] <gabriel_> This is madness XD
[02:59] <gabriel_> Hey were back to just the first frame with matroska
[02:59] <c_14> Just want to see if it's the format.
[02:59] <gabriel_> nothing else changed but the format
[02:59] <c_14> try adding the 2nd png as another input and change concat to n=3
[02:59] <c_14> don't mind the dirty hack
[02:59] <gabriel_> :O
[03:01] <gabriel_> ['/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg', '-f', 'image2', '-framerate', '25', '-i', 'test_rand/11-small.png', '-f', 'image2', '-framerate', '25', '-i', 'test_rand/12-small.png', '-f', 'image2', '-framerate', '25', '-i', 'test_rand/12-small.png', '-filter_complex', 'concat=n=3:v=1:a=0,fps=25', '-vcodec', 'mpeg4', '-b:v', '800k', '-f', 'matroska', '-y', 'pipe:1']
[03:02] <gabriel_> Still no luck
[03:02] <c_14> Still only one frame?
[03:02] <gabriel_> Yeah! so crazy
[03:03] <c_14> Can you try changing the -framerate 25 s to -framerate 1 s?
[03:03] <gabriel_> yeah
[03:03] <gabriel_> still a 0 second output with just one frame
[03:04] <gabriel_> I must be doing something wrong...
[03:05] <c_14> What version you running?
[03:05] <c_14> Cause my version throws an error with the command like that...
[03:06] <c_14> unless I messed something else up.
[03:06] <c_14> nvmd
[03:37] <c_14> Right, if gabriel_ comes back and I'm not here, could someone tell him to use the concat demuxer like so: `ffmpeg -f concat -i concat -r 25 -c:v mpeg4 -b:v 800k -f matroska pipe:1' ? (or in the hope he reads the logs...)
[03:54] <croco> hello
[03:55] <croco> i have problem record audio with ffmpeg
[03:55] <croco> the line is 'ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f x11grab -s 800x600 -r 30 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -strict -2 ./out.mp4', have alsa and pulseaudio, all sound function correctly and i listen all (also mplayer), only have problem in ffmpeg for record
[03:57] <croco> if without -strict -2 , the ffmpeg requesting obligatory
[03:57] <croco> any ideas?
[04:05] <gabriel> c_14: Did you get it to work?
[04:06] <gabriel> (on your machine)
[04:08] <gabriel> ffmpeg version 2.4.2 Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the FFmpeg developers
[04:20] <gabriel> Ive upgraded to 2.4.3, ill see if that changes anything
[04:23] <gabriel> Hmmm nothing.
[04:28] <gabriel> Can anyone help me understand why this is happening? I would expect the output stream to have 3 frames, but it says it only has 1. http://pastebin.com/S9zEdSRH
[04:29] <croco> i have a problem with record sound with ffmpeg... said most upper chat
[04:30] <klaxa> croco: pick a different audio codec
[04:30] <klaxa> to avoid the -strict -2
[04:31] <klaxa> for the audio problem, open pavucontrol and see what stream ffmpeg is recording
[04:31] <klaxa> change it to "Analog Input" or something similar
[04:31] <croco> what audio? if avoid the -strict, ffmpeg try request
[04:32] <croco> i see /proc/asound/cards and arecord -l/-L
[04:33] <klaxa> you are using pulse though
[04:33] <croco> have alsa and pulse audio, i trying use -f alsa and -i pulse
[04:33] <klaxa> so you have to open pavucontrol to control what ffmpeg records
[04:33] <croco> i not have pavucontrol
[04:34] <klaxa> can you install it with your package manager?
[04:34] <klaxa> if you don't want to install it, you will have to use pactl/pacmd and read the manpages
[04:36] <croco> klaxa, i have install the pavucontrol and see in the config, not have none of ffmpeg
[04:36] <klaxa> start recording with your command
[04:36] <klaxa> then open the "Recording" tab in pavucontrol
[04:39] <croco> klaxa, ok, and i what checking?
[04:39] <klaxa> on the right side there is a dropdown menu
[04:40] <klaxa> set that to "Analog Stereo"
[04:40] <croco> the record say ALSA plug-in [ffmpeg]:Alsa capture from
[04:40] <klaxa> yes, on the right there should be a menu
[04:40] <klaxa> just select... something i guess
[04:40] <klaxa> try changing it until you are recording what you want to record
[04:41] <croco> i have two: "monitor of audio intern" (listen) and "audio intern" (not listen)
[04:41] <klaxa> oh, do you want to record your computer's sound? or your microphone's sound?
[04:41] <croco> the record from computer sound
[04:42] <klaxa> then select "monitor of audio intern"
[04:43] <croco> klaxa, change option, and equal not record sound
[04:44] <klaxa> huh? that is weird... can you pastebin your command and the output? (use pastebin.com or something similar)
[04:44] <croco> ok
[04:45] <gabriel> klaxa: do you have a quick second to look at the pastebin above? Im totally at a loss
[04:46] <croco> http://pastebin.com/PNvmHN8m
[04:48] <klaxa> croco, can you try using -f pulse instead of -f alsa?
[04:48] <klaxa> gabriel, sorry, i don't know either
[04:49] <gabriel> So weird. I dont understand it at all
[04:49] <klaxa> maybe something with mp4 not supporting low framerates?
[04:49] <klaxa> have you tried using mkv instead?
[04:49] <gabriel> It doesn the same thing with PAL or NTSC framerates
[04:49] <gabriel> and with mkv
[04:49] <croco> klaxa, the pavucontrol none output in the record
[04:50] <klaxa> ffmpeg has to be running to show up in pavucontrol
[04:51] <croco> klaxa, http://pastebin.com/xjFec9jN
[04:52] <gabriel> klaxa: do you mean m4v or do you mean mkv?
[04:52] <croco> klaxa, not show the ffmpeg in pavucontrol
[04:52] <klaxa> croco: are you making sure there is sound to record? are you playing music or something?
[04:52] <croco> klaxa, yes
[04:52] <klaxa> gabriel: mkv, i'm currently trying with some pictures myself
[04:52] <gabriel> I dont see mkv in ffmpeg -formats, could you explain what it is?
[04:53] <klaxa> croco: can you take a screenshot of pavucontrol's record tab while ffmpeg is running? also change the menu at the bottom right to "All Streams" before doing so
[04:53] <klaxa> gabriel: mkv is matroska
[04:53] <gabriel> oh, thanks
[04:53] <gabriel> Ive tried with matroska as well. D:
[04:54] <croco> klaxa, with '-f pulse' only the ffmpeg not record sound (only have #0 for Video and none for sound)
[04:55] <klaxa> oh right, i didn't see that... i wonder why that is
[04:55] <klaxa> ah, try -f pulse -i default
[04:55] <klaxa> instead of -f pulse -i pulse
[04:55] <croco> ok
[04:58] <gabriel> klaxa: any luck?
[04:58] <klaxa> none so far
[04:59] <croco> klaxa, with '-f pulse -i default' function sound! :D now only have problem with phase sincronization with Audio and Video
[05:02] <klaxa> gabriel, i also only get one frame... weird...
[05:03] <gabriel> Do you know who might have some clue as to why this is happening?
[05:03] <klaxa> err... not me.
[05:04] <klaxa> however, what you could do instead would be: cat file1.jpg file2.jpg file3.jpg > ffmpeg -f image2pipe -i - out.mp4
[05:04] <gabriel> Oh really?
[05:04] <gabriel> whats the -i?
[05:05] <klaxa> wait...
[05:05] <klaxa> i'm sure this used to work
[05:05] <klaxa> the - is standard input
[05:07] <croco> the sincro between audio and video not import so. something is that function the sound :) Very Thanks klaxa
[05:07] <klaxa> np :)
[05:08] <klaxa> gabriel, i'm starting to think it's filter_complex's fault
[05:09] <klaxa> if i use the concat protocol instead of the filter, i get 3 frames
[05:09] <gabriel> ooooo
[05:09] <gabriel> Could you explain how to use that?
[05:09] <klaxa> if i then add filter_complex to change the framerate, i get one frame
[05:09] <gabriel> that sounds promising
[05:10] <klaxa> http://pastebin.com/s9Rfa4MM
[05:10] <klaxa> that's what my concat.txt looks
[05:10] <klaxa> ffmpeg -f concat -i concat.txt -c:v libx264 test.mkv
[05:10] <klaxa> that was the command used
[05:11] <gabriel> let me try it with the mpeg4 encoder
[05:14] <gabriel> Odd& I cant get that to work.
[05:15] <gabriel> It runs but I get 0 frames using mkv, 1 frame using m4v
[05:17] <gabriel> Oh my gosh. It might be a vlc bug
[05:17] <gabriel> klaxa: what are you using to play the resulting mkv file?
[05:18] <klaxa> mpv
[05:28] <gabriel> is it possible to use the concat protocal from stdin?
[05:28] <gabriel> rather than a text file
[05:29] <gabriel> yes.
[05:37] <gabriel> Haha yes! it feels a little hacky, but Ive managed to work around it
[05:37] <gabriel> klaxa: do you think this is worth raising an issue over?
[05:37] <gabriel> thanks for you help, by the way.
[05:38] <klaxa> maybe try the user-mailinglist first
[05:38] <klaxa> i think i would probably file a bugreport
[05:38] <klaxa> if it's not a bug, then maybe it should be documented somewhere
[05:42] <gabriel> Yeah, its definitely been confusing. I still dont really understand why one works over the other
[05:48] <gabriel> Ill put something in the user-mailing list
[07:53] <Matador> Hello :)
[08:18] <Matador> man cross-compiling is hard :(
[08:45] <Matador> How do you set the -- if [[ "$non_free" = "y" ]]; then ; in a script ?
[10:20] <aleskandro> Hi all, I would to learn how to code with vdpau and ffmpeg api... Can you link me some examples? I didn't found anything, only documentation but it is very small
[10:48] <Matador> What is the recommended container to publish a live stream with libx265 ? (since FLV is not compat with this)
[10:55] <davidw> is there a way to make ffserver not take an input feed and just redirect to an ffmpeg that's outputing to rtp itself?
[11:24] <DelphiWorld> yo
[12:28] <braunr> hello
[12:29] <braunr> when ffmpeg is built with an instruction-set specific option such as --enable-mmx, does it mean mmx instructions are used whenever possible, or just that such code is compiled in and can be run if runtime cpu detection allows it ?
[12:57] <Mavrik> braunr, afaik --enable-mmx will enable compilation options in a way where MMX is always used
[12:58] <Mavrik> I think only libswscale and libx264 can do dynamic detection
[13:03] <braunr> Mavrik: hm, not good
[13:05] <Mavrik> braunr, what is your usecase and which encoders are you trying to use?
[13:08] <DanielSa> hi
[14:03] <DanielSa> I want to create a live event, transmit audio and video. I'm planning to use a Zoom h4n audio recorder as usb mic and a GoPro 3 Wi-Fi (I'd like to move the camera around the room), but before buying this equipments, I'm trying with the desktop mic and my D-Link DCS-930L IP Camera. Until now I just managed to write it on a file http://pastebin.com/vryFNUYP . Can anyone show me the way? Thank you in advance.
[14:11] <davidw> DanielSa, there are a bundle of streaming guides on the internet.... maybe try one and see where you get stuck?
[14:18] <DanielSa> davidw: Yes I did it yesterday, until late at night :D so was when I start doubt if this 'architecture' works, retransmit a video from a IP Camera to the avserver/ffserver.
[14:22] <braunr> Mavrik: i maintain a home-made linux distribution at a company, where userspace must be the same binary for a range of different boards
[14:23] <braunr> microchip_: for now it's only about decoding and playing videos
[14:23] <braunr> woops
[14:23] <braunr> Mavrik: ^
[14:24] <braunr> Mavrik: my current idea is to build ffmpeg libraries with all optimizations along with runtime cpu detection, so that the same binaries work everywhere with optimized instructions
[14:26] <Mavrik> As I said, I think detection only works for swscale, but don't hold my word for it, I've checked it in version 1.2 last time :P
[14:28] <braunr> Mavrik: i understand :)
[14:30] <davidw> DanielSa, somehow or another, these things do work
[14:30] <davidw> you just have to pound your head against the tablle a lot
[14:41] <waNNaBe> anyone got time to help out an unexperienced user with an explanation?
[14:41] <braunr> waNNaBe: just ask
[14:41] <braunr> (and be patient)
[14:44] <waNNaBe> ok, thx. i'm struggling with a simple task. converting an .avi containing a single cvid video stream with rgb24 color model to a .mp4 with h264 encoding
[14:44] <waNNaBe> for some reason ffmpeg won't let me use any h264 profile other than high444
[14:45] <waNNaBe> seems like with every profile i use, the encoder tries to use yuv444p color model (which is then a wrong parameter to e.g. baseline profile)
[14:46] <waNNaBe> my question to this is, whether it might be a bug or I am just lacking some insights into this stuff
[14:53] <braunr> waNNaBe: it's quite specific, you should also try the mailing list i guess
[15:01] <waNNaBe> I'll try, thx.
[15:18] <pagios> question, if i am capturing audio from a composite in card and video from an ipcam (network) will there be a out of sync between the audio/video? assuming the network is a local network with good latency? i mean i dunno if data trasnfered over the audio cable would be faster than the ipcam which is encoding and sending video over the network cable
[15:19] <BtbN> depends on the camera and microphone. There is no general answer to that.
[15:20] <pagios> BtbN: what do you mean
[15:20] <pagios> how can i make sure they are in sync
[15:22] <BtbN> measure the difference and add an apropiate offset.
[15:44] <pagios> let me make it a general question, how can i make capturing an audio stream over analog and a videostream over digitial be in harmoney and synch'd
[15:46] <BtbN> <BtbN> measure the difference and add an apropiate offset.
[15:57] <pagios> BtbN: the difference would be constant?
[16:00] <BtbN> maybe
[16:00] <BtbN> like i said, there is no general answer to that.
[16:11] <MrSavage> Hi everyone, I'm having issues trying to encode a stream's video into libx264
[16:12] <MrSavage> as it's giving me a black screen, but I can receive the stream fine and hear the audio but only see black
[16:12] <MrSavage> I'm putting in this ffmpeg -i rtmp://localhost:1935/$app/$name -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/small/test
[16:13] <MrSavage> it's giving me, Failed to set value 'libx264' for option 'c:v'
[16:14] <MrSavage> i guess i'll try avonv
[16:14] <MrSavage> avconv*
[16:18] <MrSavage> well i'll try to get it to work with ffmpeg since there's no #avconv channel
[16:18] <MrSavage> So far my command is this and still a blackscreen: exec ffmpeg -i rtmp://localhost:1935/$app/$name -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/small/test
[16:19] <BtbN> check ffmpeg -encoders
[16:19] <BtbN> if you actualy have the x264 encoder
[16:20] <MrSavage> BtbN: I have it
[16:20] <MrSavage> also here's my log output so far http://sprunge.us/WZIc
[16:20] <BtbN> That's libav, not ffmpeg
[16:21] <MrSavage> what do you mean? It says ffmpeg at the top
[16:21] <MrSavage> and the command is ffmpeg
[16:21] <BtbN> it says Libav in the very fist line
[16:23] <MrSavage> but isn't it still ffmpeg?
[16:23] <BtbN> no
[16:23] <BtbN> just read the first few lines it print
[16:23] <BtbN> libav is a fork, that's similar but not the same
[16:23] <MrSavage> OH
[16:24] <MrSavage> Thanks
[16:26] <BtbN> Apart from that, that log looks successfull
[16:26] <BtbN> only problem might be that you specified no bitrate, and 0.4Mbit/s is _very_ low for 720p
[16:27] <MrSavage> BtbN: would the maxbitrate command be sufficient?
[17:03] <pcherry> Can I ask regarding the audio/sync issue in MP4 (x264)?
[17:12] <zybi1> hi
[17:13] <zybi1> I would like to convert lossless mkv 67 minutes video to 5000kbit/s, what would the command line be for that?
[17:14] <zybi1> right now I use something like http://www.pasteall.org/55392 to convert videos to a smaller file, but VIMEO can use 5000kbit/s at it's best
[17:16] <Mavrik> zybi1, add -maxrate 5000k -bufsize 5000k
[17:16] <Mavrik> to limit maximum bitrate to 5000k
[17:16] <Mavrik> maybe take 4800 just in case
[17:17] <Mavrik> other stuff looks ok
[17:42] <MrSavage> Anyone know where there's a webpage explaining advopts of libx264?
[17:42] <MrSavage> I'm trying to put CBR on
[18:09] <zybi1> Mavrik: thanks! so maxrate AND bufsize 4800 or only maxrate?
[18:20] <kaotiko> hi
[18:54] <Toropisco> hi, how can I mux an h.264+AC3 streams from mkv to avchd (.mts or .m2ts)?
[19:16] <zybi1> Mavrik: it resulted in a file with overall bitrate of only 3072 kbps and very poor quality
[19:19] <zybi1> I would like to convert lossless mkv video (67 minutes, 29giB) to a video file of 5000-10000kbit/s, what would the command line be for that?
[19:19] <zybi1> see http://www.pasteall.org/55395 what I tried so far
[20:05] <c_14> zybi1: you're missing a zero in your maxrate
[20:13] <c_14> Toropisco: ffmpeg -i file -c copy -f mpegts out.m2ts
[20:16] <mopp> hey there. I'm trying to live-transcode a transport stream from my sat-ip server (Digibit R1). This is the stream address I use as input: http://pastebin.com/24cQeVbU Unfortunately, ffmpeg doesn't seem to read the input stream. Any hints?
[20:20] <c_14> If you curl the stream to a file, can ffmpeg decode said file?
[20:21] <mopp> Yes
[20:21] <c_14> but ffmpeg -i http://url doesn't work?
[20:22] <mopp> no, it just lists all the enabled libs but then nothing happens
[20:22] <c_14> !ub mopp
[20:28] <mopp> here is the complete console output: http://pastebin.com/fMkP2Bpu
[20:30] <c_14> Surround the url in ''
[20:30] <c_14> I'm pretty sure the & is causing your shell to fork.
[20:33] <mopp> Yup, working now :) only a LITTLE embarassing. Thank you very much!
[20:39] <Toropisco> c_14, thanks
[20:43] <croco> hello
[20:44] <croco> i am the same of day after.
[20:44] <croco> have a problem with sincronism between video and sound
[20:45] <croco> use -f pulse -i default, and probe -async with non result.
[20:47] <croco> not sincro between video and sound, i get '[swscaler @ 0x8369060] Warning: data is not aligned! This can lead to a speedloss' in output text
[20:48] <croco> http://pastebin.com/V9B2Rj8P
[20:48] <croco> ?
[21:08] <croco> what is the problem with sincronism between audio and video??
[21:19] <zybi1> thanks c_14, but now I tried again resulting in only 4051 kbps again - http://www.pasteall.org/55397
[21:23] <c_14> Try lowering the crf?
[21:25] <c_14> Also what version of FFmpeg are you using?^
[21:27] <c_14> croco: can your pc encode h264 in realtime?
[21:27] <c_14> maybe try adding -preset fast, veryfast or superfast?
[21:29] <croco> c_14, yes
[21:30] <croco> use this command: 'ffmpeg -f pulse -i default -ac 2 -f x11grab -s 800x600 -r 30 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -strict -2 ./out.mp4' probes with -preset with same result
[21:31] <croco> the encode realtime not affect the efficiency of computer
[21:31] <c_14> croco: have you tried outputting to mkv?
[21:31] <c_14> But to me it looks like pulse is giving you weird pcm.
[21:32] <croco> no, use mp4 and detect automaticaly h264 (or libx264)
[21:34] <croco> the pcm_s16le is (i see) a default sound input source.
[21:35] <croco> also probes change output codec in the same pcm_s16le and getting error of pcm_s16le not exist
[21:36] <croco> [aac @ 0x8590ae0] Queue input is backward in time
[21:36] <croco> [mp4 @ 0x858ecc0] Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:1; previous: 199391, current: 198759; changing to 199392. This may result in incorrect timestamps in the output file.
[21:37] <croco> this various lines outputs
[21:37] <croco> and get init forever this line: '[swscaler @ 0x84ef060] Warning: data is not aligned! This can lead to a speedloss'
[21:38] <croco> retrace sound 0,5 second with video
[21:42] <croco> and not most retrace in the time, not needed -preset, the computer is very fast and none lowest for ffmpeg, intentional retrace sound 0,5 second with the video
[21:47] <c_14> hmm, no clue. sorry
[23:40] <mopp> hey, still trying to live transcode from my Sat-IP server. However, now I can't get "x264opts videofilter" to work. Here the complete output: http://pastebin.com/56WpT8W0
[23:47] <c_14> I think you need video-filter=select_every:2,1
[23:53] <mopp> hm, no, now I get "Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters
[23:53] <mopp> such as bit_rate, rate, width or height"
[23:54] <mopp> which is strange, because the stream is recognized correctly with all parameters
[00:00] --- Sat Nov 29 2014
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