[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20141006
burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 02:05:01 CEST 2014
[00:07] <bencc> how can I generate segments for hls?
[00:07] <bencc> can ffmpeg also delete old files and update the playlist in a live stream?
[01:16] <rcombs> bencc:
[01:16] <rcombs> bencc: yes, it can
[01:16] <rcombs> please look into the docs on the "segment" muxer, then ask if you have any specific questions :)
[01:57] <bencc> rcombs: thanks
[01:57] <bencc> where can I find docs about receving RTP?
[02:14] <rcombs> bencc: https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-protocols.html#rtp
[02:21] <bencc> rcombs: is it the only info available?
[02:21] <bencc> I'm trying to understand what features RTP support, like FEC for example
[02:22] <rcombs> sorry, I've never used the RTP features myself
[04:56] <hungnv> hello, when writing encoded packet i got this coredump with backtrace: http://pastebin.com/cNrjTHpu . Any idea what can be the cause?
[04:59] <hungnv> #libav
[08:51] <Alina-malina> hey guys i have an .mts file that i record with my lumix photocamera, it plays ok on cameraitself, but when i download it on computer and pay it, it shows froozen, how can i convert it to normal mp4 and watch it?
[09:18] <r3dsm0k3> Hello everyone, I have a problem while using ffmpeg with video4linux2. Im trying to get a h264 stream from Logitech c920 camera attached to raspberry Pi and stream it to a media server.
[09:18] <r3dsm0k3> ffmpeg -report -s 640x480 -f v4l2 -vcodec h264 -i /dev/video0 -copyinkf -f flv rtsp://url
[09:19] <r3dsm0k3> The problem is , ffmpeg is using 100% of my poor Pis cpu while streaming
[09:19] <r3dsm0k3> thus framerate is reduced to 1fps
[09:20] <r3dsm0k3> any other command line options i should be looking at?
[09:21] <r3dsm0k3> any help would be greatly appreciated. Im sitting in the dark here :/
[09:23] <__jack__> hum, you may want to decrease the encoding quality (bigger filesize for the same quality)
[09:24] <__jack__> -c copy, for example
[09:24] <__jack__> or using the ultrafast preset
[09:24] <r3dsm0k3> I did try ultrafast
[09:25] <r3dsm0k3> and it wasnt much of help :(
[09:26] <r3dsm0k3> the camera does have built in h264 encoding capabilties, ffmpeg needs to just send it in an flv container i guess.
[09:26] <__jack__> try like that: ffmpeg -s 640x480 -f v4l2 -c:v h264 -i /dev/video0 -c copy -f flv rtsp://machin
[09:26] <r3dsm0k3> sure.
[09:27] <r3dsm0k3> thank you __jack__ , let me boot up my pi
[09:27] <__jack__> not specifyng the output codec mean "use the default settings"
[09:28] <r3dsm0k3> isnt it enough to set it with v4l2-ctl ?
[09:29] <__jack__> dunno, I'm speaking about ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i source output will encode the flow, using -c copy may disable that
[09:29] <__jack__> you may check at runtime, look at the flow mapping
[09:30] <r3dsm0k3> I see. I might be asking very basic questions, please excuse me. Im using ffmpeg for the first time
[09:31] <r3dsm0k3> also, I was trying to get tee muxer working without luck. I have to pipe the output to multiple places. It is a live stream, it has to send to rtsp server and save a copy of file locally
[09:32] <__jack__> how're you trying ?
[09:36] <r3dsm0k3> give me a moment please, Im trying to connect to pi and check the history of commands i have tried.
[14:23] <ronaldsmazitis> hello I need to extract one thumbnail in jpg from mp4
[14:23] <ronaldsmazitis> ffmpeg -y -i d564726efc.mp4 -vframes 1 -ss 00:01:60 -an -vcodec jpg -f rawvideo -s 1280x720 output.jpg
[14:24] <ronaldsmazitis> this gets Invalid duration specification for ss: 00:01:60
[14:24] <ubitux> -f rawvideo ??
[14:24] <ubitux> use -vf scale instead of -s
[14:24] <ubitux> you can also seek before the input for having something faster (but less accurate)
[14:24] <ubitux> -y is an output option
[14:24] <ubitux> -an is probably not necessary
[14:25] <ubitux> and -vcodec can be dropped as well
[14:25] <ubitux> if after these changes it still doesn't work:
[14:27] <ronaldsmazitis> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8507077/
[14:28] <ubitux> you didn't do what i said
[14:28] <ubitux> also, your ffmpeg is very old
[14:29] <ubitux> -ss 1:60 should work btw
[14:29] <ubitux> mmh
[14:29] <ronaldsmazitis> thats from which second it will take
[14:29] <ronaldsmazitis> right?
[14:30] <ronaldsmazitis> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8507084/
[14:31] <ubitux> mmh it's strange, that time format is supposed to be recognized
[14:32] <ubitux> just a moment
[14:36] <ubitux> ronaldsmazitis: oh well, 1:60 doesn't exist...
[14:36] <ubitux> i mean, it doesn't make sense time wise
[14:36] <ronaldsmazitis> ubitux: thats it
[14:37] <ronaldsmazitis> so how do I get random
[14:37] <ronaldsmazitis> from time available
[14:37] <ubitux> random?
[14:37] <ronaldsmazitis> one random frame
[14:37] <ubitux> you should just use select or thumbnail if you want a thumb
[14:37] <ubitux> otherwise you need to random using a more or less accurate duration
[14:38] <ronaldsmazitis> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8507111/
[14:38] <ubitux> remove "jpg" in the middle of your command line
[14:38] <ubitux> by the way, 1.2 is very old
[14:40] <ubitux> eval $(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of flat=s=_ ~/samples/big_buck_bunny_1080p_h264.mov) && echo $format_duration
[14:40] <ubitux> 596.461667
[14:41] <ubitux> you can get the duration with something like this
[14:41] <ronaldsmazitis> I don't have that sample
[14:42] <ronaldsmazitis> ffmpeg -y -i d564726efc.mp4 -vframes 1 -ss 0:01 -vf scale output.jpg
[14:42] <ronaldsmazitis> this worked
[14:42] <ronaldsmazitis> so it will work for png?
[14:42] <ronaldsmazitis> but I need random second
[14:43] <ubitux> yes
[14:43] <ubitux> well, just script the random yourself
[14:43] <ubitux> actually&
[14:43] <ronaldsmazitis> I can't get the time of video
[14:43] <ubitux> with the eval system you COULD do something
[14:43] <ubitux> yes, because ffmpeg only has an inaccurate value for that, and not all the time
[14:43] <ronaldsmazitis> I am actually doing this with exec() in php
[14:44] <ubitux> use ffprobe to extract the duration
[14:44] <ubitux> randomize with it, and use that
[14:44] <ubitux> but really, that's probably the worst way of picking a thumbnail
[15:13] <sinan> I'm trying to cut a few seconds from an MP4 file. I am using: "ffmpeg -acodec copy -vcodec -i VID_20130221_161344.mp4 -ss 3 -t 3 test.mp4", but the output is choppy. I read somewhere this is because ffmpeg with the copy option will only encode video up to the last i-frame. However, when I specify another codec through the -vcodec, it is trying to use it to read the intput file too (and therefore doesn't work for me). What can I do?
[15:34] <SlaSerX> hi
[15:34] <SlaSerX> can u help me
[15:34] <SlaSerX> i have ip camera
[15:34] <SlaSerX> and want to stream rtsp to my web site
[15:35] <SlaSerX> how i can make this
[15:35] <SlaSerX> with ffmpeg
[15:57] <anddam> hello
[16:07] <anddam> I have to convert a WAV file to AAC, is there any difference between using MPEG-4 container and ADTS raw AAC?
[16:19] <anddam> did it brilliantly with the help of the wiki
[16:20] <anddam> even if I used '-c:a libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_he -b:a 128k -ac 1' the resulting .aac file is shown by mplayer as having 2 channels, is -ac 1 the right option and is mplayer just confused?
[16:20] <anddam> how can I show a file's settings using ffmpeg only? I'm currently using 'mplayer -identify -frames 0'
[16:21] <relaxed> pastebin the output of `ffmpeg -i file`
[16:29] <anddam> relaxed: https://gist.github.com/anddam/4567cd42f542db9af033
[16:29] <anddam> see? stereo as well
[16:29] <anddam> not that it actually bothers me
[16:43] <relaxed> hmm, it works here
[16:49] <bencc> is there a script to create a static build under ubuntu?
[16:49] <bencc> I'm trying https://github.com/pyke369/sffmpeg
[16:49] <bencc> but it gives me: ERROR: libass not found
[17:00] <anddam> relaxed: meaning it produces single channel files?
[17:02] <relaxed> yes
[18:03] <anddam> weird
[18:03] <anddam> whatever
[18:04] <anddam> see you
[18:14] <Jan-> hihi
[18:15] <Jan-> Not sure how easy this question is, googling didn't much help. Does ffmpeg know how to add timecode to AVI files in such a way as it's supported by adobe premiere? I think it involves a "tdat" chunk in the AVI file, but I can't find out any more.
[18:15] <DelphiWorld> hey
[18:15] <DelphiWorld> any format that accept raw video?
[18:15] <DelphiWorld> is raw multicastible?
[18:15] <timothy> you need an header to determinate the codec
[18:15] <timothy> "raw" video is no streamable
[18:16] <DelphiWorld> timothy: ok, thank you so much:-P
[18:16] <timothy> do you mean a video without a codec?
[18:16] <timothy> so mkv can work
[18:16] <DelphiWorld> timothy: yes, HDMI capture
[18:16] <DelphiWorld> timothy: but MKV can't be multicasted ?
[18:17] <DelphiWorld> timothy: see my command ;-)
[18:17] <DelphiWorld> this is using blackmagic
[18:17] <DelphiWorld> bmdcapture1 -C 0 -m 2 -A 1 -V 1 -F nut -f pipe:1 | ffmpeg -re -i - -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vprofile high -vb 1000000 -r 25 -g 60 -level 4.1 -s 720x576 -aspect 16:9 -acodec libfdk_aac -ar 44100 -ab 64k -ac 2 -f flv rtmp://s1.lntmedia.net:1935/live/BeInSport13
[18:17] <DelphiWorld> the problem here is ffmpeg is taking lot of CPU
[18:18] <timothy> x264 is too cpu-intensive
[18:18] <timothy> you can try with mjpeg
[18:18] <DelphiWorld> mjpeg? what will be the codec?
[18:19] <timothy> oh do you need flv
[18:19] <DelphiWorld> yes cause it's going to a rtmp server
[18:20] <timothy> I think flv only support h264
[18:20] <iive> then maybe profile high is too much for you.
[18:20] <DelphiWorld> no, h263 too
[18:20] <DelphiWorld> iive: i think i use main?
[18:21] <timothy> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/StreamingGuide
[18:21] <iive> try -preset faster
[18:21] <DelphiWorld> timothy: i read it 24X7:P
[18:21] <timothy> or -preset ultrafast
[18:22] <timothy> yeah, ultrafast should be the LAST try
[18:22] <iive> imho, on my i3, faster makes about 60-80 fps.
[18:22] <DelphiWorld> iive: -vpreset or -preset?
[18:22] <iive> it works for me with preset, it is libx264 option.
[18:23] <DelphiWorld> ok i did it now, let's see
[18:23] <DelphiWorld> i used faster
[18:23] <iive> is your encoder embedded device, or desktop pc?
[18:23] <Jan-> Alternate question. Does ffmpeg support, from the commandline, writing arbitrary chunks into AVI containers?
[18:24] <DelphiWorld> iive: it's a 8 core server
[18:24] <DelphiWorld> 8 real and 8 threads
[18:24] <iive> DelphiWorld: it should be blazing fast then...
[18:25] <DelphiWorld> iive: the problem is the cpu usage
[18:25] <iive> unless the cpu have overheated and throttled down.
[18:26] <DelphiWorld> lol it use about 200%
[18:26] <iive> 25 fps?
[18:26] <DelphiWorld> yes 25fps
[18:26] <timothy> 200% is ok on 8-core server :P
[18:27] <DelphiWorld> LOL
[18:27] <DelphiWorld> timothy: lol you sure?
[18:28] <timothy> linux?
[18:29] <DelphiWorld> timothy: yeah surely
[18:29] <timothy> so a process can use up to 100% * CPU core/thread iirc
[18:29] <DelphiWorld> LOL
[18:29] <iive> well, you can try faster, veryfast, superfast
[18:30] <iive> ultrafast already was mentioned. and check what still produces good quality.
[18:30] <timothy> sloth :P
[18:38] <DelphiWorld> iive: what about raw video over udp
[18:38] <DelphiWorld> is that pocible?
[18:39] <DelphiWorld> dont want any encoding, just copy a/v codec and stream
[18:39] <iive> if you have gigabit lan.
[18:39] <timothy> and not with fl
[18:39] <timothy> flv*
[18:39] <Fjorgynn> good
[18:39] <iive> 720*576*25*12 bps
[18:40] <DelphiWorld> iive: i do, just tel how:P
[18:40] <iive> as timothy said, not with flv
[18:40] <DelphiWorld> sure
[18:40] <iive> i don't really know how, probably rawvideo, or just copy...
[18:40] <DelphiWorld> but how to stream it
[18:42] <mmealling> I have an mpeg stream that I'd like to either overlay some streaming text over or combine two mpeg streams together. Can ffmpeg do that?
[18:46] <DelphiWorld> see iive
[18:46] <DelphiWorld> this one is transmiting to port 15000 but ffprobe complain about invalid data found
[18:46] <iive> i know nothing about streaming...
[18:46] <iive> was h264 one working?
[18:47] <DelphiWorld> the h264 one yes, was perfect but over rtmp
[19:10] <mmealling> ah, create a separate mpeg file and use the overlay filter....
[19:18] <Felk> hi, anyone here?
[19:19] <DelphiWorld> Felk: dont wait for anyone, ask;)
[19:20] <Felk> alright. I want to take a gif, a mp3 and stream that to twitch. this works, but ffmpeg uses 100% cpu and basically uploads the data faster than twitch plays it.
[19:21] <Felk> heres my commands: ffmpeg \
[19:21] <Felk> -f concat -i concatlist3.txt \
[19:21] <Felk> -f concat -i concatlist.txt \
[19:21] <Felk> -f flv -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec libx264 -b:v 512k "rtmp://$SERVER.twitch.tv/app/$STREAM_KEY"
[19:21] <Felk> i just need a way to tell ffmpeg to encode and stream it in realtime
[19:22] <DelphiWorld> Felk: add -re befaure -i
[19:22] <DelphiWorld> Felk: also -f flv should befaure the rtmp://
[19:22] <Felk> "befaure"? before?
[19:24] <Felk> thanks, seems to have worked as soon as i added a framerate with -r
[19:28] <Felk> oh, another question. is there a better way of looping something than concatenating a long, generated list?
[19:28] <Felk> I read it should work for gifs, but neither -loop nor -loop_video or what it is called gets recognized for me
[19:57] <jasom> is there documentation for the functions that are usable in select filter expressions?
[20:41] <pang0018> hi all, I am trying to figure out how to rotate some text I am drawing using the drawtext filter. I am drawing text on a video taken from an android device and it works fine when the device is in landscape, but in a portrait video, the text is still drawn is if it is in landscape& is there an option in the drawtext filter that I am not seeing to rotate the text, or is there some other option to tell the video it is in portrait orientation? Thanks in advanc
[20:58] <Diogo> Hi this is possíble generate manifest smoothstreaming using ffmpeg?
[23:29] <voip_> Hello guys
[23:34] <voip_> ps -ax shows : 4618 ? Sl 1081:24 ./ffmpeg-2.1.3-64bit-static/ffmpeg -i http://176.56****
[23:34] <voip_> But in fact my ffmpeg doesnt work for some reason
[23:34] <voip_> it happens every day
[23:36] <sacarasc> Is it a cron? Because you have to use full paths for them I believe.
[23:54] <Marcin_PL> Hello. How can I encode with ffmpeg on the fly the stream from 'transcode'?
[23:55] <voip_> sacarasc, use full patch? No its no cron. We our program, programm check everu 30 sec processes, in process is stoped, we astrting process. In this case ps shows everytink is ok, but in fact transcoding stopped
[23:56] <sacarasc> voip_: Are you redirecting the output anywhere?
[23:58] <voip_> sacarasc, yes, we are backgroundic processes and redirectink to vrite .log
[23:59] <voip_> backgrounding
[00:00] --- Tue Oct 7 2014
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