[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20141013

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 02:05:01 CEST 2014

[00:16] <DelphiWorld> if my input is mp3 or a png file
[00:16] <DelphiWorld> how to make it to repeat?
[00:16] <DelphiWorld> i want to use a logo as input but it's shutting down when the img end
[00:29] <pzich> -loop 1 ?
[00:29] <DelphiWorld> pzich: i'lle test
[00:32] <pzich> are you using a single image as the only input, or overlaying it onto something?
[00:33] <DelphiWorld> pzich: it's a input replacing a video if the video is down
[00:37] <pzich> the video should be the length of the audio, or some other duration?
[00:37] <DelphiWorld> pzich: no, there's no relation bethwan audio and video
[00:37] <DelphiWorld> this is just for a monitoring system
[00:39] <DelphiWorld> see pzich
[00:40] <DelphiWorld> ffmpeg -re -i logo-fail.png -loop 1 -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/live/mon
[00:40] <DelphiWorld> it stream but shutdown
[00:40] <DelphiWorld> its not repeating
[00:41] <pzich> try specifying a framerate, e.g. -r 24
[00:41] <pzich> (I've not done anything with indefinite streaming, so I'm no help there.)
[00:42] <DelphiWorld> pzich: -r 25 same issue, its ending
[00:43] <pzich> yeah, no idea, I know that `ffmpeg -f image2 -loop 1 -i image.jpg -r 24 -t 30 output.mp4` will generate a 30 second MP4 named output.mp4 at 24 fps of image.jpg, but for streaming, no idea
[00:45] <pzich> oh
[00:45] <DelphiWorld> pzich: ffmpeg -re -i Canal.png -r 25 -loop 1 -t 3600 -f  mp4 out.mp4
[00:45] <pzich> try putting the -loop 1 before the -i
[00:45] <DelphiWorld> give only 4s:P
[00:46] <DelphiWorld> lol worked pzich !
[00:46] <DelphiWorld> pzich: but what about if i have multiple inputs?
[00:46] <pzich> the -loop is referring to the next -i
[00:47] <pzich> so -loop 1 -i thing1 -loop 1 -i thing2
[00:47] <DelphiWorld> ok awesome!
[04:28] <hungnv> I got a strange error while using transcoding example to encode and resize video, the output video seems to be very well, but it losts its duration when play in VLC player
[04:37] <dublee> I see a lot of people online streaming their webcams on their webpage and the video is actually a jpg image
[04:37] <dublee> is this motionjpeg?
[04:43] <[mbm]> probably
[06:14] <hungnv> hello guys, I use command ffmpeg -i sm55.ts -filter:v "scale=iw*min(640/iw\,360/ih):ih*min(640/iw\,360/ih), pad=640:360:(640-iw*min(640/iw\,360/ih))/2:(360-ih*min(640/iw\,360/ih))/2" -vcodec libx264 -acodec libfdk_aac -s 640x360 ffmpeg.ts to scale video, the output video does not have duration. is it a bug?
[06:15] <hungnv> the original one has duration
[06:32] <hungnv> anyone?
[08:29] <sekon> Hello,
[08:29] <sekon> I am trying to merge
[08:29] <sekon> two streams and there is a delay
[09:05] <sekon> ffmpeg -rtmp_buffer 100 -rtmp_live live -i "rtmp://host/path1" -rtmp_buffer 100 -rtmp_live live -i "rtmp://host/path2" -codec:v libx264 -codec:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 32k -channel_layout 2 -ac 2 -ar 44100 -filter_complex "[0:a][1:a]amerge[aout]; color=c=red:size=1536x384 [base];[0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=512x384 [left];[1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=512x384 [right];[base][left] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1];[tmp1][right] overlay=shortest=1:x=1
[09:05] <sekon> is the command i am using
[09:06] <sekon> if i view the rtmp stream rtmp://host/path2 directly for example it is a few seconds ahead of rtmp://host/publishpath1
[11:54] <kaotiko> hi
[12:20] <chris1988> hello to everyone, i have one question, i am trying to load the remove logo filter but i get anytime the same error... i tried many differect ways but nothing, the same thing here is how i tried to load it: -vf "remove-logo" or -vf "remove_logo" or -vf "removelogo" but the output is  No such filter
[12:56] <enoch> hi all, the correct way to convert any video to mpeg 4?
[12:57] <enoch> Command Line*
[12:57] <xeoncore> enoch: have you read the documentation?
[13:00] <enoch> sure, but my mpeg4 converted videos are unreadable
[13:00] <xeoncore> Then I doubt its a ffmpeg issue
[13:03] <enoch> mhhh
[13:04] <enoch> im using it in a web app, i convert an uploaded video to 3 formats ( for html5 video tag ), webm and ogv are readable, mpeg4 nope
[13:05] <enoch> this is a file: http://www.esecretdating.com/video/sample-itunes-5.mp4
[13:05] <enoch> how can i analyze it?
[13:18] <xeoncore> enoch: ffprobe
[13:21] <enoch> sample-itunes-7.mp4: Invalid data found when processing input
[13:21] <xeoncore> enoch: Is it DRMed?
[13:28] <enoch> wait
[13:28] <enoch> xeoncore: when i launch the mp4 conversion i see: Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:1 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height
[13:28] <xeoncore> Yea. Is it DRMed?
[13:28] <enoch> also without params
[13:28] <enoch> what is DRMed? the machine is a dedicated server...
[13:30] <chris1988> hello to everyone, i have one question, i am trying to load the remove logo filter but i get anytime the same error... i tried many differect ways but nothing, the same thing here is how i tried to load it: -vf "remove-logo" or -vf "remove_logo" or -vf "removelogo" but the output is  No such filter
[13:32] <sacarasc> chris1988: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#delogo
[13:34] <enoch> with -loglevel debug, i get: [aac @ 0x18aa540] Too many bits per frame requested
[13:38] <enoch> lol, solved installing: libavcodec-extra-53
[13:39] <chris1988> sacarasc yes i know about delogo but this is another one filter the remove logo... is not working?
[13:39] <xeoncore> -.- enoch
[13:41] <sacarasc> chris1988: Which version are you using?
[13:48] <chris1988> sacarasc:  2.2.4
[13:49] <sacarasc> Which OS are you on?
[13:49] <chris1988> i am on debian 7 64 bit
[13:52] <sacarasc> Try one of them, see if that has it in.
[13:52] <chris1988> ok how i will check it? i mean, on the command which should be the name of the filter to load it?
[14:02] <sacarasc> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#removelogo It is removelogo.
[14:05] <chris1988> ok thanks i will try now
[14:15] <chris1988> sacarasc: i think that now is recognised like a filter but i have this prob now: [Parsed_removelogo_0 @ 0x2dd0b80] The bitmap file name is mandatory
[14:15] <chris1988> [AVFilterGraph @ 0x2d93ca0] Error initializing filter 'removelogo'
[14:17] <sacarasc> Yes, it needs an image.
[14:17] <sacarasc> That's what it does.
[14:22] <chris1988> yes yes but how i will set the image? i searched on google but nothing :/
[14:34] <chris1988> sacarasc: do you have any idea how i can specify an input logo in order to make it work? also the X Y
[14:35] <sacarasc> -vf removelogo filename=blah
[14:35] <sacarasc> Like it said on the remove logo link I gave.
[14:39] <superware> I have an input AVStream (h.264 over UDP), and I want to copy it to a new output context
[14:39] <superware> ... (mp4), how should I setup the output stream time_base so the recording to a file will be timed according to the input?
[14:44] <chris1988> sacarasc: -vf removelogo filename=/tmp/image.jpg is not working also i tried -filename /tmp/image the same thing..
[14:45] <chris1988> says unrecognised option etc
[14:45] <sacarasc> -vf removelogo:filename=blah
[14:45] <sacarasc> Sorry. :D
[14:45] Action: sacarasc is half asleep.
[14:46] <chris1988>  sacarasc: -vf removelogo:filename=/root/ffmpeg-2.4.2-64bit-static/tp.jpg has this output : [AVFilterGraph @ 0x45acca0] No such filter: 'removelogo:filename'
[14:46] <chris1988> Error opening filters!
[14:46] <sacarasc> Hmm, it's something like that.
[14:46] <sacarasc> I forgot how to do these things.
[14:47] <chris1988> :/
[14:47] <chris1988> there is no documentation i think
[14:47] <chris1988> i am searching 3 hours now
[14:47] <chris1988> but nothing this is why i joined here
[14:47] <sacarasc> [13:02:54] <sacarasc> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#removelogo It is removelogo.
[14:47] <chris1988> it doesnt say here how to use it
[14:47] <chris1988> says that you have to specify the option filename nothing more
[14:48] <sacarasc> Why not just use delogo?
[14:49] <chris1988> because said on some papers on interent that this one is much more better, because is making better scrambling of pixels
[14:51] <sacarasc> And it didn't give examples of how to use it?
[14:52] <sacarasc> Try just -vf removelogo=blah.jpg
[14:52] <sacarasc> And maybe my brainfart is over.
[14:54] <chris1988> okkk this was now worked :)
[14:55] <chris1988> thanks alot sacarasc
[14:59] <nwalker> hello. i have a flv file with both A and V. i need to extract A to mp3, process it and re-merge with V.  but i'm failing even without processing - extracted audio is 10 seconds shorter than video, and merge dont fix this.
[15:00] <nwalker> it's hard to explain, i'll just made a big log of whole process https://gist.github.com/nwalker/ce75ed47e6c8b20a4cfb
[15:01] <sacarasc> I don't see the processing bit...
[15:02] <nwalker> processing is not related at all here.
[15:03] <nwalker> i'm getting this problem even without processing.
[15:05] <nwalker> btw, this 'processing' should not change audio duration. it's like `sox --combine concatenate m.mp3 bunch_of_other_mp3s`.
[15:10] <sacarasc> So you have a bunch of flvs which you want to combine into a longer one? http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#concat-3
[15:13] <nwalker> oh.
[15:14] <nwalker> i looked to wrong sox call.
[15:14] <nwalker> it should be `sox --combine mix-power m.mp3 bunch_of_other_mp3s`
[17:08] <dowdle> I installed Fedora 21 pre-beta because I wanted to check out the newer ffmpeg releases provided by rpmfusion for rawhide... mainlly because vp9/opus webm encoding works so much better in newer versions.  The problem I've encountered is that vp8/ogg webm encoding is now about 1/4 to 1/3 the speed it used to be.  Is there a flag or something to bost it back up?
[17:10] <dowdle> Err.. boost
[17:20] <JEEB> dowdle, you mean VP9 since you wanted that?
[17:20] <JEEB> VP9 encoder is completely non-threaded
[17:20] <JEEB> so it's slow
[17:21] <JEEB> if it's VP8, no idea. might be that the defaults got a bit saner and you'd have to poke settings to make it less compressing
[17:23] <dowdle> JEEB: I still use vp8 as the player I on the Raspberry doesn't know what vp9 is yet... and I was expecting vp9 encoding to be slow because Google hasn't even optimized their own encoder yet... but vp8's speed in ffmpeg has regressed quite a bit... and I think it is probably because of the addition of vp9... and some assumptions that I can overcome with flags.  I just don't have a clue which ones yet.  I usually just use -b:v value -b:a value and
[17:23] <dowdle> occasionally -vf scale=value:value and that's about it.
[17:24] <dowdle> Err.. Raspberry Pi
[17:26] <JEEB> well, as you say you are using random builds and so forth, unfortunately I can't really say much more
[17:26] <JEEB> or what exactly is causing the slower results :P
[17:31] <dowdle> JEEB: I went from ffmpeg 2.1.5 in Fedora 20 to ffmpeg 2.3.4 in Fedora 21 pre-beta.
[17:31] <dowdle> JEEB: The issue was also there in 2.3.3
[17:31] <JEEB> well I have no idea about any details on your build :P
[17:31] <JEEB> and so forth
[17:31] <JEEB> so I just have to say that I have no idea what the source of the difference is
[17:33] <dowdle> JEEB: libvpx 1.3.0 in both cases.
[17:33] <JEEB> as if that would say anything due to the fact of how many things could have gone wrong :P
[17:36] <dowdle> JEEB: I had no idea version number were useless.
[17:42] <dowdle> JEEB: Ok, I'll file a bug with rpmfusion and maybe they can help sort it out.
[17:47] <dowdle> JEEB: I guess one question I have... is... has anyone else noticed the regression in encoding speed with newer releases... and I guess for that I can check the ffmpeg bug tracker.
[17:47] Action: JEEB doesn't use the libvpx encoder at all so no idea
[17:48] <JEEB> I guess you could search with libvpx in the ffmpeg commit log
[17:57] <dowdle> JEEB: Google links to that on their webm site (http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git&a=search&h=HEAD&st=commit&s=libvpx) and nothing is jumping out at me... but granted, I don't know what I'm looking for... and I'm uber ignorant about the technical issues.
[17:58] <dowdle> rpmfusion bug reported - https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3381
[18:02] <saitax> hi Guys i have a question. I want to cut a timelapse video. The Pictures are jpeg files and named "img_0001.jpg" to "img_1372.jpg". I type in this command "ffmpeg -f image2 -i img_%04d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -vb 2500k -acodec null -r 25 day.mp4". But i get this error message "Could find no file with path 'img%04d.jpg'"! What is wrong in my setup?
[18:03] <dowdle> saitax: If you just type "ls img_%04d.jpg" what do you get?
[18:04] <relaxed> saitax: remove "-acodec null"
[18:05] <saitax> moment
[18:05] <saitax> ls: cannot access img_%04d.jpg: No such file or directory
[18:06] <saitax> this is an example output "4.8M Oct 13 00:46 img_1377.JPG" from ls
[18:06] <relaxed> img_%04d.jpg is right, remove ehat I said
[18:06] <relaxed> what*
[18:07] <saitax> ffmpeg -f image2 -i img_%04d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -vb 2500k -r 25 day.mp4 ----> same error
[18:07] <relaxed> img_%04d.JPG
[18:08] <relaxed> it's case sensitive
[18:09] <dowdle> relaxed: Would something like "img_{0001..1372}.JPG" work?
[18:09] <akiselev> What is the proper way to generate H264 annex b headers when encoding+muxing to an MPEGTS stream? (from hls or ssegment muxers) The source isn't another stream so I don't have preexisting headers
[18:10] <saitax> but i wrote it in right case sensitive
[18:11] <saitax> no this doesnt work
[18:11] <saitax> "img_{0001..1372}.JPG"
[18:11] <relaxed> because that's wrong
[18:12] <dowdle> relaxed: Ok, I thought the goal was to expand the filenames but obviously that isn't the case.
[18:13] <relaxed> You pasted "4.8M Oct 13 00:46 img_1377.JPG" earlier, so it would be -i img_%04d.JPG because the extension is in caps.
[18:13] <saitax> ahh okay
[18:13] <saitax> i try sorry :-)
[18:13] <saitax> it works :-(
[18:13] <relaxed> dowdle: that would expand to "ffmpeg -i img_0001.JPG img_0002.JPG ..."
[18:19] <JaredBusch> I have a webserver runnign Centos 7 that I would like to setup ffmpeg on. has anyone seen a guide for that yet? All the ones I noticed are for 6 still.
[18:20] <JEEB> shouldn't be any different
[18:20] <JEEB> other than if there are any workarounds for the ancientness of centos 6 those can generally be ignored?
[18:20] <JaredBusch> mostly I was worried that the non-core packages were all there still.
[18:21] <JEEB> http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Centos
[18:21] <JEEB> this is for 6, but it mostly stands I'd say
[18:21] <JEEB> you could check what version of yasm centos 7 has, for example
[18:21] <dowdle> JaredBusch: There is a request in rpmfusion to build for EL7 -https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3310
[18:21] <JaredBusch> it is a VM so I can snapshot it and not be worried. Just thought to ask before I actually went that route.
[18:22] <JEEB> if it's 1.2 or newer you could just install it from the packages instead of building yourself
[18:22] <JEEB> I don't know why you'd snapshot since no-one is making you install anything into system directories, and you should never be using a prefix that installs to a directory that also is handled by package management
[18:22] <JEEB> unless that guide is retarded, but I think it shouldn't be
[18:23] <JaredBusch> meh snap shots are right click revert and done.
[18:25] <relaxed> JaredBusch: http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[18:29] <JaredBusch> Thanks. all. I'll read through these and try it out this afternoon.
[18:46] <dowdle> JEEB: Trying the static build (from the link relaxed gave) of the latest release... the webm vp8/theora encoding speed is also very slow for me compared to older versions.
[18:50] <dowdle> Hmmm, i wonder if it is related to some cgroup scheduling change in F21.  I'll see if I can find an older static build to compare.
[19:08] <edakiri> Can FFMPEG be caused to return non-zero exit code (error) when testing a video file. So far, it always returns success.
[19:13] <ChocolateArmpits> You want to provoke an error in it?
[19:15] <ChocolateArmpits> oh I see
[19:18] <ChocolateArmpits> edakiri, did you think of starting another process and once it finishes set a variable? If it doesn't finish the process ends prematurely with the variable not set.
[19:18] <edakiri> ChocolateArmpits: I don't understand.
[19:19] <ChocolateArmpits> Do you an exact exit code or just something as a reference that ffmpeg failed ?
[19:19] <ChocolateArmpits> need*
[19:20] <edakiri> ChocolateArmpits: anything not 0. Not exact.
[19:21] <edakiri> I want it to produce the code if the Video file is faulty.
[19:23] <ChocolateArmpits> edakiri: What OS are you using ?
[19:23] <edakiri> ChocolateArmpits: Linux.
[19:25] <ChocolateArmpits> Even though I'm much more familiar with batch, the idea, or a hack, should work the same way
[19:26] <edakiri> ChocolateArmpits: the way is not understood. I can't find a way to interpret it as a complete answer.
[19:27] <edakiri> The only way I think of using another process is using grep to parse the output of ffmpeg.
[19:28] <edakiri> But usually I would expect FFMPEG to return an error code if it has invalid input. That is common.
[19:28] <ChocolateArmpits> In the same script you need to start another script that starts ffmpeg and when's that finished creates an empty file or a system variable. If ffmpeg errors out the second script should end with the temp file not getting created or a system variable set. As the sceond script works, the second one waits for the second to finish.
[19:29] <ChocolateArmpits> Once the second script finishes or crashes the first one should then check if the file got created or not or a system variable set. That way you can judge if the process finished successfully
[19:29] <ChocolateArmpits> At least in batch ffmpeg can crash the rest of the process
[19:29] <ChocolateArmpits> if called as an outside script
[19:29] <ChocolateArmpits> Maybe I'm making this hard to explain, sorry
[19:30] <edakiri> ffmpeg does not crash.
[19:30] <ChocolateArmpits> Well, throws out an error and stops encoding
[19:31] <ChocolateArmpits> You get the idea
[19:31] <edakiri> Then it has no effect on whether a script runs or continues to run. That won't work.
[19:31] <edakiri> but thanks for trying to help.
[19:33] <ChocolateArmpits> Are you telling a bash script that has one of it's commands crash continues on ?
[19:34] <edakiri> No, but it does not matter because FFMPEG does not crash.
[19:35] <ChocolateArmpits> Well it does throw an error if the command line parameters are wrong or if there's something bad with the file, right, possibly stopping the process ?
[19:37] <ChocolateArmpits> Hmm, errorcodes for ffmpeg work under Windows
[19:37] <ChocolateArmpits> Are you sure you are producing the right kind of error ?
[19:39] <akiselev> How can I troubleshoot the "H.264 Bitstream malformed, no startcode found, use video bitstream filter [etc...]" error? I am using libavformat and passing the packet through the mp4toannexb bitstream filter but it doesn't seem to set anything because the header is not 0x00000001
[19:41] <Mavrik> do you have the H.264 PSS/SPS info available?
[19:47] <akiselev> Mavrik, do I need to extract that from the original h264 file or is that available during the encoding process?
[19:47] <Mavrik> x264 will provide them in extradata field if you have GLOBAL_HEADER flag set
[19:49] <akiselev> Mavrik, I set the global header flag but h264_mp4toannexb isn't filtering the frames. Do I have to extract the data from the global header somehow?
[19:49] <Mavrik> no idea, check the source of the filter
[19:49] <Mavrik> mpeg-ts muxer will check if your packet starts with the proper start code tho
[20:19] <edakiri> ChocolateArmpits: The kind of error I'm talking of is not what you thought. There was a misunderstanding. That my initial message was ambiguous is part of the problem.
[20:20] <ChocolateArmpits> okay
[20:20] <edakiri> FFMPEG processes without error a video file which has an error. I wish to detect whether video files have errors.
[20:22] <klaxa> try -xerror or -xerr, look at the manpage, might help and might do what you want
[20:26] <edakiri> klaxa: That is undocumented in both the man page and HTML document. FFMPEG does not complain when I use it but I see no change in behavior. exit code is success.
[20:26] <klaxa> in ffmpeg --help full maybe?
[20:27] <edakiri> ffmpeg -xerror -i test.wmv -xerror -f null null
[20:29] <edakiri> klaxa: it is in ffmpeg --help full. From description, looks like it should work. Does not work as expected.
[20:29] <edakiri> maybe so. I may have to enter an error description, which I did not.
[20:30] <edakiri> What the error description would look like is a mystery.
[20:31] <edakiri> but it does not seem to parse a parameter. and it is in any case not an exit code that is given as a parameter.
[20:31] <edakiri> Known to be broken: http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-user/2012-February/005215.html
[20:44] <brontosaurusrex> is there any reason someone would still use vp6? (in this case with octoshape)
[20:44] <akiselev> Mavrik, I seem to have managed to add the header to the frames but now I get the same  no startcode error except this time over 10 seconds into the file
[21:03] <[1]Ian> anyone here?
[21:12] <llogan> [1]Ian: there is always someone here.
[21:36] <voip_> Hello guys
[21:36] <voip_> FFmpeg hangs very often
[21:36] <voip_> Why, How ti fix this situation ?
[21:36] <voip_> http://pastebin.com/vhX9AgTR
[21:37] <llogan> you should know this by now
[21:38] <voip_> llogan, i am using pastepin
[21:38] <voip_> what wrong
[21:38] <voip_> ?
[21:39] <llogan> 1) you did not include your command. 2) you did not include the complete console output
[21:41] <voip_> llogan, oh, i made nor fully copy
[21:41] <voip_> http://pastebin.com/5X1fiBHF
[21:42] <llogan> does it hang if you just play the input with ffplay or something?
[21:43] <voip_> i didnt try, but if im write file it hangs
[22:25] <voip_> llogan, i tryed play with ffplay
[22:25] <voip_> its ok
[22:28] <llogan> if you output to a local file does it also hang? so try "output.flv" instead of "rtmp://wowza/live/11111"
[22:39] <voip_> llogan, just tryed with output.flv again hangs
[22:51] <saitax> hi guys i have a question about ffmpeg. I want do a slideshow with it. I want 25 frames per second and every 5 Frames the pictures should change. I dont know how to set up the -r parameter.
[22:52] <saitax> can anyone give me an advise
[22:52] <Mavrik> saitax, ffmpeg -r 5 -i <input> ... -r 25 ...
[22:52] <Mavrik> should do the trick
[22:53] <Mavrik> the trick being, butting "-r 5" (that is - input FPS at 5 frames per second) before -i parameter and "-r 25" (that is - output fps 25 frames per second) after -i parameter
[22:54] <saitax> this is how i test "ffmpeg -f image2 -r 5 -i img_%04d.JPG -r 25  ../test.mp4"
[22:54] <saitax> it is now running
[22:55] <voip_> llogan, any help
[22:55] <voip_> ?
[22:57] <saitax> it works
[22:57] <saitax> thx
[22:57] <saitax> Mavrik thx
[22:57] <saitax> ^
[23:09] <Maverick|MSG> anyone have a link to using a gpu with ffmpeg for encoding?  I can't seem to find the exact documentation or command line switches to test it out
[23:25] <anshul__> how to take rtp input in libavdevice/lavfi.c  -f lavfi
[23:56] <anshul__> is there any filter which take h264 as input
[00:00] --- Tue Oct 14 2014

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