[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20141027
burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 02:05:01 CET 2014
[00:32] <spectralsun> trying to reencode with this command "ffmpeg -i ns-0f483bb1-59d2-4014-aef6-17d1bb0450b1.mov -acodec copy -g 15 tmp.mov"
[00:32] <spectralsun> but it's only making a video of a few seconds long
[00:32] <spectralsun> does this message mean anything: "[mov @ 0x39e6480] Packet with invalid duration -30684 in stream 1" ?
[00:32] <spectralsun> the video is like a minute and a half, but tmp.mov is only a few seconds
[00:39] <joonas_> I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it means your source file is broken.
[00:40] <joonas_> you actually get that when writing an invalid packet
[00:41] <joonas_> if you turn on debug logging you should see a log entry with the fields in question.
[00:43] <sanooj> although if you see that then it looks like it will estimate the packet duration from other data. of course it might be way off though.
[03:25] <shevy> anyone knows what I do wrong?
[03:25] <shevy> [vorbis @ 0xb0e1880] The encoder 'vorbis' is experimental but experimental codecs are not enabled, add '-strict -2' if you want to use it.
[03:26] <shevy> ffmpeg -strict -2 -i foo.wma -acodec vorbis -aq 100 output.ogg
[03:28] <sanooj> try adding -strict -2 after your -i
[03:28] <sanooj> foo.wma
[03:28] <mark4o> shevy: use libvorbis, not vorbis
[03:29] Action: sanooj is chaos monkey!
[03:30] <sanooj> turns out one's uvcvideo code works a lot better if you actually read the specs instead of intuiting what the ioctls do
[03:31] <sanooj> granted, I didn't really want to do that, but whatever...
[03:48] <shevy> sanooj thanks that worked a bit better, but still an error http://pastie.org/pastes/9677843/text
[03:48] <shevy> "Current FFmpeg Vorbis encoder only supports 2 channels."
[03:50] <sanooj> indeed. your input seems to have only one!
[03:51] <sanooj> I'm sure there's a widget in ffmpeg to duplicate your mono into stereo, but I only started ffmpeging this weekend
[03:51] <shevy> hmm
[03:52] <shevy> can I just copy the one channel mono and keep it like that?
[03:52] <shevy> oh wait
[03:53] <shevy> switching from -acodec vorbis to -acodec libvorbis fixed it
[03:53] <sanooj> see, people who actually know said so. ;)
[03:54] <shevy> I assumed you to be wiser because you wrote more than he did
[03:54] <khaosmonkey> you may have been able to do a channel mapping that duplicates your mono thing, but I'm not sure.
[03:54] <khaosmonkey> haha
[04:12] <khaosmarmoset> woot! I can now tune uvc tunables in v4l2.c!
[04:37] <khaosmarmoset> and youtube is happy!
[04:38] Action: khaosmarmoset calls it a job sloppily done!
[04:38] <khaosmarmoset> 'night
[07:18] <FearlessHawk> Is it possible to repair media that was not deinterlaced before it was converted into progressive?
[07:26] <DrSlony> hi JEEB, has -preset been deprecated in git?
[07:36] <DrSlony> ./programs/code-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i MOV_0818.mp4 -ac 2 -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k -c:v libx264 -preset slower -crf 23 -level 4.1 -maxrate 512k -bufsize 2560k ~/2014-10-26.mp4
[07:36] <DrSlony> Unrecognized option 'preset'.
[07:36] <DrSlony> Error splitting the argument list: Option not found
[07:39] <ruby_on_tails> whats the difference between ffmpeg and avconv?
[07:39] <kevmitch> avconv is the command line program of the libav fork of ffmpeg
[07:39] <kevmitch> they have roughly the same functionality
[07:40] <JEEBsv> DrSlony: no. but it is libx264 specific
[07:40] <JEEBsv> -codecs | grep x264
[07:40] <DrSlony> JEEBsv im guessing im lacking some ./configure parameter
[07:41] <JEEBsv> --enable
[07:41] <JEEBsv> argh
[07:41] <JEEBsv> fuck touchscreen keyboards
[07:41] <DrSlony> yes
[07:41] <JEEBsv> --enable-gpl --enable-libx264
[07:42] <ruby_on_tails> why cant someone make a format which is supported everywhere and there is a single command to convert videos to that format
[07:42] <ruby_on_tails> working with videos is so confusing
[07:42] <ruby_on_tails> i just transcoded a video using avonv and its size is 1/5th of that of the original without any quality difference, i am so scared now
[09:02] <AminCX> Hello, I'm trying to create a mp4-dash mpd file with mp4box and it give me an error "[DASH]: Segment duration variation is higher than the +/- 50% allowed by DASH-IF (min 0.333, max 6) - please reconsider encoding", i'm using this command "ffmpeg -i test2.mp4 -codec:v libx264 -vprofile baseline -preset veryslow -crf 1 -threads 0 -maxrate 235k -bufsize 235k -vf scale=-2:240 -an -y test2-240-235k.mp
[09:02] <AminCX> 4" to encode the files, what is wrong here ?
[09:38] <khaosmarmoset> Your computer is TOO SLOW to encode these files! Or it could be an audio driver problem.
[09:44] <khaosmarmoset> AminCX: seriously though, I of course have no clue. sounds like dash and libx264 disagree on something. have you tried asking the x264 guys?
[09:51] <AminCX> khaosmarmoset: computer sounds good, i7 4770, no my first thought was that if anyone should know its ffmpeg developers.
[09:55] <BtbN> AminCX, you need to set a fixed gop length.
[09:55] <BtbN> not too long, 2 or 4 seconds
[09:57] <AminCX> BtbN: Thank you, i'm trying it now.
[10:04] <DrSlony> JEEBsv the encoded video plays with about 10 frames per second using mpv, but perfectly fine when i play it using ffplay or via the web browser. mpv plays every other video perfectly, so im confused whats happening... do you have any ideas?
[10:07] <DrSlony> errr.. ffprobe shows the encoded video has "59.42 fps" but the source video has "29.70 fps"
[10:07] <DrSlony> ./programs/code-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i MOV_0818.mp4 -t 10 -ac 2 -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 23 -level 4.1 ~/2014-10-26_10_crf23_l41_p.mp4
[10:16] <xata> Hello.
[10:17] <xata> What is the fastest way (less cpu-hungry) to decrease the video's file size? Disregarding the quality, just do it.
[10:18] <xata> And do it fast
[10:19] <xata> Maybe you can advice some channel/forum/knowledge base so i could read myself? I understand that this is not totally ffmpeg question, but i will use ffmpeg for this, so here i am :)
[10:20] <DrSlony> ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -an -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 25 out.mp4
[10:20] <DrSlony> xata ^ one possibility
[10:23] <xata> DrSlony: Unrecognized option 'preset'.
[10:24] <xata> DrSlony: :C
[10:24] <DrSlony> try -vpre instead
[10:30] <xata> DrSlony: now it says it does not understand -crf
[10:30] <DrSlony> either youre using an old ffmpeg or it doesnt have the right stuff compiled into it
[10:32] <xata> DrSlony: yeah. looks like second one. thanks anyway
[10:32] <DrSlony> JEEBsv i dont know why the fps of the video is changed after transcoding
[11:45] <Tatou> Hi everybody
[12:18] <AminCX> BtbN, would you please suggest me a way to set a fixed gop length ? i tried -g and -keyint but i'm not sure.
[12:21] <c_14> -force_key_frames expr:gte(t,n_forced*5) <- will force a keyframe every 5s
[12:24] <AminCX> c_14, thank you, i'm trying it now.
[12:28] <Tatou> hi, do you know why it doesn't work ? :p
[12:28] <Tatou> ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vf scale=720:400 subtitles=subtitle.srt out.mp4
[12:28] <Tatou> i have an error message :
[12:28] <c_14> scale=720:400,subtitles=subtitle.srt
[12:28] <Tatou> okay i test
[12:29] <Tatou> thanks c14 :)
[12:52] <AminCX> c_14, i tried this "ffmpeg -i test2.mp4 -codec:v libx264 -vprofile baseline -preset slow -force_key_frames expr:gte(t,n_forced*1) -threads 0 -maxrate 235k -vf scale=-2:240 -an -y test2-240-235k.mp4" and still got that problem with mp4box, it says "[DASH]: Segment duration variation is higher than the +/- 50% allowed by DASH-IF (min 0.333, max 3) - please reconsider encoding" with -dash 3000...
[12:52] <AminCX> ...parameter.
[12:56] <c_14> hmm, no clue then. Sorry.
[13:29] <Tatou> I would like to pass AC3 6 channels to AAC 2 channels (stereo) with a video, someone know the command ? I didn't find
[13:45] <relaxed> Tatou: what's the output of -> ffmpeg -codecs 2>/dev/null|grep DEA.*aac
[13:46] <Tatou> hum
[13:46] <Tatou> i don't understand *_*
[13:46] <relaxed> run the command and paste its output here
[13:47] <Tatou> okay :p
[13:49] <Tatou> I have this response : DEA.L. aac AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) (encoders: aac libfaac )
[13:49] <relaxed> ffmpeg -i input -c:v copy -c:a libfaac -b:a 192k -ac 2 output
[13:51] <Tatou> okay I test, thank's for the response
[13:57] <Tatou> it work :p
[13:57] <Tatou> and with that
[13:57] <Tatou> I would like to burn subtitles
[13:58] <Tatou> so
[13:58] <Tatou> i test this command : ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vf scale=720:400,-c:v copy -c:a libfaac,-b:a 192k,-ac 2,subtitles=sub.srt output.mp4
[13:58] <Tatou> but it doesn't work, do you know why ? :p
[13:59] <Mavrik> em
[13:59] <Mavrik> it's YOU that has the error output.
[13:59] <Mavrik> how would WE know? :P
[14:00] <Tatou> hum
[14:00] <Tatou> xD
[14:15] <Tatou> so i test an anover option
[14:15] <Tatou> i made this command : ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset fast -crf 22 -c:a copy subtitles=srt.srt output.mp4
[14:15] <Tatou> and i test also : ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset fast -crf 22 -c:a copy,subtitles=srt.srt output.mp4
[14:15] <Tatou> someone can help me please ? :D
[14:18] <Mavrik> you still didn't pastebin the output and the error you get.
[14:18] <Tatou> ok
[14:19] <Tatou> so for this : ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset fast -crf 22 -c:a copy subtitles=srt.srt output.mp4
[14:21] <Tatou> http://pastebin.shortrip.org/?58e20f9a93c9b23a#86xDc/p3IBH8dVXQyfr6YnMGJBvLklRyWAQnHlHKcW8=
[14:21] <Mavrik> Tatou, did you not see this: "subtitles=File.srt: No such file or directory" :)
[14:21] <Tatou> yes
[14:22] <Hello71> > Javascript is required for ZeroBin to work.
[14:22] <Tatou> but the file or directory is good :p
[14:24] <Tatou> for this : ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset fast -crf 22 -c:a copy,subtitles=srt.srt output.mp4
[14:25] <Tatou> i have this error : http://pastebin.shortrip.org/?39731f27e9b86c11#+RLsVyIYtTT8tzAOmICX3vm3Veg7UIGbiEhAbyAZJDA=
[14:27] <Mavrik> yeah, that because "copy,subtitles" isn't a codec.
[14:27] <Mavrik> :)
[14:28] <Mavrik> ugh
[14:28] <Mavrik> yeah, I see
[14:28] <Mavrik> "subtitles=srt.srt" makes no sense
[14:28] <Mavrik> why is that there? :)
[14:28] <Tatou> my file
[14:28] <Tatou> ^^
[14:28] <Mavrik> you're probably trying to add a video filter - which has to be specified with "vf"
[14:28] <Mavrik> "-vf subtitles=..."
[14:28] <Mavrik> not as codec.,
[14:28] <Tatou> yesss
[14:29] <Mavrik> if you want to bake subtitles into video
[14:29] <Mavrik> not sure if .srt is supported yet tho
[14:29] <Tatou> i don't understand the connection
[14:30] <Tatou> I just would burn srt in my video and put the fast preset :p
[14:33] <Mavrik> ?
[14:34] <Mavrik> you need to tell ffmpeg with "vf" swtich to use a subtitle video filter.
[14:34] <Mavrik> subtitle video filter does the burning
[14:34] <Mavrik> which part is giving you issues? :)
[14:36] <Tatou> so
[14:37] <Tatou> what should I do ? x)
[14:37] <Tatou> i have to delete vf ?
[14:38] <Tatou> ah no
[14:39] <Tatou> 2 seconds x)
[14:40] <Tatou> Ah it work
[14:41] <Tatou> thank's for your help
[14:41] <Tatou> i made this command : ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset fast -crf 22 -c:a copy -vf subtitles=File.srt output.mp4
[14:41] <Tatou> and i forgot vf :p
[15:22] <ale345354> Hello
[15:23] <ale345354> One question: I'm using ffmpeg version N-42642-g7db0f9b- from John Van Sinckle website. SHould I use an upper to date version?
[15:26] <c_14> Probably, yes.
[15:28] <ale345354> Where can I find detailed information on how to update my ffmpeg version via linux terminal?
[15:30] <DHE> that version looks like it's dated May 2014
[15:33] <c_14> ale345354: just download a new static build and overwrite it?
[15:34] <ale345354> yes it says "built on May 6 2014 02:25:05 with gcc 4.8 (Debian 4.8.2-21)"
[15:35] <ale345354> The point is I don't understand how to download a new static build, from where and how to overwrite it, sorry
[15:35] <c_14> http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[15:35] <c_14> just wget/curl/whatever the latest static for your architecture.
[15:35] <c_14> Then unpack it with tar xvJf file.tar.xz
[15:36] <c_14> Then move the 'ffmpeg' binary to wherever your current 'ffmpeg' binary is.
[15:37] <ale345354> I'm trying: would you recommend me downloading the with git or without git release of today?
[15:39] <c_14> I'd recommend git.
[15:43] <xata> what is fastest encoder? Faster than x264 with veryfast? speed of encoding and size matters, quality does not
[15:44] <c_14> x264 with ultrafast?
[15:44] <klaxa> is there a dummy encoder? guaranteed to be fast and small but no quality at all
[15:44] <c_14> -c:v copy
[15:44] <ubitux> getting a small output is hard
[15:45] <ubitux> you'd better trash your video before feeding it to x264 with ultrafast
[15:45] <ubitux> maybe x264 can be smart about that though
[15:45] <ubitux> ultra fast with a very high crf maybe
[15:46] <klaxa> what is your exact usecase anyway?
[15:46] <ale345354> I remember I did something like you told me back in May. I found two folders from that exact date: one is named "ffmpeg_build" and has inside 3 folders (include, lib and share). The other one is named "ffmpeg-git-20140506-64bit-static" and inside has two folders (manpage, prsets) and a bunch of files. What should I do now? I unpacked what I downloaded.
[15:46] <ubitux> the usecase seems to be a numeric diarrhea
[15:46] <ubitux> fast and crappy
[15:47] <c_14> ale345354: `cp ffmpeg-git-*/ffmpeg `which ffmpeg`' <- basically that
[15:50] <ale345354> Sorry? SHould I simply copy the folder it just finished extracting on my desktop (ffmpeg-git-20141027-64bit-static) and overwrite the other old folder which has the similar name (ffmpeg-git-20140506-64bit-static) and I'm done?
[15:50] <ale345354> I mean cut not copy
[15:50] <c_14> What does `which ffmpeg' return?
[15:50] <c_14> Or have you been calling ffmpeg with an absolute path?
[15:51] <ale345354> I don't know. writing which ffmpeg in the terminal says: /home/ale/ffmpeg-git-20140506-64bit-static/ffmpeg
[15:52] <c_14> You _could_ just overwrite the directory and it's contents if you want. Might be mildly confusing because the date on the dir would not match the ffmpeg build date, but it would work.
[15:52] <c_14> Either that or change your PATH variable so it points to the new folder instead of the old one.
[15:52] <ale345354> Maybe I?m invokng ffmpeg with an absolute path, I mean
[15:53] <ale345354> If I want to convert a file in the folder for example /home/ale/Desktop/a/b/c/example, I just go in the /example folder, open there the terminal and just invoke "ffmpeg -i file ..."
[15:55] <ale345354> How can I change my PATH?
[15:55] <ale345354> so it points to the new folder?
[15:56] <xata> klaxa: live streaming of video from an arm board. problem is that input video is 12mbps, and output should be max 1mbps
[15:57] <xata> ubitux: tried ultrafast with 50 crf, still 2/3 of needed speed
[15:58] <ubitux> decode your source with lowres
[15:58] <ubitux> or just scale it down before sending to the encoder
[15:58] <c_14> ale345354: if you're using bash, probably in .bashrc or /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc or .bash_profile
[15:59] <xata> ubitux: how do i lowres?
[15:59] <ubitux> xata: not a good idea
[15:59] <ubitux> it's a decoding option, you don't want that
[15:59] <ubitux> also, it's codec specific
[15:59] <ubitux> just -vf scale=iw/2:ih/2
[16:00] <ubitux> should help your speed :p
[16:00] <kepstin-laptop> xata: you could also try lowering the video framerate (dropping frames)
[16:00] <ale345354> Sorry? I don't understand
[16:01] <ale345354> What can I do?
[16:01] <c_14> ale345354: open ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile /etc/profile /etc/bashrc in your favorite text editor and look for something along the lines of export PATH=
[16:03] <ale345354> found!
[16:03] <c_14> Now look for the part that says /home/ale/ffmpeg-git-20140506-64bit-static and change it to where the new dir is
[16:03] <ale345354> there's written at the end "export PATH=/home/ale/ffmpeg-git-20140506-64bit-static:${PATH}"
[16:04] <xata> ubitux: nah, scaling slows down the encoding speed
[16:04] <ubitux> heh, slow scaling then, interesting
[16:04] <c_14> Though you might just want to rename the dir to ffmpeg and put that in the PATH so you don't have to change it again next time
[16:04] <ubitux> xata: --tune zerolatency?
[16:05] <ale345354> Ok now the which ffmpeg command tells me /home/ale/ffmpeg-git-20141027-64bit-static/ffmpeg
[16:05] <ale345354> What should I do to rename the dir to ffmpeg and put that in the PATH?
[16:05] <c_14> mv ffmpeg-git-20141027-64bit-static ffmpeg
[16:06] <ale345354> ok and then?
[16:06] <c_14> Then just go back to the PATH variable and replace the string with "export PATH=/home/ale/ffmpeg/${PATH}"
[16:06] <c_14> eh
[16:06] <c_14> : instead of / after ffmpeg
[16:07] <c_14> ie PATH=/home/ale/ffmpeg:${PATH}
[16:09] <ale345354> So it searches by itself the binary inside the newer directory I will extract there?
[16:09] <c_14> yes
[16:10] <ale345354> oh :-0
[16:11] <ale345354> when I do "mv ffmpeg-git-20141027-64bit-static ffmpeg" shouldn't I do "mv ffmpeg-git-20141027-64bit-static ffmpeg_build"?
[16:11] <ale345354> Because I have the folder ffmpeg_build in my /home, not the folder ffmpeg
[16:12] <kepstin-laptop> ale345354: you're renaming the directory 'ffmpeg-git-20141027-64bit-static' to be just 'ffmpeg' so you can use the same directory name even if you change the ffmpeg version.
[16:13] <ale345354> Ok, you used the move command just the rename the directory?
[16:14] <c_14> yep
[16:14] <ale345354> :-0 I'm speechless
[16:14] <ale345354> Is it safe?
[16:14] <DrSlony> Help, when I compress this 20s clip I have two issues: ffprobe shows 59.42 fps instead of 29.70, and it jerks in MPV (a good mplayer fork which had not jerked on any other video) but plays smoooth in chrome and vlc. Files: http://filebin.net/ffmpeg0fps Command:
[16:14] <DrSlony> ./programs/code-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i 20_copy.mp4 -ac 2 -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k -c:v libx264 -preset slower -crf 23 -level 4.1 -maxrate 4096k -bufsize 2560k 20_copy_crf23_l41_mr4096_bs2560.mp4
[16:15] <c_14> ale345354: as long as you don't go overwriting things, sure
[16:18] <c_14> DrSlony: doesn't jerk for me. mpv 0.6.1
[16:19] <DrSlony> 0.6.1 too
[16:19] <DrSlony> what fps does the file have?
[16:19] <c_14> 59.42
[16:20] <DrSlony> source had 29.70, why was it increased using my command? could you test on your end?
[16:21] <ale345354> Ok guys, now all is working fine
[16:22] <ale345354> I say a big THANK YOU to you all ffmpeg developers and
[16:22] <ale345354> since you've been so kind to me, I'm rewarding you all with me singing for you a Cinderella song:
[16:23] <ale345354> I took a walk down a road it's the road I was meant to staaaaaaay, I see the fire in your eyes but a man's gott make his waaaaay, So are you tough enough for my love ??? Just close your eyes to the heaven above!!!! I'm comin hoooome, I'm comin hooooome
[16:23] <ale345354> Thank you again
[16:24] <c_14> DrSlony: hmm, it increases the fps when I do it as well, strange
[16:24] <DrSlony> so this is not normal, correct?
[16:24] <c_14> DrSlony: is the source variable framerate perhaps?
[16:24] <DrSlony> i checked the docs as much as sanity would allow and didnt find any caveats
[16:24] <DrSlony> how do i check?
[16:25] <DrSlony> its from a sony xperia z
[16:25] <DrSlony> i did a direct stream copy of the first 20 seconds, so i guesss it should have the same fps as the full clip
[16:25] <DrSlony> its on the filebin link i pasted
[16:26] <c_14> DrSlony: use -vsync vfr
[16:26] <c_14> When I add that to the command the output has 29.73 fps
[16:26] <DrSlony> ill try
[16:29] <DrSlony> didnt work. where do i put that part exactly?
[16:29] <DrSlony> oh i typo'd
[16:30] <DrSlony> retrying
[16:31] <DrSlony> yup, confirm that it worked and the mpv playback is smooth now :) thanks!
[16:32] <c_14> np
[16:59] <zybi1> hi
[17:00] <zybi1> what would be the command line to encode mkv (lossless) to QuickTime ProRes 422 please?
[17:03] <DrSlony> oh dear
[17:03] <zybi1> it's for a film festival
[17:04] <zybi1> or is it easier to make a working DCP which is fully DCI/SMPTE compliant?
[17:05] <c_14> zybi1: I'm pretty sure prores is a lossy codec...
[17:06] <zybi1> c_14: thanks for the hint. I know that. But I'm searching for a solution which is possible for me to reach. Deadline is october 31st
[17:06] <zybi1> I don't have money to give it to somebody to create a working DCP for me..
[17:07] <zybi1> and since they don't accept lossless MKV -
[17:07] <c_14> If you just want to encode to prores, ffmpeg -i input -c:v prores -b:v [bitrate] outfile.prores
[17:07] <c_14> You can probably keep it in a matroska container.
[17:07] <c_14> I think prores also supports qscale
[17:07] <c_14> But don't quote me on that.
[17:07] <c_14> Never used it before.
[17:09] <c_14> If the video has audio and you don't want to touch it, add -c:a copy
[17:10] <zybi1> flac is no problem for osx/windows ?
[17:10] <DrSlony> zybi1 http://opendcp.org/
[17:11] <zybi1> DrSlony: you have experience with that? also with festivals?
[17:11] <DrSlony> negatory
[17:11] <zybi1> how long will it take about?
[17:11] <zybi1> alright
[17:11] <DrSlony> only DCPs im experienced with are something else in photography
[17:12] <zybi1> ya, it seems to be a strong tool
[17:12] <DrSlony> theres also http://dcpomatic.com/
[17:20] <zybi1> thanks to you two
[23:07] <voip_> hello guys
[23:10] <voip_> I am taking stream and sending to DestinationA:
[23:10] <voip_> ffmpeg -i http://SourceIP -preset fast -acodec aac -strict experimental -ar 44100 -ac 2 -b:a 96k -vcodec libx264 -b:v 900k -f flv rtmp://DestinationA
[23:10] <voip_> How to send same stream at the same time also to DestinationB ?
[23:22] <c_14> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Creating%20multiple%20outputs#Teepseudo-muxer
[23:30] <voip_> c_14, in samples multiple encoding, and multiple inputs. I need for 1 input, same encoding but multiple out . Can you please help ?
[23:31] <c_14> I just gave you the link? just use the tee pseudo-muxer
[23:32] <c_14> ie -f tee "[f=flv]rtmp://DestinationA|destinationB"
[23:45] <voip_> c_14, thank you very much !
[00:00] --- Tue Oct 28 2014
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