[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140927

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 28 02:05:01 CEST 2014

[01:24] <thearchitectnlog> i m on mountain lion i m trying the following ffmpeg -f qtkit -list_devices true -i ""
[01:25] <thearchitectnlog> m getting Unrecognized option 'list_devices'.
[01:25] <thearchitectnlog> Error splitting the argument list: Option not found
[01:25] <thearchitectnlog> can anyone help me ?
[01:28] <thearchitectnlog> ?
[01:30] <thearchitectnlog> http://pastebin.com/CbfbrHmt
[01:31] <thearchitectnlog> done can u please help
[01:32] <sacarasc> Try updating. I am not sure, but the option may have been added some time in the last 6 months which means 2.2 wouldn't have it.
[01:33] <thearchitectnlog> ffmpeg version is fmpeg version 2.2.4
[01:35] <thearchitectnlog> i install ffmpeg with brew now
[01:38] <thearchitectnlog> anyway what i trying to do is stream my mac web cam to my nodejs server
[01:40] <thearchitectnlog> sacarasc: http://pastebin.com/d30WYgW0 can u please check this 2
[01:45] <thearchitectnlog> ?
[02:00] <thearchitectnlog> anyone
[02:00] <thearchitectnlog> ?
[02:10] <sacarasc> thearchitectnlog: Now is the time to be patient.
[02:14] <sacarasc> I don't know what is wrong, but people come and go in this channel all the time. Eventually someone should help if they can.
[02:41] <thearchitectnlog> what is the latest macos of ffmpeg ?
[02:42] <sacarasc> As it is possible to compile yourself, the latest release is 2.4.1. But you could also get the git version.
[03:32] <ScottSteiner> is it possible to convert a subtitle so that its timing is delayed by 3 seconds?
[07:09] <nykac> can someone help me figure out how to overlay video?
[07:10] <nykac> I'm trying to stream x11grab with a webcam overlay to ffserver
[07:10] <nykac> my command is http://paste.ee/p/KDshU
[07:11] <nykac> I was using http://paste.ee/p/JCKJ2 (based off the wiki) but it wasn't working so I tried to get it working with a simplified filter
[08:21] <dahat> Can anyone see why my attempt to build rtmpdump under mingw with the MSVC toolchain is failing? http://pastebin.com/MZ5287jZ
[08:32] <drv> dahat: it looks like GCC-style options are being passed to CL, which isn't going to work...
[08:40] <dahat> I must have missed that part... GCC arg(s) are being passed to CL?
[08:42] <dahat> drv: I am puzzling over this because there are plenty of warnings through most of the log but nothing fatal until the end... and even then not very actionable
[08:44] <drv> the MSVC equivalent of -o is /Fo, which is the first problem
[08:51] <dahat> That seems to get me closer... also seems to be some issues with .o files being expected when .obj files are the intermediate output... I'll have to dig into that part tomorrow, thanks!
[08:53] <drv> that is exactly what /Fo specifies (the object file name)
[12:00] <_Arif_> Hello!
[14:46] <ScottSteiner> is it possible to convert a subtitle so that its timing is delayed by 3 seconds using ffmpeg?
[15:39] <eristisk> I upgraded my Debian system recently and now BOTH mplayer and VLC are playing the MOV files from my 5D Mark III back with very noticeable graphical glitches
[17:18] <hjudt> hi. can anyone help me with converting a 1920x1080p movie to a 16:9 pal-dvd? i'm having problems with overscan, the stand-alone dvd player cuts off borders, while software players play it back properly. by research i stumbled over the pad filter, but all examples i found use an older ffmpeg syntax with -padding-top which doesn't work anymore. can anyone give me a generic command line example or tell me how the pad filter works please?
[17:33] <hjudt> ok, i finally found the information about the pad filter on a website.
[18:48] <Fjorgynn> hey hey
[19:15] <arwa> I was trying to set up the environment for ffmpeg. Its giving me this error:-  libfdk_aac not found. But I have already installed libfdk_aac. Could anyone please help me out with this??
[19:16] <JEEB> see config.log
[19:17] <__jack__> install libfdk-aac-dev:amd64
[19:20] <arwa> My system is 32-bit. So, I don't think amd64 will work. :/
[19:20] <__jack__> ha
[19:20] <__jack__> libfdk-aac-dev:i386 then
[19:23] <arwa> And I looked in config.log, libfdk-aac is not present in it. What do I do next?
[19:23] <JEEB> when did you look at it? did configure now give you no errors and it output the listing at the end which also lists fdk in the audio encoders part?
[19:23] <JEEB> oh
[19:23] <JEEB> not present
[19:23] <JEEB> well yes
[19:24] <JEEB> now look at where the check was that failed for it
[19:24] <JEEB> if it gave you an error about it
[19:24] <JEEB> __jack__, I'm thoroughly surprised any distro distributes fdk. Is this a source-based distro?
[19:24] <JEEB> because binary distribution is limited according to fdk's license
[19:25] <mark4o> binary is fine as long as it is not combined with gpl code
[19:25] <JEEB> go look at the license
[19:32] <mark4o> JEEB:
[19:32] <mark4o> You must retain the complete text of this software license in the documentation and/or other materials
[19:32] <mark4o> provided with redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or your modifications thereto in binary form.
[19:32] <mark4o> this?
[19:32] <mark4o> You must make available free of charge copies of the complete source code of the FDK AAC Codec and your
[19:32] <mark4o> modifications thereto to recipients of copies in binary form.
[19:32] <mark4o> ^ or this?
[19:33] <JEEB> mark4o, You may use this FDK AAC Codec software or modifications thereto only for purposes that are authorized
[19:33] <JEEB> by appropriate patent licenses.
[19:34] <mark4o> how is that different for binary vs. souruce?
[19:36] <JEEB> IANAL and I don't remember this exactly, but at least looking at previous things, source code distribution is often not too much looked into, while binaries are something licensors actually care about. That said, at this point I'd probably point towards one of folks on -devel who've actually done the research
[19:38] <mark4o> JEEB: ok, I know people have looked into it and will not distribute binary ffmpeg linked with it, but I thought it was because the GPL did not allow it
[19:38] <mark4o> (and linking with GPL code such as x264 is more important)
[19:39] <JEEB> yeah, that was a separate thing, where fdk isn't compatible with GPL.
[19:39] <JEEB> although it might be related to the similar part of the license, of course
[19:57] <darkfrog> can you use ffmpeg to work with audio-only files?
[19:57] <JEEB> yes
[19:58] <darkfrog> awesome. :)
[20:13] <arwa> thanks :). It worked
[22:35] <imperfect-> Anyone know if I can normalize audio with those pre-encoded videos that explode with loudness all the time?
[22:35] <c_14> Look at the compand filter.
[22:36] <imperfect-> compand, k. ty.
[22:37] <imperfect-> compand? or compound?
[22:37] <c_14> https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#compand
[22:38] <imperfect-> Google failed me
[22:39] <imperfect-> Hrm. wonder how I would use it to deal w/ with major spikes
[22:40] <c_14> Look at the examples.
[22:40] <imperfect-> Yeah I'm reading
[22:41] <imperfect-> Here is another noise gate, this time for when the noise is at a higher level than the signal (making it, in some ways, similar to squelch):?
[22:41] <imperfect-> I don't understand 'signal' in that passage
[22:42] <imperfect-> And the other question I have is can I get it to just process the audio track and not the video?
[22:49] <c_14> Signal is audio signal.
[22:49] <c_14> use -af compand=arguments -c:v copy
[23:51] <isweet1> Hey guys. I've got a command-line app that generates PNGs on the fly and writes them to stdout. I want to pipe this PNG stream into ffmpeg and then convert it to a video which will be streamed off a v4l2 device.
[00:00] --- Sun Sep 28 2014

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