[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20151202

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 02:05:01 CET 2015

[00:06:46 CET] <Soni> how do I set an output codec again? reading the manual is a pain
[00:08:41 CET] <llogan> -codec:v libx264
[00:09:14 CET] <llogan> see -codec in http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Main-options
[00:10:04 CET] <Soni> uhh it's not working...
[00:10:20 CET] <Soni> ffmpeg -i Rick\ Astley\ -\ Never\ Gonna\ Give\ You\ Up\ \[HQ\]-DLzxrzFCyOs.mp4 -codec:v apng rick.png
[00:11:00 CET] <Soni> hmm apparently saving it as .apng works
[00:11:13 CET] <Soni> altho I should probably scale this down lol
[00:22:02 CET] <Primer> Did we just get Rickrolled?
[00:22:04 CET] <Soni> so uhh how do I replace the first frame of an APNG?
[00:22:44 CET] <Soni> hmm I can probably just hex editor it...
[00:22:57 CET] <Soni> but that's a pain tbh
[00:38:25 CET] <llogan> output as frames, replace desired frames, remux to apng
[01:04:39 CET] <Polochon_street> if I have an audio file encoded in a floating-point format, will the decoded array still be a uint8_t*? If so, I should cast it, right?
[01:46:22 CET] <louistwo> hi. Is there a quick way to view the documentation for encoding parameters for -c:v utvideo ?
[01:46:58 CET] <c_14> ffmpeg -h encoder=utvideo
[01:47:42 CET] <louistwo> thank you c_14
[01:49:00 CET] <louistwo> c_14: I get this when I try that. https://bpaste.net/show/b5160f67b7ba
[01:49:56 CET] <c_14> Looks like the utvideo encoder doesn't have any private options.
[01:50:52 CET] <louistwo> that makes life simple.
[02:23:59 CET] <AndrewMock> Does ffmpeg support TrueHD decoding?
[02:29:22 CET] <llogan> AndrewMock: apparently it does. ffmpeg -h decoders | grep -i truehd
[02:29:37 CET] <AndrewMock> Thanks!
[02:29:39 CET] <nedrocks> I am trying to merge two audio files where one starts with 4 seconds of silence. As a test I have two files that are exactly the same but one (call this file A) has been silenced for the first 4 seconds. Whenever I merge this, file A has the 4 seconds of silence truncated from the beginning and it starts from the first point where sound is made. Driving me nuts! Any advice or direction?
[02:50:03 CET] <waressearcher2> nedrocks: hallo
[02:50:19 CET] <nedrocks> waressearcher2: hi!
[02:52:06 CET] <waressearcher2> nedrocks: wie geht's es dir ?
[02:52:16 CET] <nedrocks> waressearcher2: mir gehts gut
[02:52:25 CET] <nedrocks> waressearcher2: und du?
[02:52:40 CET] <waressearcher2> nedrocks: es geht's
[03:13:54 CET] <Rin_> hey guys, having an issue during installation. using this guide (https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Centos). My path is configured to /root/ and I require /usr/local/bin/
[03:15:02 CET] <Rin_> I would assume prefix="$HOME/ffmpeg_build. $HOME should be changed to /usr/local/bin/
[03:15:50 CET] <Rin_> I have tried updating the path and repeated the guide.
[03:16:28 CET] <Rin_> ffmpeg is still showing as prefix="root/.....
[03:16:38 CET] <Rin_> any ideas where I'm going wrong
[03:17:22 CET] <c_14> shown where?
[03:17:45 CET] <DHE> your prefix would be simply /usr/local and then a bunch of other paths will default to $prefix/bin, $prefix/lib, etc
[03:20:27 CET] <Rin_> I will paste the output of #ffmpeg
[03:20:46 CET] <Rin_> ffmpeg ffmpeg version git-2015-11-25-839eb1c Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers   built with gcc 4.4.7 (GCC) 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-16)   configuration: --prefix=/root/ffmpeg_build --extra-cflags=-I/root/ffmpeg_build/include --extra-ldflags=-L/root/ffmpeg_build/lib --bindir=/root/bin --pkg-config-flags=--static --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable
[03:21:17 CET] <c_14> You never uninstalled the old version
[03:21:30 CET] <Rin_> ah, yep
[03:21:56 CET] <Rin_> shoot
[03:22:16 CET] <Rin_> sometimes is just takes fresh eyes
[03:22:18 CET] <Rin_> thanks
[03:22:31 CET] <Rin_> I will uninstall and reinstall
[03:31:08 CET] <Polochon_street> If I want to convert a planar array to a non-planar one with swr_convert, should I convert use decoded_frame->extended_data, or decoded_frame->extended_data[0]?
[03:31:22 CET] <Polochon_street> will swr_convert know about the multiples channels?
[03:36:00 CET] <satt> hey guys, noob here.  I'm trying to use ffmpeg to concatenate a bunch of files into one video, having a little trouble. I can't predict whether the files will have the same aspect ratio/resolution, framerate, or anything like that - downloading them from an API and I have no control over that
[03:36:09 CET] <waressearcher2> satt: hallo
[03:36:38 CET] <c_14> satt: use the concat filter
[03:37:26 CET] <satt> hey waressearcherZ, c_14
[03:37:36 CET] <satt> here's the current command I'm using
[03:37:38 CET] <satt> ffmpeg ${argsInputs[@]} -filter_complex "${argsFilterText[@]} concat=n=$count:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]" -map "[v]" -map "[a]" /$d/output.mp4
[03:38:48 CET] <satt> it's in a bash script, where ${argsInputs[@]} is an array of the inputs, and ${argsFilterText[@]} is something like this: [0:v] [0:a:0] [1:v] [1:a:0] [2:v] [2:a:0] [3:v] [3:a:0]....
[03:39:10 CET] <satt> c_14: Is that what you mean by concat filter?
[03:39:22 CET] <c_14> yes, what's your problem with the current setup?
[03:39:25 CET] <c_14> Something not working?
[03:39:51 CET] <satt> c_14: It works sometimes, for some sets of videos, but not others
[03:39:59 CET] <satt> here's the error I had last
[03:40:01 CET] <satt> Input link in1:v0 parameters (size 376x668, SAR 0:1) do not match the corresponding output link in0:v0 parameters (376x668, SAR 6863:6871)
[03:40:24 CET] <satt> obviously the SAR don't match
[03:41:12 CET] <c_14> probably add something like scale=iw*sar:ih for each input
[03:42:08 CET] <satt> I have the scale (width*height) I'd like the final file to be (smallest of all the input's resolutions)
[03:42:20 CET] <satt> c_14: Where would I add that?
[03:43:39 CET] <c_14> You'd have to manually query the resolution of all the input files beforehand, then you can just set the scale directly to that pre-concat
[03:44:02 CET] <c_14> Though you'll probably want to scale to a height and then pad if the video aspect ratio doesn't fit
[03:44:38 CET] <c_14> actually
[03:44:49 CET] <c_14> you might want to scale to the width and then pad the height
[03:46:50 CET] <satt> yeah, whatever's smaller should get padding I guess.
[03:47:16 CET] <satt> I am querying the resolution of all input files already, I'm just not 100% sure what to do with that info, where it goes in the command
[03:47:41 CET] <c_14> create a filterchain for each video in which you scale,pad
[03:48:13 CET] <c_14> and put that before the concat filterchain
[03:48:49 CET] <satt> before -filter_complex in another section, or just in the string in there?
[03:49:28 CET] <c_14> filter_complex defines a filtergraph, filterchains are ';' separated sections in a filtergraph
[03:49:35 CET] <c_14> so, yes
[03:49:35 CET] <satt> sorry man, real new to this
[03:49:39 CET] <satt> ah ok
[03:50:38 CET] <c_14> So something like '[0:v]scale=x:y,pad=x:y:a:b[v0];[1:v]scale=x:y,pad=x:y:a:b[v1];[v0][0:a:0][v1][1:a:0]concat=n=2:v=1:a=1[v][a]'
[03:50:57 CET] <c_14> Just you'll need to generate all those values in your script
[03:51:57 CET] <satt> I've already been grabbing the scale using ffprobe, should be doable
[03:53:08 CET] <c_14> probably something like scale=${shortest_width}:-2,pad=${shortest_width}:${shortest_height}
[03:53:29 CET] <c_14> I think you don't need the positional parameters for pad since it defaults to centered
[03:55:29 CET] <satt> c_14: nice thanks! I appreciate the help a lot.  here's a gist of my script as of right now if you care to take a look
[03:55:37 CET] <satt> https://gist.github.com/StoryStar/c6394039ed78fcc0a785
[03:57:14 CET] <satt> what does the -2 do in scale=${shortest_width}:-2 ?
[03:57:39 CET] <c_14> scales preserving aspect ration to the nearest even height
[03:57:45 CET] <c_14> you can probably use -1 since you're padding
[03:57:58 CET] <c_14> It's just that some codecs don't like heights that aren't divisible by 2
[03:58:10 CET] <c_14> (and pixel formats)
[03:58:25 CET] <satt> ah ok cool
[03:58:40 CET] <c_14> Also, just a remark but on line 29 you could just do 'for f in $d/*.mp4; do' and space yourself the if on line 33
[03:59:27 CET] <c_14> analogue for 68, and I'd probably do a if [[ -f /$d/mylist.txt ]] instead of the if on 88 and move it outside of the for
[03:59:41 CET] <satt> oh nice didn't know that.  I'm usually an ios/android dev, new to bash as well
[04:02:29 CET] <c_14> s/space/spare/
[04:05:10 CET] <pepee> I'm running this command to convert mp4 and ogg files to mp4, where "-t 6" is the duration of ./in.mp4 (approximately):   ffmpeg -y -t 6 -i ./in.mp4 -i ./in.ogg -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict experimental -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -f mp4 -shortest ./out.mp4
[04:07:09 CET] <pepee> ... nevermind, I got it working
[04:24:03 CET] <satt> c_14: hmm doesn't seem to have solved it, similar error
[04:24:04 CET] <satt> [Parsed_concat_18 @ 0x7fb9aa504ae0] Input link in1:v0 parameters (size 376x668, SAR 0:1) do not match the corresponding output link in0:v0 parameters (376x668, SAR 6863:6871)
[04:24:14 CET] <satt> Failed to configure output pad on Parsed_concat_18
[04:24:24 CET] <satt> maybe I screwed up
[04:24:55 CET] <satt> I do need some more coffee. here's the filter string
[04:24:56 CET] <satt> -filter_complex [0:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v0]; [1:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v1]; [2:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v2]; [3:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v3]; [4:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v4]; [5:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v5]; [6:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v6]; [7:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v7]; [8:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v8]; [v0] [0:a:0] [v1] [1:a:0] [v2] [2:a:0] [v3] [3:a:0] [v4] [4:a:0] [v5] [5:a:0] [v6] [6:a:0] [
[04:24:56 CET] <satt> v7] [7:a:0] [v8] [8:a:0] concat=n=9:v=1:a=1 [v] [a] -map [v] -map [a] ///Users/matt/Documents/JACKTHEAUTORIPPER/testvids/proc/sunnymabrey/output.mp4
[04:31:30 CET] <Rin_> still having an issue here. ./configure --prefix="/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg_build" is showing as configuration: --prefix=/usr
[04:31:39 CET] <Rin_> this is after a clean install
[04:32:14 CET] <Rin_> Installation went great on another server. Not sure whats happening here
[04:32:52 CET] <Rin_> followed the guide found here: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Centos
[04:33:26 CET] <Rin_> hard coded $HOME as /usr/local/bin/
[04:33:30 CET] <xintox> what are good settings for hls transcoding when on a small server?
[04:34:04 CET] <xintox>  -hls_time 2 -hls_list_size 20 -hls_wrap 40
[04:34:20 CET] <xintox> i'm using these numbers but i really have no idea. my stream is choppy as hell.
[04:34:20 CET] <Rin_> on my working server, configuration: --prefix=/usr/local/cpffmpeg
[04:34:47 CET] <Rin_> any recommendations on updating the prefix correctly here
[04:35:05 CET] <xintox> i usually do `--prefix=~/bin`
[04:35:21 CET] <xintox> or --prefix=/home/me/bin
[04:35:32 CET] <xintox> then i add ~/bin to my path up front
[04:36:23 CET] <Rin_> I will give that a shot
[04:36:39 CET] <xintox> that's only for stuff i compile myself.
[04:36:40 CET] <Rin_> echo ~
[04:36:50 CET] <xintox> but i just found a build so that was easy
[04:36:52 CET] <Rin_> displays /root
[04:36:52 CET] <furq> you probably want --prefix=/usr/local
[04:37:04 CET] <Rin_> yeah, thats what I'm trying to get
[04:37:13 CET] <xintox> i don't put manually compiled stuff in /usr/local
[04:37:16 CET] <furq> don't set /usr/local/bin as the prefix
[04:38:22 CET] <Rin_> so: ./configure --prefix="~/ffmpeg_build" --disable-examples
[04:38:43 CET] <Rin_> I've tried: ./configure --prefix="$HOME/ffmpeg_build" --disable-examples
[04:38:54 CET] <Rin_> and: ./configure --prefix="$PATH/ffmpeg_build" --disable-examples
[04:39:45 CET] <satt> off to grab coffee, back in a bit
[04:39:52 CET] <furq> definitely don't use $PATH
[04:40:23 CET] <Rin_> yeah I cleaned that up
[04:41:07 CET] <Rin_> I can't get the prefix set anything except /root/
[04:41:31 CET] <Rin_> unless I attempt to hard code it
[04:42:07 CET] <Rin_> and thats not giving me the result I want, just trying to match the working server (sandbox)
[04:42:11 CET] <Rin_> :configuration: --prefix=/usr/local/cpffmpeg
[04:43:10 CET] <furq> did you run ./configure as root
[04:43:19 CET] <Rin_> yeah
[04:43:25 CET] <Rin_> logged in as root
[04:43:35 CET] <Rin_> didnt sudo
[04:43:59 CET] <xintox> you can type `sudo bash` to avoid logging in as root
[04:44:07 CET] <furq> are you now running it as a normal user
[04:44:22 CET] <furq> if so then it's probably failing to overwrite autoconf files that you generated as root
[04:46:06 CET] <Rin_> still root
[04:47:18 CET] <lucas^> what's the least painful way to use FFmpeg in Java that isn't Xuggler?
[04:47:29 CET] <Rin_> I'm going to try ~ instead of $HOME
[04:47:42 CET] <Rin_> can't hurt at this point
[04:58:14 CET] <furq> Rin_: if you're logged in as root then $HOME is /root
[04:58:37 CET] <furq> also there's no reason to be root for anything but make install
[04:58:47 CET] <furq> and not even that if you're installing to $HOME
[05:04:03 CET] <Rin_> ok, I will logout and login as user and try again
[05:04:04 CET] <Rin_> thanks
[05:04:47 CET] <furq> you'll probably need to change the owner of the source now
[05:04:58 CET] <furq> or just delete the directory and extract it again
[05:09:54 CET] <Rin_> yeah I was thinking of deleting and starting over
[05:11:37 CET] <furq> also yeah you should probably just install to /usr/local
[05:13:36 CET] <Rin_> ok thanks, will do
[05:13:44 CET] <furq> unless you specifically want a copy that's local to your user
[05:29:23 CET] <xintox> ffmpeg won't stream hls
[05:29:29 CET] <xintox> it starts then just goes berzerker
[06:43:30 CET] <autofsckk> hello everybody, im trying this ffmpeg -ss 00:00:01 -i Am_Watching_You_medium.webm -i palette.png -vf "drawbox=ih/PHI:color=black at 0.4:width=iw:height=48:t=max,drawtext=fontfile=arial.ttf:text='Im watching you Bitch':fontcolor=orange:fontsize=24:x=(w-tw)/2:y=(h/PHI)+th,paletteuse" -to 2 -y output.gif but i get an error about the filter that is complex ro something like that, can somebody give me a hint pl
[06:43:36 CET] <autofsckk> ease?
[06:44:25 CET] <autofsckk> im pretty new to ffmpeg and i dont know the order i should use on the commands and filters
[06:45:09 CET] <autofsckk> imple filtergraph 'drawbox=ih/PHI:color=black at 0.4:width=iw:height=48:t=max,drawtext=fontfile=arial.ttf:text='Im watching you Bitch':fontcolor=orange:fontsize=24:x=(w-tw)/2:y=(h/PHI)+th,paletteuse' was expected to have exactly 1 input and 1 output. However, it had >1 input(s) and 1 output(s). Please adjust, or use a complex filtergraph (-filter_complex) instead.    <---- this is the error i get
[06:48:02 CET] <autofsckk> maybe this is easier to read  http://pastie.org/private/fubtu8sm4ai3pstsxzkeq
[06:52:06 CET] <waressearcher2> autofsckk: hallo
[06:54:13 CET] <autofsckk> hello waressearcher2
[06:55:22 CET] <waressearcher2> autofsckk: wie geth's ?
[06:55:50 CET] <autofsckk> i dont understand :/
[07:40:26 CET] <satt> Anyone around?
[07:41:11 CET] <satt> Struggling with concatenating some videos
[07:41:24 CET] <satt> Here's the error
[07:41:25 CET] <satt> Input link in4:v0 parameters (size 376x668, SAR 0:1) do not match the corresponding output link in0:v0 parameters (376x668, SAR 6863:6871)
[07:52:36 CET] <pzich> satt: looks like the SAR is different for the two streams. you may be able to setsar them to the same value, or you may have to reencode one/both to concatenate them
[07:53:40 CET] <satt> @pzich - thanks, yeah I thought so.  Where would I setsar? I'm using this command
[07:54:02 CET] <satt> ffmpeg (inputs) -filter_complex [0:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v0]; [1:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v1]; [2:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v2]; [3:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v3]; [4:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v4]; [5:v]scale=376:-2,pad=376:668[v5]; [v0] [0:a:0] [v1] [1:a:0] [v2] [2:a:0] [v3] [3:a:0] [v4] [4:a:0] [v5] [5:a:0] concat=n=6:v=1:a=1 [v] [a] -map [v] -map [a]
[07:54:43 CET] <satt> I'm real new to ffmpeg, appreciate the help!
[07:59:38 CET] <pzich> possibly at the end of each of your scale and pad lines, I might try setsar=sar=1/1 or setsar=sar=0/1
[08:01:24 CET] <satt> pzich: thanks, I'll give that a shot right now
[08:06:17 CET] <satt> pzich: Thank you!! It seems to have fixed it, for the 10-15 videos I just tested it on
[08:06:30 CET] <satt> using setset=sar=1/1
[08:10:11 CET] <pzich> no problem!
[08:11:21 CET] <prelude2004c> hey question... i am using ffmpeg with nvenc for encoding... i am having trouble with decoding as the cpus seem to be weak.. source is h264 .. any way to decode h264 to mpegts using the GPU ?
[08:45:32 CET] <fritsch> prelude2004c: there are hwaccels for everything in ffmpeg
[08:45:40 CET] <fritsch> prelude2004c: not sure if that question is sane?
[09:14:48 CET] <Prelude_Zzzzz> i dont even know what i am asking :P haha
[09:15:17 CET] <Prelude_Zzzzz> basically the issue is this... i have a source h264 which i want to transcode into differnet streams and for that i use nvenc which uses up the GPUs.. and that works well.
[09:15:41 CET] <Prelude_Zzzzz> the issue right now is ... on the input side.. i am getting errors on decoding ... i think my cpu cores or something is limiting my decoding power
[09:15:58 CET] <Prelude_Zzzzz> so i wanted to find a way since our cards have both ENcoder and decoder and the decoder is at 0% usage
[09:16:16 CET] <Prelude_Zzzzz> so wondering if some way to use the GPU side of the cuda cores for decoding and then the hardware nvenc encoding on the cards for the encoding part
[09:16:23 CET] <Prelude_Zzzzz> this could solve my issue
[09:16:30 CET] <Prelude_Zzzzz> any ideas would ge breat
[09:16:32 CET] <Prelude_Zzzzz> great*
[09:17:30 CET] <bencc> anYc: had a chance to look at the avcut issue?
[09:29:17 CET] <anYc> bencc: sorry, not yet. been a bit busy with work lately but it's almost on top of the todo list :)
[09:45:11 CET] <prelude2004c_ZZZ> Any ideas with decoding with gpu?
[09:45:42 CET] <prelude2004c_ZZZ> Am I on the right track looking at hardware acceleration?
[09:46:24 CET] <waressearcher2> prelude2004c_ZZZ: hallo
[09:51:34 CET] <bencc> anYc: great. thanks :)
[09:54:10 CET] <durandal_1707> waressearcher2: stop!
[09:55:43 CET] <waressearcher2> durandal_1707: nein
[09:56:26 CET] <kamikaze_> Hi! I'm trying to write a C application for streaming video(frames being generated in real-time) using FFmpeg libav*. I've tried using the doc/examples/muxing.c as a reference and got it work but I want to broadcast the stream rather than a P2P connection. Does anyone have any pointers?
[09:58:07 CET] <waressearcher2> durandal_1707: kann ich kamikaze_ "hallo" sagen ?
[10:08:28 CET] <waressearcher2> kamikaze_: hallo, wie geht's ?
[10:09:52 CET] <kamikaze_> @waressearcher2 Mir geht's gut
[10:53:12 CET] <pkeuter> hi. i am trying to encode a h264 file from a device to file and play it in a html5 video element at the same time. the recording goes fine, the playing works too, but the browser wants to load the entire file before it can play. i already use -movflags frag_keyframe+empty_moov but for some reason this doesn't seem to work. anyone has an idea?
[10:54:38 CET] <durandal_1707> faststart
[10:55:14 CET] <pkeuter> durandal_1707, yeah, but that only works when the file is done recording
[10:56:54 CET] <durandal_1707> dash?
[10:57:22 CET] <pkeuter> what?
[10:57:52 CET] <pkeuter> oh you mean streaming
[10:59:37 CET] <pkeuter> well i dont really need it to be like a constantly streaming endpoint
[11:00:27 CET] <pkeuter> it[ a logger system so a user can select an hour and a day and the video element then retrieves a video file
[11:01:36 CET] <pkeuter> and i could be able to do the faststart on the hours that are finished... but the hour that is currently recording is the problem
[11:34:18 CET] <hmbg> Im trying to build from source on my Mac (for this bugreport of mine) but when I do ./configure --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx I get ERROR: libvorbis not found
[11:36:21 CET] <pkeuter> hmbg, i guess because you have to build vorbis and include it
[11:37:03 CET] <Mavrik> or at least grab a homebrew version of it :)
[11:37:13 CET] <hmbg> I did install it with homebrew, no dice
[11:37:23 CET] <Mavrik> missing include path then?
[11:37:30 CET] <Mavrik> it's somewhere in /usr/local/Cellar or whatsit
[11:37:34 CET] <hmbg> perhaps
[11:37:39 CET] <hmbg> where do I add include paths?
[11:37:56 CET] <Mavrik> it's a configure parameter, don't remember OTOh
[11:38:13 CET] <Mavrik> or perhaps just --extra-cflags="-I<path>@
[11:43:21 CET] <hmbg> trying ./configure --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --incdir=/usr/local/Cellar/libvorbis/1.3.5/include/vorbis/, no dice
[11:44:27 CET] <Mavrik> look in config.log what's really going wrong
[11:47:55 CET] <hmbg> #include <vorbis/vorbisenc.h> fails
[11:51:53 CET] <hmbg> I tried different lengths of the incdir, /usr/local/Cellar/ and up
[11:51:56 CET] <hmbg> same error
[11:52:00 CET] <hmbg> the file is most definitely there
[12:16:11 CET] <pkeuter> --extra-cflags=¨-I<PATH>¨, like Mavrik said, should work
[13:52:37 CET] <dantti> I'm calling avformat_alloc_output_context2(c, NULL, "mpegts", NULL) and get -22, I'd say from the docs that the last argument can't be null if the second is null, but I fail to see why I'd need the second arg, -22 ain't related to this?
[13:55:40 CET] <dantti> the filename is null as the idea is to write to a socket not a regular file, if that doesn't matter I can put a dummy filename
[13:58:19 CET] <t4nk067> I am trying to capture video from tv tuner card but i get this error "[alsa @ 0x14df3d0] cannot open audio device hw:1,0"
[14:15:46 CET] <dantti> oh and btw I compiled with --enable-muxer=mpegts do I need some extra flag to get mpegts muxing?
[18:19:42 CET] <dantti> is there a vai so set a filename for ffmpeg log to log? I set av_log_set_level to both verbose and debug before avformat_alloc_output_context2 but it didn't output anything I suspect stderr or sth like that is closed or not attached to my console
[18:36:53 CET] <c_14> dantti: You'll probably have to set your own log callback with av_log_set_callback
[18:37:26 CET] <dantti> thanks
[18:50:46 CET] <dantti> now I wonder how "mpegts" turned into "Unable to find a suitable output format for 'xmý'" :P
[18:51:03 CET] <dantti> hmm no
[18:55:28 CET] <dantti> any idea why avformat_alloc_output_context2(&m_formatContext, NULL, "mpegts", "mpegts"); would become  Requested output format 'x6lý' is not a suitable output format
[18:55:59 CET] <dantti> I get the same output when the last arg is NULL
[19:00:18 CET] <dantti> ok, my mistake on the log_callback
[19:00:54 CET] <dantti> what might be wrong then? "Requested output format 'mpegts' is not a suitable output format"
[19:28:05 CET] <dantti> was calling avcodec_register_all while I needed av_register_all...
[20:02:02 CET] <dantti> is there some AVIOContext that can give me a buffer so I write it to a socket?
[20:11:08 CET] <Mavrik> dantti, a custom one :)
[20:11:23 CET] <Mavrik> I mean, AVIOContext gives you a buffer by definition :)
[20:11:43 CET] <dantti> Mavrik: yeah, I was seeing some people do that on gg :P
[20:11:57 CET] <dantti> Mavrik: is there a way to be sure seek won't happen?
[20:12:18 CET] <Mavrik> you can set it non seekable, but then the process will crash :)
[20:12:38 CET] <Mavrik> There's a flat on the AVIOContext for that
[20:12:51 CET] <dantti> is there a way not to crash? would it crash even on mpegts?
[20:13:02 CET] <dantti> as I can't seek on a socket :P
[20:13:49 CET] <dantti> AVFMT_NO_BYTE_SEEK?
[20:14:05 CET] <Mavrik> mpegts won't seek
[20:14:11 CET] <Mavrik> it's meant as a streamable format :)
[20:14:31 CET] <dantti> ok, that's what I thought but better be double sure :)
[20:14:38 CET] <dantti> thanks
[20:41:36 CET] <nilsge> hi. I have several videos from my sony camera here. MTS format. ffmpeg can read it, so thats good. But cinelerra can't. I now want to convert it to a different codec before editing. Something lossless compressed would be the right choice I guess.
[20:41:38 CET] <nilsge> any recommendations?
[20:42:01 CET] <nilsge> (I am a video editing beginner. This is the first real video I will cut)
[20:46:12 CET] <Mavrik> nilsge, what does ffprobe say on the MTS?
[20:51:34 CET] <nilsge> Mavrik: this is the actual file, this was already processed by ffpmeg once (combining three smaller files to a bigger one)
[20:51:36 CET] <nilsge> http://pastebin.com/GAs9r9y0
[20:51:51 CET] <louistwo>  If I wanted to see all options available for libx264, would ffmpeg.exe -h -c:v libx264 be the proper syntax?
[20:52:03 CET] <c_14> louistwo: -h encoder=libx264
[20:52:06 CET] <nilsge> Mavrik: http://pastebin.com/vaF0aHBC  this is a file directly from the camera
[20:52:10 CET] <Mavrik> Btw, are you sure you wanna use cinelerra? :)
[20:52:12 CET] <louistwo> doh, I forgot from yesterday c_14 . thanks.
[20:52:46 CET] <nilsge> Mavrik: no. Everything that is not based on MLT is fine
[20:52:55 CET] <nilsge> which is pitivi and cinelerra, afaik
[20:53:09 CET] <Mavrik> I don't do video editing, but last time I've sen cinelerra it was kinda horrible :)
[20:53:14 CET] <llogan> louistwo: it won't display the stuff you can use with -x264opts/-x264-params, but 99% of users don't need to use those anyway (and probably shouldn't)
[20:53:18 CET] <Mavrik> nilsge, anyway, it seems that cinelerra just doesn't like your container
[20:53:29 CET] <louistwo> i was urious to find what I can do with dnxhd as well
[20:53:31 CET] <Mavrik> nilsge, so try a simple ffmpeg -i <input>.mts -codec copy output.mp4
[20:53:43 CET] <louistwo> i just wanted to make sure I got it right on a codec I knew would give me options since it is well supported by ffmpeg
[20:53:48 CET] <nilsge> Mavrik: mp4 is lossless?
[20:54:13 CET] <nilsge> or wait. this is not the codec, just the container, right?
[20:54:23 CET] <Mavrik> Dyep
[20:54:27 CET] <nilsge> <- noob
[20:54:39 CET] <Mavrik> "-codec copy" means to just copy the streams (the H.264 video and aac audio)
[20:54:44 CET] <Mavrik> you see listed in ffprobe output ;)
[20:54:58 CET] <nilsge> yeah, I read that :)
[20:55:20 CET] <louistwo> I'm a little onfused on choosing a valid dnxhd profile
[20:55:24 CET] <louistwo> it lists them but without a name
[20:55:38 CET] <nilsge> I know audio codecs quite well, so I can deduce some stuff about video codecs. Also watched the primer from Xiph.
[20:58:26 CET] <Primer> hrmm?
[20:58:38 CET] Action: Primer feels violated
[20:58:43 CET] <nilsge> ha :)
[20:58:43 CET] <fritsch> :-)
[20:59:53 CET] <llogan> Primer: don't feel bad. retard probably gets a few errant pings now and then
[21:00:28 CET] <nilsge> Mavrik: I'm getting quite a few of these: [mp4 @ 0x559ec2d4d360] pts has no value97kB time=00:29:39.44 bitrate=21342.6kbits/s
[21:00:41 CET] <nilsge> anything critical or safe to ignore?
[21:03:46 CET] <Primer> That's not nice
[21:12:54 CET] <YaMoonSun> If my USB microscope is being detected as a webcam, ffmpeg should be able to record a video stream, right?
[21:13:28 CET] <DHE> most likely
[21:14:34 CET] <YaMoonSun> Does it automatically detect the input device, or do I have to find it using some sort of -li command?
[21:16:38 CET] <YaMoonSun> I kind of want to make a timelapse using the USB microscope and have it encoded in x264
[21:29:57 CET] <llogan> YaMoonSun: see http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-devices.html#video4linux2_002c-v4l2
[21:30:12 CET] <llogan> (assuming linux)
[21:30:27 CET] <llogan> also https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Capture/Webcam
[21:31:30 CET] <YaMoonSun> Cheers, windows at the moment, I have this link here https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Capture/Webcam
[21:32:22 CET] <YaMoonSun> llogan: I bet I'll need to edit the frame rate to 1 frame every 20 minutes or so to make a decent time laps
[21:33:33 CET] <pepee> furq, are you using the latest version? apparently the bug was fixed
[21:59:50 CET] <shincode> ./configure --disable-debug --enable-pic --optflags=-Ofast --enable-shared --disable-static --prefix=/usr --arch=x86 --disable-postproc --disable-swscale-alpha --disable-ffmpeg --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffserver --disable-doc --disable-htmlpages --disable-manpages --disable-podpages --disable-txtpages --disable-encoders --disable-decoders --disable-hwaccels --disable-muxers --disable-demuxers  --disable-bsfs
[21:59:50 CET] <shincode> --disable-indevs  --disable-outdevs --disable-devices --disable-filters --disable-parsers --disable-protocols --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-decoder=mjpeg --enable-parser=h264 --enable-parser=mjpeg --enable-demuxer=rtsp --enable-protocol=http --enable-protocol=httpproxy --enable-protocol=tcp --enable-protocol=udp --enable-filter=scale
[22:00:23 CET] <shincode> why does !CONFIG_FFPLAY=yes get inserted into the config.mak
[22:00:28 CET] <shincode> when doing that line of code
[22:00:40 CET] <shincode> It doesnt do that crap on x86 but on arm it comments out ffplay
[22:16:21 CET] <allfro> hi all
[22:16:31 CET] <allfro> i'm trying to find a reference to something i came across in a CTF
[22:17:34 CET] <allfro> apparently converting an HLS playlist (m3u8) that has a reference to a .txt file will instruct ffmpeg to conver the text file contents to a video frame
[22:17:41 CET] <allfro> see example playlist here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=WFVuQN1v
[22:18:07 CET] <allfro> I'm trying to understand whether this is an FFMPEG specific feature or an HLS playlist feature but I can't find anything pointing me to that information
[22:18:19 CET] <allfro> I was wondering if anybody here could provide insight
[22:19:07 CET] <allfro> the ffmpeg command that was used was ffmpeg -i 'playlist' -f webm -codec:v vp8 -cpu-used 4 video.webm
[22:19:25 CET] <allfro> this apparently only works with .txt extensions
[22:35:09 CET] <skaufman> hey, I'm trying to modify an existing application that uses ffmpeg, and I'm trying to use libavfilter.. but any filter I try to get with avfilter_get_by_name returns nothing: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/502322
[22:35:27 CET] <skaufman> that just prints "Error couldnt get filter\n"
[22:35:35 CET] <skaufman> every time
[22:37:39 CET] <mateo`> skaufman: you should call     avfilter_register_all();
[22:38:03 CET] <mateo`> then avfilter_get_by_name will return something
[22:39:05 CET] <skaufman> and so it does :)
[22:39:08 CET] <skaufman> mateo`: thanks!
[22:41:59 CET] <prelude2004c> hey guys.. good day.. can someone help me.. i am having trouble decoding h264 content.. i keep getting errors .. is there some way using nvidia GPU for me to use the card to decode instead of the CPU's ?
[23:21:11 CET] <llogan> prelude2004c: what errors? how can we duplicate the issue?
[00:00:00 CET] --- Thu Dec  3 2015

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