[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20151204

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 02:05:01 CET 2015

[01:46:31 CET] <wannabegeekster> I am trying to compile ffmpeg with x265 support and I am getting the following error in my config.log file:  include/x265.h:103: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'bool'
[02:06:42 CET] <wannabegeekster> I found my answer.
[02:06:45 CET] <chaupv> Hi
[02:08:56 CET] <chaupv> I got ffmpeg compiled successfully on Msys 64bit and x264 compiled, when I configure ffmpeg with libx264, I used extra-cflags and extra-ldflags to point to libx264 location but It always show the error "libx264 not found"
[02:09:01 CET] <allfro> hello
[02:09:04 CET] <allfro> anybody alive?
[02:09:16 CET] <wannabegeekster> Barely
[02:09:35 CET] <wannabegeekster> chaupv: Can you give your ./configure line?
[02:09:41 CET] <chaupv> Ok
[02:09:53 CET] <chaupv> thank wannabegeekstar
[02:09:54 CET] <allfro> wannabegeekster: do you know anything about how ffmpeg converts .txt files to video?
[02:10:05 CET] <chaupv>  ./configure --toolchain=msvc --arch=x86 --enable-yasm --enable-asm --enable-shared --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --enable-static --extra-cflags="-O3 -std=c99 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing" --extra-ldflags="-Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,relro,-z,noexecstack" --extra-cflags=-I/usr/include/ --extra-ldflags=-L/usr/lib/
[02:10:07 CET] <allfro> im talking about txt files that are embedded in HLS playlists and contain plaintext
[02:10:15 CET] <llogan> wannabegeekster: you found that answer, but what was your answer?
[02:10:41 CET] <llogan> allfro: ffmpeg can "play" a txt file like any other input it supports
[02:10:43 CET] <wannabegeekster> aalfro:  Are you wanting to convert text files or images to video?  I have not seen anything on converting .txt files to video
[02:10:57 CET] <wannabegeekster> llogan:  https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265/issues/212/new-libx265-not-found-in-ffmpeg-configure
[02:11:05 CET] <chaupv> Yes, i have never been converted text to video
[02:11:13 CET] <chaupv> it sounds strange..
[02:11:15 CET] <allfro> llogan: so ffmpeg can convert regular text to video frames?
[02:11:16 CET] <allfro> but how
[02:11:23 CET] <allfro> is it through the draw_font filter?
[02:11:43 CET] <wannabegeekster> chaupv: Are those libraries installed in /usr/lib and /usr/include?
[02:12:03 CET] <chaupv> wannabegeekster, yes
[02:12:35 CET] <chaupv> libx264 has already compiled and install in to /usr , as it's a prefix, --prefix=/usr/
[02:12:35 CET] <wannabegeekster> chaupv: Are you on windows or linux?
[02:12:49 CET] <chaupv> window, Msys64
[02:13:42 CET] <llogan> allfro: via the ASCII/ANSI art decoder. libavcodec/ansi.c
[02:13:50 CET] <wannabegeekster> humm.  I am not so familiar on Windows there chaupv.
[02:14:11 CET] <llogan> allfro: and tty demuxer
[02:14:50 CET] <chaupv> wannabegeekster, thanks...
[02:15:17 CET] <chaupv> if you have any tips, please give me..
[02:15:53 CET] <wannabegeekster> PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib/pkgconfig" ./configure --prefix="$HOME/ffmpeg_build" --extra-cflags="-I$HOME/ffmpeg_build/include" --extra-ldflags="-L$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib" --bindir="$HOME/bin" --pkg-config-flags="--static" --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265
[02:16:16 CET] <wannabegeekster> That is what I am doing right now, but it is obviously quite a bit different than you right now.
[02:17:08 CET] <allfro> llogan: so for this http://pastebin.com/NacCAHPz
[02:17:10 CET] <chaupv> wannabegeekster, so ffmpeg in your workspace can find x264, x264 well, right?
[02:17:19 CET] <wannabegeekster> Yes, that is correct.
[02:17:29 CET] <allfro> would that be the ansi decoder?
[02:17:52 CET] <chaupv> wannabegeekster, but as you said, you are working on linux, not in window
[02:17:58 CET] <allfro> (hls playlist in bottom)
[02:18:17 CET] <wannabegeekster> Yes, so that makes it harder for me to figure it out.  Although I am running windows and would be happy to try.  Are you following a guide?
[02:18:29 CET] <wannabegeekster> I have the gnutools installed on my machine now already
[02:19:00 CET] <chaupv> Yes, I follow many guidelines
[02:19:37 CET] <chaupv> but there is no guide answer for the "libx264 not found" still now
[02:20:42 CET] <wannabegeekster> chaupv: look at your config.log file.  That will give you much more information
[02:21:07 CET] <chaupv> I looked at it many times already
[02:21:17 CET] <chaupv> ...
[02:21:25 CET] <wannabegeekster> Can you pastebin.com it for me to look at?
[02:22:18 CET] <chaupv> Ok, here is the last piece to show libx264 not found
[02:22:19 CET] <chaupv> LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/Wl,-z,relro,-z,noexecstack'; ignored LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/LC:/environtment/msys64/usr/lib/'; ignored LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'x264.lib' ERROR: libx264 not found
[02:23:13 CET] <wannabegeekster> Did you fix the issue with the /Wl?
[02:24:08 CET] <wannabegeekster> plus do a find / -name 'x264.lib' and make sure it is in the the right location.  I assume you have done that already
[02:25:37 CET] <chaupv> Wannagegeenkster,
[02:25:41 CET] <chaupv>  find / -name 'x264.lib' /usr/lib/x264.lib find: failed to read file names from file system at or below /: No such file or directory
[02:27:29 CET] <chaupv> after I user you command to find x264.lib, found result is /usr/lib/x264.lib, then it also print out one more line: find: failed to read file names from file system at or below /: No such file or directory
[02:27:40 CET] <chaupv> sorry, after I use..
[02:28:25 CET] <allfro> finally
[02:28:28 CET] <allfro> i figured it out
[02:28:34 CET] <allfro> thanks llogan for your input
[02:28:38 CET] <allfro> damn he left
[02:28:42 CET] <allfro> or she
[02:28:50 CET] <allfro> thanks #ffmpeg
[02:32:13 CET] <wannabegeekster> This has a misspelling:  /LC:/environtment/msys64/usr/lib/
[02:32:23 CET] <wannabegeekster> environtment should be environment
[02:32:36 CET] <wannabegeekster> Not sure if you copy pasted that or typed it in
[02:34:08 CET] <chaupv> yes, it's correct path,
[02:34:40 CET] <chaupv> it's my purpose to make a little different name...
[02:35:39 CET] <wannabegeekster> ahh ok cool
[02:35:58 CET] <wannabegeekster> What about this specifically?  warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/Wl
[02:36:48 CET] <furq> i've not used cl much but "unrecognized option '/LC:/environtment/msys64/usr/lib/';" suggests it's not being passed your library path
[02:37:51 CET] <chaupv> furq, thanks..
[02:38:03 CET] <furq> apparently that's not even an option for msvc
[02:40:03 CET] <chaupv> furq, what should i change?
[02:42:24 CET] <chaupv> but furq, ffmpeg in window(msys) require libx264.lib, so I must to use cl and link to compile it
[02:43:00 CET] <furq> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/MSVC#CompilingFFmpegwithexternallibraries
[02:43:03 CET] <furq> i take it you've read that
[02:43:21 CET] <furq> i've only ever built for windows with mingw
[02:46:29 CET] <chaupv> furq, thank alot
[02:46:43 CET] <chaupv> wannabegeekster, thank for your help
[02:51:37 CET] <chaupv> furq, I am using MSVC 2015, is it OK?
[03:22:24 CET] <Fredro> hi, seems to be a problem when using more than one -headers option, the second one is not included in the request
[03:23:35 CET] <c_14> The second one isn't included? I'd assume the first one wouldn't be included.
[03:23:39 CET] <c_14> What's your commandline?
[03:24:19 CET] <Fredro> I added -report after and saw the request and only one of the headers was added
[03:24:30 CET] <c_14> Yes
[03:24:41 CET] <c_14> It's probably the second one though, not the first.
[03:24:50 CET] <c_14> Duplicate options overwrite each other.\
[03:25:09 CET] <Fredro> even if they dont contain the same stuff?
[03:25:11 CET] <c_14> If you want to specify multiple headers, separate them with crlf (I think \r\n should work too)
[03:25:36 CET] <Fredro> ah, does it work in windows too?
[03:25:51 CET] <c_14> should
[03:26:43 CET] <Fredro> X-Token: stuff\r\nX-Token2: stuff2
[03:26:48 CET] <Fredro> just output this
[03:29:24 CET] <Fredro> btw, is it possible to remove the Icy-MetaData 1 header? Seems to be default on
[03:31:30 CET] <c_14> -icy 0
[03:31:39 CET] <Fredro> thanks
[03:39:43 CET] <c_14> Fredro: you'll have to find some way to actually encode CRLF into the string.
[03:39:59 CET] <c_14> The ascii values for the bytes, that is.
[03:40:33 CET] <Fredro> ah ok, I'll give it a try
[04:02:00 CET] <chaupv> Hi Furq, I just used the tutorial link, but the error is same "ERROR: libx264 not found"
[04:02:24 CET] <chaupv> my environment: VS 2015, 64 bit
[04:03:14 CET] <chaupv> x264 -> ./configure --enable-shared --enable-static --enable-win32thread --disable-thread --extra-cflags="-DNO_PREFIX" --prefix=/usr/, make, make install-lib-shared
[04:03:29 CET] <chaupv> fmpeg -> ./configure --enable-asm --enable-yasm --arch=i386 --disable-ffserver --disable-avdevice --disable-swscale --disable-doc --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffmpeg --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-bzlib --disable-libopenjpeg --disable-iconv --disable-zlib --enable-libx264 --prefix=/ffmpeg/ --toolchain=msvc --extra-cflags="-MDd" --extra-ldflags="/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt" --enable-debug
[08:03:02 CET] <chaupv> wannabegeekster
[08:03:07 CET] <chaupv> are you there?
[08:04:23 CET] <chaupv> Furq, are you there?
[08:25:34 CET] <relaxed> chaupv: you need --extra-cflags="-I/path/to/prefix/include" --extra-ldflags="-L/path/to/prefix/lib"
[08:26:13 CET] <relaxed> where prefix is the one you used to install libx264
[08:27:09 CET] <chaupv> I have done it already, but the error still occurs...
[08:27:28 CET] <chaupv>  ./configure --enable-asm --enable-yasm --arch=i386 --disable-ffserver --disable-avdevice --disable-swscale --disable-doc --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffmpeg --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-bzlib --disable-libopenjpeg --disable-iconv --disable-zlib --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --enable-pic --prefix=/ffmpeg/ --toolchain=msvc --extra-cflags="-MDd " --extra-cflags=-I/usr/include --extra-ldflags="/NODEFAULTLIB
[08:27:49 CET] <chaupv> configure --enable-asm --enable-yasm --arch=i386 --disable-ffserver --disable-avdevice --disable-swscale --disable-doc --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffmpeg --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-bzlib --disable-libopenjpeg --disable-iconv --disable-zlib --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --enable-pic --prefix=/ffmpeg/ --toolchain=msvc --extra-cflags="-MDd " --extra-cflags=-I/usr/include --extra-ldflags="/NODEFAULTLIB:li
[08:28:42 CET] <relaxed> --extra-ldflags="-L/path/to/prefix/lib"
[08:28:46 CET] <relaxed> -L
[08:31:12 CET] <chaupv> yes, already did it, but no change...
[08:31:51 CET] <relaxed> pastie.org the end of your config.log
[08:32:11 CET] <chaupv> I compiled and make install x264 to /usr/ and check for libx264.lib, it has already been there.. but ffmpeg cannot find it
[08:32:38 CET] <chaupv> LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/Wl,'; ignored LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/Bsymbolic'; ignored LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/LC:/environtment/msys64/usr/lib/'; ignored LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'x264.lib' ERROR: libx264 not found
[08:33:48 CET] <chaupv> may be , it dont know this path with prefix '/LC:/?...
[08:34:09 CET] <chaupv> it doesn't know..
[08:37:40 CET] <relaxed> you need to pastebin your whole configure line and the command in config.log
[08:37:49 CET] <relaxed> last command*
[08:39:15 CET] <chaupv> Ok
[08:39:21 CET] <chaupv> here is my configure command
[08:39:36 CET] <chaupv>  ./configure --enable-asm --enable-yasm --arch=i386 --disable-ffserver --disable-avdevice --disable-swscale --disable-doc --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffmpeg --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-bzlib --disable-libopenjpeg --disable-iconv --disable-zlib --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --enable-pic --prefix=/ffmpeg/ --toolchain=msvc --extra-cflags="-MDd " --extra-cflags=-I/usr/include --extra-ldflags="/NODEFAULTLIB
[08:39:36 CET] <chaupv> ug
[08:39:47 CET] <relaxed> fucking pastebin.com
[08:39:56 CET] <relaxed> it's a website, go there
[08:40:37 CET] <chaupv> Oh dear, sorry,
[08:41:07 CET] <relaxed> and I said pastie.org earlier
[08:41:22 CET] <relaxed> it doesn't matter which you use
[08:41:44 CET] <chaupv> yes, I see
[08:42:03 CET] <chaupv> this pastebin.com for configure
[08:42:04 CET] <chaupv> http://pastebin.com/Yy93zkiF
[08:43:22 CET] <chaupv> this for log
[08:43:23 CET] <chaupv> http://pastebin.com/0XAn4Peg
[08:44:11 CET] <relaxed> you only pasted the top of the log
[08:44:25 CET] <chaupv> wait...
[08:44:37 CET] <chaupv> log is too long, i am doing the remain..
[08:46:30 CET] <chaupv> http://pastebin.com/Q42JtFMX
[08:47:24 CET] <chaupv> http://pastebin.com/MGVMq6kp
[08:47:29 CET] <chaupv> Ok, man,
[08:47:43 CET] <chaupv> I done the pastebin.com for log
[08:48:27 CET] <relaxed> ok, but I think you still didn't get to the bottom
[08:49:09 CET] <relaxed> becuase the last bit should show why libx264 was not found
[08:51:30 CET] <chaupv> No, Man
[08:51:43 CET] <chaupv> I copied all
[08:52:38 CET] <chaupv> did you mean the last blank line?
[08:53:27 CET] <chaupv> http://pastebin.com/TZW7myAs
[08:53:55 CET] <chaupv> the last piece of log
[08:54:39 CET] <relaxed> Ok, that's helpful :)
[08:55:51 CET] <chaupv> :), relaxed, please help
[08:56:28 CET] <relaxed> is that the latest version of visual studio?
[08:56:47 CET] <chaupv> yes, VC 2015
[08:58:16 CET] <relaxed> did you read https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/MSVC  ?
[08:59:49 CET] <chaupv> yes, several time, I seted up ffmpeg and x264 by using that guideline
[09:00:09 CET] <chaupv> could you point out some tips?
[09:00:24 CET] <chaupv> what's wrong with the configuration?
[09:04:24 CET] <chaupv> I compiled ffmpeg without x264, but when i use --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl, the error occurs
[09:06:40 CET] <relaxed> I've never compiled ffmpeg using MSVC.
[09:07:03 CET] <chaupv> ha ha, me too
[09:07:28 CET] <relaxed> In the log I see "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\BIN\cl.exe" but on MS's website it says the latest is 15
[09:08:31 CET] <chaupv> yes, it's VS 2015
[09:08:55 CET] <chaupv> I think that's no related to the problem...
[09:09:05 CET] <chaupv> :)
[09:10:30 CET] <chaupv> Relaxed, do you think it's better to replace VS version? should I use VS2013 instead?
[09:12:33 CET] <chaupv> I think, it's the bug of ffmpeg when compile with VS2015
[09:22:33 CET] <relaxed> from looking at config.log I'd say it was your setup and not ffmpeg's fault
[09:24:10 CET] <chaupv> ha ha...
[09:24:49 CET] <chaupv> it's so difficult to figure out the error..
[09:42:12 CET] <chaupv> any tips, Relaxed? :)
[10:00:31 CET] <chaupv> relaxed, where had you gone?
[10:00:33 CET] <chaupv> ^^
[10:00:56 CET] <chaupv> you answer nothing for it, ..
[10:04:43 CET] <chaupv> relaxed, you said like you are a geek for ffmepg but finally you have done nothing..
[10:17:11 CET] <relaxed> chaupv: I'm at work, it's not like I'm paid to sit in this channel to provide support.
[10:19:04 CET] <relaxed> sometimes you have to wait in an irc channel until someone who knows what's going on looks at your issue.
[10:19:48 CET] <relaxed> and I did help you get a helpful log for them to examine.
[10:28:14 CET] <chaupv> relaxed: Ok, I got it :)
[10:30:45 CET] <relaxed> chaupv: did you see the note in the wiki about cl and link.exe in the wiki?
[10:31:20 CET] <relaxed>  -"in the wiki" :)
[10:31:57 CET] <relaxed> I don't know if that's the case, though
[10:32:58 CET] <chaupv> I dont use link from Msys, I used MSVC link instead of it, also I use cl from VC
[10:33:52 CET] <chaupv> I change the link.exe to link_backup.exe then I set environment that Msys can find MSVC link
[10:34:51 CET] <chaupv> I think the cl, link ffmpeg wiki that you mentioned about does the same..
[10:35:54 CET] <chaupv> relaxed, how can i find you tomorrow?
[10:36:17 CET] <chaupv> is it possible to find you in this chat room?
[10:37:16 CET] <relaxed> Yes, I'm usually here 24/7
[10:37:51 CET] <chaupv> Oh, so you are a contributor for ffmpeg,
[10:39:11 CET] <relaxed> I contribute time here to help people, small patches, and linux static builds
[10:40:04 CET] <chaupv> Ok, you are power Man, :)
[10:40:14 CET] <chaupv> I have a question?
[10:40:44 CET] <chaupv> currently, I have a warning in the log like this: LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/LC:/environtment/msys64/usr/lib'; ignored
[10:41:24 CET] <chaupv> do you know what option to make link to become : "C:/environtment/msys64/usr/lib", without '/L'?
[10:44:23 CET] <relaxed> in the wiki you're running ./configure options under "How to build debug version?". Why?
[10:44:58 CET] <relaxed> try the simple "./configure --toolchain=msvc" first
[10:45:31 CET] <chaupv> I have built successful ffmpeg without x246
[10:46:34 CET] <chaupv> I think if I can set link, compiler will find the libx246.lib
[10:47:11 CET] <chaupv> Now, compiler doesn't know '/LC:/environtment/msys64/usr/lib' with prefix '/L'
[10:49:30 CET] <JEEB>  /L is the library search dir option
[10:49:41 CET] <JEEB> so it should be /L "thing"
[10:50:41 CET] <chaupv> is it valid for MSVC environment?
[10:51:22 CET] <chaupv> I am using cl, link from MSVC, so I afraid of MSVC doesn'nt know 'L'
[10:55:52 CET] <chaupv> relaxed? where prefix is the one you used to install libx264 ? -> it's /usr/
[10:59:13 CET] <relaxed> JEEB: here's his configure http://pastebin.com/0XAn4Peg
[11:00:47 CET] <relaxed> and the bottom of his config.log http://pastebin.com/TZW7myAs
[11:05:21 CET] <chaupv> relaxed, JEEB, thank for help, we will invoke this again tomorrow, I call it a day. hope to see you guys again tomorrow at this chat room.
[11:07:00 CET] <chaupv> :)
[13:41:57 CET] <dantti> Do I need to use a filter to encode frames at vfr?
[13:47:47 CET] <c_14> dantti: no, you just need to have an input that's vfr
[13:48:15 CET] <dantti> c_14: ok but what then I set in time_base and pts?
[13:48:52 CET] <c_14> Just set the pts to the time you want the frame to be displayed at.
[13:49:31 CET] <c_14> Well, so that pts * time_base = time you want the frame to be displayed at
[13:51:14 CET] <dantti> but ain't time_base a fixed fraction ie 1, 25 = 25 fps?
[13:51:41 CET] <dantti> I guess then I need to store an initial clock, and then multiply that?
[13:51:47 CET] <c_14> time base is just a value that specifies on what scale PTS relate to seconds
[13:52:25 CET] <c_14> A timebase of 1000 (more precisely 1/1000) means that 1000 PTS = 1s
[13:52:30 CET] <dantti> so if 1, 25 time_base and I get 40 frames within a second is that a problem
[13:52:36 CET] <dantti> or should I drop frames
[13:52:36 CET] <c_14> So if you want a frame to display at 5s it would have the PTS 5000
[13:53:05 CET] <c_14> dantti: yes, that's why the time_base is usually in the thousands at least
[13:53:09 CET] <dantti> the sourve is a live camera, that's why I'm saying I need to count the time
[13:53:46 CET] <c_14> Are you sure the source is vfr?
[13:53:56 CET] <dantti> c_14: so I guess there is no problem in jumping from 100pts to 1000 pts?
[13:54:06 CET] <c_14> If yes, then you need to count how many seconds have elapsed since you started, multiply that by the inverse of the time_base and use that as the PTS
[13:54:18 CET] <c_14> dantti: the time_base is usually constant for an entire video
[13:54:20 CET] <dantti> yup, just confirmed with the guy that implemented QCamera on android
[13:54:39 CET] <c_14> Just pick a time_base of 1000
[13:54:41 CET] <c_14> It's usually fine
[13:54:51 CET] <dantti> ok
[13:55:01 CET] <c_14> That'll give you ms rounding though
[13:55:10 CET] <c_14> Ie your timestamps will be accurate to the nearest millisecond
[13:55:28 CET] <c_14> If you want a higher accuracy use a larger time_base
[13:56:06 CET] <c_14> (Note that I've occasionally been saying the timebase is 1000, but it's stored as 1/1000 in ffmpeg, it's just displayed as the inverse to make it easier to read)
[13:57:27 CET] <dantti> what does inverse means in math speaking (not a native speaker so I guess it's a math term which I don't get)
[13:57:40 CET] <dantti> 1000/1 I guess wouldn't be
[13:57:40 CET] <c_14> 1 / x
[13:58:04 CET] <dantti> 1/1000
[13:58:08 CET] <c_14> yes
[13:58:11 CET] <dantti> ah ok
[13:58:48 CET] <dantti> thanks, let me try now to see if I got it right :)
[14:04:01 CET] <dantti> c_14: I just realized that QElapsedTimer can give me the time elapsed in milliseconds(since I call start() on first frame), so if I just set that to pts I guess I don't need to multiply to 1/1000 right? I can just use that value
[14:04:51 CET] <c_14> If your time_base is 1/1000, yes
[14:06:40 CET] <dantti> I think that didn't work, the file size is ~500kb and I just see a grey image
[14:07:18 CET] <dantti> on mpegts the log "nal 1" means what?
[14:09:37 CET] <c_14> That's just a TRACE log, not sure what it means though.
[14:09:43 CET] <dantti> is this a good value codecContext->bit_rate = 400000?
[14:10:26 CET] <dantti> from source av_log(s, AV_LOG_TRACE, "nal %d\n", state & 0x1f); I guess that's the mpegts state
[14:10:30 CET] <c_14> might be a bit low
[14:12:15 CET] Action: c_14 needs to go now. Will be back later.
[14:12:21 CET] <dantti> ok thanks
[14:51:36 CET] <iaskquestions> Hi guys, I want to convert an .MP4 movie to .AVI so that I can burn it as a DVD movie.
[14:51:45 CET] <iaskquestions> I tried with this command, but audio is lost.
[14:52:18 CET] <iaskquestions> ffmpeg -i movie.mp4 -codec copy movie.avi
[14:56:54 CET] <BtbN> avi is equaly useless for a dvd as mp4. iirc the VOB stuff on DVDs is mpeg-ps.
[14:57:14 CET] <Mo_YouVisit> Hello all! I am attempting to use a filter that was recently developed and was told to apply the patch and rebuild ffmpeg. I cloned from source and compiled it but it says the filter was not found. Is there a place where I can download patches separately from the source repository?
[14:59:35 CET] <iaskquestions> So I need to convert it to mpeg?
[15:05:42 CET] <relaxed> iaskquestions: ffmpeg -i input -target ntsc-dvd output.mpg  (or -target pal-dvd)
[15:07:12 CET] <relaxed> iaskquestions: if it supports divx/xvid, that might be easier
[15:08:06 CET] <Mo_YouVisit> he already left the chat room
[15:08:37 CET] <relaxed> that's what I get for ignoring parts/joins :/
[15:09:12 CET] <relaxed> Mo_YouVisit: which filter is it?
[15:09:17 CET] <Mo_YouVisit> panorama
[15:09:29 CET] <Mo_YouVisit> durandal_170: worked on it this past week
[15:10:54 CET] <durandal_170> find patch on ffmpeg-devel mailing list
[15:15:11 CET] <durandal_170> Mo_YouVisit: alternatively download my ffmpeg panorama branch from github.com/richardpl
[16:29:11 CET] <t4nk196> hey there - wondering if anyone on here knows how I could apply a blend filter and a fade filter at the same time. If I use the overlay filter instead of a blend, the fade works, but otherwise the blend is applied without the fade. Here's essentially what I'm doing right now: http://pastebin.com/Hp43NzS2
[16:38:55 CET] <durandal_170> t4nk196: why not fade after blend?
[17:10:33 CET] <vircuser> hi guys how to hide the dos console when calling ffmpeg trough a .bat file ? [ thanks ]
[17:11:05 CET] <dantti> is it normal for a 800x600 frame produce a pkt.size = ~204? when time_base was 1,25 and pts was -1 the pkt.size where around 1800, now that time_base is 1,1000 and pts is properly set the pkt size is quite small and the file doesn't has anything useful
[17:11:25 CET] <c_14> vircuser: this sounds like a windows problem, not an ffmpeg problem
[17:11:49 CET] <vircuser> ok
[17:12:26 CET] <c_14> vircuser: I'd search for windows bat hide console
[17:30:48 CET] <Admin_234234> hello guys
[17:31:24 CET] <prelude2004c> hey .. can someone help me with vdpau ?
[17:31:33 CET] <prelude2004c> i am running centos and i got vdpau compiled in
[17:31:39 CET] <prelude2004c> keeps saying that i am unable to connect to X server
[17:31:44 CET] <prelude2004c> what should i do to get decoding working ?
[17:43:08 CET] <dantti> since I get around 30fps setting using 1,30 as time_base and go increasing pts by 1, makes the encoded pkg.size ok, and the "first" frame is not a grey frame, but still the .ts file has a 0 duration even if I have frames for 6 seconds
[17:46:13 CET] <kepstin> dantti: how are you getting the ts file duration?
[17:46:38 CET] <kepstin> ts isn't an indexed format, it's rather a streaming format, so in general you can't get a duration value from it without reading the entire file.
[17:46:49 CET] <dantti> kepstin: when I open in any player it shows a frame and restarts
[17:47:03 CET] <dantti> not that it has a duration metadata
[17:47:37 CET] <dantti> on a valid ts vlc shows the duration because it can scan the file
[17:48:55 CET] <dantti> my code is this atm https://paste.kde.org/pg5ivvogv
[17:49:40 CET] <dantti> I can share the .ts file if it would help
[17:59:26 CET] <dantti> I have a feeling that I'm missing to set something in AvStream :P
[18:08:07 CET] <brontosaurusrex> how should "-tune grain" command line look like with fmpeg/x265 ?
[18:10:00 CET] <brontosaurusrex> ffmpeg seems happy about it
[18:10:02 CET] <brontosaurusrex> http://paste.debian.net/plain/341223
[18:10:29 CET] <brontosaurusrex> but x265 [info]: tools: rd=3 psy-rd=0.50 rdoq=2 psy-rdoq=10.00 signhide tmvp   < looks wrong
[18:11:01 CET] <brontosaurusrex> according to this http://x265.readthedocs.org/en/default/presets.html#tunings
[18:11:31 CET] <brontosaurusrex> rdoq should be 0, also rdoq level should be 0
[18:12:53 CET] <brontosaurusrex> unless iam reading all this worngly
[18:12:58 CET] <brontosaurusrex> *wrongly
[18:29:19 CET] <dantti> for writing mpegts should I use av_interleaved_write_frame or av_write_frame? didn't unterstand it's difference
[18:37:49 CET] <Linkless> Hello. I have a question on (I think) drawtext filter. I do live streaming with ffmpeg (kinda surveillance webcam) and put current time to the stream with "drawtext text='%{localtime}'". Is there a way to put a temperature (currently stored in a file) next to the date on the picture? When I use drawtext text='%{localtime} $(cat file-with-temp)' the temperature doesn't refresh on the file's changes.
[18:43:03 CET] <dantti> great now that I called av_packet_rescale_ts the video flows :)
[18:51:57 CET] <Fyr> guys, is it possible to create a GIF file with ffmpeg?
[18:51:58 CET] <Hfuy> Hello.
[18:52:09 CET] <Fyr> hoi
[18:52:39 CET] <Hfuy> I need to create quicktime movies with a larger-than-average audio chunk size. ffmpeg seems to like small chunks, whereas Apple products seem to like larger chunks, about 48k audio samples.
[18:52:42 CET] <Hfuy> Is there some way I can request that?
[18:52:57 CET] <c_14> Fyr: yes
[18:53:14 CET] <Fyr> c_14, could you provide me with a link?
[18:53:15 CET] <Hfuy> There's the -chunk_duration option but I'm not sure what it refers to.
[18:53:25 CET] <c_14> Fyr: just use the gif output format?
[18:53:50 CET] <Fyr> from a big number of PNGs into a GIF file.
[18:54:08 CET] <c_14> use the image2 input muxer
[18:54:18 CET] <Fyr> ok
[19:18:05 CET] <autofsckk> hello, i cant find the proper way to get a palette for an animated gif, im trying this ffmpeg -v warning -ss 00:00:01 -i chichisg.mp4 -t 3 -vf "scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen" -y palettechichis.png  but nothing is done, i just want to get 3s from the start, what im i doing wrong, or how is the correct way to obtain a palette to be used as reference?
[19:30:53 CET] <sh4d0wD> hallo
[19:31:08 CET] <sh4d0wD> anyone alive here?
[19:39:36 CET] <sh4d0wD> Just before I ask question, little story. I'm writing ffmpeg gem for ruby and during development I notice something about fanky about avformat_close_input(). beside it's closing file it also frees memory of context
[19:41:11 CET] <sh4d0wD> so I'm working with context as class (instance) inside ruby and obviously when I close_file the DATA point to empty space in memory
[19:42:04 CET] <sh4d0wD> and ruby has it own free memory thing. and I'd like to deal with free on ruby side
[19:43:18 CET] <sh4d0wD> of course there is  hack way to set pointer to NULL and check in every function if context == NULL, or just reallocate context
[19:44:16 CET] <sh4d0wD> Question1: Why does avformat_close_input() clear context
[19:44:40 CET] <sh4d0wD> Question2: is there way to close input without freeing context?
[19:50:01 CET] <ented> A1: Context is related to input file. Closing input is reasonable: Context is filled with data from file and points to stream: It is file representation.
[19:50:53 CET] <ented> A2: You could prealocate Context and extract Fields if you need data from context to persist after closing of file.
[19:52:30 CET] <sh4d0wD> I can see why context -> streams wont work, like pointed out it picking form file, but what about metadata and ect? what it be preloaded in moment of avformat_open_input?
[19:53:09 CET] <klaviatoora> I have AVI file about which ffmpeg -i commands says mpeg4 (Advanced Simple Profile) (XVID / 0x44495658). And I need convert movies in MP4 to this mpeg4 (Advanced Simple Profile) (XVID / 0x44495658). How do I do this? What I am doing right now is using -vcodec libxvid option to convert video into mpeg4.
[19:53:55 CET] <sh4d0wD> Anyway thanks for answers, I probably will go with reallocating context after using avformat_close_input/_close_output
[19:54:15 CET] <klaviatoora> But what about those profile?
[19:54:16 CET] <sh4d0wD> thought there was much clever way, that I was missing
[19:58:26 CET] <relaxed> klaviatoora: you can copy it to mp4, try ffmpeg -i input -c copy output.mp4
[19:59:49 CET] <ented> sh4d0wD: Probably there is, but I seen many code where one just copied context data. See context as Object in OOP programming.
[20:00:48 CET] <klaviatoora> What does -bf option mean?
[20:01:47 CET] <relaxed> controls bframes
[20:09:37 CET] <klaviatoora> y
[20:12:05 CET] <sh4d0wD> ented: ty. I actually got more exp. with C. Not big fun of OOP
[21:36:31 CET] <markcf> Hello, I just have a quick question about ffserver. Is it possible to pass on raw streams using ffserver? Or to enable minimal processing? Essentially i have a bunch of computers handling compression (with ffmpeg) and I'd like to have ffserver serve those compressed streams for me.
[21:44:15 CET] <prelude2004c> hey running X centos.. configured vdpau for ffmpeg.. when it tries to connect it says it can't connect to X server .. can anyone help ?
[21:45:06 CET] <llogan> how do we duplicate the issue?
[21:55:19 CET] <prelude2004c> llogan .. basically i am just trying to get vdpauinfo or vdpau working
[21:55:26 CET] <prelude2004c> not sure how you duplicate : P
[21:55:51 CET] <llogan> sounds like you're asking the wrong channel
[21:58:02 CET] <prelude2004c> its ffmpeg hwaccel option
[21:58:14 CET] <prelude2004c> X server is on so.. i don't get it
[21:58:36 CET] <sh4d0wD> what command/code you are running
[21:58:46 CET] <sh4d0wD> can you pastebin it
[21:58:54 CET] <prelude2004c> ffmpeg -hwaccel vdpau -i ...
[21:59:07 CET] <sh4d0wD> what is error message
[21:59:12 CET] <prelude2004c> Cannot open the X11 display .
[21:59:12 CET] <prelude2004c> VDPAU init failed for stream #0:9.
[21:59:35 CET] <sh4d0wD> what is argument for -i?
[22:00:23 CET] <fritsch> what does: vdpauinfo | pastebint say?
[22:01:36 CET] <prelude2004c> -i is udp://xxxxxx
[22:02:07 CET] <prelude2004c> so ffmpeg -hwaccel vdpau -i udp://...... -f mpegts - | tee > .....
[22:02:13 CET] <prelude2004c> the error is jus tthe hwaccel
[22:02:17 CET] <prelude2004c> says can't connect to X sever
[22:02:24 CET] <prelude2004c> not sure why.. X server is running
[22:02:31 CET] <fritsch> 22:01 < fritsch> what does: vdpauinfo | pastebint say?
[22:03:00 CET] <prelude2004c> [root at enc4-5 scripts]# vdpauinfo
[22:03:00 CET] <prelude2004c> vdpauinfo: cannot connect to X server
[22:03:07 CET] <fritsch> tadaaaaa
[22:03:09 CET] <fritsch> :-)
[22:03:09 CET] <prelude2004c> that is all it says
[22:03:13 CET] <fritsch> now fix your setup
[22:03:18 CET] <sh4d0wD> :-)
[22:03:20 CET] <prelude2004c> lol that is the part i need help with :P haha
[22:03:35 CET] <fritsch> you run as root - no idea why one runs such a command as root
[22:03:45 CET] <fritsch> you run it with the user running X
[22:03:50 CET] <fritsch> to access its session
[22:03:50 CET] <prelude2004c> even as a user i get same error
[22:04:02 CET] <fritsch> yeah - this is not a centos help channel
[22:04:03 CET] <prelude2004c> but i dont' use the UI
[22:04:03 CET] <sh4d0wD> are you using shell login?
[22:04:08 CET] <prelude2004c> its a server in a datacenter
[22:04:12 CET] <fritsch> export DISPLAY=:0
[22:04:14 CET] <fritsch> ....
[22:04:23 CET] <fritsch> or whatever ... running as root via remote shell
[22:04:29 CET] <fritsch> no further comment
[22:04:30 CET] <sh4d0wD> ^^
[22:05:22 CET] <prelude2004c> of course i tried that but now that you said it :(
[22:05:23 CET] <prelude2004c> [root at enc4-5 scripts]# vdpauinfo
[22:05:23 CET] <prelude2004c> display: :0   screen: 0
[22:05:23 CET] <prelude2004c> Error creating VDPAU device: 1
[22:05:34 CET] <prelude2004c> at least i got something now . getting closer .. but still an error
[22:06:26 CET] <sh4d0wD> that video  brand?
[22:06:33 CET] <prelude2004c> nvidia
[22:06:37 CET] <prelude2004c> M4000 card
[22:06:43 CET] <sh4d0wD> try export VDPAU_NVIDIA_DEBUG=3
[22:06:50 CET] <sh4d0wD> and export VDPAU_TRACE=1
[22:07:04 CET] <sh4d0wD> then pastebin here results of vdpauinfo
[22:07:24 CET] <fritsch> i think there is not even the proper nvidia drivers installed
[22:07:32 CET] <sh4d0wD> ^^
[22:07:37 CET] <prelude2004c> see i am learning alrady :) thank you
[22:07:44 CET] <sh4d0wD> and lsmod
[22:07:51 CET] <prelude2004c> http://pastebin.com/nRcwXHtC
[22:08:13 CET] <fritsch> sh4d0wD: still want to fix a fucked up centos setup?
[22:08:20 CET] <prelude2004c> http://pastebin.com/ZYVMfyHF
[22:08:43 CET] <sh4d0wD> nah just matter of interest, challenge solving problems
[22:09:07 CET] <prelude2004c> sh4d0wD thank you for helping...
[22:10:06 CET] <sh4d0wD> ok 1 make sure use using nouveau  or nvidia, they won't work togerther, uninstall one of them and blacklist
[22:10:39 CET] <prelude2004c> ya i blacklisted the nouveau but let me just make sure its off
[22:10:48 CET] <prelude2004c> although lsmod shows something
[22:10:49 CET] <fritsch> it's not off and running
[22:10:51 CET] <fritsch> :-)
[22:11:00 CET] <prelude2004c> right... will try that right now :)
[22:11:08 CET] <fritsch> boot with nomodeset
[22:11:09 CET] <sh4d0wD> 2. reinstall libvdpau
[22:11:25 CET] <sh4d0wD> and make sure you install right ach verstion
[22:12:20 CET] <sh4d0wD> and actually totally reinstall nvidia driver
[22:12:28 CET] <sh4d0wD> I think your libs are mixed now
[22:12:43 CET] <sh4d0wD> and stop running from root
[22:12:44 CET] <sh4d0wD> :)
[22:17:16 CET] <prelude2004c> ok rebooting
[22:17:33 CET] <prelude2004c> well i installed it from the repo so..
[22:17:50 CET] <prelude2004c> will try all those things in the next few min to make sure
[22:19:18 CET] <sh4d0wD> all will depend on what is you ld it may be mixed with open driver and nvidia one so uninstall one and reinstall other should help avoid doing relink by hand
[22:25:02 CET] <prelude2004c> ok so .. done all the above.. still same
[22:25:48 CET] <prelude2004c> wait.... wait......
[22:26:00 CET] <prelude2004c> maybe just maybe...
[22:28:21 CET] <prelude2004c> OMG.... slow close i can taste it.. but... i reinstalled the nvidia driver and it noticed vdpau there so it said it had to install its libraries so that's good news
[22:28:38 CET] <prelude2004c> only when i startx gives me an error now .. pain in the $@$!!
[22:29:21 CET] <prelude2004c> now i get " Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":1". "
[22:29:24 CET] <sh4d0wD> nvidia-xconfig
[22:29:27 CET] <prelude2004c> so rebooting to see
[22:29:33 CET] <sh4d0wD> sudo nvidia-xconfig&
[22:29:40 CET] <sh4d0wD> sudo nvidia-xconfig *
[22:29:49 CET] <prelude2004c> lol which is it ? haha
[22:29:51 CET] <sh4d0wD> without(*)
[22:30:03 CET] <sh4d0wD> reconfigure your X11 config
[22:30:06 CET] <sh4d0wD> to use nvidia
[22:30:35 CET] <prelude2004c> got it.. ok.. i did do that before but it was when broken so let me try again... btw, this is great once i am done i wil understand.. and i will not forgot :P like a pro !!
[22:30:39 CET] <sh4d0wD> your xorg.conf probably pointing to mesa
[22:31:50 CET] <prelude2004c> http://pastebin.com/pNuX8pJ4
[22:31:56 CET] <prelude2004c> never easy !! ..
[22:32:06 CET] <prelude2004c> so i got that before too when running the nvidia-xconfig
[22:32:15 CET] <prelude2004c> keeps giving me errors when that happens
[22:35:45 CET] <sh4d0wD> for one stop running as root
[22:36:50 CET] <sh4d0wD> 2 did you reboot after installing nvidia?
[22:37:05 CET] <prelude2004c> yup rebooted
[22:37:17 CET] <prelude2004c> for 1... let me su to a user
[22:37:33 CET] <sh4d0wD> lsmod | grep nvidia
[00:00:00 CET] --- Sat Dec  5 2015

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