[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20150118

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 02:05:02 CET 2015

[01:53] <windu> im getting an error when trying to compile ffmpeg on centos6.6
[01:54] <windu> anyone on that is able to help?
[01:55] <stefkos> im not an expert here, can you paste error?
[01:55] <windu> configure: error: unrecognized option: --extra-cflags=-I/home/windu/ffmpeg_build/include
[01:56] <stefkos> hmm did you check configure script?
[01:56] <windu> here is my cmd
[01:56] <windu> configure: error: unrecognized option: --extra-cflags=-I/home/windu/ffmpeg_build/include
[01:56] <windu> sorry
[01:57] <windu> PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib/pkgconfig" ./configure --prefix="$HOME/ffmpeg_build" --extra-cflags="-I$HOME/ffmpeg_build/include" --extra-ldflags="-L$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib" --bindir="$HOME/bin" --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree --enable-libfdk_aac --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264
[01:58] <stefkos> hmm
[01:58] <windu> this is per the wiki for centos
[01:58] <stefkos> configure says it exist
[01:59] <stefkos> windu, maybe check ' then "
[01:59] <stefkos> just guessing
[02:00] <windu> ok...im looking at the wiki now
[02:01] <windu> could there be a typo on the wiki possible?
[02:01] <stefkos> dont think so
[02:01] <stefkos> but maybe console need that?
[02:01] <stefkos> or maybe try without this line --extra-cflags
[02:02] <stefkos> "--extra-cflags="-I$HOME/ffmpeg_build/include""
[02:02] <windu> ok let me try that
[02:02] <stefkos> but thats weird
[02:02] <stefkos> I was building ffmpeg for android last time
[02:03] <stefkos> let me check
[02:03] <windu> lol..took it out they i get erro for the --xtra-ldflags line
[02:04] <stefkos> on ubuntu
[02:05] <stefkos> ./configure $FFMPEG_FLAGS --extra-cflags="...." \ ...
[02:06] <windu> hmmm ill try to do this on my debian box and see if i get similar error
[02:06] <stefkos> well it works here on ubuntu... at least something similar
[02:07] <stefkos> your $HOME is defined somewhere?
[02:07] <stefkos> HOME = /home/stefkos  fe.
[02:08] <stefkos> sorry for guessing:) Im trying to help...and give some hints
[02:08] <windu> yes I just ran echo $HOME and it rported back /home/windu
[02:08] <stefkos> ok
[02:08] <stefkos> but you put echo inside your script?
[02:08] <windu> no i just ran it alone
[02:09] <stefkos> put HOME = /home/windu/  before ./configure
[02:10] <stefkos> maybe somehow he cannot find this global variable and "put some shit"
[02:11] <windu> naw same error
[02:11] <stefkos> ok
[02:11] <stefkos> dont have new ideas now...and need some sleep
[02:11] <stefkos> good luck
[02:12] <windu> cool thx for the help
[02:12] <klaxa> windu: pastebin your config.log
[02:12] <windu> ok stand by
[02:14] <windu> wait. i think i may have it
[02:14] <windu> lol..im such an ass. i was in teh worng directoy
[02:14] <klaxa> haha
[02:49] <misterno> should i switch completely to h.265?
[03:06] <c_14> In short, probably not.
[03:07] <misterno> so if i should still stick with h.264 when i make my videos
[03:08] <c_14> Probably, yes. Unless you have unlimited amounts of cpu-time and like playing around with new things.
[03:11] <misterno> no i was just thinking making my desktop screencast videos would take less space encoding in h.265
[03:11] <misterno> and who knows maybe even better quality
[03:12] <klaxa> sounds like you are looking for h265 real-time encodes. buy asics or come back in 2020
[03:13] <misterno> lol wut?
[03:13] <misterno> brb
[03:14] <klaxa> if he comes back in 2020 for the first time again i'll be impressed
[03:14] <c_14> He's just spinning up ye ole time machine
[03:16] <klaxa> that's funny because time machines should be somewhat immune to age
[03:17] <klaxa> hmm... or are they?
[03:18] <c_14> Depends, time machine as in accelerating an object as close to the speed of light as possible: that one will age, but only very slowly when in transit. It'll age normally out-of-transit though.
[03:19] <klaxa> looks like he doesn't have a time machine after all...
[03:19] <klaxa> well there goes Plan T for world domination
[03:22] <BtbN> nvidia has a h265 hardware encoder which should be able to do it in real time. Intel also has one, but without library support for now.
[03:22] <c_14> With decent compression support?
[03:25] <rcombs> with comparable or better performance than x264?
[03:25] <BtbN> No idea, i wasn't yet able to test it, because it only works on the most expensive cards.
[03:25] <BtbN> So far the gtx980 is the only consumer card that supports it
[03:35] <fSCatxycle> hi guys, i have a question. I'm new to this, and it's hard for me to understand the answer to this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5784661/ffmpeg-convert-entire-directory
[03:36] <fSCatxycle> Shouild it be http://pastebin.com/99auZmhK
[03:37] <klaxa> >E\:physio
[03:37] <klaxa> that makes me think you are using windows
[03:37] <fSCatxycle> I am
[03:37] <klaxa> can powershell run for loops?
[03:37] <fSCatxycle> hm I have no idea
[03:38] <BtbN> even basic windows cmd can, but no idea about the syntax for it
[03:39] <fSCatxycle> hnm. But is my placement right? Of the E\physio I mean, and quotes
[03:40] <c_14> if you were using bash, maybe
[03:40] <fSCatxycle> Because I can just try, and see if it doesn't work. I jsut want to make sure it's first not going to like reencode everyhing in E for some reason cuz of my placement
[03:40] <klaxa> that's pretty windows specific i don't know the first thing about windows shell
[03:41] <fSCatxycle> I got "i was unexpected at this time"
[03:41] <BtbN> Just use the answer starting with "And on Windows:"
[03:41] <BtbN> Or install bash
[03:42] <fSCatxycle> wow I'm dumb, I missed that
[03:44] <fSCatxycle> It uses flac and such though, I have no idea how to insert my directory in there and make it from mov to avi
[03:47] <c_14> FOR /F "tokens=*" %G IN ('dir /b E:physio\*.mov') DO ffmpeg -i "%G" -c copy "%~nG.avi"
[03:48] <c_14> probably anyway
[03:48] <fSCatxycle> ok thanks I'll try
[07:07] <tmh1999> Hi guys, I hope someone could help me. I build ffmpeg from source code in Centos 6.6 as the following the guide : https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Centos. I just checked and it seems libavresample didn't get built. Is that ok?
[07:07] <tmh1999> Thanks
[07:40] <tmh1999> And I get the undefined references to "av_get_cpu_flags" error. I did try this https://github.com/xplodwild/bbqscreen_client/issues/2 but it doesn't work.
[07:40] <tmh1999> Hope someone could enlighten me. Thanks a lot.
[07:47] <tmh1999> Oh this linker order works for me : -lavformat -lavcodec -lswscale -lavutil -lSDL -lm -lz -lswresample -lavdevice -lavfilter -lpostproc -lavfilter -lrt -lx264 -lmp3lame -lvpx -lyasm -lfdk-aac
[11:36] <elii> How do I make sure that ffmpeg uses the latest x264 that I just installed?
[11:36] <elii> I specify libx264 in the command, but I dont think that it uses the binaries that I installed
[11:37] <elii> I followed this guide: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu
[11:38] <elii> I want to use the latest x264 version (r2525)
[12:02] <Mavrik> elii, is your ffmpeg statically built or not?
[12:03] <Mavrik> elii, since that guide will make a static build - that is, it's going to bake in x264 into ffmpeg binary
[12:03] <Mavrik> which means you have to recompile x264 and ffmpeg to get the new one
[12:03] <elii> aha
[12:03] <elii> how should I compile ffmpeg then?
[12:06] <Mavrik> um
[12:06] <Mavrik> Don't understand the question.
[12:06] <elii> I guess my ffmpeg build is static
[12:06] <Mavrik> Static builds are ok, but updating dependant libs requires you to recompile ffmpeg.
[12:07] <Mavrik> Dynamic builds require you to have all the dependant libraries available as separate files, but usually they can be updated without recompiling ffmpeg as long as major version doesn't change.
[12:07] <elii> yea, it is fine. I can recompile it. But how do I recompile it so it "takes" the new x264
[12:07] <Mavrik> elii, follow the libx264 part again (which will compile and install new x264 to your /usr/local)
[12:08] <Mavrik> that will replace old libx264, so when you follow the ffmpeg step again to recompile it, it'll grab the new x264
[12:08] <elii> hmm, I followed those steps before
[12:09] <elii> hmm
[12:09] <elii> I guess I can redo all steps
[12:11] <Mavrik> you don't have to redo all steps, just x264 and ffmpeg if you have rest of the libs ready :)
[12:12] <elii> But, I should be able to confirm the correct x264 version after the x264-step?
[12:12] <elii> with like x264 --version or something?
[12:15] <elii> Strange that http://download.videolan.org/pub/x264/snapshots/last_x264.tar.bz2 is the r2245 version I think
[12:15] <elii> not the newer r2525
[12:15] <elii> eli at workstation:~/ffmpeg_sources/x264-snapshot-20141218-2245$ pwd
[12:15] <elii> /home/eli/ffmpeg_sources/x264-snapshot-20141218-2245
[12:15] <elii> after extraction
[12:22] <elii> Mavrik: I got no x264 in my /usr/local after compiling
[12:28] <Dimtree> Someone have an idea how to get libfaac.so to be seen by ffmpeg? I can't seem to figure out pkg-config. Relevant script at http://pastebin.com/ptUqrD6W
[12:29] <JEEB> at this point I would recommend not using faac
[12:30] <JEEB> it is nonfree (as in, not GPL unlike its license says) and in nonfree encoders fdk-aac is now better than that
[12:30] <JEEB> (nonfree in the --enable-nonfree meaning, you can't distribute the binaries)
[12:31] <Dimtree> JEEB: It's a prerequisite of a package I don't control, is fdk-aac a drop-in equivalent? I don't plan to redistribute or violate GPL
[12:32] <JEEB> so it's something else than ffmpeg?
[12:32] <Dimtree> It's another program calling ffmpeg and expecting that specific encoder by name
[12:32] <JEEB> and you can most probably switch that around
[12:33] <JEEB> so as long as the encoder name can be switched it's a drop-in replacement
[12:33] <JEEB> Dimtree, also it's not a case of violating GPL, it's just not compatible with (L)GPL, which makes the end result not distributable
[12:33] <Dimtree> I have absolutely no way to switch the encoder name in the application
[12:34] <JEEB> ok
[12:34] <JEEB> then you either patch the fdk-aac wrapper in libavcodec or try to use faac
[12:35] <Dimtree> So how would I go about getting ffmpeg to see libfaac.so?
[12:35] <JEEB> have you done ldconfig?
[12:35] <JEEB> with root
[12:36] <JEEB> oh, a nonstandard path
[12:36] <Dimtree> This is a freeBSD box
[12:36] <JEEB> uhh
[12:36] <Dimtree> I'm also compiling faac
[12:36] <JEEB> I'm looking at that pc file
[12:37] <Dimtree> Yeah, it's probably completely wrong
[12:37] <JEEB> 1) why in cflags you have the file name in -I (it's supposed to set a directory, like -L with libs)
[12:37] <JEEB> 2) usually it's -l<name of the file without "lib">
[12:38] <JEEB> also is that way of having \ there correct in the prefix etc. ?
[12:38] <JEEB> and then we get to building ffmpeg, PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR is once again a directory
[12:38] <Dimtree> The \$ is just escaping, it comes out intact
[12:39] <JEEB> and it's supposed to be prefix/lib/pkgconfig usually :P
[12:39] <JEEB> I'm surprised why you don't have a pc file come with faac though, if ffmpeg expects one
[12:39] <JEEB> sounds like an old version or whatever
[12:39] <Dimtree> In PKG_CONFIG_DIR, I should have libfaac.so and libfaac.pc ?
[12:39] <JEEB> no
[12:40] <JEEB> as I said, things usually install their pc files to prefix/lib/pkg(-)config
[12:40] <JEEB> but as long as the pc file can be found there with the correct values that should work
[12:41] <JEEB> also I must say that the prefix being set to tmp thing doesn't really reek of "I want to do this correctly"
[12:41] <JEEB> even though the needed files might be installed to correct places
[12:42] <JEEB> also I must say that at least with lunix machines trying to build shit with static libraries is much easier than with shared ones if I'm using a custom prefix
[12:42] <Dimtree> Yeah, this is probably the worst way of doing this with --prefix-/tmp , but it's the only way I can get it to not puke files everywhere
[12:43] <JEEB> that is why you usually reserve a directory for the prefix in your homedir
[12:43] <JEEB> instead of using your homedir
[12:43] <JEEB> :P
[12:45] <Dimtree> so, leaving the clusterf**k aside, I need to properly format libfaac.pc, but how do I get pkg-config to see it?
[12:45] <JEEB> PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR being set to the directory, not the file :P
[12:46] <JEEB> pkg-config will then scan the dir for what the configure script requests
[12:46] <Dimtree> And it searches for *.pc in there?
[12:46] <JEEB> yes
[12:46] <Dimtree> Ah, ok. This is making sense now. Thanks
[12:46] <JEEB> which is why in general the pc files are installed to prefix/lib/pkgconfig
[12:46] <JEEB> instead of prefix/lib
[12:47] <Dimtree> pkgconfig being a directory, or a file with everything?
[12:47] <JEEB> dir
[12:47] <Dimtree> Ah, ok
[12:47] <Dimtree> In my defence, I was hungover when I wrote this
[12:48] <JEEB> also there are two pkg-config variables usually used. one of them adds a dir to the list of default ones for this pass, and the other overrides the whole list
[12:48] <JEEB> PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR is the one that overrides the whole thing
[12:48] <Dimtree> I only have the one, so it should be fine?
[12:49] <JEEB> yeah, you're probably fine. I'm just saying that so you know what you've set there
[12:49] <Dimtree> gotcha
[12:49] <JEEB> also I'm really surprised if your faac thing didn't create a pc file
[12:51] <Dimtree> Nothing in ./lib or ./include
[12:51] <JEEB> try setting just prefix and making it a directory within home instead of having all the stuff right inside home
[12:51] <Dimtree> will do
[12:53] <JEEB> yeah, checked the debian patches and none of them adds pkg-config stuff as far as I can see...
[12:53] <JEEB> so I would be really surprised if faac didn't create one :)
[12:55] <JEEB> also I guess I'm helping you with using some closed source proprietary crap that you're getting paid for :P
[12:55] <Dimtree> I'm trying to get a networked cable tuner to stream to a TV for a church
[12:57] <Dimtree> And I donated to the FFmpeg project, don't worry :P
[12:58] <JEEB> uh-huh. I don't care about that at all tbqh :P
[12:58] <JEEB> also I don't think it's impossible to switch the encoder from that proprietary blob. you can use a tool to modify the strings in the binary
[12:58] <JEEB> but it's probably simpler to patch the libfdk-aac encoder to be called faac
[13:00] <Dimtree> Here's a find . of the prefix dir: http://pastebin.com/jxynBQ7c
[13:00] <Dimtree> No .pc file in sight
[13:00] <JEEB> intesting
[13:03] <JEEB> then just use --extra-cflags="-I/your/prefix/include" and --extra-ldflags="-L/your/prefix/lib -lfaac" or so
[13:59] <Dimtree> Ok, now I'm having an issue with the makefile, 'PATH="$HOME/ffmpeg_build/bin:$PATH" make' throws http://pastebin.com/0SuYawPx
[14:01] <JEEB> use gmake
[14:03] <Dimtree> Derp, thanks
[14:04] <Dimtree> Would that also be 'gmake install', and etc.?
[14:04] <JEEB> yes
[14:09] <Dimtree> So, I compiled with fdk-aac and ran 'sed -i.bak s/faac/fdk-aac/g' on the binary, and surprisingly it seems to work
[14:09] <JEEB> lol
[14:09] <JEEB> I'm not sure how the string structures in binaries work
[14:10] <JEEB> depending on where they are it might have fucked up some lengths and offsets
[14:10] <Dimtree> Also, I now hate BSD
[14:11] <Dimtree> It segfaulted I think
[14:11] <JEEB> I would recheck the structure of BSD binaries and make sure that when you modify the binary it doesn't fuck anything up
[14:11] <JEEB> because just using sed prolly fucks it up
[14:12] <Dimtree> apparantly sed has a --binary flag
[14:13] <Dimtree> But yeah, it shits all over the binary structure
[14:14] <JEEB> personally I would just patch the fdk-aac wrapper to be called faac
[14:14] <JEEB> that is simpler
[14:17] <Dimtree> I'll investigate that, seems straightforward enough
[14:21] <JEEB> Dimtree, also I recommend making sure that you're not on the default gcc 4.2 on that bsd
[14:22] <Dimtree> Err, how bout 4.2.1?
[14:23] <JEEB> I recommend you install either 4.8.x or 4.9.x
[14:23] <JEEB> latest version of either branch
[14:29] <JEEB> bsd things generally tend to have an ancient gcc installed because they keep away from GPLv3. thankfully they usually package a newer one as well
[15:19] <relaxed> Dimtree: using clang instead of gcc will save you some time
[15:20] <relaxed> pass --cc=/path/to/clang to ffmpeg's configure
[15:21] <foonix> btw, is there any noticeable speed difference between ffmpeg (+libx264) on bsd/linux?
[15:23] <relaxed> never tested but I wouldn't think so
[15:23] <foonix> best way is to test it myself, but just wondering..
[15:23] <JEEB> no
[15:23] <foonix> ok, good to know
[15:57] <elii> Might ass well ask again: If I want x264 r2525 (got the binary from videolan.org) to work with ffmpeg
[15:57] <elii> Where should I put the x264 binary?
[15:57] <elii> when compiling ffmpeg
[16:04] <c_14> IIRC ffmpeg wants the libraries, not the binary.
[16:06] <elii> I followed this guide: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu
[16:07] <elii> Yea I am a bit lost
[16:07] <elii> I want ffmpeg to use this x264: http://download.videolan.org/x264/binaries/linux-x86_64/x264-10b-r2525-40bb568
[16:09] <elii> Anyone know how I should do to accomplish that?
[16:09] <c_14> That's just the binary. You need the libraries
[16:09] <elii> aha, where do I get those?
[16:10] <elii> by compiling my self?
[16:10] <c_14> ye
[16:10] <elii> c_14: Or can I download them some how?
[16:10] <c_14> Not that I know of
[16:10] <__jack__> elii: just clone the git, compile the lib, compile ffmpeg
[16:11] <elii> I am a bit new to all this compiling it my self
[16:13] <elii> Do I have to remove the currently wrong libraries? or will they get overrided by me compiling the new x264?
[16:15] <c_14> You compile the libraries, install them somewhere and then add that path to your CFLAGS and LDFLAGS and then ffmpeg will compile against those
[16:15] <elii> __jack__: Got new new x264 compiled. Do i need to do something in order for ffmpeg to know which libraries to include when compiling it?
[16:15] <elii> c_14: ok
[16:17] <elii> c_14: Uhm, how do I know where x264s libraries got installed?
[16:17] <elii> i just did: make; make install
[16:17] <c_14> Did you set a prefix ?
[16:17] <elii> nno
[16:18] <c_14> Then it's in /usr/local/{lib,include}
[16:18] <elii> I feel a bit lost, sorry about these basic questions
[16:18] <elii> okey, yea
[16:18] <elii> and now how do i configure ffmpeg?
[16:19] <elii> --extra-cflags="-I/usr/local/include" ?
[16:19] <elii> and the other one to ../lib?
[16:19] <c_14> Like it says on the CompilationGuide/Ubuntu page except that you need to add /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig to PKG_CONFIG_PATH and with the include dir added to the cflags and the libdir to ldflags
[16:19] <__jack__> elii: make sure you compiled x264 with the --enable-shared flag
[16:20] <elii> __jack__: I did
[16:20] <__jack__> ok, now if you have installed libx264 from your distribution, they might conflict; else, just compile ffmpeg (./configure --enable-libx264 && make)
[16:21] <elii> __jack__: But what about the flags c_14 is talking about?
[16:21] <elii> I did not have a previous x264
[16:22] <__jack__> not required, I guess, ffmpeg's configure will find the lib if they are in common places (they are by default)
[16:22] <elii> okey
[16:22] <__jack__> if the configure say something like "cannot find libx264 headers", have a look at them
[16:23] <elii> looks alright
[16:24] <elii> so every time I compile it goes to /usr/local/ ?
[16:25] <elii> or, make just creates the files and make installs move them to /usr/local/
[16:29] <__jack__> make install moves files in places, commonly in /usr/local (but not always)
[16:34] <elii> ok thanks
[16:34] <elii> Think I got it sorted now
[16:34] <elii> hopfully
[17:37] <netw1z> how can i get a good high contrast look using ffmpeg on videos?
[18:13] <opus> question
[18:25] <martindelille> Hi,
[18:25] <martindelille> where is the file_size member mentioned here: http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/structAVFormatContext.html#a4f7a7b9b1313907c88e62b03f3e569e6
[18:26] <martindelille> I'm having a problem with an AVStream with negative value
[18:35] <opus> so i was gonna ask: when i use ffmpeg in command mode, is it possible to make to convert something 1:1 to another format (say, m2v/m1v to mpg/mp4), loosing little to no quality whatsoever?
[18:36] <opus> like, can i just type "ffmpeg -i input.m2v output.mp4" or something or does it not work like that
[18:36] <JEEB> default mode is whatever encoder ffmpeg happens to pick by default, stream copy is not done by default
[18:36] <JEEB> you need to set -c copy for stream copy
[18:37] <opus> do i put the -c after the -i or does it not matter where it's positioned
[18:39] <JEEB> after -i yes
[18:43] <opus> okay, weird
[18:44] <opus> i tried doing the command
[18:44] <opus> ffmpeg -i [input file] -c [output file]
[18:44] <JEEB> uhh
[18:44] <JEEB> -c copy
[18:44] <opus> and ffmpeg said "at least one output file should be specified"
[18:45] <opus> i tried "ffmpeg -i -c [input file] [output file]" but it said that "-c: no such file or directory"
[18:45] <JEEB> yes
[18:45] <JEEB> not -c
[18:45] <JEEB> but -c copy
[18:45] <opus> OH
[18:45] <JEEB> it sets the "codec" option to "copy"
[18:45] <opus> i thought you meant that "c- = copy"
[18:45] <opus> sorry
[18:54] <opus> ok i got what i needed, thanks
[23:08] <fmiz> Hi all. I'm trying to use ffmpeg to live stream to youtube. This is the command I use: http://pastebin.com/U6WbTTgW . After about 1 hour ffmpeg still runs fine, youtube says "stream status good", but actually the video isn't playing online, it's stuck
[23:10] <fmiz> Before locking completely, there are huge artifacts in the video frames, for example half the frame sometimes is grey
[23:13] <sfan5> your audio bitrate seems to be low, but that is probably not a problem
[23:13] <fmiz> I don't know where to look for errors anymore. The last time I had this issue I was running ffmpeg for fedora 21 from rpmfusion, the rpm version is ffmpeg-2.4.6-1.fc21
[23:14] <fmiz> Yes, I keep it really low because I don't need it, but I found that youtube does not accept the stream if it doesn't have also an audio stream
[23:15] <fmiz> Also bandwidth shouldn't be an issue, upload should be at least something around 20 mb/s
[23:25] <fmiz> ah, the source of video is a logitech c310 webcam
[23:47] <netwiz> is there a easy way
[23:47] <netwiz> to increase contrast on a black and white video?
[00:00] --- Mon Jan 19 2015

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