[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20150121
burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 22 02:05:01 CET 2015
[00:31] <minde> hello, I can't compile one tool, fails at avresample_convert_frame was not declared in this scope. Where is my mistake ?
[00:31] <minde> avresample_convert_frame is droped ?
[00:33] <iive> minde: --enable-avresample
[00:34] <minde> iive: well, I'am compiling some random stuff, not ffmpeg
[00:34] <minde> ffmpeg from ubuntu repo
[00:34] <minde> iive: more ideas?
[00:35] <iive> ffmpeg have its own libswresample , avresample is libav re-invention that does the same.
[00:35] <minde> hum
[00:35] <minde> so now, I must recompile ffmpeg or what ?
[00:35] <minde> can I get ffmpeg on my ubuntu box ?
[00:35] <iive> well, this is ffmpeg channel... I can't read minds.. at least not over internet... and hacking your computer is not polite :P
[00:36] <iive> to be honest, I don't know.
[00:36] <minde> okey, thanks anyway iive
[00:36] <iive> ffmpeg is already in debian, I'm not aware about its status in other derivative distributions.
[00:36] <iive> check if you have libavresample as library
[00:37] <minde> libavresample-dev yes, I have
[00:37] <iive> if you have it, then it might be version mismatch
[00:38] <iive> i remember that avresample had 1 or 2 api changes... so the 'tool' might need specific version.
[00:39] <netcrash> hello, I need to convert a ac3 audio from a video to aac, any sugestions? tried ffmpeg -acodec aac -i xx.avi xx.aac.avi -strict -2 this did not work
[00:40] <iive> minde: hum... that function looks like a major piece of the api. not likely to have been deprecated.
[00:40] <JEEB> replace -2 with experimental, much more readable. and put the codec setting /after/ -i
[00:40] <JEEB> as in, after the input :P
[00:41] <minde> iive: och, okey
[00:41] <iive> yeh, parameter position matters :)
[00:41] <iive> minde: is the tool C++?
[00:41] <minde> iive: yes
[00:42] <minde> iive: one second
[00:42] <minde> iive: https://github.com/EvanPurkhiser/keyfinder-cli/blob/master/keyfinder_cli.cpp
[00:43] <iive> there was something you had to do, when you include C headers in C++, in order to define the functions as using C standard calls. I mean
[00:44] <iive> in C++ you can have a number of functions with same name but different parameters,
[00:45] <iive> the parameters are internally added to the function name. in C you have only one function with a given name. so if you try to call them... it gets a little messy.
[00:46] <fmiz> Hi all guys. Can you explain me what's the difference between -force_key_frames expr:gte(t,n_forced*2) and -g 60 when encoding with libx264 at 30fps?
[00:46] <iive> cdecl, stdcall stuff like that.
[00:46] <minde> iive: well, I'am not a programmer, just "another GNU/Linux user", I have job build this tool, and failing :/
[00:46] <minde> I have no idea how all this stuff works at all
[00:49] <iive> minde: are you using ffmpeg from ubuntu?
[00:49] <iive> and how do you know it is ffmpeg?
[00:50] <minde> iive: I think its 'libav'
[00:50] <iive> ok. that's to be expected. So at least there is no mismatch between libav and ffmpeg libraries installed on same system.
[00:52] <minde> iive: okey, I found "ppa", I will try to compile now
[00:52] <iive> don't
[00:52] <iive> the problem is not likely to be in ffmpeg/libav ...
[00:53] <iive> don't mess with your system, it is going to get worse.
[00:53] <iive> ppa?
[00:53] <minde> yah (extra repo ubuntu)
[00:53] <iive> if your tool is in there then, go for it.
[00:54] <iive> if you want libav/ffmpeg... don't think it is good idea.
[00:56] <minde> iive: yah, I give up. Ubuntu sucks.
[00:56] <minde> next time I will install Gentoo Linux
[00:56] <iive> :)
[00:57] <iive> at least you have more choice with gentoo.
[00:57] <minde> http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/cautionary.png
[00:57] <minde> iive: true, thank you!
[00:57] <iive> well
[00:58] <iive> sorry I couldn't help you
[00:58] <iive> i badly need to get some sleep...
[00:58] <iive> and the cli needs keyfinder program too
[00:58] <iive> you could also try #libav channel
[01:01] <iive> n8 ppl.
[02:20] <[SLiM]D12> trying to use ffmpeg for an m3u8 file but the resulting video is encrypted it seems -- could it be because of this key format?
[02:20] <[SLiM]D12> #EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=SAMPLE-AES,URI="skd://426895/1",KEYFORMAT="com.apple.streamingkeydelivery",KEYFORMATVERSIONS="1"
[02:20] <[SLiM]D12> any ideas ?
[02:21] <[SLiM]D12> normally i've see the URI as an https url, never seen this skd:// call before, so i'm thinking that's the issue
[02:28] <ParkerR> Woo
[02:28] <ParkerR> New machine finally came in
[02:28] <ParkerR> CPU~Triple core AMD Phenom II X3 720 (-MCP-) speed/max~800/2800 MHz Kernel~3.18.2-2-ARCH x86_64 Up~1:58 Mem~668.0/7989.2MB HDD~200.0GB(11.5% used) Procs~98 Client~WeeChat 1.1 inxi~2.2.17
[02:46] <[SLiM]D12> #EXT-X-VERSION:5
[02:46] <[SLiM]D12> does ffmpeg support this EXT-X version ?
[04:39] <yarilo> Hi
[04:39] <yarilo> I'm trying to merge two videos placing the second one as an overlay of the first
[04:40] <yarilo> I'm doing this using filter_complex
[04:41] <yarilo> this are the paramteres that I'm sending
[04:41] <yarilo> [1:0] setsar=sar=1,format=rgba [1sared]; [0:0]format=rgba [0rgbd]; [0rgbd][1sared]blend=all_mode='overlay':all_opacity=0.3,format=yuva422p10le
[04:42] <yarilo> I played around with the opacity but the output video is simply too dark
[04:42] <yarilo> if the opacity is close to 1 then the first video is not shown at all
[04:42] <yarilo> if it's getting close to 0 then the second one(the overlay) is not shown at all
[09:14] <Elirips> Hello. What is the meaning of the of 'tbr' in an output-line reported from ffplay like this: Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline), yuvj420p(pc), 260x208 [SA16:15 DAR 4:3], 5 fps, 5 tbr, 1k tbn, 10 tbc ?
[09:17] <Elirips> Okay, I found a stackoverflow entry that tbr is time-related (to read: 1/tbr is the length in seconds for a frame to be displayed).
[09:18] <Elirips> But in that case, I line like this would be nonsense, not: ' Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline), yuv420p, 260x208, 5 fps, 1tbr, 1k tbn, 10 tbc' -> A framerate of 5, but one frame shall be displayed for 1 second ?
[09:38] <Elirips> Can I somehow influence the tbr while encoding?
[10:07] <Elirips> If I use a line like this: 'ffmpeg.exe -framerate 1 -i - -an -c:v libx264 -r 5 -s 260x208 -preset fast -profile baseline -pix_fmt yuvj420p -x264opts keyint=5 -f flv rtmp://ip/s/myCam' And then pipe in a frame roughly every second, I get a stream that has a very long time to startup
[10:07] <Elirips> ffprobe reports a framerate of 5, but tbr of 1, which is probably confusing.
[10:08] <Elirips> If I change -r to 1 and keyint=1, I get a stream that starts very fast, and reports 1 fpts and a tbr of 1.
[10:08] <Elirips> But I would like to get an output stream with 5fps, ffmpeg shall just duplicate the frames. But then it gets confused with the tbr. Any hints to fix this?
[11:42] <SyntheCypher> What's the difference between the fdk-acc and facc audio codecs?
[11:42] <relaxed> fdk-acc is better with more features
[11:44] Action: GovCon waves
[11:45] <termos> valgrind is reporting some memory leaking from avformat_new_stream coming from avcodec_alloc_context3, what would the correct way of freeing this memory be?
[11:49] <SyntheCypher> GovCon, waves...?
[11:49] <GovCon> yeh, the kinda with the arm moving, not water
[12:00] Action: insider is away: auto-away
[12:00] Action: insider is back (gone 00:00:08)
[12:06] <SyntheCypher> GovCon, do you know what option I can use to stop ffmpeg from outputting logs e.g. 'ffmpeg2pass-0'
[12:19] <Expenses> How would I go about getting ffmpeg to convert a video in the 16-235 color range to the 0-255 color range?
[12:21] <BtbN> Is your video realy encoded with rgb?
[12:21] <Expenses> no, its YUV
[12:23] <Expenses> but YUV videos are capable of using the full color range right?
[12:33] <DelphiWorld> hey
[12:33] <DelphiWorld> hi c_14, a URL is crashing FFMPEG+X264. wanna try it out?
[12:35] <GovCon> SyntheCypher: nope, i'm here to find out if ffmpeg supports #EXT-X-VERSION's 4, 5 or 6
[12:36] <DelphiWorld> GovCon: is that hls?
[12:36] <GovCon> yep
[12:36] <DelphiWorld> GovCon: ...
[12:52] Action: insider is away: auto-away
[12:53] Action: insider is back (gone 00:00:09)
[13:37] <primehaxor> Hi, its possible to convert a single mp4 to many .ts fragments with 10 seconds?
[13:37] <saste> primehaxor, segment muxer
[13:38] <primehaxor> saste i'll read about it, ty
[13:38] <DelphiWorld> saste, i have a http ts url that ffmpeg is crashing while using it. wanna see it?
[13:41] <BtbN> primehaxor, if you want to do hls streaming, ffmpeg can output a hls stream directly.
[13:44] <primehaxor> BtbN hls is just for apple right? i need to create a .ts to run in android and iphone
[13:45] <DelphiWorld> primehaxor: hls work in android
[13:45] <DelphiWorld> primehaxor: or use dash, but you need a dash player
[13:49] <primehaxor> Just one more noob question, my currently video schema i use a index.m3u8 with 3 possibles rates, this file i create manually or the ffmpeg create it for me too?
[13:50] <DelphiWorld> manualy, primehaxor
[13:53] <primehaxor> ty
[13:53] <DelphiWorld> primehaxor: welcome
[14:02] <fmiz> Hello. Can someone explain to me what's the difference when encoding with libx264 at 30 fps between using "-force_key_frames expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" and "-g 60"?
[14:03] <BtbN> That modifies the keyframe interval, not the fps.
[14:03] <Mavrik> yeah
[14:03] <Mavrik> and forcing keyframes is usually a bad idea quality wise
[14:05] <fmiz> no I'm asking the difference between -force_key_frames... and -g 60, it looks like forcing keyframes is needed to stream to youtube
[14:06] <BtbN> Mavrik, it's essential for streaming though
[14:06] <BtbN> most streaming services want a 2 second keyframe interval.
[14:07] <BtbN> fmiz, -g 60 should be enough for youtube
[14:07] <BtbN> with 30 fps, that's 2 seconds
[14:08] <fmiz> I tried multiple times, but it didn't work... after about one hour of streaming, everything looked ok in ffmpeg and youtube control panel, but the video was stuck
[14:09] <fmiz> I found that people for twitch use both -force_key_frames and -g, I tried and right now it's still working
[14:09] <fmiz> But from the documentation I couldn't find any difference between the two
[14:10] <fmiz> You just said that yourself, -g 60 with 30 fps should be keyframes every 2 seconds
[15:05] <halfie> hey guys, I have some raw ACELP.net audio data. which is the easiest container into which I can stuff this audio data? .ASF?
[15:08] <halfie> can I stuff ACELP.net data into an Ogg container?
[17:19] <baran> AVERROR(EAGAIN), what does it stand for?
[17:19] <baran> somehow failed to google it
[17:22] <Mavrik> it's a standard unix error meaning "call this again, because no data is available at this time".
[17:22] <Mavrik> used in async sockets and such
[17:55] <halfie> hi, can I stuff ACELP.net audio data into an Ogg container?
[17:57] <t4nk244> Hey folks, I'm having some trouble getting ffmpeg to exit when I close the application I'm streaming the window of ( gdigrab -i title). I've tried -err_detect explode but that doesn't seem to work. Additionally, I notice ffmpeg outputs info through the stderr channel instead of stdout, is that expected?
[18:00] <BtbN> You wouldn't be able to pipe video output to stdout otherwise.
[18:02] <BtbN> And i don't think there is code to react on the captured window beeing closed.
[18:16] <t4nk244> @Btbn thanks the reply. So you don't believe there is a way to detect when an input stream finishes if you are streaming the desktop?
[18:17] <BtbN> I'm not sure if the input stream ends
[18:17] <BtbN> The window beeing gone doesn't mean that it can't read anymore data
[18:24] <t4nk244> @BtbN you are correct, I suppose what I am really trying to detect is the error message thrown by ffmpeg when it attempts to capture from a window that is no longer there
[18:38] <kepstin-laptop> hmm, so it prints an error message but continues capturing anyways?
[18:38] <kepstin-laptop> I admit, I didn't really test that case :)
[18:38] <kepstin-laptop> probably should be considered a bug.
[18:45] <t4nk244> I managed to work around it by using -v error. It cleans up the stderr stream so I can exit the process
[19:23] <techtopia> hey guys, what determines the setting reframes?
[19:23] <techtopia> when encoding to 720p reframes is 5, when using identical settings except for the resolution being 1080p the reframes drop to 4
[19:23] <techtopia> Format settings, ReFrames : 4 frames
[19:29] <techtopia> fixed it
[20:00] <techtopia> is there any performance diffrence running ffmpeg on linux instead of windows?
[20:03] <__jack__> troll question ? you know the answer very well :p
[20:05] <techtopia> i don't but im guessing by that answer there is a big diffrence?
[20:07] <__jack__> about functionnality, I guess they are almost the same (or less in windows); for the rest, search linux vs windows on google
[20:09] <techtopia> yeah i know linux is more efficent generally
[20:09] <kepstin-laptop> one thing to note is that a lot of the time, windows binaries are 32bit and linux are 64bit, which makes a difference because in 64bit mode the processor has more registers available.
[20:09] <techtopia> just wondering about ffmpeg in particular
[20:09] <techtopia> hmm
[20:09] <techtopia> gonna have to try it
[20:11] <__jack__> techtopia: the "core" functions (codec, mux/demux, filter) should be the same; you may find differences in specific function (I don't think X grab is available on windows, for instance)
[20:44] <kepstin-laptop> t4nk244: what error message is it printing out?
[20:46] <kepstin-laptop> I'm guessing it's probably hitting the "Failed to capture image" error in the BitBlt.
[21:02] <jbwiv> all, I have some old videos in AVI format which just about every smart tv/streaming box I try have problems with. the full details from mediainfo are here: http://pastebin.com/ZL9JpHtn. What's the best format for me to convert these to, in terms of maintaining quality and for playing/archiving? They're old family videos, and they're very important to me. thx
[21:14] <c_14> H.264 with AAC audio in an MP4 container will give you the best compatibility. H.264 will also give you the best compression/quality ratio at decent speeds. AAC is a decent codec if you don't mind it being lossy. MP4 is a pos, but is supported everywhere and doesn't directly affect quality (though it does limit codec choice).
[21:16] <c_14> You'll get the best quality from not converting it or using lossless codecs, but you'll suffer loss of compatibility for many devices (and large filesize, at least for the video).
[21:21] <jbwiv> c_14:thx. what would your recommended lossless codec be? i really want to maintain quality, but be able to actually watch on modern devices :)
[21:24] <c_14> You can usually use x264 and crf 18 to create video that is 'visually' lossless. For true lossless video, you can use H.264 in lossless mode, or huffyuv/ffvhuff. For lossless audio I would go for FLAC
[21:24] <c_14> Note that true lossless codecs will (usually) make the video bigger, often much bigger.
[21:26] <jbwiv> c_14: cool...thanks very much. Perhaps I'll keep the originals around and just convert for consumption
[21:27] <c_14> Always an option.
[21:27] <c_14> Especially if/when better codecs come around.
[21:28] <jbwiv> c_14: is there a ffmpeg equivalent to mediainfo? i'm having problems with mediainfo on some files
[21:28] <jbwiv> and trying to recursively search for all DVCPRO vids
[21:29] <c_14> ffprobe
[21:30] <c_14> or just ffmpeg -i (though ffprobe shows/can show more info)
[21:31] <jbwiv> yeah, for some reason ffmpeg -i doesn't show DVC or DVCPRO in output. nor does ffprobe
[21:33] <jbwiv> c_14: http://pastebin.com/tmukjjMx
[21:33] <jbwiv> I suppose dvvideo is dvc?
[21:33] <c_14> yep
[21:33] <jbwiv> or indicates dvc
[21:33] <jbwiv> ok, that works. thanks
[21:34] <jbwiv> I really appreciate your help
[21:35] <c_14> np
[23:40] <mmance> can someone show an example of unnamed pipe from gstreamer to ffmpeg?
[23:43] <mmance> is ffenc_dnxhd a part of gstreamer of of the ffmpeg plugin?
[00:00] --- Thu Jan 22 2015
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