[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20150307
burek021 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 02:05:01 CET 2015
[00:07:18 CET] <TSM> if the DAR is 4:3 should the output always look as 4:3 ratio or can it ever look 16:9, i am in a situation where the DAR on a file is 4:3 but I know it is 16:9, its still doing my head in even though I have read about SAR
[00:07:57 CET] <Mavrik> huh
[00:08:09 CET] <Mavrik> "you know its 16:9"?
[00:08:11 CET] <Mavrik> what does that mean.
[00:08:40 CET] <TSM> when I play it in VLC and change aspect to 16:9 it looks correct, but in 4:3 it is all compressed
[00:08:51 CET] <TSM> ffprobe shows dar to be 4:3
[00:09:54 CET] <Mavrik> is it a H.264 video?
[00:10:00 CET] <Mavrik> what's the actual video ratio? 16:9?
[00:10:57 CET] <TSM> Stream #0:1(eng): Video: dvvideo (dvc / 0x20637664), yuv411p, 720x480 [SAR 8:9 DAR 4:3], 23016 kb/s, SAR 10:11 DAR 15:11, 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 24k tbn, 29.97 tbc (default)
[00:11:40 CET] <Mavrik> TSM, I'm asking you about the actual picture
[00:11:43 CET] <Mavrik> look with your eyes
[00:11:48 CET] <Mavrik> does it LOOK like it's 16:9?
[00:12:44 CET] <TSM> yes
[00:13:03 CET] <TSM> well
[00:13:19 CET] <Max-P> What picture?
[00:13:20 CET] <TSM> i mean it looks correct in 16:9 but VLC defaults to play it as 4:3
[00:13:43 CET] <Mavrik> yeah, you'll probably have to fix that when reencoding
[00:14:24 CET] <TSM> was it fairly normal for dv files to mess up the DAR setting or would this have been due to people editing the file later and exporting it with the wrong settings?
[00:14:41 CET] <Mavrik> *shrug*
[00:14:51 CET] <Mavrik> maybe it was set wrong when it was grabbed from the camera
[00:14:56 CET] <Mavrik> or the camera mesesd it up
[00:15:05 CET] <Mavrik> or even (I don't remember offhand) the DV format is 4:3 only
[00:16:41 CET] <TSM> hmm
[00:32:53 CET] <Bigpet> does FATE not work with github repositories?
[00:33:03 CET] <c_14> hmm?
[00:33:10 CET] <Bigpet> because of the https:// instead of git://
[00:40:01 CET] <c_14> afaict it should work with either
[00:41:06 CET] <Demon_Fox> Is setting qp to zero with the x264 codec the only way to ensure lossless encoding?
[00:47:48 CET] <c_14> Demon_Fox: afaik, yes
[00:51:16 CET] <Demon_Fox> Just out of curiosity, could a player skip part way through a vob file, but ffmpeg would not?
[00:51:42 CET] <Demon_Fox> c_14, Thanks
[00:52:05 CET] <Demon_Fox> I'm asking because the original file did not have the 2 seconds of black screen like the encoded file.
[00:52:31 CET] <Bigpet> with github repos it just fails with "tests/fate.sh: line 111: C:/DEV/FFmpeg/fate/src/version.sh: No such file or directory
[00:52:38 CET] <Bigpet> and there's no files in the target directory
[00:52:48 CET] <Bigpet> and I don't know how to get more verbose output
[00:57:10 CET] <Bigpet> ok, I just need to use "git://" instead of the "https://" given on the git homepage
[00:57:43 CET] <c_14> Demon_Fox: it's possible, depends on the decoder
[00:58:17 CET] <Demon_Fox> mpeg2video
[00:58:29 CET] <c_14> I mean the decoder implementation, not the actual codec
[00:59:02 CET] <Demon_Fox> oh
[01:05:22 CET] <Demon_Fox> c_14, Do you think it is some sort of hidden vob crap that tells the decoder to start in a certain position that is not getting recognized?
[01:08:08 CET] <c_14> No clue
[01:08:18 CET] <Demon_Fox> Well according to mkvmerge, quite a lot of "packets" get dropped at the start, so maybe ffmpeg tries to recover those.
[01:08:34 CET] <c_14> Possible, plausible even
[01:09:01 CET] <Demon_Fox> thanks
[02:06:08 CET] <Nosomy> hi
[02:06:57 CET] <Nosomy> how to compress jpg file to specific filesize
[02:06:58 CET] <Nosomy> ?
[02:12:16 CET] <Bigpet> alright, so the "stdin->_cnt > 0" hack no longer works in VS2015
[02:12:19 CET] <Bigpet> what do?
[02:13:09 CET] <c_14> Bigpet: you might want to ask in #ffmpeg-devel or on the ml. Most dev discussions take place there
[02:15:19 CET] <Bigpet> alright, will do, just such a shame, the libraries all work fine
[02:15:38 CET] <Bigpet> it's just that one line in the command-line tool that screws up
[05:35:03 CET] <Demon_Fox> Copying video is a pain in the ***.
[05:35:10 CET] <Demon_Fox> -vcodec copy that is
[05:35:21 CET] <Demon_Fox> Combined with cuts.
[11:04:05 CET] <galex-713> Hello, how can I compress the less possible a video so it becomes less than 1536 Mo?
[11:13:40 CET] <relaxed> galex-713: Look at "Two-Pass" https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264
[11:13:51 CET] <galex-713> thank you :)
[11:16:28 CET] <galex-713> Hum, wait, when Facebook says 1536 Mo, are they talking in 2-power or SI system?
[11:19:47 CET] <galex-713> Oh, and is the bitrate thing possible with other formats than H.264?
[11:19:56 CET] <relaxed> yes
[11:20:19 CET] <galex-713> ok
[11:36:38 CET] <DelphiWorld> yo
[11:36:47 CET] <DelphiWorld> how to eliminate any metadata using ffmpeg?
[11:37:29 CET] <relaxed> -map_metadata -1
[11:41:58 CET] <DelphiWorld> relaxed: didnt work, but let me try
[11:45:35 CET] <DelphiWorld> relaxed: good it worked
[11:49:43 CET] <DelphiWorld> relaxed: but i still see: encoder : Lavf56.25.101
[11:52:12 CET] <relaxed> michaelni: this is a common complaint ^^^. why isn't it removed too?
[11:55:27 CET] <michaelni> being able to identify the used encoder/muxer can be imporatnt to work around bugs in such encoder/muxer. You should be able to avoid the insertion of that data with -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact
[11:55:53 CET] <michaelni> or well the version number at least
[11:56:16 CET] <michaelni> its a rather bad idea though
[12:00:01 CET] <relaxed> michaelni: good to know, thanks
[12:00:16 CET] <relaxed> DelphiWorld: did that remove it?
[12:08:25 CET] <galex-713> Erm, are these static builds http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/static/ 100% free? Or are there some proprietary blobs?
[12:10:54 CET] <relaxed> they're free, but these builds are newer http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[12:12:23 CET] <galex-713> ok
[12:12:39 CET] <relaxed> and they're my builds
[12:25:01 CET] <DelphiWorld> lol
[12:25:08 CET] <DelphiWorld> michaelni: thank, listened to you :-P
[12:25:11 CET] Action: DelphiWorld wont remove it
[12:57:01 CET] <galex-713> relaxed: will it perturb a ffmpeg conversion (i.e. from a 2G 2min .mov video to a 1000Mo mp4 one) if I (i.e. a script of mine) kill -STOP it all 3 seconds (i.e. when my CPU reach too high temperature so my computer doesnt subitely shut down)?
[13:02:12 CET] <relaxed> hmm, look at "man cpufreq-set" and "man cpufreq-info"
[13:03:02 CET] <relaxed> maybe lowering the frequency will avoid shutdowns
[15:24:01 CET] <galex-713> relaxed: why in Two-Pass in https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264 the first command ends in /dev/null?
[15:28:13 CET] <galex-713> Oh ok, I just understood
[16:45:25 CET] <Fyr> how can I remux a bluray disk with ffmpeg?
[16:53:45 CET] <sagax> to interested
[16:55:01 CET] <BtbN> https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-protocols.html#bluray
[16:56:23 CET] <Fyr> do you have more comprehensive information on how to do this?
[17:11:47 CET] <smirky> hello
[17:12:01 CET] <smirky> I just updated to the latest ffmpeg and saw the release notes
[17:12:59 CET] <smirky> I possess an NVIDIA GPU using the blob drivers and I'm wondering if that can benefit from what I read in the news
[17:13:28 CET] <smirky> if so, how do I use it, any additional flags?
[17:13:37 CET] <dsl420> to show the longest playlist of a blu-ray works fine, i still wonder if it is possible to show all playlists, like extras etc.
[17:21:36 CET] <dsl420> nvm..
[17:43:48 CET] <sagax> howto change custom style for status.html?
[17:44:20 CET] <sagax> not finded in https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffserver-all.html
[17:48:28 CET] <elxa> reading https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/3009 seems like there's hope for a mvc decoder sooner or later :) Does anyone know the current status?
[18:10:08 CET] <debianuser> Hello. `time ./ffmpeg -y -f x11grab -r 50 -s 1280x1024 -i :0 -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 0 -t 30 out.flv` (from https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/StreamingGuide) takes ~40 seconds, reports ~40 fps instead of 50, and uses just 100% CPU (i.e. not 200%, 400%, etc). Is that expected? What's the catch?
[18:10:56 CET] <debianuser> (used http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/ build to be sure it's not an issue of my build)
[18:12:56 CET] <debianuser> (`time ./ffmpeg -y -f x11grab -r 50 -s 1280x1024 -i :0 -t 30 -f null -` works fine, takes 30.0 seconds, reports 50 fps, so it's not x11grab)
[18:15:24 CET] <BtbN> Maybe your CPU is too slow to handle the encoding?
[18:19:40 CET] <debianuser> Sure, but I mean it uses just one core. I have 4 of them :)
[18:24:49 CET] <iive> libx264 should autodetect number of cores and use them all ( i think it runs cores*1.5 threads)
[18:25:30 CET] <BtbN> Not sure if much of the code that is able to do that is left in ultrafast mode. What CPU are we even talking about?
[18:29:08 CET] <jcarter> Hi everyone, Ive been trying to do a hardsub of a some closed-captions on my mac. Ive had absolutely no luck with getting the ass or subtitles video filters to work to do this and I would really appreciate some help from others who have been successful in doing so
[18:29:40 CET] <jcarter> Anyone out there do closed-caption hardsubs before on a mac willing to help?
[18:31:43 CET] <debianuser> BtbN: Core2 Quad 2.83GHz
[18:32:17 CET] <BtbN> not the latest and greatest, but should be easily able to handle x264
[18:32:26 CET] <BtbN> did you try it without the threads option?
[18:33:08 CET] <debianuser> Yes, it's the same. Is that just my local issue? I mean, does the same command gives like 50fps for you on linux?
[18:33:35 CET] <BtbN> I have no linux with X11 available to test.
[18:33:39 CET] <debianuser> ah :)
[18:33:55 CET] <jfmcarreira> heyy guys
[18:34:18 CET] <jfmcarreira> is the support of H.264/MVC still part of the google summer of code project mentored by ffmpeg?
[18:34:56 CET] <debianuser> jcarter: did that on linux, command-line was like: ffmpeg -i infile.mkv <encoding options> -vf subtitles=subfile.srt outfile.mkv
[18:36:18 CET] <jcarter> debianuser: right, that is what I am trying with absolutely no luck& heres my original command line: ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vf subtitles=subtitles.srt -codec:v libx264 -crf 23 -preset medium -codec:a copy -t 60 output.mp4
[18:36:47 CET] <jcarter> debianuser: Im on OSX Yosemitie
[18:36:56 CET] <debianuser> jcarter: do you actually have any subtitles in first 60 seconds? ;)
[18:37:12 CET] <jcarter> debianuser: lol, yes
[18:38:46 CET] <jcarter> debianuser: I do receive an error, Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
[18:38:47 CET] <jcarter> [Parsed_subtitles_0 @ 0x7fa050f00ea0] No usable fontconfig configuration file found, using fallback.
[18:38:48 CET] <jcarter> Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file when I try to use the captions video filter & is this safe to ignore?
[18:40:43 CET] <debianuser> jcarter: well, you definitely need some fonts to render subtitles :) I mean you need fontconfig to find at least some font. But if can't find any that may explain why you don't see subtitles :)
[18:41:15 CET] <jcarter> debianuser: so just to confirm, you did not see that error message when you did your hardsubs?
[18:42:46 CET] <debianuser> I did see a lot of warnings about <family> tags, like "Fontconfig warning: /etc/fonts/conf.d/45-latin.conf, line 56: Having multiple <family> in <alias> isn't supported and may not work as expected", but no "Cannot load default config file" errors. I do have a lot of default configs in /etc/fonts however
[18:42:56 CET] <debianuser> (not sure where should they be in osx)
[18:44:43 CET] <jcarter> debianuser: so fontconfig appears to be installed on my machine; how can I check where it lives?
[18:45:16 CET] <debianuser> jcarter: check last comments of https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/2100 maybe that would help you...
[18:46:00 CET] <debianuser> jcarter: or this: http://poingg.com/burning-subtitles-to-movies-on-mac-osx-36545
[18:46:58 CET] <jcarter> debianuser: interesting& Ill check it out and let you know in a few minutes if that fixes it
[18:48:08 CET] <ejlasota> if I have a case where ffmpeg is getting bad artifacts on a video in one spot that seem completely out of line with the quality settings, should I bug report it?
[18:48:23 CET] <ejlasota> (when encoding)
[18:51:44 CET] <UnknownUser> Hey guys! May I ask for some help with my CLI-command? It is awfully slow although I just copy the video stream and do a audio downmix/conversion from 6-channel DTS to 2-channel AAC...
[18:52:32 CET] <UnknownUser> ffmpeg -i film.mkv -c:v copy -ac 2 -c:a libfdk_aac -vbr 5 film.mp4
[18:55:05 CET] <UnknownUser> It doesn't matter if I use two different harddrives for source/destination or my NAS, I always end up with avg. 80 fps conversion speed while my CPU idles with 10-20%
[18:55:07 CET] <debianuser> ejlasota: You probably can report it anyway, the question is where to report it to... Does it happen with official static git builds (ffmpeg.org/download.html)? (maybe it's the issue of your local build) Does it happen with all encoders or some particular one, like x264? (in that case it should be reported to that encoder) Can you see it in any player? (maybe it's a bug in player, not encoder)
[18:56:22 CET] <ejlasota> debianuser: it happens with the static builds, it happens with the mpeg1video encoder, and it happens in MPC-HC and VirtualDub which afaik use completely different decoder implementations
[18:57:12 CET] <BtbN> UnknownUser, sounds like it's limited by io though.
[18:59:46 CET] <jcarter> debianuser: interestingly enough, that error message no longer appears. However, now I get no response when I starts to try and process it;
[19:00:06 CET] <debianuser> UnknownUser: We can check if it's limited by cpu or io. If you're on linux run `mpstat -P ALL 1 5` while ffmpeg is running and copy it to some pastebin, we'll see if it uses some core to 100% (%usr, %nice, %sys) or it waits for input for 100% (%iowait)
[19:00:55 CET] <UnknownUser> BtbN: I'm atm on windows =)
[19:01:29 CET] <ejlasota> I'll see if I can get a screenshot of the problem... it really doesn't look like a decoder problem, it looks like the encoder is getting into situations where it's encoding a B-frame macroblock where 1 pred source is solid black, the other is solid white, the block being encoded is solid black, and it encodes it as bidirectional pred with no residual (so, gray)
[19:01:44 CET] Action: debianuser has no idea how to detect io-limit on windows
[19:03:40 CET] <UnknownUser> debianuser: well, CPU is 10%, gigabit network writes 15 MB/s to NAS, local SSD reads with the same speed, RAM is not in use - I'm a little confused...
[19:06:42 CET] <debianuser> UnknownUser: heh, you can try booting some linux livecd and testing there... :)
[19:07:43 CET] <debianuser> UnknownUser: do you have 8 cores by the way? because 12.5% cpu of 8 cores = ~100% of one core, which may be reasonable if encoder is single-threaded.
[19:08:52 CET] <Mavrik> which audio encoders are :)
[19:08:59 CET] <UnknownUser> debianuser: already downloaded kubuntu15.4beta today ;) I'll switch back to Linux soon as main system
[19:09:22 CET] <UnknownUser> debianuser: good old Lenovo T400 with dualcore
[19:10:25 CET] <UnknownUser> also tested on my dad's PC which is 12 months old Core i3 with Turbo (should be ideal for single thread things)
[19:13:16 CET] <ejlasota> here's what it's doing: http://i.imgur.com/P6osimT.png Encoded from one of the DivX samples at 15kbps, all of the gray blocks are artifacts.
[19:13:45 CET] <ejlasota> er, 15mbps, not kbps
[19:16:10 CET] <ejlasota> seems like -mbd 2 and +qp_rd makes it go away
[19:26:50 CET] <UnknownUser> now it magically works - using 25% of CPU on my dad's PC (Dualcore with Hyperthreading)...
[19:27:20 CET] <UnknownUser> anyway, thanks for the support
[19:28:58 CET] <jcarter> debianUser: figured it out; sure enough, adding that extra environmental variable is required for OSX and that error goes away and its able to now correctly burn the captions. Thanks for your help!
[20:19:06 CET] <Fyr> guys, will it be ever possible for libav developers to merge their project into ffmpeg?
[20:19:52 CET] <Fyr> what were the reasons for forking it?
[20:34:32 CET] <BtbN> libav is the fork, so you should ask there for the reason.
[20:34:47 CET] <BtbN> Most libav changes that still apply to ffmpeg are merged.
[20:34:58 CET] <Mavrik> hmm, there was a link
[20:35:04 CET] <Mavrik> yes!
[20:45:22 CET] <iive> Fyr: actually ffmpeg is merging libav on regular basis
[20:46:26 CET] <Fyr> but there are two tools instead one, it means double effort to gain one thing.
[20:46:59 CET] <iive> well, libav like to do things their way...
[20:47:40 CET] <iive> but since ffmpeg merges everything good from libav, then you should be using ffmpeg as it is the super set of both projects :)
[20:47:51 CET] <Fyr> =)
[20:51:27 CET] <Fyr> #libav has 73 users, #ffmpeg - 268.
[20:51:56 CET] <Fyr> there is no point to continue disscussion. =))
[20:55:00 CET] <spaam> iive: good thing that ffmpeg merge things from upstream ;)
[21:24:32 CET] <Fyr> why do static builds have --disable-w32threads? what does it change on Windows platform?
[23:02:00 CET] <debianuser> Can anyone get 50-60 fps fullscreen with ffmpeg+x11grab+x264? The command `time ./ffmpeg -y -f x11grab -r 60 -s 1280x1024 -i :0 -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p -t 30 out.flv` uses just one core and does <40fps for me.
[23:02:26 CET] <debianuser> It's not x11grab to blame, `./ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 60 -s 1280x1024 -i :0 -t 30 -f null -` gets 60fps easily. And it's probably not x264, it's known to work on multiple cores. So, is that a bug in ffmpeg somewhere?
[23:25:59 CET] <dsl420> i use fps 15 for x11grab.. because my computer cant handle more.. if i set 25 or sth it wont lead into 25 fps
[23:28:07 CET] <dsl420> if your computer can only encode with lets say 15 fps you cant expect to get a 25 fps video with x11grab, i guess this might be your issue, i could be wrong though
[23:43:22 CET] <smirky> Can someone help me with this recent NVENC support?
[00:00:00 CET] --- Sun Mar 8 2015
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