[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20150315
burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 02:05:01 CET 2015
[04:08:42 CET] <cfoch> hello
[04:09:00 CET] <cfoch> has somebody tried to playback 4k image sequences as a video? is it possible to play them back with a typical computer without render them?
[05:06:36 CET] <fling> How are they doing this like video? -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC42xofzLRA
[06:17:12 CET] <Guest96069> How can I concatenate four wmv files with different bit rates ?
[11:36:39 CET] <Amethist> heyall
[11:36:46 CET] <Amethist> i need help
[11:36:48 CET] <Amethist> again
[11:39:40 CET] <Amethist> i want to past the followsed code on command line "ffmpeg -i ?C:\fff\aa.mp4 -ss 00:00:14.435 -vframes 1 C:\fff\img%03d.jpg"
[11:39:55 CET] <Amethist> but if i past it shows"ffmpeg -i ??C:\fff\aa.mp4 -ss 00:00:14.435 -vframes 1 C:\fff\img%03d.jpg
[12:03:22 CET] <Amethist> fixed
[13:02:35 CET] <Amethist> is anybody here?
[13:04:26 CET] <ramiro> no
[13:04:46 CET] <Amethist> i want execute my ffmpeg on windows
[13:04:48 CET] <Amethist> in php
[13:04:53 CET] <Amethist> but it dont work
[13:05:02 CET] <Amethist> if exec dont work is it normal^?
[13:08:39 CET] <ramiro> why the '?'
[13:14:48 CET] <Amethist> question
[13:14:50 CET] <Amethist> is a question
[13:15:03 CET] <Amethist> my php say safemode is off
[13:15:16 CET] <Amethist> but exec still dont show ffmepg
[13:15:20 CET] <Amethist> in php
[13:25:15 CET] <ramiro> why the ? before C:\{...}
[13:27:39 CET] <Amethist> ah its cuz i copied from property of the file
[13:28:57 CET] <greenit> hi, i try to make a slideshow with video-editors which use ffmpeg (in particular with openshot and kdenlive)... however, no matter which one i use, the pictures are always blurry, pixelated and weirdly "pulsing" to the background-music... am I doing something wrong? With windos movie maker they look normal and don't "pulse" on every beat....
[13:29:45 CET] <greenit> windows movie maker*
[13:35:28 CET] <cousin_luigi> Greetings.
[13:38:54 CET] <drag0nius> how could i convert audio track from 5.1 to stereo without reencoding whole video?
[13:39:02 CET] <cousin_luigi> http://pastie.org/private/f1qhsykeafupxieayszw <- what could be causing this problem? I'm using ffmpeg 2.6 linked against x265 1.5.
[15:56:16 CET] <ihsw> trying to convert an mp4 to an mp3, ffmpeg is failing with "Output file #0 does not contain any stream" ... what's the deal?
[18:47:49 CET] <Yamik> Hello
[18:50:34 CET] <Yamik> I concatonated 4 wmv files but the output.wmv won't play in MPC HC it does in VLC.what could i have done wrong?
[18:52:50 CET] <BtbN> Check the mpc log, if it has one.
[18:53:49 CET] <BtbN> How did you concat them, and why wmv, if you have to re-encode it anway?
[18:55:37 CET] <Yamik> i was hoping to not need to
[18:56:35 CET] <Yamik> my intention was to combine the wmvs into 1 file without reencoding them
[18:58:30 CET] <Yamik> i used this command "ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy k:\output.wmv"
[19:01:53 CET] <c_14> Do all the individual source files play in mpc? Do all the source files have the same settings (codecs, etc)?
[19:02:05 CET] <Yamik> yes
[19:02:40 CET] <Yamik> The are all the same codec wmv9 in wmv container same resolution
[19:03:09 CET] <c_14> framerate? timebase?
[19:04:29 CET] <Yamik> 30fps but whats a time base?
[19:05:05 CET] <c_14> just look at the fps, tbr, tbn and tbc
[19:06:36 CET] <Yamik> could you provide the ffmpeg command to retrieve this information?
[19:08:10 CET] <c_14> ffprobe filename
[19:10:17 CET] <Yamik> invalid arguement
[19:10:59 CET] <Yamik> im pretty sure they are exactly the same
[19:11:41 CET] <Yamik> but i have to afk maybe see you in a bit otherwise thank you for helping :)
[19:46:27 CET] <Yamik> i'm back
[19:52:50 CET] <Yamik> They are all fps 30, tbr 30, tbn 1K, tbc 1K
[19:53:06 CET] <c_14> what about audio?
[19:54:04 CET] <Yamik> same aklso
[19:54:14 CET] <Yamik> also*
[19:54:48 CET] <c_14> then no clue, since vlc can play it I'd probably start pointing the finger at mpc and see if it generates some form of log
[19:55:01 CET] <c_14> Since there shouldn't really be a reason it's failing.
[19:55:13 CET] <c_14> What you could do is remove the -codec copy and test if that output works
[19:55:17 CET] <Yamik> it has no logs that i can find
[19:56:10 CET] <Yamik> but i wonder concat does not reencode right?
[19:57:13 CET] <c_14> It reencodes if you remove -codec copy
[20:01:46 CET] <Yamik> nothing else i can try
[20:02:00 CET] <Yamik> i don't really want to lose quality
[20:25:37 CET] <Randomcouch> Hello, is anyone here right now?
[20:26:39 CET] <Randomcouch> I'm having an issue using the rtsp_transport protocol, I'm wondering if anyone could help me out
[20:28:09 CET] <Randomcouch> I'm using rtsp input from youtube video rtsp links, and streaming that to an rtmp server. It works, but there are some issues: 1. At the beginning of each video, there's a big frame drop, and then everything continues, video resyncs, and plays normally after
[20:28:25 CET] <Randomcouch> and 2. Some videos would crash ffmpeg
[20:28:39 CET] <Randomcouch> and also drop a lot of frames during conversion/stream
[20:42:13 CET] <solrize> is there a way to speed up a video with ffmpeg? i.e. re-encode it to play 10x as fast by skipping frames, for quick search
[20:43:03 CET] <solrize> ah, nm, found it on the site, it wasn't in the man page.
[21:07:28 CET] <mrkie> hey
[21:07:46 CET] <mrkie> i use ubuntu, how i install ffmpeg? sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
[21:07:56 CET] <mrkie> that doesn't work
[21:13:52 CET] <BtbN> Ubuntu has libav, not ffmpeg.
[21:14:16 CET] <BtbN> Check http://ffmpeg.org/download.html for repositories with ffmpeg
[21:14:18 CET] <mrkie> is it better?
[21:14:44 CET] <mrkie> i just pointed to a howto that explains libav right now
[21:14:57 CET] <BtbN> libav is a fork, it's not ffmpeg.
[21:16:36 CET] <mrkie> thnx
[21:24:16 CET] <mrkie> avconv -i Michael-Jackson-You-Rock-My-World-HD.mp4 -vcodec libx264 newfile.avi
[21:24:19 CET] <mrkie> i do right now
[21:24:29 CET] <mrkie> besides that i got copied from another page
[21:24:59 CET] <mrkie> since i need a lot of videos to copy, i need a batch script, can i just put them all in a .sh file or something?
[21:57:19 CET] <Randomcouch> I need help with rtsp_transport protocol please
[21:57:22 CET] <Randomcouch> I'm using rtsp input from youtube video rtsp links, and streaming that to an rtmp server. It works, but there are some issues: 1. At the beginning of each video, there's a big frame drop, and then everything continues, video resyncs, and plays normally after
[21:57:30 CET] <Randomcouch> and 2. Some videos would crash ffmpeg
[21:57:45 CET] <Randomcouch> with error message conversion failed at the end (And many dropped frames)
[21:59:03 CET] <Randomcouch> using these settings
[21:59:06 CET] <Randomcouch> -max_delay 0 -initial_pause 0 -rtsp_transport udp -i " + inputLink + " -vcodec libx264 -acodec mp3 -ab 48k -bit_rate 450 -r 25 -s 640x480 -f flv " + stream
[22:54:58 CET] <Randomcouch> Anyone? :(
[00:00:00 CET] --- Mon Mar 16 2015
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