[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20150327
burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 02:05:01 CET 2015
[01:45:58 CET] <Freakshow> quick question& what is a valid integer for -threads ?
[01:54:53 CET] <killer> how i can increase the brightness to a video guyz ? with which command ?
[02:36:00 CET] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[03:07:02 CET] <pentanol> killer: like this -vf mp=eq2=gamma:contrast:brightness:saturation:red:green:blue:dgamma
[03:12:17 CET] <killer> what values?
[03:12:45 CET] <killer> i want to increase only the brightness not the others
[10:31:17 CET] <firex> i convert an animated gif to avi. the gif file have a transparent background. after convertion in avi i have instead of transparent color white color. how can i define that transparent color will be black and not white.
[10:35:10 CET] <BtbN> I think it will just throw away the alpha channel and use whatever color there is.
[10:37:48 CET] <firex> you mean convert the gif first to format without alfa?
[12:03:15 CET] <Superlokkus> I'm using "ffmpeg -i ADVANCING_POSITION.wav -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k -cutoff 20000 -ac 2 -metadata author="Frank Klepacki"" but I get [NULL @ 0x7f8308819c00] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'Klepacki"'
[12:03:15 CET] <Superlokkus> Klepacki": Invalid argument
[12:03:39 CET] <Superlokkus> So obviously ffmpeg don't handle " well, what can I use instead ' doesent work too
[12:05:05 CET] <JEEBsv> that's unrelated to ffmpeg I think
[12:05:10 CET] <JEEBsv> it's rather your shell or command line
[12:05:21 CET] <JEEBsv> *command line terminal
[12:06:04 CET] <JEEBsv> and the issue is the space there in the middle rather than the ""
[12:06:15 CET] <JEEBsv> and the fact that you had =" rather than " separately
[12:06:56 CET] <JEEBsv> anyways, welcome to shells and terminals 101
[12:07:57 CET] <Superlokkus> JEEBsv thx, damn osx bash
[12:52:47 CET] <quellen> hi
[12:53:16 CET] <quellen> how can i convert many mp3 with only one command?
[12:55:06 CET] <quellen> $ ffmpeg -y -i "*.mp3" -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -b:a 128k -ac 2 dosent work
[12:56:06 CET] <spaam> for i in $(ls *mp3); do ffmpeg -y -i "$i" -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -b:a 128k -ac 2 $i.mp3; done
[12:57:22 CET] <quellen> thanks spaam but it doesnt work : No such file or directory
[12:57:39 CET] <BtbN> Works fine for me.
[12:57:51 CET] <BtbN> $(ls ....) is not needed though
[12:57:53 CET] <quellen> it says many No such file or directory
[12:58:09 CET] <spaam> quellen: do you have space in the filenames?
[12:58:14 CET] <quellen> yes
[12:59:13 CET] <quellen> i need to remove it?
[12:59:24 CET] <BtbN> Or use a more complex loop
[13:03:53 CET] <quellen> i used $ perl-rename 's/ /_/g' *.mp3
[13:07:22 CET] <quellen> it rename the new files "name.mp3.mp3"
[13:08:31 CET] <quellen> is better for i in $(ls *mp3); do ffmpeg -y -i "$i" -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -b:a 128k -ac 2 "/newfolder/$i"; done
[13:09:31 CET] <JohanW_Work> quellen: to handle spaces, you could also use IFS=$'\n'
[13:10:00 CET] <c_14> or just replace $(ls *mp3) with *.mp3
[13:11:46 CET] <quellen> thanks c_14, it works
[13:12:21 CET] <quellen> but it says: [libmp3lame @ 0x986d780] Queue input is backward in time
[13:12:21 CET] <quellen> [mp3 @ 0x986ca20] Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream 0: 1199 >= 1199
[13:12:44 CET] <quellen> but the new mp3 seems good
[13:22:35 CET] <bluck> does anyone know if there is frame threaded support for a single filter chain?
[13:24:42 CET] <bluck> I'm decoding using -vf "fps=30000/1001,yadif=deint=interlaced,decimate" but it only uses 1 core
[14:05:33 CET] <seasc> Hi, i'm trying to join video files using ffmpeg concat (http://ffmpeg.org/faq.html#How-can-I-join-video-files_003f), with a modified final commandline
[14:05:34 CET] <seasc> it keeps telling me i'd miss an output file, eventhough i tell ffmpeg one... Please see: http://pastebin.com/x7xBenTb
[14:07:06 CET] <seasc> my question, did i add too much for '-qscale:v 2' ? because otherwise the joined file is double the size of the two original files... ?!?
[14:15:47 CET] <BtbN> seasc, there is no output file in the command at the top.
[14:15:58 CET] <BtbN> the filename is given to the "-f" option
[14:16:37 CET] <seasc> BtbN, doesnt that mean its the output?
[14:16:52 CET] <BtbN> No, -f is the output format.
[14:17:14 CET] <seasc> oh lol right
[14:17:35 CET] <seasc> just used too much -f to force something :)
[14:17:41 CET] <seasc> thank you BtbN
[14:21:00 CET] <firex> BtbN, i got the conversion with black backgroung with help of overlay on blackimage ;-)
[15:47:39 CET] <prelude2004c> hello everyone
[15:47:40 CET] <prelude2004c> good day
[15:47:55 CET] <prelude2004c> anyone have any info on how we can get FFMPEG to transcode and use the GPU's
[15:59:56 CET] <BtbN> There is nvenc, which doesn't realy use the GPU, but it's close.
[16:00:03 CET] <BtbN> Otherwise, you don't.
[16:34:42 CET] <NY152> why when I encode x264 / aac FFMPEG (Windows) takes LAVC / MP3? Yet codecs are active!
[16:38:26 CET] <BtbN> what?
[16:40:23 CET] <NY152> ex : ffmpeg -c:v x264 ... -c:a faac ... FFMPEG take lavc for video and mp3lame for audio :/
[16:41:31 CET] <Ders> Can anyone explain to me how I can set the src_format and dst_format (rgba and yuv420p respectively) in the command line? I can't find any examples. All info I have is in this link: https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-scaler.html
[16:42:47 CET] <NY152> BtbN the codecs x264 and aac is actives
[16:43:14 CET] <BtbN> The encoder is called libx264.
[16:43:37 CET] <BtbN> And faac propably doesn't exist, too. Most likely it also tells you so in the output.
[16:44:02 CET] <poste9> Ders: ffmpeg -pix_fmt rgba -i input -pix_fmt yuv420p output
[16:44:04 CET] <NY152> BtbN yes called libx264
[16:45:42 CET] <Ders> poste9 Thanks. I'll try that. The problem I'm having is that the video output from my command is desaturated and I can't find how. I'm trying to test if ffmpeg doesn't encode the pixels right (rgba values in an array is the input)
[16:45:46 CET] <NY152> BtbN I can put anything (x264 libx264 h264) ffmpeg lavc dishes, like for sound
[16:47:43 CET] <Ders> poste9 I get an error from ffmpeg that I can't set the pix_fmt for a pipe
[17:04:52 CET] <gallardo> anyone knows how to encode using opencl? I have opencl enabled in my build and --opencl_bench works, but no idea what to do to actually use it when onceding.
[17:05:33 CET] <gallardo> encoding*
[17:08:42 CET] <kepstin-laptop> gallardo: I don't know of any video encoders that are in a useful state that use opencl.
[17:09:12 CET] <gallardo> kepstin-laptop: so it is just experimental?
[17:09:29 CET] <gallardo> but if so, I should be able to at least experiment with it.
[17:09:38 CET] <kepstin-laptop> gallardo: dunno; there might be some video filters or something using opencl
[17:10:26 CET] <kepstin-laptop> the x264 folks apparently tried to implement opencl, and the result is reportedly slower and lower quality than the cpu-only encoder :)
[17:10:51 CET] <gallardo> I was just trying that
[17:11:57 CET] <gallardo> I have twice been recommended https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LoiLoScope
[17:12:06 CET] <gallardo> but Wintendo only, meh
[17:24:41 CET] <prelude2004c> what nvenc
[18:37:40 CET] <StrawMachie> Hi!!
[18:41:09 CET] <justinX> hello StrawMachie
[18:41:29 CET] <StrawMachie> Is it required a pointers in convert mp4 to mp3?
[18:41:33 CET] <StrawMachie> for learning source code
[18:43:12 CET] <justinX> StrawMachie: oh, you are planning to look into ffmpeg sourcode?
[18:43:34 CET] <StrawMachie> i want just mp4 to mp3 code
[18:43:46 CET] <justinX> aha ok. I missunderstood you.
[18:44:23 CET] <justinX> yeah the command to save the sound in a mp4 filme, to a mp3 file would be...
[18:46:12 CET] <justinX> ffmpeg -i filename.mp4 filename.mp3
[18:46:31 CET] <justinX> actually it should understand the simple command like that I think.
[18:46:53 CET] <StrawMachie> in windows?
[18:47:49 CET] <justinX> Windows? I haven't used windows for such things (or at all lately), but I would guess it is same commands in windows.
[18:48:46 CET] <justinX> while dos/windows normally uses / instead of - for commandlineflags, I'm not sure ffmpeg really cares about that. or maybe accepts both.
[18:48:53 CET] <StrawMachie> develop in linux is hard
[18:49:11 CET] <justinX> are you coding c or c++ or some other language?
[18:49:26 CET] <StrawMachie> i learn c programming(im not so smart)
[18:49:29 CET] <StrawMachie> from K*R book
[18:49:33 CET] <StrawMachie> K&R book
[18:49:37 CET] <justinX> ok
[18:50:23 CET] <justinX> I think code:blocks is an ok ide to use for c development. what do you use? (or do you do the old classic editor+command line compiling stuff hehe?)
[18:50:32 CET] <justinX> code::blocks
[18:50:49 CET] <StrawMachie> i use linux
[18:51:07 CET] <justinX> yeah but what programming environment?
[18:51:24 CET] <StrawMachie> what do you mean?
[18:51:27 CET] <StrawMachie> nano and cc compiler
[18:51:40 CET] <justinX> I mean in windows you would probably use VisualStudio or something. but in linux use perhaps CodeBlocks or Eclipse?
[18:51:56 CET] <justinX> aha ok you compile in the terminal then
[18:51:59 CET] <StrawMachie> im running raspberry pi on linux
[18:52:35 CET] <justinX> oh! a respberry pi. that explains it. I thuoght you was using a normal desktop pc.
[18:52:44 CET] <StrawMachie> no
[18:52:49 CET] <StrawMachie> im connected with ssh
[18:54:52 CET] <justinX> and yeah when it comes c programming, as soon as you wants to do something beyound the pure basics, you have to use pointers. that is the sad part of c if you ask me :-D
[18:55:05 CET] <StrawMachie> i gtg
[18:55:12 CET] <justinX> sure see you around.
[18:55:19 CET] <StrawMachie> ur very friendly
[18:56:42 CET] <Fujnky> Hello. I have two files, rec.avi and audio_edited.wav, and what I'm trying to do is take the parts 00:30:5001:42:56 and 02:16:5504:03:10 of each file, concatenate those and encode them into an WebM file. My current script looks like this: http://pastebin.com/5WybqvAc but when I run it, the process just stays at zero frames. Full output: http://pastebin.com/xUv60ZF9 Could someone give me a pointer?
[18:59:33 CET] <justinX> I just stumbled upon http://linuxg.net/ffmpeg-will-be-added-again-to-the-default-repositories-of-ubuntu-starting-with-ubuntu-15-04-vivid-vervet/ and wants to know if ppa:kirillshkrogalev/ffmpeg-next be preferable to ppa:mc3man/trusty-media in LinuxMint17.1 (ubuntu14.04) ?
[19:00:12 CET] <justinX> I mean using the more same ffmpeg as ubuntu15.04 have?
[19:01:02 CET] <justinX> or maybe it doesn't matter....?
[19:04:16 CET] <justinX> hello Fujnky that is beyound my knowledge I'm afraid.
[19:08:44 CET] <Fujnky> justinX: Thanks anyway :) maybe anyone else?
[19:29:06 CET] <Fujnky> Well I just discovered that it works but very very slowly. I'm getting 3fps or something which is unacceptably slow..
[19:30:15 CET] <c_14> libvpx is slow
[19:31:06 CET] <c_14> I rarely get above 5fps either
[19:33:28 CET] <c_14> You can try using -quality realtime
[19:33:59 CET] <c_14> That'll increase the fps, but decrease quality/increase filesize
[19:38:09 CET] <micechal_> It's me who have asked about only scaling down without scaling up yesterday
[19:38:37 CET] <micechal_> I ended up with this: " -vf scale=-1:min(ih\,1920)"
[19:39:27 CET] <micechal_> This will make all input 1920 pixels tall or less, depending on what the input is
[19:39:52 CET] <c_14> If you're using yuv420p, use -2 instead of -1
[19:40:55 CET] <micechal_> I'm working with jpegs so that shouldn't matter probably
[19:41:03 CET] <micechal_> But thanks for the tip
[19:41:05 CET] <c_14> ye, won't matter then
[19:47:15 CET] <micechal_> http://hastebin.com/diyocenino.mel this one's handy for generating portrait wallpapers :)
[19:47:21 CET] <adrian_1908> If i build x264 for ffmpeg, do I need to enable support for lavf or ffms? I'm new to this.
[19:47:37 CET] <Fujnky> I think I figured out what happens: Progress stays at 0 while ffmpeg seeks to the point where I want my encoding to start which is apparently taking some time, considering I'm talking about an 190GB video here (just slightly compressed). I wouldn't expect it to be that slow, though.. Using totem, seeking just takes a few second, no matter where I wanna go
[19:48:24 CET] <c_14> adrian_1908: no
[19:48:44 CET] <c_14> Fujnky: if you want to seek quickly use -ss as an input option
[19:53:42 CET] <pootieman> hi all, quick question: what kind of ffmpeg memory usage am i looking at when transcoding 2gb HD wmv files (approx. 2 hrs of video) to MP4?
[19:55:00 CET] <pootieman> and is running 32 concurrent ffmpeg processes doing this precise task on an AWS instance w/ 60gb RAM feasible
[19:55:07 CET] <pootieman> or has this use case not really been studied
[19:58:59 CET] <Fujnky> c_14: but that wouldn't allow trimming it like I want it, would it?
[20:00:03 CET] <c_14> You can use it to jump to the first timestamp you want. Other than that it'd only work if you used multiple ffmpeg processes.
[20:00:21 CET] <adrian_1908> If I build x264 without MP4 support, can I used ffmpeg to mux the raw .264 stream into an MP4?
[20:00:29 CET] <c_14> pootieman: should probably be fine if the cpu can handle it
[20:00:33 CET] <c_14> adrian_1908: yes
[20:00:43 CET] <adrian_1908> c_14: thanks.
[20:09:21 CET] <micechal-> Does ffmpeg offer some batch processing mode kind of thing?
[20:09:38 CET] <c_14> no, use a shell or a scripting language
[20:09:42 CET] <micechal-> Or should I invoke the executable numerous times
[20:09:49 CET] <micechal-> Okay
[20:09:53 CET] <micechal-> Thanks
[20:10:18 CET] <pootieman> c_14: thanks
[20:10:51 CET] <micechal-> But won't it result in a bit of overhead when the binary has to be loaded over and over
[20:11:07 CET] <micechal-> Detecting the cpu specs and core count
[20:11:16 CET] <micechal-> All that stuff
[20:14:04 CET] <c_14> It's usually negligible. Users who care about that sort of stuff should probably be using the libraries anyway.
[20:15:19 CET] <micechal-> Hmm maybe I should use the library too
[20:17:21 CET] <micechal-> Nah, seems overly complicated for this usecase
[21:32:44 CET] <adrian_1908> where can i find the options for the "--arch" flag in the FFMPEG configure script
[21:36:43 CET] <emmicelik12345> hi all,
[21:37:07 CET] <emmicelik12345> is there some one in here that could help me with my little project?
[21:38:16 CET] <emmicelik12345> anyone?
[21:40:58 CET] <c_14> Just ask, if someone can help you, they will.
[21:45:50 CET] <adrian_1908> In FFMPEG configure, can I disable VP8 when linking to libvpx (still using VP9)?
[21:47:01 CET] <kepstin-laptop> not sure. Did you try --disable-encoders=libvpx ? (the vp9 encoder is called libvpx-vp9, so it should be unaffected)
[21:47:18 CET] <kepstin-laptop> if that doesn't work, then the vp9 encoder requires the vp8 encoder to be present, possibly due to shared code
[21:48:34 CET] <emmicelik12345> im new to ffmpeg, and just installed the ffmpeg using the guide on the site.
[21:48:55 CET] <kepstin-laptop> adrian_1908: hmm, I'm not sure that's the correct configure option, but it should be something similar.
[21:48:57 CET] <emmicelik12345> i have read a lot but still cant transcode udp signal to rtmp
[21:49:31 CET] <adrian_1908> kepstin-laptop: ok, i'll try that.
[21:50:05 CET] <emmicelik12345> could some one point me to the right direction on where i shoudl look?
[21:50:39 CET] <emmicelik12345> i have tried all the code some everyone had posted in different forums and even in the ffmpeg forum..
[21:51:06 CET] <kepstin-laptop> adrian_1908: the option to try is actually "--disable-encoders=libvpx_vp8"
[21:51:36 CET] <kepstin-laptop> adrian_1908: er, wait, no, that's not quite right either
[21:52:19 CET] <kepstin-laptop> adrian_1908: "--disable-encoder=libvpx_vp8" silly plurals sneaking in there ;)
[21:52:50 CET] <adrian_1908> kepstin-laptop: yup, just saw it myself. I'll try to do both disable-encoder and disable-decoder is necessary and see if that works. thanks.
[21:53:12 CET] <kepstin-laptop> you don't need to disable the libvpx decoder, it's not enabled by default
[21:53:19 CET] <adrian_1908> oh ok
[21:53:56 CET] <kepstin-laptop> (ffmpeg has native decoders for vp8 and vp9, it doesn't use libvpx for that)
[21:54:17 CET] <adrian_1908> that's fortunate, thanks for the info!
[21:54:51 CET] <emmicelik12345> could someone help over teamviewer or guide me?
[21:58:25 CET] <emmicelik12345> when i install the ffmpeg, should i use apt-get install ffmpeg or use the guide on the page to compile from fresh. the OS is debian..
[21:59:14 CET] <kepstin-laptop> have to be a bit more specific about which debian version; ffmpeg is only available in fairly recent ones iirc
[21:59:49 CET] <emmicelik12345> the debian version is debian-7.8.0-amd64
[22:03:24 CET] <emmicelik12345> kepstin-laptop: should i use apt-get install ffmpeg or?
[22:04:29 CET] <BtbN> iirc debian 7 doesn't have ffmpeg.
[22:04:33 CET] <adrian_1908> emmicelik12345: if it is available (if the command works) then yes, why not use the package offered.
[22:04:35 CET] <kepstin-laptop> no, that's debian stable(wheezy), that doesn't have ffmpeg
[22:04:37 CET] <BtbN> At least in the official repos
[22:05:01 CET] <kepstin-laptop> it ships the libav "ffmpeg" build.
[22:05:06 CET] <emmicelik12345> okay, i will then try to compile it then..
[22:05:16 CET] <BtbN> Just use deb-multimedia or something that has ffmpeg.
[22:05:35 CET] <emmicelik12345> but will that install every component for ffmpeg?'
[22:06:09 CET] <BtbN> hm?
[22:07:11 CET] <emmicelik12345> i read on some howto guides, i should install from the apt-get and others saying that it will not work..
[22:07:39 CET] <emmicelik12345> dont know what to belive
[22:09:51 CET] <adrian_1908> emmicelik12345: have you compiled programs before? If not, i think it'll save you a lot of headaches to use a package someone has built.
[22:10:46 CET] <adrian_1908> emmicelik12345: also, do you have specific needs that might not be satisfied by prebuilt package?
[22:11:42 CET] <emmicelik12345> i have i have tried earlier to compile it but got some errors. but if thats the right way to do it, ill then try to compile it again..
[22:12:46 CET] <emmicelik12345> the thing that im after/ or trying to do is that i have some udp satelitte feed udp mpeg-ts feeds, that i would like to access from outsite my on lan to wan.
[22:13:17 CET] <emmicelik12345> udp to rtmp in x264 coding..
[22:13:36 CET] <adrian_1908> that sounds very cool, good luck!
[22:14:02 CET] <emmicelik12345> hehe way will it not work or is it too hard for noobs :))
[22:37:55 CET] <emmicelik12345> anyone?
[22:38:30 CET] <c_14> For what you're trying to do, you'll probably only need the static build
[22:38:32 CET] <c_14> http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[22:38:35 CET] <c_14> I'd start with that
[22:40:26 CET] <emmicelik12345> c_14: do i just need to download ffmpeg-git-64bit-static.tar.xz and run it. will it then install everything?
[22:40:50 CET] <c_14> Just extract the archive somewhere, then you can execute it with /path/to/ffmpeg [arguments]
[22:41:00 CET] <c_14> You can also take the binary and throw it in your PATH somewhere
[22:42:06 CET] <emmicelik12345> okay thx c_14, but i have just compile ít using the howto from the ffmpeg, ill try that out first..
[22:43:11 CET] <emmicelik12345> by compile the ffmpeg will it then also install the ffserver,, because read that i also need that for the thing that i need
[22:43:39 CET] <c_14> If you compile it yourself and don't explicitly disable it, yes.
[22:44:26 CET] <emmicelik12345> can i test if the ffserver is installed?
[22:44:40 CET] <c_14> Just check if you have the ffserver binarcy
[22:44:42 CET] <c_14> *binary
[22:45:19 CET] <emmicelik12345> okay 2 sec i
[22:45:27 CET] <emmicelik12345> i'll check
[22:50:23 CET] <madseacow> hi, i run ffmpeg under windows to record a live stream everyday. it stop recording after arround 8:30 of video which is about 4.3GB
[22:50:28 CET] <madseacow> [hls,applehttp @ 0000000002e40040] Failed to open segment of playlist 0
[22:50:29 CET] <madseacow> http://xxxxxxxxxx/playlist.m3u8: Unknown error
[22:50:55 CET] <madseacow> I get this error anyone knows what it could be ?
[22:53:30 CET] <emmicelik12345> c_14: i have the ffserver under ./root/bin/ffserver
[22:58:38 CET] <selsta> madseacow: was this a error that only has happened once? or is it happening all the time?
[22:59:06 CET] <selsta> an*
[22:59:28 CET] <madseacow> i've been recording for the past 5 days it has happened everyday at around the same time
[23:00:16 CET] <madseacow> I usualy start it before going to work, when i come back it as crashed after recording an average of 4.3GB
[23:00:32 CET] <darsain> sounds like file system limit?
[23:02:00 CET] <darsain> are you recording to fat32?
[23:03:00 CET] <madseacow> one day it stops after 4.27GB the other it's 4.33GB, the other it's like 4.37GB
[23:03:11 CET] <madseacow> NTFS
[23:06:44 CET] <madseacow> I'm rocording to an SSD there's 40GB left that is available, the pc is a i5 3570k with 8GB of ram
[23:06:45 CET] <darsain> 32 or 64 bit ffmpeg? if 32, try 64
[23:07:08 CET] <madseacow> probably running the 32 bit version
[23:07:22 CET] <madseacow> ill try the 64 bit on monday !
[23:08:31 CET] <madseacow> well after checking i'm running the 64bit version
[23:09:05 CET] <selsta> maybe try out another hls download program and see if it fails
[23:09:29 CET] <selsta> that way you can make sure that it is a ffmpeg problem
[23:10:45 CET] <madseacow> do you have suggestions ? because ffmpeg was the only solution I found would record m3u8 format from a live stream for free
[23:11:04 CET] <darsain> then I have no other ideas. nor do I have any ffmpeg experience tbh :) I was just guessing similar issues from other fields
[23:11:28 CET] <darsain> anyway, I was about to dive into docs to figure something out, but I see that it would take at least an hour, so I'm just gonna ask here :)
[23:11:30 CET] <darsain> I need a command that would re-encode video from mp4/mkv to mkv container, while copying all audio and subtitle streams, but re=sizing the video to 1024 wide (maintaining aspect ratio) and re-encoding video to h264 baseline crf 18 with fast preset
[23:11:46 CET] <c_14> madseacow: if you were to start one ffmpeg process recording from the stream and then another recording from the same stream to a different location, would they crash at the same time, or ~3h apart?
[23:12:16 CET] <c_14> darsain: ffmpeg -i file -map 0 -c copy -c:v libx264 -vf scale=1024:-2 -crf 18 -preset fast out.mkv
[23:12:45 CET] <darsain> c_14, ooh thank you. gonna try it out
[23:13:20 CET] <selsta> madseacow: maybe https://github.com/osklil/hls-fetch
[23:13:58 CET] <selsta> madseacow: ive also written one, but it does only support vod files, no livestreams
[23:14:00 CET] <madseacow> darsin -> ill try that from work on monday, I know a friend of mine as more issue is feed cut's much more often but he is running on something like arch linux
[23:14:32 CET] <madseacow> we record the same show
[23:14:59 CET] <madseacow> but ill try ffmpeg from work see if it cut at the same time
[23:17:01 CET] <madseacow> Sorry selsta I mixed you up with selsta for a sec
[23:17:30 CET] <madseacow> Sorry selsta I mixed you up with darsain*
[23:17:32 CET] <madseacow> lol
[23:18:44 CET] <madseacow> thank fo your help selsta!
[23:18:59 CET] <selsta> madseacow: no problem
[23:24:24 CET] <darsain> c_14, for testing purposes, what option would re-encode only a selected portion of the video? lets say something like from 1st to 3rd minute, or from x to y frame
[23:25:32 CET] <c_14> -ss 1:00 -t 3:00
[23:45:48 CET] <darsain> c_14, that's weird. in your command -2 is the aspect ration height, in the docs its -1, but when I use any of them I get an error :/
[23:46:21 CET] <c_14> darsain: what version are you running?
[23:46:36 CET] <darsain> c_14, freshly downloaded 64bit
[23:57:55 CET] <darsain> holy shit, ffmpeg command was resolving to a 2 year old build that comes with imagemagick :/ oh this is mess. now how do I update ffmpeg globally without breaking imagemagick...
[23:58:19 CET] <darsain> is ffmpeg backwards compatible?
[23:58:30 CET] <c_14> to a certain extent, yes
[23:58:59 CET] <c_14> For most cases, the static build should work just fine though and won't break your system.
[00:00:00 CET] --- Sat Mar 28 2015
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