[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20150328

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 29 03:00:01 CEST 2015

[02:36:12 CET] <firefish5000> Good day, I am trying to use -filter_complex, however I am getting an 'Unrecognized option' error for it. I'm copiling from git on version N-71100-g0245abc (a day or 2 old). Here is ffmpeg -filters http://pastebin.com/iJT5gcHT
[02:37:15 CET] <klaxa> and what filter are you trying to use?
[02:38:22 CET] <firefish5000> the command is "-filter_complex "[0:v][0:s]overlay[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a", so I guess overlay?
[02:39:47 CET] <firefish5000> however it yield "Unrecognized option '-filter_complex'."
[02:40:02 CET] <klaxa> if you want to hardsub subtitles, use the subtitle or ass filter
[02:40:10 CET] <klaxa> can you pastebin your complete command?
[02:40:18 CET] <klaxa> (with output)
[02:43:18 CET] <firefish5000> http://pastebin.com/SjPiqMcy
[02:43:38 CET] <firefish5000> (extracted command from a script)
[02:45:24 CET] <klaxa> use -filter_complex and not --filter_complex, also like i said, use the subtitles or ass filter instead of overlay
[02:45:36 CET] <klaxa> overlay is for video on video, subtitle is for subtitle on video
[02:46:17 CET] <klaxa> i was also told that mpv is capable of encoding now and it might be more desireable as it renders subtitles slightly differently
[02:50:03 CET] <firefish5000> thanks, I must be too use to -- for long names...
[02:50:56 CET] <jcath> hi, friends, with ffmpeg, how to combine two mono audio tracks into one stereo audio track? the source file come with seperate audio tracks (L,R,....)
[02:51:24 CET] <c_14> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/AudioChannelManipulation#a2monostereo
[02:51:46 CET] <firefish5000> klaxa, I'll mpv may be a try as well then.
[02:52:51 CET] <jcath> thanks, c_14
[02:55:45 CET] <prelude2004c> hey guys
[02:55:52 CET] <prelude2004c> quick question please.. --> ake: *** [libavcodec/nvenc.o] Error 1
[02:56:05 CET] <prelude2004c> anyone know why make gives me that when i try to make on ffmpeg?
[02:56:09 CET] <firefish5000> ah, just figured out why I was having problems with subtitles filter. I had <-vf subtitles="${InFile}"> but needed <-vf subtitles="'${InFile}'">, apparently. thanks again!
[08:32:12 CET] <seasc> Good morning :) I'm trying to get familiar with stream.. and i'd like to stream my desktop.  But rtmp fails refused connection: http://pastebin.com/cvJKAZiV
[08:48:48 CET] Action: seasc went shopping
[09:33:28 CET] Action: seasc is back
[09:39:54 CET] <seasc> maybe my question (see above) is more fundanemtal.. should i use ffmpeg or ffserver? i would like to keep the option to save the stream as videofile as well. in the forum were only unaswered posts
[10:03:35 CET] <seasc> streaming now fails with segmentation fault.... :( -> http://pastebin.com/cky1pAbi
[10:09:41 CET] <Mavrik> seasc, where would you ilke to stream your desktop to?
[10:13:25 CET] <seasc> for the start, just to my local network
[10:13:44 CET] <seasc> @ Mavrik
[10:14:00 CET] <Mavrik> hrmf
[10:14:10 CET] <seasc> but to test, i have to replay from the same machine as i stream-send
[10:14:22 CET] <Mavrik> I'm asking that there are several ways of streaming video
[10:14:42 CET] <seasc> figured, thats is party where my confusion si coming from :p
[10:14:44 CET] <Mavrik> and which way is the best is HIGHLY dependant on where do you want to stream to and which video players / clients will be playing it
[10:14:55 CET] <Mavrik> and the answer "to local network" is rather useless in that regard
[10:14:57 CET] <Mavrik> :)
[10:15:03 CET] <seasc> guess so
[10:15:05 CET] <seasc> :)
[10:15:19 CET] <seasc> hmm i want to stream from and to linux, any better?
[10:15:24 CET] <Mavrik> no.
[10:15:44 CET] <Mavrik> how are you going to play the video? browser, phone, hardware? how many clients? do you need remote web access or will it always be local?
[10:16:01 CET] <Mavrik> what capabilities do clients have? do you have network that can do multicast? :)
[10:16:12 CET] <Mavrik> do you just need a simple browser access? :)
[10:16:15 CET] <seasc> well anway, getting a segmentation fault with the 'demo' from the docs... so i'm confused anyway
[10:16:24 CET] <seasc> you ask me questions i have not thought about
[10:16:38 CET] <seasc> dunno, i just want to stream it, and be able to ffplay it
[10:17:00 CET] <seasc> everything else is currently beyond my understand horizont
[10:17:12 CET] <Mavrik> then i can't help you
[10:17:27 CET] <seasc> oh wait.. i want to stream it from console, browser would be cool too
[10:17:34 CET] <Mavrik> because those are the answers you need to be able to answer before setting up a streaming chain
[10:18:39 CET] <seasc> isnt it more related to the kind of stream, (mp4, mkv, avi, flv) than the method?
[10:19:01 CET] <seasc> what do you mean by : "what capabilities do clients have" ?
[10:21:39 CET] <Mavrik> seasc, well, what can they play
[10:21:49 CET] <Mavrik> if you just want to send the video point-to-point to anothber machien
[10:21:52 CET] <Mavrik> you can just do
[10:22:13 CET] <Mavrik> ffmpeg -i <input> <encoding parameters> -f mpegts udp://<target-ip>:<target-port>
[10:22:24 CET] <Mavrik> and on the other machine do ffplay udp://<target-port>
[10:22:52 CET] <Mavrik> but that's strictly unicast
[10:23:32 CET] <seasc> Mavrik, I'm sorry but 'what can they play' is an irritating question to me, as i understand ffmpeg to be converting almost everything, and vlc be the player that plays almost everything.
[10:23:44 CET] <seasc> would this work with my local ip as well?
[10:24:23 CET] <Mavrik> Not as irritating as answering questions that are broad and can't be answered generally ;)
[10:24:28 CET] <Mavrik> yes, it can be used for local IP as well :)
[10:24:40 CET] <Mavrik> but my question then is why not use the player/VLC directly
[10:26:02 CET] <seasc> i'm trying to get used to the technics/methods, but dont have the equip to test otherwise
[10:26:41 CET] <seasc> Sorry about that and thank you :)
[10:27:29 CET] <Mavrik> seasc, basically there's a huge difference if you have to get video from a single computer to another computer and if you want to get video from a single computer to multiple computers or a network or if you want to support video in the browser across the world ;)
[10:28:27 CET] <seasc> Hmm, i see to fail at basics... ->  Requested output format 'mpegdts' is not a suitable output format
[10:28:27 CET] <seasc> udp:// Invalid argument
[10:29:18 CET] <Mavrik> typo.
[10:29:20 CET] <Mavrik> :)
[10:29:43 CET] <seasc> Mavrik, are there any config files i must check first? what/where typo?
[10:29:55 CET] <Mavrik> no config files
[10:30:00 CET] <Mavrik> you just need to type the format name properly :P
[10:30:26 CET] <seasc> ahh.. no d ^^
[10:30:28 CET] <Mavrik> the format is MPEG-TS (mpegts in ffmpeg) not MPEG-DTS :)
[10:30:44 CET] Action: seasc dances
[10:30:58 CET] <seasc> ok lets ffplay it :)
[10:33:20 CET] <seasc> yay.. horrible watch atm... but working.. thanks alot Mavrik :)
[11:52:34 CET] <Fohlen> hey guys. What's the preffered way to convert a mxf to mp4/avi/flv ?
[11:58:44 CET] <Fohlen> I am using ffmpeg -i input.mxf -strict -2 -vcodec libx264 output.mp4 but it gives a slightly annoying background noise
[11:59:05 CET] <Fohlen> like the cracking noise of an old microfon
[12:05:49 CET] <relaxed> Fohlen: what does this return?  ffmpeg -codecs 2>/dev/null|grep 'aac '
[12:46:26 CET] <micechal> How can I force ffmpeg to use all logical cores when encoding with vp9?
[12:46:35 CET] <micechal> I have -threads 8
[12:47:04 CET] <micechal> But I can see only one core had 100% usage all the time
[12:47:30 CET] <micechal> And the remaining ones were like 10-15
[12:53:27 CET] <micechal> The overall cpu usage stays at around 25%
[12:53:45 CET] <micechal> So it could potentially take 4 times less time?
[14:50:00 CET] <c_14> michaelni: libvpx-vp9 doesn't thread
[14:50:11 CET] <c_14> eh, sorry michaelni I meant micechal
[14:59:15 CET] <JEEB> I think the encoder very lately got some threading within a picture
[14:59:25 CET] <JEEB> but yes, in general it should be very slow
[15:14:36 CET] <ksk> hey guys. been converting stu
[15:14:36 CET] <ksk> ff
[15:15:36 CET] <ksk> *sry.. ; been converting stuff with ffmpeg for some time usind h264, i wonder if theres some detail about how much bandwith is needed to stream certain video, how would I masure that?
[15:26:17 CET] <BtbN> Define needed
[15:26:54 CET] <BtbN> If you don't care that it's a ton of blocks that vaguely resemble the former images, you don't need much at all.
[15:27:25 CET] <BtbN> It's allways a tradeof between quality, bandwidth and cpu power.
[15:39:58 CET] <JamJams> I've always had a really hard time with the syntax for cropping! How do I crop 8 pixels off the top of my video
[15:40:29 CET] <JamJams> I just want to crop it and leave the resolution at what ever it is after crop.
[15:52:35 CET] <c_14> -vf crop=w=iw:h=ih-8:y=0
[15:52:37 CET] <c_14> iirc
[15:55:11 CET] <JamJams> I miss -croptop
[15:55:12 CET] <JamJams> lol
[16:00:04 CET] <JamJams> That didn't work
[16:14:21 CET] <c_14> What happened?
[16:17:05 CET] <c_14> You might need to set y=ih-8; not sure where the baseline is for that
[16:18:16 CET] <eloseiam> I have problem when use FFMPEG restream Live from Wowza4, When running sometime cpu of process going to 0.00% used and FFMPEG freeze like this picture http://upic.me/i/wh/screenshot2558-03-28at10.16.50pm.png I must kill process then run again and again.
[16:22:09 CET] <yrc> Hi, I have a problem with ffmpeg not seeing _bottom_ black borders when running autocrop. An idea?
[16:22:30 CET] <yrc> My video files are recorded from TV.
[16:23:45 CET] <yrc> Left, top, right are perfectly recognized, to the pixel! But the bottom is not cropped. at. all.
[16:40:15 CET] <c_14> try setting reset_count maybe?
[16:40:17 CET] <Jonas__> I have a series of jpeg images representing frames that I'd like to convert to a video.  The thing is, they're captured at a variable framerate, so I need to somehow specify the time for each frame
[16:40:29 CET] <Jonas__> is there some convenient way to do that?
[16:43:48 CET] <yrc> rel. my question above: never mind, there was a permanent 1px-high white line in the very bottom, preventing the autodetection&
[16:44:05 CET] <yrc> bye
[17:20:12 CET] <FordenFreeman> does anyone have experience encoding atrac3 [mdlp] with ffmpeg?
[17:34:59 CET] <seasc> nope sorry, but what is the issue anyway?
[17:35:17 CET] <seasc> @ FordenFreeman
[17:41:37 CET] <JamJams> Is there a way to make ffmpeg flush to stdout faster?
[17:41:46 CET] <JamJams> Seems to cache a lot of frames
[18:13:43 CET] <seasc> ffplay should be able to play a webradio's m3u list, right?
[18:24:55 CET] <seasc> JamJams, if streaming, try: ?buffer=5
[18:25:14 CET] <JamJams> Not a stream raw frame input from an application I wrote
[18:37:28 CET] <seasc> What you mean by 'flush to stdout'? ^^ the log messages to 2&>?
[18:39:13 CET] <seasc> JamJams, maybe -preset [very]fast has an effect?
[18:39:28 CET] <JamJams> No I mean
[18:39:46 CET] <JamJams> ffmpeg accepts a pipe input filters it then pipes out to x264.exe
[18:40:07 CET] <JamJams> Is there anyway to increase the rate it pipes frames out to stdout
[18:40:09 CET] <seasc> Sorry
[18:40:27 CET] <JamJams> Is there some kind of frame sink or buffer setting that can be set lower
[18:40:28 CET] <seasc> besides of the above preset i have no idea
[18:41:18 CET] <JamJams> np
[18:41:51 CET] <Mavrik> hrmf
[18:41:56 CET] <Mavrik> why are you even piping to x264
[18:42:21 CET] <Mavrik> you'd avoid bunch of overhead and buffer issues by just letting ffmpeg talk to the linked version directly.
[18:42:36 CET] <JamJams> Various reasons
[18:42:49 CET] <JamJams> There's little to no overhead
[18:42:59 CET] <JamJams> It's just buffering a lot of frames for some reason
[18:44:40 CET] <Mavrik> "little to no overhead" is just not true, especially with raw video. but ok.
[18:46:18 CET] <seasc> JamJams, maybe -bufsize 1280k
[18:46:29 CET] <JamJams> It's a pipe, there's no overhead at all from doing what I'm doing
[18:46:41 CET] <JamJams> Except for the 40 frames that get kept in the buffer
[18:47:09 CET] <JamJams> If ffmpeg respected the rff pull-down correctly I wouldn't have to use this round about method of doing things.
[18:47:11 CET] <seasc> overhead here means, that 'raw' video material is about 100 ((so to speak)) times larger than encoded video material.
[18:47:34 CET] <JamJams> I understand that
[18:48:11 CET] <JamJams> I construct raw YUV frames in memory in an application, send them to ffmpeg.exe and then they pipe out to x264.exe
[18:48:16 CET] <seasc> So you want to reduce the framebuffer to .. say.. 10?
[18:48:33 CET] <JamJams> As low as possible while still allowing the filters to do their job
[18:49:07 CET] <JamJams> I'd implement them myself with libavcodec but the rff pull down isn't respected so that doesn't work
[19:32:40 CET] <Infiltrator> Converting video files with ffmpeg sometimes (can't narrow down a cause) causes my system to freeze up.  ffmpeg will just get stuck and display no more lines.  Top shows it using almost no CPU time, but the load soars (to over 30) and the wait time is 99-100%.  If I don't act soon enough, the system hangs, no new processes can be started (including top, ps, kill*), video eventually cuts out, sshd stops responding, and the system responds on
[19:38:20 CET] <c_14> Sounds like your IO goes bonkers.
[19:41:32 CET] <Infiltrator> Well, that's interesting.  Even though I kill -KILLed it and it went defunct, wait time dropped to 0, and load dropped to 2, the system still froze up.
[19:46:51 CET] <c_14> Defunct as in Zombie or Disk Sleep?
[19:48:01 CET] <Infiltrator> Not sure.  ps just showed it as defunct; and I didn't realise what was happening in time to check its tree or anything else.
[19:48:58 CET] <c_14> hmm, for ps defunct usually means zombie. That shouldn't matter though.
[19:49:03 CET] <Infiltrator> Actually, I think that top showed 1 zombie.
[19:51:13 CET] <c_14> Maybe strace the ffmpeg process to see what's happening when it freezes?
[19:52:36 CET] <Infiltrator> Good idea.
[20:00:11 CET] <Infiltrator> Okay, this time it died and didn't become a zombie.  (At least not long enough for me to see.)  pstree shows nothing running under it; and strace shows it as doing a write when it froze up.
[20:30:02 CET] <Infiltrator> Here's the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/iNMVtkEr
[20:32:25 CET] <Infiltrator> Only the last few lines should be relevant, though: pastebin.com/NVNkPVXh
[20:51:21 CET] <c_14> yeah, looks a lot like some sort of io issue
[20:55:34 CET] <ConstantineI> hello
[20:56:09 CET] <ConstantineI> I have a question. Has anyone set up Tvheadend here? and if so have you managed to pull a stream from it using ffmpeg?
[21:59:33 CET] <selsta> can I use lavc (?) to get nal units from a h264 video file?
[22:00:43 CET] <selsta> or can I only get frames?
[00:00:00 CET] --- Sun Mar 29 2015

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