[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20150529

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sat May 30 02:05:01 CEST 2015

[02:39:42 CEST] <incal> I managed to put together a png and a m4a into an mp4, with ffmpeg -i IMG -i SONG OUT but when I play it in mplayer it "works" only I can't go back and forward, how can I have that as well?
[03:04:46 CEST] <incal> or ditto mp3 instad of m4a
[03:07:59 CEST] <chungy> incal: what is your full command?
[04:42:51 CEST] <incal> chungy: actually I solved it, http://user.it.uu.se/~embe8573/conf/.zsh/audio
[04:43:13 CEST] <incal> first function, img-song, feel free to suggest improvements tho
[06:47:14 CEST] <napster> Is it possible to improve sharpness of a video?
[06:52:52 CEST] <napster_> Is it possible to improve sharpness of a video?
[07:15:06 CEST] <napster_> Or basically, does ffmpeg provide functionalities offered by avisynth?
[08:56:29 CEST] <aoeu1234> Hello everyone
[08:56:38 CEST] <aoeu1234> I am here because of a bug I am experiancing
[08:56:53 CEST] <aoeu1234> When I try to record audio I get very very choppy playback
[08:56:58 CEST] <aoeu1234> here is the filed bug
[08:56:59 CEST] <aoeu1234> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/4580
[08:57:08 CEST] <aoeu1234> am I doing something wrong in the command?
[08:57:24 CEST] <aoeu1234> my CPU is not maxed out, and the video is stellar quality
[08:57:45 CEST] <aoeu1234> the only other issue is the first couple seconds tend to be black and have issues seeking
[09:07:29 CEST] <aoeu1234> If anyone has a reponse or an idea about what I need to do please annouce my name in chat
[09:17:34 CEST] <elmargol> Hi is it save to use ffmpeg inside cygwin on windows? I'm using the commandline interface and i hate cmd.exe
[09:18:32 CEST] <elmargol> Or babun?
[09:20:26 CEST] <aoeu1234> use powershell
[09:20:35 CEST] <aoeu1234> cygwin is made of fail
[09:20:36 CEST] <elmargol> how do I get the ffmpeg path in to powershell?
[09:20:56 CEST] <aoeu1234> dunno I havent used windows products in 4 years
[09:23:15 CEST] <elmargol> ah ok there is a profile file for this
[09:23:48 CEST] <elmargol> aoeu1234, well the fastest cpu in the house is my windows gaming pc :) On my notebook i have ubuntu :)
[09:24:10 CEST] <elmargol> Thats why I do my video encoding on the windows pc
[09:24:16 CEST] <aoeu1234> nice I only game linux games
[09:24:26 CEST] <aoeu1234> or stuff that works on wine via playonlinux
[09:24:58 CEST] <elmargol> my last 3 nvidia cards died just after the warranty was gone. thats why I switched to AMD now.. and the amd drivers suck on linux
[09:25:22 CEST] <elmargol> blender performance on ubuntu using AMD GPU  is just BAD
[09:37:22 CEST] <aoeu1234> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/4580
[10:06:05 CEST] <cowai> I use webm/vp8 and mp4 for my html5 videos on my websites. Should I start using vp9 now, how is the browser support and ffmpeg performance?
[10:07:32 CEST] <chungy> chrome and firefox support it fine. vp9 encoding is quite a bit slower (ffmpeg has no native encoder -- it's just libvpx)
[10:08:04 CEST] <chungy> Easiest answer is to just try it yourself.
[10:08:34 CEST] <cowai> yes I will
[10:09:01 CEST] <cowai> I read that libvpx-vp9 is about 50 times slower than libvpx-vp8
[10:09:23 CEST] <cowai> vp8 encoding for me is about 2 times slower than h264
[10:09:35 CEST] <chungy> yeah it's more comparable to hevc (h265)
[10:10:39 CEST] <cowai> I will be encoding a lot of conference shows in the summer, which will be like 5 hours of video every day for 10 days. vp9 will never finish :P
[10:11:34 CEST] <chungy> it'd be cool if you can use hardware encoders in PCs
[10:14:48 CEST] <cowai> x264 beats every hardware encoder for h264
[10:38:23 CEST] <jarr0dsz> hi everyone, im trying to record a livestream rtmp but having some problems
[10:38:28 CEST] <aoeu1234> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/4580
[10:39:09 CEST] <jarr0dsz> doing something like ffmpeg -i rtmp://localhost/$1 -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f mp4 $1.mp4 inside shell script im getting a AMF3 Object encapsulated in AMF stream does not start with AMF3_OBJECT!
[10:39:23 CEST] <jarr0dsz> any of you experts could guide me in why this happens and is there a way to resolve this? ( different params )
[10:42:09 CEST] <BtbN> sounds like the stream is corrupted
[10:42:43 CEST] <jarr0dsz> i just started recording " in the middle"
[10:43:03 CEST] <jarr0dsz> currently im saving streams to flv but my goal is to have ffmpeg record rtmp stream directly to mp4
[10:43:17 CEST] <jarr0dsz> thus, not needing a conversion afterwards ( which is time consuming )
[10:43:40 CEST] <jarr0dsz> not sure if rtmpdump should be used instead ( if it supports mp4)
[10:43:46 CEST] <aoeu1234> the time you spend converting will have to be done either way
[11:06:36 CEST] <jarr0dsz> aoeu1234 the conversion takes to long and is error prone im also looking to speed this up
[11:06:56 CEST] <jarr0dsz> so it recording directly to mp4 is not an option i tried copying the flv to mp4 container but this also failed on my flv files
[11:07:33 CEST] <jarr0dsz> aoeu1234 im using currently this line " ffmpeg -y -i $1.flv -c:v libx264 -crf 23 $1.mp4 "
[11:08:00 CEST] <jarr0dsz> i tried to read up all the docs but its a bit confusing, basically i just want flv => mp4 without conversions as fast as possible, is there room for imporovement with a better argument list?
[11:25:59 CEST] <aoeu1234> try ffmpeg -y -i $1.flv -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 23 $1.mp4
[11:26:08 CEST] <aoeu1234> the file size will be huge
[11:26:19 CEST] <aoeu1234> if you want the smallest file size -preset veryslow
[11:27:26 CEST] <aoeu1234> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264#a2.Chooseapreset
[11:28:57 CEST] <jarr0dsz> thank you aoeu1234
[11:29:16 CEST] <aoeu1234> try it on a few test files
[11:29:28 CEST] <aoeu1234> to see what the time vs filesize trade off you want
[11:29:41 CEST] <aoeu1234> ultrafast will convert your stuff rather well
[11:29:55 CEST] <aoeu1234> but the files will be 2GB a minute or something stupid
[11:30:06 CEST] <jarr0dsz> how much will the filesize depend? ah okay thats very large
[11:30:18 CEST] <jarr0dsz> i have just small bits now for testing like 10 seconds, they are in flv around 2mb
[11:30:23 CEST] <aoeu1234> try out each preset
[11:30:34 CEST] <aoeu1234> the faster you convert the bigger the file
[11:30:42 CEST] <aoeu1234> its your normal time vs space tradeofff
[11:30:55 CEST] <aoeu1234> want smaller files with same quality spend more time converting them
[11:31:40 CEST] <aoeu1234> Current presets in descending order of speed are: ultrafast,superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium, slow, slower, veryslow, placebo. The default preset is medium. Ignore placebo as it is not useful
[11:33:52 CEST] <jarr0dsz> aoeu1234 im going to test them very informative much appreciated thanks
[11:34:07 CEST] <jarr0dsz> the only problem seems that some flv records are "invalid" or corrupt, im having like missing picture in access unit with size 1639 errors allover
[11:34:23 CEST] <jarr0dsz> although they play correctly in vlc
[11:34:31 CEST] <aoeu1234> always happy to help
[11:34:36 CEST] <aoeu1234> that i know nothing about
[11:34:41 CEST] <jarr0dsz> is there a way perhaps to make ffmpeg be more graceful on the files or "Fix" them before conversion?
[11:34:46 CEST] <aoeu1234> VLC uses error correction
[11:34:48 CEST] <jarr0dsz> i mean does ffmpeg support validating the input file someho
[11:34:52 CEST] <jarr0dsz> *somehow
[11:35:02 CEST] <aoeu1234> no idea
[11:35:15 CEST] <aoeu1234> im am just trying to get a screencast going
[11:35:22 CEST] <aoeu1234> hopefully to twitch.tv
[11:35:24 CEST] <aoeu1234> any ideas?
[11:36:01 CEST] <jarr0dsz> aoeu1234 depends on the type of stream it is i have looked at that this morning
[11:36:48 CEST] <elmargol> is there a gui tool offering previews for commandlne settings?
[11:37:12 CEST] <elmargol> a field where I add my commandline and a window where the estimated result is shown
[11:37:31 CEST] <elmargol> maybe for 2-3 seconds in the middle of the file?
[11:38:14 CEST] <nichego> hello. i'm looking at ffmpeg-filters page and it lists 3 possible parameters for yadif. the second (parity) can only take 0,1,-1 but i'm seeing recipes on the web using yadif=0:3. what parameter is that number 3 setting?
[11:40:37 CEST] <aoeu1234> no ideas
[11:40:42 CEST] <aoeu1234> imma go to bed
[11:41:00 CEST] <aoeu1234> if anyone solves https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/4580 ping me
[11:56:10 CEST] <nichego> problem solved
[11:56:14 CEST] <nichego> sorry for the noise
[12:33:58 CEST] <haasn> does anybody have a working script for transcoding all .flac files to .opus using ffmpeg?
[12:34:34 CEST] <chungy> "for file in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$file" "$(basename "$file" flac)opus"; done
[12:35:34 CEST] <haasn> chungy: That doesn't work recursively
[12:35:43 CEST] <haasn> I need to preserve the directory structure
[12:36:09 CEST] <haasn> chungy: \https://0x0.st/9P.txt
[12:36:14 CEST] <haasn> This is my current best attempt
[12:36:14 CEST] <chungy> You didn't say that :P
[12:37:00 CEST] <chungy> hmm
[12:37:44 CEST] <haasn> I can't figure out what's wrong with it; the mkdir part works fine, ie. if I comment out the ffmpeg bit it works
[12:37:51 CEST] <haasn> and if I add echo in front of the ffmpeg, it also all looks correct
[12:37:56 CEST] <chungy> flac2opus() { for file in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$file" "$(basename "$file" flac)opus"; done }; find -type d -execdir flac2opus \;
[12:38:01 CEST] <chungy> that might work :P (untested)
[12:38:35 CEST] <haasn> but if I actually run it, for an input folder name like [2008] - foo bar I also get empty directories named 2008] - foo bar and various other corruptions
[12:38:42 CEST] <haasn> This seems to be caused by ffmpeg itself
[12:39:04 CEST] <haasn> (replacing the ffmpeg -i stuff by just touch also works fine)
[12:39:36 CEST] <chungy> your script has major problems with escapes
[12:40:44 CEST] <cowai> Is there any noticiable difference in quality and compatibiblity in mp4 and webm produced with ffmpeg 2.3 vs ffmpeg 2.6
[12:41:06 CEST] <cowai> I have lots of files made with ffmpeg 2.3. Is there any point in rerendering them?
[12:41:35 CEST] <chungy> shuold be roughly the same; it'd be a waste of time
[12:41:37 CEST] <haasn> chungy: but why? shouldn't ffmpeg -i "$file" -c:a opus -b:a 96k -- "$dest/${file/.flac/.opus}" just work?
[12:42:41 CEST] <chungy> Hmm, is /out a writable location on your system?
[12:43:08 CEST] <haasn> chungy: Yes
[12:44:45 CEST] <chungy> "$dest/`dirname "$file"`" this part is all weird, ` doesn't have good quote-within-quote support
[12:44:57 CEST] <haasn> chungy: but that's the part that works fine!!
[12:45:19 CEST] <haasn> again, the script works as it should if I comment out the ffmpeg bits
[12:46:58 CEST] <haasn> chungy: ah, #bash figured it out
[12:47:04 CEST] <haasn> chungy: the problem is that ffpmeg was reading from STDIN
[12:47:06 CEST] <haasn> adding </dev/null made it work
[12:50:15 CEST] <chungy> ah ok, I just made something that seemed to work too :B
[12:50:56 CEST] <chungy> https://gist.github.com/chungy/4a9e70c8b034d5b41aa6 this should be ok against special characters (except newlines in the directory name :P)
[14:03:10 CEST] <Resilience> hello to everyone, I would like to convert a mimic encoded video to something more "palatable", like an mkv, they are videos from webcam sessions from msn, so it not needed too much quality, just to not overload my computer, so, what switces should I use?
[14:04:49 CEST] <chungy> the defaults should be fine, just "ffmpeg -i input output.mkv"
[14:06:49 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, ok, I will try, I tried the sme with avconf and it overloaded my computer
[14:08:41 CEST] <chungy> generally it'll use as much CPU as it can get. if you're on Windows, you can lower the process priority in Task Manager; on Unix, "nice <ffmpeg-command>"
[14:09:06 CEST] <chungy> should keep your system prioritizing other processes. ffmpeg would just go a bit slower if you've got a lot of other cpu-intensive stuff
[14:09:52 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, nice with no niceness levels?
[14:10:03 CEST] <chungy> the default is +10
[14:10:23 CEST] <chungy> just don't do +20 or you'll never have ffmpeg finish :P
[14:11:34 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, I am afraid i don't understand, can I change the niceness level of a ffmpeg running yet? or do you propose running it with nice? (I am new to nice, sorrry)
[14:12:11 CEST] <chungy> oh, you can change a running process with renice (and any graphical system monitor should be able to do it as well)
[14:12:56 CEST] <chungy> "renice 10 1234" (where 1234 is the PID of ffmpeg; you can get it from "ps x")
[14:13:36 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, oh thanks :)
[14:19:06 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, mm I don't know how to say this in English.. I cannot skip to the time I want in the video sequence converte,neither with mplayer  nor vlc... what can I do? something with the encoding? or anything?
[14:20:03 CEST] <chungy> Has the encoding process finished?
[14:21:45 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, , yes
[14:24:45 CEST] <chungy> paste your full command line
[14:25:31 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, the one you said to me ffmpeg -i input output.mkv
[14:25:53 CEST] <chungy> Is your mimic file actually named "input"?
[14:26:32 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, no, it has another name, but it is the email of someactual people :)
[14:27:02 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, the file has been encoded right, the problem is that I cannot skip it to the tme I want, but I have to watch full from the start
[14:27:33 CEST] <chungy> Yes, that shouldn't happen.
[14:29:20 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, that's a problem, and it happens with the mimic encoded files too (that's the why of the conversion)
[14:30:35 CEST] <chungy> think you can paste an "ffprobe" of both the input and output files? You're free to anonymize the file names in it :P
[14:31:03 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, ffprobe input and ffprobe output?
[14:32:24 CEST] <chungy> yes
[14:32:32 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, debian has no ffprobe...
[14:33:08 CEST] <chungy> do you mind if I ask you double-check you have the real ffmpeg? "ffmpeg -version"
[14:34:01 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, ffmpeg version 0.8.12-6:0.8.12-1, Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the Libav developers
[14:34:35 CEST] <chungy> Yeah you don't, that's Libav's wrapper around avconv. You must be on Debian wheezy.
[14:35:16 CEST] <elmargol> I try to create a timelapse video out of a gopro timelapse: ffmpeg -framerate 2 -pattern_type sequence -start_number 79 -i  'G001%4d.jpg' -crf 18 -pix_fmt yuv420p timelapse.mkv
[14:35:37 CEST] <elmargol> It encodes. and If I play the file it shows only the first frame...
[14:36:03 CEST] <elmargol> First image is G0010079.JPG last image is G0011076.JPG
[14:36:06 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, no, it is th ral ffmepg, but an old version it says it is deprecated and that I should use avconv instead
[14:36:25 CEST] <chungy> That's because it's from the Libav fork, not actual ffmpeg
[14:37:18 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, I dont know
[14:38:12 CEST] <chungy> the real ffmpeg has returned to Debian in sid (not even Jessie has it). deb-multimedia.org also has it, but I cannot speak for the quality of those packages.
[14:38:33 CEST] <chungy> can also build ffmpeg on your own...
[14:39:04 CEST] <chungy> join #libav if you need to sort out your problems with that tool.
[14:40:22 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, on #libav they wer less supportiv than here O :o)
[14:40:53 CEST] <chungy> Well, you're using their program (you'd get the identical result with "avconv -i input output.mkv"...)
[14:42:10 CEST] <chungy> If you want to try the real ffmpeg, this may help: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu -- you can run it without overwriting any of the system libraries debian has installed from libav
[14:42:21 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, not the same, I have just used right now avconf and it overloaded my computer
[14:42:35 CEST] <Resilience> chungy, I will trye the real thing thanks
[14:43:31 CEST] <chungy> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9477115/what-are-the-differences-and-similarities-between-ffmpeg-libav-and-avconv/9477756#9477756
[14:49:17 CEST] <elmargol> and Idea why image2 is not working?
[14:49:32 CEST] <elmargol> ffmpeg -f image2 -pattern_type sequence -start_number 79 -i 'G001%4d.jpg' -r 29.97 -vcodec mjpeg timelapse.mov
[15:16:17 CEST] <frenda> Hi there
[15:16:57 CEST] <frenda> How to specify times less than one seccond? ffmpeg -i part1.wmv -ss 00:02:29:500 -to 00:03:01:000 -async 1 cut.wmv
[15:17:14 CEST] <frenda> error for this time: 00:02:29:500
[15:17:44 CEST] <frenda> How can I insert a time like this: 00:02:29:500?
[15:17:47 CEST] <c_14> 00:02:29.500
[15:18:01 CEST] <frenda> c_14: Oops, thanks
[15:18:43 CEST] <elmargol> ffmpeg -framerate 29.98/1 -start_number 79 -f image2 -i 'G001%4d.jpg' -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -vf "fps=29.98,format=yuv420p" timelapse.mkv
[15:18:57 CEST] <elmargol> This works :)
[15:22:01 CEST] <hid> hello
[15:22:28 CEST] <hid> i was recording sound from my sound card
[15:22:34 CEST] <hid> it does work
[15:22:35 CEST] <hid> but
[15:23:19 CEST] <hid> after reading a sample, i have a 2 seconds sound distortion
[15:24:05 CEST] <hid> here is the sample: http://drp.io:8080/files/55686865963f6/error.mp3
[15:24:34 CEST] <hid> the "sound distortion" is at 6s
[15:25:36 CEST] <hid> all i did to record was: ffmpeg -f pulse -i speakers_output song.wav
[15:26:13 CEST] <hid> `speakers_output' is the name you find with: pactl list sources
[15:28:54 CEST] <hid> I have the same problem whether i type `-ar 44100' or nothing
[15:29:05 CEST] <hid> the sample is 48kHz
[15:35:11 CEST] <Mavrik> did you try -ar 48000?
[15:35:21 CEST] <Mavrik> that is
[15:35:32 CEST] <Mavrik> ffmpeg -ar 48000 -f pulse -i speakers_output song.wav
[15:39:16 CEST] <elmargol> [swscaler @ 0000000002f45520] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
[15:42:20 CEST] <hid> Mavrik: -ar 48000 is set by default
[15:42:31 CEST] <hid> it records by default at 48kHz
[15:44:27 CEST] <hid> Mavrik: is typing: `ffmpeg -ar 48000 -f pulse -i speakers_output song.wav' the same as `ffmpeg -f pulse -i speakers_output -ar 48000 song.wav'?
[15:44:42 CEST] <hid> it maybe comes from here
[15:46:34 CEST] <Mavrik> no, it's not the same
[15:46:49 CEST] <Mavrik> one sets input settings, other output settings
[15:52:50 CEST] <hid> but the output is still a 48kHz file
[16:01:40 CEST] <Mavrik> I don't understand your point?
[16:01:56 CEST] <Mavrik> It's meant to explicitly tell pulse reader that raw audio will be in 48000Hz samples
[16:02:08 CEST] <Mavrik> mismatched samplerate usually ends up in glitches and problems
[16:11:54 CEST] <mish4> i am an ffmpeg newbie. I am collecting a series of PNG's and trying to output them as a video. I see -c and -pix_fmt being used in some examples. Do I need to specify those or can I just have it give me out.avi without specifying those? I'm not sure what format to use (more general the better, .mov seems to be apple?)
[16:12:30 CEST] <hid> Mavrik: thanks, it seems to work well now ;)
[16:12:31 CEST] <hid> :>
[16:14:12 CEST] <hid> mish4: .mov is a container file
[16:14:50 CEST] <hid> so mp4, mkv, mov etc are the same
[16:15:05 CEST] <hid> i'd rather export to mkv :>
[16:16:06 CEST] <Mavrik> mish4, explicitly setting stuff is almost always better than relying on ffmpeg to know what you want for you
[16:16:27 CEST] <Mavrik> so yeah, at least explicitly set video codec
[16:16:28 CEST] <mish4> i think i get what  you are saying. the container file just specifies how the data is stored but it does not specify how to generate the data from the images. that would be the codec?
[16:16:46 CEST] <Mavrik> mish4, I suggest you use MP4 as container, libx264 as encoder (for H.264 video)
[16:16:55 CEST] <Mavrik> that's by far the most widely supported combination currently
[16:16:58 CEST] <hid> mish4: -c:v libx264
[16:17:11 CEST] <hid> or -vcodec libx264
[16:17:35 CEST] <hid> sometimes, -c:v libx264 did not work for me. i still dont know why
[16:17:44 CEST] <mish4> when i tried doing ffmpeg -framerate and also ffmpeg -start_number, my terminal on mac os x would say unrecognized option. is this a user error (me) or is it cause my ffmpeg version is 0.6.1
[16:18:15 CEST] <chungy> you should upgrade your ffmpeg, definitely
[16:18:21 CEST] <Mavrik> hid, because -c:v is rather newish notation, so if you had ancient ffmpeg then it wasn't recognised
[16:18:32 CEST] <Mavrik> mish4, wow, that's from stone age... grab at least one of the 2.x versions
[16:18:41 CEST] <Mavrik> static builds are available for pretty much all platforms
[16:19:09 CEST] <mish4> gotchya. I got my laptop in 2010 so I guess that may have come preinstalled not sure. Thanks for the tips
[16:19:50 CEST] <Mavrik> mish4, on OS X, you'll get newest 2.6.1 ffmpeg in homebrew
[16:19:58 CEST] <Mavrik> brew install ffmpeg
[16:20:55 CEST] <mish4> okay. i'll try homebrew, never used it before. hopefully it doesn't take too much space up
[16:21:16 CEST] <hid> ohhh thats why :o
[16:21:40 CEST] <chungy> It'd probably be easier to get the static build
[16:22:23 CEST] <Mavrik> yeah
[16:22:40 CEST] <Mavrik> I just presume everyone has homebrew on their machines by default :P
[16:22:52 CEST] <mish4> the static build is the same thing as "unix executable files"? I got a folder that has ffmpeg , ffprobe, ffserver
[16:23:05 CEST] <mish4> though i think i need to read how to install these... because how will terminal even know about them
[16:23:20 CEST] <hid> Mavrik: i have 2.6.2 version, what is the latest realse?
[16:23:24 CEST] <hid> release
[16:23:29 CEST] Action: Mavrik points at topic.
[16:23:33 CEST] <Mavrik> 2.6.2 is new enough.
[16:23:47 CEST] <hid> good :>
[16:24:40 CEST] <hid> i installed it with ubuntu ppa but it seems it aint maintain ahah
[16:24:50 CEST] <hid> i think i'll compile it someday
[16:25:03 CEST] <chungy> Ubuntu 15.04 has ffmpeg
[16:25:20 CEST] <chungy> http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/ffmpeg it's the 2.5 series... heh
[16:25:30 CEST] <hid> ubuntu 14.04 here :)
[16:26:21 CEST] <Mavrik> hid, use static builds on ubuntu
[16:26:34 CEST] <Mavrik> since all the repos are old as hell
[16:42:40 CEST] <mish4> hmm i downloaded latest ffmpeg static build and it just gives me a .7z which produces a file ffmpeg 2 30.2mb. but i don't know what to do with this file once i have it
[16:42:47 CEST] <mish4> when i type ffmpeg it sitll launches old one
[16:44:07 CEST] <c_14> mish4: /path/to/ffmpeg [things]
[16:47:19 CEST] <chungy> you'll either have to type the path to that binary, or set your PATH so that particular directory appears before the normal one
[16:47:33 CEST] <mish4> I suspect something is wrong cause I get illegal instruction when i run ./ffmpeg -pix_fmt
[16:57:34 CEST] <hid> mish4: in your .bashrc file, add PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/path/to/ffmpeg
[16:57:43 CEST] <hid> (i'm not sure)
[16:58:02 CEST] <hid> after adding this line, juste . ~/.bashrc
[16:58:12 CEST] <hid> if it works --> good
[16:58:22 CEST] <hid> if not --> remove line ;)
[17:56:06 CEST] <frenda> Is possible to merge a series of .wmv video clips by ffmpeg?
[17:56:36 CEST] <c_14> Merge as in concatenate?
[17:57:38 CEST] <frenda> c_14: Yes; 1.wmv, 2.wmv, 3.wmv ==> concatenated.wmv
[17:57:46 CEST] <c_14> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Concatenate
[17:59:30 CEST] <frenda> damn it; the answer is alwase FFMPEG :)
[17:59:33 CEST] <frenda> I was trying with mkvmerge for hourse withoput any result;
[17:59:45 CEST] <frenda> hours*
[17:59:58 CEST] <frenda> whitout*
[18:00:31 CEST] <hid> ffmpeg > *
[18:19:29 CEST] <chungy> Hmm. Slightly more complex concat: Is it possible to concatenate *and* insert chapter breaks where the file boundaries were?
[18:19:50 CEST] <chungy> I'm thinking of this usecase: wrap up a whole directory of tracks in an album to a single *.mka
[18:22:47 CEST] <c_14> chungy: I don't think ffmpeg has any sort of sophisticated chapter support beyond mapping from input files
[19:03:35 CEST] <cilly> hi, having problem with muxing two audio streams: both are marked as default, so both play simultanously
[19:05:18 CEST] <cilly> here is the output of ffmpeg -i <movie>: http://dpaste.com/200WP76
[19:05:36 CEST] <cilly> How can I set only one audio stream as default?
[19:05:53 CEST] <cilly> any help appreciated thx
[19:16:02 CEST] <seasc> cilly, the default audio stream is usualy the first one maped.
[19:25:29 CEST] <treeinterest> hey
[19:26:20 CEST] <treeinterest> when creating an image in ffmpeg, it sets the background as #101010 rather than pure black, how can this be overridden? :)
[19:35:06 CEST] <haasn> chungy: One problem with the script is that it only runs on one core
[19:35:28 CEST] <haasn> I want to make it encode in parallel to take advantage of all CPU cores
[19:35:55 CEST] <haasn> I can't believe there's no a simple way to do this already :(
[19:36:14 CEST] <haasn> I think bash is starting to not be the right tool for the job, it sucks as a scripting language
[19:36:57 CEST] <midori-rus> Hello. Is it possible to call ffmpeg in console without any answering? I need it to call ffmpeg in cron
[19:40:59 CEST] <chungy> haasn: heh yeah. you might be able to pull something off in python real quick
[19:41:12 CEST] <haasn> I was thinking Haskell but the effect should be the same :)
[19:41:22 CEST] <chungy> whatever works
[19:41:38 CEST] <cilly> seasc: and why are there two default audio streams? see "(default)" ins pastie
[19:41:51 CEST] <cilly> is this a bug?
[19:46:21 CEST] <cilly> s/ins/in/
[20:03:17 CEST] <seasc> cilly, because the input file has 2 audio streams
[20:03:57 CEST] <seasc> try: "-map 0:a:2 -map 0:a:1" to preserve both streams
[20:31:31 CEST] <JEEBsv> -map 0:a should pick all of the audio streams, too
[20:34:37 CEST] <treeinterest> hi
[20:36:05 CEST] <treeinterest> when i use 'tile' in ffmpeg to create a jpg, it gives a #101010 background color. but when i do the same command but output a png, it's #000 background color. why is the jpg not giving me the correct background color?
[20:37:30 CEST] <treeinterest> ^ also when i convert png to jpg, jpg then has the correct color, makes no sense
[20:50:29 CEST] <cilly> seasc: I see, will test
[20:50:33 CEST] <cilly> seasc: thx
[23:37:02 CEST] <animax> JEEBsv at the keyboard?
[00:00:00 CEST] --- Sat May 30 2015

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