[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20150910

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 02:05:01 CEST 2015

[00:34:57 CEST] <danverde> hello
[00:36:56 CEST] <danverde> I'm having trouble with the latest shared lib builds of libav* from zeranoe.com
[00:37:09 CEST] <danverde> is this an acceptable place to discuss?
[00:37:53 CEST] <danverde> it has to do with the runtime loading of the shared lib
[00:38:29 CEST] <c_14> feel free to ask, whether or not someone can help you will be seen
[00:38:49 CEST] <danverde> my app, which does work with older shared libs, now says that it can find entry point for sf::SoundStream
[00:39:47 CEST] <danverde> which I am linking to but not sure why the app thinks these libs are where the sfml exports are
[01:35:18 CEST] <DHE> is it possible to detect or estimate the -qp parameter used in encoding a video if all I have is the output? video is H264 but I don't think x264 encoded it.
[04:30:08 CEST] <voicesl> I'm trying to use ffmpeg to take a mpeg2 stream from a HD HomeRun Prime via http://<unitip>/auto/v<channel> which starts up fine but ffmpeg seems to slow down and stall out at the 6 second mark, any ideas why it would do that?
[04:31:56 CEST] <voicesl> http://pastebin.com/B86PUjyW is the command line I'm testing with at the moment
[04:45:39 CEST] <c_14> Get rid of the -re, -deinterlace is deprecated use the yadif filter. Also libvpx is just really slow
[05:40:13 CEST] <voicesl> c_14: thanks for your recommendation, it seems like this is the sweetspot on my system since I've had a HD tv channel going through it for 10 mins now with no issues: -c:v libvpx -b:v 800k -bufsize 800k -threads 4 -quality good -cpu-used 5 -g 30 -filter:v yadif=0:0:0,scale=-1:576
[08:18:00 CEST] <alo> need help to use AVStream::pts
[08:18:16 CEST] <alo> its is saying  was declared deprecated
[08:45:07 CEST] <Guest66794> hello, I'm using avcodec_encode_video2() to encode video with h264 format. but the size is 10x bigger than the result if I use ffmpeg cli tools to transcode my video, any ideas to debug this ?
[08:48:38 CEST] <Guest66794> by the way, I followed this code to mux my video: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/n1.2.2/doc/examples/muxing.c
[09:09:55 CEST] <badkeypoints> Guys I'm having a lot of trouble with make when compiling ffmpeg libs for android on windows
[09:10:29 CEST] <badkeypoints> getting make errors: library.mak:105: recipe for target 'libswresample/libswresample-0.so' failed
[09:13:51 CEST] <badkeypoints> More detailed verbose output:
[09:14:07 CEST] <badkeypoints> https://dpaste.de/XmCU
[09:31:42 CEST] <pentanol> badkeypoints you didn't try delete libavutil.so and compile again? btw, what's android version you use?
[09:38:04 CEST] <badkeypoints> pentanol: r9d
[09:38:05 CEST] <badkeypoints> for ndk
[11:04:10 CEST] <d-fens_> hi, i have two audio inputs and want one output stream where the second inputs starts after 9 seconds and both do overlay till the end
[11:04:47 CEST] <d-fens_> whats the fitting fiter for this?
[11:04:52 CEST] <d-fens_> *filter
[11:16:25 CEST] <durandal_1707> d-fens_: amid with adelay
[11:16:36 CEST] <durandal_1707> *amix
[11:17:20 CEST] <d-fens_> durandal_1707: ah, i thought adelay was a "delay" (as in chorus) effect
[11:22:45 CEST] <durandal_1707> It can delay all channels at once
[11:36:57 CEST] <d-fens_> hmm it doesn't work : [1:0] adelay=3 [delayed]; [4][delayed] amix [audio] starts the [1:0] stream right at the beginning
[11:40:29 CEST] <d-fens_> oops its miliseconds ....
[12:12:35 CEST] <stanz> I am using libx264 to encode a video, but the result video has very high bitrate, about ~1500kb/s, the mux info is here : http://pastebin.com/t4i55ihf
[12:12:42 CEST] <stanz> anyone has idea ?
[12:18:15 CEST] <iive>  stanz you use quants in the range 1-5 .. h264 uses logarithmic quants
[12:18:51 CEST] <iive> mpeg2 linear quant 2 is roughly equivalent to h264 q=18
[12:20:59 CEST] <iive> x264 calls is QP or quantizer parameter.
[12:22:12 CEST] <stanz> iive: oh, got it, I will try to adjust the q.
[12:22:15 CEST] <stanz> Thank you.
[12:25:28 CEST] <stanz> iive: it works with c->qmin = 10; c->qmax = 51;, thank you very much !
[12:26:24 CEST] <iive> well, that was easy :)
[12:49:17 CEST] <bahador> hi every one .
[12:49:45 CEST] <bahador> i need help about conver a banch of images to video
[12:50:16 CEST] <bahador> i have a bunch of images. and i want to make video from these images. below is my code for ffmpeg. but the problem is how can i append audio file to filter-complex. with bitrate and..
[12:50:16 CEST] <bahador> ffmpeg \
[12:50:16 CEST] <bahador> -loop 1 -i input0.png \
[12:50:16 CEST] <bahador> -loop 1 -i input1.png \
[12:50:16 CEST] <bahador> -loop 1 -i input2.png \
[12:50:16 CEST] <bahador> -loop 1 -i input3.png \
[12:50:17 CEST] <bahador> -loop 1 -i input4.png \
[12:50:17 CEST] <bahador> -filter_complex \
[12:50:18 CEST] <bahador> "[0:v]trim=duration=15,fade=t=out:st=14.5:d=0.5[v0]; \
[12:50:18 CEST] <bahador> [1:v]trim=duration=15,fade=t=in:st=0:d=0.5,fade=t=out:st=14.5:d=0.5[v1]; \
[12:50:19 CEST] <bahador> [2:v]trim=duration=15,fade=t=in:st=0:d=0.5,fade=t=out:st=14.5:d=0.5[v2]; \
[12:50:20 CEST] <bahador> [3:v]trim=duration=15,fade=t=in:st=0:d=0.5,fade=t=out:st=14.5:d=0.5[v3]; \
[12:53:05 CEST] <bahador> Hellooooo
[12:53:27 CEST] <bahador> there is no one here?
[12:53:47 CEST] <bahador> COme on guys i need your help. for solve this problem
[13:00:38 CEST] <JEEB> I think you are expecting a bit too much from people who are devoting their free time for helping people
[13:01:13 CEST] <JEEB> and personally right now I'm not interested in looking at other people's filter_complexes so sorry
[13:05:10 CEST] <bahador> i know , but you are expert in this case, my code is Incomplete i spend cupple hours for this , but i coudnt to figrait it out.
[13:05:46 CEST] <bahador> Maybe you can fix it in minute ... that's it
[13:22:40 CEST] <satiender> Hi how we can capture camera with ffmpeg in android
[13:22:50 CEST] <satiender> please anybody help
[13:54:18 CEST] <mateo`> satiender: ffmpeg does not support capturing cameras on android afaik
[13:54:55 CEST] <satiender> mateo : are sure
[13:55:04 CEST] <satiender> about that
[14:01:34 CEST] <mateo`> pretty sure
[14:03:27 CEST] <satiender> mateo : but way
[14:03:54 CEST] <satiender> mateo : I give so proof of concept
[14:04:43 CEST] <satiender> mateo : we take the camera stream with another library of android
[14:04:59 CEST] <DHE> for H264 video is it possible to detect or estimate the -qp parameter used in encoding a video if all I have is the output? It wasn't encoded by x264
[14:06:48 CEST] <satiender> mateo : and give that stream as a input to ffmpeg
[14:07:01 CEST] <satiender> the we process it
[14:08:21 CEST] <mateo`> satiender: afaik, there is no avdevice able to grab the camera stream directly
[14:10:46 CEST] <satiender> mateo : One question , Are you familier with android
[14:11:40 CEST] <mateo`> yes
[14:14:22 CEST] <satiender> ok
[14:15:04 CEST] <satiender> mateo : then I think you ,hopefully you can help me
[14:16:15 CEST] <satiender> mateo : I want record a camera
[14:17:01 CEST] <satiender> mateo : then detect the face of object and paste the overlay of cartoon on face
[14:17:33 CEST] <satiender> mateo : Now I want record it with cartoonest face
[14:17:56 CEST] <satiender> mateo : which thing is best for me
[14:17:59 CEST] <satiender> ??
[14:18:05 CEST] <satiender> please help
[14:19:21 CEST] <martijnb> heh
[14:19:37 CEST] <martijnb> I think opencv has some kind of android branch even
[14:20:22 CEST] <martijnb> face detection is really straight forward with that
[14:20:28 CEST] <martijnb> I don't know if that suits your purpose
[14:22:36 CEST] <bahador> some one help me ...
[14:24:00 CEST] <bahador> ffmpeg \
[14:24:00 CEST] <bahador> -loop 1 -i input0.png \
[14:24:00 CEST] <bahador> -loop 1 -i input1.png \
[14:24:00 CEST] <bahador> -loop 1 -i input2.png \
[14:24:00 CEST] <bahador> -loop 1 -i input3.png \
[14:24:00 CEST] <bahador> -loop 1 -i input4.png \
[14:24:01 CEST] <bahador> -filter_complex \
[14:24:02 CEST] <bahador> "[0:v]trim=duration=15,fade=t=out:st=14.5:d=0.5[v0]; \
[14:24:02 CEST] <bahador>  [1:v]trim=duration=15,fade=t=in:st=0:d=0.5,fade=t=out:st=14.5:d=0.5[v1]; \
[14:24:02 CEST] <bahador>  [2:v]trim=duration=15,fade=t=in:st=0:d=0.5,fade=t=out:st=14.5:d=0.5[v2]; \
[14:24:03 CEST] <bahador>  [3:v]trim=duration=15,fade=t=in:st=0:d=0.5,fade=t=out:st=14.5:d=0.5[v3]; \
[14:24:03 CEST] <bahador>  [4:v]trim=duration=15,fade=t=in:st=0:d=0.5,fade=t=out:st=14.5:d=0.5[v4]; \
[14:27:39 CEST] <satiender> martijnb : every thing is done by using opencv face is detected and cartoon image is inserted
[14:28:05 CEST] <satiender> martijnb :  but that is only preview
[14:28:20 CEST] <satiender> I want to record that preview
[14:28:51 CEST] <satiender> with ffmpeg of any other library which am not knowing
[14:29:01 CEST] <martijnb> that sounds like pretty standard opencv functionality though
[14:29:14 CEST] <satiender> if you have any idea then please hepl
[14:29:18 CEST] <satiender> help
[14:29:39 CEST] <satiender> how I can record that
[14:29:41 CEST] <satiender> ??
[14:30:41 CEST] <martijnb> I've mostly worked with images with opencv, object recognition, some 3d pointcloud generation, but you're better off looking for help on the opencv grounds than here I believe
[14:33:04 CEST] <satiender> martijnb : Can I record that video
[14:33:09 CEST] <satiender> with ffmpeg
[14:33:11 CEST] <satiender> ??
[14:33:41 CEST] <martijnb> maybe, but wouldn't you rather just set a target in opencv and have it export to that?
[14:36:24 CEST] <satiender> martijnb : I have an idea
[14:36:51 CEST] <satiender> martijnb : can we record texture view with ffmpeg
[14:37:00 CEST] <satiender> I mean screen of phone
[14:37:06 CEST] <satiender> like x11grab
[14:37:13 CEST] <satiender> in linux
[16:07:30 CEST] <Sho_> has anyone in the community written something about Thor?
[16:14:07 CEST] <spaam> the god ?
[16:29:40 CEST] <JEEB> spaam: the Cisco 64x64 thing
[16:29:52 CEST] <spaam> ahh
[16:29:59 CEST] <spaam> forgot about that name
[16:38:41 CEST] <Sho_> interesting to see cross-pulls between Thor and Daala
[17:37:45 CEST] <DX099> hi everyone
[17:38:15 CEST] <DX099> I'm a complete noob in programming but I'd like to try hard this time to submit a patch for a project that uses ffmpeg
[17:39:58 CEST] <DX099> Can someone tell me how to get version information from libavutil (I believe I should get it from there...?) in order to enable conditionnal definitions for variable names?
[17:40:50 CEST] <JEEB> all of the libraries have version defines and lately you even have a thing for the ffmpeg version
[17:41:00 CEST] <DX099> I tried to invoke av_version_info but I can't get it to work
[17:42:50 CEST] <DX099> when I try something like "#include <libavutil/avutil.h>" and the further "cout << av_version_info() << endl;" I get an undefined reference error
[17:48:17 CEST] <durandal_1707> have you linked with lavu?
[17:48:25 CEST] <DX099> lavu?
[17:50:11 CEST] <DX099> I just ran a find in my includes and there was nothing like a lavu header
[17:54:03 CEST] <ibouvousaime> Im tryin to convert an avi file to mp4 but I get this error http://ur1.ca/nqqmd  can you guys help me ?
[17:56:02 CEST] <ibouvousaime> ohh sorry http://pastebin.com/MUKiHBs8
[18:06:07 CEST] <c_14> ibouvousaime: your version of ffmpeg isn't compiled with libfaac
[18:06:13 CEST] <c_14> use -c:a aac -strict -2
[18:08:35 CEST] <c_14> Or compile your own (more recent) version of ffmpeg
[18:08:57 CEST] <ibouvousaime> the compiling failed
[18:09:02 CEST] <ibouvousaime> :(
[18:09:14 CEST] <ibouvousaime> let me show you the output
[18:11:15 CEST] <ibouvousaime> short version "Makefile:126: recipe for target 'ffmpeg_g' failed
[18:11:15 CEST] <ibouvousaime> make: *** [ffmpeg_g] Error 1"
[18:11:36 CEST] <c_14> gonna need the long version (preferably to a pastebin service)
[18:14:43 CEST] <ibouvousaime> so long that apparently the terminal trimmed the text
[18:15:00 CEST] <c_14> I just want all the parts where it says "error"
[18:15:02 CEST] <c_14> usually
[18:15:11 CEST] <c_14> or, the areas around them
[18:15:15 CEST] <c_14> Is usually somewhere near the end
[18:15:19 CEST] <c_14> Since that's where it aborts
[18:19:50 CEST] <tlhiv_work> c_14: around?
[18:20:01 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(mxfdec.o): In function `mxf_parse_structural_metadata':
[18:20:01 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(mxfenc.o): In function `mxf_interleave_get_packet':
[18:21:19 CEST] <c_14> tlhiv_work: yes
[18:21:32 CEST] <c_14> ibouvousaime: probably 1/2 lines above that. Just pastebin the whole area around those lines
[18:22:32 CEST] <tlhiv_work> hi ... you helped me a couple of days ago with getting my PNG image sequence into a video ... i'm trying to mix it with an audio file, and i want the result to be 1 second longer than the audio, but ffmpeg seems to be keeping "chopping" it to the audio length
[18:25:14 CEST] <c_14> Does your command have a -shortest somewhere?
[18:26:11 CEST] <tlhiv_work> no
[18:27:07 CEST] <c_14> What's your current command?
[18:27:51 CEST] <tlhiv_work> i may have found a solution on a thread ...
[18:33:22 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(mxfenc.o): In function `mxf_write_generic_sound_common':
[18:33:24 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(mxfenc.o): In function `mxf_write_header':
[18:33:26 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(mxfenc.o): In function `mxf_parse_dnxhd_frame':
[18:33:28 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(mxfenc.o): In function `mxf_parse_h264_frame':
[18:33:30 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(ncdec.o): In function `nc_read_packet':
[18:33:34 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(nsvdec.o): In function `nsv_read_close':
[18:33:36 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(nutdec.o): In function `read_sm_data':
[18:33:38 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(nutdec.o): In function `decode_frame':
[18:33:40 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(nutenc.o): In function `find_expected_header':
[18:33:42 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(nutenc.o): In function `build_frame_code':
[18:33:44 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(nuv.o): In function `nuv_packet':
[18:33:46 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(oggdec.o): In function `ogg_read_packet':
[18:33:48 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(oggenc.o): In function `ogg_write_header':
[18:33:50 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(oggparsedirac.o): In function `dirac_header':
[18:33:52 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(oggparseflac.o): In function `old_flac_header':
[18:33:54 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(oggparseopus.o): In function `opus_header':
[18:33:56 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(oggparsevorbis.o): In function `vorbis_cleanup':
[18:33:58 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(oggparsevorbis.o): In function `vorbis_update_metadata':
[18:34:00 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(oggparsevorbis.o): In function `vorbis_packet':
[18:34:14 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(oggparsevorbis.o): In function `fixup_vorbis_headers':
[18:34:15 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(oggparsevorbis.o): In function `vorbis_header':
[18:34:15 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(omadec.o): In function `oma_read_header':
[18:34:15 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(paf.o): In function `read_packet':
[18:34:15 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(pcm.o): In function `ff_pcm_read_seek':
[18:34:15 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(pcmdec.o): In function `pcm_read_header':
[18:34:17 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(psxstr.o): In function `str_read_close':
[18:34:19 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(psxstr.o): In function `str_read_packet':
[18:34:21 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rawdec.o): In function `ff_raw_read_partial_packet':
[18:34:23 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rawvideodec.o): In function `rawvideo_read_packet':
[18:34:25 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rawvideodec.o): In function `rawvideo_read_header':
[18:34:27 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(redspark.o): In function `redspark_read_packet':
[18:34:29 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(riffenc.o): In function `ff_put_wav_header':
[18:34:31 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(riffenc.o): In function `ff_parse_specific_params':
[18:34:33 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rl2.o): In function `rl2_read_packet':
[18:34:35 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rmdec.o): In function `ff_rm_free_rmstream':
[18:34:37 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rmdec.o): In function `rm_read_audio_stream_info':
[18:34:39 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rmdec.o): In function `ff_rm_free_rmstream':
[18:34:41 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rmdec.o): In function `rm_assemble_video_frame':
[18:34:45 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rmdec.o): In function `ff_rm_retrieve_cache':
[18:34:47 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rmdec.o): In function `rm_read_packet':
[18:34:49 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rmdec.o): In function `rm_assemble_video_frame':
[18:34:51 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rmdec.o): In function `ff_rm_free_rmstream':
[18:34:53 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rpl.o): In function `rpl_read_packet':
[18:34:55 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rsd.o): In function `rsd_read_packet':
[18:34:57 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rsd.o): In function `rsd_read_header':
[18:34:59 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rsodec.o): In function `rso_read_header':
[18:35:01 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec.o): In function `rtp_parse_packet_internal':
[18:35:03 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec.o): In function `rtp_parse_queued_packet':
[18:35:05 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec.o): In function `ff_rtp_finalize_packet':
[18:35:07 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_ac3.o): In function `ac3_handle_packet':
[18:35:09 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_amr.o): In function `amr_handle_packet':
[18:35:11 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_asf.o): In function `asfrtp_parse_packet':
[18:35:15 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_h263.o): In function `ff_h263_handle_packet':
[18:35:17 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_h264.o): In function `h264_handle_packet':
[18:35:19 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_h264.o): In function `ff_h264_handle_frag_packet':
[18:35:21 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_h264.o): In function `h264_handle_packet_fu_a':
[18:35:23 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_h264.o): In function `ff_h264_handle_aggregated_packet':
[18:35:25 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_h264.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/rtpdec_h264.c:251: more undefined references to `av_new_packet' follow
[18:35:28 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o): In function `jpeg_create_huffman_table':
[18:35:30 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/rtpdec_jpeg.c:78: more undefined references to `avpriv_mjpeg_bits_dc_luminance' follow
[18:35:33 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o): In function `jpeg_create_huffman_table':
[18:35:35 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/rtpdec_jpeg.c:78: more undefined references to `avpriv_mjpeg_bits_dc_chrominance' follow
[18:35:38 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o): In function `jpeg_create_huffman_table':
[18:35:40 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/rtpdec_jpeg.c:78: more undefined references to `avpriv_mjpeg_bits_ac_luminance' follow
[18:35:45 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o): In function `jpeg_create_huffman_table':
[18:35:47 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/rtpdec_jpeg.c:78: more undefined references to `avpriv_mjpeg_bits_ac_chrominance' follow
[18:35:52 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o): In function `jpeg_create_huffman_table':
[18:35:53 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/rtpdec_jpeg.c:78: more undefined references to `avpriv_mjpeg_bits_dc_luminance' follow
[18:35:55 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o): In function `jpeg_create_huffman_table':
[18:35:57 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/rtpdec_jpeg.c:78: more undefined references to `avpriv_mjpeg_bits_ac_chrominance' follow
[18:35:57 CEST] <c_14> wow, ibouvousaime use a pastebin service, please
[18:36:00 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o): In function `jpeg_create_huffman_table':
[18:36:02 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/rtpdec_jpeg.c:78: more undefined references to `avpriv_mjpeg_bits_ac_luminance' follow
[18:36:05 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o): In function `jpeg_create_huffman_table':
[18:36:07 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_jpeg.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/rtpdec_jpeg.c:78: more undefined references to `avpriv_mjpeg_bits_dc_chrominance' follow
[18:36:10 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_latm.o): In function `latm_parse_packet':
[18:36:12 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_mpa_robust.o): In function `mpa_robust_parse_packet':
[18:36:14 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_mpeg12.o): In function `mpeg_parse_packet':
[18:36:16 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_mpeg4.o): In function `aac_parse_packet':
[18:36:20 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_qcelp.o): In function `store_packet':
[18:36:22 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_qcelp.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/rtpdec_qcelp.c:180: more undefined references to `av_new_packet' follow
[18:36:25 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_qt.o): In function `qt_rtp_parse_packet':
[18:36:27 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_xiph.o): In function `xiph_handle_packet':
[18:36:29 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpdec_xiph.o): In function `parse_packed_headers':
[18:36:31 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpenc.o): In function `rtp_write_header':
[18:36:33 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpenc.o): In function `rtp_send_ilbc':
[18:36:35 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpenc.o): In function `rtp_write_packet':
[18:36:37 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpenc_chain.o): In function `ff_rtp_chain_mux_open':
[18:36:39 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpenc_jpeg.o): In function `ff_rtp_send_jpeg':
[18:36:41 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpenc_mpegts.o): In function `rtp_mpegts_write_packet':
[18:36:43 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpenc_mpegts.o): In function `rtp_mpegts_write_header':
[18:36:48 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtpenc_mpv.o): In function `ff_rtp_send_mpegvideo':
[18:36:48 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(rtsp.o): In function `sdp_parse_rtpmap':
[18:36:49 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(samidec.o): In function `sami_read_header':
[18:36:51 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(sapdec.o): In function `sap_fetch_packet':
[18:36:55 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(sapdec.o): In function `sap_read_header':
[18:36:57 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(sbgdec.o): In function `sbg_read_packet':
[18:36:59 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(sdp.o): In function `xiph_extradata2config':
[18:37:01 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(sdp.o): In function `latm_context2config':
[18:37:03 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(sdp.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/sdp.c:457: more undefined references to `avpriv_mpeg4audio_sample_rates' follow
[18:37:06 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(sdr2.o): In function `sdr2_read_packet':
[18:37:08 CEST] <c_14> Also, it looks like your entire compilation is broken. make distclean and then pastebin your configure command
[18:37:08 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(segment.o): In function `segment_mux_init':
[18:37:10 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(sierravmd.o): In function `vmd_read_packet':
[18:37:12 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(siff.o): In function `siff_read_packet':
[18:37:14 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(smacker.o): In function `smacker_read_packet':
[18:37:16 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(smoothstreamingenc.o): In function `ism_write_header':
[18:37:18 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(spdifdec.o): In function `ff_spdif_read_packet':
[18:37:20 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(spdifdec.o): In function `spdif_get_offset_and_codec':
[18:37:24 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(spdifdec.o): In function `ff_spdif_read_packet':
[18:37:26 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(spdifdec.o): In function `spdif_get_offset_and_codec':
[18:37:28 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(spdifenc.o): In function `spdif_header_aac':
[18:37:30 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(spdifenc.o): In function `spdif_header_dts':
[18:37:32 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(srtdec.o): In function `srt_read_header':
[18:37:34 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(srtenc.o): In function `srt_write_packet':
[18:37:36 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(srtenc.o): In function `srt_write_header':
[18:37:38 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(subtitles.o): In function `ff_subtitles_queue_insert':
[18:37:40 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(subtitles.o): In function `ff_subtitles_queue_read_packet':
[18:37:42 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(subtitles.o): In function `ff_subtitles_queue_clean':
[18:37:44 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(subviewerdec.o): In function `subviewer_read_header':
[18:37:46 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(swfdec.o): In function `swf_read_packet':
[18:37:48 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(takdec.o): In function `tak_read_header':
[18:37:50 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(tee.o): In function `tee_write_packet':
[18:37:52 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(tee.o): In function `filter_packet':
[18:37:56 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(tee.o): In function `close_slaves':
[18:37:58 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(tee.o): In function `open_slave':
[18:38:00 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(tee.o): In function `parse_bsfs':
[18:38:02 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(tee.o): In function `log_slave':
[18:38:04 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(tee.o): In function `close_slaves':
[18:38:06 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(thp.o): In function `thp_read_packet':
[18:38:08 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(tiertexseq.o): In function `seq_read_packet':
[18:38:10 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `append_packet_chunked':
[18:38:12 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `has_decode_delay_been_guessed':
[18:38:14 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `try_decode_frame':
[18:38:16 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `has_decode_delay_been_guessed':
[18:38:18 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `try_decode_frame':
[18:38:20 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `find_decoder':
[18:38:22 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `try_decode_frame':
[18:38:26 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `av_get_packet':
[18:38:28 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `ff_read_packet':
[18:38:30 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `ff_compute_frame_duration':
[18:38:32 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `is_intra_only':
[18:38:34 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `has_decode_delay_been_guessed':
[18:38:36 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `parse_packet':
[18:38:38 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `free_packet_buffer':
[18:38:40 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `ff_read_frame_flush':
[18:38:42 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `read_frame_internal':
[18:38:44 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `av_read_frame':
[18:38:46 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `seek_frame_generic':
[18:38:48 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `ff_codec_get_id':
[18:38:50 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `avformat_find_stream_info':
[18:38:52 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `find_decoder':
[18:38:56 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `avformat_find_stream_info':
[18:38:58 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `free_packet_buffer':
[18:39:00 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `avformat_find_stream_info':
[18:39:02 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `free_packet_buffer':
[18:39:04 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `estimate_timings_from_pts':
[18:39:06 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `find_decoder':
[18:39:08 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `ff_free_stream':
[18:39:10 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `free_packet_buffer':
[18:39:12 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o):/home/ibouvousaime/Downloads/ffmpeg-2.8/libavformat/utils.c:1179: more undefined references to `av_free_packet' follow
[18:39:15 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `avpriv_set_pts_info':
[18:39:17 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `avformat_new_stream':
[18:39:19 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(utils.o): In function `ff_add_param_change':
[18:39:21 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(vivo.o): In function `vivo_read_packet':
[18:39:25 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(vocdec.o): In function `ff_voc_get_packet':
[18:39:27 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(vqf.o): In function `vqf_read_packet':
[18:39:29 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(wavdec.o): In function `wav_read_header':
[18:39:31 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(wavenc.o): In function `wav_write_header':
[18:39:33 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(wavenc.o): In function `peak_init_writer':
[18:39:35 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(wc3movie.o): In function `wc3_read_close':
[18:39:37 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(wc3movie.o): In function `wc3_read_header':
[18:39:39 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(webpenc.o): In function `flush':
[18:39:41 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(webpenc.o): In function `webp_write_packet':
[18:39:43 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(webpenc.o): In function `flush':
[18:39:45 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(webvttdec.o): In function `webvtt_read_header':
[18:39:47 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(webvttenc.o): In function `webvtt_write_packet':
[18:39:49 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(westwood_aud.o): In function `wsaud_read_packet':
[18:39:50 CEST] <ps-auxw> What the...
[18:39:51 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(wtvenc.o): In function `write_trailer':
[18:39:55 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(wtvenc.o): In function `write_packet':
[18:39:57 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(wvdec.o): In function `wv_read_packet':
[18:39:59 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(yop.o): In function `yop_read_seek':
[18:40:01 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(yop.o): In function `yop_read_close':
[18:40:03 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(yop.o): In function `yop_read_packet':
[18:40:05 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(yuv4mpegdec.o): In function `yuv4_read_header':
[18:40:07 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(4xm.o): In function `fourxm_read_packet':
[18:40:08 CEST] <voice> someone forgot to use pastebin
[18:40:09 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(aadec.o): In function `aa_read_packet':
[18:40:11 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(ac3dec.o): In function `ac3_eac3_probe':
[18:40:13 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(act.o): In function `read_packet':
[18:40:15 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(adp.o): In function `adp_read_packet':
[18:40:17 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(adp.o): In function `adp_read_header':
[18:40:19 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(adtsenc.o): In function `adts_decode_extradata':
[18:40:21 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(adxdec.o): In function `adx_read_packet':
[18:40:25 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(aiffdec.o): In function `get_aiff_header':
[18:40:27 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(aiffenc.o): In function `aiff_write_packet':
[18:40:29 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(aiffenc.o): In function `aiff_write_trailer':
[18:40:31 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(aiffenc.o): In function `aiff_write_header':
[18:40:33 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(audiointerleave.o): In function `ff_audio_interleave_init':
[18:40:35 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(audiointerleave.o): In function `interleave_new_audio_packet':
[18:40:37 CEST] <ibouvousaime> libavformat/libavformat.a(flac_picture.o): In function `ff_flac_parse_picture':
[18:40:39 CEST] <ibouvousaime> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
[18:40:41 CEST] <ibouvousaime> Makefile:126: recipe for target 'ffmpeg_g' failed
[18:40:43 CEST] <ibouvousaime> make: *** [ffmpeg_g] Error 1
[18:40:45 CEST] <ibouvousaime> [ibouvousaime at localhost ffmpeg-2.8]$
[18:40:47 CEST] <ibouvousaime> Ohhhh no
[18:40:49 CEST] <ibouvousaime> sorry
[18:40:51 CEST] <ibouvousaime> I wanted to paste the link
[18:40:53 CEST] <ibouvousaime> http://ur1.ca/nqqz5
[18:40:57 CEST] <ibouvousaime> IM really sorry for this
[18:40:59 CEST] <ibouvousaime> I cant see what comes before those lines
[18:41:01 CEST] <ibouvousaime> c_14, http://pastebin.com/DvE68msH
[18:41:46 CEST] <c_14> Also, it looks like your entire compilation is broken. make distclean and then pastebin your configure command
[18:42:34 CEST] <c_14> And make sure that configure doesn't report any errors
[18:42:50 CEST] <t4nk508> Hey guys, very quick question. Am I right in think FFMPEG 2.8 now offers hardware accelerated video encoding in Linux? QSV?
[18:43:39 CEST] <ibouvousaime> c_14, http://pastebin.com/GXzPL2Px
[18:43:43 CEST] <c_14> t4nk508: yes, for mpeg-2, hevc and h.264 (according to the changelog)
[18:44:10 CEST] <t4nk508> That is fantastic news, I can now fully ditch Windoze :)
[18:44:29 CEST] <c_14> ibouvousaime: and if you run make now does it still error out?
[18:44:54 CEST] <ibouvousaime> it started
[18:44:59 CEST] <ibouvousaime> its gonna be long
[18:47:24 CEST] <Roxis> hi?
[18:47:46 CEST] <ibouvousaime> hi
[18:48:30 CEST] <Roxis> i need the command for convert to youtube format 36 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube#Quality_and_formats
[18:51:13 CEST] <c_14> Roxis: presumably `ffmpeg -i input -c:v mpeg-4 -b:v 0.175M -c:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 32k -vf scale -2:240 out.3gp'
[18:51:51 CEST] <Roxis> oh, thanks
[18:54:32 CEST] <Roxis> here its the perfect command http://video.stackexchange.com/questions/12627/youtube-3gp-encoding-settings but not work
[18:59:10 CEST] <alo> alternative for dump_format
[18:59:13 CEST] <alo> someone?
[19:00:38 CEST] <c_14> Roxis: I don't think you can manually override the major_brand
[19:06:23 CEST] <c_14> (at least not without modifying the source code)
[19:06:30 CEST] <c_14> ((of ffmpeg))
[19:06:34 CEST] <alo> url_fopen is deprecated?
[19:07:42 CEST] <c_14> alo: renamed to avio_open (in 2011 even) and dump_format is now av_dump_format
[19:07:46 CEST] <c_14> Read doc/APIchanges
[19:07:50 CEST] <c_14> It's there for a reason
[19:08:40 CEST] <alo> ty c_14
[19:10:06 CEST] <ibouvousaime> c_14, it passed it
[19:11:20 CEST] <c_14> alo: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/doc/APIchanges
[19:11:40 CEST] <alo> ok c_14 thanks
[19:12:06 CEST] <ibouvousaime> same error at the end
[19:12:18 CEST] <ibouvousaime> Unknown encoder 'libfaac'
[19:13:19 CEST] <c_14> ibouvousaime: because you never enabled it. If you want to use libfaac you have to install the development libraries and headers for it and then configure ffmpeg with --enable-libfaac and then compile (though if you're compiling yourself, it's probably better to use libfdk-aac)
[19:16:03 CEST] <ibouvousaime> the compiling worked
[19:16:26 CEST] <c_14> Yes, but you never linked against libfaac
[19:16:30 CEST] <c_14> Because you didn't tell ffmpeg to do it
[19:17:16 CEST] <ibouvousaime> Unrecognized option '-enable-libfaac'.
[19:17:22 CEST] <c_14> --enable-libfaac
[19:17:30 CEST] <c_14> ./configure --enable-libfaac
[19:17:32 CEST] <c_14> that is
[19:17:53 CEST] <c_14> And you have to make sure that you have the development libraries installed first (usually called libfaac-dev or something)
[19:18:10 CEST] <ibouvousaime> I wrote the two -- before
[19:19:58 CEST] <ibouvousaime> recompiling
[19:24:47 CEST] <ericwooley> I have a question about webm encoding. I am trying to append to videos in a web page. http://ericwooley.github.io/VideoAppendTesting/
[19:25:28 CEST] <ericwooley> It works well but depends on which video you start with
[19:25:45 CEST] <ericwooley> starting with video4 and appending other videos plays as you would expect.
[19:26:37 CEST] <ericwooley> starting with another video causes weird things to happen when it should switch to the next video. How would I figure out what is different about the 4th video?
[22:09:48 CEST] <DX099> Hi again, as I said earlier I'm quite noob into programming and was looking for a solution to check ffmpeg version from an other program sources
[22:10:14 CEST] <DX099> I included <libavutil/avutil.h> but after that I'm at loss
[22:12:53 CEST] <DX099> someone asked me if I linked "lavu" but I have no idea what it means
[22:14:32 CEST] <c_14> Call avutil_version() ?
[22:19:31 CEST] <DX099> c_14: here's my test code and I get an "undefined reference" and an "ld" error
[22:19:38 CEST] <DX099> http://paste2.org/NLeOgPOs
[22:19:50 CEST] <durandal_1707> Linking with libavutil
[22:20:27 CEST] <durandal_1707> -lavutil -L/usr...
[22:26:38 CEST] <DX099> durandal_1707: I'm working with Clion and the modified the CMake List file but it still fails "set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -lavutil -L/usr")
[22:27:49 CEST] <durandal_1707> where is lavu installed there -L must point
[22:29:48 CEST] <DX099> durandal_1707: "ls -l /usr/lib/libavutil.so
[22:29:57 CEST] <DX099> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 10 sept. 00:02 /usr/lib/libavutil.so -> libavutil.so.55.1.100*"
[22:30:32 CEST] <DX099> I then added "-L/usr/lib/" to CMakeLists.txt but to no avail... :/
[22:32:53 CEST] <DX099> ld still returns 1
[22:43:34 CEST] <durandal_1707> I dunno cmake
[22:44:34 CEST] <DX099> durandal_1707: mmh... :( thanks anyway
[00:00:00 CEST] --- Fri Sep 11 2015

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