[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20160414

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 02:05:02 CEST 2016

[00:00:21 CEST] <fearnothing> Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Function not implemented
[00:00:27 CEST] <fearnothing> and
[00:00:28 CEST] <fearnothing> [matroska @ 0x9c4fa0] Subtitle codec 94213 is not supported.
[00:00:41 CEST] <fearnothing> guess that means I have to rip again as m4v
[00:01:08 CEST] <furq> paste the full output
[00:01:54 CEST] <furq> actually never mind i'm pretty sure that's mov_text
[00:02:15 CEST] <furq> ffmpeg -i src.m4v -c copy -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 0:2 out.mkv
[00:02:37 CEST] <fearnothing> https://bpaste.net/show/2077298c56f5
[00:02:50 CEST] <furq> yeah it is
[00:03:03 CEST] <furq> i'd have thought it would pick the subtitle stream which is actually supported, but oh well
[00:03:20 CEST] <fearnothing> now "[matroska @ 0x1d1f1e0] Tag mp4s/0x7334706d incompatible with output codec id '94208' ([0][0][0][0])"
[00:04:19 CEST] <furq> fun
[00:04:35 CEST] <furq> you'll probably have better luck just OCRing the subs or trying to find external subs which match up
[00:04:53 CEST] <fearnothing> even better than re-ripping direct to mkv?
[00:04:58 CEST] <furq> yeah definitely don't rerip
[00:05:10 CEST] <furq> get subrip or something
[00:05:24 CEST] <furq> it's fairly painless, just a bit tedious
[00:05:37 CEST] <fearnothing> subrip is a tool?
[00:05:40 CEST] <furq> yeah
[00:06:08 CEST] <fearnothing> ok, maybe I'll just finish ripping the library and then try to sort this out afterwards
[00:06:14 CEST] <fearnothing> when I can do it all in one go
[00:06:38 CEST] <fearnothing> "for F in *.m4v; do N=$(echo $F | cut -d "." -f 1); sudo ffmpeg -i "$F" -c copy "$N.mkv"; done"
[00:06:38 CEST] <furq> http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search
[00:06:49 CEST] <furq> you might have some luck on there as well
[00:07:08 CEST] <furq> it's pretty comprehensive but a lot of the subs have timing issues due to different releases etc
[00:07:25 CEST] <fearnothing> perhaps... got about 30 movies with subtitles though
[00:07:41 CEST] <fearnothing> bit of a faff
[00:08:08 CEST] <fearnothing> I can understand why DVDs did image subtitles, but I still want to smack someone :P
[00:08:25 CEST] <furq> also you can replace N=$(echo $F | cut -d "." -f 1) with N=${F%%.*}
[00:08:50 CEST] <fearnothing> ah thank you :)
[00:09:03 CEST] <furq> you probably also want to strip the subtitles out in the conversion, so add -sn to the ffmpeg command
[00:09:22 CEST] <furq> it's weird that the dvd subtitles won't remux though
[00:09:38 CEST] <fearnothing> yeah I haven't exactly messed around with the defaults on handbrake much
[00:09:50 CEST] <furq> it's definitely supported, but maybe the weird non-standard dvd-subtitles-in-mp4 are screwing it up
[00:10:04 CEST] <fearnothing> yeah I think I will rip to mkv from now on
[00:10:38 CEST] <furq> does handbrake still default to some ridiculous x264 preset
[00:10:43 CEST] <furq> iirc it defaults to veryfast or something
[00:11:03 CEST] <fearnothing> is that the quality scale?
[00:11:22 CEST] <furq> i think it's listed under preset
[00:11:23 CEST] <furq> on the same page
[00:11:39 CEST] <fearnothing> oh, yeah it is using that
[00:12:02 CEST] <furq> fun
[00:12:08 CEST] <furq> you should change that to the slowest profile you can tolerate
[00:12:12 CEST] <furq> s/profile/preset/
[00:12:17 CEST] <fearnothing> what's the issue with that?
[00:12:27 CEST] <furq> slower presets compress better
[00:12:31 CEST] <furq> but run slower, obviously
[00:12:42 CEST] <fearnothing> is that the only difference?
[00:13:00 CEST] <fearnothing> I've not really noticed an issue with compression and I certainly don't have any issues with available space
[00:13:05 CEST] <furq> fair enough
[00:13:11 CEST] <furq> well at least it's not ultrafast, which is really bad
[00:13:18 CEST] <Mavrik> oh yeah
[00:14:05 CEST] <fearnothing> currently getting about 1GB per hour of movie
[00:14:07 CEST] <furq> as long as the CRF is set to a reasonable value, veryfast should still look ok
[00:14:22 CEST] <fearnothing> although Saving Ryan's Privates is for some odd reason 4.9GB
[00:14:48 CEST] <furq> isn't that 8 minutes long
[00:15:08 CEST] <fearnothing> 2:42
[00:15:18 CEST] <fearnothing> 2:42:00 that is
[00:15:28 CEST] <furq> oh never mind there are two films with that name
[00:15:31 CEST] <fearnothing> oh, and Seven Samurai has ended up at 5.4GB
[00:15:57 CEST] <furq> it might be worth trying those with a slower preset
[00:16:01 CEST] <iive> is there a lot of film grain in the source?
[00:16:18 CEST] <furq> and yeah if they're excessively grainy you can give the denoise filters a try
[00:16:24 CEST] <fearnothing> Seven Samurai will have
[00:16:25 CEST] <furq> handbrake has quite a good one iirc
[00:16:32 CEST] <fearnothing> SPR shouldn't
[00:16:36 CEST] <furq> nlmeans
[00:17:03 CEST] <iive> noise compresses horrible and it doesn't add useful info
[00:17:16 CEST] <fearnothing> oddly enough, Seven Samurai should be very similar to Rashomon, yet Rashomon is only 2.1GB
[00:17:42 CEST] <furq> i prefer to preserve noise in films, especially good ones
[00:18:10 CEST] <furq> maybe less so if the source is a dvd
[00:18:41 CEST] <furq> i'm not a fan of denoised blu-ray rips though
[00:18:53 CEST] <furq> even if they are 1/3 the size
[00:26:25 CEST] <zamba> is it possible to adjust a/v sync without reencoding?
[00:31:13 CEST] <explodes> Any reason a yuv420p video may be incorrectly determined to be yuv420p?
[00:31:55 CEST] <explodes> Probe buffer is 8KB, format comes back as *something* but it isn't a format supported by sws_scale -> sws_setColorspaceDetails -> isYUV
[00:32:29 CEST] <explodes> Making sure it is a supported format in the isYUV function is enforced by av_assert0
[00:40:29 CEST] <thebombzen> I have a webcam that's outputting mjpeg with invalid DTS timestamps - they're basically random garbage. Is there a way to automatically generate the DTS timestamps so FFmpeg doesn't whine about nonmonotonically increasing DTS?
[01:36:28 CEST] <TAFB> how can I make ffmpeg play a playlist (can't use concat demuxer because the videos are different fps, etc.)???
[01:49:22 CEST] <pzich> Are you looking to play the output, or render it into one video with a conformed size and framerate?
[01:49:51 CEST] <pzich> If you're looking to play it, look in to ffplay, if you're looking to stream it as a server, look in to ffserver, etc.
[02:00:51 CEST] <TAFB> i'll check ffserver :) not much love for it on google.
[02:03:47 CEST] <utack> i have no idea what the alliance for open media is planning but i am currently testing what they released as encoder on an i7 with less than full hd and a preset they call "good" and speed is at a breath taking 7 frames per minute. no idea how far in develpment they are, but this is absurd
[10:21:55 CEST] <IamTrying> http://phoboslab.org/log/2013/09/html5-live-video-streaming-via-websockets - How can i FEED ffmpeg to Google chrome/Opera/Firefox in WebRTC as webcam source please?
[10:25:39 CEST] <IamTrying> Using FFMpeg, how to create a WebCam source? Which can be captured by Google chrome/Opera/Firefox as webCam source locally?
[10:46:41 CEST] <BtbN> IamTrying, you can't.
[10:47:04 CEST] <BtbN> ffmpeg is not a system driver.
[10:48:13 CEST] <IamTrying> BtbN: That will be  horrible project in Windows then. how did ManyCam did in Windows.
[10:48:30 CEST] <BtbN> It comes with a system driver that simulates a webcam.
[10:48:32 CEST] <BtbN> FFmpeg is no driver.
[10:49:44 CEST] <IamTrying> OK
[13:04:14 CEST] <brontosaurusrex> My terminal is sliglty bork when ffmpeg exists, what was the solution to this?
[13:04:51 CEST] <zZap-X> why is flash player so slow at loading rtmp streams? i think its because my webcam is 15 fps and flash needs 60 frames before it starts showing
[13:32:32 CEST] <zZap-X> excellent, with a combination of -r 60 -framerate 60  the rtmp stream now starts in 3 seconds instead of 12 :D
[16:08:32 CEST] <benbro> can I create a virtual webcam with ffmpeg on windows?
[17:30:05 CEST] <explodes> av_input_probe_format seems to have returned a format whose codec has an AVFormat that is incorrect. there was is a failed assertion in sws_scale -> sws_setColorspaceDetails -> isYUV(srcFormat) -> av_assert0(av_pix_fmt_desc_get(fmt))
[17:30:22 CEST] <explodes> any reason av_input_probe_format returns bad results?
[17:32:37 CEST] <explodes> Also, here is a dumb little plea asking for consulting help from an expert of the ffmpeg c-library. http://pastebin.com/raw/iG7e0g2a
[18:58:24 CEST] <explodes> avio_alloc_context(>array of length 128KB<, >4 kilobytes<, 0, stream, ReadFunc, NULL, SeekFunc);
[19:30:51 CEST] <kadiro> hello, i have mkv video with embedded ttf font and ass, my question on how to replace the ttf font with one from the font directory?
[19:53:19 CEST] <furkan> i'm having trouble outputing to a file name with colons in it... does anybody know how i can handle that?
[19:54:01 CEST] <furkan> i tried putting it in quotes, and also preceding it by "file:"
[19:54:27 CEST] <explodes> what's the error?
[19:54:38 CEST] <furkan> file:/mnt/recordings/2016-04-14-Thursday-13:52:01.mp3: No such file or directory
[19:55:06 CEST] <explodes> oh. does "file:///mnt/path/to/thing.mp3" change the error?
[19:55:20 CEST] <furkan> hmm i'll try that thanks
[19:55:40 CEST] <kadiro> not bad as an easy question
[19:58:42 CEST] <furkan> explodes: still getting file:///mnt/recordings/2016-04-14-Thursday-13:58:01.mp3: No such file or directory
[19:58:56 CEST] <furkan> strange that it would say that for an output
[19:59:11 CEST] <furkan> like... the file isn't _supposed_ to be there lol
[19:59:30 CEST] <explodes> yea. try it without "file://"
[19:59:36 CEST] <explodes> not sure why you're putting it there anyway
[19:59:49 CEST] <furkan> oh it didn't work without it, so i was just trying different things
[19:59:49 CEST] <kadiro> How I CAn solve "Attachment stream 3 has no mimetype tag and it cannot be deduced from the codec id."
[20:00:03 CEST] <explodes> what was the error w/o it?
[20:00:22 CEST] <kadiro> av_interleaved_write_frame(): Invalid argument
[20:00:54 CEST] <kadiro> ffmpeg input.mkv -attach /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Khula-Regular.ttf -metadata:s:2 mimetype=application/x-truetype-font -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mkv
[20:01:36 CEST] <kadiro> furkan, '/mnt/recordings/2016-04-14-Thursday-13:58:01.mp3'
[20:03:23 CEST] Action: kadiro think is not in the right place to asking things about ffmpeg
[20:03:52 CEST] <benbro> is it possible to use ffmpeg to create a virtual webcam on windows?
[20:04:15 CEST] <kadiro> yes
[20:04:19 CEST] <furkan> lol kadiro: /mnt/recordings/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%A-%T").mp3: No such file or directory
[20:04:22 CEST] <furkan> damn crontab...
[20:04:44 CEST] <furkan> well i guess that's not crontab's fault
[20:04:52 CEST] <kadiro> furkan, what was the command?
[20:05:14 CEST] <furkan> 3 14 * * * ffmpeg -t 60 -i rtp:// -acodec copy '/mnt/recordings/$(date +"\%Y-\%m-\%d-\%A-\%T").mp3'
[20:05:56 CEST] <kepstin> it's in single-quotes - when that's passed to the shell, the single-quotes stop the shell from interpolating the date command
[20:06:16 CEST] <kadiro> benbro, something close to this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6766333/capture-windows-screen-with-ffmpeg
[20:06:50 CEST] <kadiro> ah i guess is contab things
[20:07:00 CEST] <furkan> kepstin: yeah, figured, but with double-quotes, ffmpeg doesn't like the colons in the file name
[20:07:30 CEST] <furkan> i think it must be trying to interpret it as a protocol
[20:09:02 CEST] <furkan> yeah ok, same with inputs... ffmpeg doesn't want to open files that have a : in the file name
[20:09:34 CEST] <kadiro> i think that was the problem because single/double quotes are fine
[20:09:41 CEST] <benbro> kadiro: this is about screen capture. I'm trying to capture DirectShow input and output as a virtual webcam
[20:10:20 CEST] <kadiro> benbro, look in the link again, first answer
[20:11:02 CEST] <benbro> kadiro: first answer is: use a directshow screen capturer
[20:11:09 CEST] <kadiro> yes
[20:11:32 CEST] <benbro> I'm not interested in screen capture
[20:11:43 CEST] <benbro> I'm interested in creating a virtual webcam
[20:12:01 CEST] <kadiro> i bet that is related to ffmpeg imho
[20:12:22 CEST] <benbro> ?
[20:12:35 CEST] <benbro> related or unrelated?
[20:13:46 CEST] <kadiro> imho, ffmpeg can't do that
[20:14:27 CEST] <explodes> benbro: that's more of a video server kind of thing, I don't think that's in the realm of features of ffmpeg, too
[20:15:06 CEST] <explodes> if you're trying to make an endpoint that serves out video, ffmpeg isn't what you want. you'll want some kind of RTSP server
[20:15:09 CEST] <kadiro> benbro, may be this: http://fnd.tiddlyspace.com/fake%20webcam
[20:15:51 CEST] <explodes> whoa
[20:15:54 CEST] <explodes> cool.
[20:15:57 CEST] <kadiro> :)
[20:16:11 CEST] <kadiro> google is good :D
[20:17:19 CEST] <benbro> this is under linux. I'm using windows
[20:20:07 CEST] <kadiro> benbro, http://www.commentcamarche.net/download/telecharger-34081095-fake-webcam
[20:20:19 CEST] <kadiro> click on "Télécharger"
[20:26:29 CEST] <benbro> kadiro: I can search google too :)
[20:26:46 CEST] <benbro> I asked if ffmpeg can do it. it's probably out of scope
[20:28:41 CEST] <kadiro> benbro, yeah i know :) the first link show you how with ffmpeg ( in linux ), you are in windows the second link can do that, but if you insist to do with ffmpeg ask the guy create that module if he can help you to make it as an ( dll or something ) to be able to use it under windows :)
[20:31:17 CEST] <kadiro> benbro, you can use virtualbox and load a small or big ( depend on how much RAM you have ) linux iso then use that module :)
[20:31:52 CEST] <kadiro> I guess i gave you all the keys x)
[20:33:36 CEST] <kadiro> ah wait i think there an emulator used to be able to use some command from linux inside windows
[20:33:48 CEST] <kadiro> cygwin or something like that
[20:33:50 CEST] <kadiro> ?
[20:34:50 CEST] <kadiro> if so install git command and use this link to 'git clone it' and use the module under windows ( git is here : https://github.com/umlaeute/v4l2loopback )
[20:38:33 CEST] <benbro> kadiro: I'm looking for the equivalent fake camera in linux. not the other hacks. thanks
[23:16:01 CEST] <kadiro> I added a subtitle file as embeded but the player said no subtitle selected, what is wrong?
[00:00:00 CEST] --- Fri Apr 15 2016

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