[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20161222

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 03:05:01 EET 2016

[00:27:03 CET] <efface> Question about HLS.  I have a working UDP MPEG-TS -> x264 HLS.  What I would like to do is add the secondary audio track in....I can -map it in and it's encoded in the mp4 but I think the manifest is missing some indicator to tell the player there are two embedded audios.  Anyone know how to resolve this?  The only solution I saw was to encode the video and audio all as seperate files and then have the manifest tell them to pull the 
[00:41:36 CET] <tokam> Hello
[00:42:20 CET] <tokam> http://vpaste.net/wP7Hc
[00:42:28 CET] <tokam> this leads to a bad video quality.
[00:42:45 CET] <tokam> does the -vf option make my vcodec option obsolte?
[00:50:33 CET] <tokam> furq: can you maybe help me with my ffmpeg commandß
[00:51:05 CET] <tokam> I have a folder with images from 1.jpg ... to n.jpg and with a given size. I have a file watermark.png and a file branding.png
[00:52:13 CET] <tokam> I like now to create a video of the images from 1.jpg to n.jpg with 6 images per frame in a high video quality e.g. with codec libx264 and the watermark should be included and the branding.jpg should be displayed for 7 seconds at the end of the video
[00:58:38 CET] <fahadash> Is there a filter to do -ss and -to?
[01:02:28 CET] <tokam> why does ffmpeg not include m images if after a sequence of n different images follow m unique ones?
[01:23:01 CET] <fahadash> I mapped an audio file using -map, how do I make it stop when at the end of the video source? my audio source is longer
[01:54:28 CET] <Pandela> Hey guys
[01:54:53 CET] <Pandela> When you press the C key while something is playing in ffplay, "Enter command: <target>|all <time>|-1 <command>[ <argument>]" comes up.
[01:55:09 CET] <Pandela> What can be done with that?
[05:06:37 CET] <Pandela> How would I use a command like the one in the answeres Example code on this page? http://superuser.com/questions/736388/crop-triangular-area-with-ffmpeg
[05:06:43 CET] <Pandela> Pretty sure thats for linux
[11:17:00 CET] <nirvanko> I tried to re-scale my video with thi command: /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "$input" -sn -strict -2 -movflags faststart -crf 28 -vf 'scale=1280:720:flags=lanczos' "$output"_720p.mp4 \
[11:17:25 CET] <nirvanko> But for some reason the result is 1728x720
[11:17:30 CET] <nirvanko> What's wrong?
[11:23:34 CET] <squ> its preserving aspect ratio
[11:24:05 CET] <squ> you can crop with -vf "crop
[11:50:16 CET] <nirvanko> squ: I thought in order to preserve aspect ratio one has to specify -vf scale=:-1:720
[11:50:50 CET] <nirvanko> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Scaling%20(resizing)%20with%20ffmpeg
[11:50:56 CET] <nirvanko> ffmpeg -i input.avi -vf scale=320:240 output.avi
[12:21:00 CET] <nonex86> nirvanko: what do you want? stay with supplied dimensions? or/and preserve aspect ratio or not?
[12:24:18 CET] <nonex86> if you need to get supplied resolution and preserve aspect you can use something like this
[12:24:29 CET] <nonex86> "scale=%d:%d:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=%d:%d:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2"
[12:25:14 CET] <nonex86> replace those %d with desired width and height respectively
[12:25:33 CET] <nonex86> this one will produce correct letterboxed/pillarboxed video
[12:25:47 CET] <nonex86> but will not work in case of SAR are not 1:1
[12:50:04 CET] <nirvanko> nonex86: well, I suppose if I resize a video specifying exact video dimensions the aspect ratio will not be preserved.
[13:41:30 CET] <xeche> Hello good people. I'm looking for information on how integrate Intel QSV with FFMPEG. I have libmfx, and the Intel Media SDK, but I'm unsure what FFMPEG API calls bridge libmfx and FFMPEG.
[13:43:14 CET] <xeche> I'm stopped dead after avcodec_find_encoder_by_name("hevc_qsv")
[13:43:50 CET] <xeche> should I allocate an FFMPEG codec context as usual ( via avcodec_alloc_context3(..))
[13:45:38 CET] <nonex86> xeche: what is your host os?
[13:46:50 CET] <xeche> nonex86: windows 10
[13:47:47 CET] <nonex86> xeche: why dont you use dxva instead?
[13:48:11 CET] <nonex86> xeche: i mean if you will use dxva you will not be bound to concrete hardware engine
[13:48:32 CET] <xeche> firstly because I don't know what dxva is, and secondly because I didn't make the decision. :)
[13:49:37 CET] <xeche> A quick look at the wiki page for dxva seems to state it requires pretty powerful GPUs
[13:49:44 CET] <xeche> while QSV requires a modern CPU
[13:49:51 CET] <xeche> with an optional fallback to GPU if I'm not mistaken
[13:49:52 CET] <nonex86> then i cant help you :) i created a software what used intel quick sync directly
[13:49:57 CET] <nonex86> you are wrong
[13:50:20 CET] <nonex86> dxva is just an api and infrastructure
[13:50:33 CET] <nonex86> intel provided dxva support in his drivers
[13:50:51 CET] <nonex86> so you can use dxva decoder in ffmpeg
[13:51:02 CET] <xeche> I'm encoding
[13:51:06 CET] <nonex86> and it will be mapped to qs (mfx) hardware
[13:55:06 CET] <nonex86> google for AV_PIX_FMT_QSV
[13:55:17 CET] <nonex86> guess this should give you a basic idea
[13:56:40 CET] <xeche> nonex86: Thank you. I'll see what I can dig up. :)
[14:36:24 CET] <xeche> Apparently there's an AVQSVContext, with a corresponding alloc context function. According to header file docs, that context should be passed to a regular FFMPEG CodecContext's hwaccel_context data member
[14:54:57 CET] <nonex86> xeche: sounds reasonable :)
[15:04:32 CET] <nonex86> xeche: and btw guess that alloc function just allocates the memory, you should fill the members by yourself
[15:05:22 CET] <nonex86> xeche: at least some fields
[15:07:48 CET] <nonex86> xeche: but this just my guess...
[16:01:00 CET] <thebombzen_> I just had a thought - why does -map_metadata -1 work?
[16:01:28 CET] <thebombzen_> If it works like -map, shouldn't the command be -map_metadata -0
[16:06:34 CET] <furq> bye
[16:27:38 CET] <efface> good morning
[16:30:21 CET] <efface> I am doing a real time UDP mpeg-ts (mpeg2 or 264) to 264 HLS conversion and I am trying to get it to work with a second embedded audio track.  I have read that this was part of an older HLS spec version but I have not been able to figure out how to flag it in the manifest.  Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
[16:59:37 CET] <noel> hi
[16:59:59 CET] <Guest42817> i m trying to compile ffmpeg with x265 and I only get ERROR: x265 not found using pkg-config
[17:00:31 CET] <Guest42817> i can't remember this to be so complicated.. is it because I m using a 32 ubuntu?
[17:02:45 CET] <BtbN> you need libx265 and its development files in a location where configure will find them.
[17:04:15 CET] <Guest42817> i wanted to make a static x265 binary, and i copied in /usr/local/bin along with x264 but nothing
[17:04:28 CET] <Guest42817> that s how I did last year I think and it went fine
[17:06:20 CET] <furq> ffmpeg uses the library, not the binary
[17:06:52 CET] <furq> if you're on an old ubuntu then you might as well just use the static builds
[17:06:54 CET] <furq> https://www.johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[17:08:42 CET] <Guest42817> no that's the point, I m trying on ubuntu 16 lts for first time
[17:08:53 CET] <Guest42817> maybe that's why it's not working as on trusty?
[17:09:22 CET] <DHE> you also need the /usr/local/lib/pkg-config/x265.pc file
[17:09:30 CET] <Guest42817> i had them all
[17:09:32 CET] <DHE> and likely need to export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkg-config
[17:09:37 CET] <Guest42817> all copied by the cmake script
[17:09:43 CET] <Guest42817> ok I ll try that
[17:12:15 CET] <Guest42817> https://i.gyazo.com/55bf57c08dfb14d12fb3d3ab15fba04b.png
[17:12:22 CET] <Guest42817> doesn't seem good?
[17:12:41 CET] <Guest42817> well i ll try export the pkg path now, as you said
[17:27:03 CET] <araml> y
[17:27:31 CET] <Guest42817> well i give up on x265, too much troubles, while it s working as usual without..
[17:27:40 CET] <Guest42817> thx for the help ;)
[17:27:50 CET] <BtbN> just install it with your package manager?
[17:34:21 CET] <Guest42817> oh thx, didn't know there was a package
[17:34:47 CET] <Guest42817> i guess that's the good thing about going to the last distro
[17:34:58 CET] <Guest42817> especially i m not encoding in x265 anyway..
[17:36:09 CET] <Guest42817> k, installed the libx265 using package manager.. still not working on ffmpeg ./configure
[17:36:13 CET] <Guest42817> geez
[17:36:20 CET] <furq> do you need packages which aren't part of ubuntu's ffmpeg
[17:36:44 CET] <Guest42817> well afaik, ffmpeg can decode x265 so it's enough for me
[17:37:01 CET] <Guest42817> but it's always to keep up with the new codec..
[17:37:05 CET] <Guest42817> nice*
[17:39:41 CET] <BtbN> Did you install the devel package, or just the library?
[17:42:12 CET] <Guest42817> apt-get install libx265-dev
[17:42:40 CET] <Guest42817> installed fine, but still getting the same error with pkg "ERROR: x265 not found using pkg-config"
[17:44:44 CET] <Mista_D> Happy Hoplidays to All Dear Developers, transcoders and rippers! What would be best method to change layout of two live feeds while streaming on demand (at not specific time, but event)? Starting off with one over the other (PIP: 1/4 size in the corner), and want to swicth the feeds around.  Any constructive advice is welcome. Thanks!
[17:50:04 CET] <BtbN> check the config log what's going wrong then
[17:56:19 CET] <Guest42817> i ll format and try again on a clean install
[17:57:44 CET] <fritsch> no need to format ...
[17:58:04 CET] <fritsch> that's linux not windows
[17:59:57 CET] <Guest42817> http://pastebin.com/SjTDYw7N
[18:00:23 CET] <Guest42817> yea but maybe I did some mess while trying to compile and that's why it s not working even after installing via the package manager
[18:00:35 CET] <Guest42817> because that doesn't make much sense in 2016
[18:00:47 CET] <Guest42817> haven't had an issue compiling ffmpeg since hardy..
[19:13:24 CET] <Guest42817> after reinstalling ubuntu 16, I can finally make a ./configure with --enable-libx265 without pkg errors
[19:17:52 CET] <BtbN> should just have uninstalled the broken self built one instead.
[20:22:32 CET] <Maverick|MSG> I'm having an issue where ffmpeg is not exiting when the udp input stream stops sending data
[20:22:53 CET] <Maverick|MSG> something like: ffmpeg -i udp:// ...
[20:23:18 CET] <Maverick|MSG> after the stream finishes sending data ffmpeg just sits there waiting for more data
[20:23:58 CET] <Maverick|MSG> ffmpeg will complete the encoding if I set a timeout (udp://
[20:24:14 CET] <Maverick|MSG> but the ffmpeg process won't exit
[20:24:27 CET] <Maverick|MSG> anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?
[21:21:33 CET] <efface> Maverick, I actually saw there the was a way to do that the other day.  can't find the exact option right now but I could swear it was -x when you declare your input settings
[21:22:29 CET] <efface> actually, -abort_on seems more appropriate
[23:35:30 CET] <teratorn> got a problem (bug?) running this command: ffmpeg -i rtsp://mpv.cdn3.bigCDN.com:554/bigCDN/mp4:bigbuckbunnyiphone_400.mp4 -c copy -an -f hls junk.m3u8
[23:36:13 CET] <teratorn> so, it runs.... but it produces an junk.m3u8 file that only has 5 .ts segments in it, even though the process saves out many many more segments to disk... the m3u8 is being constantly rewritten with only the last 5 segments?
[23:36:59 CET] <teratorn> so at the end of the process, the m3u8 refers to only the last 5 segments which is just a very small part of the input... anyone know why?
[23:37:36 CET] <c_14> -hls_list_size 0
[23:38:14 CET] <c_14> https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#Options-4
[23:38:32 CET] <teratorn> c_14: thanks!
[23:39:32 CET] <teratorn> just seems really weird that isn't the default... I guess there is a reason for it
[23:40:00 CET] <c_14> >hls = http live streaming
[23:40:05 CET] <c_14> It's not very life if you have infinite backlog
[23:40:09 CET] <c_14> *live
[23:43:14 CET] <teratorn> c_14: ah, I see, that makes sense. my use-case is different, but yeah..
[00:00:00 CET] --- Fri Dec 23 2016

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