[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20161226

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 03:05:01 EET 2016

[00:51:08 CET] <Airwave> I have an mpeg1video stream in a mov container than I'm trying to convert to h264. When I try to convert, the encoding stops at frame 3 and quits. The video plays just fine with ffplay.
[01:13:52 CET] <Airwave> kepstin: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/512892/27112201/
[01:16:52 CET] <kepstin> hmm, that's really weird. It's complaining about giant image sizes (possibly due to the strange sar/dar) and possibly some issue with timestamps too
[01:18:45 CET] <kepstin> it's detected the video framerate as 0.08 fps, do you know if that's anywhere close to what it should be?
[01:21:08 CET] <kepstin> this is a pretty nasty file, I suspect you might have to rewrite the timestamps using filters to get it to encode. I'm kind of surprised the players are able to do something reasonable
[01:22:41 CET] <kepstin> I suspect you will probably be able to get it to encode reasonably by using the "-r" input option (before the input file) to override the incorrect detected framerate.
[01:26:40 CET] <kepstin> since there's no audio to sync to you just have to pick something that looks reasonable, probably one of 24, 25, or 30 would be decent.
[01:38:53 CET] <Airwave> kepstin: 0.08 is definitely not correct. There's no audio to sync to. I'll try with -r.
[01:47:48 CET] <Airwave> kepstin: It encoded the entire thing when I specified frame rate with -r. I'm not sure how to actually figure out the correct frame rate though. ffplay also reports 0.08.
[01:48:01 CET] <Airwave> mpv says "[vd] Container reported FPS: 0.084986"
[01:51:01 CET] <Airwave> Looks like 30 FPS is correct. When I encode with that, ffmpeg reports the same duration for both files.
[01:55:55 CET] <Airwave> kepstin: That solves my issue. Thank you very much!
[08:31:18 CET] <beauty> hello
[08:31:38 CET] <beauty> how to seek mp4 video using byte?
[08:32:06 CET] <beauty> who can help me? sos
[08:43:43 CET] <nonex86> beauty: rtfm on avformat_seek_file
[08:45:46 CET] <beauty> can you give me a example?
[08:46:17 CET] <beauty> I use av_seek_frame ,but it's not sucessful
[08:47:24 CET] <nonex86> beauty: no, just the manual, thats enough
[08:53:28 CET] <beauty> nonex86 thanks
[11:02:23 CET] <Pandela> >tfw I cant find a single working windows application that accepts IP camera streams and renders to a virtual webcam driver that can be picked up by video chat applications
[11:43:49 CET] <DelphiWorld> sup guys
[11:44:05 CET] <DelphiWorld> i am trying to analise a dvb mpeg2ts stream that contain dvdsub
[11:44:10 CET] <DelphiWorld> but the analisys is pretty slow
[11:44:30 CET] <DelphiWorld> sometime poes packet size missing
[12:17:05 CET] <dossantosfranz> Hello
[12:17:09 CET] <dossantosfranz> can someone help me
[12:17:27 CET] <dossantosfranz> how can i force rtsp over tcp vu+ openpli
[12:33:18 CET] <oaps> hello!
[12:34:31 CET] <oaps> i have a bunch of .ts files with H.264 video and AAC audio with the same framerate, width and height, and i'd like to join them together one after the other into a single stream, without transcoding - only changing the frame times. is that possible?
[12:38:43 CET] <kerio> oaps: can't you just concatenate them
[12:39:29 CET] <oaps> kerio: yes, but the resulting file has the time reset every time a new original file starts.
[12:39:34 CET] <kerio> oic
[12:40:22 CET] <JEEB> you can try remuxing of course, but I think even with the timestamp wraps or whatever eeeeeeeit should generally be "OK" for MPEG-TS
[12:41:25 CET] <JEEB> remuxing mpeg-ts can be "fun" though, since the last time I tried it the whole system only finished the timestamp calculations after decoding (which with remuxing will never happen)
[12:41:38 CET] <JEEB> although granted, that will only be an issue with certain types of streams
[20:35:38 CET] <fbnts> Hi, I'm trying to hardcode subtitles onto a video by using the -vf subtitles=test.srt options.  Is there a way I can have ffmpeg extend the video canvas and encode the srt file onto the new blank area?
[21:06:27 CET] <DHE> fbnts: expand the canvas first, then use the subtitles filter
[21:07:09 CET] <fbnts> DHE: I think I have done it now.  ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -vf "pad=width=1200:height=576:x=0:y=0:color=white,subtitles=test.srt:force_style='FontName=Courier,FontSize=10,Alignment=7'" test2.mp4
[21:07:12 CET] <fbnts> seems to work
[21:07:45 CET] <DHE> conceptually that looks right.... though white for the subtitle area?
[21:10:51 CET] <fbnts> Yeah, that was just my testing.  What I am actually doing is trying to overlay EPOS journal to the right of some CCTV
[21:47:01 CET] <FrogCast> I need to automate the creation of videos for youtube. The videos I will be creating will consist of still pictures in a slide show format and an audio track. Is this something I want to be doing in the commandline with ffmpeg, or do I need another tool?
[21:48:52 CET] <furq> sounds easy enough with ffmpeg
[00:00:00 CET] --- Tue Dec 27 2016

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