[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20160302

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 02:05:01 CET 2016

[01:07:23 CET] <nader> Is there any way to have the input url for ffmpeg be proxied?
[01:08:16 CET] <nader> so for example: ffmpeg -i "%s" -acodec libmp3lame  -f mp3 -
[01:10:57 CET] <J_Darnley> What?
[01:12:20 CET] <J_Darnley> http has a proxy server option
[01:12:20 CET] <nader> Sorry, be more clear.  I'm trying to convert a stream to a mp3, but want the stream to download through a proxy
[01:13:03 CET] <nader> right i see http_proxy in the ffmpeg-protocols
[01:13:32 CET] <nader> but I can't find a example of some one using the http
[01:14:01 CET] <nader> so would I do something along the lines of "ffmpeg http "proxy url" -i "download url" ...
[01:14:02 CET] <nader> ?
[01:14:07 CET] <J_Darnley> isn'tit just ffmpeg -http_proxy PROXY -i ...
[01:14:22 CET] <nader> ok cool thank you
[01:22:12 CET] <t4nk046> Hi
[01:24:49 CET] <t4nk046> Hello ???
[01:25:35 CET] <durandal_1707> yes?
[01:25:45 CET] <t4nk046> I want to ask a question about ffmpeg
[01:25:57 CET] <durandal_1707> ask
[01:26:23 CET] <t4nk046> ok , how can make a time shift by ffmpeg?
[01:27:02 CET] <t4nk046> i need a time shift for the past 6 hours
[01:27:11 CET] <mattf000> I am trying to use ffmpeg/x264 for realtime streaming a capture card over RTMP. My current issue is that every GOP am seeing a "flicker" where the quality of the picture degrades and comes back right away. I'm guessing this is from each keyframe? Using intra-refresh seems to eliminate the flicker but it introduces about a second worth of latency which makes it unusable. Any suggestions?
[01:32:12 CET] <isoboy> Hi relaxed, sorry I left abruptly.
[01:34:15 CET] <durandal_1707> t4nk046: setpts filter?
[01:35:41 CET] <isoboy> I figured that the problem was due to x264 encoding which sends a keyframe periodically
[01:36:04 CET] <isoboy> ffmpeg had not received the keyframe, which makes it impossible to reconstruct the image
[01:36:06 CET] <isoboy> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15005436/errors-when-decode-h-264-frames-using-ffmpeg/15011264#15011264
[01:37:37 CET] <t4nk046> sorry i don't know what you mean ,  i have a live streaming , i need to record to a file the past 6 hours . when its recorded the past 6 hours for example , it will continue recording and deleting the extra time
[01:39:55 CET] <durandal_1707> select and aselect filter?
[01:41:34 CET] <t4nk046> can you please copy and paste me from the documantation ?
[01:43:00 CET] <durandal_170> Can't
[04:45:10 CET] <yongyung> For two pass encoding, should I set a higher bit rate for pass 1 or the same? I've seen different things online
[04:45:59 CET] <pzich> uh, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the same
[04:52:03 CET] <yongyung> pzich: Yeah makes the most sense I guess - if I change the resolution, do I set the scaling filter in pass 1, pass 2 or both?
[04:53:39 CET] <pzich> I believe the idea is the settings should be the same for both passes, just one as -pass 1 and one as -pass 2
[05:10:23 CET] <jookiyaya> typing in mirc
[05:12:49 CET] <nader> I'm trying to use ffmpegs http_proxy option, but it's telling me its not found.  I'm running fmpeg version git-2016-02-16-00bd237
[05:42:14 CET] <jookiyaya> what is the command to change just the container  from flv to mp4
[05:43:10 CET] <jookiyaya> nevermind i found it
[05:43:45 CET] <jookiyaya> for i in *.flv; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "${i%.*}.mp4"; done
[05:43:53 CET] <jookiyaya> is this cmd.exe command or  bash command
[05:46:18 CET] -jookiyaya:#ffmpeg- anybody know?
[05:46:48 CET] <Fletcher> please don't do that
[05:52:05 CET] <yongyung> "constant rate-factor is incompatible with 2pass." - well, that's a new one
[05:52:32 CET] <whyze> i'm using ffmpeg indirectly through youtube-dl and most of the time the stream is incomplete and ffmpeg doesn't indicate that it was unsuccessful. an example that i have tried 5 times recently that only completes about 13 minutes of the expected 43 minutes: http://pastebin.com/raw/vmMmS3F7
[05:52:34 CET] <yongyung> I am supposed to use -b:v on the second pass right? It worked before...
[05:55:00 CET] <yongyung> Oh LOL, ffmpeg can parse "20m" as bitrate for the first pass apparently, but gets confused on the second pass
[05:56:39 CET] <jookiyaya> for i in *.flv; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "${i%.*}.mp4"; done    does this delete the source file?
[05:59:52 CET] <furq> no
[06:02:19 CET] <yongyung> jookiyaya: Do you want a windows .bat file that changes all containers in it's directory to .mp4?
[06:02:37 CET] <jookiyaya> yongyung just *.flv
[06:03:03 CET] <jookiyaya> youngyung  yes i do  but nobody knows how;  people only know how to do it in bash
[06:03:17 CET] <jookiyaya> so i forced to use winbash
[06:03:27 CET] <jookiyaya> i am*
[06:03:57 CET] <yongyung> jookiyaya: 1 sec
[06:04:09 CET] <jookiyaya> yongyung wow you must be smart
[06:14:34 CET] <yongyung> jookiyaya: Sorry had to do smth else, anyway http://codepad.org/0UsNsHSm - this *will* delete the source file no matter what, if you don't want that remove the del
[06:14:50 CET] <yongyung> It will also overwrite any existing .mp4 file with the same name
[06:15:25 CET] <yongyung> Also, mp4 doesn't support all video/audio codecs, so the conversion might file, and the source file will still be deleted. I'd recomment using mkv as a container format
[06:15:28 CET] <jookiyaya> yongyung does that also do "file modification thing"
[06:15:45 CET] <yongyung> jookiyaya: Not sure what you mean
[06:16:25 CET] <jookiyaya> when i do  ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mp4    output.mp4's  file modification date becomes  todays
[06:16:37 CET] <jookiyaya> i want same file modification date as  input.mkv
[06:16:45 CET] <jookiyaya> or input.flv
[06:17:58 CET] <yongyung> jookiyaya: That's not possible with batch, you'd need to use some external tool for i
[06:17:59 CET] <yongyung> t
[06:18:18 CET] <jookiyaya> what about bash then
[06:18:22 CET] <jookiyaya> i have winbash
[06:18:35 CET] <yongyung> No clue
[06:19:16 CET] <furq> http://manpages.debian.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=touch&format=ascii
[06:25:52 CET] <jookiyaya> yongyung  it worked but it didn't show the progress messages like it did with  this command  for i in *.flv; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "${i%.*}.mp4"; done
[06:25:58 CET] <jookiyaya> why is that
[06:27:41 CET] <yongyung> jookiyaya: Because of -loglevel error, you can remove it if you want, it's just that I consider the output pretty pointless since you're not reencoding
[06:28:14 CET] <jookiyaya> i see
[06:28:38 CET] <jookiyaya> so there is no way to do the "file modification date" thing?
[06:33:44 CET] <yongyung> jookiyaya: Not with windows board tools, you can probably download a tool to do it somehow
[07:15:08 CET] <jookiyaya> is it normal that seeking is slow on  .flv container  compared to  mp4/mkv
[07:23:44 CET] <chubchubcharles> hey guys i need help in understanding an error message
[07:23:50 CET] <chubchubcharles> what does "missing picture in access unit with size XX" mean?
[07:24:30 CET] <chubchubcharles> I got this error after running a GitHub code that is supposed to perform key frame extraction and conver video files (.avi) into images files (images)
[07:25:06 CET] <chubchubcharles> i put in .mkv file instead of .avi file -- is that the reason for the error? incorrect input format ?
[07:25:23 CET] <chubchubcharles> any comments, suggestions welcomed
[07:26:54 CET] <jookiyaya> where can i download ffmpeg that supports fdkaac
[07:29:26 CET] <yongyung> jookiyaya: You can't, since fdkaac is licensed - what do you want to do?
[07:29:59 CET] <jookiyaya> who owns fdk aac
[07:30:44 CET] <yongyung> fraunhofer
[07:31:49 CET] <jookiyaya> does ffmpeg support PsyTEL?
[07:47:21 CET] <chubchubcharles> anyone?
[07:47:34 CET] <chubchubcharles> know what "missing picture in access unit with size XX" mean?
[08:02:34 CET] <jookiyaya> how many different mp3 encoder does ffmpeg support
[08:34:57 CET] <durandal_170> jookiyaya: 2
[08:35:08 CET] <jookiyaya> one is lame, what is other
[08:35:30 CET] <durandal_170> shine
[08:36:14 CET] <jookiyaya> i never heard of such encoder
[08:36:47 CET] <jookiyaya> are you making this up
[08:37:46 CET] <durandal_170> no
[08:38:44 CET] <jookiyaya> i don't see shine
[08:49:28 CET] <varunvasudeva> Hi! I need a little help on -segment_list, I want to pass dynamic date as m3u8 file name. Anybody can help in that!
[08:49:43 CET] <yongyung> I need help interpreting these quality analysis results - which file looks the best? Oo http://codepad.org/KVvzIvWT
[09:59:00 CET] <Betablocker> some native speakers in here? how the hell did I pronounce this tool - http://weewx.com/ ??
[09:59:15 CET] <Betablocker> wee double u  x ?
[10:00:48 CET] <Betablocker> to wx means by the way on german - to wank !
[10:00:51 CET] <Betablocker> rofl
[10:01:27 CET] <Betablocker> wix.com is on germaen like wanking a penis ! not the best domain& think they did not checked their name on german :D
[10:02:07 CET] Action: Betablocker is mumbeling something about a  perverted world
[11:15:15 CET] <Eiken_> hi. been searching like a madman without finding what i need. is there some way of doing linear > sRGB conversion when encoding movies. our input files are linear exr
[11:16:11 CET] <Eiken_> looked at colormatrix but couldnt figure it out
[11:35:26 CET] <durandal_170> Eiken_: exr are already converted to sRGB
[11:35:45 CET] <durandal_170> by just decoding
[11:36:44 CET] <yongyung> Do you guys think crf or 2pass encoding with a similar bitrate would look better?
[11:39:47 CET] <furq> if you want a specific bitrate use 2-pass, otherwise use crf
[11:40:18 CET] <furq> there shouldn't be any difference in quality if they both happen to hit the same bitrate
[11:54:24 CET] <yongyung> furq: That makes 2pass kind of obsolete unless you need to hit a very specific file size, right? I mean you can always kinda guess how big the file is gonna get with a crf value if you're willing to test it for a couple seconds of the video
[11:55:51 CET] <furq> that couple of seconds probably won't give you a representative bitrate
[11:56:04 CET] <furq> but yeah unless you have filesize constraints, don't use 2-pass
[12:16:43 CET] <Carlrobertoh> How could i translate this ffmpeg pipe output "ffplay -rtsp_flags listen -i rtsp://ip:port/live.sdp" to vlc ? I would like to listen incoming stream.
[12:28:31 CET] <jookiyaya> how many different mp3 encoder does ffmpeg support
[12:28:50 CET] <isi1du> u asked the same yesterday jookiyaya?
[12:29:12 CET] <isi1du> and got the answer 2, lame and shine
[12:29:18 CET] <jookiyaya> i don't see shine
[12:29:35 CET] <isi1du> libshine?
[12:29:57 CET] <jookiyaya> i have never heard of shine mp3 encoder
[12:30:16 CET] <isi1du> ok?
[12:30:34 CET] <isi1du> u ever heard of google?
[12:30:44 CET] <jookiyaya> and there is no libshine
[12:30:53 CET] <isi1du> https://github.com/toots/shine
[12:33:06 CET] <jookiyaya> there is no libshine
[12:33:15 CET] <Carlrobertoh> someone?
[12:33:45 CET] <isi1du> jookiyaya yes there is.
[12:33:46 CET] <isi1du> sudo apt-get install libshine
[12:33:46 CET] <isi1du> libshine2           libshine2-dbg       libshine3           libshine3-dbg       libshine-dev        libshine-ocaml      libshine-ocaml-dev
[12:34:10 CET] <jookiyaya> Unknown encoder 'libshine'
[12:34:47 CET] <jookiyaya> Unknown encoder 'libshine2'
[12:34:49 CET] <jookiyaya> Unknown encoder 'libshine3'
[12:34:54 CET] <isi1du> usage: shineenc [options] <infile> <outfile>
[12:35:16 CET] <isi1du> shineenc v1.01 2007-01-02
[12:35:16 CET] <isi1du> USAGE   :  shineenc [options] <infile> <outfile>
[12:35:16 CET] <isi1du> options : -h            this help message
[12:35:16 CET] <isi1du>           -b <bitrate>  set the bitrate [32-320], default 128kbit
[12:35:16 CET] <isi1du>           -c            set copyright flag, default off
[12:35:28 CET] <jookiyaya> shineenc? what does that have to do with ffmpeg
[12:36:04 CET] <jookiyaya> R:\>ffmpeg64.exe -i a.wav -codec:a libshine3 b.mp3
[12:36:21 CET] <jookiyaya> Unknown encoder 'libshine3'
[12:36:22 CET] <isi1du> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/HighQualityAudio - if you look here it shuld be named libshine
[12:36:45 CET] <atomnuker> don't use libshine, use lame, lame is much better
[12:37:31 CET] <jookiyaya> atomnuker that's not the point
[12:37:34 CET] <atomnuker> the only reason libshine exists is because it *can* be faster on some systems (e.g. embedded)
[12:38:04 CET] <jookiyaya> i want to encode using shine for testing purposes
[12:38:12 CET] <jookiyaya> but there is no shine on my ffmpeg.exe
[12:38:31 CET] <relaxed> you'll have to compile ffmpeg with libshine support
[12:38:32 CET] <atomnuker> well, unless ffmpeg is compiled with libshine support it won't work
[12:38:51 CET] <jookiyaya> and how do i do that
[12:39:11 CET] <isi1du> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide
[12:39:17 CET] <jookiyaya> why doesn't include by default
[12:40:13 CET] <jookiyaya> isi1du that's way too complicated
[12:43:39 CET] <isi1du> then go with lame.
[12:45:31 CET] <jookiyaya> i need shine for testing purposes
[12:45:31 CET] <Carlrobertoh> i want to listen some incoming stream from vlc
[12:45:37 CET] <Carlrobertoh> for ffmpeg i would use ffplay -rtsp_flags listen -i rtsp://
[12:45:40 CET] <Carlrobertoh> but how could i see stream in vlc
[12:46:49 CET] <isi1du> jookiyaya if you want to test using shine, then you have to compile a version with it yourself.
[12:48:09 CET] <durandal_170> jookiyaya: its quality is low and only exist because its faster on one specific arch
[12:51:41 CET] <jookiyaya> can i just download  shineenc.exe then
[12:56:17 CET] <Carlrobertoh> is here someone who can help me?
[12:57:17 CET] <c_14> Carlrobertoh: as your question pertains to vlc ask in #videolan
[13:12:24 CET] <Eiken_> durandal_170: hmm not for us
[13:12:59 CET] <Eiken_> created some .cube lut files in nuke that we figured out we could use with lut3d filter
[13:13:02 CET] <Eiken_> seems to work
[13:14:34 CET] <durandal_170> Eiken_: ?
[13:15:54 CET] <Eiken_> on the linear to srgb of exr files
[13:35:14 CET] <mrec> is there any summary available what ffmpeg is really parsing when processing an mpeg2 elementary stream?
[13:35:31 CET] <Mavrik> mpegps.c ? :)
[13:36:23 CET] <mrec> just by looking at the stream there seems to be absolutely no logic
[13:56:58 CET] <mrec> the confusing part about mpeg2 seems to be if I pass my own frames I get a very slightly juddering picture if the wrong thing gets passed it seems
[15:16:53 CET] <Fyr> I have the two video files. I want to create one, with one video following another. is it called concatenation?
[15:17:41 CET] <jhg_> hello
[15:17:46 CET] <Fyr> hello
[15:17:56 CET] <jhg_> =)
[15:18:49 CET] <firewated> Fyr: yep
[15:18:51 CET] <jhg_> Has anyone played around with AVFoundation's video capture? I am trying to expose the native USB camera's output formats
[15:19:42 CET] <jhg_> For example, the Logitech C920 supports MJPEG, H264, and raw video via the v4l2 driver on linux, but only raw modes on OS X.
[15:20:45 CET] <jhg_> When I list them with... for (AVCaptureDeviceFormat *format in [device formats])
[15:25:09 CET] <Fyr> firewated, does "-c copy" equal "-c:v copy -c:a copy"  ?
[15:25:17 CET] <furq> Fyr: yes
[15:25:32 CET] <Fyr> cool, I'm growing up.
[15:25:34 CET] <furq> and -c:s copy if you have subtitle streams
[15:26:19 CET] <Fyr> thanks
[15:28:41 CET] <DHE> if I copy mpegts source to mpegts output and copy all codecs, the stream metadata (ie. lauguage information on audio tracks) is copied with it automatically. but if I change "-f mpegts" to "-f hls" that metadata is lost and I end up with the wrong audio playing
[15:43:37 CET] <Mavrik> DHE, sounds like a bug
[15:44:13 CET] <Eiken_> anyone know why bright pixels become red when encoding from 16bit files to quicktime?
[15:46:06 CET] <Eiken_> most probably because values bigger than 1
[15:47:06 CET] <Eiken_> anyone know what filter to use to clamp input values to 1?
[15:51:17 CET] <durandal_170> lut
[15:52:58 CET] <Eiken_> hmm i just want values above 1 to be 1
[15:53:48 CET] <Eiken_> ahh yeah i read that
[15:53:51 CET] <Eiken_> with clip
[15:53:56 CET] <Eiken_> but cant put it togheter
[16:12:25 CET] <Amitari> Is there any way to extract all frames in a video clip to PNG, and then reassemble them into a video again, at the same frame rate?
[16:12:52 CET] <Amitari> The resulting file should be encoded losslessly, I'll reencode it afterwards anyway.
[16:15:53 CET] <furq> Amitari: https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#image2-1 and https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#image2-2
[16:16:44 CET] <Amitari> Thanks!
[16:36:21 CET] <Fyr> guys, is it possible to run something like that:
[16:36:21 CET] <Fyr> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -crf 28 28.mp4 -crf 20 20.mp4 -crf 16 16.mp4
[16:36:21 CET] <Fyr> ?
[16:36:58 CET] <DHE> umm. yes. I'd recommend a codec specification first
[16:37:14 CET] <DHE> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -crf 28 28.mp4 -c:v libx264 -crf 20 20.mp4 ...
[16:39:52 CET] <Fyr> DHE, what if the codec specification is missing?
[16:40:04 CET] <DHE> it'll use the default... in my system that's mpeg2
[16:40:10 CET] <Fyr> I want to set all the parameters, but different CRF for different files.
[16:40:17 CET] <Fyr> ='(
[16:41:00 CET] <ootje> soo.. This one file I encoded in After Effects as H264+AAC in MOV, if I do <ffmpeg -i file.mov file.mp4> and reopen that in AE, it loses 1 or 2 frames at the start... but only with libx264, not if i do -c:v mpeg4... if I take that .mp4 and transcode to huffyuv or mpeg4 it opens fine in AE (all frames). lovely. any takers on that? :P (probably more of an AE issue)
[16:42:40 CET] <furq> Fyr: the default codecs for mp4 should be x264 and aac
[16:43:03 CET] <furq> you will need to specify any non-default parameters for every output file though
[16:43:11 CET] <Fyr> ok, thanks
[16:43:12 CET] <Fyr> q
[16:43:18 CET] <DHE> ah yes, codec defaults will vary by format
[16:46:36 CET] <kepstin> Fyr: it's always best to not rely on the defaults, but specify a specific codec if you want a specific codec.
[16:47:35 CET] <furq> i would be surprised if the default codecs for mp4 change any time soon, if ever
[16:47:40 CET] <furq> but that is good advice in general
[16:47:52 CET] <furq> certainly don't depend on things like the default crf being 23
[16:48:24 CET] <ibrezac> Hi, is there a way to remove embedded Closed Caption (cea-708) from an mp4 using ffmpeg?
[16:56:19 CET] <Amitari> Alright, I've extracted all the images, and removed those I don't want, but now I can't reassemble it.
[16:56:47 CET] <Amitari> http://pastebin.com/iKyCDkNQ
[16:57:57 CET] <Fyr> Amitari, have you tried '%01d.png' or '%03d.png'?
[16:58:08 CET] <Amitari> No, I didn't.
[16:58:09 CET] <Amitari> Lemme try.
[16:58:30 CET] <Amitari> Nope, same result.
[16:58:56 CET] <firewated> what are the filenames of the images?
[16:59:32 CET] <Amitari> The first one is named "26040.png" and the last one is named "28689.png".
[17:00:12 CET] <firewated> maybe %05d.png then
[17:00:40 CET] <Amitari> Same result.
[17:01:20 CET] <sfan5> try a glob pattern
[17:01:26 CET] <sfan5> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Create%20a%20video%20slideshow%20from%20images#Usingaglobpattern
[17:01:28 CET] <firewated> think it needs to start from 00001 etc
[17:01:51 CET] <Amitari> Oh, I'll try just renaming the files.
[17:02:03 CET] <firewated> or you can try the glob first
[17:03:26 CET] <Amitari> Well, I actually tried an asterisk at first before writing here, but that didn't work either.
[17:04:06 CET] <firewated> think you need to specify you're using glob too
[17:04:45 CET] <Amitari> There!
[17:05:16 CET] <Amitari> Anyway to make it encode losslessly?
[17:05:16 CET] <firewated> are the frames in the correct order?
[17:05:19 CET] <Amitari> Yes, they are.
[17:05:30 CET] <sfan5> -crf 0
[17:05:35 CET] <Amitari> Thanks!
[17:05:54 CET] <Amitari> Where should I place that option in the command?
[17:06:13 CET] <furq> -q:v 0 for lossless
[17:06:24 CET] <sfan5> anywhere basically
[17:06:29 CET] <Eiken_> anyone know to clamp input values so they are not out of range? i cant figure it out
[17:06:35 CET] <sfan5> before the -i might or might not work
[17:06:40 CET] <furq> and put it after -i and before the output file
[17:07:05 CET] <furq> also use -start_number 26040
[17:07:18 CET] <furq> oh nvm you already fixed that
[17:07:35 CET] <furq> well now you know anyway
[17:07:45 CET] <Amitari> It doesn't work!
[17:07:55 CET] <sfan5> pastebin!
[17:08:06 CET] <furq> but yeah -crf 0 is only lossless for 8-bit
[17:08:15 CET] <furq> -q:v 0 is always lossless
[17:08:20 CET] <Amitari> http://pastebin.com/4RZ1jV8G
[17:08:27 CET] <sfan5> i doubt ffmpeg is going to convert png to >8-bit video
[17:08:38 CET] <furq> it probably makes no difference in this case but why would i miss an opportunity for pedantry
[17:08:48 CET] <sfan5> Amitari: -q:v 0
[17:09:00 CET] <furq> also it goes after the input filename
[17:09:12 CET] <Amitari> http://pastebin.com/UdhuhMv7
[17:09:33 CET] <furq> ^
[17:10:04 CET] <Amitari> So, what should I do?
[17:10:13 CET] <sfan5> put it after the -i
[17:10:16 CET] <furq> 16:09:00 ( furq) also it goes after the input filename
[17:10:29 CET] <firewated> ffmpeg -framerate 50 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -q:v 0 out.mkv
[17:10:40 CET] <kepstin> sfan5: it depends on whether you have an 8- or 10-bit x264 library, input source doesn't matter.
[17:11:06 CET] <sfan5> oh right
[17:11:12 CET] <Amitari> There we go!
[17:13:02 CET] <Amitari> Great!
[17:13:22 CET] <Amitari> In case you're wondering, I was losslessly extracting a clip from an animated TV-show.
[17:13:29 CET] <Amitari> A cutaway gag.
[17:13:32 CET] <Amitari> Frame-perfect.
[17:13:42 CET] <Amitari> The sound was extracted and encoded in FLAC, timed by frame.
[17:14:19 CET] <firewated> why did you need to extract the frames as pngs?
[17:14:28 CET] <sfan5> sounds like a lot of work
[17:14:46 CET] <furq> i'd better not have just helped you make a reaction gif
[17:14:58 CET] <furq> is there blood on my hands now
[17:18:50 CET] <Fyr> is there a comparison between FFMPEG AAC and other AAC encoders?
[17:19:16 CET] <furq> no useful ones that i've seen
[17:19:36 CET] <furq> but then there aren't any for fdk either
[17:19:56 CET] <Fyr> furq, for fdk there's Hydrogen Audio tests.
[17:20:06 CET] <furq> i've not seen any HA tests which include fdk
[17:20:11 CET] <Fyr> they have done many comparison tests.
[17:20:12 CET] <furq> the latest one i saw only had qaac
[17:21:01 CET] <furq> oh there's one from 2011 with fdk
[17:21:15 CET] <furq> i doubt that's still relevant though
[17:21:31 CET] <JEEB> not like fdk has changed much if at all
[17:21:34 CET] <JEEB> mostly bugfixes
[17:21:50 CET] <JEEB> but yes, in 2011 the libavcodec AAC encoder was completely different :)
[17:21:51 CET] <Fyr> ok, if I perform comparison, can I add it to the Wiki?
[17:22:20 CET] <furq> oh
[17:22:21 CET] <Amitari> firewated: I wanted to do it losslessly, duh!
[17:22:26 CET] <JEEB> (I remember when the AAC encoder at least got to the level where there were clearly audible [hurting ears] artifacts)
[17:22:29 CET] <furq> it's actually fhg, not fdk
[17:22:34 CET] <furq> idk if those are substantially different
[17:22:47 CET] <Amitari> furq: It's not a reaction gif, it's something completely different.
[17:22:59 CET] <Amitari> Well, not too different, but I just extracted a cutaway gay.
[17:23:04 CET] <furq> i guess i'm still going to heaven then
[17:23:06 CET] <Amitari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VR8WgYyG28
[17:23:25 CET] <firewated> Amitari: if you just want to cut out a clip from a video you can do it losslessly without converting to png
[17:23:26 CET] <JEEB> supposedly fraunhofer has some extra modes additionally compared to the one in android (fdk-aac), but in reality I would say that there would be little difference
[17:23:46 CET] <Amitari> Amitari, Didn't know that, my brain just went to this directly.
[17:23:59 CET] <Amitari> I wanted to do it at just the right frame too.
[17:24:14 CET] <furq> http://listening-tests.hydrogenaud.io/igorc/aac-96-a/nonblocked_means.png
[17:24:17 CET] <furq> that's nice to know anyway
[17:24:27 CET] <firewated> you can do that also, just specify a start time and end time
[17:24:31 CET] <furq> CVBR and TVBR are qaac if it's not clear
[17:24:41 CET] <Amitari> Sure, but there was no way for me to know the right frames that way.
[17:24:48 CET] <Amitari> VLC doesn't show what frame you are on. :(
[17:25:23 CET] <furq> Fyr:
[17:25:27 CET] <Fyr> ?
[17:25:27 CET] <furq> Fyr: it's a wiki, you can do what you want
[17:25:32 CET] <Fyr> ok
[17:25:47 CET] <firewated> i see, well if you wanted ones that do, i can recommend mpc-hc and mpv
[17:27:51 CET] <furq> Fyr: are you actually planning on doing a proper multi-participant abx test with fancy graphs that i can link to on irc
[17:27:54 CET] <furq> that would be much appreciated
[17:28:22 CET] <Fyr> link where?
[17:28:33 CET] <furq> in here probably
[17:28:42 CET] <Fyr> I'm good at creating plots.
[17:28:59 CET] <furq> http://listening-test.coresv.net/s/scores_by_tracks_en.png
[17:29:02 CET] <furq> i've had a lot of mileage out of that one
[17:29:06 CET] <Fyr> ok, I'll perform the tests and make pretyy good-looking plots.
[17:29:50 CET] <furq> i would suggest a 128k test since that's what people actually use, but i suspect you'd end up with too many 5s
[17:30:19 CET] <Fyr> audio is function. there exist pretty developed function analysis.
[17:30:31 CET] <Fyr> like PSNR or RMS
[17:34:09 CET] <Eiken_> lutyuv=y=val <- what should I add to clip val at 1 ?
[17:34:15 CET] <Fyr> is there a ffmpeg distributed with libfdk_aac and libfaac? I don't really want to recompile the source.
[17:34:35 CET] <sfan5> there isn't because it breaks the license
[17:34:41 CET] <furq> no there isn't
[17:38:32 CET] <furq> http://listening-test.coresv.net/img2/ffaac_fdk_compare_en6.png
[17:38:36 CET] <furq> looks like someone beat you to it
[17:38:56 CET] <furq> that's two months old and only one participant though
[17:41:41 CET] <Fyr> furq, give me the link to the page.
[17:41:48 CET] <Fyr> the image says nothing.
[17:41:54 CET] <furq> https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,111085.0.html
[17:44:06 CET] <Fyr> too sad
[17:44:23 CET] <Fyr> I expected more from FFMPEG AAC.
[17:44:50 CET] <furq> i wouldn't put too much stock into one guy doing an ABX test by himself
[17:44:59 CET] <Eiken_> i cant find any examples on how to use clip() with lutyuv :(
[17:47:06 CET] <kepstin> well, unlike vo-aacenc, the ffmpeg aac encoder quality is actually useful - and unlike fdk_aac, it's actually redistributable when enabled in ffmpeg.
[17:47:12 CET] <kepstin> so mostly a win overall, imo
[17:47:18 CET] <zeryx> is there a way to concat images into a video using a concat file?
[17:47:24 CET] <zeryx> It seems like my flags might be incorrect
[17:47:25 CET] <furq> those scores seem suspiciously low in general
[17:48:03 CET] <kepstin> zeryx: you probably want to use the 'image2' demuxer, which ... creates a video stream from a series of images.
[17:48:41 CET] <zeryx> ffmpeg -threads 3 -framerate 15.0  -f concat -i inputFile.txt output.mkv -y
[17:48:59 CET] <zeryx> using the image2 demuxer now, however that input does not parse, complains about framerate not being a valid option
[17:49:47 CET] <zeryx> imageFile is essentially a .concat file used to concat videos together
[17:49:48 CET] <Fyr> is there a roadmap for FFMPEG?
[17:50:17 CET] <Fyr> maybe they will fix some things with their AAC.
[17:50:39 CET] <Fyr> and add multithreaded FLAC conversion. ='(
[17:51:49 CET] <zeryx> interesting, if I remove the framerate option it creates the video
[17:52:11 CET] <kepstin> well, '-framerate' isn't an option supported by the concat demuxer
[17:52:23 CET] <kepstin> I dunno how to get it to pass options to the underlying demuxers used for each file
[17:52:33 CET] <zeryx> I'll try with -fps
[17:52:57 CET] <kepstin> what's your source? do you just have a directory full of individual images?
[17:53:18 CET] <zeryx> yes, potentially mutliple directories
[17:53:22 CET] <kepstin> if so, you should be using the image2 demuxer with a pattern or glob, rather than concat with a list file, imo.
[17:53:42 CET] <_Timon> hi guys, quick question http://i.imgur.com/SeXObmO.png
[17:53:42 CET] <zeryx> yeah it won't be that easy, I'm encapsulating the filename pattern matching with the conat fil
[17:53:55 CET] <zeryx> because the filenames will vary dramatically
[17:53:58 CET] <_Timon> clearly my audio device's name is only displayed half
[17:54:14 CET] <_Timon> How can I get the actual name
[17:54:38 CET] <kepstin> zeryx: you can't rename the files?
[17:55:14 CET] <kepstin> I don't see any way to pass options to the underlying demuxers with the concat demuxer, so if you want to set the framerate you'll have to use the 'setpts' video filter, probably.
[17:55:40 CET] <zeryx> kepstin, the regular concat demuxer allows the -fps option
[17:55:45 CET] <zeryx> I think
[17:56:41 CET] <kepstin> zeryx: you mean -r as an input option? there is no -fps option
[17:57:03 CET] <kepstin> hmm, that might work - it ignores the input timestamps and generates new ones assuming constant fps
[17:57:18 CET] <kepstin> should be the same effect as a setpts video filter, in this case.
[18:00:10 CET] <_Timon> Anyone?
[18:02:48 CET] <zeryx> kepstin, what would the command for that look like?
[18:02:54 CET] <zeryx> -r -fps 15.0 ?
[18:03:01 CET] <zeryx> (not sure what -r is)
[18:03:11 CET] <kepstin> ffmpeg -r 15.0  -f concat -i inputFile.txt output.mkv
[18:03:22 CET] <zeryx> ahh
[18:03:23 CET] <zeryx> kk
[18:03:27 CET] <zeryx> I'll try that and see how it works1
[18:03:54 CET] <kepstin> -r is one of the options to set framerate, it does different things when used as an input vs. output option
[18:04:11 CET] <kepstin> and it's different from '-framerate', which is a demuxer avoption only supported by some demuxers
[18:04:22 CET] <kepstin> and '-fps' isn't an option at all, dunno where you got that from
[18:05:27 CET] <kepstin> -r as an input option should only be used in special cases like this, because it ignores the framerate from the input file and rewrites it, which will cause audio desyncs if your source is an actual video
[18:05:33 CET] <kepstin> but it'll do what you want here, i think.
[18:06:25 CET] <zeryx> rad
[18:07:33 CET] <kepstin> (if you use -r as an output option it's just a shortcut for inserting an 'fps' video filter)
[18:19:34 CET] <_Timon> ok... -i video="viddevice":audio="audiodevice" works but -i video="viddevice" -i audio="audiodevice" doesnt
[18:19:38 CET] <_Timon> makes sense
[18:25:47 CET] <Eiken_> think ill give up soon, this is crazy
[18:35:41 CET] <Eiken_> input exr files with values 0 to n. clamping n at 1. anyone know how? the prores get red artifacts in areas where n > 1 when expected result is white
[18:39:36 CET] <Rutuja1>  hi! i still have this problem:  relocation R_X86_64_32 against `ff_a64_muxer' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC while compiling vlc
[18:39:36 CET] <Rutuja1> how do i issue make with the -fPIC command?
[18:45:38 CET] <Wildefyr> where do I place nvEncodeAPI.h in the ffmpeg directory for it to recognize it?
[18:51:48 CET] <BtbN> nowhere
[18:52:01 CET] <BtbN> it has to be in your compilers include path.
[19:25:16 CET] <davidmichaelkarr> I've run into an issue where a video originally generated from "Record My Desktop", and then edited on OpenShot, is fuzzy.  Someone on the openshot forum said this is because RMD encodes ogg-vorbis incorrectly, so they use ffmpeg to convert ogv to mp4.  I'm trying to determine the best way to do this.  One simple search found one answer on:
[19:25:16 CET] <davidmichaelkarr> http://askubuntu.com/questions/12182/how-can-i-convert-an-ogv-file-to-mp4 .  Is this the best approach?
[19:27:23 CET] <BtbN> you aren't going to enhance the video quality by re-encoding it another time, it will only ever get worse.
[19:28:36 CET] <davidmichaelkarr> BtbN: Great.  Any other ideas?  Is there an alternative to RMD that encodes in higher quality?
[19:28:46 CET] <BtbN> No idea what RMD even is.
[19:29:40 CET] <kepstin> you can of course capture the desktop directly with ffmpeg on command line and encode to whatever format you like
[19:30:18 CET] <davidmichaelkarr> BtbN: "RecordMyDesktop"
[19:31:41 CET] <furq> looks like it's been dead since 2008
[19:32:43 CET] <furq> davidmichaelkarr: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Capture/Desktop
[19:33:24 CET] <furq> i'm not sure if you can record a particular window with x11grab
[19:37:19 CET] <t4nk309> I am trying to convert an MOVto MP4 with this command ffmpeg -i IMG_5770.MOV -c copy out.mp4 but the mp4 just freezes and plays the audio. Is my ffmpeg command ok?
[19:38:03 CET] <JEEB> command by itself is ok
[19:38:17 CET] <JEEB> what are you using to play back?
[19:41:18 CET] <t4nk309> 	<video controls preload="auto" width="568" height="320">
[19:41:33 CET] <t4nk309> <source src='user_vids/<% v %>.mp4' type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
[19:44:05 CET] <Fyr> guys, I want to render text on video (create video rom scratch). how do I do that? My guess is to render a black box, then to render text on the video.
[19:44:14 CET] <Fyr> how to create the black box?
[19:45:38 CET] <davidmichaelkarr> If I have to install ffmpeg on ubuntu, I see that there are two choices in the "Linux Packages" section on the ffmpeg site.  I'm not sure which I should be using.
[19:46:19 CET] <Fyr> I would recommend official packages.
[19:46:43 CET] <furq> depends which ubuntu version
[19:46:47 CET] <Fyr> if you're on openSUSE, I would advise you to install the Zeranoe binaries.
[19:46:56 CET] <furq> if it's not 15.x then there is no ffmpeg package
[19:53:15 CET] <derekprestegard> ffmpeg always whines about timestamps being unset when I mux elementary HEVC streams created by x265 to mp4 - should I care?
[20:05:19 CET] <gnimbus> hello everyone
[20:11:44 CET] <DHE> derekprestegard: did you set a framerate for the elementary stream?
[20:13:20 CET] <gnimbus> I'm trying to add metadata to a MPEG-2 video in Python.  I *think* I need to create a transport stream with 'mpegts' first, yes?  Do I need to make one per frame or per time point? Sorry, n00b here...
[20:14:11 CET] <davidmichaelkarr> furq: I'm on 14.04.  So you're saying that ffmpeg isn't even supported on 14.04?
[20:15:01 CET] <furq> there's no ffmpeg package in the 14.04 repos because of the whole libav mess
[20:15:11 CET] <furq> the static build should work fine
[20:15:22 CET] <furq> http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[20:15:55 CET] <furq> i guess the PPA on the ffmpeg site should work too if you're willing to use a PPA
[20:19:16 CET] <derekprestegard> DHE: do you mean when I encoded it using x265 or do you mean when I loaded it into ffmpeg?
[20:19:36 CET] <DHE> derekprestegard: the latter
[20:20:01 CET] <derekprestegard> I did this ffmpeg -y -i $output.h265 -an -c:v copy -r 60 -movflags faststart $output.mp4
[20:20:18 CET] <derekprestegard> should I add -r 60 before -i ?
[20:20:33 CET] <DHE> more like move the -r to before the -i
[20:20:37 CET] <derekprestegard> I see
[20:20:48 CET] <DHE> ffmpeg -y -r 60 -i source.h264 ....
[20:21:08 CET] <DHE> not that it hurts to specify the framerate both times, it's just not required
[20:24:36 CET] <derekprestegard> DHE: that totally did it. Thank you!
[21:27:54 CET] <Wildefyr> Hey, trying to get nvenc encoding to work, but ffmpeg gives me the error: "Failed loading CUDA library" even though libcuda is on my system (/usr/lib/libcuda), why can't ffmpeg see it?
[21:30:03 CET] <Wildefyr> ldconfig -p | grep cuda also shows the library
[21:34:13 CET] <DHE> Wildefyr: could be other reasons, such as the library failing to initialize. for example are the nvidia modules loaded? (you need 2)
[21:34:33 CET] <Wildefyr> I have nvidia and nvidia_modeset loaded
[21:34:57 CET] <Wildefyr> is there a specific cuda module?
[21:35:08 CET] <iive> try `ldd ffmpeg` see if there are any missing libraries
[21:35:40 CET] <iive> if cude is loaded at runtime, try ldd on the libcuda
[21:36:04 CET] <Wildefyr> https://p.iotek.org/x11
[21:36:31 CET] <DHE> I believe the is a "nvidia-uvm" module needed for CUDA operation
[21:36:48 CET] <DHE> the only other suggestion would be to use strace to see what ffmpeg/nvenc actually does and where it aborts
[21:38:26 CET] <Wildefyr> well, that module loaded succesfully but still the same error
[21:39:32 CET] <Mista_D> Is there a specific interlaced encoding mode for MPEG2VIDEO and X264? It seems to double bitrate vs progressive scan (-qscale:v 2).
[21:43:10 CET] <odinsbane> I made a video from some jpg files to an mp4 with the default settings, then I cropped and scaled it to 800x450. It is about 122M for 3 minutes. So I changed it to a webm using CRF of 44. The file is now 42M for 3 minutes but there is very significant degredation to the video.
[21:44:31 CET] <odinsbane> http://imgur.com/IaE61Qz one the left is the compressed version and on the left is the origin. The quality is ok for what I want, but 44M still seems large for 3 minutes.
[21:44:48 CET] <odinsbane> Sorry the one on the right is the original.
[21:45:24 CET] <DHE> you might want to framestep and see if there's noise in the video or something like that. a denoise filter might do wonders for compression
[21:45:41 CET] <DHE> an encoder can waste a lot of bits preserving the noise
[21:46:24 CET] <odinsbane> It is a time lapse movie with quite a bit of jiggle.
[21:46:54 CET] <furq> if it's a timelapse of driving then it's probably not very compressible
[21:47:07 CET] <Wildefyr> okay, well it's reporting it can't find /usr/lib/libcuda.so, but there is a symbolic link there to the library (libcuda.so.361.28 on my system)
[21:48:11 CET] <furq> odinsbane: you could maybe try a slower preset (-preset slow/slower/veryslow) but i'm not sure if it'll make much difference
[21:48:39 CET] <Wildefyr> here's the strace for reference https://p.iotek.org/i6a
[21:48:48 CET] <DHE> yeah time lapse isn't going to compress too well. too much changing between frames
[21:48:55 CET] <DHE> especially if the camera itself is moving
[21:49:37 CET] <odinsbane> Cool, Ill check out the noise. The camera is definitely moving, it is on a bicycle helmet.
[21:50:22 CET] <DHE> time lapse is going to severely affect bitrate, yeah. not much similarity between frames
[21:50:46 CET] <odinsbane> Makes sense, I was just trying to make sure I wasn't doing something silly.
[21:51:16 CET] <odinsbane> Ill try a time lapse tomorrow with a stationary camera and see if I get it to a reasonable size.
[21:51:47 CET] <krakonos> Hi! I just tried creating timelapse video with ffmpeg, found some docs on it and decided to use image2. The problem is, I can't use nanosecond precision (as I want images generated from a script, and it seems too fiddly and uportable to use it). I came up with a solution to multiply timestamps by a constant, and add filter to modify timestamps. Unfortunately, this approach takes a bit more time AND ffmepg
[21:51:53 CET] <krakonos>  eats about 9GB of RAM, which is way too wasteful (I'm generating 1080p video from ~400 images). Any ideas on how to do this without nanosecond timestamps?
[21:52:37 CET] <krakonos> I must say that I don't like the timestamp fiddling anyway, and wanted to use ffconcat instead, but ffmpeg seems to dislike non-integer durations anyway.
[23:49:15 CET] <redalert> Hello, can someone confirm me if -progress "URL" has a bug? I tried it and FFmpeg doesn't post Data every 1 second as it says, but if i try -progress test.txt , it writes every second
[00:00:00 CET] --- Thu Mar  3 2016

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