[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20161117

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 03:05:01 EET 2016

[00:29:43 CET] <llamapixel> Is it possible to generate a video from ffmpeg without a starting video. Example I want to generate time code on nothing and end up with a black video of set size and a time code stamp across the media?
[00:30:05 CET] <c_14> -f lavfi -i color=black
[00:30:25 CET] <c_14> Check ffmpeg-filters(1) for Video Sources
[00:30:49 CET] <c_14> https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#Video-Sources
[00:36:13 CET] <llamapixel> thanks c_14
[00:37:46 CET] <klaxa> c_14: you know what the vp in vp8 stands for?
[00:37:50 CET] <klaxa> video... p???
[00:38:03 CET] <llamapixel> progressive?
[00:38:03 CET] <klaxa> can't find it on wikipedia :V
[00:39:02 CET] <klaxa> looking at the rfc now
[00:41:06 CET] <llamapixel> c_14 and how to timestamp that black video if you have a quick reference
[00:41:39 CET] <c_14> drawtext filter
[00:41:42 CET] <c_14> an example should be in the docs
[00:42:04 CET] <llamapixel> thanks
[00:43:33 CET] <c_14> klaxa: Video Processor?
[00:44:29 CET] <c_14> I'm not sure it actually says anywhere
[00:44:42 CET] <klaxa> would make sense, i also can't find any source
[00:45:09 CET] <klaxa> if i can't find one by next week i'll put an email in my gmail draft folder, maybe a google employee answers it
[01:38:45 CET] <llamapixel> c_14: thanks I got it with ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=black -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf: text='%{localtime}': x=(w-tw)/2: y=h-(2*lh): fontcolor=white: box=1: boxcolor=0x00000000 at 1: fontsize=30" -r 25 -t 5 out.mp4
[01:51:09 CET] <llamapixel> c_14: Conways life is perfect for what I was hoping to do now I have the basics, thanks again for the head start.
[02:35:17 CET] <llogan> klaxa: nobody know 11 years ago either: http://multimedia.cx/eggs/vp7-on2-just-wont-quit/
[02:56:52 CET] <klaxa> ha wow
[02:56:57 CET] <klaxa> thanks for the link llogan
[03:29:48 CET] <daemon> hey all how would I convert mp3 to ulaw
[03:29:50 CET] <daemon> for asterisk
[03:29:59 CET] <daemon> mono mp3 format
[03:33:52 CET] <c_14> ffmpeg -i mp3 -f mulaw outfile
[03:34:02 CET] <daemon> cool
[03:36:16 CET] <llogan> klaxa: "bbb: I dont tihnk it stands for anything; vp3 was basically 'assume the m in mp3 stands for music, then vp3 is the same but v bring video', and then all subsequent versions where vpn with n being >3"
[03:36:17 CET] <lOrD_dAeMoN> Can I convert .mov format?
[03:36:42 CET] <c_14> lOrD_dAeMoN: don't see why not. You'll have to be a bit more specific than that though
[03:38:17 CET] <lOrD_dAeMoN> Anyone got it? Fmpeg -i movie.mov -vcodec copy -acodec cop out.mp4
[03:39:19 CET] <llogan> what?
[03:39:55 CET] <lOrD_dAeMoN> convert .mov format for mp4
[03:40:01 CET] <lOrD_dAeMoN> to mp4
[03:40:51 CET] <c_14> What's wrong with that? (besides ffmpeg vs Fmpeg)
[03:42:06 CET] <lOrD_dAeMoN> I want to know if someone has already converted .mov to .mp4, that's it.
[03:42:11 CET] <c_14> yes
[03:42:25 CET] <lOrD_dAeMoN> What is the right command?
[03:42:34 CET] <lOrD_dAeMoN> the best way?
[03:43:03 CET] <c_14> what you wrote is 98% right. ffmpeg -i mov -c copy -map 0 out.mp4 is better because it maps all the streams (in case of multiple audio/subtitle/whatever)
[03:43:17 CET] <c_14> You can also add -movflags +faststart depending on your use-case
[03:44:53 CET] <lOrD_dAeMoN> thank you. I have this task to do at work and I have to use opensource tool. thanks again. I had never used it for .mov files
[03:45:30 CET] <furq> i shudder to think what closed-source tool you were using for this
[03:46:47 CET] <lOrD_dAeMoN> I have not used it, but I know that aTube Catcher does
[03:47:06 CET] <lOrD_dAeMoN> :)
[03:49:21 CET] <kurufu> Do I have to close AVFormatContext::pb to close the underlying rtp connection for an RTSP format?
[03:50:01 CET] <kurufu> av_write_trailer() and avformat_free_context() both finish without error but the listening ffmpeg keeps listening like its expecting more frames..
[03:53:49 CET] <kurufu> Testing shows that rtsp is AVFMT_NOFILE like i thought...
[04:22:57 CET] <kurufu> Looks like it was somethin weird with ffmpeg not sure.
[04:35:57 CET] <mozzarella> hello
[04:36:02 CET] <Sashmo_> can someone tell me how I can add frames to my clock that I am trying to overlay on my video?  it looks like this '%{localtime\:%T}'
[04:36:55 CET] <mozzarella> I created a video using ffmpeg and I can't play it on iOS, why is this?
[04:41:08 CET] <mozzarella> shouldn't it be able to watch h.264 videos properly?
[04:46:30 CET] <kurufu> what container did you put it in?
[04:46:51 CET] <mozzarella> kurufu: mp4
[04:53:25 CET] <kurufu> sorry im not to sure about the intricacies of playing stuff on iphone... But h264 and mp4 sounds about right
[04:53:43 CET] <kurufu> assuming you didnt do something silly like using 10bit encoding or something
[04:56:53 CET] <mozzarella> I can watch it on linux, I can watch it on windows&
[04:57:20 CET] <furq> mozzarella: pastebin the output of ffprobe -show_streams
[04:59:40 CET] <mozzarella> furq: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/483505/55148147/
[05:00:57 CET] <furq> i suspect it's either the video pixel format or the audio codec
[05:01:20 CET] <furq> the latter is easier to change so try that first i guess
[05:03:55 CET] <mozzarella> what do I change it to? it's weird, nautilus says it's MP1, ffprobe says it's MP2
[05:03:59 CET] <furq> aac
[05:06:56 CET] <mozzarella> how do I reencode it? sorry, I'm a newb with ffmpeg
[05:07:54 CET] <mozzarella> I'm trying something
[05:08:09 CET] <mozzarella> I'll let you know if it works
[05:08:54 CET] <mozzarella> ffmpeg -i possible_plmd.mp4 -c:a aac possible_plmd2.mp4
[05:09:04 CET] <furq> that'll reencode the video as well
[05:09:09 CET] <furq> -c:v copy -c:a aac
[05:09:28 CET] <mozzarella> aaaww shit
[05:09:33 CET] <mozzarella> must be why it took so long
[05:13:06 CET] <mozzarella> the original video used aac, not sure what happened
[05:15:20 CET] <furq> you probably just want to copy it from the original file then
[05:15:37 CET] <furq> -i encoded.mp4 -i original.mp4 -map 0:v -map 1:a -c copy out.mp4
[05:18:50 CET] <mozzarella> furq: still can't watch the video from my ipod touch
[05:18:55 CET] <mozzarella> with AAC sound
[05:21:14 CET] <furq> if that's an old ipod touch you might need to use baseline h264
[05:21:26 CET] <mozzarella> it's the 5th gen
[05:21:37 CET] <mozzarella> what's baseline h264?
[05:21:54 CET] <furq> Note: iPad, iPhone 3G, and iPod touch (2nd generation and later) support H.264 Baseline 3.1. If your app runs on older versions of iPhone or iPod touch, however, you should use H.264 Baseline 3.0 for compatibility. If your content is intended solely for iPad, Apple TV, iPhone 4 and later, and Mac OS X computers, you should use Main Level 3.1.
[05:22:00 CET] <furq> that's not really clear whether you should use main or baseline
[05:22:11 CET] <furq> baseline will definitely work but it'll be larger and/or lower quality
[05:22:18 CET] <furq> -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline
[05:22:36 CET] <furq> you probably also want -pix_fmt yuv420p
[05:23:14 CET] <mozzarella> well, iOS is up-to-date enough that it should support main level, I think
[05:23:24 CET] <furq> it depends on the hardware, not the os
[05:24:04 CET] <furq> the builtin player uses a hardware decoder, so you're stuck with whatever that supports
[05:24:25 CET] <furq> or a thirdparty player that decodes in software, but that'll eat your battery
[05:24:32 CET] <mozzarella> what about itunes? I can't play the video from inside itunes
[05:24:41 CET] <furq> no idea, i've never used apple stuff
[05:25:26 CET] <mozzarella> good, stay away from them, that's what I wish I had done
[05:27:25 CET] <furq> according to some forum post you should be able to use -profile:v main -level 3.1
[05:27:53 CET] <furq> you might want to scale the video to 1136x640, it'll encode faster and that's the native res anyway
[05:28:05 CET] <furq> -vf scale=1136:640
[05:28:16 CET] <mozzarella> ffmpeg -i sleep/sleep11.mp4 -ss 06:35:45 -t 00:02:00 -c copy possible_plmd.mp4
[05:28:29 CET] <mozzarella> would that not keep the same audio codec?
[05:28:34 CET] <furq> it should
[05:28:46 CET] <mozzarella> well, it generated a file with a MP2 codec
[05:28:51 CET] <mozzarella> while the original file is AAC
[05:28:57 CET] <furq> weird
[05:29:33 CET] <furq> does the original have multiple audio tracks
[05:30:06 CET] <furq> that's the only way i can imagine that would happen
[05:34:21 CET] <mozzarella> wait nevermind
[05:36:54 CET] <mozzarella> ffmpeg -i sleep/sleep11.mp4 -ss 06:35:45 -t 00:02:00 -c:a AAC -c:v libx264 -profile:v main -level 3.1 copy possible_plmd3.mp4
[05:36:58 CET] <mozzarella> is that good?
[05:37:44 CET] <furq> aac should be lowercase and delete that stray "copy"
[05:38:09 CET] <mozzarella> oops
[06:00:27 CET] <mozzarella> furq: thank you! it finally worked
[09:05:14 CET] <mog> if i want to make a timelapse of a ton of image files i have how do i glob correctly?
[09:05:22 CET] <mog> i tried image_%d.png
[09:05:28 CET] <mog> but it didnt seem to match
[09:05:44 CET] <mog> my images are formatted as image_UNIXTIME.png
[09:22:13 CET] <Mysoft> mog you can create mylist.txt
[09:22:21 CET] <Mysoft> with the images on the order you want
[09:22:29 CET] <Mysoft> to be used as input for the concatenate
[09:22:43 CET] <Mysoft> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Concatenate
[09:25:23 CET] <mog> hanks Mysoft
[10:42:01 CET] <jj15> I want to stream a still image as a video. Ive managed to do this. Except, I also want to be able to modify the image and have the changes reflected in the video. For example, change the text in the image and have that update. Currently this doesnt work. Is it possible to do this with ffmpeg?
[10:42:09 CET] <jj15> My current command: ffmpeg -re -loop 1 -i ./cam.jpg -r 10 -vcodec mpeg4 -f mpegts cam.mp4
[10:46:02 CET] <Mysoft> hum... i guess not directly
[10:47:02 CET] <Mysoft> but what about this... trying to using a list.txt with two .jpg
[10:47:06 CET] <Mysoft> and loop the "txt" file
[10:47:17 CET] <Mysoft> may force it to reload from disk everytime like you want
[10:47:37 CET] <jj15> Good point. Will try that.
[10:48:37 CET] <Mysoft> otherwise you would need to have something like -f image2pipe and piping the .jpg yourself with a tiny program/script (at correct rate?)
[10:48:43 CET] <Mysoft> unless someone else has some other idea :]
[10:54:13 CET] <Mysoft> ----------
[10:55:58 CET] <jj15> Thanks Mysoft Ill look at both of these
[10:56:13 CET] <Mysoft> oh and btw people... i have this situation i want to stream some video to ffmpeg with a raw yuv420p format... i dunno exactly how i should create an .avi for this purpose (with interleaved raw PCM/yuv420p chunks... i tried to get ffmpeg to generate an .avi of sorts, like -f avi -c:v rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p (but it ended as RGB32... probabily because the source for testing was a .gif file), any hints?
[10:56:18 CET] <Mysoft> --
[10:56:41 CET] <Mysoft> and jj15, just remember to test with two different .jpg files on the .txt to make sure that it's looping the file list, not the first file on the list :P
[10:58:37 CET] <Mysoft> -----
[10:59:18 CET] <Mysoft> ok people... got the answer of my own question... hahahha first generating a mp4 .avi and then with that avi as source generaing a rawvideo codec .avi did the trick to have yuv420p raw frames on .avi ^__^
[11:01:34 CET] <somaReverse> hi, how can I stop a screencast started by ffcast asynchronously
[11:24:42 CET] <jj15> I tried doing the following & but it doesnt seem to work when replacing the images. I think the images must be loaded when the command is ran: ffmpeg -loop 1 -r 60 -f image2 -i img_%01d.jpg -vcodec mpeg4 test.avi
[11:25:36 CET] <Mysoft> and looping the .txt didnt worked?
[11:26:30 CET] <jj15> Oh darn it. Thats what I should have tried. Will try. Interesting though, when I view the video after stopping the command the change is visible so maybe it will work when streaming.
[11:27:13 CET] <Mysoft> i think -f image2 is "autodetect" when you have a image as input
[11:27:24 CET] <Mysoft> i mentioned -f image2pipe because it allows to use - as input
[11:27:34 CET] <Mysoft> (if you're on linux)
[11:27:57 CET] <Mysoft> and that allows you to cat the images yourself
[11:28:15 CET] <jj15> Yeah Im on linux and I think youre right.
[13:15:47 CET] <ZexaronS> hello
[13:16:01 CET] <ZexaronS> I have many videos of several GB
[13:16:18 CET] <ZexaronS> the nature of video is such that I do not need all of it
[13:16:58 CET] <ZexaronS> infact, I was looking how to basically take 1 frame per second and make a new video , to basically throw away 90% of the frames
[13:18:52 CET] <ZexaronS> however framerates reported in mediainfo and win explorer are heavily variated, there's 29, 23, 20, 26, 6, etc
[13:19:22 CET] <ZexaronS> so I'm looking not to have to make a batch command for each of these cases
[13:23:56 CET] <jkqxz> ZexaronS:  The -r option on output files does exactly what you want, dropping frames to create output at the given framerate regardless of the input framerate.
[13:26:35 CET] <ZexaronS> jkqxz, I guess indeed, however ofcourse more data will technically be lost in low-fps videos, but I think this is okay since most of them are above 20 so it's not a big deal to just separate those who are below 20, thanks
[13:46:11 CET] <jj15> Confused. Im able to stream image to video to Facebook Live. I can see the preview fine. When I press Go Live it takes a while and then ffmpeg just quits. No errors or warnings.
[13:48:14 CET] <jj15> Output: http://pastebin.com/U9DBfqfZ
[13:48:20 CET] <Mysoft> so jj15 the .txt method worked? or you had to use something else?
[13:48:30 CET] <jj15> The text method works fine :)
[13:48:38 CET] <Mysoft> ok :]
[13:49:07 CET] <jj15> Both methods work out ok. Im a ffmpeg noob so getting my head around all the options is daunting. Getting there slowly.
[13:49:39 CET] <Mysoft> you should remember to not paste your key when doing such pastebins :)
[13:49:57 CET] <jj15> Oh damn!
[13:51:10 CET] <Mysoft> maybe facebook is closing the connection
[13:51:43 CET] <Mysoft> i know that twitch do that when you send too little data
[13:51:59 CET] <Mysoft> or invalid framedata
[13:52:09 CET] <Mysoft> but... you're already changing your jpg?
[13:52:15 CET] <Mysoft> you tried it without changing the jpg?
[13:56:03 CET] <jj15> Mysoft: testing now.
[14:00:33 CET] <Mysoft> that's a weird pixel format you're using there
[14:01:05 CET] <Mysoft> for twitch i usually use -pix_fmt yuv420p / yuv422p
[14:03:44 CET] <jj15> Oh, I thought I was using yuv420p & -pix_fmt yuv420p \
[14:04:48 CET] <jj15> Heres a script I created for a single image to test: http://pastebin.com/JjPVApAn
[14:07:03 CET] <Mysoft> heh
[14:07:13 CET] <Mysoft> then i dunno why the warning there
[14:07:33 CET] <jj15> I dont get why the video ends on Facebook but previews fine.
[14:08:00 CET] <Mysoft> ah... that's from input :)
[14:08:23 CET] <Mysoft> it's scaling on the "weird" jpg input format ok
[14:08:31 CET] <jj15> hmm
[14:09:48 CET] <Mysoft> heh i don't know...
[14:09:57 CET] <Mysoft> can you check if it's sending the data
[14:10:15 CET] <Mysoft> because the upload of ffmpeg rtmp is SYNC
[14:10:20 CET] <Mysoft> (or at least i have this problem here on windows)
[14:10:36 CET] <Mysoft> so i used a "tunnel" to buffer the RTMP output
[14:12:09 CET] <Mysoft> also you seem to have a huge resolution there
[14:12:20 CET] <Mysoft> and in your "script" i don't see which profile you used
[14:12:36 CET] <Mysoft> *preset
[14:13:13 CET] <Mysoft> so using a preset "medium" (that is the default), for 720p can be heavy
[14:13:21 CET] <Mysoft> and would cause it to not have time to send everything
[14:13:58 CET] <Mysoft> (nothing of this explains why the preview works but the real thing doesnt... but, if there's a problem with that...)
[14:14:03 CET] <relaxed> jj15: remove -r 30
[14:15:22 CET] <Mysoft> but since you're just sending repeated jpeg's none of that suppose to be a problem...
[14:17:22 CET] <relaxed> jj15: did you see https://www.facebook.com/facebookmedia/get-started/live  ?
[14:19:58 CET] <jj15> Sorry back. Will read through responses.
[14:28:40 CET] <jj15> Im going to try with OBS just to make sure I can definatly stream without issues.
[14:29:57 CET] <somaReverse> hello, This configure makes my computer slow and unresponsive https://ptpb.pw/iC51  . How can I tune it to be more performant ?
[14:31:49 CET] <DHE> launch ffmpeg with `nice` at the front of the command (unix-based systems only) ?
[14:33:27 CET] <ZexaronS> hi again
[14:34:16 CET] <ZexaronS> now I'm trying to figure out how to specify variable for bitrate, all the videos have different bitrates, if I pick a fixed one some videos will have a lot more detail cut out than others
[14:39:34 CET] <DHE> do you have file size constraints? -crf is intended to allow you to specify a target "quality" and ideally every video will look about the same -- leaves bitrate out of it
[14:40:33 CET] <ZexaronS> oh stupid me lol
[14:41:25 CET] <ZexaronS> I had big operation saving my DVDs to newer formats and archiving, I just haven't done this type of "FPS reduction" procedure I'm attempting now wiht totally different kind of data so I kind forgot a few things
[14:42:21 CET] <ZexaronS> yes, it's 250GB I'm trying to redcue framerate but keep quality the "same" as original, to lower the space taken because the nature of data is very repetitive and slow
[14:43:12 CET] <DHE> framerate reduction?
[14:43:13 CET] <Mysoft> well you would need two pass... to do it with "variable bit rate"
[14:43:28 CET] <Mysoft> so i think -crf is the answer
[14:43:28 CET] <Mysoft> BUT
[14:43:56 CET] <Mysoft> reducing framerate wont necessarily reduce size... if the source motion is already low
[14:44:56 CET] <DHE> -crf is for maintaining a constant (perceived) quality and let the bitrate do whatever it needs to. target bitrate is for when you have a specific file size in mind. 2-pass is usually needed for bitrate mode to turn out okay
[14:44:58 CET] <ZexaronS> well going from 30 to 1 surely will be some ... actually is it possible to go even lower like 0.5 and it would take 1 frame per 2 seconds ? , im still writting the batch file so I didn't test anything yet
[14:45:23 CET] <DHE> good god what are you doing that you're okay with DVDs being 2 fps when they're usually around 30 ?
[14:45:32 CET] <flux> zexarons, so you're saying the picture changes very little?
[14:45:56 CET] <DHE> some kind of security camera feed archival?
[14:46:03 CET] <Mysoft> or slideshow :P
[14:46:15 CET] <flux> zexarons, perhaps having a big i-frame interval would be effective, ie. re-encode with -g 300
[14:47:05 CET] <ZexaronS> These aren't DVDs, this data is recordings from camera for some scientific stuff, I don't need it anymore but I don't mind if it takes 20GB and sits there for a few more years for reference
[14:47:46 CET] <flux> (or maybe even -g 3000)
[14:47:50 CET] <ZexaronS> yes ... but I don't need it to be a video, it's okay if it looks like a high-speed slideshow
[14:48:04 CET] <Mysoft> well i think -crf 23 will be fine your needs
[14:48:21 CET] <jj15> Someone here having the same problem re: Facebook preview works but live doesnt. Im wondering if not sending audio could be the problem. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40644596/using-ffmpeg-to-stream-to-facebook-live-video-can-preview-but-not-go-live
[14:48:35 CET] <Mysoft> you can use -maxrate to make sure it wont pass a certain limit (so automatically reducing crf)
[14:48:46 CET] <Mysoft> *increasing crf
[14:50:42 CET] <ZexaronS> .. i'll be making a test with these in mind
[14:51:29 CET] <flux> I highly suggest you do time-limited trials firs t:)
[14:51:38 CET] <Mysoft> indeed :)
[14:51:53 CET] <ZexaronS> oh yeh ofcourse
[14:52:01 CET] <Mysoft> altough he can press Q at any moment... so this isnt big deal :P
[14:52:24 CET] <flux> sure, but comparing sizes is easier if the test sequences are all the same length ;)
[14:52:36 CET] <Mysoft> heh good point :)
[14:53:14 CET] <Mysoft> jj15 the audio part... could be relevant indeed
[14:53:20 CET] <Mysoft> with twitch if i stram without audio
[14:53:27 CET] <Mysoft> it seems to play "as fast as possible"
[14:53:36 CET] <jj15> Im going to try send some audio with it and see if that helps.
[14:53:38 CET] <Mysoft> ignoring the framerate
[14:58:51 CET] <ZexaronS> there is no audio
[14:59:05 CET] <ZexaronS> no streams
[14:59:57 CET] <jj15> Forgot to compile with aac. Woops.
[15:33:58 CET] <jj15> frame=167216 fps=617 q=-1.0 Lsize=   11409kB time=01:32:53.76 bitrate=  16.8kbits/s speed=20.6x
[15:34:22 CET] <jj15> That doesnt look right.
[15:36:16 CET] <Mysoft> that's with 1 fps output?
[15:37:16 CET] <Mysoft> it seems a bit low for 720p output
[15:37:40 CET] <Mysoft> but
[15:37:49 CET] <jj15> Im getting a little confused now. fr is set to 30
[15:37:59 CET] <Mysoft> yes
[15:38:05 CET] <Mysoft> but the frames as repeating on and on
[15:38:17 CET] <Mysoft> so the effective kbits/s is very slow
[15:38:31 CET] <jj15> Heres where Im at http://pastebin.com/zYN6Ae12
[15:39:01 CET] <Mysoft> -framerate 1
[15:39:06 CET] <Mysoft> so 1 fps input
[15:39:16 CET] <jj15> Ah sorry, that was 30 I just changed it when you mentioned to test.
[15:39:29 CET] <Mysoft> still it doesnt change
[15:39:33 CET] <Mysoft> so -preset medium
[15:39:39 CET] <jj15> Before I added the audio I got a preview. I dont get that, or errors. When changing fr to 1 I get errors on FB
[15:39:46 CET] <Mysoft> will detect and discard repetitions
[15:40:50 CET] <Mysoft> you could check using video.flv
[15:40:53 CET] <Mysoft> instead of rtmp://
[15:41:01 CET] <Mysoft> to see how it outputs locally
[15:41:29 CET] <jj15> I did output local and it worked ok. I got the image plus the audio.
[15:42:31 CET] <Mysoft> you know it's interesting that on facebook how to
[15:42:34 CET] <Mysoft> they say ffmpeg as option :)
[15:42:38 CET] <Mysoft> twitch didnt bothered to do that
[15:42:44 CET] <Mysoft> and using any other program doesnt work on windows :P
[15:42:52 CET] <Mysoft> but back to the problem let's see...
[15:43:31 CET] <jj15> I wish FB would report the errors. It only reported an error when I set framerate to 1 & told me its too low. But like now, it doesnt report anything.
[15:43:44 CET] <Mysoft> yeah
[15:43:48 CET] <Mysoft> because on the requirements
[15:43:51 CET] <Mysoft> it said it has to be 30 fps
[15:43:57 CET] <Mysoft> i.e. here
[15:43:57 CET] <Mysoft> https://www.facebook.com/facebookmedia/get-started/live
[15:44:17 CET] <jj15> Yeah I had read that. My audio encoding seems to be fine. Its only since adding the audio that I get an issue.
[15:44:33 CET] <jj15> Whats a good thread size? Im getting this Thread message queue blocking; consider raising the thread_queue_size option (current value: 512)
[15:45:00 CET] <Mysoft> you probabily should include -g 60
[15:45:08 CET] <Mysoft> to enforce the "keyframe every 2 seconds"
[15:45:49 CET] <mlgh> Hi. I have a command: ffmpeg -ss 00:00:42 -i bug.mp4 -t 00:00:08 -c copy 11_bug.mp4  but it cuts out a video of length of 15 seconds. How should I convert bug.mp4 to some raw video format so that it would allow me precise time cutting fragments?
[15:47:38 CET] <Mysoft> but hum... weird jj15 i don't see anything causing trouble... probabily later today i will try a live stream myself... and then i will know more :)
[15:48:03 CET] <jj15> Mysoft: No worries. Youve been very helpful already :)
[15:51:31 CET] <mlgh> Ah, got it, I must not do codec copy when seeking
[16:23:25 CET] <IDWMaster> Hi. What does av_mediacodec_default_init take as its third parameter? Is the surface referring to the JNI object reference, or a native surface handle?
[16:38:50 CET] <jj15> Posted here as a last ditched attempt. Really bugging me now http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/324037/problems-streaming-to-facebook-with-ffmpeg
[16:40:30 CET] <jj15> Oh wtf
[16:40:34 CET] <jj15> I just tried again and it worked
[16:40:38 CET] <jj15> This is so strange
[16:40:51 CET] Action: jj15 presses go live
[16:41:08 CET] <jj15> nope :(
[16:41:50 CET] <bencoh> people use facebook to stream live videos nowadays?
[16:44:01 CET] <jj15> There's nothing to worry about  it's because the video may contain music, audio or a video clip that belongs to someone else: & whaaat thats my own music. Liars.
[16:44:57 CET] <furq> i'd be pretty worried if my music belonged to someone else
[16:55:36 CET] <jj15> Yeah same. Apparently it belongs to someone else & yeah me! https://soundcloud.com/imbase2/marys-stash
[17:00:32 CET] <jj15> @Mysoft -re fixed it :D
[17:00:42 CET] <Mysoft> what was it?
[17:01:08 CET] <jj15> simulate real-time output, slow down read from file
[17:01:46 CET] <jj15> My audio has some crazy VHS thing going on. Slowing and speeding. Sounds very nice actually, but not what I want.
[17:06:28 CET] <bencoh> jj15: :D
[17:09:12 CET] <jj15> @Mysoft also, streaming the single image and modifying it changes automatically on a stream. It didnt when I was watching the .mp4 stream locally.
[17:09:32 CET] <jj15> Now just need to loop the audio and I think Im done. Ill put the script on github if anyone wants to play with it
[17:12:28 CET] <jj15> Wow, looping audio looks complex. Ill probably make a super long audio file.
[17:37:44 CET] <Sashmo_> can anyone let me know if its possible to use ffplay and ffmepg at the same time when capturing from a decklink source?  I would like to preview whats coming in on my screen as I capture it.
[17:39:29 CET] <c_14> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Creating%20multiple%20outputs
[17:39:52 CET] <c_14> (one of your outputs will either be a pipe into the video player of your choice, or potentially -f sdl)
[17:41:14 CET] <hamsheet> does anyone know of a way to delete "all videos that are less than a minute" type thing?
[17:41:32 CET] <Mysoft> heh
[17:41:57 CET] <Mysoft> jj15 i see what you mean by the lack of information from facebook... it's uploading... but facebook just say "disconnected" :P
[17:42:27 CET] <jj15> Yeah its very frustrating. Sec Ill gist the code
[17:42:36 CET] <jj15> s/code/script
[17:42:36 CET] <Sashmo_> c_14: yeah I checked that but ffmpeg does do output to screen, I need ffplay for that, and I wasnt able to make that work from the examples
[17:43:05 CET] <jj15> @Mysoft https://gist.github.com/JamesTheHacker/56fb9caf36244de582540e7d5c2fd6a5
[17:43:16 CET] <jj15> Could probably be done better but works
[17:43:55 CET] <Mysoft> yeah this is what i'm doing pretty much
[17:44:29 CET] <c_14> hamsheet: ffmpeg -f decklink -i whatever -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -f matroska - -c:v libx264 out.mkv | ffplay -
[17:45:05 CET] <Mysoft> except i'm using just "aac" as encoder because i don't have the newer lib... and i'm using my proxy instead of letting ffmpeg connect directly
[17:45:13 CET] <hamsheet> c_14 wrong guy?
[17:45:30 CET] <c_14> hamsheet: right, I meant Sashmo_ . you have the same color
[17:45:39 CET] <jj15> I use a proxy through an ssh tunnel seems to work ok.
[17:45:50 CET] <c_14> hamsheet: as to your question, you'll need a script that uses ffprobe to get the duration and then checks if that's greater than a minute and then deletes it
[17:46:51 CET] <hamsheet> c_14: let me see the ffprobe
[17:47:51 CET] <hamsheet> c_14: ffprobe output is a single chunk of text ;(
[17:48:21 CET] <c_14> hamsheet: `ffprobe -v quiet -hide_banner -show_entries format=duration -of compact=nk=1:p=0' that'll output just the duration
[17:48:33 CET] <Mysoft> i didnt got it working even on preview so far... closest i got was "too low framerate" when i had a bad config :P
[17:48:34 CET] <hamsheet> hmm let me see
[17:48:35 CET] <c_14> (assuming the duration is stored in the format metadata which it usually is)
[17:50:46 CET] <hamsheet> c_14: thanks this might be helpful but it is not working well on some videos, assuming what you said has exceptions
[17:51:26 CET] <hamsheet> however it is a great start for me
[17:54:51 CET] <jj15> @Mysoft very strange. Ive had issues with OBS in the past even though the settings were correct.
[17:54:58 CET] <jj15> It was very hit and miss
[17:55:16 CET] <Mysoft> i see
[18:33:40 CET] <Mysoft> oh btw jj15 include -vsync 1
[18:34:13 CET] <Mysoft> in your github... because if the source is <30fps instead of duplicating frames ffmpeg is just stretching the timeframe
[18:34:28 CET] <Mysoft> and then facebook will still detect as "source" framerate instead of 30
[18:34:46 CET] <jj15> Ahhh that explains the warped sounding audio then
[18:35:01 CET] <Mysoft> with -vsync 1... it now duplicates the frames as it should
[18:35:16 CET] <jj15> Added :) Thanks.
[18:35:39 CET] <Mysoft> i had a .gif (10fps) as input, so it wasnt working because of that
[18:35:42 CET] <jj15> So far its been streaming for over an hour with no issues. Just moving onto the next bit. Grabbing page data using the SDK and updating the image :D
[18:38:04 CET] <Mysoft> ^^
[18:38:21 CET] <Mysoft> also the problem you had that it wasnt showing anything
[18:38:31 CET] <Mysoft> is that facebook blocks input if invalid stuff happens
[18:38:48 CET] <Mysoft> so any invalid attempt and then you may need to try again later
[18:39:09 CET] <Mysoft> (but would be good if it would SAY anything.. instead of silently ignore)
[18:39:43 CET] <jj15> Ah so maybe because it flagged my track as belonging to someone else that would have put me on a temp. block or something?
[18:39:55 CET] <Mysoft> could be
[18:40:13 CET] <Mysoft> altough it would make more sense to just mute it... like youtube does
[18:40:26 CET] <jj15> Yeah true.
[18:40:56 CET] <Mysoft> i just made it capture my muted mic
[18:40:56 CET] <Mysoft> :P
[18:41:27 CET] <Mysoft> i remember people on twitch had such problems before
[18:41:32 CET] <Mysoft> but they relaxed the requirement
[18:41:43 CET] <Mysoft> now instead automatically do nonsense crap
[18:41:57 CET] <Mysoft> they accept "copyright infrigment" requests
[18:42:12 CET] <jj15> Muted mic & thats a good idea!
[18:42:13 CET] <Mysoft> that temp ban the source... but that rarely happens
[19:28:35 CET] <cluelessperson> ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 2 -r 2 -s 1920x1080 -i :0.0 -t 01:00:00.000  -vf \
[19:28:35 CET] <cluelessperson> "drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf: \
[19:28:36 CET] <cluelessperson> text='\%T': fontcolor=white at 0.8: x=0: y=0" "$name.mp4"
[19:28:43 CET] <cluelessperson> I cannot seem to get drawtext to work.
[19:38:19 CET] <llogan> also, remove the "-r 2" and change "-s" to "-video_size".
[19:54:29 CET] <jj15> @Mysoft done it :) https://www.facebook.com/OfficialUniversityRooms/videos/399534653710985/
[19:54:58 CET] <jj15> the video has a slight delay, but if you do a reaction it will increase the counter on the video
[19:57:37 CET] <jj15> Ok I have to work something out. I think if the image is being saved as ffmpeg is reading it, it will mess things up
[19:58:51 CET] <persina> What is the command to set the frame rate per second?
[19:59:15 CET] <persina> I have a bunch of images and I want to convert to a .mp4 where 60 images are displayed per second...
[19:59:54 CET] <furq> persina: -framerate 60 -i ...
[20:00:34 CET] <persina> furq: That returns "Unrecognized option 'framerate'
[20:00:59 CET] <furq> pastebin the full command
[20:01:43 CET] <persina> furq: http://pastebin.com/F3P40ZYD
[20:06:23 CET] <llogan> persina: also pastebin the complete console output
[20:08:51 CET] <persina> llogan: http://pastebin.com/KGZ9rbxh
[20:09:15 CET] <persina> Am I using an old version that doesn't recognize cetain flags?
[20:09:24 CET] <llogan> absolutely ancient
[20:10:33 CET] <llogan> where do you even find something so old and ratty?
[20:10:47 CET] <furq> the clue is in parentheses
[20:11:21 CET] <llogan> also, IIRC, 26402 was the last SVN version, so I'm guessing blindly following some "guide"
[20:11:39 CET] <furq> nice
[20:11:44 CET] <furq> persina: https://www.johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[20:16:54 CET] <hiby007> Hello guys, I am recording a website using phantomjs, and then broadcasting it to facebook, using ffmpeg, here is the code.
[20:16:55 CET] <hiby007> https://gist.github.com/bhargavjoshi/6d9866af4ac3d6e23d7049bfc9961535
[20:17:12 CET] <hiby007> however I am not hitting the minimum facebook mark or 30 FPS
[20:17:16 CET] <jj15> Live stream is down for the moment. I need to work out a way to save update the image without ffmpeg going crazy. I think as its saving, if it tries to read it an error occurs and it stops the live stream.
[20:17:36 CET] <jj15> hiby007: I seen your post on StackOverflow. Same person?
[20:17:48 CET] <Mysoft> jj15 saving as a temp name
[20:17:50 CET] <Mysoft> and quickly rename?
[20:17:57 CET] <hiby007> this post ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40644596/using-ffmpeg-to-stream-to-facebook-live-video-can-preview-but-not-go-live/40661815#40661815
[20:18:14 CET] <jj15> Mysoft: Thats what Im thinking. I was thinking of having PHP output an image stream and feed that into ffmpeg but not sure that will work.
[20:18:35 CET] <Mysoft> it would
[20:18:35 CET] <jj15> @hiby007 yes Im BugHunterUK
[20:18:49 CET] <Mysoft> that's closer to the -f image2pipe option that i suggested :P
[20:18:51 CET] <hiby007> I did not post it, i am Bhargav joshi .
[20:19:15 CET] <jj15> @Mysoft Ah & yes youre right actually.
[20:19:17 CET] <jj15> Will do that.
[20:19:31 CET] <hiby007> jj15 your solution loops over the same image right ?
[20:19:37 CET] <jj15> Yes
[20:19:41 CET] <hiby007> then how do you update that image?
[20:19:50 CET] <hiby007> and will ffmpeg use the updated image
[20:19:51 CET] <hiby007> ?
[20:19:59 CET] <jj15> I have a script that opens the background, and overwrittes the file. It seems to work.
[20:20:21 CET] <jj15> It doesnt feel right though
[20:20:22 CET] <hiby007> ok. trying that :)
[20:21:04 CET] <jj15> the script runs every 5 seconds to get the new reactions from Facebook.
[20:25:35 CET] <jj15> Are you trying to do the same thing @hiby007 ?
[20:25:40 CET] <hiby007> yes
[20:25:53 CET] <hiby007> tyring to see if I am able to maintain the framerate
[20:26:09 CET] <llogan> did the comments in the answer not help?
[20:26:37 CET] <hiby007> this one?
[20:26:43 CET] <hiby007> "If you don't have audio add silence -f lavfi -i anullsrc & -c:a aac (might be BS but some seem to expect or require audio). You also may need to use YUV 4:2:0, so add -pix_fmt yuv420p as an output option, and try using -re with your inputs."
[20:26:49 CET] <llogan> yes
[20:26:52 CET] <hiby007> what do you mean by -re?
[20:27:04 CET] <llogan> did you refer to the documentation?
[20:27:07 CET] <hiby007> I am completely new to ffmpeg
[20:27:10 CET] <hiby007> now let me do that
[20:27:29 CET] <jj15> ffmpeg works fine, its just saving the image thats the problem. I think ffmpeg is stopping when it tries to read the image as its saving. Every time I run the PHP script to get the reactions and update the image it stops the stream.
[20:27:29 CET] <llogan> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Advanced-options
[20:27:58 CET] <persina> Is there a flag to loop a video infinetley or is that something that's dependent on the media player?
[20:28:16 CET] <jj15> in ffmpeg its -loop 1 I believe.
[20:28:18 CET] <llogan> persina: still curious as to where you got ancient ffmpeg
[20:28:47 CET] <persina> llogan: I was following some guide online... reinstalled it the right way now and it's working.
[20:29:36 CET] <hiby007> llogan got it so without -re flag it's slowing the input, let me try your suggestions. :) Thank you
[20:32:06 CET] <Mysoft> you may need a faster preset
[20:32:15 CET] <Mysoft> like -preset veryfast/fast
[20:32:28 CET] <Mysoft> the medium default can be slow
[20:32:34 CET] <Mysoft> depending on the input
[20:32:37 CET] <hiby007> phantomjs runner.js  | ffmpeg -y -c:v mjpeg \
[20:32:37 CET] <hiby007> -f image2pipe \
[20:32:37 CET] <hiby007> -framerate 30 \
[20:32:37 CET] <hiby007> -f lavfi -i anullsrc \
[20:32:37 CET] <hiby007> -c:a aac \
[20:32:37 CET] <hiby007> -pix_fmt yuv420p
[20:32:39 CET] <hiby007> -i - \
[20:32:39 CET] <hiby007> -re \
[20:32:39 CET] <hiby007> -r 30 \
[20:32:39 CET] <hiby007> -c:v libx264 \
[20:32:39 CET] <hiby007> -x264-params keyint=60 \
[20:32:40 CET] <hiby007> -b:v 1000k -minrate 1000k -maxrate 1000k -bufsize 500k \
[20:32:41 CET] <hiby007> -f flv 'rtmp://rtmp-api.facebook.com:80/rtmp/205825919865835?ds=1&s_l=1&a=AaaSkwwzC1QsyBLs'
[20:32:41 CET] <hiby007> llogan is this right?
[20:33:00 CET] <hiby007> opps sorry didn't knew it will past per line
[20:33:05 CET] <jj15> Manages to output stream in PHP now to feed it into ffmpeg. I think your origional solution will work better @Myrsloik
[20:33:14 CET] <jj15> @hiby007 pastebin :p
[20:33:23 CET] <Mysoft> that doesnt have the -vsync 1
[20:33:59 CET] <Mysoft> if with -vsync 1 it doesnt reach the desired rate
[20:34:13 CET] <Mysoft> one of both things... either the upload rate isnt reaching the desidred value
[20:34:28 CET] <Mysoft> or the compression is too slow
[20:34:38 CET] <hiby007> http://pastebin.com/3kBgLmiB llogan this gives error *Option framerate not found.*
[20:34:49 CET] <Mysoft> hiby007 and update your ffmpeg :P
[20:35:07 CET] <Mysoft> not having -framerate means it's like 4 years old
[20:35:07 CET] <Mysoft> :P
[20:35:26 CET] <llogan> hiby007: order of options matters
[20:35:35 CET] <hiby007> I am on ubuntu no clue how to update it though :P Mysoft help please
[20:35:38 CET] <llogan> you're attempting to apply -framerate to anullsrc
[20:35:57 CET] <furq> -f lavfi -i anullsrc goes after -i -
[20:36:13 CET] <jj15> @Mysoft So I should be able to use -f image2pipe, remove the image input and pipe the output from the script into ffmpeg? Going to try now and see if it works.
[20:36:16 CET] <furq> and -c:a aac goes after all inputs
[20:36:31 CET] <hiby007> ok. trying, but love you guys, I am like a five year old baby
[20:36:49 CET] <furq> that's a pretty old baby
[20:36:54 CET] <cluelessperson> so for the drawtext option I'm getting this error,  "Stray % near T"
[20:36:56 CET] <cluelessperson> text='\%T':
[20:37:00 CET] <llogan> and -re is not an output option
[20:37:20 CET] <KDDLB> cluelessperson, you probably need two percent signs
[20:37:20 CET] <cluelessperson> llogan, okay.
[20:37:31 CET] <furq> who runs fflogger
[20:37:37 CET] <KDDLB> or remove the backslash
[20:37:56 CET] <llogan> furq: burek who has vanished a few years ago.
[20:38:00 CET] <furq> oh
[20:38:24 CET] <furq> i would probably use it more if it didn't recommend pastie.org
[20:39:05 CET] <llogan> is there something wrong with that site? and the last sentence is confusing to users because then they only provide command. i'll try to contact him.
[20:40:06 CET] <hiby007> llogan is it ok to pm? llogan ? did not get you (and -re is not an output option)
[20:40:30 CET] <llogan> here is the correct place. no need to pm.
[20:40:45 CET] <cluelessperson> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23491992/
[20:40:48 CET] <furq> actually maybe i'm thinking of a different site, or they changed the defaults
[20:40:59 CET] <cluelessperson> KDDLB, I still get the error.
[20:41:07 CET] <furq> it used to have a tiny viewport and no word wrap, which is obviously bad for ffmpeg logs
[20:41:36 CET] <furq> it's still not great but it at least wraps now
[20:42:08 CET] <furq> although it won't let me create public pastes for some reason
[20:44:55 CET] <hiby007> http://pastebin.com/7jceWFcz llogan, I now applies -re to input still not correct?
[20:48:30 CET] <jj15> Yeeees the stream works!!
[20:49:05 CET] <hiby007>   jj15 what solution worked ?
[20:51:10 CET] <jj15> @hiby007  This to create the image stream (unfinished) https://gist.github.com/JamesTheHacker/1159446b05ceaef588ccf4f7603d69b3 and then this for to pipe the stream into ffmpeg & https://gist.github.com/JamesTheHacker/78bf5c1d1b4e57e945de6bf072b7ca92
[20:51:24 CET] <jj15> Its all rough at the moment. Getting it to work then cleaning it up
[20:51:37 CET] <hiby007> ok.
[20:52:24 CET] <hiby007> jj15 neat you are using image instead of website :)
[20:53:51 CET] <jj15> Knowing my luck it will either be a resource hog, or collapse completely ha ha
[20:55:41 CET] <hiby007> haha, ffmpeg is already resource hungry I guess
[20:56:30 CET] <hiby007> jj15 what is line 66 doing "  echo $img->stream();" in https://gist.github.com/JamesTheHacker/1159446b05ceaef588ccf4f7603d69b3 ?
[20:56:58 CET] <jj15> printing the raw image to stdout
[20:57:18 CET] <jj15> which is then piped into ffmpeg
[20:57:35 CET] <hiby007> but your ffmpeg command has this option -i img_0.jpg \
[20:57:53 CET] <hiby007> why is img_0 then?
[20:59:36 CET] <jj15> Oh my bad, I think I linked to the old gist.
[21:00:35 CET] <hiby007> link to new one?
[21:00:55 CET] <jj15> One moment another issue. Let me get it stable and Ill upload the whole lot to github
[21:01:14 CET] <hiby007> ok.
[21:05:15 CET] <llogan> hiby007: -c:a aac should be an output option. -pix_fmt yuv420p should be an output option. option order matters. http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Synopsis
[21:05:39 CET] <cluelessperson> Sorry for being kinda clumsy at first.   I'm trying to do a drawtext with the current timestamp, however it doesn't seem to work
[21:05:40 CET] <cluelessperson> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23491992/
[21:05:50 CET] <cluelessperson> I get video, but no overlay
[21:06:08 CET] <cluelessperson> I think:   Parsed_drawtext_0 @ 0x1b18a40] Stray % near '%T':00:00.00 bitrate=N/A   is the reason.
[21:06:11 CET] <hiby007> ok. llogan checking it. :) I am clueless, but let me try
[21:06:20 CET] <cluelessperson> hiby007, clueless. :(
[21:06:28 CET] <cluelessperson> don't use me as a negativism. :(
[21:07:13 CET] <hiby007> sorry cluelessperson
[21:08:26 CET] <furq> where did you get %T from
[21:08:51 CET] <cluelessperson> furq, online example. >.>
[21:09:05 CET] <furq> try %{pts\:hms}
[21:10:47 CET] <cluelessperson> furq, do I need to escape the % ?
[21:11:10 CET] <furq> text='%{pts\:hms}'
[21:11:10 CET] <Daniel__> I'm having trouble having my stream run at 60fps when using only audio as an input (showwaves filter)
[21:11:11 CET] <furq> works for me
[21:12:11 CET] <cluelessperson> furq, well, I'm getting a timestamp on screen now, but it's not updating at all
[21:12:17 CET] <llogan> Daniel__: use the "r"/"rate" option in showwaves
[21:12:19 CET] <cluelessperson> furq, So definite improvement. :D
[21:12:39 CET] <Daniel__> llogan, yeah the problem is that the stream still runs at 35fps.
[21:12:48 CET] <Daniel__> if I remove -re it runs at 80fps
[21:13:03 CET] <llogan> r or rate, not -re
[21:13:14 CET] <llogan> showwaves=r=60
[21:13:32 CET] <Daniel__> llogan, yes I have that, my problem is that its running at 35fps.
[21:13:37 CET] <llogan> oh, you're streaming
[21:13:47 CET] <hiby007> llogan I think I am close? here is the log and command http://pastebin.com/Wa2F2twC
[21:14:50 CET] <Daniel__> llogan, let my pastebin this, so you can see more clearly what I'm doing.
[21:15:27 CET] <hiby007> jj15 any updates brother?
[21:15:40 CET] <jj15> @hiby007 not yet just eating tea
[21:16:10 CET] <hiby007> ok. :D
[21:16:28 CET] <llogan> hiby007: i don't know. probably a scripting problem?
[21:17:03 CET] <Daniel__> http://pastebin.com/hZAX7hMT
[21:17:09 CET] <hiby007> does ffmpeg options look fine?
[21:17:39 CET] <Daniel__> see line 65 for rate issues.
[21:18:25 CET] <llogan> hiby007: you don't need -r 30 since -framerate 30 is used, but otherwise looks good i suppose
[21:18:40 CET] <cluelessperson> furq, so that displays something, but it doesn't update
[21:19:22 CET] <hiby007> ok. thanks llogan :D (Big brother) :)
[21:23:39 CET] <Daniel__> llogan, I have a feeling its because audio has no framerate per-se and its breaking the realtime part of ffmpeg.
[21:23:54 CET] <llogan> i don't know, but you'll certainly not want to use flv1 as the encoder. add '-c:v libx264'.
[21:26:43 CET] <Daniel__> llogan, oh good spotting, take for granted libx264 being default on most containers.
[21:29:02 CET] <_aeris_> hello #ffmpeg !
[21:29:12 CET] <_aeris_> i have a trouble to do something with ffmpeg
[21:29:29 CET] <_aeris_> i have 2 videos, first with video+audio, second with video only
[21:29:58 CET] <_aeris_> i search a way to put videos side-by-side on a file and to output audio on another file
[21:30:07 CET] <_aeris_> https://paste.imirhil.fr/?1186e589712a1b99#CBt9ucLPjAJgKowraJDxnT+4KUkLtFE+pWG5ngfFZ6U=
[21:30:30 CET] <_aeris_> i do this, video part is ok, but i cant find a valid command to have audio part :'(
[21:30:33 CET] <furq> -i vid1 -i vid2 -filter_complex "hstack[out]" -map "[out]" -map 0:a out.mp4
[21:32:15 CET] <furq> the command you pasted has -an which disables audio, which probably explains why that's not working
[21:32:47 CET] <_aeris_> thats not working because of Automatic encoder selection failed for output stream #0:0. Default encoder for format wav (codec none) is probably disabled. Please choose an encoder manually.
[21:32:59 CET] <furq> -c:a libopus
[21:33:22 CET] <_aeris_> i try to have *two* files at the end : one with only output from first video, second with both video (and no audio)
[21:34:07 CET] <_aeris_> (audio in wav format, video in webm)
[21:34:41 CET] <_aeris_> (I can achieve to do this with 2 ffmpeg commands, but will be better to do this with only one to minimize risk of desync)
[21:36:31 CET] <hiby007> llogan this works http://pastebin.com/SBXtNifA but framerate drops after 6 seconds
[21:37:41 CET] <_aeris_> furq > dont work better with libopus :'(
[21:39:05 CET] <Daniel__> hiby007, -preset veryfast
[21:41:42 CET] <Daniel__> hiby007, What quality is that source? and what CPU do you have?
[21:43:03 CET] <hiby007> I am using jpeg as source, which comes from phantom js, cpu is Digital Oceans 16gb Ram server
[21:44:09 CET] <hiby007> Daniel__ script is https://gist.github.com/phanan/e03f75082e6eb114a35c with framerate set to 30 instead of 24 in script
[21:46:36 CET] <jj15> Sorry back. Going to carry on working on this. I should be able to do php live.php > img.jpg and then use img.jpg with ffmpeg. No need for image2pipe (I had troubles with that).
[21:47:11 CET] <Daniel__> hiby007, I would run an output of -c:v copy file.ts to see if you can even get realtime working in the first place.
[21:49:43 CET] <hiby007> Daniel__ didn't get you, you are saying that, phantom can't output the images at 30 fps? I also think so as phantom is using good amount of cpu
[21:50:38 CET] <hiby007> can I just keep one image liek jj15 did earlier and then loop it and then if I update the same image will the updated image be used by ffmpeg?
[21:51:28 CET] <Daniel__> hiby007, well you would hope it could, but unless their jpeg encoder is fast, it may not. the other thing also is that libx264 is expensive.
[21:52:04 CET] <cluelessperson> Okay, one last problem
[21:52:17 CET] <cluelessperson> At low framerates, ffmpeg (recording the screen) does NOT update the drawtext
[21:52:27 CET] <cluelessperson> with a framerate of 24, it updates the clock fine
[21:55:31 CET] <jj15> Can anyone confirm this stream is playing ok? (no stutters) https://www.facebook.com/OfficialUniversityRooms/videos/399659807031803/
[21:55:43 CET] <hiby007> ok. going to sleep. jj15 how can I be in thouch, since we are working on same problem ?
[21:56:04 CET] <hiby007> jj15 stream works :)
[21:56:13 CET] <jj15> Yeah sure @hiby007 and is there no stuttering?
[21:56:20 CET] <hiby007> nope
[21:56:24 CET] <hiby007> like the music
[21:56:26 CET] <cluelessperson> jj15, waiting on stream to load
[21:56:30 CET] <hiby007> wait stutters a bit
[21:56:43 CET] <Daniel__> hiby007, but you best bet is to see how much CPU usage you have spare, a lot of video can be bottlenecked on a single CPU, especially something like a low clock server.
[21:56:56 CET] <cluelessperson> jj15, not loading for me
[21:57:00 CET] <jj15> Right going to move this code onto my server. Its useless trying to test from my desktop.
[21:57:28 CET] <hiby007> spin a $10 digital ocean server, would suffice I think
[21:58:33 CET] <jj15> Yeah thats what Im doing. DO is cool for this stuff. My machine is performing so slow.
[21:59:05 CET] <Daniel__> NEVER underestimate the processing required for video!
[22:04:58 CET] <jj15> Had to reboot. Had so many apps open and scripts running that my computer froze up.
[22:09:33 CET] <hiby007> haha Daniel__ , jj15 true  my laptop also heated up had to stop using ffmpeg on my mac :P
[22:09:54 CET] <jj15> Yeah Im on a mac now.
[22:10:13 CET] <Daniel__> Yeah don't run ffpmeg on a laptop haha.
[22:14:47 CET] <blue_misfit> hey folks, I'm trying to use ffmpeg to package VP9 in DASH. This works but it takes many many minutes to actually package. I get a warning about my video input: [webm_dash_manifest @ 00000000000da4a0] Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: vp9, none, 852x480): unspecified pixel format
[22:14:48 CET] <blue_misfit> Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options
[22:15:12 CET] <blue_misfit> this is weird because ffmpeg -i <input.webm> does show the pixel format:
[22:15:29 CET] <blue_misfit> Stream #0:0(eng): Video: vp9 (Profile 0), yuv420p(tv), 852x480
[23:41:50 CET] <jj15> Guys, all works now. If you go to the video, press one of the reactions and wait it will update the count on the live stream https://www.facebook.com/Reactions-Live-359241181078529/
[00:00:00 CET] --- Fri Nov 18 2016

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