[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20161124

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 03:05:01 EET 2016

[00:00:28 CET] <JEEB> oh, tapt contains enof which is "Track Encoded Pixels Dimensions Box"
[00:00:31 CET] <JEEB> never saw that one before
[00:00:46 CET] <JEEB> or noticed
[00:00:52 CET] <Jan-> this is a bit odd as the video track in this should be 3840 by 2160 but I'm seeing 3840 and 2048 in the tkhd
[00:02:00 CET] <Jan-> plus the aspect ratio in pasp should be about 1.33:1 and it's like... well, 1.328
[00:03:45 CET] <Jan-> I guess that's near enough
[00:12:35 CET] <Jan-> If I have a "tkhd" followed by an "edts" box, the four bytes before the letters e, d, t, s will be the last 32 bit value in the "tkhd", right?
[00:13:36 CET] <Jan-> dohhhh *facepalm* big endian!
[00:21:16 CET] <Jan-> hmm the hardware recorder doesn't seem to set "enof"
[00:25:34 CET] <Jan-> OK well that all makes sense, thanks JEEB
[00:31:46 CET] <Jan-> you know I never looked at quicktime files this closely before but they seem pretty much like RIFFs
[01:47:06 CET] <raulp> If anyone is alive and can take a look at this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40774967/ffmpeg-stream-chrome-kiosk-mode-ubuntu-16-04-server and provide any help .. would be cool - thanks
[03:16:22 CET] <Mysoft> ok so assume i'm reading from webcam, i have a target 30fps... but the encoding takes too long
[03:16:37 CET] <Mysoft> how i can force it generate correct output timestamp considering the drops?
[03:16:57 CET] <Mysoft> currently it's generating a output that the motion acts as if it was accelerated
[09:18:20 CET] <yorkie> Hi, when i use ffmpeg to send an avi file to my ffserver, it occurs the following error: Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:1 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height
[09:18:36 CET] <yorkie> does anyone know how to fix and where to fix?
[11:45:35 CET] <squ> an error about streams
[11:49:11 CET] <dystopia> http://pastebin.com/w0PFTPAW
[11:49:34 CET] <dystopia> anyone know whats up? the file "E:\Decomb.dll" exists
[11:50:48 CET] <tdr> maybe its not whether it exists, maybe its not the correct version
[11:51:17 CET] <furq> sounds like a 64-bit dll with 32-bit avisynth
[11:51:57 CET] <tdr> or vice versa
[11:52:18 CET] <dystopia> ok will see if i can find a 64 bit version of avisynth
[11:52:19 CET] <dystopia> thanks
[11:52:35 CET] <furq> you need the one which matches ffmpeg
[11:53:01 CET] <tdr> whatever the winderz equiv of ldd is should help
[11:53:05 CET] <furq> probably easier to find a matching decomb.dll
[11:53:10 CET] <tdr> ffmpeg site has the dll's for it i thought
[11:53:21 CET] <furq> or use vapoursynth, it's less dumb with this sort of thing
[11:57:21 CET] <dystopia> switching to 32bit ffmpeg got it running
[11:57:23 CET] <dystopia> thanks guys
[11:58:22 CET] <tdr> oh all the apps to actually use 64 bit, ffmpeg would be one i'd pick
[11:58:27 CET] <tdr> s/oh/of
[12:44:36 CET] <matija> hello, i'm trying to build ffmpeg with libnpp
[12:44:48 CET] <matija> i have instelled cuda toolkit 8.0.44
[12:45:02 CET] <matija> and ther eis no libnpp , but there are libnppc, s and i
[12:45:18 CET] <matija> do you have any idea how to fix it
[12:45:26 CET] <matija> i tested it against 3.2 and latest git
[13:18:40 CET] <squ> what is npp?
[13:19:42 CET] <matija> squ: nvidia pascal something
[13:20:08 CET] <matija> NVIDIA Performance Primitives core runtime library
[13:20:39 CET] <squ> is this nvidia related?
[13:20:48 CET] <matija> yes
[13:20:53 CET] <squ> I mean its not ffmpeg library
[13:21:34 CET] <superware> Using ffmpeg 3.1.4, avformat_open_input for "udp://" is calling my interrupt_callback, but when the callbak returns 1 (I verified that it's actually being called and returns 1) then avformat_open_input doesn't abort but rather keeps blocking, any idea?
[13:21:50 CET] <matija> it's not but it's blocking  ffmpeg setup, i might be doing something wrong really
[13:22:19 CET] <squ> so if it is not then figure out how to install nvidia drivers on your system properly
[13:22:25 CET] <matija> let me post config.log somewhere
[13:22:28 CET] <squ> no
[13:22:36 CET] <matija> squ: they are installed
[13:22:58 CET] <matija> i'm reading http://lists.ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel-irc/2016-August/003763.html
[13:23:10 CET] <matija> similar issue really
[13:23:18 CET] <matija> but won't work here
[13:23:30 CET] <squ> if it is not ffmpeg related
[13:23:32 CET] <squ> why are you here
[13:24:20 CET] <matija> but it is ffmpeg related, code is unable to find libs
[13:24:31 CET] <matija> and is searching for correct ones
[13:24:40 CET] <squ> if it is not ffmpeg library, then how ffmpeg is relevant
[13:29:46 CET] <superware> ok, this seems to be the same issue from 6 months ago https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/5615
[14:00:19 CET] <henning_> how can i use ffmpeg to convert any video into an rgb video?
[14:02:58 CET] <kerio> define convert
[14:13:28 CET] <Mysoft> hello people, so i have a situation where i have it encoding a realtime input, but i'm using a "medium" preset so it doesnt reach the target fps... and as result of that the output video plays at lightspeed instead of normal speed... is there any way to normalize the output timestamp under such conditions?
[14:27:39 CET] <DHE> any reason you can't go to "fast" instead?
[14:28:17 CET] <DHE> there are options that may help, including -vsync and -copyts. never tried them for this particular purpose so experiment a bit first
[14:43:27 CET] <ffmpeg721> how can i convert a video in yuv colorspace to rgb colorspace using ffmpeg on command line?
[14:46:04 CET] <kerio> define convert
[14:46:53 CET] <ffmpeg721> i have a video file which uses yuv color space and i want the same video to use rgb color space
[14:48:09 CET] <sam> are you sure the codec in that video supports RGB colorspace?
[14:48:22 CET] <ffmpeg721> no
[14:48:46 CET] <ffmpeg721> its h264
[14:50:00 CET] <kerio> then i don't really understand your goal
[14:50:16 CET] <kerio> by converting the color space you only stand to lose information
[14:50:44 CET] <ffmpeg721> i don't care. i just need any video with rgb color space for testing purposes
[14:51:24 CET] <kerio> rawvideo :D
[14:52:47 CET] <kerio> -c:v rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24
[14:56:08 CET] <ffmpeg721> option pixel_format not found? wtf?
[15:15:13 CET] <Haze_Ortner> Anyone have any experience in extracting timecode on h264 mp4 files with FFprobe? For some reason FFprobe calculates the time wrong with a 59.98 fps movie with 29.97 timecode track in it.
[15:17:04 CET] <BtbN> you mean the duration?
[15:19:53 CET] <Haze_Ortner> BtbN: No, the Timecode Track Eg, timecode of first frame¨. It works with PAL framerates but calculates wrong in NTSC.
[16:04:50 CET] <dam> Hi, I am using ffmpeg v3.2 to transcode audio in video from ac3 to mp3. During the transcoding I receive following message: [ac3 @ 0x4065ba0] incomplete frame and Error while filtering: Operation not permitted. Is first of those messages causes 2nd one? Is the 'incomplete frame' warning or error?
[16:20:22 CET] <superguest> https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#Text-expansion
[16:27:14 CET] <superguest> It is said that 2ndArg in %{pts\:localtime\:2ndArg} is an offset added to the timestamp.
[16:28:11 CET] <superguest> By default, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format will be used.
[16:28:52 CET] <superguest> I want to know how and in what format this 2ndArg is in.
[16:31:12 CET] <superguest> Say i want to offset the current timecode by +1 day
[16:31:40 CET] <superguest> How do I specify the 2ndArg?
[16:57:27 CET] <dmfrey> Hi all. Not sure if this is the right channel, but is it possible to use one of the libraries, like libavcodec, through JNI on android to decode mpeg2?
[16:57:32 CET] <dmfrey> i can build it and am already using it to play back ac3 audio
[16:57:38 CET] <dmfrey> I plan on writing an extion to ExoPlayer (https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer) that will allow my app to provide native mpeg2 ts playback from within my app
[20:12:42 CET] <dystopia> i have a video thats 59.940fps and full of duplicate frames, it should be 23.976, im trying to decimate it with decomb.dll in an avs script using selecteven() to drop the framerate to 29.97, then decimate() to restore it to 23.976
[20:13:14 CET] <dystopia> the output now at 23.976 has an ocasional dupe frame, maybe 1 every 2 to 3 seconds
[20:13:40 CET] <dystopia> is there anyway to fix this or an alternate deimation technique i can try
[21:04:45 CET] <durandal_1707> dystopia: use libavfilter, this is ffmpeg channel
[00:00:00 CET] --- Fri Nov 25 2016

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