[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20171225
burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 26 03:05:02 EET 2017
[00:14:08 CET] <Durandal> I don't know about .tc, ffmpeg doesn't seem to think that's a valid output format
[00:14:52 CET] <Durandal> but this works for me: ffmpeg -i (file) -c:v h263p -b:v 3000K -c:a mp2 -b:a 256K "out.mpg"
[00:16:57 CET] <Durandal> I don't think ffmpeg encodes divx either since it's proprietary
[00:17:08 CET] <Durandal> I assume that's why you wanted h.263?
[00:18:04 CET] <Durandal> Might this hardware also support mpeg4 codec since they were in the same generation?
[00:19:20 CET] <iive> divx is just trademark
[00:19:29 CET] <therage3> i thought it does?
[00:19:31 CET] <therage3> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/MPEG-4
[00:19:38 CET] <iive> it supports mpeg4-asp and mpeg4-avc
[00:21:02 CET] <Durandal> Right, ffmpeg supports the codec but I'm referring to the "hardware" that zyme mentioned
[00:21:23 CET] <Durandal> which I assume is some kind of set-top
[00:21:43 CET] <therage3> hmmmmmm
[01:31:32 CET] <Cracki> .tc? .ts maybe?
[04:05:06 CET] <zyme> Cracki_: Sorry yes, TS/MTS/MPEG-TS I don't know if I;ll ever get use to slightly shrunken laptop keyboards, esspecially when they're not backlit
[04:52:59 CET] <ZexaronS> Hey guys
[04:53:34 CET] <ZexaronS> Why is error/warning loglevel not displaying even the most basic info like the banner and the progress completed
[04:53:45 CET] <ZexaronS> is this normal behavior?
[04:54:09 CET] <ZexaronS> I am stuck with some informational messages being spammed vs nothing at all, there's nothing in between
[05:23:33 CET] <kazuma_> what is being spammed?
[05:24:02 CET] <kazuma_> you will probably find the "basic info" you want is flying by on an occasional line inbetween the terminal spam
[05:24:12 CET] <kazuma_> but probably to fast to look at it
[05:24:25 CET] <kazuma_> the spam is also an indication your settings are wrong
[05:24:33 CET] <kazuma_> like wrong frame rate or somthing
[06:00:06 CET] <ZexaronS> kazuma_ sorry, I was making the ticket https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/6928
[06:02:42 CET] <kazuma_> hmm i didn't think ffmpeg could handle dvb subs
[06:03:03 CET] <kazuma_> but i agree with the points in your ticket
[06:03:27 CET] <kazuma_> i get annoyed with the spam also
[06:05:20 CET] <kazuma_> what i do with dvbsubs ZexaronS is set the encode going with ffmpeg with the -sn flag, and then while it's encoding i ocr the dvbsubs to subrip .srt then mux those back in at the end
[06:05:43 CET] <kazuma_> anyway 5am here, i must sleep, gotta prepare xmas dinner in a few hours
[06:05:48 CET] <kazuma_> happy holidays all, o/
[06:06:02 CET] <ZexaronS> The only thing could be that maybe something isn't set right, because I never done this before, but if not, then it's a clear cut case and the devs probably weren't intending this, a green message being reprinted while there's nothing wrong with the output looks something for debug/trace not verbose/info
[06:06:57 CET] <ZexaronS> kazuma_: lol also same here, I got into big cabling overhaul and still didn't recover, got 2hrs of sleep a few hours ago, and 3-4 now, what a month this was.
[06:07:17 CET] <ZexaronS> happy holidays, later
[06:11:51 CET] <ZexaronS> Yeah, for anyone wondering, dvbsubs at least on this TV, don't work in the TV's video player that's meant for movies and mp4 videos, because recording takes a ton of space, I figured a way to transcode them and and put them on another hdd, but need to burn-in the subs then, I didn't even thought it was possible until a few days ago when I noticed it accientially in handbrake, but that thing doesn't support dvbsubs
[06:12:43 CET] <ZexaronS> I also made this ticket separately, another thing on my head for years, https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/6929
[07:50:18 CET] <TheRock2> Input #0, matroska,webm,
[07:50:28 CET] <TheRock2> Is matroska the video and webm audio?
[07:50:49 CET] <TheRock2> ./configure --disable-everything --extra-version=QtAV --disable-debug --enable-static --disable-shared --enable-runtime-cpudetect --toolchain=msvc --extra-ldexeflags='-SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE,5.01' --enable-avresample --enable-decoder=avi,wma,ogg,wmv,vp8,vp9,opus,vorbis,vc1,mpegvideo,flv,mp3,aac,h264,mpeg2video,mpeg4,asf,swf,mov,wav --enable-demuxer=wmv,ogg,vc1,m4v,flv,mp3,aac,avi,h264,matroska,pcm
[07:50:49 CET] <TheRock2> _s16le,mov,m4v,rawvideo,wav,mpegvideo,wma,asf,swf,vp8,vp9 --enable-parser=ogg,wmv,flv,vc1,vp8,vp9,vorbis,opus,aac,h264,mpeg4video,mpegaudio,mpegvideo,wma,asf,swf,avi,mov,wav --disable-programs --disable-parser=h263 --disable-demuer=h263 --enable-protocol=file
[07:50:57 CET] <TheRock2> i build ffmpeg like this, but i can only see video, no audio
[07:51:16 CET] <TheRock2> i didn't add webm, tho
[07:52:39 CET] <bencoh> matroska is a container (as is webm)
[07:53:35 CET] <TheRock2> yeah, i thought that
[07:53:53 CET] <TheRock2> i added matroska to my ffmpeg build, but no audio
[07:54:12 CET] <TheRock2> ffprobe says it uses both Input #0, matroska,webm,
[07:54:43 CET] <TheRock2> Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 192 kb/s (default)
[07:54:47 CET] <TheRock2> I see ac3 needs to be added?
[07:57:11 CET] <bencoh> if you wanna decode ac3 then yes
[07:57:41 CET] <TheRock2> yeah
[07:57:47 CET] <TheRock2> otherwise i don't have audio
[07:58:16 CET] <bencoh> why dont you just use the default options?
[07:58:45 CET] <TheRock2> It blows up my binary
[08:02:10 CET] <TheRock2> But looks like i have to use it soon
[17:04:38 CET] <Mooniac> Is there a way to use mpv to only play the audio but not bring up the window? I can't find a command line option for that
[17:07:48 CET] <iive> Mooniac: mplayer had -novideo, see if mpv has something similar (--novideo? --no-video?)
[17:08:19 CET] <therage3> mpv --audio-display=no song.fla
[17:08:21 CET] <therage3> try that
[17:08:31 CET] <therage3> song.flac * sorry
[17:08:50 CET] <Mooniac> ah, great, -no-video and --no-video
[17:08:54 CET] <Mooniac> both work
[17:08:56 CET] <therage3> and yes, mpv also has novideo
[17:09:10 CET] <Mooniac> thanks, you the best1
[17:22:18 CET] <acresearch> people i used to use this command to record my screen on ubuntu: ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1280x800 -framerate 30 -i :0.0 -c:v libx264rgb X.mkv now it just gives me a black screen, anyone can help me understand what changed? this IRC channel helped me comeup with this command
[17:51:18 CET] <sfan5> why aren't you using OBS?
[18:03:39 CET] <diverdude> Hi there. I am trying to run this example from the ffmpack: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/doc/examples/decode_video.c on a video with these properties https://paste.ubuntu.com/26252057/ However i just get an error saying: " [mpeg1video @ 00000224989F8820] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0. Error sending a packet for decoding ". Why am I getting this error?
[18:22:03 CET] <kepstin> acresearch: what version of ubuntu?
[18:22:12 CET] <kepstin> acresearch: and what desktop environment? gnome?
[18:22:36 CET] <kepstin> if you're running gnome on wayland, the x11grab no longer works.
[22:04:06 CET] <ginkob774> „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! pnuxjmqk: c3r1c-Linux rav0_ dave0x6d raijin TheRock2 ferdna diverdude nfobot Buster ahjolinna iive jnollette nd whitekidney Stels ketas johnnny22 tontonth zukunf durandal_1707 Adarfive c3-Win momomo D
[22:04:11 CET] <ginkob774> „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! ucygmwy: gix Durandal Dimtree dv_ Adarfive ahjolinna D-ion yvi Mooniac Jan\ ivanich thebombzen Kei_N Buster TheRock2 Guest2371 merzo basiclaser tontonth momomo u0m3__ raijin Johnjay AppleTor Zucca dav
[22:04:16 CET] <ginkob774> „„„„„„„„„„„„„„ HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! nczmzzokt: Zucca AppleTor gh0st__ c3-Win goiko gix johnnny22 tontonth zukunf ketas dv_ basiclaser jnollette nfobot erictapen darklink acresearch Blubberbub michaelni yvi Dimtree Johnjay Kei_N Buster the_k_ Guest2371 rav0_ Mooniac
[22:04:21 CET] <ginkob774> „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! dhuhyhcqdx: whitekidney nd gh0st__ ivanich nfobot momomo goiko Blubberbub dave0x6d iml_ michaelni TheRock2 ferdna diverdude A3G1S Mooniac darklink thebombzen merzo zukunf
[22:04:26 CET] <ginkob774> „„„„„„„„„„„„ HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! vhlirrcle: basiclaser u0m3__ rav0_ dreamon michaelni ketas D-ion Mooniac diverdude dv_ aphirst Adarfive erictapen Blubberbub tontonth acresearch goiko nd iive iml_ ivanich Cracki_ ahjolinna the_k_ dave0x6d durandal_1707 zukunf yvi gh0st__ c3-Win Dura
[22:04:31 CET] <ginkob774> „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! tymijd: merzo gix beemo_ceniza the_k_ Cracki_ johnnny22 Mooniac Blubberbub ketas iml_ Kei_N rav0_ acresearch Adarfive zukunf goiko erictapen raijin c3-Win momomo Guest2371 darklink durandal_
[22:04:36 CET] <ginkob774> „„„„„„„„„„„„ HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! qfnqfeb: Dimtree u0m3__ ketas c3-Win johnnny22 iml_ beemo_ceniza thebombzen the_k_ rav0_ Zucca Mooniac Johnjay vush jnollette basiclaser durandal_1707 Kei_N erictapen nd Durandal Cracki_ Stels gh0st__ Blubberbub ferdna ivanich Adarfive dave0x6d aphir
[22:10:54 CET] <Johnjay> thought it was odd someone talked to me in here
[22:14:49 CET] <ferdna> @ops can you +R channel please?
[22:15:28 CET] <durandal_1707> what +R do?
[22:15:58 CET] <iive> allows only registered users to join
[22:17:46 CET] <iive> it's ok for developers channel, but for users channel it is a problem.
[22:17:53 CET] <diverdude> hi, I am trying to run the decode example: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/doc/examples/decode_video.c on this mpeg1 file: http://hubblesource.stsci.edu/sources/video/clips/details/images/centaur_1.mpg but it just seems to spit out garbage. Is the example not working?
[22:19:11 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: iirc it decoddes in ascii
[22:20:56 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: hmmm but it just spits out saving frame 0 saving frame 0 saving frame 0 saving frame 0 saving frame 0 saving frame 0 saving frame 0 saving frame 0 saving frame 0 saving frame 0...and the outpufile seems kinda strange
[22:21:52 CET] <diverdude> here is a small sample of the output file: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26253436/
[22:23:42 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: is that what its supposed to output?
[22:23:47 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: it dumps raw pgm image format
[22:24:11 CET] <durandal_1707> of only Y plane iiuc
[22:25:53 CET] <diverdude> hmm yes ok...if i open it as an image it actually does have a frame....i guess it should just spit out many images....for some reason that framecounter is not incremented and the image is constantly overwritten?
[22:26:17 CET] <durandal_1707> could be , lol
[22:27:27 CET] <durandal_1707> i think its because of mpg format
[22:27:46 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: its dec_ctx->frame_number which is always 0 for some reason
[22:28:02 CET] <durandal_1707> does it frame counter works for other decoders?
[22:28:31 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: i am not sure. this is the first ffmpeg program i have run in my life :)
[22:29:59 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: but i see that this program only works on mpeg1. does ffmpeg not have some functionality that it just pics the codec needed to read a given video file?
[22:30:09 CET] <diverdude> *picks
[22:31:36 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: see other examples, demuxing_decoding.c
[22:37:33 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: hmmm i am getting 3 errors when trying to compile it: #error missing -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS / #define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS and error: no matching function for call to 'av_get_pix_fmt_name' and error: no matching function for call to 'av_get_bytes_per_sample'
[22:38:57 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: there is special makefile invocation to build it iirc
[22:40:31 CET] <durandal_1707> you should link with libavutil
[22:50:14 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: but i am linking w. avutil
[22:50:37 CET] <diverdude> g++ demuxing_decoding.c -o test_demux -I ./ffmpeg-20171223-d02289c-macos64-dev/include/ -L ./ffmpeg-20171223-d02289c-macos64-shared/bin/ -lavcodec -lavdevice -lavfilter -lavformat -lavutil -lpostproc -lswresample -lswscale
[22:52:05 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: i am linking both avutil and avformat and all other libs
[22:52:39 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: strange, let me check smthing
[22:53:28 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: i get all binaries from here: https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
[22:54:52 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: pastebin full compilation output
[22:57:56 CET] <acresearch> people i used to use this command to record my screen on ubuntu: ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1280x800 -framerate 30 -i :0.0 -c:v libx264rgb X.mkv now it just gives me a black screen, anyone can help me understand what changed? this IRC channel helped me comeup with this command
[22:59:05 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26253572/
[23:01:14 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: try to define that std macro to 1
[23:01:16 CET] <sfan5> I don't think ffmpeg headers work if you compile them as C++
[23:01:37 CET] <durandal_1707> that too
[23:01:57 CET] <diverdude> oh, so it has to be c?
[23:02:19 CET] <diverdude> hm....that gave way more errors :(
[23:02:57 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: with gcc?
[23:03:10 CET] <diverdude> aha
[23:03:15 CET] <diverdude> all errors gone now
[23:04:56 CET] <durandal_1707> for c++ you need to use some special extra code...
[23:05:22 CET] <diverdude> ugh...segfault :(
[23:05:53 CET] <diverdude> maybe because sample video has no audiostream?
[23:06:50 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: could be, try with one that have audio
[23:07:14 CET] <diverdude> hmm is there a place to get sample videos?
[23:08:51 CET] <durandal_1707> samples.ffmpeg.org
[23:13:09 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: hm..seems no :( this mpeg1 w. audio also segfaults (http://samples.ffmpeg.org/MPEG1/zelda%20first%20commercial.mpeg)
[23:14:33 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: how are you calling it?
[23:15:34 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: ./test_demux /Users/Jorgen/Downloads/sampvids/zelda.mpeg /Users/Jorgen/Downloads/sampvids/zelda_v.mpeg /Users/Jorgen/Downloads/sampvids/zelda_a.mpeg
[23:17:22 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: shouldn't that be ok=
[23:19:15 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: or should i somehow use that refcount option=
[23:19:16 CET] <diverdude> ?
[23:20:13 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: i will check this code tomorrow, it uses old api, but should not crash
[23:20:57 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: i see. is there a new api available?
[23:21:38 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: yes, this example have not been ported to it yet
[23:23:09 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: oh i see..is this a c api or a c++ api?
[23:23:45 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: its all c, but can be used in c++ apps
[23:24:53 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: i see... has this been released yet?
[23:25:53 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: yes, simpler examples already use it
[23:26:39 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: sounds great. But i just thought i got newest already...but guess not hehe
[23:32:05 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: in the first example i ran on line 78: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/doc/examples/decode_video.c#L78, does frame->data[0] contain all the data for one frame? Basically what I want to do is to get the data of each frame so that i can do image analysis on it
[23:33:09 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: it only contains y plane because of yuv420p poxel format
[23:33:57 CET] <durandal_1707> data[1] ... Have other planes: u and v
[23:34:03 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: aha...y-plane being what? i know this is an ignorant question...but its a 2D video, so there is only 1 plane yes?
[23:34:40 CET] <diverdude> ahh
[23:34:49 CET] <diverdude> its planes in the colorspace ?
[23:34:51 CET] <durandal_1707> diverdude: its plane of each channel component
[23:34:57 CET] <diverdude> right ok
[23:35:13 CET] <diverdude> great
[23:35:36 CET] <diverdude> and if i wanted to decode an mpeg4 video instead of an mpeg1, would that involve a lot of change to that program?
[23:36:18 CET] <durandal_1707> no, but its very basic code
[23:38:11 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: its more than changing the AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO flag to mpeg4 right?
[23:38:41 CET] <durandal_1707> probably not
[23:39:31 CET] <durandal_1707> just that code does no format auto detection
[23:41:07 CET] <diverdude> durandal_1707: is it hard to incorporate format auto detection?
[23:42:03 CET] <durandal_1707> no. look at other examples, ffmpeg.c and others code
[00:00:00 CET] --- Tue Dec 26 2017
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