[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20181224

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 25 03:05:02 EET 2018

[01:59:55 CET] <RecursiveCollaps> test
[01:59:58 CET] <RecursiveCollaps> Cool
[02:00:41 CET] <RecursiveCollaps> Hey so ffmpeg has been causing some Problems(TM) for me. Crashing problems. I have a script set to use ffmpeg to convert a bunch of videos, but while this was running, any other application that uses any kind of video output would crash completely at random, with an error message from ffmpeg popping up at the same time.
[02:00:49 CET] <RecursiveCollaps> I am not particularly interested in risking my computer in attempting to reproduce this because it ended with my video driver completely crashing and being forced to reboot and lose work.
[02:01:36 CET] <RecursiveCollaps> Errors were just a popup box in front of everything that said something about ffmpeg 'failed to identify' and included a memory address
[02:01:59 CET] <RecursiveCollaps> Any help with this would be greatly appreciated
[02:32:58 CET] <klaxa> ffmpeg should not open any popup boxes
[02:45:23 CET] <RecursiveCollaps> Well it did, or at least did indirectly, the popup box was identical no matter what program crashed.
[02:45:47 CET] <RecursiveCollaps> Also the popup box said "ffmpeg:" in the header
[02:47:01 CET] <RecursiveCollaps> Anything that rendered any images on the screen was also pereodically interfered with, any kind of rendering would glitch out and fail to draw for a few moments on occasion while it was running
[03:57:59 CET] <Keshl> Okay, I have three computers, three different CPUs, all from vastly different time periods. All i7s, some with four physical cores, some with six. Some dual-channel memory, some quad. They're all pulling from different storage devices that only they have access to. Somehow, ffmpeg is running at the same speed on all of them. My command line is ffmpeg -i "Original.mkv" -vcodec libx265 -preset medium -crf 28 -movflags faststart -pix_fmt
[03:58:00 CET] <Keshl> yuv420p -acodec aac -q:a 2 -map 0 -vf mpdecimate=max=0:hi=61*12:lo=64*5:frac=1 -af aresample=async=1:min_hard_comp=0.100000:first_pts=0 "Archive.mkv"    . What could the bottleneck be?
[07:21:28 CET] <NorthwestVegan> #chan #raspberrypi
[07:22:02 CET] <NorthwestVegan> oops sorry guys
[07:22:15 CET] <NorthwestVegan> ffmpeg is the best by the way
[00:00:00 CET] --- Tue Dec 25 2018

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