[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20190212

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 03:05:02 EET 2019

[00:02:16 CET] <MapMan> I'm at a complete loss. I spent all day trying to figure this out. With ffmpeg I can't get the framerate I need, with OBS, I can get 60fps easy, but either the bitrate sucks or the colors suck. Anyone managed to record lossless with obs?
[00:03:16 CET] <JEEB> I did manage it once when I tested it. of course as far as I can tell the colorspace conversion stuff is rather opaque but it seemed to look close enough in mpv
[00:04:16 CET] <MapMan> nvenc does not support RGB, does it?
[00:05:11 CET] <JEEB> officially it only supports 4:4:4 YCbCr so yes, there's some opaque colorspace conversion unless you do hack around it like I mentioned some time ago in the chat (no idea if possible in OBS)
[00:05:39 CET] <JEEB> but in the test I did the BT.601 (I think?) 4:4:4 YCbCr seemed close enough when played in mpv
[00:07:39 CET] <MapMan> anything except RGB in obs produces jagged edges and blurred text for me
[00:07:49 CET] <JEEB> sounds like 4:2:0 mode
[00:08:07 CET] <JEEB> but yea, I remember you had to go poke around the options for the 4:4:4 lossless
[00:08:14 CET] <JEEB> so I recommend you poke the OBS community for help
[00:08:58 CET] <MapMan> https://i.imgur.com/UelVLHG.jpg
[00:09:36 CET] <MapMan> check out how the text and some straight edges on the shark statue look like
[00:09:44 CET] <MapMan> I can't get rid of that unless I'm recording RGB
[00:10:05 CET] <MapMan> also buffer dimension is 3440:1442 which is... weird?
[00:10:09 CET] <JEEB> try mpv
[00:10:16 CET] <JEEB> https://mpv.srsfckn.biz/
[00:10:22 CET] <JEEB> just extract, drag and drop file on exe
[00:10:40 CET] <JEEB> just to have an alternative
[00:11:42 CET] <MapMan> same thing, I even uploaded to youtube once to make sure it's not playback
[00:11:47 CET] <JEEB> ok
[00:12:21 CET] <JEEB> if you do shift+I in mpv, what does it say the stuff is?
[00:12:25 CET] <JEEB> just in case
[00:13:22 CET] <kepstin> wouldn't youtube transcode to yuv420 anyways? since browsers don't generally support 444 in h264
[00:13:40 CET] <JEEB> yes
[00:14:40 CET] <kepstin> (fun thing: firefox and chrome can both play back 4:4:4 sampled vp9, so if you want to put a pixel art gif into a webm file...)
[00:14:47 CET] <MapMan> https://i.imgur.com/rcdUMk1.jpg
[00:14:52 CET] <kepstin> lossless vp9 even :0
[00:15:51 CET] <JEEB> MapMan: is that resolution btw what you're actually capturing or is it somehow off?
[00:15:55 CET] <JEEB> since you commented about the res
[00:16:56 CET] <JEEB> but yea, that does look like the 4:4:4 output I got from nvenc by its details
[00:17:32 CET] <kepstin> i wonder if the sar is just set slightly wrong (not quite 1:1) so vlc is scaling it
[00:17:45 CET] <MapMan> JEEB: 3440x1440 native, vlc says buffer dimensions are 3440x1442.
[00:18:08 CET] <JEEB> ok, the latter is just an internal detail in VLC
[00:19:17 CET] <MapMan> https://i.imgur.com/c5d3nFS.jpg
[00:19:19 CET] <MapMan> uhhhhhh
[00:23:18 CET] <JEEB> yes if you just force rgb it's not gonna look right unless you actually feed it RGB
[00:23:34 CET] <MapMan> yeah, I imagine. Close but no cigar.
[00:24:06 CET] <JEEB> basically my idea was to add an "RGB" mode into nvenc that would feed it RGB planes, and then rewrite the parameter set values
[00:26:12 CET] <MapMan> well, I'm not that savvy when it comes to encoders and stuff, but I don't understand why RGB isn't there out of the box
[00:26:18 CET] <MapMan> probably because it's a rare use case?
[00:27:43 CET] <JEEB> yes, although at the point where you're taking in 4:4:4 planes
[00:28:02 CET] <JEEB> it's literally just setting different parameter sets and enabling another type of input
[00:31:17 CET] <MapMan> Do I have any other alternative to record lossless/rgb/60hz ? I tried utvideo and it produces 1:1 lossless for me but since it's all running on CPU, I can't output 60fps
[00:32:33 CET] <furq> i mean you could use rawvideo
[00:34:22 CET] <TheAMM> kepstin: I made some vp9 444 files from pixiv animations and got a lot of "this doesn't work" from FF users
[00:34:43 CET] <TheAMM> This was just a few months ago, but I did delete them so it's possible I fucked up somehow
[00:35:04 CET] <cryptodechange> when doing IVTC, I get interlaced frames using 'fieldmatch,decimate', am I better off using 'pullup -r 24000/1001' or adding yadif?
[00:48:57 CET] <wfbarksdale> i'm still stuck on this remuxing code with ffmpeg 2.8, everything looks good except for the video stream doesn't play back and when i probe it I see the error AVC: nal size 0
[00:49:07 CET] <wfbarksdale> just been testing setting different things on the format context / stream / codec context, but nothing seems to work.
[00:49:42 CET] <wfbarksdale> I'm assuming I don't need to open the codec? don't see why I would since I'm not encoding anything, just copying packets out of one file and into another
[00:50:41 CET] <wfbarksdale> as far as I can tell, this nal size is derived from the extradata, which I am simply copying over from the source stream...
[00:50:46 CET] <wfbarksdale> is there anything wrong with that?
[01:13:20 CET] <MapMan> JEEB: I give up, but as a last note, I downloaded geforce experience which records at yuv420 and it does not produce the jagged lines or blurred text. There must be something wrong with OBS?
[02:20:51 CET] <MapMan> JEEB: fuckity fuck: https://obsproject.com/mantis/view.php?id=624
[02:27:28 CET] <MapMan> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374636084883095554/544690258944458762/unknown.png
[02:27:36 CET] <kepstin> cryptodechange: depends on the particular content of your video which is better. Note that pullup's builtin deinterlacer is basically the same as kerndeint, i think? so you can get better looking results with fieldmatch plus a fancier deinterlacer for some types of content.
[02:27:37 CET] <MapMan> JEEB: no artifacts: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374636084883095554/544690258944458762/unknown.png
[02:28:06 CET] <kepstin> oh wait, no, pullup doesn't have a builtin deint?
[02:28:12 CET] <kepstin> i might be getting confused with filmdint
[02:28:22 CET] <kepstin> we have too many detelecine/deinterlacing filters :/
[02:29:48 CET] <kepstin> the main benefit of pullup is that in theory it can pass through 30p content mixed with 24-telecined content properly, but that's kind of a rare case, and it probably won't help for the kind of stuff that makes it through fieldmatch without being matched.
[02:29:58 CET] <kepstin> then again, try it and see? :/
[06:16:12 CET] <kepstin> huh. does there exist an mp4/isombff format that accepts both vp9 and alac?
[06:16:32 CET] <kepstin> I can get vp9 if i use -f mp4, and alac if i use -f ipod, but not both
[06:16:57 CET] <kepstin> hmm. guess I could use the experimental flac support :)
[07:35:16 CET] <snowcatman> when checking cropdetect i get like 9 lines of parsed readings. how do i know whitch one to use?
[07:48:45 CET] <snowcatman> I am reading https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#cropdetect and am woundering how to use the flags to set the filter? so far i know this much "input -vframes 10 -vf cropdetect -f null ^ output".
[11:41:40 CET] <iongion> Does anyone know if I can use ffmpeg cli to inject custom metadata at regular intervals in an RTMP live stream, the flv file format supports sending onMetadata tag whenever one needs to call it
[14:20:02 CET] <kepstin> snowcatman: the cropdetect filter updates as it gets further into the video, so the later ones are usually better (particularly if there were dark/black frames early in the video)
[14:20:10 CET] <kepstin> snowcatman: but you really need to test the values and see
[14:20:34 CET] <kepstin> snowcatman: to do the actual cropping, you have to switch to the crop filter, and use the values printed by cropdetect as arguments to the crop filter
[14:24:44 CET] <keegans> where is the channel log ?
[14:26:55 CET] <durandal_1707> https://lists.ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel-irc/
[14:29:25 CET] <snowcatman> sorry, for my ignorance. i am still learning how to use ffmpeg. what does that look like? the "crop filter"? input cropfilter output? As i was just "input.ext -ss 1200 -t 15 -metadata:s:v:0 title="H264 Video" -vf crop=-704:48:714:64 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 0 output.ext" as an example. what is the difrance between crop and cropfilter?
[14:33:18 CET] <keegans> JEEB: any idea who i can talk to about the cenc mp4 encryption impl
[14:33:28 CET] <keegans> because it is broken on this file -- but another library called Bento4 seems to open it fine
[14:33:35 CET] <keegans> i'd *really* rather use ffmpeg though
[14:33:42 CET] <keegans> because bento is a pain in the ass
[14:35:42 CET] <JEEB> look at the git blame of the implementation
[14:35:51 CET] <JEEB> if you know the file, `git gui blame -- libavformat/FILENAME.c`
[14:35:57 CET] <JEEB> that shows you per-line blame info
[14:36:54 CET] <kepstin> snowcatman: the crop filter is the filter named "crop"...
[14:38:10 CET] <iongion> Anyone knows if there is a way to inject dynamic metadata in live stream using flv over rtmp. I am recording a game and want to send the score values too, not only audio and video, to have the best sync
[14:39:54 CET] <keegans> JEEB: is there a way to just disable it completely - because i just have to read samples, but it won't even let me do that, it just says "incorrect number of samples in encryption info," yet running `ffprobe -v trace` shows the correct number of samples and their offsets
[14:40:25 CET] <keegans> so if i can just disable that functionality maybe it would work
[14:40:31 CET] <snowcatman> kepstin: thank you. I will keep playing with it. seen this """   -filter:v "crop=100:60:120:80"   """ so i was thinking there was more complexity to it.
[14:41:04 CET] <JEEB> keegans: no idea, I've been keeping out of CENC but as far as I can see it's been made for some very limited use cases by possibly GOOG?
[14:41:09 CET] <JEEB> don't remember
[14:41:23 CET] <JEEB> anyways, $dayjob
[14:41:37 CET] <kepstin> snowcatman: the last part of the output of cropdetect looks like "crop=1904:1072:8:4" - you just have to drop that into an ffmpeg command line like -vf crop=1904:1072:8:4
[14:41:42 CET] <keegans> ah , sorry lol
[14:41:45 CET] <keegans> i'll leave you be :D
[14:41:59 CET] <keegans> thanks for your help so far anyway
[14:42:37 CET] <kepstin> snowcatman: see https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#crop for an explanation of what those numbers mean
[14:42:54 CET] <kepstin> (they're, in order: w, h, x, y)
[14:49:16 CET] <snowcatman> kepstin: thank you. I have yet to stumple onto this page. its very helpfull. guess i need to read up on this site much more. again thank you.
[14:52:50 CET] <perseiver> Hello, I want to use ffmpeg in my application. What is the best place to start?  I have compiled ffmpeg with --shared-library, don't know how to include in my code.  Please help if anyone has done simple program
[14:57:11 CET] <dongs> i have a file without any pts, just raw hevc frames. i wanna remux it to ts or mkv or something
[14:57:24 CET] <dongs> its fixed framerate,is there anything i can do to make ffmpeg just re-create pts from scratch
[14:57:53 CET] <dongs> i tried -copyts and -ffopt +setpts or wahtever shit, various random examples from internets, none of teh stuff worked
[15:00:14 CET] <dongs> http://bcas.tv/paste/results/0fW53Z41.html this is the source hevc
[15:01:13 CET] <JEEB> I think there was a stream-copy frame rate application patch
[15:01:14 CET] <JEEB> on the ML
[15:01:25 CET] <dongs> oh hi jeeb
[15:01:31 CET] <JEEB> ohai
[15:01:38 CET] <dongs> there's more of that BS4K hevc
[15:01:42 CET] <dongs> proeprly clear this time
[15:02:11 CET] <JEEB> yea I don't see it in master yet so you might want to ping that patch if nobody's cared about it
[15:02:30 CET] <JEEB> not 100% sure it will handle b-frames correctly but apparently that re-ordering was fixed?
[15:02:50 CET] <JEEB> https://patchwork.ffmpeg.org/patch/11688/
[15:02:56 CET] <JEEB> this is the latest iteration I think?
[15:03:09 CET] <dongs> i have no idea, isn't it just a matter of setting SOME pts at start and then since its 60000/1001 fps just incrementing
[15:03:20 CET] <dongs> ah i see
[15:03:26 CET] <dongs> thats not normally allowed on stream copy?
[15:03:31 CET] <vlt> Hello. I want to playback videos on an "HP x2 210" (intel atom X5-Z8300) with a 1280x800 screen. What codec can I use to get the lowest power consumption on this machine?
[15:03:34 CET] <dongs> i aint got time to recompile ffmpeg haha.
[15:03:41 CET] <vlt> Does it make sense to resize to 1280x800?
[15:03:46 CET] <JEEB> then use l-smash's muxer or something?
[15:03:54 CET] <JEEB> for mp4
[15:03:56 CET] <dongs> vlt, any modern intel atom will have dxva support
[15:04:05 CET] <JEEB> or mkvmerge for mkv
[15:04:11 CET] <dongs> and X5 doesnt sound nonmodern
[15:04:15 CET] Action: vlt googles dxva
[15:04:17 CET] <dongs> oh good point i never tried jsut thrwoing it into mkvmerge
[15:04:29 CET] <dongs> letseee
[15:04:39 CET] <JEEB> I'll have to check the patch for frame rate when I have time
[15:04:46 CET] <JEEB> kind of had hands full with ARIB STD-B24
[15:04:47 CET] <JEEB> for now
[15:04:55 CET] <JEEB> (and mpv)
[15:05:36 CET] <vlt> dongs: I don't have a Microsoft OS on that device. It's Ubuntu 16.04 and mpv.
[15:05:37 CET] <dongs> isnt that boring? B60 is where all the shit is
[15:05:43 CET] <dongs> vlt, im extremely sorry to hear that.
[15:05:59 CET] <JEEB> vlt: vaapi then
[15:06:11 CET] <dongs> i don't think lunix supports hardware accelerated video, at least not at the level windows would. so you're probly SOL. maybe something with vaapi, no idea what level of support of that is for intel gfx.
[15:06:12 CET] <JEEB> (which is the hwdec interface on lunix for intel/AMD)
[15:06:24 CET] <JEEB> vaapi is the intel thing, originally
[15:06:28 CET] <JEEB> and it seems pretty alright by now
[15:06:51 CET] <dongs> https://i.imgur.com/RRC3dJh.jpg
[15:07:48 CET] <dongs> well lol, i think mkv might jsut work
[15:08:08 CET] <dongs> ya it did
[15:08:24 CET] <JEEB> 'grats
[15:08:36 CET] <dongs> ~at least there's a proper timestamp now and its seekable
[15:08:55 CET] <dongs> hmm i dont think mkvmerge supporst latm AAC tho
[15:08:57 CET] <vlt> JEEB: I found this list of supported video codecs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_Acceleration_API#Supported_video_codecs
[15:09:11 CET] <dongs> vlt: yes, so just pick H264
[15:09:14 CET] <vlt> JEEB: Do you know if they differ in power cinsumption?
[15:09:16 CET] <keegans> i have an HLS stream, is it possible for me to download into an mp4 without doing any decoding?
[15:09:29 CET] <keegans> I assume -c copy does decoding
[15:09:30 CET] <dongs> anything newer than a decade will have harwdare offload support for it
[15:10:23 CET] <dongs> eyah definitely broken
[15:10:29 CET] <dongs> time to give .aac samples to mkv guise
[15:12:52 CET] <Mavrik> keegans: no, -c copy does remuxing, but no decoding
[15:13:05 CET] <keegans> ah I can't have that either it seems
[15:13:31 CET] <keegans> this hls stream is about 3 minutes, yet when I run ffmpeg -i "hls url" -c copy output.mp4 and then ffprobe output.mp4 it reports 19 seconds of audio
[15:13:38 CET] <keegans> so idk what is happening
[16:47:11 CET] <iongion> keegans - remuxing is not time consuming at all, use concat protocol as that one offers me the best results - check here https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Concatenate
[16:47:27 CET] <keegans> no, its not that its time consuming, its breaking my file
[16:47:38 CET] <keegans> ffmpeg doesn't decode this HLS stream properly
[16:47:46 CET] <keegans> or parse rather
[16:48:00 CET] <iongion> keegans - what kind of segments do you have in your HLS ?
[16:48:06 CET] <iongion> mpegts or mp4 ?
[16:48:24 CET] <JEEB> if you care about HLS, I recommend you take affirmative action since the HLS modules really need someone with a calm head and time
[16:49:49 CET] <keegans> well the HLS file just references an mp4 file that is segmented, so i can just download the entire mp4 file. if i do that, ffprobe shows all the samples, sizes and offsets
[16:50:02 CET] <keegans> yet when i try to do anything with it, ffmpeg breaks and exits
[16:50:10 CET] <keegans> (ffprobe -v trace i mean)
[16:50:33 CET] <iongion> I see, well, I never use hls as input for ff tools
[16:50:41 CET] <keegans> https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/0b50f27635f684ec0526e9975c9979f35bbf486b/libavformat/mov.c#L3878
[16:50:45 CET] <keegans> that is what prints^
[16:50:50 CET] <keegans> with the correct info i believe
[16:50:58 CET] <JEEB> keegans: if it's encrypted it might just bork at parsing since of course you can't parse an encrypted sample
[16:51:12 CET] <keegans> yeah it's encrypted, but its encrypted sample by sample
[16:51:21 CET] <keegans> so before you decode a sample you decrypt it
[16:51:25 CET] <JEEB> wyes
[16:51:29 CET] <keegans> meaning it shouldn't break file parsing like this
[16:52:11 CET] <JEEB> well, various parts in lavf can attempt to parse stuff from the bit stream. which of course fails if you haven't enabled decryption
[16:52:22 CET] <JEEB> although in API usage I'm not sure if this will cause a fatal fail
[16:52:25 CET] <keegans> i tried using Bento4 and mp4parse-rust and they both have the same issue, they report the stsc box contains no samples
[16:52:57 CET] <keegans> yeah in api usage i am trying to just cycle through samples, i decrypt, then i attempt to decode but it errors out saying the number of samples in the encryption info is wrong
[16:53:08 CET] <keegans> but it should just ignore that, because it doesnt affect what i am trying to do
[16:53:45 CET] <JEEB> there was a patch on the mailing list regarding skipping parsing for encrypted samples that aren't decryptable (yet), but people basically got into opinion discussion there if that's valid at all for FFmpeg
[16:54:00 CET] <JEEB> but yes, proper cenc decryption where you provide the key should work
[16:54:10 CET] <JEEB> (which doesn't work for those who want to pass stuff into a DRM engine)
[16:54:36 CET] <JEEB> and it seems like some people see enabling DRM usage as a problem (the encrypted sample pass-through)
[16:54:49 CET] <JEEB> you can find it on the mailing list since I only vaguely remember the patch and the discussions
[16:55:19 CET] <keegans> ok, i'll take a look, yeah
[16:55:51 CET] <JEEB> also one of the cenc modes the mov/isobmff parser just doesn't support
[16:55:55 CET] <keegans> what list would it be on likely?
[16:55:56 CET] <JEEB> IIRC that was PatchesWelcome
[16:55:59 CET] <JEEB> ffmpeg-devel
[16:56:05 CET] <JEEB> that's the patch list
[16:56:14 CET] <JEEB> also you can probably search through patchwork
[16:56:40 CET] <JEEB> https://patchwork.ffmpeg.org/patch/10350/
[16:56:43 CET] <JEEB> this one it seems?
[16:57:36 CET] <JEEB> although I'm not sure if this is what you are noticing
[16:58:14 CET] <keegans> hmm
[16:58:40 CET] <keegans> it specifically says "Incorrect number of samples in encryption info"
[16:58:53 CET] <keegans> when i try to just cycle through sample data
[16:59:48 CET] <JEEB> anyways, unfortunately I don't know the CENC stuff too well :P
[16:59:56 CET] <JEEB> it had the "made for google and that's it" vibe
[17:00:00 CET] <keegans> :D
[17:00:21 CET] <JEEB> and I meant the code mostly, although I haven't looked too hard into the CENC spec either (although I have it around I think)
[17:03:47 CET] <keegans> it seems to exit at `av_read_frame` with the incorrect number of samples in encryption info, yeah
[17:03:53 CET] <keegans> i will try the patch i guess
[17:04:29 CET] <keegans> and then i will report back with my findings
[17:10:49 CET] <keegans> JEEB: it fixed it !!!
[17:10:52 CET] <keegans> thank you so much
[18:49:51 CET] <keegans> getting strange errors with the AAC decoder like : `[aac @ 0x56035f32a300] channel element 3.10 is not allocated`
[18:50:28 CET] <keegans> is the decoder broken or did i fail to decrypt properly likely ( JEEB ) ?
[19:09:58 CET] <JEEB> keegans: could be lack of extradata if that's used in AAC
[19:10:39 CET] <JEEB> dongs: I've got a back-log and I've got more ye olde style samples so I'm getting that done first
[19:10:48 CET] <JEEB> then the MMTP madness
[19:11:05 CET] <JEEB> also lol did Japan go for the LATM meme as well?
[19:12:18 CET] <keegans> https://pastebin.com/5wzGHG0G
[19:12:22 CET] <keegans> there is side data it appears
[19:43:30 CET] <ossifrage> What is a good choice for C (or native go if such a thing exists) for multiplexing h.264 or h.265 *live* elementary streams into fmp4 data? ffmpeg can do it, but is there a good choice for just the multiplexing code?
[19:44:13 CET] <JEEB> FFmpeg's libavformat is what you mean in API way
[19:44:19 CET] <JEEB> which only does multiplexing and demultiplexing
[19:44:40 CET] <JEEB> then there's the L-SMASH library for just mp4
[19:44:50 CET] <ossifrage> JEEB, ah cool, I thought you ended up having to pull in the entire ffmpeg suite
[19:45:34 CET] <JEEB> you can build a minimal one if you want to limit it. but even if you don't limit at build time, you only need some of the libraries
[19:46:04 CET] <JEEB> and then there's GPAC's library for mp4 as well
[19:46:14 CET] <JEEB> so you have at least three different alternatives for writing fragmented mp4
[19:46:39 CET] <ossifrage> I was looking at gpac, but they didn't seem to have api docs, just docs for the tools which seemed kinda weird
[19:48:19 CET] <ossifrage> Trying to generate low latency DASH live streams from a hardware encoder (camera SOC)
[19:58:59 CET] <Ariyasu> is there anyway to get ffmpeg to read a videoredo project file
[19:59:33 CET] <JEEB> probably not. FFmpeg is closer to something the editor or renderer would be utilizing to open or read/write media
[19:59:41 CET] <Ariyasu> a project file has cuts marked for an input video file, would save time if i could encode directl y from the source instead of cutting
[19:59:50 CET] <Ariyasu> yeah
[20:00:00 CET] <JEEB> if it's simple you could either use lavfi or vapoursynth
[20:00:04 CET] <Ariyasu> ok i guess i can try script somthing to parse the cutpoints
[20:00:08 CET] <JEEB> yea
[21:43:31 CET] <MapMan> JEEB: have you seen what I said yesterday? Those 'artifacts' we looked into yesterday were caused by a precision bug somewhere in OBS.
[21:43:37 CET] <JEEB> yea
[21:44:10 CET] <JEEB> having buffers aligned and properly set is always good :)
[21:44:43 CET] <JEEB> also I'll be seeing if TheAMM ever gets to putting his thing in review :)
[21:44:52 CET] <JEEB> even though lavd designs frighten me vOv
[21:49:46 CET] <MapMan> Asking out of curiosity: how is ffmpeg affected by phenomena such as screen tearing without vsync in games? Will ffmpeg capture frames properly or will the screen tearing be captured in video as well?
[21:50:20 CET] <JEEB> depends on which buffer at which point exactly the capture module (whatever that is) will get it
[21:50:51 CET] <MapMan> That's what I thought
[21:54:13 CET] <kepstin> as far as the gdigrab stuff goes, i think it's basically "up to the driver"? although who knows what's going on there.
[23:26:51 CET] <ossifrage> Huh, I can't find any DASH videos on youtube via youtube-dl (has youtube reduced the use of DASH?)
[23:29:40 CET] <ossifrage> On the 10 videos I tried they all have DASH audio, but no DASH video, I know in the past they where serving DASH
[23:32:42 CET] <JEEB> whether they use mp4 fragments or webm fragments depends
[23:32:59 CET] <JEEB> AVC -> mp4, VP8/9 -> webm, AV1 -> mp4
[23:34:15 CET] <ossifrage> I'm just running youtube-dl -F to list the formats and none of the links I tested had a DASH video (just "audio only DASH audio")
[23:34:36 CET] <JEEB> whatever that means
[23:34:44 CET] <JEEB> I've still seen mp4 fragments and webm fragments
[23:35:41 CET] <ossifrage> Yeah, I can't think of a good reason why you would chop the audio up into fragments, if you have to dynamically switch at audio bitrates you are kinda screwed
[23:36:18 CET] <furq_> is youtube serving av1 already
[23:38:11 CET] <ossifrage> furq_, I saw av01 (at potato resolutions), avc, vp9
[23:40:31 CET] <BtbN> potato resolutions is where it makes the most sense really
[23:40:54 CET] <BtbN> helps people with horrible bandwidths, and can actually be decoded on normal PCs
[23:41:04 CET] <ossifrage> furq, only a few of the links I tested had av01... but 144p, where can that still be of any use
[23:43:02 CET] <ossifrage> (I SMS from my sister with videos and they are often transcoded into potatoes with lower resolution then a LED backlight
[00:00:00 CET] --- Wed Feb 13 2019

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