[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20190225

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 03:05:01 EET 2019

[04:46:41 CET] <ricemuffinball> i have a video file that was separated into 2,  how do i join them back together?
[05:03:55 CET] <ricemuffinball> i have a video file that was separated into 2,   1.mp4 and 2.mp4   what is the command to join them back together to  3.mkv
[05:04:23 CET] <ricemuffinball> documentation is confusing
[05:09:43 CET] <ricemuffinball> i have a video file that was separated into 2,   1.mp4 and 2.mp4   what is the command to join them back together to  3.mkv
[06:01:02 CET] <ricemuffinball> i have a video file that was separated into 2,   1.mp4 and 2.mp4   what is the command to join them back together to  3.mkv  in  cmd.exe
[06:21:00 CET] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[06:27:40 CET] <ricemuffinball> ffmpeg -i "concat:1.mp4|2.mp4" -c copy 3.mp4      how come this command doesn't work
[06:36:48 CET] <xj> is it possible to detect audio playback stuttering?
[06:42:49 CET] <ricemuffinball> i have a video file that was separated into 2,  how do i join them back together?
[07:38:22 CET] <xochilpili> hello everyone
[07:38:59 CET] <xochilpili> im trying to convert .dav file to mp4 or avi, using this: ffmpeg -y -i HCVR_ch1_main_20190224170000_20190224180000.dav -vcodec libx264 -crf 24 -filter:v "setpts=1*PTS" channel_1_1700_1800.mp4
[07:39:49 CET] <xochilpili> first time work, but now im trying to convert a second file and got this: HCVR_ch2_main_20190224170000_20190224180000.dav: Invalid data found when processing input
[07:40:41 CET] <ricemuffinball> what is .dav
[07:40:52 CET] <ricemuffinball> are you trying to reencode or just change container
[07:44:56 CET] <ricemuffinball> xochilpili ??
[07:45:35 CET] <xochilpili> ricemuffinball, dav is a file exported from cctv dvr
[07:45:56 CET] <xochilpili> i did it with one file and works but now im trying another then got that error
[07:46:34 CET] <xochilpili> file HCVR_ch1_main_20190224170000_20190224180000.dav < returns data file
[07:46:53 CET] <xochilpili> du -h HCVR_ch2_main_20190224170000_20190224180000.dav < returns 915MB, data is in there
[07:47:19 CET] <xochilpili> but ffmpeg dont like it and dont know why, i also tried with -v 2 flag for verbose but just do nothing
[07:48:43 CET] <ricemuffinball> are you trying to reencode or just change container
[07:49:44 CET] <xochilpili> change container to mp4 and play with mplayer
[07:50:35 CET] <ricemuffinball> what video/audio codec does .dav use
[07:50:56 CET] <xochilpili> ricemuffinball, no idea, how can i determine that?
[07:51:11 CET] <xochilpili> using -loglevel 40 got this: [AVIOContext @ 0x5557e9aec440] Statistics: 1048576 bytes read, 0 seeks
[07:51:14 CET] <ricemuffinball> send me a sample
[07:51:33 CET] <xochilpili> ricemuffinball, file is too big, how can i send you a sample?
[07:53:06 CET] <ricemuffinball> ffmpeg -i input.dev -vcodec copy -acodec copy -movflags faststart output.mp4
[07:53:13 CET] <ricemuffinball> does this work
[07:53:20 CET] <xochilpili> from the one that i could convert : Input #0, h264, from 'HCVR_ch1_main_20190224170000_20190224180000.dav': Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (High), yuv420p(progressive), 1280x720, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 1200k tbn, 60 tbc
[07:54:13 CET] <xochilpili> it does not work
[07:54:22 CET] <xochilpili> HCVR_ch2_main_20190224170000_20190224180000.dav: Invalid data found when processing input < same error
[07:54:53 CET] <ricemuffinball> try different output.mkv
[07:54:57 CET] <ricemuffinball> output.ts
[07:55:02 CET] <ricemuffinball> output.mov
[07:55:09 CET] <ricemuffinball> see any of them works
[07:55:29 CET] <xochilpili> none of those: mkv, ts, mov, ogg
[07:55:40 CET] <xochilpili> also tried avi
[07:55:58 CET] <xochilpili> does ffmpeg save some .ffmpeg data of a session ¡?
[07:58:08 CET] <xochilpili> ricemuffinball, output: https://pastebin.com/EdZvCQzL
[08:12:48 CET] <ln-> is there any way to debug what the configure script does? i get "CONFIG_PNG_DECODER 0" in config.h even though I have zlib installed. i would like to find out what configure does to determine it's zero.
[08:14:27 CET] <JEEB> ln-: ffbuild/config.log
[08:18:18 CET] <ln-> i've looked at config.log, but i'm not finding what i'm looking for. could be that i cannot read it properly.
[08:18:59 CET] <ln-> it says among other things: png_decoder='yes'  png_decoder_select='zlib'
[08:19:26 CET] <JEEB> and the zlib check passes?
[08:19:38 CET] <JEEB> the tests are towards the end of the file
[08:21:00 CET] <ln-> zlib_decoder='yes'
[08:46:51 CET] <ln-> oh, the relevant part of the log looks like: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/BCRmq2CQIwpTL7Lf0S6McA  ... but 'yes' despite that?
[09:15:04 CET] <ln-> eh, the solution was indeed to specify "--cpu=4kc".
[09:15:36 CET] <JEEB> so you were attempting to cross-compile? (couldn't check your logs)
[09:17:42 CET] <ln-> no, native compilation on a system running in qemu.
[09:19:20 CET] <JEEB> interesting, usually native compilation with a compiler works because the default mode of the compiler is to be expected as the native one
[09:19:25 CET] <JEEB> oh well
[09:22:32 CET] <ln-> but curiously, tons of other decoders were enabled by configure, and at least configure itself didn't fail per se. (didn't check whether actual compilation would have failed)
[09:23:44 CET] <JEEB> the configure script is kind of weird due to Hysterical Raisins
[09:23:51 CET] <JEEB> as in, stuff is marked as enabled by default
[09:23:57 CET] <JEEB> but then if they have disabled dependencies
[09:24:09 CET] <JEEB> they then get disabled as the checks go on
[09:24:21 CET] <JEEB> not sure if you get a configure failure if you do --disable-autodetect --enable-zlib
[09:24:30 CET] <JEEB> or if you specifically enable the png decoder
[09:25:54 CET] <ricemuffinball> i have a video file that was separated into 2,  how do i join them back together?
[09:26:25 CET] <ln-> i think i tried --enable-decoder=png, and it didn't cause an error either.
[09:27:44 CET] <doitliao> i'm back
[09:28:46 CET] <JEEB> ln-: probably because that's the default state
[09:28:58 CET] <JEEB> in theory there should be two separate states for enabled
[09:29:12 CET] <JEEB> enabled-by-default (and thus if the dependencies are not found, don't fail), and enabled-by-user
[09:29:29 CET] <JEEB> latter of course should fail hard if the user specified what is needed
[11:26:56 CET] <ln-> btw, 09:04 -ChanServ(ChanServ at services.)- [#ffmpeg] When asking a question be precise, detailed and patient. If you don't receive a response, try the users mailing list. PASTE TO http://ffmpeg.pastebin.com/ !
[11:27:18 CET] <ln-> Host ffmpeg.pastebin.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
[11:34:44 CET] <durandal_1707> ln-: just send to normal pastebin
[11:36:23 CET] <ln-> durandal_1707: yes, sure, but the welcome message is implicitly instructing us not to do so, IN CAPS, with an exclamation mark.
[11:45:54 CET] <cslcm> Hey - how do I know which release of libx264 will link OK with a particular ffmpeg release?
[12:42:48 CET] <tbrowder> thanks to furq and another, i have successfully produced an mp4 that plays on most browsers on a PC. now I need to make a version that will play on ios if possible. from an internet search i see that i need to specify smaller image size and have no more than 100 Mb in a single file. my current three mp4 files have about 2.7 Gb and run about 30-40 min.
[12:43:36 CET] <JEEB> any modern iOS device (post 2010 or so) can do level 4.1, profile high stuff (includes main and constrained baseline)
[12:43:41 CET] <JEEB> not sure if there really is a size limit
[12:43:57 CET] <JEEB> these things can be rather specific back in ye olden days
[12:44:10 CET] <JEEB> but they also can change overnight
[12:44:38 CET] <tbrowder> the original conversion command was: ffmpeg -i $IN -c:v copy -c:a aac -ac 2 -b:a 192k $MP4
[12:45:05 CET] <JEEB> which leaves the video to whatever it was in the input
[12:45:24 CET] <JEEB> which can be good, of course. but just noting that you're not controlling that there
[12:47:08 CET] <tbrowder> questions: (1) what command should i use for converting the  current mp4 files to suitable ios format and (2) how can i split the results up if they are > 100 Mb?
[12:47:33 CET] <JEEB> I'd actually verify if there are size limits altogether. :P
[12:47:42 CET] <JEEB> pretty sure iOS and iTunes has had larger files than that
[12:51:28 CET] <cslcm> i've certainly played mp4s of many gigabytes on an iPhone before
[12:51:37 CET] <cslcm> h264, not sure what profile though
[12:52:56 CET] <JEEB> main or high most likely, but the hwdec limits are on high profile so everything within that is OK
[12:53:05 CET] <JEEB> level should just be within 4.1 or so
[12:53:24 CET] <JEEB> you only hit stricter limits if you try to support iPhone 3G or so?
[12:53:29 CET] <JEEB> which is like 2009 or so I think
[12:54:22 CET] <cslcm> the iphone 4 only supported main profile up to 3.1, and only up to 720p
[12:55:20 CET] <JEEB> not sure of the resolution but I thought it changed already around 3GS or so
[12:55:23 CET] <cslcm> iPhone 3GS and older devices support Baseline Profile level 3.0 and lower
[12:55:56 CET] <tbrowder> realize i know nothing much about the video conversion business,  i'm trying to help my brother and his fellow US Marines sjow videos from their 50th reunion, so i need a recipe. the first one worked, on my PC, but not on my iPhone X.
[12:56:28 CET] <JEEB> most likely because you're just copying the input video :P
[12:56:36 CET] <JEEB> use ffprobe -v verbose FILE on it
[12:56:45 CET] <tbrowder> it worked on Win 10 and Debian: Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Edge.
[12:57:24 CET] <tbrowder> JEEB, will do...
[12:57:52 CET] <JEEB> also generally when writing mp4 into a file, `-movflags faststart` is generally recommended
[12:58:04 CET] <JEEB> it does a second pass at the end to write the index at the beginning
[12:59:07 CET] <cslcm> I think that may be exactly what is needed, because the ios video player is quicktime based and quicktime flops about if you don't have the header chunk
[12:59:46 CET] <JEEB> well it is there, just at the end. and IIRC QT doesn't flip at that. it does help in general the players if you are able to move it to the front of the file tho
[13:01:36 CET] <cslcm> I certainly have seen Quicktime freak out with large files when the header is at the end of the file.
[13:02:09 CET] <tbrowder> the outpu is in this gist: https://gist.github.com/tbrowder/142f6fa996ed6d115d25aa3cf14e4862
[13:03:57 CET] <cslcm> tbrowder: definitely try creating the file again with -movflags faststart, imho
[13:05:09 CET] <tbrowder> so i should redo the original with adding "-movflags faststart"? ok, does this look correct:
[13:05:49 CET] <tbrowder> `ffmpeg -i $IN -c:v copy -c:a aac -ac 2 -b:a 192k -movflags faststart $MP4`
[13:06:27 CET] <cslcm> i'd change the audio bitrate to 160k rather than 192k
[13:06:31 CET] <cslcm> based on a google search
[13:06:41 CET] <cslcm> "iPhone Video Formats
[13:06:41 CET] <cslcm> 1. H.264 video up to 4K, 30 frames per second, High Profile level 4.2 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats. (For iPhone X/8/7/6s /6s Plus)"
[13:07:04 CET] <JEEB> I'd be surprised if that was an actual limitation :P
[13:07:07 CET] <ritsuka> the limits on apple website are ofter not right.
[13:07:27 CET] <cslcm> yeah, but like anyone will be able to tell the difference between 160 and 192 anyway on a phone
[13:07:28 CET] <ritsuka> you probably can use a 7.1 aac track and will just work
[13:08:54 CET] <tbrowder> ok, so i will change 192k to 160k, thanks folks!  i'll check back in later.
[13:09:29 CET] <tbrowder> i really appreciate the help, this is a very friendly IRC!!
[13:35:48 CET] <another> considering itunes sells 256k aac, i doubt the 160k limit
[14:22:15 CET] <Accord> I'm transcoding a lot on a 16 core machine using -preset superfast but htop says ffmpeg isn't maxing out all my cores
[14:22:39 CET] <Accord> it spawns a lot of threads but it most of them are utilizing only 20-30% per core
[14:23:21 CET] <Accord> is this an inherent limitation or am I not setting the right options?
[14:24:38 CET] <DHE> x264 (I assume that's what you're using) does have some scaling limits. I think past ~12 cores unless you're running slow presets or 4k inputs (!) you'll see that
[14:25:08 CET] <DHE> at some point the single-threaded process of getting frames in and out of x264 will be substantial enough
[14:25:47 CET] <w1kl4s> isn't it i/o limitation as well with superfast?
[14:27:01 CET] <iive> it might not be using multiple threads for decoding
[15:45:37 CET] <schu-r> I have a problem recoding a HLS Video. (Not Streaming) I want to Record a Video with HLS (done) and recode each individual segment. But the Video is not playable anymore.
[17:04:07 CET] <tbrowder> folks, the mp4 conversion for iPhone doesn't work. the ffprobe for the first file is shown in this gist:
[17:04:09 CET] <tbrowder> https://gist.github.com/tbrowder/95b4d799670f8ea3e0f363893666b3b3
[17:04:59 CET] <tbrowder> that doesn't work on my iphone, but it does work in my PC chrome browser.
[17:07:24 CET] <JEEB> it's 60/1.001fps, anamorphic 16:9 1440x1080 and not sure which level
[17:12:58 CET] <tbrowder> stackoverflow says this: MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats
[17:14:19 CET] <tbrowder> so how do i change the frame format to 640x480 pixels?
[17:15:24 CET] <cslcm> the iPhone X supports way more than 640x480
[17:17:01 CET] <cslcm> but you can do that with -vf scale=640:480
[17:48:15 CET] <tbrowder> cslcm: thanks!
[18:26:58 CET] <another> tbrowder: that seems to refer to mpeg4 part 2 video
[18:30:51 CET] <tbrowder> another: so do i need to start with the original data? and go another route? let me show everyone the original files i started with.  i received three DVDs of about 2,7 Gb or less. Each DVD had one directory with a similar file structure. I'll put the first one in a gist...
[18:36:20 CET] <ricemuffinball> i have a video file that was separated into 2,  how do i join them back together?
[18:37:18 CET] <tbrowder> https://gist.github.com/tbrowder/4f09d295b62d6094d183891d6b725488
[18:40:09 CET] <tbrowder> from that first DVD I concatenated the m2ts files into one (and I did the same with the other two DVDs) to get the part-1.m2ts file which I the converted to mp4 following suggestions from this group. the mp4 files have worked fine on a PCD browser, but I would like to get  something that works on iphones and othe mobile devices if at all possible.
[18:46:28 CET] <another> ffmpeg -i $IN -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -preset medium -profile:v high -level 4.2 -c:a aac -b:a 160k -movflags +faststart -t 60 OUT.mp4
[18:46:36 CET] <another> tbrowder: try this
[18:46:54 CET] <another> the -t 60 limits to the first 60 seconds
[18:47:07 CET] <another> so you don't have to wait too long for testing
[18:47:20 CET] <tbrowder> another: okay, thnx...
[18:48:48 CET] <another> also, it looks like that video is interlaced. might be a problem for iphone
[18:49:00 CET] <another> can't really find good spec from apple
[18:49:54 CET] <another> in that case you could try:
[18:50:46 CET] <another> ffmpeg -i $IN -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -preset medium -profile:v high -level 4.2 -c:a aac -b:a 160k -movflags +faststart -vf bwdif -t 60 OUT.mp4
[18:51:08 CET] <another> to deinterlace
[18:51:21 CET] <another> anyway gotta go. food you know.
[18:57:20 CET] <tbrowder> another: the first method works on all so far!  thanks!
[18:59:15 CET] <tbrowder> .tell another thank you!  it works on PC browsers, iPhone and iPad chrome...thank you very much!
[19:01:07 CET] <another> great
[19:16:49 CET] <Aelius> I have a few opus/ogg files, but there appears to be a conflict with replaygain tags and that format. I'm trying to transfer them to the mka container, then, but the tags aren't transferring over.
[19:17:28 CET] <Aelius> ffmpeg can see the tags as part of the opus stream, but -f ffmeteadata isn't exporting it. Not sure what to do.
[19:19:51 CET] <kepstin> metadata in matroska is a mess
[19:20:08 CET] <kepstin> a lot of properties aren't mapped to it, and basically no audio players can read it anyways
[19:20:49 CET] <kepstin> as far as replaygain in opus - the spec says you're not supposed to use the 'replaygain' tags, but in practise it works fine
[19:21:14 CET] <kepstin> just tag them the same way as vorbis and it'll work in almost all players
[19:22:42 CET] <kepstin> (I also wrote a little replaygain tagger script which uses ffmpeg, and writes tags in opus files that work with basically all players: https://github.com/kepstin/regainer/ )
[19:25:21 CET] <Aelius> I'm using foobar2000 on Windows and it applies 2/4 replaygain tags, which apparently  my phone's music players specifically looks for
[19:25:33 CET] <Aelius> where opus is concerned*
[19:25:37 CET] <Aelius> mka works fine in both cases.
[19:26:50 CET] <Aelius> specifically, opus seems to support track/album gain, but NOT track/album peak gain
[19:26:54 CET] <kepstin> hmm. i can't remember exactly which tags foobar2000 writes. I think it probably is writing the R128_ALBUM_GAIN and R128_TRACK_GAIN tags rather than replaygain
[19:27:47 CET] <kepstin> the peak levels aren't really super useful, it's usually better if the player applies a limiter rather than reducing volume to avoid peaks.
[19:28:11 CET] <Aelius> unfortunately there are two good players in android so I don't have a lot of choice here :)
[19:28:24 CET] <kepstin> but if you write REPLAYGAIN tags instead of R128 tags (or in addition to), like my regainer tool does, then you can save the peak values
[19:29:50 CET] <Aelius> we're venturing off on a false premise right now
[19:29:57 CET] <Aelius> the issue is with opus and ffmpeg
[19:30:03 CET] <Aelius> I just tried converting it to mp3
[19:30:05 CET] <Aelius> same issue
[19:30:08 CET] <Aelius> tags are not transfered
[19:30:24 CET] <Aelius> the problem is not mka, its opus
[19:30:33 CET] <kepstin> ffmpeg doesn't have any handling for the R128 tags in opus, correct
[19:30:40 CET] <kepstin> it'll handle REPLAYGAIN tags fine
[19:30:43 CET] <Aelius> especially considering I can't seem to get ffmpeg to export any opus tags
[19:30:49 CET] <Aelius> it will read the tags
[19:30:54 CET] <Aelius> it knows they are there
[19:30:59 CET] <Aelius> and I'm talking about
[19:31:01 CET] <Aelius> ALL of the tags.
[19:31:05 CET] <Aelius> artist, album, title
[19:31:06 CET] <kepstin> note that converting R128 tags to REPLAYGAIN tags for non-opus formats requires adjusting by 5dB for the different reference level
[19:31:17 CET] <kepstin> you're usually better off just recalculating after converting
[19:31:18 CET] <Aelius> All. The. Tags.
[19:31:33 CET] <Aelius> the output file has zero metadata
[19:31:55 CET] <kepstin> hmm, well, sounds like a bug then
[19:32:09 CET] <kepstin> I'd expect the replaygain not to be transferred, but everything else should be
[19:33:14 CET] <Aelius> http://sprunge.us/ALTz5D
[19:33:34 CET] <Aelius> the tags are ... trapped in the opus stream?
[19:33:40 CET] <Aelius> not in the container
[19:34:29 CET] <kepstin> matroska metadata is weird, metadata can be attached to various objects in the file at multiple levels
[19:35:00 CET] <Aelius> again- not mka's problem.
[19:35:06 CET] <Aelius> When I convert to mp3
[19:35:13 CET] <Aelius> (convert not copy)
[19:35:21 CET] <Aelius> there just are no tags transfered at all
[19:35:57 CET] <Aelius> it's only keeping the tags in the stream because I stream copy to mka, I think. the faulty behavior lies with ffmpeg/opus
[19:36:43 CET] <kepstin> fwiw, ffmpeg has very limited support for converting metadata between formats, i'd recommend not relying on it in general.
[19:36:48 CET] <Aelius> this is the second problem I've had with youtube downloads-  ffmpeg seems to not be able to handle whatever youtube is doing
[19:36:56 CET] <kepstin> but basic stuff like artist, album should work.
[19:37:37 CET] <kepstin> youtube - or youtube-dl?
[19:37:41 CET] <Aelius> both
[19:37:51 CET] <Aelius> the other day I had a video that could not be converted to mp4 properly, I had to convert to flv then to mp4.
[19:40:20 CET] <Aelius> but, I think I just confirmed the file is not the issue, it's an ffmpeg issue
[19:40:46 CET] <Aelius> I took a right and proper flac, converted to opus, converted to another file. opus is swallowing tags
[19:41:48 CET] <Aelius> should be reproducable. try it for me?
[19:44:17 CET] <kepstin> I would have expected ffmpeg's tag handling for opus to have been copied from vorbis, so I dunno why it's being problematic.
[19:44:28 CET] <kepstin> opus and vorbis in ogg container store the tags in identical ways
[19:45:37 CET] <kepstin> i end up having to retag files converted with ffmpeg even when it does copy tags, because I use musicbrainz picard which sets a bunch of custom tag types that ffmpeg ignores.
[19:46:10 CET] <Aelius> yeah I'm looking into using mkvmerge right now, seems like ffmpeg isn't gonna be my friend here
[19:49:12 CET] <Aelius> hmm, no luck there either
[19:49:14 CET] <Aelius> strange
[19:49:30 CET] <GuiToris> hey, can someone give me some advice how to get values for the perspective filter? I'd like to match two separate videos
[19:49:36 CET] <kepstin> fwiw, ffmpeg has *very* limited matroska metadata support, the only tags it supports at the container level are these: https://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=libavformat/matroskaenc.c;h=f0e4c60b93be879428d5d098455d4b529a91a04b;hb=HEAD#l1599
[19:50:14 CET] <kepstin> but yeah, i wonder if you have found a weird case where it's copying the vorbistag packet in the opus stream into the matroska container
[19:51:04 CET] <kepstin> vorbiscomment*
[19:52:59 CET] <Aelius> trying your script now, heh
[19:56:58 CET] <kepstin> so https://wiki.xiph.org/index.php?title=MatroskaOpus says that the OpusTags (contains VorbisComment formatted data) header packet from ogg opus "is not used" in matroska, but i wonder if ffmpeg might be including it in the stream in some cases...
[20:00:45 CET] <kepstin> and I have no idea how that page compares to the (as far as I can tell completely undocumented?) way opus is actually stored in matroska by existing tools.
[20:01:52 CET] <Aelius> your script doesn't help, unfortunately. It works, I can see the peak gain in the tags, but again it just seems like opus doesn't support that tag or something? foobar2000 has a special section for replaygain info- the peak gain is displayed with the regular tags, as if opus doesnt support peak gain. and my android player doesn't care that the tags are manually written, either
[20:03:03 CET] <kepstin> Aelius: ogg opus specification explicitly says that the replaygain tags aren't supposed to be used, and that peak values aren't supposed to be stored, see: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7845.html#section-5.2.1
[20:03:11 CET] <Aelius> aha
[20:03:20 CET] <kepstin> (during standardization i asked them to allow replaygain tags, but got overruled...)
[20:03:46 CET] <kepstin> but many players (not all) read opus tags using shared code with vorbis tags, and so will use replaygain tags (including peak values) if present in ogg opus files
[20:04:02 CET] <Aelius> actually I just thought of another reason I want to ditch opus- android doesn't officially support them so they don't get included in the generic media scanner, which means you have to use apps which manually scan for media on their own to find opus
[20:04:25 CET] <kepstin> but that said, in typical pop music when you have replaygain values of -10dB or whatever, it's reducing the volume so much that the peak doesn't matter anyways
[20:05:16 CET] <kepstin> I personally use gonemad player on android, which does do its own library scanning, yeah. Haven't had any issues with replaygain in opus files with it.
[20:06:02 CET] <Aelius> foobar2000 on android also works, I was just frustrated by the way you arbitrarily cannot edit imported playlist files
[20:06:18 CET] <kepstin> the opus spec even has a really weird fixed point encoding of the gain values, that whole section of the spec was ill thought out imo
[20:06:20 CET] <Aelius> So I went to vanilla music player, which is ok
[20:07:42 CET] <kepstin> (most replaygain implementations, including foobar2000, use the ebu r128 algorithm to calculate loudness levels for replaygain tags - they just use a reference level of -18dB to be similar to the older replaygain scanners.)
[20:11:26 CET] <Aelius> kepstin yeah I've decided to lose this format entirely. How do you suggest I convert, and to what? I only have 20 of these I think, but even so I'd prefer to not manually reprocess all the tags
[20:12:49 CET] <kepstin> well, you should never do lossy-lossy transcodes wherever possible.
[20:13:00 CET] <kepstin> if you have an original lossless copy, just start from that
[20:13:22 CET] <Aelius> I know of this, which is why I was just trying to recontain in mka and call it a day.
[20:13:53 CET] <furq> Aelius: what extension are you using for the ogg opus stuff
[20:13:53 CET] <Aelius> But given the level of frustration this stupid endeavor has accrued, I probably woulndt care that some files I downloaded from youtube are slightly worse off.
[20:14:06 CET] <Aelius> furq: .opus
[20:14:13 CET] <furq> android has an ancient bug where it doesn't want anything to do with ogg opus if the extension is .opus
[20:14:14 CET] <kepstin> hmm, yeah, if you rename your ogg opus files to .ogg, the android scanner will pick them up
[20:14:20 CET] <furq> yeah
[20:14:36 CET] <furq> idk if it'll work as you want but it should work better at least
[20:14:41 CET] <kepstin> although whether or not it reads metadata from them depends on the android version, iirc
[20:16:24 CET] <Aelius> well, that allows another player to use the files, yes, but still replaygain doesnt work for them
[20:19:26 CET] <Aelius> Unless I concede to using foobar or that other one, at which point I didn't have to rename them
[20:20:54 CET] <kepstin> I decided I liked having opus support more than having a music player that used android's builtin media library
[20:21:17 CET] <kepstin> ... I really miss my iPod Classic with Rockbox, lost in on the bus several years ago :(
[20:21:56 CET] <Aelius> guess i'll be testing at random  different codecs and different conversion tools then, if you have no suggestions there
[20:22:07 CET] <kepstin> (I had replaced the HDD with a 256gb SD card in that iPod, which was worth more than the iPod itself at the time...)
[20:22:24 CET] <Aelius> The only such files in my library are ones I sourced from youtube, it's not a format I chose to use
[20:22:50 CET] <kepstin> if you really must do a lossy-lossy conversion, you'll be most likely to keep tags in a compatible way if you go from ogg opus to ogg vorbis, and ogg vorbis works well in android.
[20:24:26 CET] <kepstin> if you want to try with ffmpeg, start with "-c:a libvorbis -q:a 5" and then adjust the q:a value to taste
[20:24:50 CET] <kepstin> you might want higher values for transcoding from a lossy source, maybe 6 or 7
[20:25:16 CET] <furq> if this is stuff you got from youtube then you could just redownload in aac or vorbis
[20:26:15 CET] <Aelius> Yeah I should just redownload in a new format.
[21:31:39 CET] <MotionVector> @JEEB .. thanks for your help the other day.  I knew my codec, but not the file formats :P .  The information to compute frame rate was derived from the info in the 'moov' atom (total frame count/total duration).  and moov was after 'mdat' atom and I wasn't looking that far down in the file
[21:33:36 CET] <MotionVector> was a newbie issue..
[21:33:42 CET] <JEEB> MotionVector: you can also use l-smash's boxdumper's --box mode etc. to actually look at the structure if you're ever inclined to feel interested into things like that
[21:33:54 CET] <JEEB> atomicparsley is another project that's graphical instead of textual
[21:37:46 CET] <MotionVector> per recommendation, I tried downloading the boxdumper, but looks like it is .sln project to build..  which I don't have unfortunately
[21:37:57 CET] <MotionVector> ?per your recommendation?
[21:38:53 CET] <MotionVector> but, nonetheless.. I am now able to get what I was looking for though
[21:39:35 CET] <MotionVector> now I have a different issue, my ffplay is not getting built (will switch to the #ffmpeg-devel channel)
[21:51:12 CET] <kepstin> MotionVector: that's probably not a development issue. Most likely you just don't have SDL2 development packages installed.
[21:52:38 CET] <JEEB> MotionVector: you can build it just like you build FFmpeg; there's a configure script and then makefile. if you're using visual studio there's the a solution file of course
[21:53:06 CET] <JEEB> MotionVector: and building + using the libraries themselves is on this channel, not the -devel one :)
[22:00:14 CET] <MotionVector> @JEEB .. didn't know the diff between devel and support.. thank you for explaining.  Think I was missing the sdl and sdl2 libraries so did a brew install, rebuilding now.  I do see that ffplay and all the correct CFLAGS are set in the config.mak
[22:27:45 CET] <MotionVector> that did it.. installing sdl and sdl2 now builds ffplay
[22:28:16 CET] <zumba_addict> Hi all. Can ffmpeg make a nice slow motion from a 30fps footage?
[22:29:39 CET] <JEEB> there's a motion interpolation filter
[22:29:58 CET] <JEEB> so you can first convert your 30fps to, say, 60fps. and then half the speed
[22:30:10 CET] <JEEB> and you have .5x speed
[22:36:49 CET] <zumba_addict> cool
[22:36:53 CET] <zumba_addict> thanks for the tips :)
[22:37:25 CET] <zumba_addict> I want to buy the anafi drone but it only has 30fps on 4k. The mavic air has 120fps but it's too much for my budget
[22:38:50 CET] <zumba_addict> let's say footage is 20 seconds, can we slow down part of the footage only like from 6th second to 9th second?
[22:39:04 CET] <Mavrik> It'll look very very jerky
[22:39:13 CET] <Mavrik> Because you'll be slowing down 30fps to significantly less
[22:39:21 CET] <zumba_addict> when slowing it down, it will look jerky?
[22:39:26 CET] <Mavrik> (which is why slowmo cameras record at such high fps)
[22:39:53 CET] <zumba_addict> i want to achieve like 120fps that mavic air does and makes it slower
[22:42:50 CET] <JEEB> you can't achieve it like that (as in, you can't go as down without interpolation)
[22:43:18 CET] <JEEB> but you can make the thing a bit less jerky (maybe) with interpolation from 30 to interpolated 15 (you can't really call it real 30)
[22:43:51 CET] <GuiToris> hey, does someone have a great idea how to refer to such filenames: 00205.1.0000.png   If I had only one folder, I would say ffmpeg -i 00205.1.%4d.png   but the filename numbers change in every folder
[22:44:13 CET] <GuiToris> I'm trying to make a 'for' bash script
[22:44:36 CET] <JEEB> you probably can try feeding the images through a pipe
[22:44:43 CET] <JEEB> and then just set the input file to "-"
[22:44:46 CET] <JEEB> which is stdin
[22:45:59 CET] <GuiToris> every file has this syntax #####.#.%4d.png
[22:46:42 CET] <GuiToris> JEEB, do you think this would work: -i ?????.?.%4d.png
[22:47:06 CET] <JEEB> no idea, I'd probably already do the file ordering and feeding outside of ffmpeg.c
[22:47:15 CET] <JEEB> and then feed them in order through stdin
[23:34:58 CET] <kevinnn> hi, does anyone know anything about live555
[23:35:01 CET] <kevinnn> here?
[23:35:50 CET] <JEEB> it's an rtsp library if I recall correctly
[23:35:59 CET] <JEEB> haven't utilized it myself but I think vlc is still utilizing it
[23:37:42 CET] <kevinnn> yes, I am having a bit of trouble with it. It's sample .cpp files actually work great. I used it to send h264 NAL units over UDP fairly effectively. I wanted to add some encryption into the mix so I decided to encrypt the NAL units before sending them out via live555. Unfortunately they stopped being sent for some reason
[23:38:03 CET] <kevinnn> my question is do you know if live555 parses the NAL units before sending them out?
[23:40:17 CET] <JEEB> no idea, but probably yes since RT(S)P probably has various flags which have to be created after parsing the input
[23:43:50 CET] <kevinnn> well darn..
[23:44:02 CET] <kevinnn> got to figure out how to get around that
[23:44:23 CET] <JEEB> I'm pretty sure tehre's a standard mode for encryption in live555 since webrtc uses that
[23:44:42 CET] <JEEB> no idea if live555 supports that and hopefully you will gain more answers by asking those people
[23:45:31 CET] <kevinnn> JEEB: ya, but those people hate all my questions... I think I may have upset one of them
[23:45:47 CET] <kevinnn> also they do have a webrtc mode with encryption
[23:45:48 CET] <kevinnn> but
[23:45:53 CET] <kevinnn> it's closed source
[23:46:02 CET] <JEEB> how unsurprising :P
[23:46:11 CET] <kevinnn> and is to remain closed source until a certain funding goal
[23:46:21 CET] <kevinnn> unsurprising?!
[23:46:25 CET] <kevinnn> do you remember me!!
[23:46:39 CET] <JEEB> to be fully honest - no
[23:47:05 CET] <kevinnn> ah, then why is it unsurprising?
[23:47:16 CET] <kevinnn> because I have upset you many times in the past
[23:47:17 CET] <kevinnn> lol
[23:47:51 CET] <JEEB> you're not alone, I parted this channel yesterday because that's the easiest way to ignore someone who I feel isn't listening anyways
[23:48:06 CET] <JEEB> anyways, it's not surprising that they want to make a living :P
[23:50:16 CET] <JEEB> there's two ways of handling that - if you want to support those developers you support them. or you contribute somewhere else to gain an open source implementation
[23:52:28 CET] <kevinnn> well thank you for the advice... I'll look around elsewhere, see if I can't find anyone else who knows something about live555
[00:00:00 CET] --- Tue Feb 26 2019

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