[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20190226

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 03:05:02 EET 2019

[00:39:45 CET] <kevinnn> JEEB: hey are you still around?
[00:41:55 CET] <JEEB> kevinnn: no :P I am finishing up as it's almost 2am and getting some sleep
[00:42:25 CET] <kevinnn> JEEB: do you know anything about rfc3984?
[00:42:43 CET] <kevinnn> looks like live555 want's the outgoing packets to follow these standards
[00:42:55 CET] <kevinnn> but the reading for it looks dense...
[00:47:49 CET] <kevinnn> can anyone give me a break down of what exactly is inside of p_payload inside of x264_nal_t?
[01:47:10 CET] <kandinski> I'm using ffmpeg to decode rw bayer8 frames from a camera, and I want to output it to localhost with minimal latency. Size is not a problem, because we won't be sending it over a network. What's the recommended output encoder/format in this case?
[01:57:38 CET] <kandinski> Answering my own question: bmp codec seems to be doing the trick.
[03:59:00 CET] <ricemuffinball> i have a video file that was separated into 2,  how do i join them back together?
[04:25:30 CET] <friendofafriend> ricemuffinball: concat.
[04:26:10 CET] <ricemuffinball> you mean this?  ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat -i list.txt -c copy output.mp4
[04:26:47 CET] <ricemuffinball> that creates corrupted file
[06:54:54 CET] <ricemuffinball> i have a video file that was separated into 2,  how do i join them back together?
[06:58:06 CET] <TheAMM> You'll have to elaborate a bit
[07:14:39 CET] <ricemuffinball> i have a video file that was separated into 2,  how do i join them back together into one file?
[07:20:40 CET] <pink_mist> technically adding "into one file" is elaborating ... slightly
[12:31:00 CET] <vtorri> hello
[12:31:18 CET] <vtorri> i am trying to compile ffmpeg with theora support
[12:31:30 CET] <vtorri> i've installe theora from sources
[12:31:57 CET] <vtorri> i've forgotten to say that it's on Windows using MSYS2 + mingw-w64
[12:32:15 CET] <vtorri> so i passed --enable-libtheora
[12:32:17 CET] <vtorri> i get :
[12:32:32 CET] <vtorri> ERROR: libtheora not found
[12:33:57 CET] <vtorri> from config.log the problem is link error
[12:34:30 CET] <vtorri> E:/Documents/programmes_x64/msys2/mingw32/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/7.4.0/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -ltheoraenc
[12:34:46 CET] <vtorri> same for -ltheoradec and -logg
[12:35:13 CET] <vtorri> why isn't pkg-config used for theora ? this package provide it
[12:56:30 CET] <DHE> from a linux standpoint, it is but by default a source-compiled package puts its pkg-config data into /usr/local/lib/pkg-config which isn't searched by pkg-config by default. On linux I would "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkg-config" (or whatever is suitable to your shell) and try again
[12:56:46 CET] <DHE> translating that to mingw is an exercise for the user... :/
[12:57:25 CET] <JEEB> cross-compilation you usually want PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR
[12:57:31 CET] <JEEB> which overrides the full path
[12:57:35 CET] <JEEB> PKG_CONFIG_PATH appends
[12:58:02 CET] <JEEB> right, it's mingw-w64 on msys2 which masquerades as not cross-compiling
[12:58:05 CET] <JEEB> then PKG_CONFIG_PATH
[13:04:36 CET] <ossifrage> So I can do "ffmpeg .... out.ppm" but "ffmpeg .... -f ppm -" doesn't work?
[13:07:51 CET] <ossifrage> Requested output format 'ppm' is not a suitable output format
[13:10:26 CET] <furq> ossifrage: -f image2pipe -c:v ppm -
[13:11:33 CET] <ossifrage> furq, thanks!
[13:13:45 CET] <ossifrage> Sometimes I really love bash: https://termbin.com/pfrp
[13:16:08 CET] <ossifrage> Every time the encoder hits an IDR frame it dumps the h.26[45] elementary stream to /tmp and you can view it with ffplay :-)
[13:29:28 CET] <ossifrage> I wonder how hard it would be to encapsulate a single IVOP into something you could convince chrome/firefox to display as a still image
[13:30:22 CET] <ossifrage> (without any javascript hick, just the image from the urlbar)
[14:31:54 CET] <vtorri> JEEB DHE : actually, theora is not detected with pkg-config
[14:32:10 CET] <vtorri> JEEB DHE : in the configure script :
[14:32:29 CET] <vtorri> enabled libtheora         && require libtheora theora/theoraenc.h th_info_init -ltheoraenc -ltheoradec -logg
[14:32:46 CET] <vtorri> while for a lib detected with pkg-config :
[14:33:05 CET] <vtorri> enabled libtesseract      && require_pkg_config libtesseract tesseract tesseract/capi.h TessBaseAPICreate
[14:34:00 CET] <vtorri> it's not a problem, i have set CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS so that theora lib is detected, but it is strange that pkg-config is not used
[14:35:03 CET] <vtorri> vorbis and speex are detected with pkg-config, but theora is not
[15:04:33 CET] <JEEB> vtorri: ok, that sounds like an easy add then
[15:04:49 CET] <JEEB> I've added zlib before because I got tired of adding manual flags with cross-compilation :V
[15:04:55 CET] <JEEB> I just never used theora myslef
[15:30:17 CET] <vtorri> JEEB for what it worth : i have written a package installer (not manager) which compiles from sources all the libraries that are needed for the project i'm involved in.
[15:30:36 CET] <vtorri> JEEB and i'm trying to figure out what are the needed libraries for ffmpeg
[15:31:16 CET] <vtorri> at first i haven't understood why theora was not detected while the other lib with pc files were
[19:31:11 CET] <brimestone> Hey guys, I have a MacPro Ivybridge, it has 2 AMD FirePro500... is there any hwaccels I could use on this hardware? When I do -hwaccels all I get is videotoolbox
[19:36:07 CET] <DHE> from a pure hardware standpoint, ivybridge MIGHT have quicksync support, but it varies by the exact CPU
[19:36:33 CET] <brimestone> Im hoping to let the GPU handle so I can use the CPU for something else
[19:37:22 CET] <DHE> quicksync is additional hardware in the CPU. I think it's related to onboard graphics but don't quote me on that.
[19:37:39 CET] <JEEB> it's usually on the GPU side of the CPU
[19:37:46 CET] <JEEB> not really much more than that
[19:37:50 CET] <JEEB> it's a separate block within that
[19:39:44 CET] <DHE> if it's a laptop, there might be onboard graphics even if you have a discrete GPU. that was a thing back then, right?
[19:47:32 CET] <kepstin> this is a mac pro tho, it might have one of the xeons with igpu disabled. You'd have to check specific processor model.
[19:49:36 CET] <brimestone> How about vaapi will that help me?
[19:52:13 CET] <Hello71> trash can, lol
[19:52:20 CET] <brimestone> HAHAHAHA
[20:05:21 CET] <brimestone> what hardware would be best for transcoding to h264, h264, dnxhd from ProRes, h264, xdcam sources
[23:08:42 CET] <grungies1138> Hello guys.  Can anyone here offer any alsa support?
[23:08:57 CET] <grungies1138> Or is there another room I should look into?
[23:09:45 CET] <JEEB> if you are just developing something using alsa, then I would recommend one of the alsa support channels
[23:11:26 CET] <grungies1138> thanks
[00:00:00 CET] --- Wed Feb 27 2019

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