[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20190106
burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 03:05:03 EET 2019
[00:04:09 CET] <fella> ffprobe -show_streams -of csv INPUT 2>/dev/null | awk -F',' '{if ($6=="audio") print $2,$NF}' <- prints stream # and lang of any audio stream to be found in INPUT
[00:14:43 CET] <fuxxy> fella, your example doesnt seem to show language in my test
[00:15:23 CET] <fuxxy> ffprobe INPUTFILE -show_entries stream=index:stream_tags=language -select_streams a -of compact=p=0:nk=0 does work, but outputs a pile of data in front of the index=1|tag:language=eng
[00:18:05 CET] <fuxxy> https://hastebin.com/obonanotal.bash
[00:21:14 CET] <fella> one problem is, that not every INPUT has a default audio, afaik
[00:22:05 CET] <fuxxy> hmm
[00:25:13 CET] <fella> i mean, change 'ffprobe -show_streams -of json INPUT' --> under 'disposition' you'll find 'default'
[00:25:25 CET] <fella> not every INPUT has default streams
[00:25:49 CET] <fella> ^change^try
[04:05:00 CET] <MichaelJoel> am I mistaken or isn't there a flag that causes ffmpeg to check and download the latest version?
[04:06:42 CET] <pink_mist> pretty sure you're mistaken
[04:07:17 CET] <MichaelJoel> probably - very odd I was almost sure I had done it
[04:08:51 CET] <pink_mist> getting the latest version isn't as easy as downloading something and you're done - unless your distribution has binary packages for you to use, you'll need to recompile from source, which has lots of options to select from -- and if your distribution gives you binary packages to use, well, ffmpeg doesn't really want to haveto keep track of the packages for every version of every distro out there
[04:30:48 CET] <DHE> long story short, ffmpeg itself doesn't really make precompiled packages
[04:32:14 CET] <MichaelJoel> Ok - I just remembered... it wasn't ffmpeg it was another projet I was using with ffmpeg
[04:32:20 CET] <MichaelJoel> project*
[08:23:19 CET] <cluelessperson> how do you black/blur over an area of the frame/image using ffmpeg?
[09:34:32 CET] <furq> cluelessperson: drawbox or delogo
[10:39:37 CET] <th3_v0ice> Should I divide framerate by two if av_guess_frame_rate() returns 50/1, and actual fps is 25/1? Is this true for all interlaced cases?
[17:24:09 CET] <murthy> How to repair a corrupt mp4
[23:17:04 CET] <lindylex> Hello all, I am trying to get this ffmpeg command to work ffmpeg -i t.mov -filter_complex "[0:v]crop=0:0:1280:330,boxblur=enable='between(t,0,60)=10[fg]'; [0:v][fg]overlay=320:330[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -c:v libx264 -an -movflags +faststart -y c6_blur.mp4 I receive this error "[boxblur @ 0x55f77b194700] [Eval @ 0x7ffd938be140] Invalid chars '=10[fg]' at the end of expression 'between(t,0,60)=10[fg]'"
[23:18:02 CET] <durandal_1707> =10 seems invalid
[23:19:34 CET] <lindylex> What is valid?
[23:19:56 CET] <durandal_1707> remove =10
[23:21:21 CET] <lindylex> This ffmpeg -i t.mov -filter_complex "[0:v]crop=200:200:60:30,boxblur=enable='between(t,0,60)=[fg]'; [0:v][fg]overlay=320:330[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -c:v libx264 -an -movflags +faststart -y c6_blur.mp4 Gives me this ERROR >>> [boxblur @ 0x564a87d1b700] [Eval @ 0x7ffd1d746350] Invalid chars '=[fg]' at the end of expression 'between(t,0,60)=[fg]'
[23:22:19 CET] <durandal_1707> you failed to remove =
[23:22:26 CET] <lindylex> one sec
[23:22:36 CET] <durandal_1707> probably multi byte chars
[23:22:47 CET] <durandal_1707> copy paste fail
[23:24:21 CET] <lindylex> https://pastebin.com/pL96qq3r
[23:24:32 CET] <lindylex> Is that an cleare?
[23:24:36 CET] <lindylex> clearer?
[23:25:22 CET] <durandal_1707> no
[23:25:53 CET] <iive> [fg] is probably video output, so e.g. [fg:v] everywhere might make it work
[23:25:57 CET] <durandal_1707> mannually retype full command, as you have invalid characters in it
[23:26:16 CET] <ring0> hi, is there any support from ffmpeg side for encoding using the capabilities of a fpga?
[23:26:32 CET] <lindylex> fg is my video output.
[23:36:11 CET] <ring0> so far I found this fork of ffmpeg from xilinx, which seem to add some fpga stuff to it https://github.com/Xilinx/FFmpeg-xma
[23:37:15 CET] <ring0> any pointers would be highly appreciated :)
[23:38:10 CET] <BtbN> nothing official, no. FPGAs don't sound very useful for that, they are quite static
[23:39:23 CET] <ring0> well, there are devices, which feature a special video compression unit
[23:40:06 CET] <ring0> to do h265/h264 encoding/decoding
[23:41:27 CET] <BtbN> They are usually relatively or very bad and proprietary.
[23:43:09 CET] <ring0> proprietary, yes indeed. bad with regards to fps while encoding, no. I did h265 encoding on 4k samples with ~100 fps
[23:45:38 CET] <BtbN> bad in regards to looking horrible at bitrates where x264 looks flawless
[23:46:18 CET] <ring0> I'll check that :)
[23:47:46 CET] <ring0> also, I heard xilinx was going to work together with ffmpeg. but could have been marketing blabla, and they just manage to hand in a few commits at the best
[23:51:29 CET] <ring0> anyways thanks for the heads up BtbN
[23:54:22 CET] <terminalator> Forgive my ignorance, but how does one use ffmpeg to remove a watermark?
[23:55:43 CET] <durandal_1707> you do not
[23:57:44 CET] <terminalator> Why not?
[00:00:00 CET] --- Mon Jan 7 2019
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