[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20191103

burek burek at teamnet.rs
Mon Nov 4 03:05:02 EET 2019

[02:04:32 CET] <DHE> API question: functions that begin with ff_* are not intended for user consumption. correct?
[03:05:38 CET] <DHE> I ask because I see useful stuff in there... :/
[03:07:55 CET] <c_14> >For variables and functions visible outside of file scope, but only used internally by a library, an @code{ff_} prefix should be used, e.g. @samp{ff_w64_demuxer}.
[03:08:05 CET] <c_14> according to doc/developer.texi anyways
[03:10:08 CET] <DHE> well that takes all the fun out of it...
[03:43:37 CET] <hendry> I have a record script that has just started failing after an upgrade/reboot: No handle set on framebuffer: maybe you need some additional capabilities?
[03:43:52 CET] <hendry> here is my log file https://s.natalian.org/2019-11-03/1572748901.mp4.log and a google only shows up https://www.reddit.com/r/ffmpeg/comments/cr8jd2/how_to_use_kmsgrab/
[09:37:58 CET] <Carltoso> morning
[09:38:01 CET] <Carltoso> :-))
[10:45:20 CET] <ponyrider> snooky-: your bash script is incredibly broken
[10:55:59 CET] <ponyrider> 1. never use ls to get a list of files, 2. a directory in the "$dir" folder will break your script 3. sh extensions are for sh files, not bash files
[10:56:43 CET] <ponyrider> snooky-: i assume you want something like this? http://ix.io/20G7
[10:58:34 CET] <furq> probably not because that ffmpeg command is still completely broken
[10:58:42 CET] <Reinhilde> lal
[10:59:42 CET] <ponyrider> LOL
[11:05:35 CET] <ponyrider> 4. its also an infinite loop
[11:06:33 CET] <Reinhilde> "sh extensions are [...not for] bash files"
[11:06:54 CET] <Reinhilde> you obviously still live in windows land
[11:07:27 CET] <ponyrider> no - he's calling #!/usr/bin/bash not #!/usr/bin/sh
[11:07:47 CET] <Reinhilde> and still, you live in windows land
[11:07:57 CET] <Reinhilde> the extension being different does not break the script
[11:08:07 CET] <Reinhilde> it is merely cosmetic. you can save it as .bash on your own system if you want
[11:08:40 CET] <ponyrider> sh and bash are not the same things, its misleading. if there was any extentions it should be file.bash
[11:08:55 CET] <Reinhilde> true and irrelevant.
[11:09:32 CET] <Reinhilde> .sh is used as an extension many times for any shell script.
[11:10:02 CET] <ponyrider> for shell files
[11:10:30 CET] <Reinhilde> ponyrider: how long have you been using unix?
[11:10:50 CET] <ponyrider> r u serious? -.-
[11:11:32 CET] <Reinhilde> file extensions are informative only and not intended to be a be all end all
[11:16:16 CET] <ponyrider> Reinhilde: how about no extention? either way, i agree its a moot point considering his code is broken anyway
[11:17:46 CET] <Reinhilde> then why did you bring it up if it's moot
[11:18:07 CET] <ponyrider> because i am still right
[11:18:34 CET] <furq> if we're really doing this then it should be #/usr/bin/env bash
[11:19:00 CET] <furq> or just /bin/sh and find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f | shuf -n 4 | xargs -n1 -P4 ffmpeg ...
[11:22:37 CET] <ponyrider> 2019-10-30 23:39:17 snooky hi all
[11:22:44 CET] <ponyrider> ^ i dont think he's listening either way
[11:49:50 CET] <Carltoso> Hi
[11:49:57 CET] <Carltoso> Does anyone know why I get this error
[11:50:09 CET] <Carltoso>  Unable to find a suitable output format for '
[11:50:26 CET] <Carltoso> my command looks like this ffmpeg    -i /Users/Malthe/test//1.mkv    -i /Users/Malthe/test//2.mkv    -i /Users/Malthe/test//3.mkv    -i /Users/Malthe/test//4.mkv    -i /Users/Malthe/test//5.mkv    -i /Users/Malthe/test//8.mkv    -i /Users/Malthe/test//9.mkv   -filter_complex  [0:a][1:a][2:a][3:a]amix=inputs=4 " \
[11:50:26 CET] <Carltoso>       [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=qvga [a0]; \
[11:50:26 CET] <Carltoso>       [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=qvga [a1]; \
[11:50:26 CET] <Carltoso>       [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=qvga [a2]; \
[11:50:27 CET] <Carltoso>       [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=qvga [a3]; \
[11:50:29 CET] <Carltoso>       [4:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=qvga [a4]; \
[11:50:31 CET] <Carltoso>       [5:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=qvga [a5]; \
[11:50:33 CET] <Carltoso>       [6:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=qvga [a6]; \
[11:50:35 CET] <Carltoso>       [a0][a1][a2][a3][a4][a5][a6]xstack=inputs=7:layout=0_0|w0_0|w0+w1_0|0_h0|w0_h0|w0+w1_h0|0_h0+h1[out] \
[11:50:38 CET] <Carltoso>       "     -map "[out]"      -c:v crf 23 -preset medium -movflags +faststart -c:a aac libx264 -  | ffplay -autoexit -left 10 -top 10  -
[11:50:42 CET] <Carltoso> works fine without [0:a][1:a][2:a][3:a]amix=inputs=4
[11:51:15 CET] <Carltoso> ah I have 9 inputs I will try to update
[11:52:18 CET] <Carltoso> Sorry for the spam
[11:52:24 CET] <cehoyos> "-" (the pipe) has no default output format and you do force one with the option "-f"
[11:52:24 CET] <Carltoso> Now i get this error "[AVFilterGraph @ 0x7fd31fe0b5c0] Too many inputs specified for the "amix" filter.
[11:52:24 CET] <Carltoso> Error initializing complex filters.
[11:52:24 CET] <Carltoso> Invalid argument
[11:52:24 CET] <Carltoso> pipe:: Invalid data found when processing input"
[11:52:43 CET] <cehoyos> I suspect you want "-f h264"
[11:52:49 CET] <Carltoso> yes
[11:52:59 CET] <cehoyos> And I see now that "libx264" is missing "-c:v" in front of it
[11:53:25 CET] <cehoyos> But you don't have to specify it if you use "-f h264" because iirc, that defaults to "v:c libx264"
[11:53:42 CET] <furq> amix has no output label or delimiter
[11:54:03 CET] <furq> also it's outside the quotes
[11:54:15 CET] <Carltoso> where do i put -f h264 ? hehe
[11:54:24 CET] <furq> also please use a pastebin
[11:55:03 CET] <Carltoso> yes sure absolutely
[11:55:19 CET] <Carltoso> It tells amix has to many inputs
[12:24:53 CET] <Carltoso> I have my video somewhat working now https://pastebin.com/sKbthdib
[12:25:06 CET] <Carltoso> now I just need to add audio
[12:25:17 CET] <Carltoso> does anyone know how?
[13:57:53 CET] <jemius> Is a 3D denoiser what it sounds like, for 3D Videos?
[13:58:25 CET] <furq> no
[13:58:28 CET] <furq> it means it does temporal denoising
[13:58:35 CET] <furq> in addition to spatial
[13:59:02 CET] <jemius> ahm... is that good?
[13:59:23 CET] <furq> sure
[14:01:05 CET] <jemius> not that easy to use, though. All default paremeters are 0. Defaultvalues for atadenoise worked quite well for me
[14:01:35 CET] <furq> the defaults for hqdn3d aren't all 0
[14:01:58 CET] <jemius> sure: ffmpeg -h filter=hqdn3d
[14:01:59 CET] <jemius>   luma_spatial      <double>     ..FV.... spatial luma strength (from 0 to DBL_MAX) (default 0)
[14:02:02 CET] <jemius> etc
[14:02:33 CET] <furq> https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#hqdn3d-1
[14:02:36 CET] <furq> not sure what's going on there
[14:03:27 CET] <furq> https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/libavfilter/vf_hqdn3d.c#L194-L216
[14:03:27 CET] <furq> oh
[14:03:31 CET] <jemius> probably because my version is from the middle ages
[14:03:38 CET] <furq> no it's still there
[14:04:08 CET] <jemius> who is where?
[14:04:17 CET] <furq> the defaults are still 0 in master
[14:04:35 CET] <furq> i guess it's done this way because some default params are factors of other params
[14:04:47 CET] <jemius> but what you linked is 4.0, 3.0 and 6.0
[14:04:57 CET] <furq> yeah and those are the actual defaults
[14:05:09 CET] <furq> they're set to that in the actual filter code
[14:05:27 CET] <furq> they're just not the defaults in the AVFilter which is what -h shows
[14:05:51 CET] <jemius> hmm
[14:07:10 CET] <jemius> furq, anyways, would you say this filter is the "best" for denoising? I have 7 denoising filters and don't know how they compare
[14:07:20 CET] <furq> there isn't a "best"
[14:07:29 CET] <furq> hqdn3d does pretty well with most stuff
[14:08:18 CET] <furq> nlmeans is also decent and there's an opencl version
[14:12:45 CET] <jemius> do denoising filters also reduce flickering? VLC offers options for both denoise and flickering
[14:13:38 CET] <furq> a temporal one might reduce it a bit
[14:13:56 CET] <furq> there's at least two dedicated deflicker filters though
[14:14:09 CET] <furq> deflicker and normalize
[14:14:23 CET] <jemius> i really need the newest version...
[14:14:32 CET] <jemius> #debianlife
[14:14:33 CET] <furq> https://www.johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[14:16:45 CET] <jemius> thx
[14:17:31 CET] <jemius> I presume filters don't negatively interact with each other? deinterlace, denoise, deflicker altogether
[14:18:14 CET] <furq> the order matters
[14:18:23 CET] <furq> that order looks right though
[14:19:42 CET] <jemius> I actually had a lecture about image processing in Uni once. Still a whole science for itself
[14:46:43 CET] <jemius> Whenever I use filters I can not use -c copy  so I have to choose the same codec as before manually to prevent ffmpeg from using the default ones?
[15:22:51 CET] <DHE> jemius: you can't both modify the raw frame and copy without decoding/encoding
[15:23:43 CET] <jemius> DHE, so you can also never use 'copy' when cutting?
[15:38:04 CET] <klaxa> jemius: not if you are using filters
[15:38:51 CET] <jemius> klaxa, no no. I mean: If you cut a video in half it will likeley have to re-encode again, right? As frames depend on each other in lossy compression algorithms
[15:39:16 CET] <klaxa> if you cut at keyframes you can use -c copy and prevent re-encoding
[15:40:35 CET] <DHE> but if your keyframes are not where you want them... well, too bad...
[15:41:23 CET] <jemius> doesn't matter, they're at most a few seconds distance to each other, right?
[15:56:19 CET] <DHE> depends. h264 runs quite well without keyframes, so if they're not needed then there's bitrate savings to be had by minimizing their use
[16:02:34 CET] <jemius> I didn't even know these codecs work without key frames
[16:08:40 CET] <DHE> they don't. they must decode a keyframe first. this is why on digital TV boxes channel change times are inconsistent - they're waiting for the next keyframe
[16:09:02 CET] <DHE> (there is a kinda cool feature in h.264 called intra refresh that eliminates keyframes, but that's the exception to the rule)
[16:09:57 CET] <jemius> DHE, I guess the goal without key frames would be that you don't loose a whole segment if the kf is destroyed?
[16:10:49 CET] <DHE> keyframes are large because they must describe a whole frame from nothing. furthermore H264 supports motion reference frames from more than 1 frame back but a keyframe is a wall where back references cannot go past.
[16:11:26 CET] <DHE> but unlike older codecs like MPEG-4 part 2 (aka DivX), the image quality doesn't deteriorate over time if you don't have regular keyframes.
[16:11:36 CET] <DHE> so from a "minimize size" standpoint, keyframes are the enemy
[16:13:32 CET] <jemius> my question was if when a keyframe is broken displaying the video has to pause until the next kf arrives?
[16:14:25 CET] <DHE> usually the player makes a best effort to decode it anyway. you just get graphical glitching and errors which will persist and smudge until the next keyframe
[16:14:39 CET] <DHE> do a google image search for "macroblocking"
[16:15:10 CET] <jemius> k, would have been my next question; because you only ever see glitches, never the image going disappearing fully
[16:21:23 CET] <jemius> One really would need one of those thread ripper CPUs for testing
[16:24:05 CET] <DHE> I have some Xeon Gold servers with 20 cores in each socket. :)
[16:25:26 CET] <jemius> servers are only useful to fiber-people who can push >1GB around in no time :0
[16:26:30 CET] <jemius> Am I right with the assumption that ffmpeg's filterset targets mostly at editing videos? Because I noticed that the audio filters lack most natbly the notch filter
[16:27:30 CET] <DHE> there's a decent number of audio filters. dunno which one that is but maybe an existing filter can meet your needs
[16:27:38 CET] <DHE> https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html
[16:28:39 CET] <jemius> nope, the notch filter is crucial for removing single frequency disturbances. It's a very common filter, and a very useful one. It's not a big problem, you can filter it externally. I was just wondering
[17:09:59 CET] <jemius> DHE, btw I just remember that I currently have access to a clusetr with 6000 nodes :) :)
[17:09:59 CET] <durandal_1707> jemius: see bandreject it is notch filter
[17:10:49 CET] <DHE> jemius: well you win then
[17:11:11 CET] <DHE> I just assume people have only core i7 6xxx series (or worse) unless told otherwise
[17:12:22 CET] <jemius> durandal_1707, I'm not sure if you can configure a typical bandreject to be as steep as a notch
[17:18:14 CET] <jemius> ffmpeg -ss 00:10:00 -i foo.mkv -to 00:20:00 bar.mkv
[17:18:22 CET] <jemius> does this do what I think it will do? Because it does not
[17:20:45 CET] <klaxa> move -to before -i foo.mkv i think
[17:24:17 CET] <DHE> yeah, you're doing a seek on the input before starting, and setting an end time on the output.
[17:26:05 CET] <jemius> https://superuser.com/a/704118
[17:26:30 CET] <jemius> a bit confusing
[17:26:48 CET] <klaxa> i think that's outdated
[17:26:56 CET] <klaxa> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Seeking
[17:27:18 CET] <klaxa> hmm wait... wtf i thought that was fixed
[17:28:38 CET] <jemius> In Dary, no one is ever really gone
[17:50:52 CET] <jemius> furq, denoising with 3D worked really well with default settings, thx for the recommendation. One is tempted to further play with the settings, but I expect that with stronger presets it would only blurr to mutch
[18:16:28 CET] <snooky> hi all
[18:16:33 CET] <snooky> i create an stream with ffmpeg
[18:16:41 CET] <snooky> this runs fine but with an error
[18:17:15 CET] <snooky> I do not know how to explain it. can I post the stream url?
[18:17:49 CET] <jemius> snooky, I'd say post what your command, stream and error is
[18:20:38 CET] <snooky> https://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1270963
[18:20:44 CET] <snooky> https://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1270964
[18:21:20 CET] <snooky> http://i.imgur.com/ElP3DM0.png
[18:21:48 CET] <snooky> http://i.imgur.com/2lDb36p.png
[18:23:00 CET] <snooky> http://i.imgur.com/IsXgcMg.png
[18:23:34 CET] <snooky> the upper or the whole picture becomes totally funny. with such strange effects.
[18:25:04 CET] <cehoyos> Please post the actual command line (without variables) and the complete, uncut console output on the paste (Poste die tatsächliche Kommandozeile, die Du getestet hast, ohne Variablen, zusammen mit dem gesamten, unveränderten Output auf der Konsole)
[18:40:01 CET] <snooky> I've already found a "mistake". I believe. so as long as the input material is 1920x1080 everything is perfect and exactly as it should .. the input material but now z.b. 1920x720 then he makes these problems.
[19:20:45 CET] <entourage> how do I adjust the volume when playing media with ffplay?
[19:21:10 CET] <entourage> is there a volume control built in to that app?
[19:32:41 CET] <cehoyos> No
[19:32:59 CET] <cehoyos> (It is a mostly a testing tool, there are media players based on FFmpeg)
[19:39:00 CET] <entourage> too bad since ffplay is a very capable media player and I like it a lot
[19:45:56 CET] <jemius> does VLC use ffmpeg?
[19:55:20 CET] <cehoyos> jemius: Yes
[20:29:13 CET] <DHE> yeah, ffplay is functionally capable but treat it as a diagnostic tool. I like to use to to test ffmpeg filters before I actually encode the video...
[22:13:54 CET] <void09> anyone tried to use tesseract or some other open source ocr to extract hardsubs from video ?
[00:00:00 CET] --- Mon Nov  4 2019

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