[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg-devel.log.20191107

burek burek at teamnet.rs
Fri Nov 8 03:05:03 EET 2019

[19:47:00 CET] <cone-626> ffmpeg 03Guo, Yejun 07master:4d980a8ceba9: avfilter/vf_dnn_processing: add a generic filter for image proccessing with dnn networks
[22:16:35 CET] <az_> test
[22:28:30 CET] <az_> Hello everybody! I realize that i violate the rule "Strictly dedicated to FFmpeg development. This means development of FFmpeg itself. Development of other software that uses the FFmpeg libraries is offtopic there." but the #ffmpeg channel just says nothing to my question. I develop the app that heavily uses INTEL TBB and wanna make ffmpeg to use the same threads from TBB's pool. For the moment i am interested in decoding h264 rtp stream. As i see there is 
[22:28:30 CET] <az_> no straightforward way to do that and i need to overwrite somehow libavcodec/pthread_frame.c . Now i intend specially to research two functions frame_worker_thread(void *arg) and submit_packet(PerThreadContext *p, AVCodecContext *user_avctx, AVPacket *avpkt). Guys, plz tell me whether i am on right way now?
[22:51:28 CET] <jdarnley> az_ if you don't want ffmpeg to spawn its own threads there is the option to disable threads at compile time, but I guess you don't want to do that
[22:52:13 CET] <kierank> az_: you'd have to develop a new thread module for ffmpeg
[22:52:27 CET] <kierank> might be possible with the api, not sure
[22:54:04 CET] <az_> jdarnley, yeah. without threads there are quaility issues and huge drop in framerate
[22:55:42 CET] <jdarnley> a new thread module is probably the way to do it
[22:56:00 CET] <jdarnley> start with pthreads if they are similar to  the tbb thing
[22:56:04 CET] <az_> in the whole project i found about 15 places where pthread_create gets called. Hope this knowledge would be good start point.
[22:56:52 CET] <jdarnley> there is  also the win32 threads you can compare also
[22:56:55 CET] <az_> interestingly for me, why thread_pool wasn't implemented till today?
[22:57:19 CET] <jdarnley> maybe there's more, I don't really know
[22:57:35 CET] <jdarnley> why?  I don't know that either
[22:58:43 CET] <az_> hm, maybe cuz there's as such param as thread_count
[23:00:29 CET] <az_> would ffmpeg project be interested in thread pool?
[23:00:57 CET] Action: jdarnley cannot answer that either
[23:42:02 CET] <kierank> afaik we already have thread pools
[00:00:00 CET] --- Fri Nov  8 2019

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