[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg-devel.log.20191028

burek burek at teamnet.rs
Tue Oct 29 03:05:03 EET 2019

[00:10:24 CET] <BtbN> makes me wonder if nvenc or ffmpeg is messing that up, hm
[02:20:57 CET] <philipl> Lynne: BtbN: I'm pretty confident the problem is in the transfer logic. If I start with nvdec decoding to cuda hw fmt, then hwdownload,format=p010 and then upload to vulkan and then download again, it's fine.
[02:21:14 CET] <philipl> but anytime there's a cuda -> vulkan or vulkan -> cuda transfer it seems to stuff up
[02:32:21 CET] <Lynne> http://download.opencontent.netflix.com/?prefix=AV1/Sparks/
[02:33:27 CET] <Lynne> good job netflix, you couldn't write properly timestamped ivf files with gpac so now you're using annexb, something that should never have existed in the first place
[03:07:24 CET] <jamrial> Lynne: they aren't even annexb, they are raw obus
[03:14:02 CET] <Lynne> I thought it was weird dav1d didn't work, but libaom had some references to annexb with an .obu extension
[07:28:48 CET] <cone-787> ffmpeg 03Steven Liu 07master:1a109fba5499: avformat/hlsenc: move freep segment from sls_flags_filename_process after caller failed
[07:28:49 CET] <cone-787> ffmpeg 03Steven Liu 07master:22eae2d0c9fc: avformat/libmodplug: fix memleak when load modplug failed
[07:28:50 CET] <cone-787> ffmpeg 03Steven Liu 07master:7a200089641b: avformat/mpc8: fix memleak when seek table too big
[07:28:51 CET] <cone-787> ffmpeg 03Steven Liu 07master:59697e42e1b7: avformat/rl2: fix memleak when read end of file
[07:28:52 CET] <cone-787> ffmpeg 03Steven Liu 07master:991cf95fdeeb: avformat/rtmpproto: fix memleak when open rtmp failed
[07:28:53 CET] <cone-787> ffmpeg 03Steven Liu 07master:a3655a5cb2ab: avformat/smacker: fix memleak when avformat_new_stream failed
[07:28:54 CET] <cone-787> ffmpeg 03Steven Liu 07master:70c6e8406984: avformat/swfdec: fix memleak when inflateInit failed
[07:28:55 CET] <cone-787> ffmpeg 03Steven Liu 07master:68f623d64451: avformat/wc3movie: fix memleak when read content size not equvipe input size
[16:05:51 CET] <durandal_1707> i'm lost in Tokyo, please help!
[16:10:38 CET] <Lynne> exit google maps
[16:20:44 CET] <durandal_1707> Lynne: i'm lost in Tokyo, for real. And only have this irc app on cell phone
[16:21:15 CET] <nevcairiel> well you should've prepared and got a map app
[16:24:33 CET] <Lynne> durandal_1707: find east and keep walking until you see train tracks, then walk towards where you see more buildings to find a train station
[16:26:45 CET] <iive> durandal_1707, do you have working gps on the phone?
[16:31:43 CET] <JEEB> even if there is a lack of workers now to keep convenience stores open everywhere 24/7, you still have a metric crapload of them within 23ku :p
[16:32:49 CET] <JEEB> if you cannot see a single bigger road, road sign, convenience store, train or metro station or tracks or a police customer service station then Congratulations
[16:35:36 CET] <ubitux> for next time: i recommend maps.me + download the whole japan maps with wifi so you don't rely on the internet anymore
[16:35:51 CET] <ubitux> also, there are many open wifi in tokyo
[16:36:09 CET] <JEEB> yea, much better than 10 years ago
[17:09:37 CET] <Chagall> paper maps ftw
[00:00:00 CET] --- Tue Oct 29 2019

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