[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20190924

burek burek at teamnet.rs
Wed Sep 25 03:05:06 EEST 2019

[00:02:03 CEST] <`St0ner> nonworking file's ffprobe @ https://pastebin.com/EvTxYrnW
[00:02:13 CEST] <`St0ner> working file's ffprobe @ https://pastebin.com/bLZdWBHk
[00:04:29 CEST] <another> wild stab in the dark: NONWORKING is marked as dash
[00:05:00 CEST] <`St0ner> yeah that likely has something to do with it. i set -f mp4 and -brand mp42
[00:05:09 CEST] <`St0ner> but it didnt seem to help
[00:08:48 CEST] <c_14> it could be fragmented mp4
[00:08:51 CEST] <c_14> not sure how to check for that
[00:08:58 CEST] <`St0ner> so i think i need to tell ffmpeg to convert to a compatible brand. the working files i have show compatible_brands: mp42mp41isomavc1 and major_brand:mp42, nonworking files show compatible_brands: iso6avc1mp41
[00:09:25 CEST] <livingbeef> Hey. How do I copy/write only id3v1 and remove other metadata?
[00:09:27 CEST] <`St0ner> the nonworking mp4 doesn't seem to be fragmented, plays fine and isn't corrupt at all
[00:10:14 CEST] <livingbeef> -map_metadata -1 -write_id3v1 1 does not seem to work
[00:10:28 CEST] <c_14> `St0ner: fragmentation in this sense refers to the moov atom. dash requires "fragmented" moov atoms while mp4 by default has one big one at the end of the file
[00:10:34 CEST] <livingbeef> that simply removes all metadata and does not write id3v1
[00:10:57 CEST] <kepstin> livingbeef: yeah, you told it to remove all metadata, so there's nothing to write to the id3v1 tag :)
[00:11:04 CEST] <`St0ner> i've set -movflags +faststart to move the MOOV atoms to the front
[00:11:37 CEST] <kepstin> livingbeef: i think you can set `-id3v2_version 0` to disable writing id3v2 tags
[00:11:46 CEST] <kepstin> but i'd have to double-check that
[00:11:51 CEST] <livingbeef> I'll try that
[00:12:11 CEST] <kepstin> why do you want to do that anyway? id3v1 tags are awful, and v2 is pretty well supported :/
[00:12:47 CEST] <kepstin> (note that ffmpeg defaults to id3v2.4, but some stuff only works properly with id3v2.3 - use `-id3v2_version 3` to get that instead)
[00:15:27 CEST] <livingbeef> Because someone at (google?) was too lazy or incompetent to handle tags properly, and randomly throws away some mp3 files instead.
[00:15:35 CEST] <livingbeef> (android)
[00:16:30 CEST] <livingbeef> Some metadata is probably triggering some error or something, it works if I remove all metadata and manually set title (can be v2)
[00:17:14 CEST] <c_14> `St0ner: does setting -brand mp42 not change the listed brand after converting?
[00:19:41 CEST] <livingbeef> So if I just omit -id3v2_version alltogether, it just sets id3v1 tags; but it somehow still writes the metadata to the mp3 file
[00:20:17 CEST] <c_14> if you omit that option it'll write id3v2.4 tags
[00:20:29 CEST] <livingbeef> id3v2 -l <file> reports v1 tags and says v2 tags are not there; but ffprobe lists all the metadata
[00:21:21 CEST] <livingbeef> hmm, so it may be that id3v2 program can't ready v2.4?
[00:21:32 CEST] <c_14> possible
[00:22:13 CEST] <another> i've been having fun with kid3 for all kids of tagging
[00:23:04 CEST] <`St0ner> setting -brand mp42 makes the Codec ID = mp42 (isom/iso2/avc1/mp41), which doesn't load into the iPod. the working files have Codec ID = mp42 (mp42/mp41/isom/avc1) and has a tag that doesnt exist in the nonworking file, "Overall bit rate mode", which = Variable
[00:26:03 CEST] <c_14> maybe try looking at the files with mp4box or whatever that other program was called
[00:27:35 CEST] <another> MP4Box
[00:27:53 CEST] <c_14> yeah, but there's the other one as well. With the japanese website
[00:27:57 CEST] <furq> l-smash
[00:28:01 CEST] <c_14> yeah, that
[00:28:05 CEST] <furq> specifically boxdumper
[00:28:20 CEST] <furq> or you could just remux it with l-smash and it'll probably work
[00:28:44 CEST] <`St0ner> ffmpeg can't do this?
[00:28:46 CEST] <another> or you could remux it with the ipod muxer
[00:29:28 CEST] <c_14> I guess try that first, yeah. -f ipod
[00:29:30 CEST] <c_14> forgot that existed
[00:30:18 CEST] <`St0ner> ok will try that
[00:30:57 CEST] <kepstin> i'm surprised just remuxing it with the mp4 muxer with no other options didn't work, tbh.
[00:33:18 CEST] <`St0ner> still doesn't work, my command line is -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -profile:v high -level 3.1 -preset medium -f ipod -brand mp42 -movflags +faststart
[00:33:52 CEST] <another> have you tried just muxing to ipod w/o setting the brand?
[00:33:58 CEST] <livingbeef> OK, some progress. I can output id3v2 and v1 tags, use id3v2 -d <file> to remove v2 and then the file gets recognized by the player
[00:33:59 CEST] <`St0ner> no, will try that now
[00:36:47 CEST] <`St0ner> no go
[00:41:18 CEST] <livingbeef> Additionally I can do id3v2 -C <file> to convert v1 to v2
[00:43:40 CEST] <another> `St0ner: what ipod is it?
[00:43:58 CEST] <`St0ner> iPod Touch 3G 64GB
[00:44:35 CEST] <`St0ner> there was a website a few years ago that listed all the x264 details for each generation, but i don't think it's online anymore
[00:45:05 CEST] <`St0ner> the website was basically a formatted ascii text file, it's probably on wayback machine if anyone remembers the url..
[02:30:11 CEST] <`St0ner> figured out a combination that works for my iPod 3G. -acodec aac -b:a 320K -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -s 720x540 -preset medium -f ipod -movflags +faststart
[02:30:52 CEST] <`St0ner> took about 8 hours across 2 nights of testing many different combinations
[02:33:28 CEST] <`St0ner> separate question, when using -acodec ALAC, does -b:a actually do anything?
[02:36:50 CEST] <`St0ner> and which AAC encoder yields highest quality? the ffmpeg documentation has conflicting information
[02:38:40 CEST] <klaxa> i don't think you can hear much of a difference between the native aac encoder and libfdk
[02:38:53 CEST] <`St0ner> is there a windows build with libfdk?
[02:38:57 CEST] <kepstin> `St0ner: with most lossless codecs, setting the bitrate is ignored
[02:39:56 CEST] <kepstin> `St0ner: ffmpeg built with fdk-aac is a non-redistributable combination of licenses, so you won't find prebuilt binaries.
[02:40:34 CEST] <`St0ner> does anyone happen to have a windows x64 binary of ffmpeg with libfdk-aac?
[02:42:25 CEST] <kepstin> in other words - if someone does, they can't legally share it with you.
[03:20:18 CEST] <`St0ner> thanks everyone for your help, take care!
[06:01:18 CEST] <MoziM> i'm using the following command to join n video clips together ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i /tmp/videolist.txt -c copy output.mp4 and i'm getting the following message for each video "pts has no value" how can i log the output to a file so i can examine it later?
[06:12:44 CEST] <KillerWasp> hello...
[06:38:41 CEST] <MoziM> KillerWasp: hi
[14:03:09 CEST] <Soni> how do I search the manual?
[14:07:08 CEST] <DHE> when in doubt it's hard to go wrong searching https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html
[14:07:28 CEST] <DHE> unless you're doing API programming in which case doxygen
[14:13:30 CEST] <Soni> hm, no still a pain to use
[14:13:39 CEST] <Soni> did find what I wanted on stackoverflow tho
[15:55:35 CEST] <genpfault> welp, hit the button to send another trac account verification email this morning and it took less than a minute to hit gmail :)
[19:15:49 CEST] <OnkelTem> Hi all
[19:16:04 CEST] <OnkelTem> Guys, do you know, does Google Chrome support MPEG-2 audio streams?
[19:16:31 CEST] <OnkelTem> We cannot get it working using HLS.js. Our stream works in FireFox but not in Chrome
[19:16:46 CEST] <OnkelTem> And is it true, that if Chrome support MP3, it should also support MP2?
[19:16:59 CEST] <ChocolateArmpits> mutually exclusive
[19:17:09 CEST] <OnkelTem> oops
[19:17:39 CEST] <ChocolateArmpits> nope, no mp2 https://www.chromium.org/audio-video
[19:18:05 CEST] <OnkelTem> ChocolateArmpits: I see. Yeah I was on that page
[19:18:14 CEST] <OnkelTem> Just thought that MP3 means MP2 also (hides)
[19:18:58 CEST] Action: ChocolateArmpits searches for OnkelTem to berate him
[19:19:11 CEST] <OnkelTem> =)
[23:51:08 CEST] <safinaskar> what options huffyuv encoder supports? and where i supposed to find this? "man ffmpeg-all" and "man ffmpeg-codecs" don't say anything
[23:58:24 CEST] <kepstin> safinaskar: most codecs that don't have a section in ffmpeg-codecs doc either only take common options or don't really have options most people need to tweak
[23:58:49 CEST] <kepstin> note that you can see a list of all avoptions an encoder supports (which is *not* the same as all options) by running "ffmpeg -h encoder=huffyuv"
[23:59:12 CEST] <safinaskar> kepstin: thanks
[00:00:00 CEST] --- Wed Sep 25 2019

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