[Ffmpeg-devel] Segfault when encoding MPEG with MMX support
Tobias Grimm
Sun Jul 10 23:57:51 CEST 2005
Some more information:
For Debian mpegvideo_mmx_template.c is modified for PIC. Maybe the
problem is caused there.
When compiling I get this warning:
i386/mpegvideo_mmx_template.c: In Funktion ?dct_quantize_MMX?:
i386/mpegvideo_mmx_template.c:156: Warnung: use of memory input without
lvalue in asm operand 2 is deprecated
And thats the code in question, starting with line 156. The "#if
defined(PIC)"-Parts are the modifications for the Debian package.
asm volatile(
"movd %%"REG_a", %%mm3 \n\t" // last_non_zero_p1
"pxor %%mm7, %%mm7 \n\t" // 0
"pxor %%mm4, %%mm4 \n\t" // 0
"mov $-128, %%"REG_a" \n\t"
".balign 16 \n\t"
"1: \n\t"
"pxor %%mm1, %%mm1 \n\t" // 0
"movq (%1, %%"REG_a"), %%mm0 \n\t" // block[i]
"pcmpgtw %%mm0, %%mm1 \n\t" // block[i] <= 0 ? 0xFF :
"pxor %%mm1, %%mm0 \n\t"
"psubw %%mm1, %%mm0 \n\t" // ABS(block[i])
"movq (%3, %%"REG_a"), %%mm6 \n\t" // bias[0]
"paddusw %%mm6, %%mm0 \n\t" // ABS(block[i]) + bias[0]
#if defined(PIC) && !defined(ARCH_X86_64)
"push %%"REG_a" \n\t"
"movl %2, %%"REG_a" \n\t"
"movq (%%"REG_a", %%"REG_a"), %%mm5 \n\t" // qmat[i]
"pop %%"REG_a" \n\t"
"movq (%2, %%"REG_a"), %%mm5 \n\t" // qmat[i]
"pmulhw %%mm5, %%mm0 \n\t" // (ABS(block[i])*qmat[0]
+ bias[0]*qmat[0])>>16
"por %%mm0, %%mm4 \n\t"
"pxor %%mm1, %%mm0 \n\t"
"psubw %%mm1, %%mm0 \n\t" //
out=((ABS(block[i])*qmat[0] - bias[0]*qmat[0])>>16)*sign(block[i])
"movq %%mm0, (%5, %%"REG_a") \n\t"
"pcmpeqw %%mm7, %%mm0 \n\t" // out==0 ? 0xFF : 0x00
"movq (%4, %%"REG_a"), %%mm1 \n\t"
"movq %%mm7, (%1, %%"REG_a") \n\t" // 0
"pandn %%mm1, %%mm0 \n\t"
PMAXW(%%mm0, %%mm3)
"add $8, %%"REG_a" \n\t"
" js 1b \n\t"
"movq %%mm3, %%mm0 \n\t"
"psrlq $32, %%mm3 \n\t"
PMAXW(%%mm0, %%mm3)
"movq %%mm3, %%mm0 \n\t"
"psrlq $16, %%mm3 \n\t"
PMAXW(%%mm0, %%mm3)
"movd %%mm3, %%"REG_a" \n\t"
"movzb %%al, %%"REG_a" \n\t" // last_non_zero_p1
: "+a" (last_non_zero_p1)
#if defined(PIC) && !defined(ARCH_X86_64)
: "r" (block+64), "m" (qmat+64), "r" (bias+64),
: "r" (block+64), "r" (qmat+64), "r" (bias+64),
"r" (inv_zigzag_direct16+64), "r" (temp_block+64)
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