[Ffmpeg-devel] build broken again...

Jacob Meuser jakemsr
Tue May 10 06:41:52 CEST 2005

On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 04:07:46PM -0400, Rich Felker wrote:
> On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 09:43:40PM +0200, Luca Barbato wrote:
> > Rich Felker wrote:
> > > 
> > > Exactly, not needed. Also, shared libraries work fine without PIC.
> > 
> > Only on broken and idiotic arches wasting some memory.
> Other way around: non-pic only fails on broken and idiotic archs
> wasting speed. Speed is what matters; memory doesn't. And you won't

highly subjective.

of course, this is an FFmpeg mailing list, and speed does seem to be
one of FFmpeg's greatest assets, so I'll leave it at that ;)

then again, if the darn thing won't build, it doesn't matter how
fast it could be running.

for the most part, shared libraries are much easier to deal with when
it's time to package things for people who don't want to build from

for example, the dynamic linker on a lot of platforms will pick
up a library's "extralibs". a static linker won't. and FFmpeg
doesn't supply a -config script with this info ...

<jakemsr at jakemsr.com>

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