[Ffmpeg-devel] mp3onmp4

Mike Melanson mike
Mon Nov 21 19:48:13 CET 2005

Jochen Issing wrote:
> Hm, are you referring to mov only or mp4? mp4 is as far as I know free for 
> uncommercial use (and open source)

	You can download the full specs for Apple's QuickTime (.mov) files on 
their site. However, MPEG's extensions (.mp4), while *ahem* "open" are 
only open to those who pay to subscribe to their club. We implement .mp4 
with a minimalist understanding of those extensions.

>>>as already mentioned its done by using "mp4a". not the here mentioned
>>>"'ms' + 0x0055 (CBR) or '.mp3' (VBR)"
> Yes, I can second that and I was kind of confused, as this came up. This is 
> what I was actually searching for, but I have not found it working. Is this 
> an issue for faac?

	Here is a more relevant question. What are you trying to *do*? You are 
obviously trying to make some QT/MP4 files. What playback mechanism are 
you aiming to support?

	-Mike Melanson

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