[Ffmpeg-devel] Re: Visual studio .net problem
Scott Field
Thu Oct 13 19:52:28 CEST 2005
Martin Boehme <boehme <at> inb.uni-luebeck.de> writes:
> Lucio Marcenaro wrote:
> >> Hm... so you have them installed somewhere else on your search path?
> >> Otherwise, I'd say you aren't linking properly to the DLLs.
> >
> > i have ffmpeg stuff in my project dir:
> > myprojectdir\
> > \include\ffmpeg
> > \lib (contains av*.lib)
> > \bin (contains av*.dll and .exe)
> >
> > then i add directory myprojectdir\include\ffmpeg and myprojectdir\lib in
> > visual studio options as additional directories for include and lib
> > files respectively
> Have you tried copying the DLLs to the directory that contains your program?
> You said in your other post that you deleted all of the FFmpeg libraries
> that you found on your system -- did that change anything?
> Have you tried executing your own program after deleting all FFmpeg
> libraries (it should come up with some kind of error saying that it
> can't find the DLLs)? If that doesn't happen, it means that there's
> still some DLL lurking around somewhere...
> >> Are your import libraries being generated correctly? Do you have the
> >> Microsoft link.exe on your path when you build FFmpeg, and do you see
> >> output from link.exe during the build process?
> >
> > i think so....
> > i mean, if i run msys window and type link.exe it gives me
> > Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 7.10.3077
> > Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
> > usage etc etc
> >
> > lib files are
> > avcodec.lib (137.912 bytes)
> > avformat.lib (188.028 bytes)
> > avutil.lib (5.994 bytes)
> > mingw make should generate lib dll and everything i need? is it correct?
> That looks pretty OK...
> > no need to run stuff like dlltool.exe manually, right?
> No.
> Martin
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to join because I have the same exact problem. I can link and
execute, but when it comes to avcodec_find_encoder or avcodec_find_decoder they
return NULL.
If anyone has made any finding I would love to hear them.
I am working with:
Visual Studio .NET 7.1.3088
Windows XP Pro SP2
minGW 3.2.3
FFMPEG.exe Info:
ffmpeg version CVS, build 3276800, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
configuration: --enable-memalign-hack --enable-mingw32 --enable-mp3lame
--extra-cflags=-I/local/include --extra-ldflags=-L/local/lib
built on Oct 4 2005 13:54:56, gcc: 3.2.3 (mingw special 20030504-1)
./configure settings for libraries:
--enable-memalign-hack --enable-mingw32 --enable-mp3lame --enable-shared
--extra-cflags=-I/local/include --extra-ldflags=-L/local/lib
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